s ocial w ork nicole cox english iv mrs. kathy saunders

SOCIAL WORK Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders

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Page 1: S OCIAL W ORK Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders



Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders

Page 2: S OCIAL W ORK Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders

SOCIAL WORK I chose this topic because I am considering

this as a career choice in the future. Also I really enjoy working with children and helping them in any way I can.

What I knew Serves for child protection School

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Started in the early 1800’s“Friendly Visitors”Only there to help themselves

Name change in the late 1800’sApprenticeship There to help

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HULL HOUSE Hull House, 1889, Jane Addams

Quote Name change to social worker

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SOCIAL WORK TODAY3 types of Social Worker

Medical and Public healthMental health and Substance

abuseChild, Family, School

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Helps families with life threading illnesses Cancer HIV AIDS

Helps enroll the family in special servers Meals-on-Wheels Nursing care

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Addicted to alcohol and illegal substance

AAA, treatment center

Teaches job training, life skills

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CHILD , SCHOOL , FAMILYHelps children who are being neglected, emotionally, sexually and physically abused

This includes removing the child, placing the child into foster care, and getting the family into a counseling

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First half- basic classes Second half- specializing in a chosen field Internship for two years

Master’s Degree Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree Takes an additional two to three years Allows the social worker to handle cases and be in a

management position.

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For my product it was a duel member ship we hosted Wheatmore’s first dance.

This related to my topic because the money we collected went to Community Outreach of Archdale Trinity(C.O.A.T) an organization that helps families in need. Food pantry Special needs

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Page 12: S OCIAL W ORK Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders


Mr. Scott Hager 5 years in Mental Health as a clinical Social


10 years as a Social Worker with Randolph Country Schools

20 years working in Experiential/Adventure Education Developing and Administering Outdoor Programs.

Page 13: S OCIAL W ORK Nicole Cox English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders

PRODUCT/MENTOR I learned that time management is very

important. You can’t take on to much at once because if you do you will get every stressed out and nothing will turn out right. I learned if you find your self getting to over worked then you just need to take a step back and chill down. Take a break and relaxed, and then take a fresh look at work you are working on, it helps out so much.

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PRODUCT I spent 35.5hours working on this

product I felt it connected with my topic

because we were not just learning about social work we also got to help an organization that helps those families. It felt like we made a small impact on a family. Which was a great feeling

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OBSTACLES Time management, writing a proposal,

working in a team, organizing an event One fact is that there are some many

different types of Social Workers and they cover a huge rang of occupations

Also that in 2007 42% of abused children are under the age of1

That it takes a lot more work then I thought to plan a high school dance

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CLOSINGThank you for your time

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