sagaing hill u min thonse pagoda

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Located on the Ayeyarwady River, 20 km to the southwest of Mandalay on the opposite bank of the river, Sagaing with numerous Buddhist monasteries is an important religious and monastic center. The pagodas and monasteries crowd the numerous hills along the ridge running parallel to the river.

Sagaing was the capital of Sagaing Kingdom (1315–1364), one of the minor kingdoms that rose up after the fall of Pagan dynasty. During the Ava period (1364–1555), the city was the common fief of the crown prince or senior princes. The city briefly became the royal capital between 1760 and 1763 in the reign of King Naungdawgyi.

Today, the city is a frequent tourist destination of day trippers. The city is home to the Sagaing Institute of Education and the Sagaing Education College.

A long flight of stairs up Sagaing Hill, steps leading to the temple

U Min Thonze Pagoda is another pagoda on the top of the Sagaing Hill, besides Soon U Ponya Shin pagoda and Sagaing Buddha Cave.

We can translate the term “U Min Thonze” into “30 Caves Pagoda”. It was ordered to construct by revered monk Padugyi Thangayaza during the 11th century

Temple bell

A semicircular colonnade housing 45 Buddha images, their hands in the “calling earth to witness” mudra

Thought to have been build during the 11th century, there are 30 openings along the colonnade, so as you enter the space light flood in from the left and illuminates the seated images on the right

Either end of the colonnade stands a large Buddha image as if on guard, the significance of 45 images alludes to the 45 years that Buddha spent giving sermons.

The pagoda has recently been renovated; shiny mosaic tiles cover the walls with small plaques acknowledging those who have made donations-many from abroad.


Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu & Internet

Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound Hlaing Win Maung - Sagaing Hill