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Sadra Sepehri D block 12/12/2011 What is Global Warming? What is Global Warming? 1

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What is Global Warming?What is Global Warming?


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Global Warming is the gradual increase in the temperature of Earth

“Evidence continues to build that the world is slowly but surely getting warmer.”- James Hansen 

Earth temperature has warmed up by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900


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How are human activities causing global warming?

Burning fossil fuels release CO2 in atmosphere.

More CO2 means “thicker” atmosphere and that means more CO2, more heat, is trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Coal burning plants produce 2.5 billion tons of CO2every year

Automobiles create nearly1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually

1 gallon of gas is equal to 19 pounds of CO2

Other air pollutions also cause global warming3

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How can we reverse the effects of global warming?

We should stop pumping CO2 into Earth’s atmosphere

Economies should start using cleaner carsCountries should use more renewable

energy such as wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, geothermal energy and etc.

Scientists should use technology to cut the amount of carbon dioxide


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Should a national change policy be implemented? Why or why not?International cooperation is needed because

emissions to the atmosphere circulate worldwide.

Benefits of climate change will be worldwide too

Some examples of those benefits are climate stabilization and health

Incentives opportunities and economic opportunities are also ways to stop global warming


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Should a national change policy be implemented? Why or why

not? ( cont.)

United Nation held an earth summit in 1992 ( Rio de Janeiro)

All countries should agree to work together because it is something that affects everyone

Many countries met in Kyoto, Japan and signed an agreement called Kyoto Patrols

U.S and Australia haven’t agreed yet because the are afraid that reduction in energy could harm their economy and make unemployment worse.


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How does Greenhouse emission cause global warming?

The sun’s rays heat the earth’s land and sea and make it livable for humans and other living things

More than one-third of the heat bounces back off the earth’s surface but green house gases capture the heat

Some of the green house gases are carbon dioxide ( most important one), methane (CH4) nitrous Oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), water vapor, halocarbons

The progress is called “green house emission” because it is similar to the way glass traps the heat inside a green house


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Natural green house effect makes a big deference to temperature of our earth

Without it average temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit, but with it average temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit

Green house effect is now stronger and can trap more of sun’s energy


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What are the impacts of global warming?The greatest impact of global warming is the

increase in extreme weather Arctic’s perennial polar ice cap is decreasing

at the rate of 9% per decade


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Global warming doesn’t make hurricanes, but it makes them stronger

Rising sea level will lead to coastal flooding ( Florida, Gulf of Mexico and etc.)

Other great impacts of global warming are more common and intense. For instance, heat waves, rising average air temperature over land and sea, warmer Springs and longer summers


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Career Atmospheric scientist Atmospheric scientists mostly study the atmosphere surrounding our Earth. Also, they analyze the

changes in the atmosphere that might affect the rest of our environment. For example, atmospheric scientists forecast the weather, study the weather in the past years, and examine the current weather

Salary: $55,150- $101,340Trends: Operational meteorologist, Climatologist,

Physical meteorologist Advancements: The American Meteorological

Society (AMS) offers the Certified Consulting Meteorologist professional certification for consulting meteorologists.


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Career (cont.)Experienced meteorologists can advance in

supervisory and governmental jobs, or might work on more complicated forecasting jobs.

Related Careers: Environmental scientist and specialist, Geoscientist and hydrologist


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High School Career academiesHigh School: River Hill High SchoolCareer Academy: Allied Health Academy Reason: I liked to know more information

about the academy that includes Pharmacist. Pharmacist is one of the careers which might be eligible after finishing this academy


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Cornell UniversityIthaca , New YorkYearly tuition of $25,185.00 for New York state

residents and $41,325.00 for non resident studentsThe program requirements are Atmospheric sciences,

Mathematics, statics, computer science, and basic physical science

In 2010,Cornell University had 13,935 under graduates, 3,179 first time degree-seeking freshman, 7,004 graduate enrollments, and 13,885 degree seeking undergraduates


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Community ServiceVolunteered at a nursing home I think that we all should help the elderly

because they were once young and helped others too. We can learn a lot of life lessons by listening to the stories that they will tell us.


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Prior Job Experience

Participated in Babysitting , Clarksville, Maryland, 2103

Worked as a life guard, Columbia Association, 2014-2019

Worked as a Cashier, Giant Pharmacy, 2015-2017

Achievements:• Student of month, Clarksville Middle

School, 2010-2011 school year


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CitingFactory Emissions Resulting in Global Warming.

N.d. Results of Global Warming. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. < ?p=254>.

Global Warming. N.d. Minding the Campus Reforming Our Universities. Center for the American University, 6 Sept. 2011. Web. 4 Dec. 2011.

“Weather Extremes May Be the New Norm.” Map. Los Angles, California: n.p., n.d. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. <>.