sac 3 lance

Commercial impacts are impacts that have effected the natural environment because people have altered it in order to make money. Two examples of this are Farming and Agriculture and Timber harvesting Conservational impacts are impacts that effect the natural environment to try and keep it as natural as possible. Two examples of this impact are fire prevention and revegetation and rehabilitation. Recreational impacts are impacts that effect the environment due to humans enjoying the environment like bushwalking and four wheel driving.

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Page 1: SAC 3 Lance

Commercial impacts are impacts that have effected the natural environment because people have altered it in order to make money. Two examples of this are Farming and Agriculture and Timber harvesting

Conservational impacts are impacts that effect the natural environment to try and keep it as natural as possible. Two examples of this impact are fire prevention and revegetation and rehabilitation.

Recreational impacts are impacts that effect the environment due to humans enjoying the environment like bushwalking and four wheel driving.

Page 2: SAC 3 Lance

The DSE and Parks Victoria have a roll in managing the Grampians National Park.

b. Parks Victoria manages the recreational infrastructure in metropolitan and regional Victoria while protecting the natural and cultural values of park areas.

DSE is responsible for the sustainable management of water resources, climate change, bushfires, public land, forests and ecosystems in the park.

c. The Grampians was declared a national park in 1984

d. The Park stretches 85 kilometres north-south and 45 kilometres east-west at its widest point

e. Some of the flora that you are likely to find in the park are:

Thryptomene, Grampians Bauera, Grampians Boronia, Grampians Bossiaea, Grampians Fringe-myrtle, Grampians Grevillea, Grampians Gum, Grampians Parrot-pea, Grampians Trigger-plant, Rosy Bush-pea, Ribbed Bush-pea, Wedge-leaf Bush-pea, Williamson's Bush-pea, Cassell Grevillea, Mount William Grevillea,Narrow-leaf Trymalium, Hairy Raspwort, Borya species,

Some of the fauna you are likely to find in the park are:

Mammals: (35

mammal species) Koalas, wallabies, kangaroos, bandicoots, possums, gliders, Heath Mouse, Pygmy-possum,Birds: (200 species) Peregrine Falcons, lorikeets, honeyeaters, parrots, cockatoos, babblers, choughs, wrens, robins, fantails, whistlers, blackbirds, pigeons, skylarks, sparrows, goldfinches and starlings.Reptiles: (28 species) Water Skink, Long-necked Tortoise, Copperhead, Eastern Tiger Snake, Red-bellied Black Snake and Eastern Brown Snake.Fish: (12 species) Rainbow and Brown Trout

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Rabbits are small mammals

The rabbit is an introduced species to Australia from England in 1859

Rabbits have a major impact to the natural environment. Rabbits cause millions of dollars worth of damage to crops, They create erosion in the soil because of there digging, eating native plants and they also cause damage to small native trees by ringbarking them causing the tree to die.

Page 4: SAC 3 Lance

For the: Value this thing/groups places on the environment- (describe)

Examples of practise

Cultural Aborigines holds spiritual values, heritage value and cultural values

Recreation users People using the Grampians value the park because they find it relaxing and fun to explore the different environment

Camping, Mountain biking,4 wheel driving

Conservational users Conservational users place a great value on the park

Commercial The environment has a great value to the commercial users they use the land for farming and development.

Housing, Agricultural practices, logging, Mining

Page 5: SAC 3 Lance

Bushwalking Codes of Conduct

Mountain Biking Codes of Conduct

Key Points •Stay on track•Avoid sensitive vegetation like moss and ferns that are easily damaged•Walk softly chose appropriate footwear for the terrain •Observe fire lighting regulations by finding information about the regulations in the state you are travelling to •Keep the fire small ( under 1 meter square) Don’t use rocks as the edge and use existing fire places not a new one.•Use only dead fallen wood not trees that are still standing and dead because they are a habitat for wildlife•Be sure the fire is out

•Ride on roads and management tracks only•Respect the rights of other visitors of the park and allow them to enjoy the park without any interference•If you meet walkers give them the right of way and announce your presence.•Always give horses the right of way•Avoid skidding this causes erosion to the tracks•Stay away from wet muddy areas when they dry up they can leave a channel causing erosion in the next rain•Check before you leave to gain information about the regulations of the park and track closures.

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Minimising impacts caused by recreational use•Walk only on formed tracks and avoid creating new pathways

•Camp only in designated areas and ‘hard’ surfaces

•Consider your group size in relation to the venue you are visiting or the activity you are undertaking

•Use fuel stoves

•Do not remove rocks, ground litter, plant or animals, including seaweed and shells

•Do not light fires on total fire ban days

•Remove all rubbish

•Abide by the catch size regulation when fishing

•Ride bikes and motorcycles and cars on designated roads

•Abide by the codes of conduct

•Plan a safe trip

Minimising impacts caused by commercial use

•Abide by catch size

•Fish in designated fishing areas with appropriate licence

•Protect and maintain species

•Restore plat communities and habitat with revegetation programs

•Establish a whole-farm plan

•Dispose of waste products appropriately

Page 7: SAC 3 Lance

Motorbike riders and Bushwalkers may have conflicts over the use of the park because the Bushwalkers may argue that the Park should not allow Motorbikes into the park because they have a large impact on the parks natural environment because they erode the tracks and destroy vegetation when riding off trails. They may also argue that the motorbikes also destroy the serenity of the natural environment because of the loud noises they make. Then the Motorbike riders may argue that they should also be able to enjoy the natural environment as well and that the bushwalkers cause equal or more damage to the natural environment.

Page 8: SAC 3 Lance

Lance is talking about the impact of the steps and metal hand railing on the track to the pinnacle. This could be conservational because they track promotes people to walk on it instead of making there own

The positives of the impact Lance mentions is that there is a section of the track that is raised above the ground allowing the vegetation to be relatively undisturbed. The negatives of the track is that the vegetation has been altered to place the steps and handrails in place and no vegetation can grow on the track.

Recreational users contribute to the impact.

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The impact that Ashlee is talking about is the Crushing of plants along the track to the Pinnacle.

Arrows have been place to show you where to go to try and minimise the damage of this impact along the walk to the Pinnacle.

Page 10: SAC 3 Lance

I think the best zoning for the Grampians was for it to become a National park because it is a extensive area of nation wide significance because of its outstanding natural environments and features, scenic landscapes, and diverse land types. National Parks help to protect the native flora and fauna, protect the supply of water of catchments.