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ROI on Safety James Feldman ©2016 James Feldman. All rights reserved.

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ROI on SafetyJames Feldman

2016 James Feldman. All rights reserved.

Today, I am going to challenge you. I am going to encourage you to change the way you look at your organization. In our time today, I hope to provide you with a view that ultimately proves to be so compelling that you can never see thing in quite the same way again. I have gathered insights and examples that may make you uncomfortable, challenge your assumptions, and force you to see your own potential. Change keeps picking up speed. Before your organization can finish getting adjusted to one change it gets hit with several others.Despite the improving economy, well continue to struggle with difficult challenges in 2016. Record spending on health information technology is greatly increasing the demand for experts in the field and tops a list of hot issues on the minds of healthcare leaders. Insurance plans are now required to spend 85 cents of every premium dollar on medical care and healthcare quality improvements and if they spend less, they have to issue rebates to their members.

That's according to a survey and report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute.

8/18/162010 Synectics Open Solutions, LLC1

2016 James D. Feldman

Innovation is a defined process commonly used to achieve measureable objectives.

The value of innovation comes from achieving new levels of results that would not be obtained through continuous improvement identify trends and build trend spotting and competitive intelligence systems, synthesize trends and determine what the trends may mean for future business by building scenarios.

My goal is to help organizations achieve innovation, remain viable and competitive, and create a more constant flow of innovation.


Creativity vs. Innovation

Creativity is the process of developing new or interesting ideasInnovation is the process of transforming creative ideas into valuable or profitable solutions.

2016 James D. Feldman

Record ideasRecall ideasRecycle ideas

2016 James D. Feldman

insideInvestigateInnovateAccelerate 2016 James D. Feldman

As the global marketplace becomes increasingly competitive and customer demand for new and frequently updated products and services continues to grow, the need for innovation has never been clearer. There is more competition than ever before. We have to stayone step ahead by doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing.My objectives today are to identify determine key issues and concerns,and uncover innovation culture challenges that organizations are facing.


Champion creativity and safety innovation will follow inside the box 2016 James D. Feldman

There are many reasons firms can't sustain innovation. These include everything from a "project" rather than "capability" mindset to fear of failure, to a lack of resources, and uncertain support from executives.Today I want you to think about your company's fundamental approach to doing business.Is it outside the box? If its outside the box you cant see the problem.You cant see the side of the box. You can see the components that make up the problem.And your back is to your potential audience.You need to go inside the box.Move the components around. Get them out of the shadows. And discover and gather information.


Your mind is a container of possibilities

2016 James D. Feldman

Inside the box you have constant access to wisdom.Relentless innovation requires a balance between efficiency and innovation.,

Innovation must be seen as "business as usual," meaning it is built into the framework of how the company operates.

Going inside the box opens your mind to become a container of possibilities.

Inside the box you can discover all the elements of innovation that might have a significant impact on your companies innovation.


Why does your organization need more safety innovation?

2016 James D. Feldman

Because the older model of long product cycles, limited competition and complacent consumers with little information is dying, and a newer, faster competitive model that relies on more information, more readily available, with lower costs of entry and more competitors and substitutes is growing.

The difference between the successful and the unsuccessful innovative organization is they shape their own culture of innovation. If they dont Bright ideas go dim.


What drives innovation?Disappearing trade barriersIncreasing rate of shiftsIncreasing customer expectanciesIncreasing amount & access to data/informationDecreasing cost of entry

InnovationOpportunityDevelopmentOpportunityIdentificationOpportunityCaptureFocusShapingDevelopmentBusiness CaseValidation & LaunchFiltering

2016 James D. Feldman

Its time to buck convention, find new solutions, and rethink our beliefsAbout the environment, energy, technology, food, health, transportation, urbanism, and poverty.


Shift from efficiency as Business As Usual (BAU) to Innovation As Usual (IAU)

2016 James D. Feldman

What is BAU? BAU is all the norms inside your company that govern how your company operates.Are all kinds of changes and circumstances we cant control that exert their own force and shift us sideways.Theres a ton of room for growth in that unplanned space.It is not enough to have a good idea or to find the best ideas lurking within a company - a company must be able to overcome BAU.The most important factor sustaining innovation is an operating model that considers innovation as business as usual (BAU).

Innovation is a strategic choice rather than an act of fate.


Make it really, really, really easy to understand. AHHA! 2016 James D. Feldman

NOMMA Shift Happens!8/18/1611

Keep itSimpleUniversalEngagingTestable

2016 James D. Feldman

Is your mind like your closet? Cluttered? 2016 James D. Feldman

Do you wear 20% of your clothes80% of the time? The rest is clutter. 2016 James D. Feldman

2016 James Feldman 2016 James D. Feldman

The challenge, of course, is to overcome the misconceptions surrounding innovationwith a goal of making innovation a cultural phenomenon which can be enhanced or inhibited by leaders, culture, and strategy.

There is a perception that innovation is a threat to the status quo,to the existing business models and strategies that typically focus on scaling up, getting a sizeable market share, and generating profits.

Large companies regularly have an innovation strategy that is aligned with their overall corporate strategy.Small companies often dont have an innovation strategy which will be detrimental to their future innovation success.Innovation should be dedicated but not insulated in order to leverage cross-functional resources.And thats because.


2016 James D. Feldman


Today its easy to marvel at how far we have come.Our phones talk to our TVs to record our favorite shows.Doctors in Dubai diagnose patients in Denmark.

Tomorrow we will wake up to everything imagined by Jules Verne, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, etc.Trees will talk to networks that will talk to scientists about climate change.Stoplights will talk to cars that will talk to road sensors about increasing traffic efficiency.It will be the Internet of Everythingand you can provide the resources of Safety For Everyone.


Commitment to the innovation safety vision trumps funding, technology, gold-plated degrees, and culture.

2016 James D. Feldman

Commitment to the vision unlocks the culture of innovation. Everything else can be taught.


The real trend is 2016 James D. Feldman

Innovation is often the result of random conversationsCOLLISIONS or DISRUPTIONS.Innovation is a defined process commonly used to achieve measureable objectives.My role is to accelerate those collisions.

The value of innovation comes from achieving new levels of results that would not be obtained through continuous improvement identify trends and build trend spotting and competitive intelligence systems, synthesize trends and determine what the trends may mean for future business by building scenarios.

My goal is to help organizations achieve innovation, remain viable and competitive, while optimizing financial success.

Having a leader of innovation is an essential part of having an innovation culture.A distinct innovation leader further establishes a clear accountability for fulfilling the innovation strategyAnd ensures that innovation remains a priority.


Is there a disruptive way to solve a problem? 2016 James D. Feldman

My focus today is to ask you to think about how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.

Unsuccessful companies describe their innovation culture asLackingConstrainedFollowerWeakIsolatedAspirationalSuccessful companies describe their innovation culture asInvigoratedFocusedCollaborativeAggressivePassionateInspirational

1. Is there an important problem that customers can't address because existing solutions are expensive or inconvenient? Is there a high-potential job to be done?2. Is there a disruptive way to solve the problem in a simpler, more convenient or more affordable way?3. Is there a plausible hypothesis about an economically attractive, scalable business model? Answering this question doesn't require a detailed financial model, but it does require a sensible story that's at least conceivable - an a plan to turn that hypothesis into reality.4. Does the team have the right stuff to course-correct according to in-market learning? Remember, the odds are high that the first idea isn't quite right. A team that is dogmatic and keeps trying to prove it is right is the wrong team for many innovation efforts.5. Can early profitability be a choice? Ultimate success requires a profitable model. The sooner there is a line of sight to profits, the better.


Culture eats strategy for breakfast! 2016 James D. Feldman

Corporate culture is more powerful that any individual strategy.

If your corporate culture is structured to favor business as usual BAU, innovation will always be difficult.

You must change culture to create an innovation business as usual.

Many challenges are cultural in nature, such as not having a tolerance for risk-taking or providing Employees with enough resources for innovation work.

Creating an effective culture of innovation is an essential, Burt often overlooked component for an organizations long term, sustainable, innovation success. Ultimately, its an organizations people who make innovation happen and to be successful at it, they have to work in an environment that support and encourages risk taking and failure.


Lack of innovation is a choice 2016 James D. Feldman

Innovation-stifling siloescultural, psychological, financial, or organizationalare more likely to be found in large companiesBut this isnt a law of physics; it doesnt have to be that way. Rather, big companies have to relentlessly fight the tendency toward innovation in isolation


Customers MUST be part of the co-creation safety processInnovation is not something a special team doesit is something which must be ingrained in the mindsets and behaviors of everyoneincluding your customers. 2016 James D. Feldman

As companies of all sizes and across all industries realize that the co-creation of value and of experiences with customers can be a profound way to boost customer loyalty, they also must recognize that relevant innovation in a customer-free vacuum is impossible. Mid-size and smaller companies ($500 million or less) connect directly with customers in interviews about product design and testing, while companies with revenue above $1 billion or more likely to use social technology and sentiment analysis to uncover customer-focused innovations.


The types of innovation cultures2016 James Feldman 2016 James D. Feldman

Create a passionate and inter-connected innovation department. Effective innovators had a higher degree of volunteers, selected high achievers for the department and had more functional diversity.

Keep the connections between innovation and the rest of the organization strong by having regular check ins during development phases as well as involvement from innovation after the product launches.

There are two main kinds of cultures.

Unsuccessful with less than a 50% success rate in the introduction of new offerings.

And successful, relentless innovators, who make innovation not only a priority, but an integral part of their business models, or risk being overtaken and surpassed by their competitors. They have over a 50% success rate in the introduction of new offerings.


Failure to understand customers, employees, stakeholdersInspire curiosityQuestion assumptionsLackluster ideasChallenge current perspectivesThink differentlyAversion to risk takingCreate freedomExperimentSafety Innovation ChallengesPoor executionDrive disciplineGet things doneDriving Safety Innovation

LeadersTeam Members 2016 James D. Feldman


What important strategic goals can be accelerated through the use of safety innovation?

What new growth opportunities should be explored by safety innovative techniques?

How does your firm intend to position itself or distinguish itself from its competitors, and how can you use safety innovation to support those goals?

2016 James D.Feldman

The goal of an Innovation approach is to bring the operating model back into balance and focus on both efficiency and innovation.Simply put: everything thats necessary for innovation to succeedthreatens the existence and sustainability of the long-developed SOP process


The most important factor sustaining safety innovation is an operating model that considers safety innovation as Business As Usual (BAU).

BAU is all the norms inside your company that govern how your company operates.

Safety Innovation is a strategic choice rather than an act of fate.

2016 James D. Feldman

My focus is how to shift from business as usual to Innovation As Usual.Business as usual stymies innovation by overly focusing the organization on efficient business processes and meeting short term demands, and by commanding the attention of the middle management cohort to the exclusion of creating new things.


Rethink expertise

2016 James D. Feldman

Its very easy to think that you are the expert on your own product.But in many ways, that a myth. The true experts are your customers.28

Shift from efficiency as Business As Usual (BAU) or S.O.P. to Innovation As Usual (IAU) 2016 James D. Feldman

We can work hard towards our goals but there What is BAU? It's all the norms inside your company that govern how your company operates.Are all kinds of changes and circumstances we cant control that exert their own force and shift us sideways.Theres a ton of room for growth in that unplanned space.It is not enough to have a good idea or to find the best ideas lurking within a company - a company must be able to overcome BAU.


2016 James D. Feldman

Successful innovators demonstrate strategic alignment, cultures that encourage innovation, people who understand innovation methods and tools, and clear communication. The gap between executive expectations and new innovative products and services indicates that some or all of these capabilities arent met in most organizations. 30

ImagineInspireInstillInvolveInnovationCultureBuilding Blocks of Innovation Culture 2016 James D. Feldman

The building blocks of innovation culture comes with its own set of components that allows a company to develop a culture that motivates employees to innovate.

The building blocks are Imagine is about determining the vision for your innovation culture including purposes and objectivesInspire-is about engaging employeesInstill-centers on having the right mechanisms including resource commitment, structure and teamsInvolve-focuses on bringing the entire organization on board with training of all the employees, communication, and leadership guidelines

Ultimately, culture is about the value, norms, and attitudes that exist in the organization and theyre the driving force of innovation success.31

Are YOU ready for change?

inside 2016 James D. Feldman

The key management issue is understood to be overly focusing on cost-cutting, efficiency, outsourcing and off-shoring jobs to foreign countries.Theres never been more data and its never been more important.Its behind every business decision.

If Innovation is the goal how do you get there?Does your organization have an Innovative VisionHave they established a strategic Role for innovationIs there an established Success CriteriaAll this can be accomplished if you Simplify--Go inside the box.


Failure is the first cousin of success

2016 James D. Feldman

Study failure as closely as you study success.Why did you miss the markidea, execution, support?How can you invert those results if you were doing it all over again?Crystallize the key lessons learned.Try again.


Its not easy to create a new 2016 James D. FeldmanTwo examples follow

Strategies for taking action on climate change

Heres a mind map for taking action on Climate Change.Innovation is not something a special team doesit is something which must be ingrained in the mindsets and behaviors of everyone, and for which, ideally, there should be no special process.


It challenges the status quo

People hunger for stability amid change. 2016 James D. Feldman

Life is not fair. It doesnt give us what we needit gives us what we deserve. You may sell more, and earn more in absolute terms, but for each dollar you sell, you will make the same, and probably less, money if we dont change our attitude about innovation and customer service.We are in the center of change and we must accept it.Forget everything we knowLive in the future Appreciate wisdomForget permanence Change our focusGet excited and accept riskThink Clear and Present Opportunities

8/18/1637NOMMA Shift Happens!

Can early safety be a choice? 2016 James D. Feldman

Is there an important problem that customers can't address because existing solutions are expensive or inconvenient? Is there a high-potential job to be done?2. Is there a disruptive way to solve the problem in a simpler, more convenient or more affordable way?3. Is there a plausible hypothesis about an economically attractive, scalable business model? Answering this question doesn't require a detailed financial model, but it does require a sensible story that's at least conceivable - an a plan to turn that hypothesis into reality.4. Does the team have the right stuff to course-correct according to in-market learning? Remember, the odds are high that the first idea isn't quite right. A team that is dogmatic and keeps trying to prove it is right is the wrong team for many innovation efforts.5. Can early profitability be a choice? Ultimate success requires a profitable model. The sooner there is a line of sight to profits, the better.


2016 James D. Feldman

Is there a disruptive way to solve the problem in a simpler, more convenient or more affordable way?Is there a plausible hypothesis about an economically attractive, scalable business model? Answering this question doesn't require a detailed financial model, but it does require a sensible story that's at least conceivable - an a plan to turn that hypothesis into reality.Does the team have the right stuff to course-correct according to in-market learning? Remember, the odds are high that the first idea isn't quite right. A team that is dogmatic and keeps trying to prove it is right is the wrong team for many innovation efforts.39

Wealth is not gained by perfecting the known, but by seizing the unknown.

2016 James D. Feldman

Focus on the customers needs for ideas, not what management wants.Understanding those needs and frustrations will allow them to focus on innovation efforts that really matterto consumers/consumers. Apple makes 46 products. Mac products 6IPOD 5Iphone 2Software 17Accessories 1640

Customers want theproduct of your product.

2016 James D. Feldman

Two words often describe products. They are so loosely used by the average sales person that they often say them together really fast, almost as if they were one word "features & benefits.

Features are unique characteristics that your product has to offer a customer. Without Features your product would look just like everyone else's product in the marketplace.

Benefits-the product of the product- are what the unique characteristics of your product can actually do for a person or business.

What your customer sees are features, what they use are benefits.

Features just fill the prospects needs. Innovation should show how the benefits will actually improve that person's business or improve their life.The customer wants the product of your product.41

Some pains you cant cure

Hard WorkingWhat is Fun? Acceptance and Friendliness Your challenge is to debunk the misconceptions and addressThe realities of your environment.

8/18/16NOMMA Shift Happens!

What am I doing differently tomorrow that will obtain better results than I achieved today?

2016 James D. Feldman

2016 James D. Feldman

How we think is as important as what we 2016 James D. Feldman

The intuitive, fast moving side of our mindshas far more of an effect on our decision makingthan we realize.


The value of a safety idea lies in using it.- Jim Feldman

Innovation is a defined process commonly used to achieve measureable objectives.

The value of innovation comes from achieving new levels of results that would not be obtained through continuous improvement identify trends and build trend spotting and competitive intelligence systems, synthesize trends and determine what the trends may mean for future business by building scenarios.

My goal is to help organizations achieve innovation, remain viable and competitive, and create a more constant flow of innovation.


The right attitude is the same worldwideincluding minions.

Its YOUR WISDOM repeat what works.

-Repeat, refine, reflect. Before you work on any solution try the three Rs. to REMOVE The Blockage

-Determine how you will solve the problem. Determination is the reason most companies dont impact their bottom line. They often solve problems, identify opportunities, resolve conflictsin their mindand never act.8/18/1650NOMMA Shift Happens!

Whats your vision?

VISION: Who do we want to be?GROWTH GAP: What do we need to meet our financial expectations?STRATEGIC ROLES: How will we value innovation to support our vision?SUCCESS CRITERIA: How do we expect to measure success?8/18/1651NOMMA Shift Happens!

What if? Why not? Whats next?

2016 James D. Feldman

As you encourage your people to display innovation and creativity, be prepared for mistakes. Acknowledge the mistakes, learn from them, and then try again. When people know that mistakes are part of the process, they'll be more open to take risksand think in new directions. Remember, failure and innovation are related. Success only comes when you learn from failure.Focus is the ultimate power that can change the way we think, the way we feel, and what we can do.When we change our focus, we change our lives.

You cannot learn about what they want second hand. You must take actionquick action on those ideas that have merit. Innovative thinking distinguishes the best companies from the also-rans. Truly innovative companies encourage their employees to think creatively, to develop new ideas, and to offer unique solutions. The company that encourages creative change has many resources at hand when faced with new challenges.Opportunities will be waiting for you if you can overcome any resistance to new ways of thinking. What stops most companies from innovation is hesitation due to uncertainty. But when you cast aside uncertainty and Start to ask What If, you will unleash the unlimited possibilities that result in new profits for your organization.

8/18/1652NOMMA Shift Happens!

The biggest challenge is the rate of change & our resistance to it. 2016 James D. Feldman

To establish credibility you shouldKnow the boundaries and resources of your companyListen to Your clients needsGive Attention To DetailProvide Meaningful InformationFollow Through8/18/1653NOMMA Shift Happens!

Define success 2016 James D. Feldman

Define success from your customers perspective.,not yours.8/18/1654NOMMA Shift Happens!

I am a leader!

I will lead, not follow.

I set new standards.

2016 James D. Feldman

Time to remind othersthat... 2016 James D. Feldman

Its your turn. Any questions? 2016 James D. Feldman

Talk To Me


@ShiftHappensNow #shifthappens


Visit or call 312-527-9111 2016 James D. Feldman