s. f. lighthbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(the alate of k. (glyptote,-mes) juddi...

KEY TO THE MARQUESAN SPECIES OF TERMITES, WITH RECORDS OF HOST PLANTS AND DISTRIBUTION * By S. F. LIGHT DEPARTMENT 01" ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY 01" CALIFORNIA In a previous paper 47 the termites collected by the Pacific Entomological Survey in the Marquesas were reported as belonging to seven species, of which three were described as new. Since then several additional collections have been received, all but one of which belong to previously listed species. One, considered to be new, was described as Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi 48 in honor of Albert F. Judd, President of the Board of Trustees of Bernice P. Bishop Museum. It seems worth while at this time to give a working key to the species known from the Marquesas and to give the complete collection records, in- cluding localities, the altitude at which taken, the food plants, the dates of collection, and the reproductives The last two items are given they throw light on life cycle, particularly as to the time of emergence and swarming of alates. Key to the Termites of the Marquesas Alates 1. No fontanel; wing scales large, forewing scale overlapping hindwing scale.m.m 2 Fontanel present (tiny); wing scales smaller; forewing scale not overlapping hind- wing scale.m m.m.m m _mm m.m.._ m__ .Coptotermes pacificus Light 2. Small species; head about 1 mm. wide; median vein unchitinized, curving up to join radius sector near middle of wing m..m mmm.. m m m.. mm m m 3 Larger species, head more than 1.25 mm. wide; median vein chitinized, close to or coalescent with radius sector m m.. m __ mm_ __ .. m .. ·5 3. Small, head about 0.80 mm. wide without eyes; brown, wings light brown with COI1- spicuous coarse papillations .. m... mm.... m.. m._ .. Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei Light Larger, head more than o.g<> mm. wide; yellow to light brown, wings hyaline, papil- lations inconspicuous m m m mm.m m m mm m m.mmm-4 4. Larger, head about 1 mm. wide without the eyes; pronotum less than half as wide as long; wing papillations very fine and inconspicuous __ .. ........... mm m m mmm _ Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus Snyder Smaller, head less than 0.95 mm. wide without eyes; pronotum more than half as long as wide; wing papillations coarse but inconspicuous because hyaline __ ......... mmm.... ... mm m.m m mm Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi Kirby "Light, S. F., Termites from the Marqueses: B. P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Sur. vey Pub. I, art. 6, '932. .. Light, S. F., Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi, a new species of termite from the Marquesas Islands: B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Survey Pub. I, art. 18, '932. • Pacific Entomological Survey Publication I, article '9, issued November 22, '932. [171 ] KEY TO THE MARQUESAN SPECIES OF TERMITES, WITH RECORDS OF HOST PLANTS AND DISTRIBUTION * By S. F. LIGHT DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, OF CALIFORNIA In a previous paper 47 the termites collected by the Pacific Entomological Survey in the Marquesas were reported as belonging to seven species, of which three were described as new. Since then several additional collections have been received, all but one of which belong to previously listed species. One, considered to be new, was described as Kalotermes (Gl}lptotermes) juddi 48 in honor of Albert F. Judd, President of the Board of Trustees of Bernice P. Bishop Museum. It seems worth while at this time to give a working key to the species known from the Marquesas and to give the complete collection records, in- cluding localities, the altitude at which taken, the food plants, the dates of collection, and the reproductives The last items are given they throw light on life cycle, particularly as to the time of emergence and swarming of alates. Key to the Termites of the Marquesas Alates 1. No fontanel; wing scales large, forewing scale overlapping hindwing scale.mmn..... m.2 Fontanel present (tiny); wing scales smaller; forewing scale not overlapping hind- wing scale.m n.ooo u.um ooom mooo.ooo nooon.Coptotermes pacificus Light 2. Small species; head about 1 mm. wide; median vein unchitinized, curving up to join radius sector near middle of wing ooo .. m n n nn .. ooo.nn ooonnn.. mmum 0000•• 00 3 Larger species, head more than 1.25 mm. wide; median vein chitinized, close to or coalescent with radius sector.nooo u.. u n m n m.nm ooonooom n..·· 5 3. Small, head about 0.80 mm. wide without eyes; brown, wings light brown with con- spicuous coarse papillations .... m.mn..... m.. m.... Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei Light Larger, head more than o.go mm. wide; yellow to light brown, wings hyaline, papil- lations inconspicuous nmn m.. m n nm.n um.n n.n .. n.. mu.. nmn ooo.m.n 4 4. Larger, head about 1 mm. wide without the eyes; pronotum less than half as wide as long; wing papillations very fine and inconspicuous nn mu nooom.m . ........ nnu.ooo ..... nmn.......... mooo...... mnnm...... nnKalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus Snyder Smaller, head less than 0.95 mm. wide without eyes; pronotum more than half as long as wide; wing papillations coarse but inconspicuous because hyaline umm . .. mn ooo mn un u.. nn mnm.n_.Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi Kirby .. Light, S. F., Termites from the Marqueses: B. P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Sur- vey Pub. I, art. 6, '932. .. Light, S. F., Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi, a new species of termite from the Marquesas Islands: B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Survey Pub. I, art. 18, '932. * Pacific Entomological Survey Publication I, article '9, issued November 22, '932. [171 ]

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Page 1: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and





In a previous paper47 the termites collected by the Pacific EntomologicalSurvey in the Marquesas were reported as belonging to seven species, ofwhich three were described as new. Since then several additional collectionshave been received, all but one of which belong to previously listed species.One, considered to be new, was described as Kalotermes (Glyptotermes)juddi48 in honor of Albert F. Judd, President of the Board of Trustees ofBernice P. Bishop Museum.

It seems worth while at this time to give a working key to the speciesknown from the Marquesas and to give the complete collection records, in­cluding localities, the altitude at which taken, the food plants, the dates ofcollection, and the reproductives c~llected. The last two items are given ~incethey throw light on th~ life cycle, particularly as to the time of emergenceand swarming of alates.

Key to the Termites of the Marquesas


1. No fontanel; wing scales large, forewing scale overlapping hindwing scale.m.m 2

Fontanel present (tiny); wing scales smaller; forewing scale not overlapping hind-wing scale.m m.m.m m _mm m.m.._ m__ .Coptotermes pacificus Light

2. Small species; head about 1 mm. wide; median vein unchitinized, curving up to joinradius sector near middle of wing m..m mmm..m m m..mm m m 3Larger species, head more than 1.25 mm. wide; median vein chitinized, close to orcoalescent with radius sector m m..m __ mm_ __ ..m..m · ·5

3. Small, head about 0.80 mm. wide without eyes; brown, wings light brown with COI1­

spicuous coarse papillations..m...mm....m..m._..Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei LightLarger, head more than o.g<> mm. wide; yellow to light brown, wings hyaline, papil-lations inconspicuous m m m mm.m m m mm m m.mmm-4

4. Larger, head about 1 mm. wide without the eyes; pronotum less than half as wideas long; wing papillations very fine and inconspicuous __ .............mm m m mmm _ Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus SnyderSmaller, head less than 0.95 mm. wide without eyes; pronotum more than half aslong as wide; wing papillations coarse but inconspicuous because hyaline__ .........mmm.......mm m.m m mm Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi Kirby

"Light, S. F., Termites from the Marqueses: B. P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Sur.vey Pub. I, art. 6, '932.

.. Light, S. F., Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi, a new species of termite from the MarquesasIslands: B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Survey Pub. I, art. 18, '932.

• Pacific Entomological Survey Publication I, article '9, issued November 22, '932.

[171 ]





In a previous paper47 the termites collected by the Pacific EntomologicalSurvey in the Marquesas were reported as belonging to seven species, ofwhich three were described as new. Since then several additional collectionshave been received, all but one of which belong to previously listed species.One, considered to be new, was described as Kalotermes (Gl}lptotermes)juddi48 in honor of Albert F. Judd, President of the Board of Trustees ofBernice P. Bishop Museum.

It seems worth while at this time to give a working key to the speciesknown from the Marquesas and to give the complete collection records, in­cluding localities, the altitude at which taken, the food plants, the dates ofcollection, and the reproductives c~llected. The last t~o items are given ~incethey throw light on th~ life cycle, particularly as to the time of emergenceand swarming of alates.

Key to the Termites of the Marquesas


1. No fontanel; wing scales large, forewing scale overlapping hindwing scale.mmn.....m.2Fontanel present (tiny); wing scales smaller; forewing scale not overlapping hind-wing scale.m n.ooo u.um ooom mooo.ooo nooon.Coptotermes pacificus Light

2. Small species; head about 1 mm. wide; median vein unchitinized, curving up to joinradius sector near middle of wing ooo..m n n nn..ooo.nn ooonnn..mmum 0000•• 00 3Larger species, head more than 1.25 mm. wide; median vein chitinized, close to orcoalescent with radius sector.nooo u..u n m n m.nm ooonooom n..·· 5

3. Small, head about 0.80 mm. wide without eyes; brown, wings light brown with con­spicuous coarse papillations....m.mn.....m..m....Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei LightLarger, head more than o.go mm. wide; yellow to light brown, wings hyaline, papil-lations inconspicuous nmn m..m n nm.n um.n n.n..n..mu..nmn ooo.m.n 4

4. Larger, head about 1 mm. wide without the eyes; pronotum less than half as wideas long; wing papillations very fine and inconspicuous nn mu nooom.m .........nnu.ooo.....nmn..........mooo......mnnm......nnKalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus SnyderSmaller, head less than 0.95 mm. wide without eyes; pronotum more than half aslong as wide; wing papillations coarse but inconspicuous because hyaline umm ...mn ooo mn un u..nn mnm.n_.Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi Kirby

.. Light, S. F., Termites from the Marqueses: B. P. Bishop Museum, Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Sur­vey Pub. I, art. 6, '932.

.. Light, S. F., Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi, a new species of termite from the MarquesasIslands: B. P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 98, Pacific Ent. Survey Pub. I, art. 18, '932.

* Pacific Entomological Survey Publication I, article '9, issued November 22, '932.

[171 ]

Page 2: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and

Bernice P. Bishop Museum~Bulietin 98

5. Very dark to black; median coalescent with radius sector .....................................................................Kalotermes (Metaneotermes) athertoni LightLighter, brown to yellow; median separate 6

6. Very large, head more than 2 mm. wide; median chitinized, running close to radiussector and sending many branches to it.. .

.......................................................................... Kalotermes (Neotermes) connexus SI1yder

Smaller, head less than 1.3 mm. wide; median unchitinized, midway between cubitusand radius sector Kalotermes (K.) immigrans Snyder

(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguishedby having the median chitinized and lying near the radius sector but without branchesto it.)


1. Head yellow, ovate; with large anterior fontanel emitting sticky milky fluid;mandibles smooth : Coptotermes pacificus LightHead blackish, brown, red-brown or reddish yellow, subrectangular; without fontanel;mandibles heavily toothed 2

2. Head short, high, approximately cubical, truncated in front with nearly vertical orexcavated frons; mandibles weak ~ 3IIead and mandibles normal _ 5

3. Larger, anterior half of head marked with conspicuous wrinkles, a conspicuous de-pression in mid-dorsal region Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus SnyderSmaller, head not especially rugose and lacking mid-dorsal depression 4

4. Head about as broad as long with slight median notch; frons overhanging, frontalrim not strongly flaring at sides Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi KirbyHead clearly longer than broad, frontal rim flaring broadly at sides; deeply notchedin center; frons less than verticaL Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei Light

5· Small; head dull brown, usually not more than 1.10 mm. wide; head rather high andbox-like with precipitous frons Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi LightLarger; head bright reddish-brown or reddish-yellow, usually more than 1.5 mm. wide;head relatively low, frons with gentle slope 6

6. Third antennal segment very slightly if at all enlarged; a large species, head usually2.5 mm. or more in width __ Kalotermes (Neotermes) connexus SnyderThird antennal segment enlarged and elongated; smaller.. 7

7. Pronotum nearly half as long as wide, anteriorly deeply notched; posterior marginnearly straight Kalotermes (K.) immigrans SnyderPronotum much less than half as wide as long, anterior margin weakly emarginate,posterior margin sinuous Kalotermes (Metaneotermes) athertoni Light

Bernice P. Bishop Museum~Bulletin 98

5. Very dark to black; median coalescent with radius sector.. n .

........................................ n Kalotermes (M etaneotermes) atherton i LightLighter, brown to yellow; median separate 6

6. Very large, head more than 2 mm. wide; median chitinized, running close to radiussector and sending many branches to it __ .

............ n Kalotermes (Neotermes) connexus Snyder

Smaller, head less than 1.3 mm. wide; median unchitinized, midway between cubitusand radius sector Kalotermes (K.) immigrans Snyder

(The alate of K. (Gt'yptotel'mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguishedby having the median chitinized and lying near the radius sector but without branchesto it.)


1. Head yellow, ovate; with large anterior fontanel emitting sticky milky fluid;mandibles smooth : Coptotermes pacificus LightHead blackish, brown, red-brown or reddish yellow, subrectangular; without fontanel;mandibles heavily toothed __ 2

2. Head short, high, approximately cubical, truncated in front with nearly vertical orexcavated frons; mandibles weak : 3IIead and mandibles normal __ - ..-- -- 5

3. Larger, anterior half of head marked with conspicuous wrinkles, a conspicuous de-pression in mid-dorsal region....... .....Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) piceatus SnyderSmaller, head not especially rugose and lacking mid-dorsal depression 4

4. Head about as broad as long with slight median notch; frons overhanging, frontalrim not strongly flaring at sides...__........mKalotermes (Cryptotermes) hermsi KirbyHead clearly longer than broad, frontal rim flaring broadly at sides; deeply notchedin center; frons less than verticaL Kalotermes (Cryptotermes) dolei Light

5. Small; head dull brown, usually not more than 1.10 mm. wide; head rather high andbox-like with precipitous frons __ Kalotermes (Glyptotermes) juddi LightLarger; head bright reddish-brown or reddish-yellow, usually more than 1.5 rom. wide;head relatively low, frons with gentle slopem 6

6. Third antennal segment very slightly if at all enlarged; a large species, head usually2.5 mm. or more in width Kalotermes (Neotermes) connexus SnyderThi rd antennal segment enlarged and elongated; smaller ---- -- ---- 7

7. Pronotum nearly half as long as wide, anteriorly deeply notched; posterior marginnearly straighL. __ nnn __ n Kalotermes (K.) i mmigrans SnyderPronotum much less than half as wide as long, anterior margin weakly emarginate,posterior margin sinuous Kalotermes (Metaneotermes) athertoni Light

Page 3: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and

Collection Records for 'l'ermites 'l'aken in the Marquesas Islands

(Place names as on collection labels.)

AltitudeIsland Locality in feet Date Food Plant

I. Kalotermes (Neotermes) eonne:rJlS Snyder

Uahuka Hanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,300 2-25-31 Alettrites moluccanaHanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,200 2-25-31 H1'biscus tiliace-usHanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,300 2-25-31 A. tnoluccanaHanatekeo, Hane Valley 920 2-24-31 H. tiliaeeusHanatekeo, Hane Valley 800 2-24-31 H. t£liaceusPutatauua, Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiHaceusPutatauua, Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiliaceft.sPutatauua, Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiliaceusVaipaee Valley 270 3- 3-31 H. tiliaeeusHitikau Ridge 2,300 3- 3-31 H. tiliaecusCrest of North Range 2,350 9-23-29 H. liliaeeusHaapaoaiki 700 2-27-31 Pandanus speciesHaapaoaiki 700 2-27-31 H. tiliaeeus'l'ehaevea , Hane Valley 500 2-27-31 Calloph)'llum illophyllumHane Ridge 1,570 2-26-31 Gloehidioll rhamiflorumPenau Ridge 2,000 3- 5-31 H. tiliaceusPenau'Ridge 2,000 3- 5-31 H. tiliaeeus

Biao 'fowards northeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiJiace1lsTowards northeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiliaceusTowards northeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiliaeeus(None given) 2,000 4-21-31 H. tiliaeeusNear middle, east side 1,650 9·29-29 Pandanus species

lJapou Hakahetau Valley 800 12-10-29 Guava (dead trunk)Hakahetau Valley 2,000 12- 6-29 H. tiliaeeusHakahetau Valley 1,000 12-23-29 Dead Aleuritcs -moluccal1aHakahetau Valley 1,250 9-16-31 Dead Aleurites molucca1laVaikokoo, Paaumea Valley 1,850 11-31-31 H. tiliaeeusPaaumea Valley 2,500 11-26-31 H. tiliaeeusVaihakaatiki, Hakahetau Valley 2,500 11-18-31 Dead tiliaeeus'1'eavanui 2,900 11-30-31 Dead tiliaceusKoputukea, Hakahetau Valley 1,250 11-16-31 Dead tiliaeells

Tahuata Hanateio Valley 635 7-24-30 A/eurites molHccat~a

'futaipuna, Vaitahu Valley 1,400 6-12-30 Dead logsKiinui 1,210 6-14-30 H. tiliacetlsTehue Valley 650 5-27-30 H. tniace1uAmatea 2,100 6-30-30 H. tiliaceus

Amatea 2,630 6-27-30 H. tiliaeeusAmatea 2,630 6-27-30 H. tiZiaceusHanamiai Valley 500 5-30-30Hanamiai Valley 1,500 6- 4-30Vaitupaahei 2,400 7- 8-30 Weinmannia species


Alates in colony

Alates in colony

Pair j incipient colonyAlates in colony1 dealateI dealateAlates in colony

Alates in colony2 dealatesPairPairAlates in colony

A lates in colony1 dealate

Alates in colonyAlates in colony

Alates in colonyDealate in colonyAlates in colony

1 dealate1 dealate2 deaJat'es





Collection Records for 'l'ermites 'l'aken in the Marquesas Islands

(Place names as on collection labels.)

AltitudeIsland Locality in feet Date Food Plant

I. KaloterJlles (Neotermes) conne:rJlS Snyder

Uahuka Hanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,300 2-25-31 Aleurites moluccanaHanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,200 2-25-31 H1'biscus tiliacensHanatekeo, Hane Valley 1,300 2-25-31 A. tnoluccanaHanatekeo, Hane Valley 920 2-24-31 H. tiliaceusHanatekeo, Hane Valley 800 2-24-31 H. t£liaceusPutatauua, Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiHaceusPutatauua. Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiliaceusPutatauua. Vaipaee Valley 880 9-21-29 H. tiliaceusVaipaee Valley 270 3- 3-31 H. tiliaceusHitikau Ridge 2,300 3- 3-31 H. tiliaceusCrest of Nortb Range 2,350 9-23-29 H. tiliaceusHaapaoaiki 700 2-27-31 Pandanus speciesHaapaoaiki 700 2-27-31 H. tiliaceus'l'ehaevea, Hane VaHey 500 2-27-31 Callophyllum i'lOphylluJIIHane Ridge 1,570 2-26-31 Glochidion rhamiflorumPenau Ridge 2,000 3- 5-31 H. tUiaceusPenau'Ridge 2,000 3- 5-31 H. tiliaceus

Eiao 'fowards northeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiJiacet~s

Towards northeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiliaceusTowards nortbeast side 1,850 9-29-29 H. tiliaceus(None given) 2,000 4-21-31 H. tiliaceusNear middle, east side 1,650 9-29-29 Pandanus species

lJapan Hakahetau Valley 800 12-10-29 Guava (dead trunk)Hakahetau Valley 2,000 12- 6-29 H. tiliaceusHakahetau Valley 1,000 12-23-29 Dead Aleurites -moluccal1aHakahetau Valley 1,250 9-16-31 Dead Aleurites moluccanaVaikokoo, Paaumea Valley 1,850 11-31-31 H. tiliaceusPaaumea Valley 2,500 11-26-31 H. tiliaceusVaihakaatiki, Hakahetau Valley 2,500 11-18-31 Dead tiliaceus'1'eavanui 2,900 11-30-31 Dead tiliaceusKoputukea, H akahetau Valley 1,250 11-16-31 Dead tiliacells

Tabuata Hanateio Valley 635 7-24-30 A leurites moluccatJaTutaipuna, Vaitahu Valley 1,400 6-12-30 Dead logsKiinui 1,210 6-14-30 H. ti/jacensTehue Valley 650 5-27-30 H. t1'UaceusAmatea 2,100 6-30-30 H. tiliaceus

Amatea 2,630 6-27-30 H. tiliaceusAmatea 2,630 6-27-30 H. tiliaceusHanamiai Valley 500 5-30-30Hanamiai ·Valley 1,500 6- 4-30Vaitupaahei 2,400 7- 8-30 Wei1!mannia species


Alates in colony

Alates in colony

Pair j incipient colonyAlates in colony1 dealate1 dealateAlates in colony

Alates in colony2 dealatesPairPairAlates in colony

A lates in colony1 dealate

Alates in colonyAlates in colony

Alates in colonyDealate in colonyAlates in colony

1 dealate1 dealate2 dealates

Page 4: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-Contilllled

(Place names as on collection labels.)


AltitudeIsland Locality in feet Date Food Plant Remarks

Hivaoa Vaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaee". AlatesVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaee". 1 dealateVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaceus Alates in colonyVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaeeu. Pair; incipient colonyVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiJiacct's Alates b;jVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaeeus Pair '"Vaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaeeu. Alates in colony ""l

;:lVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 Piper latifolium Pair ~'Anatuakina 1,525 6- 1-29 Sapindus 'saponaria Pair '"Tehueto Valley 600 3- 8-29 Alates in colony

~Tchueto Valley 200 3- 8-29 1 dealateTehueto Valley 500 3- 9-29 Alates in colony b;jTehueto Valley 3- 8-29 Alates in colonyTenatiaei 3,760 8- 3-29 RCj'ftoldsia species ~'

Vaiepoepo 2,330 6- 2-29 H. tiliaeeu. 1 dealate ;s-a

Vaiepoepo 2,170 6- 2-29 Pa11danus species I dealate ":)-Matauuna 3,900 3- 3-30 Sclerotheea species

~Matauuna 3,900 3- 3-30 Cheirophy/lum species 2 dealates'I'eava uhia i te kohu (above Puamau) 2,100 2-15-30 H. tiliaeeus Alates and dealates ~

Aimoa 500 2-22-29 H. tiUaceus Alates in colony '"'"Aimoa 500 2-22-29 H. tiliacel's ~Mt. Temetiu 3,620 7-24-28 Re)'nold.ia species 1 dealate

1Pouau 500 3- 5-29 4lates in colonyTapeata 750 5-25-29

Fatuhiva Ihiota, Hanavave Valley 600 9-10-30 H. tiliaeel/. 2 dealatesIhiota, Hanavave Valley 460 9-10-30 H. tiliaeeu. ~Punahitahi, Oomoa Valley 650 8-18-30 H. tiliaceu.f ;::Otomahe, Oomoa Valley 280 8-20-30 Carissa grand-is '".....Vaikoao, Oomoa Valley 1,600 8-30-30 Pandanus species ~.

Vaikoao, Oomoa Valley 1,500 8-30-30 H. tiliaeeu.'l'epeia, Oomoa Valley 300 8-16-30 H. tiliaeeus '0Teaotu, Hanavave Valley 1,000 9- 2-30 H. tiliaeeu. 00

Teavaione, Oomoa Valley 1,700 8-29-30 H. tiliaeel/.Nukuhiva Taipivai 15 11-20-29 (at light) I alate

2, Kalotennes (K.) immigrans SnyderHivaoa Atuona Valley 100 3- 6-29 Orange tree (fide a native) Dealates and alates

Atuona Valley ...... May, 1929 (at light) WingAtuona Valley ...... 2-15-29 (at light) AlatesAtllona Valley . __ .n May, 1929 (at light) Alate and dealatesAtuona Valley ...... 6- 6-29 (at light') AlatesAtllona Valley ...... 2-16-29 (at light) Alates

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-Conti1l1led

(Place names as an collection labels.)

AltitudeIsland Locality in feet Date Food Plant Remarks

Hivaoa Vaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliace". AlatesVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliace". 1 dealateVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliace". Alates in colonyValoa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliace". Pair; incipient colonyVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. /iliace... Alates t:l:::lVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaceu. Pair '"Vaioa 1,200 7-26-29 H. tiliaceu. Alates in colony 't

;:lVaioa 1,200 7-26-29 Piper latifoli..m Pair ~.

Anatuakina 1,525 6- 1-29 Sapindu. ·.aponaria Pair'"Tehueto Valley 600 3- 8-29 Alates in colony~Tehueto Valley 200 3- 8-29 1 dealate

Tehueto Valley 500 3- 9-29 Alates in colony t:l:::lTehueta Valley 3- 8-29 Alates in colonyTenatiaei 3,760 8- 3-29 Re)'nold.ia species ~.

Vaiepoepa 2,330 6- 2-29 H. tiliace". 1 dealate ;l;-<:)

Vaiepoepo 2,170 6- 2-29 Pandanus species 1 dealate ~

Matauuna 3,900 3- 3-30 Sclerotheca species~Matauuna 3,900 3- 3-30 Cheirophy/l"m species 2 dealates

Teava uhia i te kohu (above Puamau) 2,100 2-15-30 H. tiliaceu. Alates and dealates ~

Aimoa 500 2-22-29 H. tiliace..s Alates in colony ....'"Aimoa 500 2-22-29 H. tiliacel's~Mt. Temetiu 3,620 7-24-28 Reynoldsw species 1 dealate

Pouau 500 3- 5-29 41ates in colony lTapeata 750 5-25-29Fatuhiva Ihiota, Hanavave Valley 600 9-10-30 H. tiliace"s 2 dealat..,s

Ihiota, Hanavave Valley 460 9-10-30 H. tiliace"s ~Punahitahi, Oomoa Valley 650 8-18-30 H. tiliaceu.f :::::Otomahe, Oomoa Valley 280 8-20-30 Carissa grand-is '"....Vaikoao, Oomoa Valley 1,600 8-30-30 Pandanus species *.Vaikoao, Oamoa Valley 1,500 8-30-30 H. tiliace"sTepeia, Oomoa Valley 300 8-16-30 H. tiliace"s ~Teaotu, Hanavave Valley 1,000 9- 2-30 H. tiliace..sTeavaione, Oamoa Valley 1,700 8-29-30 H. tiliace.1S

Nukuhiva Taipivai 15 11-20-29 (at light) 1 alate

2. Kaloter,"es (K.) im",igrans SnyderHivaoa Atuona Valley 100 3- 6-29 Orange tree (fide a native) Dealates and alates

Atuona Valley May, 1929 (at light) WingAtuona Valley 2-15-29 (at light) AlatesAtuona Valley May, 1929 (at light) Alate and dealatesAtuona Valley 6- 6-29 (at light) AlatesAtuana Valley 2-16-29 (at light) Alates

Page 5: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-COlltillued

(Place names as on collection labels.)

AltitudeIsland Locality in' feet Date Food Plant Remarks

3. Kalolermes (Melaneotermes) athertoni LightUahuka Tauheeputa 1,770 3·23-31 H. tiliaeeus

Haahue Valley 90 3·20-31 Pandan'Jts speciesCrest of North Range 2,350 9-23-29 H. tiliaeeus Pair, incipient colonyMatuku!ha 1,570 2·27-31 Gloehidion rhamiflor1tln Deala!'e only

Nukuhiva Tapuaooa 3,100 11-14·29 H. /iliaeeus 1 dealate and 1 alate inTapuaooa 2,600 5·30-31 Metrosideros colli1tQ colonyTapuaooa 3,100 11·14-29 H. t1'l1'aCettsTapuaooa 3,100 11-14-29 H. liljaeeus 2 dealatesTapuaooa' 3,100 11-14-29 H: tiljaeeus 1 dealate

~Tekao Hill 3,150 U!;':iii:il 3 dealatesOoumu 3,000 W cinmannia species 1 dealate I:lOoumu 3,500 11·10-29 2 dealates "'l

>.Q'feuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·27-29 H. tiliaeeus Pair :;:Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·27-29 H. li/iaee'us 4 dealates '"Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10-27-29 H. liliaeeus c..,

Tuanui, Toovil 2,000 10·27-29 H. tiliaeeus Pair ~Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·25-29 H. tiliaeeus .......Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·25-29 H. tiliae.,u 2 dealates in colony

Fatuhiva Vaikoao, Oomoa Valley 1,600 8·29-30 H. tiUaeeus ~Tahuata Hanamiai Valley 1,500 6- 4-30 1 dealate '"'"Uapou Papaika 1,000 12·14-29 H. tiliaeeus "'"Koputukea, Hakahetau Valley 1,150 11-16-31 H. tiljaeeus Alates in colony IlIivaoa Tenaeka Valley 1,100 6- 4-29 H. tiliaeeus 1 dealate

Tenaeka Valley 1,100 6· 4-29 H. tiliaeeus 4 dealates ;---.'fenaeka Valley 1,100 6· 4-29 H. tUiaceus 2 dealatesAtuona Valley 50 3·28-29 Mango 1 dealateAimoa 500 2·22·29 H. tiliaee"sAimoa 500 3- 7-28 H. tilia eeus Alates and deala!'esTapeata 750 5·25-29 H. tiUa eeusPouau 500 3- 5-29 Alates in colonyVaioa 1,200 7- 6-29 H. tiliaeeus PairVaioa 1,200 7· 6-29 H. tiliaeeus PairAnatuakina 1,525 6- 1-29 Sapindus sapon.aria PairKopaafaa 2,900 2·26·30 Crossostyles biflora 1 dealate

4. Kalolertlles (Cryptotermes) dolei LightUahuka Haahue Valley 260 3-20-31 Sap indus soponariaNukuhiva Taiobae s-iii; Oct., 1929 1 alateUapou Manueva 12·17·29 Morinda citrifoUaEiao 1,700 4·22·31 S. saponaria Alates in colony

Middle of island, east side 1,665 9·28-29 H. tiliaeeus 2 dealates'-lVi

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-Colltilllted

(Place names as on collection labels.)

AltitudeIsland Locality in' feet Date Food Plant Remarks

3. Kalotermes (Metaneotermes) athertoni LightUahuka Taubeeputa 1,770 3·23-31 H. tiliaceus

Haahue Valley 90 3-20-31 Pandanus speciesCrest of North Range 2,350 9-23-29 H. tiliacellS Pair, incipient colonyMatukuaha 1,570 2-27·31 Glochidion rhamiflor",n Dealat'e only

Nukuhiva Tapuaooa 3,100 11-14·29 H. tiliaceus 1 dealate and 1 alate inTapuaooa 2,600 5·30·31 Metrosideros collina colonyTapuaooa 3,100 11-14·29 H. tiliacellsTapuaooa 3,100 11-14-29 H. tiliaceus 2 dealatesTal::uaooa' 3,100 11-14·29 H; tiliaceus 1 dealate

~Te aD Hill 3,150 "5':28:31 3 dealatesOoumu 3,000 W cinmannia species 1 dealate ~

Ooumu 3,500 11·10-29 2 dealates "'l>.Q

'feuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·27-29 H. tiliaceus Pair ~Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·27·29 H. tiliaceus 4 dealates '"Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10·27·29 H. tiliaceus c..,

Tuanui, Toovil 2,000 10-27·29 H. tiliace1ts Pair §Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10-25·29 H. tiliaceus ......Tuanui, Toovii 2,000 10-25-29 H. tiliaceus 2 dealates in colony

Fatuhiva Vaikoao, Oomoa Valley 1,600 8-29-30 H. tiliaceus 1;;Tahuata Hanamiai Valley 1,500 6- 4·30 dealate '"'"Vapou Papaika 1,000 12-14-29 H. tiliaceus "'"Koputukea, Hakahetau Valley 1,150 11-16·31 H. tiliacells Alates in colony II:Iivaoa Tenaeka Valley 1,100 6- 4·29 H. tiliaceus 1 dealate

Tenaeka Valley 1,100 6- 4·29 H. tiliaceus 4 dealates :"""'fenaeka Valley 1,100 6· 4·29 H. tiUaceus 2 dealatesAtuona Valley 50 3·28-29 Mango 1 dealateAimoa 500 2·22·29 H. tiliace,uAimoa 500 3- 7-28 H. tiliaceus Alates and dealat'esTapeata 750 5-25-29 H. tiliaceusPouau 500 3- 5·29 Alates in colonyVaioa 1,200 7- 6-29 H. tiliacells PairVaioa 1,200 7· 6·29 H. tiliaceus PairAnatuakina 1,525 6· 1-29 Sapindus saponaria PairKopaafaa 2,900 2·26·30 Crossostyles biflora 1 dealate

4. Kaloternles (Cryptotermes) dolei LightVabuka Haahue Valley 260 3·20·31 Sapindlls sapo..ariaNukuhiva Taiohae s'iio' Oct., 1929 1 alateVapou Manueva 12·17-29 Morinda citrifoliaEiao 1,700 4-22-31 S. saponaria Alates in colony

Middle of island, east side 1,665 9-28·29 H. tiliaceus 2 dealates


Page 6: S. F. LIGHThbs.bishopmuseum.org/pubs-online/pdf/bull98-171.pdf(The alate of K. (Glyptote,-mes) juddi Light is unknown, but may be distinguished by having the median chitinized and

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-Continlled

(Place names as on collection labels.)


7. Kalotermes (GI),ptotermes) j"ddi LightUahuka Tehaevea, Hane Valley

8. Coptotermes pacificus LightHivaoa Atuona

Above Anaoa5. Kalaterllles (Cryptoter7lles) IIerlllsi Kirby

Hivaoa AtuonaAtuonaAtuonaAtuona

Tahuata Hanahevane ValleyHanahevane Valley

6. Kalotermes (Cr),ptotermes) piceal1ls SnyderHivaoa Atuona



LocalityOuia ValleyTehueto ValleyAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAtuona ValleyAtuona ValleyAtuona Valley

Altit\tdein feet Date Food Plant Remarks

100 9- 2-JO H. ti/iaceus200 J. 8-29 2 dealate.

1,525 6· 1-29 S. saponaria Alates in colony1,525 6- 1-29 S. saponaria1,525 6· 1-29 Xylosma suaveolens t:1;l1,525 6- 1-29

""150 J-28-29 Mango 2 dealates "t2-25-29 ;:i:

150 N.J-28-29 Mango 1 dealate '"700 1-31-31 Cardia subcordala 1 deaIate ""I,JOO 1- 2-31 Sapindus sapo1laria Alates in colony 'I:l

400 I-JI-31 Sapi1ldus sapo1lariab;j350 8-1J-29 Sap indus sapOltariat;'

Feb., 1929 4 dealates-l alate ;:;..May, 1929 1 alate <::>

JO J-28-29 Mango ~

50 J-28-29 Mango Pair ~JOO 7-16-30 S. saponaria Alates in colony ;:JOO 7-16-30 S. sapo1laria Alates in colony ....

""Near Sea Feb., 1929 (at light) Alates :;Level 1500 2-27-J1 Calopll)'/Ium i1lopll)'/I11111

Feb., 1929 (at light) Dealates and alates ~......~S·'000

Collection Records for Termites Taken in the Marquesas Islands-Colltinlled

(Place nallles as on collection labels.)

7. Ka·lotermes (Glyptotermes) j1,ddi LigbtUahuka Tehaevea, Hane Valley

8. Coptotermes pacific"s LightHivaoa Atuona

Above Anaoa5. Kalatermes (Cn'ptater7lles) Irerlllsi Kirby

Hivaoa AtuorIaAtuonaAtuonaAtuona

Tabuata Hanabevane ValleyHanahevane Valley

6. Kalatermes (Cr)'ptotermes) piceat"s SnyderHivaoa Atuona



LocalityOuia ValleyTebueto ValleyAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAnatuakinaAtuona ValleyAtuona ValleyAtuona Valley'

Altihtdein feet Date Food Plant Remarks

100 9- 2-30 H. tiliace"s200 3- 8·29 2 dealates

1,525 6- 1-29 S. saponaria Alates in colony1,525 6- 1-29 S. sapotlaria1,525 6- 1-29 Xylosma suaveolens t::::l1,525 6- 1·29

~150 3-28-29 Mango 2 dealates ~

2-25-29 ;;t...150 3-28-29 Mango dealate '"700 1-31-31 Cordia stlbcardata 1 dealate ~

1,300 1- 2-31 Sapindus sapanaria Alates in colony ~400 1-31-31 Sapindus sapanaria350 8-13-29 Sap;ndus sapanaria t::::l

t;"Feb., 1929 4 dealates-I alate ;::-May, 1929 1 alate <::>

30 3-28-29 Mango "':).

50 3-28-29 Mango Pair ~300 7-16-30 S. sapanaria Alates in colony~300 7-16-30 S. sapo'lOr;a Alates in colony '"""Near Sea Feb., 1929 (at light) Alates ::

Level f500 2-27-31 Caloplr)'/lum inopll)'I/"m t::::lFeb., 1929 (at light) Dealates and alates :t....

