s . c parish · 9:00am fran jacobs by zoe derkotch s at. feb. 16: vigil, the sixth unday in...

10 F EBRUARY 2019 ~ F IFTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME ST. COLUMBKILL PARISH 200 INDIAN SPRING RD., BOYERTOWN, PA 19512 PHONE: 610-367-2371 ~ FAX: 610-369-0242 WWW.STCOLUMBKILL.ORG ~ WWW.ALLENTOWNDIOCESE.ORG Come after me and I will make you fishers of men

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Page 1: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY

1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E


PHONE: 610-367-2371 ~ FAX: 610-369-0242


Come after me and I will make you fishers of men

Page 2: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


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Parish Religious Education Director of Religious Education

Constance J. Boyer [email protected]

Coordinators of Religious Education Patricia & Joseph Petrauskas

[email protected]

Blessed Sacrament

Adoration of the Blessed Sacra-ment is held daily in the chapel.

(See times on page 4)

Reconciliation (Confession) Confessions are heard every Sat-urday from 4:00 - 4:45pm or any time by contacting the Parish Office.

Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for anoint-ing and Communion for the sick and dying.

Baptism of Children

The Sacrament of Baptism is ad-ministered on the first and third Sunday of each month at 12:15p.m. Baptism Prep Classes for parents and godparents are held the 2nd of the month at 12:15 pm in the EHST Room.

Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for the Sacrament of Marriage must be made at least six months before the wedding date. All couples must partici-pate in the Marriage Prep Pro-gram. Visits to Sick and Homebound Please contact Sister Jean Wicken-heiser, OSF at the Parish office to arrange a visit.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA prepares adolescents and adults for Baptism and full com-munion in the Catholic Church. For more information, please con-tact Margaret Chovanes at 610-248-2171.

Religious Education (PREP) Religious instruction for elemen-tary school students takes place on Weds & Thu -Sept through May. Please contact Connie Boyer for more information.

New Parishioners : New parish-ioners are most welcome, and are encouraged to register online at www.stcolumbkill.org or call the Parish Office.







Saint Columbkill Office 200 Indian Spring Rd. * Boyertown, PA 19512

Telephone: 610-367-2371 * Fax: 610-367-0242 Open daily 8:30a.m. — 5:30p.m. Pastor: Reverend Martin F. Kern

Weekend Assistant: Reverend Kevin Bobbin Deacons:

James Kochu, [email protected] Joseph L. Paschall, [email protected]

Joseph Petrauskas: [email protected] Emeritus: Michael V. Woodall

Parish Staff Pastoral Associate: Sister Jean Wickenheiser, OSF [email protected] Director of Music: Deborah Maskrey R.C.I.A. Coordinator: Margaret Chovanes [email protected] 610-248-2171 Director of Youth Ministry: Heather Shainline, [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Snyder, [email protected] Chief Financial Officer/Campaign Coordinator: Gayle B. Fontaine ~ [email protected] Administrative Assistants: Lisa De Simone - [email protected] Mariane Fragment - [email protected] Mary Lou Heisler, [email protected] Joann Rivera, [email protected] Director of Pre-School: Adriana Segaline, [email protected]

Parish School: Saint Francis Academy Principal - Administrator: Mr. Philip E. Repko

[email protected] 668 Pine Street, Bally, PA 19503

Telephone: 610-845-7364 * Fax: 610-845-2223

Sunday Mass Saturday evening: 5:00p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00a.m.

Daily Mass Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m.

Holydays Vigil Mass the day before the Holyday. 7:00 p.m.

Masses on the Holyday of Obligation: 6:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator Wendy S. Krisak, MA, NCC, LPC

Direct Line: 800-791-9209 Safe Environment Coordinator Sister Meg Cole, SSJ, MS.LMFT

610-332-0442, ext 2019

Page 3: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Dear Friends,

The conclusion of our gospel this weekend is Jesus addressing Simon. He states: Do not be afraid; from

now on you will be catching men. When they brought their boats to the shore; they left everything and fol-

lowed him. The idea of leaving all things behind to follow Jesus is truly a tall order. The fact that His disci-

ples were so taken by this man that their lives would so drastically change is very amazing. These few lines

are often used as the invitation to a call to a vocation to priesthood or the religious life. We are all invited to

be His disciples as baptized Christians but this call requires a more dramatic severing of ties to life as we

know it or life as we might have imagined it. The call to a religious vocation requires a period of serious

discernment and study, a length of time and a lifetime commitment. It is not something taken lightly. I do

believe that if someone feels the tug to a religious vocation they should at least place themselves in a posi-

tion to experience the journey and pray that God will direct them and over time make clear if

the vocation if indeed for them. We should encourage anyone who feels the Lord may be call-

ing them and we should always pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

With love and prayers,

Fr. Marty

Preschool Director Position Open: Our Pre-

school program is now looking for a Director/

teacher for the four year old program at the start of

the 2019-2020 school year. Educational require-

ments include: Associates Degree from an accred-

ited college or university in Child Development,

Early Childhood Education or Elementary Educa-

tion; Bachelor’s Degree preferred. Please forward

your resume to Adriana Segaline at

[email protected] or call the church of-

fice at (610)367-2371 to inquire.

A L e t t e r f r o m o u r P a s t o r

Cakes and Pies!

Pellman Cakes Fundraiser!

If you enjoyed the samples at the Chili Cook-off, your

guests will really enjoy Pellman Cakes at your Easter

dinner! Delicious cheese cakes, peanut butter pies,

banana cakes…there’s just so many to choose

from…and no baking needed! You can place your

order NOW in the Parish Office! Order forms are

available…just pick them up in the Parish Office, fill

them out and return them to the office. Don’t miss

out on this delicious opportunity.

Join us for a Mass in support of

those suffering from addiction.

All are invited.

St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church

3640 Schuylkill Road (Rt. 724)

Spring City, PA 19475

Saturday, March 16, 2019

11:00 AM


Rev. Charles R. O’Hara, Pastor

Healing blessing offered after Mass.

Addiction has touched far too many families

and taken far too many of our loved ones.

Join us that we may draw strength from one another

in the power of our faith.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

Page 4: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


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February 11


February 12


February 13


February 14


February 15


February 16


February 17

12pm OA Meeting

5:30pm AA Meeting

1pm Canasta

4pm PREP 6pm PREP

9:30am Bible Study 1pm Senior Group 4pm PREP 6PM PREP

5pm Ignite Adoration Hour 7pm Bear Creek Trip

9am Rosary (Patriotic)

7:30am Mass 9:00am Mass (Hearing Impaired) 11am Mass

7 pm Rosary

7pm Men’s Prayer Meeting

7:15pm Charismatic Prayer Meeting

4pm Confessions 5pm Vigil Mass- 7pm Knights Valentine Dance

6pm PREP 7th grade

W e e k l y P a r i s h C a l e n d a r


9:00 AM Thomas J. Hurley by Regina & William Shainline & Family TUES. FEB. 12: FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

9:00 AM Cathy Heimbach by Joann Rivera WEDS. FEB. 13: FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

9:00 AM Francis Henry by Zoe Derkotch THURS. FEB. 14: ST. CYRIL

9:00 AM Mary Lou Bricker by Betsy White FRI. FEB. 15: FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME

9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch


5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente


7:30 AM Eleanor Myers by Pat & Terry Conrad 9:00 AM Mary Lou Bricker by Mary Lafond 11:00 AM Anna Quigley by Gloria Stoudt

Hours of Adoration in our Holy Family Chapel

Mondays 10 :00 a.m. to Midnight Tuesdays Midnight to Midnight Wednesdays Midnight to Midnight Thursdays Midnight to Midnight Fridays Midnight to 6:00 p.m.

P r a y f o r O u r P r i e s t s

S p i r i t u a l A d o p t io n o f t h e U nb o r n Ch i ld

E x t e n d e d A d o r a t i o n

Church Memorials-Week of February 10, 2019

Please order flowers two weeks in advance. For your convenience

Forms will be available in the narthex. Thank you. ~Ingeborg

Be Not Afraid to say “yes” to Jesus. Answer his call. Consider the priesthood.

M a s s I n t e n t i o n s

Monday February 11 - Father Ronald Minner Tuesday February 12 - Father Stanley Moczydlowski Wednesday February 13 - Father Anthony Mongiello Thursday February 14 - Monsignor David Morrison Friday February 15 - Deceased Priests Saturday February 16 - Father Joseph Muller, M.S.C. Sunday February 17 - Father Michael Mullins

Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 1 Cor 15:3-8, 11; Lk 5:1-11

R e a d i n g s f o r S u n d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 0 t h

I am an embryo now, but my facial features are beginning to

form. I think that my mom suspects that I am here. I hope she

is as excited as I am, but I think she may be scared about her

future. We need your prayers so that she will seek the advice of

a Pro-Life counselor or friend to help her through the next sev-

eral months and allow me to develop. “Jesus, Mary and Jo-

seph. I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the

unborn child that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger

of abortion.”

Page 5: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


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Facilities Faith Lift Prayer

Thank you Father,

for every blessing comes from you.

You gifted us with time, talent and treasure.

Teach us to give time first to You.

Teach us how to pray.

You bestowed on us unique talents.

By unifying our gifts,

You connect us as one body.

Teach us how to serve. Time and talent together

create our treasures.

Teach us how to glorify You

with every breath of our lives. AMEN!

S t e w a r d s h i p

Facilities Faith Lift II

Capital Campaign


We wish to thank all of our parishioners for their

generous pledges thus far to the Facilities Faith Lift II campaign. We are

sincerely grateful for each and every


If you have not received a campaign packet or commitment card, please

contact us at the Parish Office at 610-367-2371 and we will be glad to mail

one to your family. We will continue to accept commitment cards at any time

during the three years of our new


If you wish to use Parish Giving and need help setting up your pledge, please

contact them directly at 1-866-307-7140 or call the office and Lisa or Gayle

will be happy to assist you!

**Please note: If you are making a FFL II Pledge payment and still have a balance on your FFL I, we will first credit your payment to your FFL I

balance. Thank you.

Our Pennies to Bricks campaign is well underway!

Our new Lego structure is “under

construction” in the Narthex! We will enjoy watching our “brick foundation”

grow as these three years go by! Please remember to bring in your coins to the

next monthly Children’s Mass February 10th at 11am to receive your

brick and add to our structure.

Please remember to pray for your spiritually adopted families. In this way

we may join together, pray for one

another and ask for God’s blessing on each other.

We’d like to invite those who have fulfilled their Facilities Faith Lift I and/or

II to be part of our Tree of Life in the Narthex. Depend-

ing on the level of pledge ful-filled, there are leaves, acorns, doves and stones. Please call Gayle Fontaine, chairperson at 610-367-2371 to memorialize your deceased loved ones or to honor your loved ones who are living.


Fiscal Year July 2018 to June 2019

Weekend of January 26-27 2019

Weekly Offering Necessary to meet Budget $12,900.00

Actual Weekly Offering* $11,868.00

Net Weekly Shortage (Correction) -$1,032.00

YTD Budgeted Offering $399,900.00

YTD Actual Offering Income $411,356.00

YTD Overage $11,456.00

* Includes Online Sunday Collections of $2,531.00

Annual Catholic Relief Services collection from Jan 26-27th

was $2032.00


Fiscal Year July 2018 to June 2019

Weekend of February 2-3 2019

Weekly Offering Necessary to meet Budget $12,900.00

Actual Weekly Offering* $12,408.00

Net Weekly Shortage -$492.00

YTD Budgeted Offering $412,800.00

YTD Actual Offering Income $423,764.00

YTD Overage $10,964.00

* Includes Online Sunday Collections of $2,316.00

Page 6: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


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Y O U T H G R O U P ( 7 T H - 1 2 T H G R A D E S ) - H E A T H E R S H A I N L I N E

P R E - S C H O O L - A D R I A N A S E G A L I N E p r e s c h o o l @ s t c o l u m b k i l l . o r g

Pre-School Registration is now open for the

2018-2019 school year. This school year marks the 35th year that St. Columbkill Preschool has offered quality education to children in Boyer-town, PA and surrounding area. Our program provides learning experiences that are age and developmentally appropri-ate. There are approximately 50 children enrolled in the 3 and 4-year-old classes, which run from Labor Day week until

the end of May.

The preschool curriculum en-compasses the social, emo-tional, physical and spiritual development of each child, while following the Pennsyl-vania Early Learning Stan-dards. Our program also in-cludes monthly physical educa-tion classes led by YMCA in-structors. Visit our Preschool web page for more Information at: http://stcolumbkill.org/preschool.

You can also register your child (children) online and pay your $35 per child, non-refundable registration fee. For more information contact our Director, Adriana Segaline at: [email protected] or call the parish office and leave her a message.

Hoagie Sale

A HUGE thank you to all those who helped make

hoagies last weekend AND to all parishioners who

bought them. We hoped you liked them- weren’t

they delicious?! Also, a many thanks to Deacon Jim

Kochu and Martha Patrick for helping slice and dice our

ingredients. It was a great success and we cannot thank

you all for your continued love, prayers and support.

Sunday, February 10th

Monthly Meeting • 12:15 - 2:15pm

Downstairs Hall - Lunch will be provided.

Friday, February 15th

Bear Creek Trip • 4:30-9:30pm

Please let Heather know if you need a ride- first come,

first served. We will meet in the Narthex at 4:30 and leave

at 4:45pm. All snow tubers: Tubing time is 7-9pm. Feel

free to come up with us, eat some dinner and then go tub-

ing. All others who are snowboarding or skiing can get on

the slopes as soon as we arrive. If you want to drive up

yourself or meet us later, stop by church at 4:30 to grab

your lift tickets.

Sunday, February 24th

Ignite Mass • 6:30 pm

Mission Trip 2019

Our Mission Trip to Virginia Beach, VA from June 16th-

June 22nd, 2019 IS FULL! If you wish to be placed on our

waiting list, please contact Heather.

Steubenville 2019

Signups are NOW OPEN! Please send your

$50.00 deposits in or pay online.This trip is open

to students going into 9th grade and 2019 gradu-

ates. The dates for this year’s trip are July 12th-

July 14th, 2019. Mark it down in your calendars! Any

questions, please let Heather know.


If you would like to sponsor a student on one of our sum-

mer trips, please contact Heather and she can help you

out! There are many teens looking for assistance going on

these trips.


If you are a chaperone or a teen that will be 18 on or be-

fore the summer trips, you must have your clearances.

Please start them NOW. If they are not completed, you

will not be able to attend the trips. Contact Heather or Lisa

in the office to get your paperwork started.

E M M A N U E L M U S I C M I N I S T R Y Do you play the flute, oboe, violin, cello, or other instrument? WE NEED YOU! Student or Adult, EMMANUEL needs musicians to make a

joyful noise on Sundays at 11:00 Mass. Please call Kathy at 610-741-4546.

Page 7: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

S a i n t F r a n c i s A c a d e m y

February 11-15 the students at SFA will be par-

ticipating in the American Heart Association

Heart Challenge during their physical education

classes. All money raised will go to help the

Heart Association’s fight against stroke and heart


Registration is on-going for the 2019-2020 school

year, PK 4 through Grade 8. Registration forms

are available at the school or on the school website.

Call the school for a tour or more information.

Designer Bag Bingo Sunday, March 3 in the school cafeteria.

Cost $25. Doors open at 11:30 and bingo starts at 1pm. Tick-

ets can be purchase through school.

Kindergarten – Why St. Francis Academy? Enroll now.

Your child’s first years of school are crucial to forming a posi-

tive attitude towards learning. At St. Francis,

the full day program takes place in a loving and nurturing

environment. There is no greater gift to give your child than a

strong foundation of daily prayer and morals. Our teacher,

Mrs. Jackie Youse, is degreed and certified. Mrs. Kathleen

DiPietro is the full time classroom aide. Did you know your

parish school has the highest standardized test scores in the

Diocese? What about tuition? There are numerous grants

available to offset the cost. Visiting our website

(www.sfabally.org) is fine to gather information but there is

nothing better than visiting our school for a personal tour. You

can see for yourself the care and “family” atmosphere of each

classroom and activity.

Plastic Cash

Sales through school are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Giant A+ program Every time you use your Giant card,

a percent of your purchase can be going to benefit our parish

school. To register your card go to giantfoodstores.com

Create an account here and register your card number under the

savings and rewards tab. Search for St. Francis Academy,


Amazon Shoppers Your purchase can benefit our parish

school. Your first visit to smile.amazon.com will prompt you

to choose a charitable organization. Search the dropdown for

St. Francis Academy, Bally. 5% of your purchases will be

donated to St. Francis Academy.

Keep saving those Box Tops and Redner’s tapes. When send-

ing in the Redners cash register tapes, please send in the entire

tape. Redners will not accept tapes with any portion cut off.

Thank you. The proceeds help with Home & School projects.

H u m a n C o n c e r n s M i n i s t r y

Reaching out to our parishioners through

“A Special Connection”.

Members of the Human Concerns Commit-

tee are waiting to make “A Special Connec-

tion” with parishioners who are homebound

or would just welcome a friendly phone call

or a written card or note on a regular basis.

If you would like to take advantage of this

ministry please call the parish office and

leave your name and phone number and

someone will contact you. Please feel free

to share this information with anyone you

know who could benefit from the ministry. If

you would like to become part of this minis-

try, please contact Ginny Sherry at 484-802-

3916. Thank you.

Thanks for the "Souper" Bowl Donations

The result of our Souper Bowl Sunday collection was:

Los Angeles Rams ~ 509

New England Patriots ~ 149

Neutral ~ 112

for a TOTAL of 770 Non-Perishable items donated to the

Boyertown Area Multi-Service pantry. An very special

"Thank you" to all who participated. We may not have picked

the winner, but we were still able to help many area families as

the result of your generosity


at St. Columbkill

Get ready to ROAR June 24-28!!

We will need adult volunteers who have all of

their clearances for this vacation bible school.

One requirement for adult clearances is attend-

ing a protecting God's Children class. There will

not be many convenient opportunities for this

class between now and June. I HIGHLY recommend

that if you would like to volunteer and need to

take this class you attend the one our parish is

hosting on Saturday, February 23rd.

If you have any questions about needed clear-

ances or attending the class, please call the

church office at 610-367-2371.

If you have any questions about VBS please con-

tact Megan Repko at 610-310-5661 or

[email protected]

Page 8: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

M i n i s t r i e s & N e i g h b o r h o o d

LAY MINISTERS: We are still in need of volunteers to

greet parishioners on several weekend Masses. Please contact

Li sa DeSimo ne a t 610 -367-2371 or emai l :

[email protected] to assist in this ministry of welcome.

P a r i s h N e w s a n d I n f o r m a t i o n



ING : February 14, 2019 ~ 1PM

For more information about trips or to sign

up contact Peg Bryan at 610 754-7516 or email at

[email protected]

Call Don Gilbert for info on joining! 610-369-5950


St. Valentine’s Dance: Ready to get down and

boogie? Saturday, February 16th we will be

having a Valentine’s Day dance at 6:00 PM after the 5:00

Mass. Great food and beverages, DJ, Fellowship. Tickets

on sale after Mass. Also, there will be a Marriage Vow

renewal at the 5:00 Mass. Sign up by February 10th.

Baby Bottles for Life: We are collecting filled bottles

before/after all weekend Masses. Please bring back your

bottles by February 17th. Thanks to all that have been

supporting Life by participating in our drive.

Knights Breakfast: Thanks to all who attended our Febru-

ary Breakfast! The next breakfast will be March 3rd.

January Service Day: On January 19th we had two differ-

ent groups of Knights (and their wives) from our Council

supporting service projects. One group participated in a

Habitat for Humanity project while the other supported a

soup kitchen in Allentown. Charity is the first principle

of our order. It is a great feeling to do good things with

your brother Knights and family.

If you'd like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus

please visit our website at: http://kofc16544.org

(Poor box located in the Narthex ~ helping those

in need in our local community)

Find out more about us:


Notary Public Lisa De Simone of our office staff is a certi-

fied notary public. She is authorized to perform the legal

formalities of a notary, especially to draw up or

certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for

use in other jurisdictions. To contact Lisa you can

call her at the Parish Office: 610-367-2371 N O T A R Y

ALL ARE WELCOME: We are excited to share that

we have started a Children’s Rosary prayer

group at our parish. This prayer group al-

lows participation of children of all ages,

although the target ages are from 4-

14. Younger children and siblings are en-

couraged to come as well. This is a unique

opportunity for the children of our parish to come to-

gether to pray. Adults are welcome and encouraged to

come to the Children’s Rosary. They are the special

“guardian angels” of this movement. Meetings will be

held the first Saturday of each month in the Chapel at

10:00 AM. No prior knowledge of the Rosary is needed

and rosaries and prayer books will be provided. Hope

you can join us. If you have questions please contact

Megan at (610) 310-5661 or

[email protected].

The Pregnancy Loss Support Group: is open to all women

who have lost a child during pregnancy. For information on

meetings, please contact Melissa Haines at 267-481-5332

or [email protected] ~ Saint Theresa of Calcutta


Come strengthen your faith on Wed. evenings 7:15 PM. We are

open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, scripture, music, joyfully

praising the Lord. Scripture based teachings are given each

week to help us live our Catholic faith. Let us intercede for your

needs. For more info call Sue T. 610-367-4711 or email Don @

[email protected].

Page 9: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Seaman Recruit Steve Hoffa SPC Jeremy Larson Jonathan Taylor Staff Sgt. Robert Preston 1st Lieutenant Dana DeMartino USN Petty Officer Joseph Scarberry, Jr. Lance Corporal David Vogler Sergeant Brian Weber Sergeant Jason Emerich Sergeant David O’Brien CDR Brian Blair Sergeant Steve Lafond USN Petty Officer Jennifer McBride Lt. Steve Rohe Sergeant Jesse Miele USN Petty Officer Stephanie McBride SPC Kyle Laskoskie 1st Lieutenant Eric Antonucci Lt. Andrew Moyer, USN Airman Josh Bartman Airman Morghan Poitras

Staff Sergeant Joshua Taylor USMC USN MA Second Class Petty Officer (SW) Matthew R. Goldschmidt Senior Airman Corey Kelch Captain Zachary Bregovi Lance Corporal Andrew J. Carpenter PV2 Somer Leanne Guhl - 1st Calvary Division PV2 Ray Fazio SFC Ommannan Gonzalez LTJG Daniel Patti, USN CPT Joseph Patti, USA PV2 Cole Keenan SPC Ryan Peck Staff Sgt Anthony DeVito

Please Pray for the following Intentions: For Our Family Members in the Military

Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their fami-lies for the selfless acts that they perform for us in

our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord & Savior. Amen.

3rd Annual Nite At The Races-- Saturday, May 4th from 6 to

10PM: Join us for a night of great food, fun and music! Enjoy

a delicious buffet dinner, beer and wine while watching the

Kentucky Derby from 6 to 7PM. Then take part in the excite-

ment of 10 thoroughbred horse races via video broadcast and

place your bets on your pick for the winner! You could even

purchase a horse...if your horse wins, you win! Food, adult and

soft beverages will be provided throughout the night along with

music. Come and enjoy the fun! This is a 21-years of age and

older event.

Attic Treasures--Thursday, May 17th to Sunday, May 19th,

Quinn Hall: Come and explore the many treasures for sale at

this event. Who knows…you may find that one-of-a-kind item

you have always been looking for! There will also be some

tasty foods for sale as well as a plant sale. If YOU have some-

thing you feel is gently used or even new and you want to do-

nate, a list of acceptable items will be available in a few weeks

before the event. Mark your calendars!

3rd Annual St. Columbkill Golf Outing--Saturday, June 8th,

Twin Ponds Golf Course: This exciting day starts off with a

kick-off lunch including beer and soft beverages followed by a

1PM tee-off, 4-man scramble format along with skills contests.

Your day of golf will culminate with an Awards Dinner that

will include a sizzling steak dinner and prizes. Grab three

friends and sign up your team. Don’t have a team? That’s

okay…we can pair you up. Information and sign-ups will be

coming SOON!

On behalf of the Parish of Saint Columbkill, the Fundraising

Committee THANKS YOU for supporting all our Parish events

and making them successful!


Welcome New


Daniel Amerman and

Alyssa Braun Gregory Bloch

Joseph Delllaquila

Sean and Sharlann


Valerie Emig

Carol Jackson

Christine Jones

Robert and Katherine


Enzo and Jennifer Paludi

Andrea Patton

Kevin and Melissa


Zose Pjetri

David Serafin

Bryan and Michelle


Augustine Szamboti

Erin Ziemak

Michael and Barbara


Connor, son of Christopher Beidler and Erin Vanselous

Henry, son of Robert and Sarah Drewicz

Benjamin, son of David and Jessica Fugelo

Macklin Lee, son of Frank and Lee Ann Gravinese

Myles, son of Sean and Erika Gumbert

Rylie Ann, daughter of Nathan and Heather Kocon

Quinn Pamela, daughter of

Ryan and Colleen Mimnaugh

McKenna Christine, daughter of

Nathan and Chelsea O’Donnell

McKenna Grace, daughter of Jeffrey and Mary Ralph

Isabella Marie, daughter of

Richard and Stephanie Schaffer

David Joseph, son of Andrew and Sarah Thiel

Page 10: S . C PARISH · 9:00AM Fran Jacobs by Zoe Derkotch S AT. FEB. 16: VIGIL, THE SIXTH UNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM Shew Ling Yong by John & Mimi Parente SUN. FEB. 17: THE SIXTH UNDAY


1 0 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 ~ F I F T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Widow and Widowers Grief Support : The next “REACH OUT” will be at MBS’ Fr Schneider Hall at 1 PM on Feb-ruary 10th 2019. The following meeting will be on February 24th at the St Columbkill’s Conference RM at 1 PM. Being in the grip of winter, the temptation to get down at this difficult time for those who have lost a loved one is very great. The support of those who know cannot be overestimated. For more information and for anyone who has suffered a loss of any one close to them, please call Dn. Mike Boyle at 610-367-1602.

SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ~ A JOURNEY: We are all on a journey and life is about going on the journey, not the get-ting there. It is in the seeking, questioning, and dreaming in our inner knowledge that we will find the Devine and find what is holy. This is how we will discover a way. a truth, and a light. A proven way to continue this jour-ney is through spiritual direction. If interested in exploring this process please call Kevin Martin, O.F.S, M.S. at: 610-310- 7077 or Peg Choinski at 610-850-1869 or email Peg at [email protected]. All inquiries are confi-dential.

BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL: Many thanks to those who have made a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Mak-

ing a six-month pledge to the Appeal allows you to maximize the amount that you may give by making monthly payments. For example, a $120 gift to the Appeal may be setup with six $20 installments. Remember, every gift counts, no matter how small. Your generosity funds the annual budget for 6 important Diocesan ministries in our area. You can make your gift online at FaithHopeCharityGives.org.

FLOCKNOTE: If you would like to be notified by TEXT or EMAIL of important parish news, holy day reminders, im-portant messages from our pastor, and special events being held at St. Columbkill this is for you. Join as many groups as you are involved with! Go to our website on the Home Page to register: www.stcolumbkill.org. You may also stop receiving news at any time by signing in to your profile notifications and choosing ‘leave group’.

RCIA or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults It is not too late to join RCIA - the Rite of Chris-

tian Initiation of Adults and get your questions answered about the Catholic faith. We will con-

tinue to meet on Thursday evenings at 7PM in the parish office .For more information, contact

Margaret Chovanes at [email protected] or 610-248-2171.

S a i n t C o l u m b k i l l P a r i s h M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t

We are a Catholic community drawing people to follow Jesus and

His message of love.