s15-2010-adaptive kalman filtering in networked systems with random sensor delays, multiple packet...

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  • 8/12/2019 S15-2010-Adaptive Kalman Filtering in Networked Systems With Random Sensor Delays, Multiple Packet Dropouts and Missing Measurements



    Adaptive Kalman Filtering in Networked SystemsWith Random Sensor Delays, Multiple Packet

    Dropouts and Missing MeasurementsMaryam Moayedi, Yung K. Foo, Member, IEEE, and Yeng C. Soh

    AbstractIn this paper, adaptive filtering schemes are proposedfor state estimation in sensor networks and/or networked controlsystems with mixed uncertainties of random measurement delays,packet dropouts and missing measurements. That is, all three un-certainties in the measurement have certain probability of occur-rence in the network. The filter gains can be derived by solving aset of recursive discrete-time Riccati equations. Examples are pre-sented to demonstrate the applicability and performances of theproposed schemes.

    Index TermsKalman filtering, minimum mean-square errorestimation, missing measurements, networked control systems(NCSs), packet dropouts, sensor delays, sensor networks (SNs).


    IN a networked control system (NCS), the communication

    and data networks form an integral part of the system where

    the control loop is closed via a communication network channel.

    And in a sensor network (SN), which is a network of indepen-

    dent sensors, the measured data are sent to the estimator, mon-

    itoring station, or the control station via a communication net-

    work, usually wireless.While using a communication network in NCS or SN offers

    many advantages such as simpler installation, easier mainte-

    nance, and lower cost[1], it also leads to other problems such as

    intermittent packet losses and/or delays of the communicated

    information, [3]. There is another uncertainty that may be

    present in the data received from the network: that is where

    the data packet contains noise only (i.e., the measurement

    has missing observations) and the estimator is not capable

    of directly distinguishing between such packets and packets

    containing valid measurements,[2],[3]. For example, this may

    occur in tracking systems[2]. Therefore, it is not surprising that

    the robust state estimation problem involving communicationnetworks has recently attracted considerable attention from

    many control researchers.

    Manuscript received March 12, 2009; accepted November 05, 2009. Firstpublished December 04, 2009; current version published February 10, 2010.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approvingit for publication was Prof. James Lam.

    M. Moayedi and Y. C. Soh are with the School of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]).

    Y.K. Foo is with LW Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Private, Ltd.,Singapore 608608 (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2009.2037853

    In general, two main approaches are popular for modeling

    the uncertainties. The first one is to model the uncertainty by a

    stochastic Bernoulli binary switching sequence taking on values

    of 0 and 1,[4]. We shall refer to this approach as the stochastic-

    parameter method. The second approach is to use a discrete-time

    linear system with Markovian jumping parameter to represent

    the random uncertainties,[5]. We shall refer to this approach as

    the Markov chain approach. There is another approach where

    the missing data are replaced by zeros and an incompletenessmatrix is then constructed in the measurement [6]. However, this

    approach does not appear to be very popular.

    There are already many available results on control and state

    estimation in NCS and/or SN context. The interested readers

    may refer to[1][22]and the references therein for further in-

    formation. We shall review only those works that are closely

    related to the current work here.

    The state estimation problem for networked systems with

    only one of the aforementioned uncertainties has been studied

    extensively in the past (see, e.g.,[3],[7]and references therein).

    For example, Nahi in 1969 [2] first developed an optimal re-

    cursive filter for systems with missing measurements. In thatpaper, systems with random missing measurement were mod-

    eled by a binary Bernoulli stochastic parameter and the filter

    is derived via solving two Riccati equations. In [9] and [5]

    the filtering problem with missing measurements was also

    investigated. However, instead of using a stochastic parameter

    to model the uncertainty, a two-state Markov chain was used

    to probabilistically characterize the missing measurements.

    Thus the measurement loss process was modeled as a Mar-

    kovian jump linear system[9]and a suboptimal jump linear

    estimator was presented where at each time step, a corrector

    gain is selected from a finite set of precomputed filter gains

    and hence the filter design consists of

    choosing the switching logic, determining the size of this finiteset and assigning the filter gains . In[5], the authors employ

    a Riccati equation approach (to compute the filter) assuming

    that the transitional (conditional) probabilities for transitions

    from one Markov-state to another are known. From a NCS or

    SN point of view, requiring the knowledge of the transitional

    probabilities may not be too satisfactory because they (for

    example, the probability of the next packet arriving will be a

    packet containing a current measurement given that the current

    received packet contains a delayed measurement versus the

    probability of the next packet arriving will be a packet con-

    taining a current measurement given that no packet has been

    received at the current sampling time) may be difficult to be

    1053-587X/$26.00 2010 IEEE

  • 8/12/2019 S15-2010-Adaptive Kalman Filtering in Networked Systems With Random Sensor Delays, Multiple Packet Dropouts and Missing Measurements



    determined or estimated. In[8], the least mean square filtering

    problem for systems with one random sampling delay has been

    studied using the stochastic parameter approach and an LMI

    approach is used for the filter derivation. Results have also been

    reported regarding filtering in networked systems with packet

    dropout; see [3], [10], and[11]. In [11], an optimal filter, in

    the Kalman sense, for systems with multiple packet dropoutswhere the number of consecutive packet dropouts is limited

    by a known upper bound has been proposed. The uncertainty

    model is, again, based on the stochastic parameter approach

    and the filter design is based on the Riccati equation. In [10],

    optimal estimators, which include filter, predictor and smoother

    are developed based on an innovation analysis approach and

    using stochastic parameter uncertainty model. The estimators

    are computed recursively in terms of the solution of a Riccati

    difference equation. In [3], by introducing a new notion of

    stochastic -norms, the filtering problem involving sensor

    delay, multiple packet dropouts, and uncertain observations are

    modeled by using a stochastic parameter and all treated in a

    unified framework. A steady-state filter is then designed via anLMI approach. While the result reported in [3] can handle the

    cases in which there is a possibility of sensor delay, or packet

    dropout, or missing measurement in data transmission through

    the network, it is assumed that the packet may be subject

    to only one type of the aforementioned uncertainties during

    transmission in the network channel. In other words, the case

    of mixed uncertainties isnotadmissible.

    There are also some recent works that have considered the

    state estimation problem in NCS/SN with two random uncer-

    tainties. In [12], the robust estimation for uncertain sys-

    tems with signal transmission delay and packet dropout was

    considered. However, in their approach, the filter designed isessentially a continuous-time filter fed-on by an event-driven

    zero-order hold (ZOH). In[1], the filter design problem is

    studied for a class of networked systems where measurements

    with random delay and stochastic missing phenomenon (which

    is essentially equivalent to the missing measurement or uncer-

    tain observation phenomena considered in[3] and[10]) are si-

    multaneously considered. In[13], the optimal estimation in net-

    worked control systems subject to random delay and packet loss

    as well as the stability analysis of the estimator designed has

    been investigated.

    To the best of our knowledge, the only work which con-

    siders the filtering problem for NCS/SN with mixed uncertain-

    ties, where all of the three aforementioned uncertainties, i.e.,

    random sensor delay, packet dropout and uncertain observation

    (missing measurement) are admissible in the data received from

    the network, was presented in[14]. The result of[14]is, how-

    ever, based on the LMI approach. This renders it quite unsuit-

    able for applications that call for online computation of the filter

    gains. For online computation of filter gains, a Riccati equation

    approach is more desirable. This motivates our present work.

    This paper deals with discrete-time partially observed linear

    plants where the observations are communicated to the esti-

    mator via an unreliable channel with possibilities of random

    delays and/or packet dropouts. We also admit the possibility

    that the packet received by the estimator consists of the noiseonly [2]. Therefore, we consider the problem of robust min-

    imum-variance filtering in the presence of mixed random sensor

    delays, packet dropouts and missing measurement uncertainties

    where all three types of uncertain observations (sensor delay,

    packet dropout and missing measurement) can occur in the

    system. A Riccati-like equation approach is adopted here. This

    makes the filter designed suitable for online applications. Two

    adaptive filtering schemes are proposed. In the first scheme,we make a distinction between the packet dropout case and

    the other two uncertainties. The second scheme is a simplified

    scheme that aims to maximize the online computational speed.

    The organization of the paper is as follows. In the next

    section we present the various state equations used to model

    the uncertain system with measurement delay, packet dropout

    and missing measurement. We then show how all these

    sub-models may be combined via Markov chain to model

    the whole uncertain system. InSection III, the general formula

    which is applicable for one-step predictions with sensor delay

    and missing measurement is derived. InSection IV, we con-

    sider the problem of one-step prediction with multiple packet

    dropouts. An adaptive filtering (Adaptive filter) schemewhere we distinguish the packet dropout case from the other

    two uncertainties is developed in Section V. Section VI pro-

    poses a simplified version of the filter ofSection V; the aim

    is to develop a filter (the Simplified filter) that can be easily

    and efficiently implemented. In Section VII, we discuss the

    case of the state estimation with multiple (and possibly non-

    identical) sensors. Section VIII contains some examples and

    simulation results, and we finally give our concluding remarks

    inSection IX.

    The main contribution of the present paper is the develop-

    ment of a Riccati-like equation approach to the filter design in a

    networked system with mixed uncertainties involving randomsensor delay, missing measurement and packet dropout. This

    makes the filter more suitable for online adaptiveapplications,

    since for online computation of the filter gains a Riccati equa-

    tion approach is more desirable than an LMI approach.


    Consider the following discrete time linear time-varying

    state-space system:



    where is the state vector, is the measured output, andand are stationary, zero-mean discrete-time white

    noise processes with covariance matrices:


    and the initial condition satisfying the mean and covariance



    We assume that the plant is asymptotically stable and observablefrom the measured output .

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    Systems with mixed uncertainties of packet delay, missing

    measurement, and packet dropout may be represented by a

    model of the form:


    of compatible dimension

    with (6)

    where we have defined


    and .

    Let , , de-

    note the four models corresponding respectively to systems with

    no uncertainty, sensor delay, missing measurement and packet

    dropout. These are defined by the following system matrices:Current measurement(i.e.,no uncertainty):



    of compatible dimensions with


    One-step sensor delay:



    of compatible dimensions with


    Missing measurement:



    of compatible dimensions with



    Packet dropout:




    We may then represent as

    shown in(20)at the bottom of the page.

    Remark 1: There may be some confusion between packet

    dropout and missing measurement in the literature. In our con-

    text here, we define missing measurement as one where the mea-

    surement is missing before encapsulation into packets. In other

    words, the measurement itself is not a valid one, containing only

    noise (and the estimator is not able to distinguish such error by,

    for example, examining the error detection bits). On the other

    hand, a packet dropout is one that occurs at the filter end.

    Assume that by carefully analyzing the system, and empiricalexperimentations and observations, we are able to adequately

    model the real system by assigning to each of the four models

    its probability of occurring at time . Let the probability that the

    system at time is be given

    by .

    Obviously, .

    Let . We wish to construct

    an estimator of the form


    to generate that minimizes

    where . Note that in (21) maybe considered an estimate vector for .

    Therefore, an obvious choice for is

    In what follows, the arguments of a function may sometimes

    be omitted for notational simplicity when there is no danger

    of confusion. The reader should note that the system and the

    probabilities may be time varying.


    In this section, we consider only and (i.e., we as-sume cannot happen). The problem of multiple packetdropouts is an exceptional case which warrants separate consid-eration.

    Let such that .Observing that the right block column of is 0, we obtain

    or (20)

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    . Similarly, since the left-most block-columnof is zero, we obtain . Left-multiply(5)by , subtract(21)from it, and add

    to obtain



    where .Given and , and since , the propa-

    gation of the covariance matrices for may be described bythe equation


    where denotes the covariance matrix of (where ex-pectation operation is taken over both and ) and we have



    Remark 2: In the absence ofuncertain asin the caseof stan-dard Kalman filtering, covariance matrices may be obtained bytaking expectation over the uncertain noise. In our case, wherethere are both uncertainties in the noise and , covariance ma-trices have to be defined by taking expectation over both thenoise and in order to reflect the true probability distributionof . Hence, we can write

    The problem of minimizing may be posedas

    subject to (24) (26)

    Let . Left and right multiply(24)by and

    respectively, we obtain


    Differentiate with respect to and set thederivative to zero, we obtain the optimal


    And the optimal may be chosen as


    Since is the covariance matrix of , it can be computed from


    Hence,(27)and (30)give a set of recursive discrete-time Ric-cati-like equations which may be applied to compute the covari-ance matrices of the estimation error for any (i.e., not necessarilyoptimal) . To obtain the relevant formula for measurementupdate, we let and in(27)to obtain(31)and(32), shown at the bottom of the page.



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    When a packet dropout occurs, the previous packet is re-tained. So we have . However, this does notimply . In any circumstances, musthave been processed by the filter before so there is no new in-formation to be extracted from . For this reason, the appro-priate thing to do when there is a packet dropout is to ignore

    and just proceed with prediction based on past estimates

    (33)or equivalently


    Subtract(34)from , wehave the propagation of the estimation error covariance as




    If , then because of the presence of the mea-

    surement noise, it obviously does not correspond to a packet

    dropout case. Thus, if , then the (conditional)

    probability that this measurement indeed came from

    is given by:

    Prob system at time is

    given measurement at time is , for


    and (36)

    Prob system at time is

    is given measurement at time is


    On the other hand, if , then may cor-

    respond to a packet dropout case with probability 1 (Note that

    although it is always possible to have the condition

    in other cases, with or without uncertainty, the fact that

    the measurement noise is white and nonzero makes the proba-

    bility of this occurring zero). Thus we have

    Prob system at time is

    given measurement at time is

    for or


    Prob system at time is

    given measurement at time is

    (39)For notational simplicity, we let


    We may now combine the results ofSections IIIandIVto pro-pose the following adaptive filtering scheme.

    Conceptual Algorithm

    Required input parameters: for

    and .




    where we have assumed to derive the above

    initialization. Perform equations(42)(47)at the bottom of

    the page.


    and (43)





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    State Prediction:


    Prediction Covariance Computation:



    Post-Measurement State Estimation:


    If , then






    Error Covariance Matrix Update:

    Perform equation(54)at the bottom of the page.


    In the above adaptive filtering scheme, one has to iteratively

    compute the filter gain at each sampling time. A suboptimal

    alternative is to use a fixed precomputed filter-gain instead. In

    this respect, we note that the steady-state is given by


    Hence, if we let and substitute

    for in(28), then solving for , we may obtain the

    steady-state predictor gain as shown in (56) at bottom of the


    Conceptual Algorithm

    Required input parameters : for

    and .





    and (60)




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    where is found from


    State Prediction:


    Prediction Error Covariance Computation:




    Post-Measurement Predictor gain Determination:


    If , then



    Remark 3: Note that we do not require for the compu-tation of . Its inclusion in the conceptual algorithm is justfor the purpose of performance evaluations.


    Assume that independent sensors are used to measureso that at each , we would have measurements

    , , where andare independent of each other if . Suppose each of

    these sensors will send these measurements independently so

    that we would have , where orin the case of packet dropout. Assume thefilter has a buffer of size to receive and store .

    Because the sensors may be spatially distributed we couldhave measurement noiseswhich depend on . Similar commentsapply to the probabilities (for example packets sent from sen-sors farther away may have higher probability of delay). Asso-ciate with each sensor (node), the covariance matrix of the mea-surement noise , and probabilities , .

    Note that need not be equal to and to if . Wealso note that in some applications the measurement matricesmay be different for different sensor-nodes as well. For exampleto determine the state (position, speed, and acceleration) of an

    aircraft in flight, a GPS could give better direct measurements ofits position while the in-flight gyroscope may give better directmeasurements for acceleration. Thus, given and ateach , with the associated , , and ,we may apply the following conceptual algorithm at each tofind the optimal :

    Conceptual Algorithm

    Required input parameters:

    for and and.




    where we have assumed to derive the aboveinitialization. See equations(72)(75)at the bottom of thepage.


    and (73)



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    For do equations(76)and(77)at thebottom of the page.

    If , then assign,

    End if

    End do loop

    State Prediction:


    Prediction Covariance Computation:


    Update .

    Post-Measurement State Estimation:


    For do

    If , then perform equation(81)at the bottomof the page.


    End if


    Error Covariance Matrix Update:Perform equation(83)at the bottom of the next page.

    If , then assign ,

    End if

    End do loop




    For the purpose of simulation, we define the following

    transition conditional probability[14]to describe our simulated


    Prob (system is given by

    at time given that the system was given by

    at time .

    It then follows that given , may be computed from the

    following equation:

    It should be pointed out that in our filter design, we do not

    require the knowledge of sonly the values of s are




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    required for the computation of the filter. This is desirable as

    one can often make some good estimations of s by empirical

    observations, experimentations, and statistical analyses but not


    Note that the standard Kalman filter is recovered when there

    is no uncertainty in the measurement, i.e., when , ,

    , and .1) Example 1: In this example, we consider the system

    adapted from [11] where the following discrete-time linear

    time-varying system has been considered:

    with , initial values , ,

    and noise covariance matrices , .

    We shall construct an Adaptive filter with ,, , and evaluate it with simulations.

    The conditional probabilities used for system simulations are

    , , , ; ,

    , , ; ,

    , , , , ,

    , and . The simulation results are given

    inFig. 1, where we have also included the performance of the

    optimal filter of[14](the Optimal filter) for comparison. As

    can be seen, the Adaptive filter performs better than the Optimal


    The average empirical error variances found from Monte

    Carlo simulations (over ten simulations) are:

    and .Next we design the filter for the same system with the prob-

    abilities , , and and

    the conditional probabilities , , ,

    ; , , , ;

    , , , , ,

    , , and used for simu-

    lations. The average empirical error variances are found to be

    and . The simulation result

    is given inFig. 2.

    We then set ; hence, the system becomes LTI and this

    allows us to construct a Simplified filter (designed in Section VI)

    as well. The simulation results for the first set of probabilitiesare given inFig. 3(plots for the second set of probabilities have

    been omitted due to page constraint).

    Fig. 1. Actual (solid line) and estimated (dotted line) states with for:(a) Adaptive filter ofSection V; (b) Optimal filter designed in[14].

    Fig. 2. Actual (solid line) and estimated (dotted line) states with for:(a) Adaptive filter ofSection V; (b) Optimal filter designed in[14].


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    Fig. 3. Actual (solid line) and estimated (dotted line) states with for:(a) Simplified filter designed in Section VI; (b) Adaptive filter ofSection V;(c) Optimal filter designed in[14].

    As can be seen, both the Adaptive filter and the Simplified

    filter perform better than the Optimal filter. Furthermore the

    Simplified filter performs quite well in comparison with the

    Adaptive filter and hence can be a good choice in certain appli-

    cations, because of less computational demand and simplicity.

    For the first set of probabilities the average empirical error vari-

    ances found from Monte Carlo simulations (over ten simula-

    tions) are:


    And for the second set of probabilities, the corresponding

    average empirical error variances are found to be

    , and .

    2) Example 2: In this example, we consider the example of

    multi-sensor tracking over a wireless sensor network[15]. The

    discrete dynamics and measurement of the agent is considered


    where and are white Gaussian noises with zero mean andcovariance and

    Fig. 4. Actual and estimated states for: (a) One sensor; (b) Two sensors.

    . is the sampling period and the system

    matrices are

    We construct the Adaptive filter with , ,

    , and and evaluate it with simulation using

    the conditional probabilities , , ,

    ; , , ,

    ; , , , and

    , , , .

    The tracking performance with 1 sensor and 2 sensors can be

    seen inFig. 4where it is clear that using more than one sensor

    has helped in improving the state estimation.

    The empirical error variance of the state estimation for 1 and

    2 sensors are found as follows:


    In this paper, we have proposed adaptive Kalman filtering

    schemes for state estimation applications in NCSs and SNs

    where there are mixed uncertainties in the forms of sensor

    delays, missing measurements, and packet dropouts. Examples

    and simulations are given to demonstrate the performances ofthe designed filter.

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    The Riccati-like equation approach is adopted here. This

    makes the filter designed suitable for online applications since

    for online computations of the filter gains, a Riccati equation

    approach is more desirable than an LMI approach.

    Although we have considered only one-step sensor delays in

    the paper, the approach can be readily extended to incorporate

    multiple-step sensor delays by appropriately enlarging the vec-tors , , and to include the relevant delayed states and

    noise inputs.

    It should also be noted that if sensor delays and missing mea-

    surements are the only two types of uncertainties admissible

    (i.e., we rule out the possibility of packet dropout), then the

    scheme ofSection Vreduces to a (pre-computable) linearfilter

    and the scheme ofSection VIreduces to alinear time-invariant


    We acknowledge that although the method proposed in this

    paper is intended for both NCS and SN, it is more suited for SN.

    This is because normally for NCS the channel between the con-

    troller and the actuator would induce additional uncertainties inthe command signal as well; but in(1)and(2), only sensor data

    uncertainty has been considered. Nevertheless, if we assume the

    actual control inputs are known (possible through the employ-

    ment of the control packet acknowledgement,[16]) then the re-

    sults presented here are applicable (by including the actual input

    in the prediction equation as done in[16]for the TCP case). Al-

    ternatively, we may assume no acknowledgment of the control

    packet is available but the estimator knows what the likely con-

    trol input is (i.e., uncertain input with known probability distri-

    bution). In such a case, an additional error covariance term due

    to the uncertain control input has to be added to the prediction

    covariance equations (The reader is referred to[17]for furtherdetail). The results presented in Section Vare, therefore, ap-

    plicable to NCSs with some additional assumptions, like those

    introduced in[16]or [17]. However, because the optimal filter

    gain will generally be a function of possible control input if the

    actual control input is unknown[16],[17], a steady-state filter

    gain would in general not exist. For this reason, the approach of

    Section VI becomes non-applicable if the actual control input

    applied to the plant is unknown to the estimator.

    Finally, we suggest two directions for future research. The

    first is to extend the present approach to controller design and

    hence complete the entire NCS control loop. Another is the

    extension of the present approach to nonlinear systems [18],[19].


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    Maryam Moayedireceived the B.Sc. degree in elec-trical and electronic engineering from Shiraz Univer-sity, Shiraz, Iran, in 2006. She is currently pursuingthe Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical andElectronic Engineering,Nanyang Technological Uni-versity, Singapore.

  • 8/12/2019 S15-2010-Adaptive Kalman Filtering in Networked Systems With Random Sensor Delays, Multiple Packet Dropouts and Missing Measurements



    Yung Kuan Foo (M85) received the B.S.E.E. andB.S. degrees in computer science and the M.S.E.E.degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology (MIT), Cambridge, in 1982, and the D.Phil.degree from Oxford University, Oxford, U.K., in1985.

    From 1981 to 1982, he also was with the Pre-cision Products Division of Northrop Corporation,

    Norwood, MA, where he completed his M.S. thesisproject in distributed SCADA system for automatedtesting of gyroscopes. He joined Nanyang Techno-

    logical University as a Lecturer in 1985 and left to join his family businessin 1989. He visited the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a Senior VisitingFellow in 1988 under the sponsorship of the Japan Society for the Promotion ofScience. A past Vice-President of the Singapore Electrical Trades Association,he is the Managing Director of LW Electrical and Mechanical EngineeringPrivate, Ltd., and chairman and director of several other companies in Australia,China, and Southeast Asia.

    Dr. Foo was a recipient of the Distinguished Award from the Standard, Pro-ductivity andInnovation Boardof Singapore, in 2002.In 2003, he wasconferredthe Public Service Medal by the President of the Republic of Singapore. He isa registered Professional Engineer, a licensed HV (22 kV) Electrical Engineer,and a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators, in Singapore.

    Yeng Chai Soh received the B.Eng. degree in elec-trical and electronic engineering from the Universityof Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1983,and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering fromthe University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, in1987.

    From 1986 to 1987, he was a Research Assistantin the Department of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering, University of Newcastle. He joined theNanyang Technological University, Singapore, in1987, where he is currently a Professor in the School

    of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His research interests are in robustcontrol, robust filtering and estimations, information theory, and optical signalprocessing, and he has published more than 200 refereed journal articles inthese areas. From 1995 to 2005, he was concurrently the Head of the Controland Instrumentation Division. He is now the Associate Dean (Research) ofthe College of Engineering. He chaired the A STAR TechScan Committee onIntelligent Systems and Sensor Networks, which formed part of Singapores2010 Science and Technology Plan. He also served in several evaluation andreview committees of national research and funding agencies.

    Dr. Soh was awarded the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awardin 2005.