sage erp accpac online - resource guide-v4

Sage ERP Accpac Online 1 Sage Sage ERP Accpac Online – Resource Guide Resource Guide (Updated: November 16, 2010) Thank you for choosing Sage ERP Accpac Online. This Resource Guide will provide important information and instructions on how you can get started. These helpful tips have all the answers to the most common questions and will help your users fully utilize the benefits of Sage ERP Accpac Online.

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Sage ERP Accpac Online – Resource Guide

Resource Guide (Updated: November 16, 2010)

Thank you for choosing Sage ERP Accpac Online. This Resource Guide will provide important information and instructions on how you can get started. These helpful tips have all the answers to the most common questions and will help your users fully utilize the benefits of Sage ERP Accpac Online.

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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

Getting Started with Sage ERP Accpac Online ………….…………………………. P. 5

Installing the Citrix Client…………….……..………………………………… P. 6

How do I login to Sage ERP Accpac Online………….………………….…..……. P. 10

• For Customers………….……………………………….….…..……. P. 11

• For Business Partners………….………………….…………….……. P. 12

• Login Screen…………….………….………….…….…….………… P. 13

• Typical Remote Desktop…………………………………………….. P. 14

• Logging on for the First Time……….………….…………….……… P. 14

Common Problems…………………..………….………………….…..……. P. 16

• Incorrect Login………….………….………….…………….……….. P. 16

• Disabled Login………………………………………………..………. P. 16

Password Recovery…………………..………….………………….…..……. P. 17

Troubleshooting Connectivity – from your site to Sage ERP Accpac Online……… P. 18

• Ping Utility - For Connectivity to Sage ERP Accpac Online Data Centre….... P. 20

• Ping Explained…………………………………….…………………... P. 21

• Telnet - For Testing Port 1494 and 8081 are opened on your Firewall… P. 21

• Telnet, Ports and Firewalls Explained…………………………………. P. 23

• Port Numbers…………………………………….…………………… P. 23

• Firewalls…………………………………………….………………… P. 24

• Trace Route - – For Testing the Connection Path over the Internet…... P. 24

• The Route Explained………………………………………………….. P. 26

• Hops…………………………………………………………………… P. 26

• Faster Than A Speeding Bullet………………………………………… P. 26

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• Trace Summary……………………………………………….……… P. 27

• Transfer Rate………………………………………………….……… P. 27

Key Components………………….……………………………………..…… P. 29

• Setup………………………………………………………….……… P. 29

• I:\Drive contains………………………………………………….….. P. 29

Changing Passwords…………………...………………………………..….…. P. 30

• Changing Windows 2003 Passwords………….…………………..…… P. 30

• Changing Sage ERP Accpac Passwords……………………………...… P. 33

Citrix Session Customizable Options…………………………………………... P. 34

• Resize Window………………………………………………………… P. 35

• ICA Client File Security………………………………………………… P. 35

• Client Connection Status……………………………………………….. P. 36

Importing/Exporting – File Transfer between your Local PC and our servers…. P. 37

• Speed and Performance………………………………………………… P. 38

• Copy & Paste, Drag & Drop……………………………………………. P. 38

• Organizing your i:\ Drive – Creating Folders…………………………… P. 38

Printing Custom Financial Statements with Sage Accpac Financial Reporter……. P. 39

• Common problem………………………………………………………. P. 41

Printing Customized Sage ERP Accpac Crystal Reports….………………….….. P. 43

For Clients with Existing Sage ERP Accpac or Accpac PLUS Solutions…...……. P. 46

Standardized Database Names.……………………………………………….…. P. 47

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs………………...………………………….. P. 48

• How many connections can one user connect to simultaneously………… P. 48

• Data Backup and Restored……………………………….……………… P. 49

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• What if I have questions or problems? …………………………..……… P. 50

• Sage ERP Accpac Manuals and Documentation……….…………….….. P. 51

• Error Messages on Screen……………….……………………………… P. 51

• Modifying Custom Crystal Reports……………………..……………… P. 52

• Adding more or new users on …………………….…………………… P. 52

• Differences between Sage ERP Accpac Online and On-Premise Version P. 53

• Exiting your Remote Session…Properly! ………...…………………….. P. 53

• Disconnected Sessions…not by choice! ………..……...……………..… P. 55

• Disabling Accounts………………………………………....……….…. P. 56

• Adding Printers………………………………………….………...…… P. 56

o Windows 7 Example…………………………………… P. 57

o Windows Vista Example……………………………..… P. 59

o Windows XP Example…………………………………. P. 60

o Windows 2000 Example……………….…………..…… P. 61

Important Contact Information Page…………………………………………… P. 62

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GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd wwiitthh SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee……

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IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCiittrriixx CClliieenntt

To logon to the Sage ERP Accpac Online servers, you must install the Citrix Client.

The Citrix Client Software needs to be version 12.0 or higher. If you've already been accessing our Sage ERP Accpac Online applications, you should already have the Citrix ICA Client installed. Confirm the version. If you are running an older version please remove it through add/remove programs before installing the new version. If it's a new workstation, then you will need to download and install the Citrix client software. You may download the latest Citrix ICA client directly from Citrix through the following link:

Below are detailed steps on how to download and install the Citrix ICA Client from Sage ERP Accpac Online. Go through the following steps:

1. Go to the Internet browser and type

Click on the “Go” button as shown below:

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2. Click on the LOG ON button to go to the logon page. To download and install the Citrix Client, please refer to the download link on the right side under “Related Links”.

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3. You will get the following screen prompting you to Run or Save the Citrix Client installation file. Select Save to select the location and download locally.

4. This will begin the download…

5. After the file has been downloaded, double-click on the file. The following security warning will appear:

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6. You will need to select Run to start the installation:


If you have a previously installed Citrix client, please uninstall any old Citrix client before installing the new client.

7. You can now proceed to the Sage ERP Accpac Online page:

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HHooww ddoo II llooggiinn ttoo SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee??

Click on the “LOG ON” button on the Sage ERP Accpac Online

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Click on the appropriate link to launch the subscribed version.

FFoorr CCuussttoommeerrss

• You will see individual tabs for each Sage ERP Accpac Online version available including the Sage ERP Accpac version and the respective integrated Sage CRM.

ERP 5.6

ERP 5.5

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ERP 5.4

FFoorr BBuussiinneessss PPaarrttnneerrss

Business Partner Demonstration

You will see individual tab for Sage ERP Accpac Online Demo version


Note: The Sage Accpac Online ERP Business Partner Demo version link is for Business Partners Demo Accounts only.

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LLooggiinn SSccrreeeenn

Immediately after you click on the link to launch your appropriate application, you will see a Citrix client connection flash by and then be prompted with the “Log On to Windows” box.

There are 3 fields for you to enter and select. You will need to enter your assigned username and password. Your administrator or technical personnel at your company should give this information to you. If you do not see the “Log on to:” field, click on the “Options <<” button.


It is important to make sure the “Log on to:” is set to ONDEMAND and NOT to ODATLCTX0_ (this computer) or GLOBALSERVICES.

You can click on this drop down box to find out which remote Citrix server you will be logging onto.

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TTyyppiiccaall RReemmoottee DDeesskkttoopp

LLooggggiinngg oonn ffoorr tthhee FFiirrsstt TTiimmee

If you are a user and are logging on for the first time, after you have entered the correct username and password, you will be prompted with the following message:

You will be given a Change Password screen that looks like the following. Please enter your old password (the one initially assigned to you) and enter a new password that is greater than 6 characters. You can use a combination of letters and numbers. This password is case sensitive. For example, this means that a capital B and lowercase b is regarded as distinct characters.

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If your password change is successful you will get the following message:

If you enter a password that fails to meet the security policy, you will get a message similar to the following:

Your password will be valid for 90 days. When you login on the 91st day, you will be prompted with the same screens above.

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CCoommmmoonn PPrroobblleemmss

IInnccoorrrreecctt LLooggiinn

If you enter an incorrect username and/or password, you will see this message:

After 3 unsuccessful attempts, you will see the following message even if you enter the correct password on the 4th attempt. Your account will be locked for 30 minutes. You can contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support to unlock your account with proper authorization. Please have your challenge phrase and password ready.

DDiissaabblleedd LLooggiinn

If your account has been disabled, you will get the following message:

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PPaasssswwoorrdd RReeccoovveerryy

The first time you log onto Sage ERP Accpac Online, you will be prompted to provide an e-mail address for password retrieval purposes. If you need to reset a forgotten password, you will need access to this e-mail to receive a secured link and information on further steps to reset the password. You will only be prompted to enter your e-mail address on your first login, with periodic reminders to keep the e-mail address updated afterward.

To setup the Password Recovery follow the following steps:

1. In the Remind Me section, select when you would like the system to remind you to change the password.

2. The Current Email field will be grayed out. If you already have an email setup you will see your current email, otherwise the field will be blank.

3. Enter your new email address in the New Email field.

4. Enter your Password and confirm your Password (this is the Citrix Password for the grayed out User ID on the screen).

5. Select Change to save your changes or No Change to proceed without saving any changes.

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TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy –– ffrroomm yyoouurr ssiittee ttoo SSaaggee

EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee

If you are attempting to logon to the Sage ERP Accpac Online Servers and find that you are not successful, please do the following steps in determining the source of the connection problem.

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Step 1 - Have you installed the Citrix Client?

Please refer to the Installation of the Citrix Client section of this document.

Step 2 - Can you browse on the Internet?

In order to determine your network is allowing you to connect to the internet, logon to any of the following websites:

If your machine is on your office’s LAN (Local Area Network), this will determine if your machine is allowed to have access to the Internet.

If you find you are able to logon to any of the above link web sites, then proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 - Are there some restrictions on your Internet Connection?

Here are 3 simple utilities that you can run on your local PC to determine if there are some restrictions in your internal network or delays on the Internet.

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PPiinngg UUttiilliittyy –– FFoorr CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy ttoo tthhee SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee DDaattaa


The ping utility is another diagnostic for checking connectivity to our servers.

• From Start->Run, type: o cmd (on Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista,

Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7) o command (on Windows95/98)

• Type: ping

• Press the Enter key

PPiinngg EExxppllaaiinneedd……

Four packets were sent out with each being 32 bytes in size. In the above example, all four returned, but if one had not, a request timed out message would appear. So the percentage of packets lost was 0%. Four times were recorded (fastest 140ms, slowest 141ms) so the average transfer rate was 140ms. That's a little slower than 1/8 of a second (125ms).

During a normal transmission of information, if packets get lost then a message is sent back to the originator and the originator’s program sends another packet out.

TTL stands for Time To Live. Each packet is given a number from 0 to 254 when it is sent out. Each router it encounters along the way reduces this number by 1 and sends the packet on its way. If the packet encounters more routers than it's original number was set to, that router discards the packet. This TTL number prevents lost packets from roaming the Internet indefinitely.

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TTeellnneett –– FFoorr TTeessttiinngg PPoorrttss 11449944 aanndd 88008811 aarree ooppeenneedd oonn yyoouurr FFiirreewwaallll

• From Start->Run, type: o cmd (on Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista,

Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7) o command (on Windows95/98)

• Type: telnet 1494

Press the Enter key

Another screen will appear with an ICA response:

This test verifies that Port 1494 is open (and required) for your machine to use for establishing Citrix sessions. If you see the above display of ∆∆ICA, this means that the 1494 port is opened on your firewall. If you do not see those results, please contact your Network Administrator. You can click on the top right X to close this window.

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Type: telnet 8081

Press the Enter key

Another screen will appear with a blank windows this means the connection was successful:

This test verifies that Port 8081 is open (and required) for your machine to use for establishing Citrix sessions. If you see the above display (blank screen – without any errors) this means that the 8081 port is opened on your firewall. If you are not able to establish a connection, please contact your Network Administrator. You can click on the top right X to close this window.

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TTeellnneett,, PPoorrttss aanndd FFiirreewwaallllss EExxppllaaiinneedd……

Telnet, which stands for “Telecommunications Network”, is a protocol that provides a way for users (or clients) to connect to other users via servers on the Internet, this could be in the next building or around the other side of the world. In most cases, users use Telnet to communicate with a remote login service.

Telnet is a text-based way of connecting to other computers and networks. It is one of the oldest forms of the Internet. When you telnet to another computer, it is like you are using a terminal of that system. Telnet is typically used with Unix-oriented systems but is also available on Windows 9X, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and 7.

Telnet operates in a client/server environment in which one host (the computer you are using, running Client (User) Telnet) negotiates opening a session on another computer (the remote host, running Server Telnet). During the behind-the-scenes negotiation process, the two computers agree on the parameters governing the session. One of the first things they decide is the terminal type to be used -- in general, a line-by-line network virtual terminal, for simplicity's sake. Virtual terminal, in this context, refers to a set of terminal characteristics and sequences that both sides of a network connection agree to use to transmit data from terminals across the network, regardless of the terminal used.

PPoorrtt NNuummbbeerrss

In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is an endpoint to a logical connection and the way a client program specifies a specific server program on a computer in a network. Some ports have numbers that are preassigned to them by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, an organization working under the auspices of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) that is responsible for assigning new Internet-wide IP addresses) and these are known as well-known ports (specified in Request For Comment Article RFC 1700). Port numbers range from 0 to 65536, but only ports numbers 0 to 1024 are reserved for privileged services and designated as well-known ports.

This short list of a few well-known port numbers specifies the port used by the server process as its contact port.

Description Port Number

FTP 21

Telnet 23

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 25


POP3 110

ICA -TCP 1494

Citrix XML Service 8081

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Your Network Administrator needs to configure your office Firewall to allow TCP Destination port 1494 and 8081 to pass through with a source port range of 1024 to 65535. Your network administrator should also define TCP port 2598 to pass through for session reliability.


A firewall protects a computer network from unauthorized access. Firewalls may be hardware devices (such as a router or server), software programs, or a combination of the two. A firewall typically guards an internal network against malicious access from the outside; however, firewalls may also be configured to limit access to the outside from internal users.

Perhaps the most familiar form of Internet firewall is a proxy server. Proxy servers act as an intermediary between internal and external computers by receiving and selectively blocking data packets at the network boundary. These firewalls also provide an extra measure of safety by hiding internal LAN addresses from the outside. In a proxy server firewall environment, network requests from multiple clients appear to the outsider as all coming from the same proxy server address.

TTrraaccee RRoouuttee –– FFoorr TTeessttiinngg tthhee CCoonnnneeccttiioonn PPaatthh oovveerr tthhee IInntteerrnneett

Trace route is a diagnostic that will trace the path your computer takes to connect to the Sage ERP Accpac Online servers via the Internet. The results are shown as the number of “hops” and the time for each hop to the destination. The results will vary depending the traffic congestion on the Internet at the time you’re running this trace route. The routers on the Internet - neither your ISP nor Sage ERP Accpac Online, control the path taken to transfer the data. Because this is done automatically, you can run the trace route from your machine at different times and can possibly get completely different paths to our servers. A fast connection would show results with few hops and hop times of less than 300 milliseconds. A slow connection will be shown by hops with greater hop times and in some cases, a “time out.”

• From Start->Run, type: o cmd (on Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista,

Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7) o command (on Windows95/98)

• Type: tracert

• Press the Enter key

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The results of this Trace Route Utility will look something like this:

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TThhee RRoouuttee EExxppllaaiinneedd……

The trace began at the #1 router and finished when it reached the #22 router. The first three sets of numbers ending in "ms" (milliseconds) are three random times it took for that server to return the packet. The average time it took for the packet to get from point 1 to point 14 is the average of the three times on line 19. Don’t take the sum of all the average times returned by each node in an attempt to arrive at a total return time. That's not how it works. Each return trip time is an independent measure and is a reflection of the time it took the packet to leave your computer and get to the respective node and back again.

The next set of letters is a variation of the URL (address) of the respective router.


Line 1 is the first IP from where the trace is being run. Lines 2 - 8 are hops through the

second ISP. A hop can be thought of as a host's or ISP's routers or servers (computers,

nodes). Therefore, lines 2 - 8 represent six different computers the packet used to get into

and then out of the ISP's building. Lines 9 - 16 are a hop through

Line 17 and 18 are the connection into routers or nodes (computers) Lines

19 and 20 are the next two routers in Atlanta, GA. Line 21 is the router

into our data center before getting to our servers. Finally, Line 22 is our server with an

external IP address of

FFaasstteerr TThhaann AA SSppeeeeddiinngg BBuulllleett

You may see some abbreviations such as HSSI, which refers to a High Speed Serial Interface. This maintains connections up to 52 mbps (comparable to a T3). If you see OC-3 or ATM in these lines, you know this is a major backbone provider as these types of connections transmit data at 155 mbps. If you don't see any of these, don't worry about it because the type of connection and route description is not always listed. If it is, it's just one more piece of helpful information.

Take note of how many hops a packet takes through the same host and how many hosts in total the packets had to travel through. In our example above the packets went through 4 distinct hosts or ISP's.

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TTrraaccee SSuummmmaarryy

Line 1 - Internal Local Computer’s IP

Line 2 - Internet Service Provider’s Router

Line 3 - Internet Service Provider’s Gateway

Line 4 - 8 - Internet Service Provider’s Servers

Line 9 - 16 - servers

Line 17 - server

Line 18 - server

Line 19 - data center server

Line 20 - server

Line 21 - Sage ERP Accpac Online Router

Line 22 - the Sage ERP Accpac Online Server

TTrraannssffeerr RRaattee

This test will help you assess the connection speed from your site to the data center.

Go to the following URL:

Then, click "Save" and specify a location on your local hard drive:

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Then, note down your transfer rate (kb/sec):

The ideal is not to download the file, but to determine the transfer rate. This is a 35 MB dummy file just for this test and does not serve any other purpose. It's big enough to allow for you to track the rate, which will fluctuate a bit. Once you have a rough idea of your transfer rate, you can click cancel. You don't need to complete the download.

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KKeeyy CCoommppoonneennttss


• The databases follow the following naming format:


• The Citrix Logins generally follow the following naming format (there are some exceptions):

XXXUser01, XXXUser02, XXXUser03, XXXUser04, …

II::\\ DDrriivvee ccoonnttaaiinnss::

• Shared Data

o Site Folder

o User Folder

o Company Folder

o Custom Folder

o Macro Folder

o Licenses Files

• Financial Link Folder

• 3rd Party Folder

• PrintBoss Folder


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CChhaannggee PPaasssswwoorrddss

CChhaannggiinngg WWiinnddoowwss 22000033 PPaasssswwoorrddss

From your remote session desktop:

Go to Start -> Windows Security

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Click on Change Password

Enter your old password, new password twice, click OK to confirm.

(Note: your password needs to be at least 6 characters. The security policy will not allow you to recycle old passwords. It will remember the previous 12 passwords that you’ve used.)

Click OK

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Click Cancel to return to your desktop

If you do not meet the criteria for passwords, your new password will not be applied and will see the warning message below.

If you are experiencing problems with changing your password, you can contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support to reset your password for you. Please have your challenge phrase and answer ready for authorizing the change.

If you enter an incorrect password in 3 consecutive attempts, your account will be locked for ½ half-hour. You can either wait for the account to unlock or you can contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support to unlock your account.

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CChhaannggiinngg SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc ppaasssswwoorrdd

Click on the Change password button when signing on to Sage ERP Accpac:

Enter old password and new password twice and click OK to confirm change:

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CCiittrriixx SSeessssiioonn CCuussttoommiizzaabbllee OOppttiioonnss

From your remote desktop window, you click on the top right icon, and you will get a drop down menu as shown below.

RReessiizzee WWiinnddooww

You can change the size of your remote session window by one of two ways:

By Percentage of Session Size, you can specify a size ranging from 1% up to 100% of your local PC’s screen size.

The other way is to select a custom width and height for your remote session window. You can specify a number for window height and the window width. This is dependent on your local PC’s screen resolution.

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IICCAA CClliieenntt FFiillee SSeeccuurriittyy

To access the File Security Status

1. Double-Click on the small ICA client icon in your local systray.

This will open the Citrix Connection Center.

Under Session Security > Files: Click on the down arrow from the menu you can change the File Security Status to your remote session by toggling between No Access, Read Access and Full Access. To get access to your workstation’s local drive select Full Access.

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CClliieenntt CCoonnnneeccttiioonn SSttaattuuss

Click on the Under Session: Click on the Properties button.

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This window will show you a real-time monitor of your current remote session bandwidth and data transfer statistics. You can also find out which server you are currently logged onto.

IImmppoorrttiinngg aanndd EExxppoorrttiinngg –– FFiillee TTrraannssffeerr bbeettwweeeenn yyoouurr LLooccaall PPCC aanndd oouurr


When you click on the “My Computer” icon on the remote desktop, you will see the following. Depending on the number of local drives on your PC, some users will see more drives.

In the Sage ERP Accpac Online environment, you will see your Sage ERP Accpac Online network drive and the local drives of your PC. The Sage ERP Accpac Online drive is typically called i:\ Drive

(The map drive name is called A4WXXX on ‘odfile01\company’)

This network folder contains all of your Sage ERP Accpac shared data folders (Site, User, Company, etc.), license files and other folders to store your Excel spreadsheets and Word documents.

The local drives of your PC are typically called:

On Sage ERP Accpac Online Session On your Local PC

C$ on ‘Client’ (V:) Local Disk (C:)

If you expand on these, you will see the contents on your local PC.

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SSppeeeedd aanndd PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee

There are significant performance differences when copying files to and from the servers.

If you plan to open, import/export files or documents on the remote sessions, it is best to first transfer the file from your local PC to i:\ drive before you open the file. For example, if you open Word in a remote session and read a file that is residing on your local PC’s hard drive, it will be very slow. The reason is the file being read/opened via the internet by a remote application running the Sage ERP Accpac Online server. It is much quicker to copy the file over from your local PC to the i:\ drive and then open the file.

““CCooppyy aanndd PPaassttee”” oorr ““DDrraagg aanndd DDrroopp””

You can transfer files in two different ways. You can click on the Edit->Copy or Ctrl+C hot key and then paste it (Ctrl+V) onto the remote desktop. Alternatively, you can highlight the desired file(s) and right-mouse click, and then drag the mouse cursor to the destination folder. Upon releasing the right-mouse button, a menu will appear. You can either move the content or copy the contents over.

OOrrggaanniizziinngg yyoouurr ii::\\ DDrriivvee –– CCrreeaattiinngg FFoollddeerrss

You can maintain your I:\ drive with other folders. Open Word, in the Open Box, click on the “Create New Folder” icon. A folder icon will appear and you can give it a name.

Your Mapped I: Drive on Sage Accpac Online

Your Local PC’s Drives

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PPrriinnttiinngg CCuussttoomm FFiinnaanncciiaall SSttaatteemmeennttss wwiitthh SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc FFiinnaanncciiaall


When you want to print General Ledger Financial Statements, click on the Financial Reporter icons:

By default, the Financial Reporter will look at the Program Files directory for the sample income statements and balance sheet templates. If these template files serve your purpose and you do not need any modifications, you can disregard this section.

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If you chose to use modified template files to meet your company’s reporting requirements, you can place a copy of these files in a folder on your mapped I:\ drive as shown below:

i:\custom\Financial Statements

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CCoommmmoonn PPrroobblleemm

When trying to run the Financial Report you may receive the following error message:

The error is caused by the Microsoft Excel Macro security being set to high by default.

To resolve this problem:

1. Exit out of Sage ERP Accpac.

2. Open up Microsoft Excel

3. On the menu go to Tools > Options

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4. Then go to the security tab

5. Click on the Macro Security button.

Change the security level from Very High or High to Medium.

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PPrriinnttiinngg CCuussttoommiizzeedd SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc CCrryyssttaall RReeppoorrttss

On your Sage ERP Accpac desktop, right-mouse click and select: New > Report…

Remember to update the Administrative Services > Customization Directories to the I:\Custom folder.

Enter a Title for your report:

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Specify the location on your I:\ drive and the name of the *.rpt file:

When you’re done, click Finish.

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If you have some modified crystal reports (standard Sage ERP Accpac reports with some modifications), you will need to place these files in the I:\Custom Folder into a subfolder for each of the respective modules (AP56A\ENG, AR56A\ENG, PO56A\ENG, OE56A\ENG, etc…) the custom reports are called from these folders.

Your customized or modified report may also require the related report XXPRT.INI or related .DLL file, where the XX represents the module abbreviation in the modules folder such as AP56A. You will need to place these files in the I:\Custom Folder into a subfolder for each of the respective modules (AP56A\, AR56A\, PO56A\, OE56A\, etc…).

In the report selection box you need to manually specify the path to the custom report, you can copy and paste it from the address bar.

Once the custom report path has been entered and you close out of the screen that report path will be saved for that user.

Please contact your Sage Accpac Certified Consultant for assistance with the customizations or modifications.

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FFoorr CClliieennttss wwiitthh EExxiissttiinngg SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc oorr AACCCCPPAACC PPlluuss


Step 1: Conversion from ACCPAC Plus → Sage ERP Accpac (in-house)

If you are a client who currently runs an in-house installation of ACCPAC Plus, you will need to first contact your Sage Accpac Business Partner to have your ACCPAC Plus database converted into a Sage ERP Accpac Database.

Step 2: Migration from Sage ERP Accpac (in-house) → Sage ERP Accpac Online

If you are a client who is currently running an in-house installation of Sage ERP Accpac (in Pervasive database format or MSSQL database format), check with your Sage Accpac Business Partner that you are running with at least version 4.1 or later for your Sage ERP Accpac (formerly called ACCPAC Advantage Series)

Make sure your database has a clean Data Integrity Check. Next, you will need to perform a Database Dump of your databases (company and system) to your local PC.

Then, upload the contents to the client’s I:\ drive on Sage ERP Accpac Online and perform a Database Load on the I:\drive via Citrix session.


If you have a database that already has a large number of users created or several different company databases, you can copy the USERS.ISM file and place it in the SITE directory on the client’s i:\ drive. This will retain those existing Sage ERP Accpac user login IDs and passwords. Despite the Database Loading the system database (thus retaining security groups) and copying the user.ism file, you will have to reassign the Users Authorizations from Administrative Services from the Sage ERP Accpac Desktop for each of the users.

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SSttaannddaarrddiizzeedd DDaattaabbaassee NNaammeess

When you migrate your data to Sage ERP Accpac Online, you will not be able to retain the original Pervasive or MSSQL database names from your in-house installation of the Sage ERP Accpac Database. As part of Sage ERP Accpac Online standard processes, all databases are assigned with a standardized naming scheme for maintenance and administration purposes.

After you have successfully performed the Database Load your database onto Sage ERP Accpac Online, and run a Data Integrity Check, you may get some error messages such as the following:

Date: Friday, November 06, 2009 3:27PM

Data Integrity Log (AS4000) SAMPLE Company, Inc. Page: 1

Administrative Services 5.6A (November 6, 2009 15:27:12)

E: Damaged data. Authorization for undefined database SAMCOM.

E: Damaged data. Authorization for undefined database SAMSYS.

This message indicates that the MSSQL database name has changed from what you had from your in-house setup of the Sage ERP Accpac database. Though not critical to the functionality of your database, you will need to contact Sage ERP Accpac Customer Support to remove these messages.

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FFrreeqquueennttllyy AAsskkeedd QQuueessttiioonnss -- FFAAQQss


How many connections can one user connect to simultaneously?


Each Citrix user can only have one active session on the Sage ERP Accpac Online servers. If the same Citrix user tries to log in more than once the user will receive the following message:

Followed by:

FFiirreewwaallll CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ffoorr SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee


What changes will be needed on my firewall when using Sage ERP Accpac Online?


The firewall needs to be configured so that it allows ICA connections. You normally need to allow TCP port 1494, port 2598 and port 8081 to pass through. Contact your network administrator to make these changes.

In most cases, if you are connecting using a phone modem, the above settings will not be applicable. However, if your PC has any software-based firewall programs (i.e. Zone Alarm), you will need to configure the above settings.

Please refer to the Troubleshooting Connectivity Problem section of this document on page 18.

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DDaattaa BBaacckkuupp aanndd RReessttoorreedd


How is my database backed up?


Every night we do a full backup. The contents that are backed up consist of all client data – Sage ERP Accpac MSSQL databases and the I:\Drive Content.

Sage ERP Accpac Online archives 4 weeks of onsite daily backups and offsite monthly backups for all the data over 4 weeks old.


I am new to Sage ERP Accpac Online and I have an existing Sage ERP Accpac Database. How can I get my data onto the Sage ERP Accpac Online Servers?


Make sure your existing database is in a good and clean condition. Within Sage ERP Accpac, run a Data Integrity Check first. You will need to fix any errors from the Data Integrity Check, prior to the migration onto a Sage ERP Accpac Online environment.

Next, you will need to perform a Database Dump of your database (from either a Pervasive or MSSQL Database format) and transfer those files onto a location on your i:\ drive. From the Start Menu of the remote desktop, you can perform a Database Load.

If your database is currently in ACCPAC Plus, you will first need to convert it into a Sage ERP Accpac database before migrating onto Sage ERP Accpac Online.


What is the procedure for getting a current backup of my database?


Should you want to obtain the most current copy of your database for yourself, there are two choices available. The first is to have your Sage ERP Accpac Administrator use the DBDump utility to create a Database Dump onto the I:\ drive and then transfer these files to your local PC. To restore the data you can use the Database Load utility. Please note that the DBLoad utility will overwrite all your existing data. It is important to ensure that no users are logged into Sage ERP Accpac during a Database Dump or Database Load of the database. The alternative is to call Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support at 877-223-4828 [outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected] to request a copy of the database. You can request your data be written to a CD and couriered to you for a fee. Please email: [email protected] for current billable services.

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What is the procedure for restoring backups of my database?


If you need an older copy of your database restored from backup, you will need to contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support at 877-223-4828 [outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected]. The time to restore will vary depending how far back you need to restore. Our analysts can provide database restores of up to 2 weeks old within a few hours. However, if the database backup is older than 2 weeks, it will take up to 1 day to retrieve the database. All of our backups are stored in electromagnetic media at an undisclosed secure location.

WWhhaatt iiff II hhaavvee qquueessttiioonnss oorr pprroobblleemmss??


We are Sage ERP Accpac Online customers. If we have questions or problems, who do we contact?


Your first point of contact is your Sage Accpac Business Partner, they are most familiar with your business processes and the way your company is setup within the Sage ERP Accpac Application.

For 24x7 Connectivity Problems you can contact our Connectivity Support group at our toll free number 877-223-4828 (for North America only), outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected]. There is no charge for connectivity support.

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SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc MMaannuuaallss aanndd DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn


I have some questions about certain functions of Sage ERP Accpac. Where can I find a copy of the documentation?


An online version of the Getting Started and User Manuals for all of the modules are available for your quick reference. You can access these by:

Start->All Programs->ACCPAC Documentation on the Citrix Session.

If you require support on how to use Sage ERP Accpac, you should contact your Sage Accpac Business Partner. They are the most knowledgeable with your business processes.

For billing inquires you can email at: [email protected]. Please include your Client ID in all correspondence.

EErrrroorr MMeessssaaggeess oonn SSccrreeeenn


I encountered an error message, now what do I do?


It is important to contact Sage ERP Accpac Online support immediately when this happens. Do not end your session or close off the error message or log off and start another session. Support can provide a quicker resolution if the message is still on the screen in comparison to having you attempt to replicate the error message at a later time.

Our support analysts may request permission to shadow your remote session to “see what you’re seeing” in real time. That way, the analysts will have a better understanding of your problem.

It is important to note as much detail as you can about your problem and the exact sequence of steps that generated the error message. Finally, you should be able to capture the error message on your screen by clicking Alt+Print Screen and then paste it into a Word Document and save it on the i:\ drive or email it to the technician assisting you.

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MMooddiiffyyiinngg CCuussttoomm CCrryyssttaall RReeppoorrttss


I would like to have some reports customized to my specifications. How can I modify these?


We do not offer Crystal Report Designer in the Environment. If you want to modify the reports by yourself, you need to have a local licensed copy of Crystal Report Designer (the current version at the time of writing this document is version 10 or 11) and a local installation of Pervasive SQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

Alternatively, you should contact your Sage Accpac Business Partner about the customization services they offer for modifying existing default reports or custom writing a new report for your company. If you already have some customized reports, please refer to the section on Printing Custom Sage ERP Accpac Crystal Forms/Reports in this document.

AAddddiinngg mmoorree oorr nneeww uusseerrss oonn


How can I add a new user on Sage ERP Accpac Online?


For subscription inquires you can email: [email protected]. Please include your Client ID in all correspondence. Connectivity Support will contact you with the new login information.

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DDiiffffeerreenncceess bbeettwweeeenn SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee aanndd OOnn--PPrreemmiissee VVeerrssiioonn


What are the feature differences between Sage ERP Accpac Online and On-Premise version?


Only certain options and third party applications are supported.

Users cannot install additional modules.

Users cannot access all the Accpac Tools such as Accpac SPY

Users cannot install any updates including service packs or hot fixes – these are installed by the Group on a case by case basis.

Users cannot use the email feature to email documents

Not all printers will work, certain printers especially the newer USB printers may not work in the Citrix/Terminal Services Environment.

PC Faxing will not work.

For product inquires you can email: [email protected]. Please include your Client ID in all correspondence.

EExxiittiinngg yyoouurr RReemmoottee SSeessssiioonn……PPrrooppeerrllyy!!


What is the proper way to exit the remote session?


When you are finished with your Sage ERP Accpac Online session, go to Start->Log Off

There will be a box that will ask for your confirmation to log off, click on “Yes.”

DO NOT click on the on the top right corner of the remote session window.

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It is important to understand that the Sage ERP Accpac Online session is comprised of two parts: a client-side connection and a server-side connection. Each time you log into Citrix from your PC, your machine initiates a client connection on the Sage ERP Accpac Online servers. When you login, a Citrix ICA session is established and a Citrix License is in use.

If you simply click on the in top right corner of your session window, it will terminate only the client-side connection. The server side has not been terminated and goes into a “Disconnected” state, the connection on the server remain open. This means that the Citrix License and any other applications (e.g. Sage ERP Accpac) stay open and their respective licenses (e.g. Lanpak License) remain “in use” on the server. With increasing disconnected sessions, this can easily use up all of your subscribed licenses and temporarily prevent any further access to Sage ERP Accpac. Therefore, when you are finished with your work for the day, you should log off the system from the start button. This will properly close the client and server connections, close all of the applications and release the licenses.

Do not click on the to exit.

Log off properly by going to:

START > Log Off

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DDiissccoonnnneecctteedd SSeessssiioonnss……nnoott bbyy cchhooiiccee!!


I was in the middle of working on the Sage ERP Accpac Online session and find that my session has been cut off. What should I do when this happens?


You may have been actively working in the remote session or returned after a period of time and find that either your session’s window is frozen or you see a Citrix error message on your screen. There are a number of reasons for this such as a loose network cable on the back of your machine or more commonly - delays over the internet that may have timed-out. (Please refer to the Testing Connection section of this document for TRACE Route)

In this case, you will need to terminate this frozen window by clicking on the top right X. (This is may sound contrary to the previous question, but is the only way to close the window since you’ve lost the connection and cannot log off properly.)

When a session disconnect occurs the client-side connection has been lost, but may still be in an active state on the server. That is, the server still regards your session as being active, when in fact - it is not. Usually, you should wait for about 1 – 2 minutes before trying to log in again so that the server has time to refresh the status. The software has been configured to logoff disconnected Citrix sessions within a 1- hour interval and idle sessions after 2 – hours interval. When you attempt to log in again within the 1- hour interval, you will re-establish the original connection, not consuming any new licenses and should see all of the applications and documents in the state it was in before the disconnect. You can then, resume your work.

Please contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support at 877-223-4828 [outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected] for further assistance.

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DDiissaabblliinngg AAccccoouunnttss


How can I disable an account when an employee leaves my company?


You need to contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support at 877-223-4828 [outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected] and the account will be immediately disabled. If you decide to re-activate this account, you will need to contact Support. You will need to provide the challenge phrase and response for verification and authorization in order to re-activate the account.

AAddddiinngg PPrriinntteerrss


What should I do when I cannot see my printer within the remote session? Or I want to add a new printer? Or when my reports are not printing out properly via my remote session?


Generally, your printer will automatically be mapped to the Citrix Universal printer Driver or a Native Windows 2003 compatible driver. In some cases, your printer driver may be newer than the one on the Windows 2003 default printer driver list and you will not see the printer appear on your remote session. If this is the case, please contact Sage ERP Accpac Online Connectivity Support at 877-223-4828 [outside North America (604) 207-8653] or email [email protected] so that we can substitute a standard printer driver that will emulate your local printer. It will be helpful to provide all of the details and screen shots of the printer settings on your local PC.

You can find this information from Start->Printers & Faxes

From the list of printers, right-mouse click on one of printer icons

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Windows 7 Example:

You can also go to Set Printer Properties on the Printer Task Menu along the left of the screen

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The Printer Drive Detail is shown here.

General Tab Advanced Tab

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Windows Vista Example:

You can also go to Set Printer Properties on the Printer Task Menu along the left of the screen

The Printer Drive Detail is shown here.

General Tab Advanced Tab

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Windows XP Example:

You can also go to Set Printer Properties on the Printer Task Menu along the left of the screen

The Printer Drive Detail is shown here.

General Tab Advanced Tab

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Windows 2000 Example:

The Printer Driver details are shown here.

General Tab Advanced Tab

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IImmppoorrttaanntt CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

Login page:

General, Subscription and Billing Inquiries: [email protected]

Technical and Administrative Inquiries: [email protected]

SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc OOnnlliinnee 2244 xx 77 CCoonnnneeccttiivviittyy SSuuppppoorrtt::

In North America (toll free): 1-877-223-4828

Outside North America: 1 + (country access code) + 604-207-8653

SSaaggee EERRPP AAccccppaacc CCuussttoommeerr SSuuppppoorrtt::

In North America (toll free): 1-800-223-4828

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]