safetreatmentsforasthma · techniques to prevent, treat, and manage asthma symptoms. whether you...

Copyright©2012 is a website that is dedicated to asthma sufferers, their family and friends. It discusses the latest techniques to prevent, treat, and manage asthma symptoms. Whether you want to learn more about seasonal asthma or the latest research about childhood asthma. It contains answers to the frequently asked questions about medical treatments and natural asthma remedies. The author, Lynn Versailles, is a registered nurse and lifetime sufferer of asthma. She has fifteen years of patient care and over four decades of dealing with asthma. Natural Treatments For Asthma 1

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Page 1: Safetreatmentsforasthma · techniques to prevent, treat, and manage asthma symptoms. Whether you want to learn more about seasonal asthma or the latest research about childhood asthma

Copyright©2012 is a website that is dedicated to asthma sufferers, their family and friends. It discusses the latest techniques to prevent, treat, and manage asthma symptoms.

Whether you want to learn more about seasonal asthma or the latest research about childhood asthma. It contains answers to the frequently asked questions about medical treatments and natural asthma remedies.

The author, Lynn Versailles, is a registered nurse and lifetime sufferer of asthma. She has fifteen years of patient care and over four decades of dealing with asthma.

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Have you or has anyone you know been diagnosed with asthma? If so, you may be a

little confused by the questions that no one seems to be able to answer.

Most asthma sufferers are familiar with the inhalers and medication prescribed by their

doctors for the treatment of wheezing and shortness of breath that accompany an

asthmatic episode. While these medications are typically effective in treating symptoms,

there are people who may prefer a more natural approach to asthma relief.

As you will discover as you read through this book, one of the reasons that asthma

sufferers often find themselves left in the dark about their condition is that although the

basic definition of asthma is very straightforward, almost everything else about the

condition is not.

For this reason, although I would recommend that you try as many of the natural

treatments for asthma, I would not necessarily recommend that you throw away the

rescue inhaler that you carry in your pocket for emergencies.

All of the natural treatments that will be recommended are primarily targeted at

replacing as many of the drugs that you take daily to deal with your breathing problems.

Consequently, in this book I’m going to answer as many asthma related questions as

possible. Then, I will introduce a variety of natural treatments that have been shown to

be effective to treat asthma.

Lynn Versailles, RN, Asthma Coach

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Do Natural Treatments For Asthma Work?

Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways in the lungs. The two main components of

asthma are airway constriction and inflammation. Together, constriction and inflammation

result in narrowing of the airways in the lungs, which results in trouble breathing.

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person; early morning or late night

coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, anxiety and shortness of breath are all


There are lots of natural solutions that you can apply to reduce the severity of your

asthma problem. Before going any further, there is one thing to remember…

Natural Remedies Are Everywhere

Asthma reflects the health of the lungs, the immune system, and the

adrenal glands so this means that alternative asthma treatment has to work

both on the lungs and on the immune system.

When it comes to asthma, the best first line treatment is always lifestyle

and environmental changes. Removing the influences that can trigger

asthma symptoms is the best first course of action. Keeping a clean environment can

help with specific environmental allergen triggers.

There are many natural and homeopathic treatments which are very effective in

controlling asthma. Asthma can be treated with natural products and herbs because they

are safe, cheaper and free from side effects. These applications can go a long way in

managing your asthma symptoms so that you can enjoy life normally and naturally.

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Learning some key asthma self-help tips can help you keep your asthma under control so

that it doesn’t interfere with your daily life. Since asthma is triggered or worsened by so

many things, there are many things that you can do to lessen the frequency and severity

of the symptoms.

Treating Asthma Is A Two-Stage Process

As with any medical condition, if you think that you or perhaps your child is showing

signs of asthma, you should seek a professional diagnosis immediately. There is never

any harm in seeking medical advice, as it is always far better to know exactly what the

diagnosis is as opposed to guessing.

Treatment for asthma should be done under the guidance of a doctor and should be

planned carefully. The key lies in recognizing the triggers and managing the condition

such that you are in control of the situation.

The first step is to create an asthma management plan with the help of your doctor. Once

you have consulted your medical professional and have been diagnosed with asthma, you

can begin treatment. It is likely that your doctor will propose an asthma action plan that

addresses the many issues involved in controlling your condition.

It is also likely that your doctor will suggest a two stage method for treating your

condition using pharmaceutical drugs. In general terms, this involves two different types

of drugs. One is an emergency, quick relief solution for when an asthma attack strikes,

while the other will help to control and prevent asthma over the longer term .

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Step 1: Control Asthma Symptoms For The Short Term

Over the years, asthma medications have been extremely effective in relieving

symptoms. Depending upon your long-term asthma management plan and the severity

of your condition, specific drugs and treatment will be prescribed to immediately stop

breathing problems. This is adjusted to meet your needs.

For your safety, you will always need an inhaler to relieve wheezing and

shortness of breath. Furthermore, when you go through different

situations in your life such as a change of climate, your medications will

need to reflect these changes.

Step 2: Prevent Symptoms For The Long Term

The general approach to controlling asthma with pharmaceutical drugs remains the

same. This includes using a long-term, preventative drug to control symptoms before

they happen and having a short-term, rescue inhaler to terminate an asthma attack

when one does occur. One of the reasons that the long-term drugs have so

many potentially unpleasant side-effects is the cumulative effect of taking

the drugs every day.

Many People Want A More Natural Solution

It should be no surprise that some asthmatics yearn for more than medicine and its side

effects. The adverse side effects from these longer-term drugs are far greater than the

ones from the short term drugs. Any drug introduced to the body has the potential for

unpleasant side effects. It ranges from short term reactions, such as nausea, to long

term ones such as permanent damage from steroids use.

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There has been ongoing controversy in the medical community regarding the safety and

advisability of steroid use. While they may be life-saving, there is concern that the

steroids may cause irreversible damage such as muscle weakness and bone loss.

For this reason, many choose a natural remedy to avoid side effects.

At the same time, in the worst case scenario, asthma can turn into a dangerous situation

that can actually kill. It is therefore unwise to try to treat every aspect of your asthma

condition with entirely natural treatments. In the event of a sudden, severe asthma

attack, these treatments are unlikely to be effective.

Natural remedies should be a way to supplement your treatment plan rather than replace

it. Under your doctor’s guidance, you can find a natural way to defeat your asthma

symptoms. Due to the risk of side effects, it makes sense to treat your asthma condition

naturally before turning completely to pharmaceutical drugs.

Trial And Error Is The Key To Finding The Right Treatment

Every asthma sufferer is different. And it therefore follows that what is effective for one

person in curbing the severity (or even getting rid of) asthma symptoms might be

completely ineffective for someone else. In short, a natural remedy that has proven to

work for some people may not necessarily work for you.

Given that every asthma sufferer reacts to treatments in different ways and many of

these natural methods have been proven to work, you should try a natural remedy on a

trial and error basis. If you follow a trial and error program, you should do so by

sampling only one idea, suggestion, or treatment plan at a time. It can only be done by

testing one idea at a time so that you can establish what works for you.

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If you try combining three or four suggestions together at the same time, you will no

idea which asthma remedy is the one that is beneficial for you. For example, if you want

to try an asthma herb, try it for two weeks and notice the difference.

Try as many of the proposed solutions or ideas as possible, run with

each of them for a few days or a week. At the end of that time, re-

assess your condition and situation to establish how successful you

have been.

What you do for short and long term treatment of your condition will depend upon how

serious your asthma attacks are. If they are serious enough, you may still need to use a

nebulizer. But you may be able to supplement with a natural remedy so that you don’t

have to rely on your medication as much.

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Common Natural Asthma Remedies

Air Cleaners Improve Air Quality

Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air

outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air. Besides the

pollutants that you can smell, there are allergens that you are not aware of but can affect

your breathing.

The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a good air

purifier or cleaner. An air purifier is a device that cleans the air by

removing allergens and other irritants from the air. It assists in air

purification by trapping pollutants and contaminants and leaving good

quality air. Air purifiers are very beneficial for people suffering from

allergies and asthma by removing triggering agents.

Another excellent choice for those who suffer from asthma is to remain in a clean

environment. You can control the quality of air in your home by removing substances

such as dust mites and pet allergens before they can do harm. The places that should be

cleaned most regularly are bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. These places are the war

zones for asthma sufferers and should be inspected daily. By keeping surfaces clean and

dry, you can control most of these issues.

Add Humidity To Every Room

People suffering from asthma are known to be very sensitive to changes in humidity and

temperature. When people inhale, they tend to breathe through the mouth and take dry

and cold air directly into the lungs. Since the mouth was used for breathing, the nose did

not have the chance to make the air warm and humid for the airways. This results in

irritated lungs that constrict in response to the cold.

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The most common treatment for this is to stop the activity and add heat and humidity,

such as a warm bath or sauna. An air humidifier can help to bring moisture into the air

and open up lung airways.

Just taking one single warm shower everyday can make a massive difference to your

ability to resist the worst effects of asthma. It can add heat and humidity to your lungs

and allow them to relax.

Breathing Exercises To Build Lung Strength

Breathing exercises are great to strengthen and relax the muscles of lungs. During the

asthma attack this proves to be very useful. It reduces the nerve activity in the airways

that causes the constriction during the attack. It also helps the air passages of the lungs

to breathe easier and stabilize the nervous systems.

Daily treatments to prevent asthma attacks should include meditation and breathing

exercises to strengthen the lungs and diaphragm. You can exercise regularly to keep fit

and this will help to strengthen your heart as well as lungs.

Breathing exercises are a fantastic way to help manage your asthma.

By getting your breathing into a pattern, you can build the strength of

your lungs, limit attacks, and bring your symptoms under control.

Breathing exercise can also help you to breathe normally and relieve

the anxiety that come with an attack.

The main focus for breathing exercises is for you to be able to regain control of your

respiratory system. It is well understood that if you can consciously breathe normally, it

relaxes the muscles around your lungs and make breathing easier.

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Stress Management Techniques To Relieve Anxiety

Asthma and stress can be a bad combination. If you suffer from chronic disease, learning

asthma stress management will enable you to better control your symptoms. If you can

handle the anxiety, you will be prepared to weather the storm. Asthma symptoms can be

managed quickly if you know how. By effectively addressing your triggers and calmly

resolving your breathing issues, you can shorten the duration and severity of the


One of the most difficult aspects of asthma is the unpredictability factor. When you don’t

have a clear understanding of when an attack is likely to occur, it can be huge contributor

to stress. Besides formal stress management techniques, you can learn some relatively

simple activities at home to help you to relax and relieve stress.

When you have a better idea of when an episode is likely to occur, you have a better

grasp of the situation. Being caught off guard is less likely to contribute to your stress

level. Thankfully, you can make the necessary changes to your environment to either

reduce stress or avoid an attack altogether.

Proper asthma management requires that you have a keen knowledge of your triggers.

Controlled, calm breathing is especially useful to learn and can help you to relax during

an attack. Other stress management techniques include the following:

▪ Visualization

▪ Meditation

▪ Biofeedback

▪ Hypnosis

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A Natural Asthma Diet Is Best

Asthma sufferers can also make healthy changes to their diets which can minimize

asthma symptoms. Beyond avoiding known dietary triggers such as food allergies,

nutritional supplements can add balance. Vitamins and minerals can go a long way

toward minimizing asthma attacks.

An Asthma Diet For Health And Strength

For optimal health, you should eat a well-balanced diet for wellness and

strength. If you want to maximize the effectiveness of this particular

natural treatment, you can combine it with other natural herbs or


Nutritional deficiencies in a diet can cause you to have a weakened system which isn’t

able to effectively defend against environmental triggers. A diet that is filled with fresh

fruits and vegetables, high in omega-3 fatty acids, and loaded with antioxidants is

beneficial to anyone. But it can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from


Be careful to avoid foods that have proven to trigger attacks. It is easier to avoid an

asthma attack if certain foods are avoided as soon as they have been identified as a


Read labels and always check ingredients to ensure you are avoiding foods that might

cause breathing difficulties.

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Basic Guidelines

An asthma diet is well-balanced and has the right vitamins and minerals is your ace in

the hole. Besides avoiding foods that are known to be asthma triggers, it is also

important to have foods that will boost the immune and respiratory systems.

All of these foods mentioned below provide a great source of vitamins and nutrients.

They help an asthma sufferer control symptoms by keeping the lungs lubricated, increase

amino acids which are anti-allergic for asthmatics, and so on. Thus, you should base your

asthma diet on the following guidelines:

• Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, ideally raw, but steamed if they have to be

cooked; Go easy on the red meats,

• Low Fat - Keep an eye on your fat consumption, because a low-fat diet is by far

more preferable than one that is high in fats;

• Include garlic, onion, and ginger but resist the temptation to cook

the life out of them, because when you do, you also cook out the

health and goodness;

• Frequently include bananas, grapes, oranges, bitter gourds and spinach.

• Include omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish like sardines and salmon.

These fatty acids are proven to have anti-inflammatory benefits. If you can do so,

it will significantly reduce both the toxins and mucus in your body, thereby

reducing the chances of asthma attacks.

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A tall glass of water could be your ally if you're asthmatic. Researchers at the University

at Buffalo (UB) discovered that the symptoms of people with exercise-induced asthma

got worse, both before and during exercise, when they didn't drink enough water.

Dehydration is a powerful enemy when you have asthma. Your body has to work harder

to humidify the lungs so that they work properly. You should drink the suggested eight to

ten glasses a day to stay hydrated.


Honey is believed to be effective for reducing the incidence of asthma attacks. It is more

potent when it is combined with a natural antioxidant such as cinnamon powder or

turmeric extract.

If you prefer to take honey on its own, then one teaspoon every day is

enough to provide relief from the worst effects of asthma. You can

consume a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoonful of cinnamon either

first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

Alternatively, you can heat a teaspoon of honey so that it is really warm. Once it is

heated, you can mix it with a quarter teaspoonful of turmeric powder and drink this

potion twice every day. One other thing that you might try is to hold a jar of honey under

the nose of someone who is suffering an asthma attack. In some cases, this can help to

ease the sufferer’s breathing by freeing up their airways. Eventually, this simple action

will make it easier to pull air into the lungs.

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However, in this last situation, I would still nevertheless make sure that you have a

rescue inhaler in hand. Just in case this particular method doesn’t work in this

emergency situation, you should have medical help available.


Garlic can help alleviate most of the symptoms of asthma. Since the active ingredients

that give garlic its natural pungent aroma are also powerful natural anti-inflammatory

agents. They can help to reduce the inflammation that is characteristic of asthma.

In order to use garlic most effectively (and least offensively), boil 10 cloves of garlic in

half a pint of water for 5 to 10 minutes before drinking the liquid. While boiling the garlic

will remove a good degree of the natural pungency of this vegetable, it will still

nevertheless linger on your breath. So I would recommend that you drink this last thing

before you go to bed if you do not want to destroy your social life completely!

Alternatively, try making a brew of ginger tea before adding two cloves of garlic to your

cup. This combines two of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory substances

known to man in one drink. So by quaffing a cup of garlic-infused ginger tea first thing in

the morning and last thing at night, you should once again be able to reduce the worst

effects of asthma.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another substance that is believed to have anti-inflammatory

qualities. You can either take a teaspoonful (it can be very bitter or sour) before every

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meal, or you can drop two tablespoons into a glass of warm water every day.

Black Coffee

While it might seem a little counterintuitive to drink a caffeine-rich

beverage like black coffee, it is very beneficial. The caffeine in the

drink makes it valuable in fighting asthma. Caffeine is a powerful

anti-inflammatory agent and drinking black coffee can provide a

significant boost to your immune system. It can increase the ability

of your body to withstand the worst inflammation that is associated

with asthma attacks.

Caffeine is chemically related to theophylline, a drug used to treat asthma. When you

have an asthma attack, the muscles around your airways tighten up and your passages

swell, making it difficult to breathe. Caffeine helps relax your bronchial tubes so your

airways stay open. Research shows that caffeine can help improve symptoms for up to

four hours.

Foods That Are Bad For Asthma

Asthmatics should be careful about food and they might have to eliminate certain foods

from the diet. Asthma specialists can help to identify specific asthma triggers and

dieticians and nutritionists can then create a special diet programs that are specialized

for asthmatics. At the same time they can make sure that sufferers still receive important


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Wheat (gluten) based products

Removing wheat-based products from your diet should also provide your breathing ability

with a significant boost. Cakes, biscuits, and commercially baked white flour bread should

all be removed from your diet if it is possible. They are highly processed foods with little

nutritional value. Although you may not like to read this, these foods can suppress your

immune system and cause your body to work slowly and less efficiently.

Dairy Produce

Many asthma sufferers find that cutting down or removing dairy produce

from their diet altogether provides a significant boost to their efforts to

reduce the worst effects of asthma. There are many different reasons why

this might be the case.

Milk-based products encourage the production of mucus – if you drink full-fat milk, you

can almost feel it happening as you drink. The last thing that any asthma sufferer needs

is a foodstuff that increases mucus production. Asthmatics already have enough

problems with their own natural abilities to produce more mucus.

Basically, for many asthma sufferers, cutting out wheat products and dairy produce is

something that helps their breathing. It is therefore something that you should consider

if you have not already done so.

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Herbs To Supplement Your Asthma Diet

In addition to natural foods and herbs, one of the most effective ways of combating

asthma is to make sure that your body is as strong and as healthy as possible.

If you’re trying to deal with asthma, herbal teas are well worth trying. They can help to

reduce the levels of stress and anxiety in your everyday life. They also minimize the

possibility of any kind of allergic reaction that often triggers an asthma attack.

The Power Of Asthma Herbs

For thousands of years ancient cultures used plants and herbs right

out of the fields and forests. They avoided the horrible side

effects of today's medicine, as well as the creation of "super

bacteria" that have grown imperious to our drugs.

In addition to ginger tea with its powerful anti-inflammatory

characteristics, it is often suggested that chamomile and mint tea can help asthmatics.

By drinking relaxing herbal teas such as chamomile or mint tea, you can provide a

significant boost in your efforts to defeat asthma naturally.

Most devotees of herbal teas suggest that both chamomile and mint have the ability to

assist asthmatics. They not only relax anyone who takes them on a regular basis, but

they also have anti-allergenic qualities as well. It is also suggested that both of these

herbs can soothe your lymph nodes. And this helps to reduce the chances of suffering an

asthma attack.

Other herbs that are believed to have anti-asthmatic effects are sage and lemon balm.

Both of these are believed to have significant healing powers.

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Asthma Herbs To Cook With

Asthma herbs are an alternative way to deal with your breathing issues without adding

more chemicals into your body. Although asthma itself is not a contagious disease,

research has shown that viruses can play an active role in causing asthma attacks. The

following herbs have anti-viral and antibacterial properties which makes them very

valuable to an asthma sufferer:

Oregano: It is believed that the antioxidant abilities of the natural chemicals in oregano

are up to 20 times more powerful than those of any other herb. It also has strong

microbial characteristics as well as being a rich source of many of the vitamins that you

need in a balanced diet. Add this to the fact that it contains omega-3 fatty acids and you

have another herb that you should include in your daily diet (it’s great on pizzas and

pasta in particular).

Dill: Dill is another herb with antioxidant qualities that also provides a significant source

of calcium, thereby protecting against bone loss. It is also a rich source of trace minerals

such as manganese, magnesium, and iron, all of which you need as part of a healthy diet

to fight asthma.

Tarragon: Tarragon is a member of the dandelion and daisy family, a herb that is once

again extremely rich in antioxidants, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Furthermore, it helps to strengthen your immune system and to protect your liver at the

same time.

Rosemary: Rosemary stimulates your immune system, enhances circulation, and

improves your digestion. It also contains the kind of anti-inflammatory compounds that

you need to fight asthma. Add this to the fact that it contains polyphenols which are

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widely recognized as the most effective natural antiviral and antimicrobial compounds.

You can see that rosemary is a very powerful herb indeed which can play a vital role in

your fight against asthma.

Motherwort: Motherwort is a herb that is highly effective for opening up the airways

naturally, as well as having the ability to relax. Anyone who takes it should have less

stress and anxiety which can aggravate asthma.

All of the herbs listed above can help in your fight against asthma. However, herbs by

themselves are not a magic bullet that will get rid of your problem overnight. On the

other hand, by increasing the amount of herbs you take on a daily basis and following

the other dietary guidelines in this report, you will be doing a great deal to boost your

body’s ability to combat asthma.

Herbal Supplements To Boost Your Health

We probably all know that if we at a perfectly balanced diet, we will get all of the

vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients we need. For many of us in the helter-skelter of

everyday life, it is a truly difficult to eat such a perfect diet.

If you suspect that your daily diet is in any way unbalanced or somehow

deficient, you should consider taking a multivitamin every day. If your

diet does not provide the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals

required for consistent good health, you will need to supplement for

optimal health.

If you do so, you will have a better change against an asthma attack. The vitamins that

are most effective in keeping asthma at bay are B6 and B12, which are best combined

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with folic acid for maximum asthma fighting effect. On the other hand, you should avoid

taking too much vitamin C, magnesium, or excessive amounts of fish-based products

which may contain Omega-6. They were discovered as potential triggers of asthma.

While implementing asthma herbs, it is important to maintain regular doctor visits. You

can remain firm in your insistence to treat the condition with asthma herbs. However,

your progress should be monitored. It is also important to keep your doctor informed of

all herbs that you use so that there is no conflict between prescribed medicines and

natural remedies.

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Grow Your Own Herbal Garden At Home

If you are considering asthma herbs as part of your treatment, there are a few things to

know beforehand. Getting the right information before you invest can help you choose

your herbal remedy or supplement wisely.

Are you interested in growing your own herbs at home? If you are looking for an easy to

grow herbs in your garden or kitchen, you can get an herb growing kit.

I have discovered this wonderful kit and felt it would be a great addition to anyone who

wants to use natural remedies to relieve asthma symptoms. This kit includes everything

you need to make your own herbal tinctures (extracts) and salves so you can learn how

to create your own herbal remedies.

With the Herbal Medicine Making Kit, you'll receive a DVD that

walks you step by step through the whole process. The DVD gives

you a basic foundation and a place to start in learning to make

herbal remedies. The Instruction Guide is printed in full color, and

designed to be used in the kitchen as you make your remedies.

This way you do not have to take notes while you view the DVD.

The other great thing is that the Instruction Guide and DVD cover are printed on 100%

recycled paper with vegetable inks. The Box and paper packaging material contain 50%

recycled material.

For more information about the Herbal Medicine Making Kit, visit

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Less Common Natural Asthma Treatments

The homoeopathic way of treating any medical condition is to treat the whole person.

Every illness is treated as if the symptoms are something that is wrong with the whole

person rather than being the problem in itself.

There are for reports that using homoeopathy to deal with asthma resulted in some

individuals developing enhanced immune systems. This enabled them to fight against

the disease completely naturally without any further external assistance.


Acupuncture (the word comes from the Latin words acus, meaning needle, and pungere,

meaning to puncture) is a very old system of medicine. It is not clear where acupuncture

originates from, but it has been most closely associated with China.

Acupuncture Brings Harmony

In acupuncture, very narrow needles are inserted into the skin at certain points in the

body. The needles are said to correct a disharmony in the flow of energy through the

body, a disharmony that is said to be the cause of disease. Traditionally, Western

medicine has several theories about how acupuncture works (e.g., it may stimulate the

release of natural pain relievers) but has not yet completely explained it.

Can Acupuncture Help Someone Who Suffers From Asthma?

That seems to depend on your point of view. If you feel that illness is

caused by disruption in energy flow, the only reasonable answer is: try it

and find out.

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Yoga has helped in curing and preventing many diseases. The poses and asanas

stimulate the vital organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma is a very common

problem. It is basically shortness of breath due to the chronic lung condition. Even kids

are not spared by this disease.

When you suffer from wheezing, coughing, and heaviness in the chest, it causes blockage

in your lungs. During asthma attack, a lack of oxygen can lead to breathing problems. By

doing the required asanas, you can fight back.

Yoga can improve your asthma condition due to the free flow of air. By

continuously practicing yoga you can leave your medications at bay.

Asthma attacks would lessen with the increase of yoga practice. The

breathing exercises are very useful to open up your lungs for fresh air.

Similarly, yoga helps asthmatics putting the sufferer in control of their breathing and

mind. It combats stressful thoughts, which can make asthma worse. Yoga relieves

asthma and allergies by using gentle postures, mediation, breathing exercises and diet.

The objective is to tone the body, align the spine, and to use the lungs to its full capacity.

After regular use, you can have an increased sense of spirituality and awareness of mind

and body. This will allow you to better control your breathing and deal with asthma


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Halotherapy or Speleotherapy

Have you ever enjoyed that wonderful feeling when you’re standing next to the ocean,

clearing your nostrils with the salt laden air of the sea?

If you have, then you probably already appreciate that inhaling salt-enriched air is a very

effective way of improving your breathing. It works exactly the same way if your

breathing is impeded by asthma.

You might want to consider the idea of getting a salt inhaler, a device with which you can

inhale air that passes over see or mountain crystal salt.

During Halotherapy treatment, an individual inhales salt particles in the air

(salt aerosol). Concentration of the salt aerosol are similar to the natural ones

found in salt mines. The inhalation of hypertonic saline increases the clearance

of mucus from the airways and improves lung function. This treatment

protects the lungs from asthma symptoms by decreasing mucus production

and improves the overall health of lungs.

Obviously, the device works on exactly the same principle as does the ancient ‘folk’

remedy. It clears the worst effects of cold or flu by inhaling the fumes from hot salt

water. It is a variation of a remedy that has been used since ancient times.

Indeed, salt therapy was recommended by Hippocrates, who is generally considered to

be the father of modern medicine over 2000 years ago, so it can hardly be said to be a

new idea.

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Asthma Management Using Natural Remedies

Asthma homoeopathy takes the view that in order to treat asthma correctly, you must

treat the sufferer’s whole body at the same time, as you cannot isolate one single part

from the whole. The homoeopathic approach aims to tap into the body’s own ability to

heal itself.

When any adult or child suffers an asthma attack, he or she should be treated with a

nebulizer which gives a quick ‘blast’ of inhaled drug. Any such attack comes on because

something has triggered it so the homoeopathic approach to asthma is that this trigger is

not only part of the illness, but also part of the cure.

At the same time, even homoeopathic practitioners who specialize in treating asthma

understand that there is no one treatment that works very well for everyone because

every individual asthma case is different.

Asthma is a terrible problem that is suffered by many millions of people all over the

world. For many sufferers, it is a condition that is at best debilitating and scary, and at

worst, it can be fatal. If you suspect that you have asthma problem, you should visit a

medical professional for a diagnosis of asthma. After that, you have choices to make.

Many drugs that are prescribed for long-term control of asthma can have some very

unpleasant side effects. Alternatively the vast majority of natural treatments has no evil


Nevertheless, over the long-term, adopting a natural approach can be a sensible way of

dealing with your asthma problem. If the symptoms are mild, natural remedies may

prevent future attacks. Asthma management is about controlling your symptoms before

they control you.

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More Information On Asthma Products

Even though asthma is difficult, it can be successfully controlled with the right kind of

therapy. There are ways to control the illness and keep symptoms at bay. If you want to

learn about different types of medical treatments and natural remedies, take a peek at:

Air Cleaners Can Stop Your Worst Asthma Attacks

Using Air Humidifiers To Breathe Easy

Allergy Bedding Prevents Asthma Symptoms

Allergy Control Products That Help Relieve Asthma Symptoms

Choosing Allergy Cleaning Products To Ease Your Asthma Symptoms

Using Asthma Herbs To Prevent And Treat Attacks

Using Asthma Products For Daily Help

Dust and Pollen Masks Can Prevent Symptoms From Outdoor Allergies

Using Dust Mite Covers To Protect Your Home Against Allergens

Mold And Mildew Products To Properly Clean Your Home

Finding The Right Pet Allergy Control Product For Your Family

The Benefits Of HEPA Vacuum Cleaners For Asthma

Most people find fewer problems with the disease when they find a treatment plan that is

suited to their lifestyle. Any asthma treatment that has been prescribed by a physician

should always be taken as ordered, even if there are no symptoms.

For more information on asthma symptoms, treatment plans, and preventative care, visit While there is no cure for asthma, you have the ability to

control it so that you can breathe symptom-free.

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