rymel s. polittude portfolio

Republic of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Branch Don Fabian St. Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City A PRE-SERVICE TEACHING PORTFOLIO OF EXPERIENCES IN OFF-CAMPUS INTERNSHIP IN DASMARIÑAS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL A Portfolio Submitted to: Professor Sheryl R. Morales In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practice Teaching Submitted by: Rymel S. Polittude Bachelor in Business Teacher Education Major in Information Technology MARCH 2015

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Rymel Polittude


  • Republic of the Philippines

    Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    Quezon City Branch

    Don Fabian St. Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City






    A Portfolio Submitted to:

    Professor Sheryl R. Morales

    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

    Practice Teaching

    Submitted by:

    Rymel S. Polittude

    Bachelor in Business Teacher Education

    Major in Information Technology

    MARCH 2015

  • I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thankfulness and deep

    consideration to the following persons:

    To Prof. Sheryl R. Moralesand Prof. Marilyn F. Isip for guiding me with the documents

    needed for my ojt.

    To Prof. TeresitaMoldogo for sacrificing her work time just to sit as my panel in my final

    demonstration. Also giving the best grade that I am rooting for.

    To Dr. David E. Atas who accepted me to have my practice teaching in DNHS.

    To Mr. Jerry S. Vergara who accompany me to the room and to the CT that I chose.

    To Mrs. Rufina M. Cruto who had become not only my CT but my mother who always

    there to guide my work as a practice teacher and also as a son of her.

    To Ms. Avelina N. Mojica who shares all her words of wisdom that really motivates me to

    push forward.

    To IV- Aluminum, IV- Potassium and IV- Oxygen for cooperating with my work and

    listening to all my advices.

    Special Thanks toNomerDebonbon, Cheena Marie Angeles and Hernando Barredo who

    help me to settle my local and final demonstration.

    To my Family, who really supported and helped me to all my needs.

    Lastly to our Almighty God who guided and blessed me for having a great experience in

    practice teaching.



    I would like to dedicate this Portfolio to our Almighty and Merciful God

    To my Family for believing and allowing me to strive hard to my studies. And the

    unconditional love and non-stop support.

    To my Cooperating Teacher for acting as my real mother in school. Especially for

    giving me the love and support that doesnt last for a reason.

    To my Best Friends who help and support all the way of my journey experiencing this

    practice teaching.


  • Certificate of Completion


    I. Statement of Purpose of the Portfolio

    II. Prayer of Pre-service teachers

    Teacher's creed

    Personal Education Philosophy

    III. Resume

    Community Involvement evidences

    (photos and certificates of outreach, community service, etc)

    IV. Personal Insights on the pre-service training experience

    V. Brief Description of the Site of practice teaching

    Mission, Vision, Goal, Values

    Oganizational chart

    VI. Sample lesson plan/learning guide/plan book/activity log

    VII. Lesson plan used during final demonstration (completely signed by the


    a. pictures of teaching materials used

    b. pictures during the final demo

    c. sample of students' output



  • This practice teaching portfolio was prepared and

    developed to provide and share experiences for those who will

    undergo the same undertakings. Some classroom difficulties and

    problems that he had encountered are mentioned, and the lesson

    that he had learn. The greatest value of this practice teaching

    portfolio is that it served as the mirror of the practice teacher for

    their progress and achievement in their practice teaching. And

    also this practice teaching portfolio was prepared to expose the

    pre-service teacher experiences so that they can use it in relating

    their theories learned inside the classroom to become globally


    Another purpose of this practice teaching portfolio is that

    it assess the pre-service teachers learning for the preparation in

    future life in facing the real world of teaching. The pre-service

    teacher must do always their best in imparting knowledge to the

    students. Just love your students so in return your students will

    be embracing you too, with the great things youve done to them

    not only in cognitive side but in affective and psychomotor



    OF THE


  • Lord, let me be just what they need. If they

    need someone to trust, let me be

    trustworthy. If they need sympathy, let me

    sympathize. If they need love, (and they do

    need love), let me love, in full measure. Let

    me not anger easily, Lord but let me be just.

    Permit my justice to be tempered in your

    mercy. When I stand before them, Lord, let

    me look strong and good and honest

    and loving. And let me be as strong and

    good and honest and loving as I look to

    them. Help me to counsel the anxious, crack

    the covering of the shy, temper

    the rambunctious with a gentle attitude.

    Permit me to teach only the truth. Help me

    to inspire them so that learning will not

    cease at the classroom door. Let the lessons

    they learn make their lives fruitful and

    happy. And, Lord, let me bring them to you.

    Teach them through me to love you. Finally,

    permit me to learn the lessons they teach.




  • Teachers Creed

    I am a teacher. I accept the challenge to be

    sagacious and tenacious in teaching every

    student, because I believe every student can

    learn. I accept the responsibility to create a

    learning environment conducive to

    optimum achievement academically,

    socially, and emotionally. I actively pursue

    excellence for my students and myself. I

    provide a model of decorum and respect

    that guides my students as well as honors

    them. I affirm superlative expectations for

    my students and myself. I cherish every

    student. I am a teacher. I change the world

    one student at a time.



    The goal of education should be to encourage seeking answers, as it

    is in this way that we advance. I seek to facilitate this advancement

    of knowledge, and the main theme of my teaching philosophy is

    reasoned thought. Whether in the classroom or in meeting groups of

    the general public, my goal is to encourage thinking in rational

    ways, so that this can be applied in other, unfamiliar situations. I

    particularly emphasize learning to think about trends and directions

    (e.g. increasing this will decrease that), rather than rote

    memorization of facts.

    In order to further encourage seeking answers to the questions

    around us, I try to encourage the questions themselves. All teachers

    should do so, but it is difficult to "allow the time" for this to take

    place, especially in a classroom setting. One way in which I have

    done this is to design a course based on answering questions.

    Another important element of my teaching philosophy is

    encouraging reasoned written and oral work, especially in

    developing logical arguments. A major factor of this is spending my

    time making suggestions, as students can only learn to present their

    ideas more effectively if someone shows them how and why

    modifications could be made to their natural style to make it clearer.

  • Rymel S. Polittude

    Address: Blk 15 Lot 43 Greenbreeze Village PielaSampalok III

    Dasmarias City, Cavite

    Mobile: 09476484099/ 09054066087

    Email:[email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]


    College Bachelor in Business Teachers Education Major in Information Technology

    Polytechnic University of the Philippines (2011-2015)

    Secondary Dasmarias National High School Main (2008-20011)

    Primary Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. (2001-2007)


    The New Generation of ITEVOLUTION

    School Based Management (Dasmarias National High School)

    Career Success Begins Now

    Software Freedom Day


    Quezon City Public Library (Assistant staff at Multimedia and Internet Service) Novaliches, Quezon City Dasmarias National High School (Practice Teacher in Agricultural Arts IV and ICT- Computer Hardware Servicing) Burol 2, Dasmarias City Cavite


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]


    General Skills with Microsoft Offices

    General Skills with Webpage Development (Joomla)

    General Skills with Adobe Software Applications

    General Skills with Computer Hardware Servicing

    Divisional and Regional Champion in Landscaping Arts in Technolympics 2015

    Author of the published book entitled Employability Skills and Attitude Towards Work of BBTE graduates at PUPQC Branch


    Birthday November 27, 1994

    Gender Male

    Nationality Filipino

    Height 57

    Weight 115lbs

    Status Single REFERENCES Mrs. Rufina M. Cruto 09222474900 Mrs. Maribel Videna 09282971384

    I hereby certify that the above information is correct with my best of my knowledge.


  • The event was happened on January 12, 2015 at Dasmarias National High


    We participated in the Garden Landscaping Contest as coach with my 2 students

    accompanied by my cooperating teacher Mrs. Cruto.



    Division Technolympics


  • While the competition is on-going, polishing their work.

    During the judging part

    Division Technolympics


  • Having picture with my co-practice teachers from EARIST and the final

    product of my students.

  • Certificates Received

  • IV. Personal

    Insights on the




    My training as a Practice Teacher was

    one of my memorable experiences in my

    life. Practice teaching really mold my

    ability to speak with confidence and to

    inculcate knowledge to the students with

    pledge. At my first day, my cooperating

    teacher observed my classroom

    management very weak, but my

    knowledge regarding the subject and

    how I deliver it has no problem with her.

    Another thing she had observed are my

    gestures while Im teaching, were my

    hands are all over the place which really

    irritates her. But what really

    overwhelming is she doesnt give up

    transforming me into high quality

    teacher. My cooperating teacher gave

    me the best training and guidance that I

    really need to my on-job training.


    Dasmarias National High School- main is located at Bagong Bayan of the

    City of Dasmarias, province of Cavite. Sprawled in the approximately area

    of 6.5 hectares of land. It has started its operation on July 1975 by virtue of

    Republic act 503 having Dasmarias Relocation Center High School

    (DRCHS) at its name. However, the promulgation of Article 7122 has

    converted the institutions name into Dasmarias National High School

    (DNHS). Now, its academic program is composed of a Regular High School

    Curriculum and a Special Science Curriculum.

    Furthermore, it has expanded its service to Dasmarias Community

    by putting up eight annexes within the vicinity. These extensions are

    presently moving towards their independence from the main school. As

    such, the influx of subdivisions and low cost housing units, Dasmarias

    National High School continue to serve to nurture the secondary education

    needs of the fast growing urbanized Dasmarias community its neighboring

    towns. It will remain to uphold its mission in harnessing the youths

    potential so that they will the challenges of the new millennium and


    During the opening in 1975, DNHS began with 304 enrollees and 9

    faculty members and 1 guidance councilor. With more than 30 years of

    existence, the enrolment has reach to almost 10,000 students with more than

    215 teachers in the main school alone. This is due to influx of people

    patronizing the school. Dr. Rafael D. Reyes is the first principal of DRCHS

    now DNHS. Many called him the Father of DNHS.

    V. Brief

    Description of the





  • The school is composed of only one guidance councilor, Concepcion Reyes,

    nine faculty members namely, Mrs. Marina N. Aonuevo, Mrs. Consejo

    Bermuda Catubo. Miss Connie Clemente, Miss LucilaMalano (now Mrs.

    Garcia), Mrs. Carolina Delos Reyes, Mr. ProfidesBelber, Mrs. Carmen B.

    Capoy, Mr. Alvin Valencia and Mr. Ramon Tailon. The school has barely

    two 2-story building donate by RP-US Byanihan Friendship with 36

    classrooms being used for instructions and offices.

    In 1976-1977 Mrs. Paz Ariola acted Head Teacher, both in Math and

    Science, Miss Lourdes Pleno became the school nurse and Mr. Dominador

    Carranza as CAT commandant. There are more teachers added to the list.

    More buildings, school facilities and classrooms were added as the years

    goes on, but due to big increase in enrolment yearly\, classrooms are not

    sufficient under the canopy of trees.

    For more than 30 years of existence of DNHS, different principals

    administered. When Mr. Rafael D. Reyes retired in 1998, Mrs. Belen

    Manzareno and Mr. Roman Salazar became OIC then followed by Mrs.

    Leticia C. Hayag as Principal IV.

    In year 2002, DNHS is administered by Mrs. Marcelina P. Chavez as

    Principal IV and retired n year 2005. At present Dr. David E. Atas

    supervised nine Department Heads: Mrs. Alicia a. Herrera Filipino, Mrs.

    Jocelyn M. Frencillo English, Mr. Mario M. Abejuela Science, Mrs.

    Agustina B. Escobar Math, Mrs. Revelina Q. Dela Cruz Social Studies,

    Mrs. Luzviminda C. Arellano TLE-Girls, Mr. Jerry S. Vergara TLE-

    Boys, Mrs. Enriqueta M. Pacumio MAPEH and Mrs. Lalaine M.

    Barrameda Values Education.

    Other school staffs: Gladys G. Reyes in the administrative Officer

    IV, Rufina B. Legaspi as the Guidance Coordinator III, Nasario S. Madriaga

    as Administrative Officer II, and Cashier, Myrna S. Delos Santos as

    Administrative Officer I nd Supply Officer, Raquel G. Rupido as

    Accountant, Lyn B. Ala as School Librarian and Brenda S. Acasio as the

    School Physician.

    At present, the DNHS Main has more than 15 buildings, including

    the Administration and Special class buildings. The teaching force is

    composed of almost 250 males and females , and the non-teaching force is

    composed of 30 males and females. The number of students enrollee this

    school year (2012-2013) has almost 10, 000 males and females.

    Damsmarias National High School Main has been established to

    cater the educational needs of the relocated families from Metro Manila and

    to mold the young people of Dasmarias and its neighboring municipalities.


    We envision our school to be the producer of

    learners who are morally upright, economically self-

    sufficient, globally competitive to the needs of a fast

    changing world and can adapt to a more organic


    Moreover, the institution will transform and create a

    leader and administrators who are genuinely concern

    about natural resources.


    It is our commitment to provide its clientele from the

    relocated families and the Dasmarineos on quality

    education that will build individuals with

    knowledge, skills, habits and values necessary for

    the total development in order to attain quality of life

    for active successful participation in a humane and

    technologically-advancing society.

    We provide a nurturing environment where young

    people can learn and grow in their academic

    commitment and acquire awareness and

    participation on environmental concerns.

  • Lesson Plan

    Subject: Computer Hardware Servicing January 20, 2015

    Year and Section/s:Grade 7- Doa Luz


    At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

    1. define and describe Hardware as part of the Computer System

    2. enumerate the main parts of System Unit

    3. show and give the function of each of the main parts of system unit


    A. Topic: Computer System

    B. Sub-Topic: Hardware (part 1)

    C. References:

    Computer Hardware Servicing Exploratory Course for Grade 7 and 8

    D. Instructional Materials:

    Visual Aids

    Sticky notes

    System Unit Model

    Board and Chalk

    E. Values Integration:


    Truth and Tolerance


    A. Daily Routine

    1. Prayer

    2. Energizer

    3. Greetings

    4. Checking of Attendance

    5. Checking of Assignments



  • B. Lesson Proper

    1. Recall

    Components of Computer System

    2. Motivation

    Group the class into 4 groups and each group will receive sticky


    Each of the sticky notes are letters and jumbled

    The sticky notes must be arrange according to its desired word

    The word must be determine either Input, Output, Processing or

    Storage Devices by posting the arranged word to the board

    3. Presentation

    Post the visual aids that present the topic

    Show the components using the system unit model

    Major Hardware Components of a Computer System

    System Unit

    - the main part of a microcomputer, sometimes called the chassis.


    - the main circuit board of a computer

    - it contains all the circuits and components that run the computer.

    CPU (Central Processing Unit)

    - The processor is the main brain or heart of a computer system. It performs all

    of the instructions and calculations that are needed and manage the flow of

    information through a computer.

    Primary Storage (Main Memory)

    - Is the computers working storage space that holds data, instructions for

    processing and processed data waiting to be sent to secondary storage.

    2 types of Memory

    a. ROM (Read Only Memory)- is non-volatile, meaning it holds data even when

    the power is ON or OFF.

    b. RAM (Random Access Memory)- is volatile, meaning it holds data only when

    the power is on. When the power is off, RAMs content are lost.

    Expansion Bus

    - A bus is a data pathway between several hardware components inside or outside a



    - Printed circuit boards that enable the computer to use a peripheral device for

    which it does not have the necessary connections or circuit boards.

    Power Supply Unit

    - installed in the back corner of the PC case, next to the motherboard.

  • - It converts 120vac into DC voltages that are used by other components in the PC.

    Hard Disk Drives

    - Also known hard drive, is a magnetic storage device that is installed inside the


    - Permanent storage for data.

    Optical Drive

    - An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical


    3 optical drives:

    CD (compact disk)

    DVD (digital versatile disc)

    BD (Blu-ray Disc)

    Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)

    - Designed to optically access data stored on a DVD.

    4. Application

    Call out students for showing and discussing the parts of system

    unit individually


    Review about the main parts of the system unit


    Research the types of Input and Output Devices





  • Materials I used on my Final Demonstration


  • During the motivation (picture analysis) and presentation (video tutorial) part of my Final


    During the students presentation of their output and judging from the rubrics

  • During the students activities (wiring Bonsai)

    My students final output during my Final Demonstration

  • My Cooperating Teacher

    With my CT Mrs. Cruto, the most loving and caring

    teacher and mother for me.

  • Class Picture with IV- Aluminum, the most active and most responsible

    students that I handled. They are the section I used in my Final Demonstration

    Class Picture with IV- Potassium, the section that I enjoyed to be with most.

    They are not good as the other sections but they are very industrious and joyful

    to cooperate with

    My Students

  • Certificate of Appreciation

    With Mrs. Videa, my CT in ICT- Computer Hardware

    Servicing. Shes so gorgeous. I tell her that everyday

    and she always feel carefree.

  • With Mrs. Cruto, or should I say with my mom. She

    has been the best teacher and mother for me! That is

    all I can say

  • With Mr. Vergara, he is the head of TLE Boys

    Department. Sir Jerry is very accommodating, he is

    the one who accompany me to my desired CT and


  • With Dr. Atas, the principal of my cooperating school

    DNHS. I didnt have a time to talk and meet him at

    the time that I am applying for my ojt. Hes a very

    busy principal.

  • Daily Time Records