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  • Safety Evaluation of Physical Human-RobotInteraction via Crash-Testing

    Sami Haddadin, Alin Albu-Schaffer, Gerd HirzingerInstitute of Robotics and Mechatronics

    DLR - German Aerospace CenterP.O. Box 1116, D-82230 Wessling, Germany

    {sami.haddadin, alin.albu-schaeffer, gerd.hirzinger}

    Abstract The light-weight robots developed at the GermanAerospace Center (DLR) are characterized by their low inertialproperties, torque sensing in each joint and a load to weight ratiosimilar to humans. These properties qualify them for applicationsrequiring high mobility and direct interaction with human usersor uncertain environments. An essential requirement for such arobot is that it must under no circumstances pose a threat to thehuman operator. To actually quantify the potential injury riskemanating from the manipulator, impact test were carried outusing standard automobile crash-test facilities at the ADAC1. Inour evaluation we focused on unexpected rigid frontal impacts,i.e. injuries e.g. caused by sharp edges are excluded. Severalinjury mechanisms and so called Severity Indices are evaluatedand discussed with respect to their adaptability to physicalhuman-robotic interaction.


    The desired coexistence of robotic systems and humans inthe same physical domain, by sharing the same workspaceand actually cooperating in a physical manner, poses the veryfundamental problem of ensuring safety to the user and therobot.

    Safety in terms of industrial robots usually consists ofisolating the workspace of the manipulator from the one ofhuman beings by a safety guard with locked safety doors orlight barriers [1]. Once the safety door is opened or the lightbarrier is crossed, the robot is stopped immediately.

    On the other hand an increasing interest has recently beenobserved in domestic and industrial service robots, charac-terized by desirable, and under certain circumstances evenunavoidable physical interaction [2], [3], [4]. Therefore, a re-sulting essential requirement is to guarantee safety for humanusers in regular operation mode as well as in possible faultmodes.

    This requirement necessitates a quantification of potentialdanger by an objective measure of injury severity. Once itis possible to correlate the behavior of the robot with anestimation of the resulting injury, it has to be guaranteed thatthe actions of the robot cannot cause an exceedance of a safemaximum value if physical contact with the robot occurs.

    According to ISO-10218, which defines new collaborativeoperation requirements for industrial robots [5], one of the fol-lowing conditions always has to be fulfilled: The TCP2/flange

    1German Automobile Club2Tool CenterPoint

    velocity needs to be 0.25m/s, the maximum dynamic power 80W, or the maximum static force 150N. However, thesevalues are not derived from real human impact experiments orany biomechanical analysis but base on heuristics, intendingto give a human the possibility to actively avoid dangeroussituations. Up to now there do not exist any injury indicestailored to the needs of robotics and those borrowed fromother fields (e.g. the Head Injury Criterion (HIC) [6], [7])were mainly evaluated in simulation so far. Further approachesare outlined in [8], [9], [10], but the importance of humanbiomechanics was barely investigated. To fill this gap wedecided to measure the potential danger emanating from theDLR lightweight robot III (LWRIII) by impact tests at acertified crash-test facility. These tests were conducted at theCrash-Test Center of the German Automobile Club ADAC.The robot was commanded to move on a predefined trajectoryand hit various dummy body parts at TCP velocities up to2m/s. Based on the outcome of these experiments we can drawsome general conclusions related to potential danger of robots,depending on their mass and velocity.

    In our evaluation we concentrated on unexpected impactsof a smooth surface related to the three body regions head,neck, and chest. Injury mechanisms caused by sharp toolsor similar injury sources were not taken into consideration,since these mechanisms cannot be measured with standardcrash-test dummies. To evaluate the resulting injury severitythe European testing protocol EuroNCAP was applied. Theresults of several injury criteria for head, neck, and chestweremeasured by the ADAC and will be presented in the paper.Because an overview of commonly used Severity Indices ismissing in robotics, a short presentation on them will be givenas well. The most prominent index for the head is the HeadInjury Criterion [11] which was already introduced to roboticsin [6], [7] and used as a basis for new actuation concepts [12],[13].

    As mentioned above, work that has been carried out upto now in the field of physical human-robot interaction wasmainly based on simulations. These contributions indicatedhigh potential injury of humans by means of HIC, alreadyat a robot speed of1m/s. This also perfectly matched to thecommon sense expectation that a robot moving at maximalspeed (e.g. due to malfunction) can cause high impact injury.In this sense the paper presents very surprising and striking

  • results.Moreover, one of the main contributions of this paper isthe first experimental evaluation of HIC in standard crash-test facilities. Additionally to the impact evaluation it willbe shown that even with an ideally fast (physical) collisiondetection one is not able to react fast enough to a stiff collision(e.g. head) in order to decrease the effect of the contact forcesfor link inertias similar or larger to the ones of the LWRIII.

    In Section II the evaluated injury limits and measures aredefined and briefly explained, followed by the description ofthe testing setup in Section III. Consecutively, experimentalresults are presented in Section IV. The following evaluationand discussion lead to a number of surprising and quite generalconclusions outlined in Section V.


    Before actually introducing the definition of evaluatedSeverity Indices, an intuitive and internationally establisheddefinition of injury level will be given.

    A. The Abbreviated Injury Scale


    0 None None

    1 Minor Superficial Injury

    2 Moderate Recoverable

    3 Serious Possibly recoverable

    4 Severe Not fully recoverable without care

    5 Critical Not fully recoverable with care

    6 Fatal Unsurvivable



    A definition of injury level developed by the AAAM3 andthe AMA4 is the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) [14]. Itsubdivides the observed level of injury into seven categoriesfrom noneto fatal and provides a very intuitive classification(see Tab.I). Of course this classification gives no hinthow tomeasure possible injury, this is provided by so called SeverityIndices.

    B. EuroNCAP

    The ADAC crash-tests are carried out according to theEuroNCAP5 which is based on the Abbreviated Injury Scale.The EuroNCAP, inspired by the American NCAP, is a manu-facturer independent crash-test program uniting the Europeanministries of transport, automobile clubs and underwritingassociations with respect to their testing procedures andevaluations [15]. The outcome of the tests, specified in theprogram, is a scoring of the measured results via a sliding scalesystem. Upper and lower limits for the injury potentials aremostly defined such that they correlate to a certain probability

    3Association for theAdvancement ofAutomotiveMedicine4AmericanMedicalAssociation5EuropeanNationalCar AssessmentProtocol

    of AIS 3 (see e.g. Fig.5,6). Between these two valuesthe corresponding score (injury potential) is calculated bylinear interpolation. A standardized color code indicatesinjurypotential and is given in Tab.II.

    Colorcode Color Injury potential

    Red Very high

    Brown High

    Orange Medium

    Yellow Low

    Green Very low



    Since standard dummy equipment enables the measurementof Severity Indices for the head, neck and chest, those onesevaluated by our tests at the crash-test facilities will nowbedefined.

    C. Injury Criteria For The Head

    According to [16] most research carried out in connexionswith automobile crash-testing distinguishes two types of headloadings:

    1) Direct Interaction:An impact or blow involving a colli-sion of the head with another solid object at appreciablevelocity. This situation is generally characterized bylarge linear accelerations and small angular accelerationsduring the impact phase.

    2) Indirect Interaction: An impulse loading including asudden head motion without direct contact. The loadis generally transmitted through the head-neck junctionupon sudden changes in the motion of the torso and isassociated with large angular accelerations of the head.

    Since the potential danger is disproportionately higher bydirect interaction, this work will concentrate on the firstpotential injury source.

    Especially for the head quite many criteria for type 1interactions are available. Their major theoretical basisisthe so called WSTC6, a fundamental experimental injurytolerance curve forming the underlying biomechanical dataofall presented head criteria. The limit values of the followinginjury criteria are defined in the EuroNCAP protocol. For thehead they represent a5% probability of occurringAIS 3injury.

    1) Head Injury Criterion: The most frequently used headSeverity Index is the Head Injury Criterion [11], defined as

    HIC36 = maxt








    ||xH ||2dt

    )( 52)}

    650 (1)

    t = t2 t1 tmax = 36ms.

    ||xH || is the resulting acceleration of the human head7 andhas to be measured ing = 9.81m/s2. The optimization