safety matters vol 19 no 3

® MATTERS Volume 19, Issue 3 THE MAGID SAFETY REPORT M YCOM, a telecommunications company servicing the world’s largest communications service providers (CSPs), has a lot to juggle when it comes to safety. Not only does the company have onsite employees working within its facilities, they also have employees and contractors out on the roads, traveling and working at treacherous job sites. Employees and contractors at MYCOM face a number of challenges ranging from “hot work” (electrical), fall protection and prevention to unfamiliar job sites and even typical road hazards. MYCOM has a complicated safety landscape that requires forethought to address ongoing safety concerns, as well as address anything new that comes along. Such a large and diverse landscape of hazards and dangers could be daunting if MYCOM had not adopted an “always be prepared” approach to keep its employees safe. Safety on the Road: The Truck Kit MYCOM understands that safety doesn’t just start when workers arrive at the job site. Job sites are often up to 400 miles from the MYCOM facility and there are a number of hazards present as employees travel to and from job sites. To prepare for such hazards, MYCOM has worked with Magid to create a Truck Kit. The goal of the Truck Kit is to make sure workers have a mobile tool kit and safety store with them on the road at all times. “We anticipate all the potential issues our workers may have while driving,” says DSW equipment engineer of MYCOM North America, Roy McCormack. “We then prepare for these issues with the proper tools and safety equipment so our guys never feel like they are on their own on the road. We have taken into consideration everything that workers might need when getting to the job site and carefully created a kit that is compact, easy to transport and includes all necessary items.” The Truck Kit includes a first aid kit, a flat tire kit, flare kits, a disposable camera, extra hard hats, a knife, pencil and paper and more. Before workers even leave the facility, they are required to go through a check list of everything that is included in a Truck Kit and be sure it is on board and working properly. MYCOM’s Safety Motto: Always Be Prepared “We prepare for issues with the proper tools and safety equipment so our guys never feel like they are on their own on the road. We have taken everything into consideration ...and carefully created a kit that is compact, easy to transport and includes all necessary items.” Roy McCormack, MYCOM North America MYCOM employee hard at work using equipment from the Fall Arrest Kit Photos courtesy of MYCOM Continued on page 2

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The Magid Safety Report


Page 1: Safety Matters Vol 19 No 3


M A T T E R SVolum

e 19, Issue 3


MYCOM, a telecommunications company servicing the world’s largest communications service providers (CSPs),

has a lot to juggle when it comes to safety. Not only does the company have onsite employees working within its facilities, they also have employees and contractors out on the roads, traveling and working at treacherous job sites. Employees and contractors at MYCOM face a number of challenges ranging from “hot work”

(electrical), fall protection and prevention to unfamiliar job sites and even typical road hazards. MYCOM has a complicated safety landscape that requires forethought to address ongoing safety concerns, as well as address anything new that comes along. Such a large and diverse landscape of hazards and dangers could be daunting if MYCOM had not adopted an “always be prepared” approach to keep its employees safe.

Safety on the Road: The Truck KitMYCOM understands that safety doesn’t just start when workers arrive at the job site. Job sites are often up to 400 miles from the MYCOM facility and there are a number of hazards present as employees travel to and from job sites. To prepare for such hazards, MYCOM has worked with Magid to create a Truck Kit. The goal of the Truck Kit is to make sure workers have a mobile tool kit and safety store with them on the road at all times.

“We anticipate all the potential issues our workers may have while driving,” says DSW equipment engineer of MYCOM North America, Roy McCormack. “We then prepare for these issues with the proper tools and safety equipment so our guys never feel like they are on their own on the road. We have taken into consideration everything that workers might need when getting to the job site and carefully created a kit that is compact, easy to transport and includes all necessary items.”

The Truck Kit includes a first aid kit, a flat tire kit, flare kits, a disposable camera, extra hard hats, a knife, pencil and paper and more. Before workers even leave the facility, they are required to go through a check list of everything that is included in a Truck Kit and be sure it is on board and working properly.

MYCOM’s Safety Motto: Always Be Prepared

“We prepare for issues with the proper tools and safety equipment so our guys never feel like they are on their own on the road. We have taken everything into consideration ...and carefully created a kit that is compact, easy to transport and includes all necessary items.” —Roy McCormack, MYCOM North America

MYCOM employee hard at work using equipment from the Fall Arrest Kit

Photos courtesy of M



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“In the beginning, we provided extra hard hats and safety equipment on the truck—items specifically for the job site,” McCormack states. “Then our Magid rep came up with other ideas. He started asking questions about the time employees spend on the road. Like what if a worker doesn’t have a cell phone and gets in an accident…how will he take pictures? What if they don’t have pencil and paper to write down information? What if they get a flat tire and need the proper equipment to fix it? We were able to use safety equipment that Magid already supplies and integrate equipment that our specific field requires to create a Truck Kit to keep our employees safe on the road. We took it from there and kept building on it.”

McCormack worked with his Magid rep to figure out how to make the kit portable enough to move from truck to truck and have it as compact as possible. Now, a duffle bag filled with road safety equipment is on every single truck that leaves the facility.

“Our workers are often at job sites in remote locations,” explains McCormack. “So, now if our guys blow a tire going up a mountain, they have the safety equipment they need to handle issues that may arise. If they get in an accident, they have a disposable camera to document the accident and a pencil and paper to write down important information. Thermal blankets are also part of the kit in case the truck doesn’t start and they need to keep warm while waiting for someone to help.”

Since MYCOM has implemented the Truck Kit, the improvements have been significant. Whether it is flat tires, accidents or other issues, MYCOM workers now have the equipment they need and are able to get back on the road quickly and safely.

Job Site Safety: Fall Arrest KitEmployees at MYCOM, like most telecommunications companies, are engaged in a wide range of work situations on a day-to-day basis. From electrical or “hot work” to underground work and working at great heights, McCormack and his team must anticipate every need. When installing fiber and other technical equipment, there is often a need for fall protection, as well as typical job site personal protective equipment (PPE) like hard hats, gloves, glasses and safety boots.

“Falls are a big issue, particularly in our industry,” McCormack explains. “The proper fall equipment is a big deal and it is important to hold exceptionally high standards, 100% tie-off. We need safety harnesses and workers must be able to find the proper positioning on the tower with equipment that is easily controlled. They have to be able to move up and down the poles quickly and safely. At MYCOM, we want to have the right equipment and continue to be top players in the industry when it comes to safety. ”

With workers climbing up towers that are 50 to 200 feet on average (and some as high as 1500 feet), falls are a major concern. McCormack states that there were nine deaths due to falls in the telecommunications industry during 2014.

As with the Truck Kits, MYCOM and Magid worked together to create a Fall Arrest Kit that includes harnesses, gear and attachments for climbing. The kit also includes vertical lifeline with control decent line and safety rigging ropes. Everything that a climber needs to replace key equipment and keep workers safe is readily accessible in the Fall Arrest Kit.

“Just like our Truck Kits, we have anticipated the issues that could arise during a climb,” says McCormack. “It started with just harnesses and we were actually putting together our own kits. Then Magid came through for us and wanted to make it easier. They put together the kits with all the stuff we needed for the job in one place. The benefits of this are amazing.”

Magid & Cost SavingsTo keep its various kits fully stocked and ready to go, MYCOM makes sure that replacement stock is readily available. “If a truck comes back and the workers had to use the flare kit, they can easily restock it. We make sure we have the most used items easily accessible,” McCormack explains. “If a harness comes back

Every truck that leaves the MYCOM facility to work off-site must be equipped with a Truck Kit

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and is starting to show wear and tear, workers can replace the damaged item right away and not have to wait for new products to come in. This prevents workers from going out the next day with faulty equipment while waiting for new.”

MYCOM’s dedication to keeping these kits fully stocked and in top condition is part of what makes this program work. Magid keeps the program affordable by offering competitive rates and bulk pricing.

“This allows me to save both time and money because I don’t need to purchase an entire new kit every time. It’s a very cost effective and efficient way to operate,” adds McCormack. “There is a huge cost savings for the company when we use Magid for PPE and especially when we use the kits. One supplier can provide more volume and pass the cost savings onto us—Magid was able to do that. We gave them our requests, showed them our history and they were able to give us everything we needed all together, so internally we are getting multiple items from different manufacturers but from a single supplier. The cost savings (and time savings) are obvious.”

A Partnership with Magid“There is one word that sums up my feelings about Magid perfectly: partnership,” McCormack says. “My rep always has my company’s best interest in mind. Commitment, quality, dedication…all the necessary things we look for in a safety partner, Magid provides.”

McCormack also emphasizes the fact that Magid is not just a supplier for him, it is a safety quality partner that helps them to be accountable year-round.

“Magid often sends us reminders that are very supportive,” adds McCormack. “For example, when the weather is getting warmer, Magid will send me safety tips for combating the heat and reminders about proper equipment to keep workers safe, cool and hydrated during warm weather. Other suppliers may do calls every now and then and you hardly know they are there. With Magid, they are always there with us, constantly making sure we have what we need and that our safety equipment is up to par.”

McCormack reports that temperatures on the shop floor and even in the field can reach upwards of 110 degrees, which makes his rep’s dedication very helpful.

“In addition, our rep is always looking for cost savings for us,” explains McCormack. “Instead of me coming to him and telling him we are spending too much money, he comes to me with ways to save money. He is always willing to help tighten up costs because he cares about our business and our workers as much as I do. That’s not something you get with every supplier.”

McCormack and others in his industry get together with their mutual Magid rep regularly to chat about things going on in their industry and ways to improve safety.

“I worked with this group of people at my previous company and now we are all at other companies but still use the same Magid rep. We get together with our rep about once a month and talk about issues unique to our industry,” McCormack says. “Our rep’s dedication really goes beyond the shop walls! He brings us suggestions and news of what is working well in other areas so we can improve safety together. We are proud to have an ever-growing partnership with Magid.”

Anytime there is an incident within the company or even within the telecommunications industry, MYCOM holds a tailgate meeting. This is a meeting where all internal office personnel come together and talk about incidents, hiccups and issues within the company and the industry.

“When something happens in our facility or we hear about an incident in our industry, we pull a tailgate meeting together immediately to be sure we address the issues,” says McCormack.

Tailgate meetings are also called to discuss innovation, problems and news

within the telecommunications industry. “We want our employees to have up-to-the-minute safety information,” McCormack states. “If we hear about something important in our industry and we feel it directly applies to our workers, we can start addressing it immediately through our tailgate meetings.”

Tailgate meetings are not only held when issues arise—MYCOM also holds on-site tailgate meetings before a job begins to go over risks and potential hazards.

“We have our workers fill out a form highlighting all the hazards and everything covered during the meeting before we

even start the job,” adds McCormack. “Tailgates are an open forum where workers and upper management can discuss potential hazards. Things like: Did it rain last night and make the job site slippery? Is the heat going to be unusually high today and do we need to drink extra water?”

The proactive approach MYCOM takes are preventative measures to keep its workers safe and fully aware of potential hazards. By listening to what is going on within the entire industry and applying that knowledge to its every day procedures, MYCOM is improving safety continuously and remaining a top player in the industry.

Top Safety Tactic: Tailgate Meetings at MYCOM

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Empire Distributors, Inc. is a beer, wine and spirits distributor that takes

employees’ safety seriously. The company’s culture of responsibility to safety applies to everyone—leadership, management and teammates. Empire’s goal is to improve its existing safety programs and then roll those improvements out companywide.

As the new safety and fleet compliance manager at Empire, Shane Wilson knew that some of the major safety challenges came from simply handling distribution materials—sprains and strains, cuts/lacerations, slips and falls. The fact that teammates were using their bare hands to cut boxes open was another specific issue within the company.

Wilson saw that a large number of injuries were related to cuts and he reached out to Magid for some solutions. His Magid rep immediately provided samples of gloves and retractable safety knives so Wilson could identify the right products needed to keep his employees safe and injury free on the job.

“From an operations standpoint, we had quite a lot of cuts among our employees,” Wilson explains. “I knew this was one of the first issues we needed to address. I had worked with Magid at my previous employer, so I called up my rep. I knew bringing in Magid would be crucial to finding a solution to this problem. I also knew from experience that once my Magid rep was assisting me with identifying challenges and finding solutions, we would keep improving. As a result, we would be well on our way toward our goal of having a world-class safety program here at Empire.”

To test the best gloves and knives for Empire’s applications, Wilson, along with members of the management team and select teammates were all asked to weigh in on the decision making process.

“We knew our teammates would give us good feedback—positive or negative,” says Wilson. “After all, they are the ones who would be using these products on the

warehouse floor on a day-to-day basis—not me or other members of the management team. It was their opinions we valued most.”

After a short testing process, Empire chose GPD580s, which have ANSI level 2 cut protection and retractable safety knives to prevent injuries for material handlers and

drivers. The gloves provide added grip strength in addition to cut protection and the retractable knives prevent cuts by hiding the blade when the knife is not in use. When the Empire team determined the best personal protective equipment (PPE) for the job, they turned to Magid to get the products on the warehouse floor as quickly as possible. As a result of these changes, Empire was able to eliminate the cut problem entirely.

“Magid’s willingness to guide us through the testing process coupled with the valuable input from our team members was really vital to our success,” says Wilson. “Now, Magid is fully integrated into our safety program and we have made sure that all our teammates know the importance of cut protection. Anyone that must touch a bottle out of its box, anyone that cuts with a knife or picks up broken glass, has to have the gloves on. This has been a big win for both the operations and warehouse departments.”

Wilson says teammates appreciate the safety program: “The feedback we have received from our teammates really shows that they appreciate the hand protection and their involvement in the process,” explains Wilson. “They know we are looking out for them because as soon as we saw an issue, we worked to solve it. They know they can count on us to have their best interest at heart. It’s a big win. There was a need, we flipped a switch and now we’ve won and are on to the next big thing.”

The “next big thing” is expanding the safety program to multiple distribution locations. The cut protection program that began in the Atlanta location is now operating in Raleigh, NC, with plans to implement at all Empire locations.

“We’ve been so happy with the results we’ve seen from Magid that we are excited to have their continued support as we expand our safety programs and bring them to more locations,” says Wilson. “It is important to have a safety partner like Magid to back us up as we grow and strive for providing top-notch safety programs at all our locations.”

Empire Distributors Implements Successful Cut-Protection Program

Empire workers are required to wear GPD580 gloves while touching a bottle out of its box, cutting with a knife or picking up broken glass—day-to-day activities for these workers

“Magid’s willingness to guide us through the testing process coupled with the valuable input from our team members was really vital to our success.” — Shane Wilson, Empire Distributors

Photo courtesy of E

mpire D


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Magid CutMaster Aramax XT Crinkle Latex Palm Coated Work Glove.Magid® CutMaster Aramax® XT AX5100 work gloves are constructed with 10-gauge Aramax XT yarn to wick away moisture and allow for more air transfer. Aramax XT provides up to twice the cut protection of 100% para-aramid yarns of similar weight. Magid’s AX5100 work glove is an excellent choice for any application that requires cut protection, especially glass handling. They are blended without steel, making them non-conductive. Designed to provide outstanding comfort while delivering ANSI Level 5 cut protection, these gloves keep the wearer cool and comfortable. A crinkle latex palm coating provides excellent smudge-free grip and abrasion resistance. A reinforced thumb crotch provides additional durability at a critical wear point, while a color-coded overcast edge reduces fraying and acts as a visual aid for sizing. Aramax XT comes in a yellow/green color and is available in sizes 6-12.

Magid’s New Ultra-Lightweight Palm-Coated Work GloveMagid’s new D-ROC GPD800 work glove offers 360° ANSI Level 5 cut protection and is the first glove to provide the highest level of cut protection with a material this light. The 13-gauge machine knit shell and polyurethane palm coating deliver a groundbreaking combination of safety, comfort, dexterity and grip. In addition, the GPD800 has ANSI Level 5 Abrasion Resistance and ANSI Level 4 Puncture Resistance. The dark grey shell also hides dirt, extending wear time. The GPD800 offers a bare-hand feel and is the only work glove to deliver this combination of ultra-light weight and maximum cut protection—and it’s touch screen compatible! A color-coded overedge acts as a visual aid for sizing and helps prevent fraying of the glove. The GPD800 is machine washable for a longer use and is available in sizes 6-11.

Magid® AR Defense™ Base Layer Protective GarmentsTo coincide with the new NFPA 70E standards, Magid has added AR Defense base layer protective shirts and a balaclava to its expanding line of protective clothing. AR Defense undergarments contribute to a higher total system Arc rating with fewer layers and lower weight. The new standards state that AR/FR base layer garments should be worn for added protection and can contribute to the total system Arc rating. Both the new AR Defense base layer shirts and AR Defense balaclavas combine AR/FR protection with exceptional moisture wicking comfort and the innovative lightweight fabric is inherently flame resistant. The new items are perfect for utility workers, electricians, maintenance engineers and electrical contractors. Both items are available in charcoal grey. Shirt sizes S-5XL and the balaclava is one-size-fits-all.

Item #ARS

Item #ARH








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Magid T-Rex TRX505 and TRX505WThe TRX505 and TRX505W are the latest offerings in the Magid T-Rex line of impact gloves. They feature a hi-viz green cotton/polyester canvas palm, a hi-viz orange fabric back and TPR impact pads on the back. They are cut & sewn with neoprene cuffs and feature a Kevlar® reinforced thumb

crotch for added durability at a critical wear point. The gloves come in two varieties, standard (TRX505) and cold weather (TRX505W), with thermal fleece insulation and a waterproof liner to keep hands warm and dry. The TRX505 and TRX505W provide ANSI Cut Level 3 Resistance and ANSI Level 3 Puncture Resistance and are ideal for oil & gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), and construction applications.

Magid® ROC® HV100Magid® ROC® HV100 work gloves boost visibility and worker compliance. They feature a hi-viz yellow polyester shell and a soft, flexible hi-viz yellow micro-foam nitrile palm coating to ensure a great grip on small parts, even in wet or oily conditions. The form-fitting, 15-gauge polyester shell offers superior dexterity, breathability and comfort. The silicone-free, low-lint construction also minimizes product contamination. The HV100 provides ANSI Cut Level 1 Cut Resistance and ANSI Level 4 Abrasion Resistance, making it a great fit for assembly, shipping & receiving, material handling and general maintenance applications.

The information contained in Safety Matters is based solely on opinion and/or recommendations of Magid and is not intended to represent and/or warrant compliance with official OSHA requirements. For complete OSHA Federal regulations, the Code of Federal Regulations; and specifically Title 29 C. F. R. Section 1910 for “general industry” and Section 1926 for “construction” are available for sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-4328.

© 2014 Magid. Safety Matters® is a registered trademark of Magid. This newsletter is printed on recycled paper.

For more information on these or any products visit

Magid has developed and is introducing two new high-visibility work gloves: the GPD525HV glove and the GPD545HV glove. The two styles combine bright colors, breathable knit materials and polyurethane palm coatings for excellent

visibility, durability, comfort and grip. The new D-ROC gloves are available in ANSI

Cut Level 2 (GPD525HV) and ANSI Cut Level 4 (GPD545HV) to provide

customers with two high-viz options, based on their application and

level of cut protection required. The GPD525HV uses Magid’s

proprietary DuraBlend™ material for a comfortable

and cost-effective cut-resistant work glove. The GPD545HV is

made with an HPPE fiber blend to offer an even higher level of cut resistance and durability, while maintaining excellent dexterity and grip.

The GPD525HV is ideal for assembly, appliance manufacturing, automotive assembly, maintenance and material handling, while the GPD545HV provides added protection making it an excellent choice for automotive manufacturing, construction and metal handling, fabrication and stamping as well.

Both gloves feature a color-coded overcast edge to act as a visual aid for sizing after washing and reduce fraying. Available in sizes 5-12 and both are machine washable for longer use.

Be Seen and Be Safe—Two New High-Visibility Gloves from Magid