ryan toohey b1

Not relevant – I do not have any customers in Brisbane . Post # 31 – Charity Events in Brisbane http://brisbane.eventful.com/events/connect-2014-fundraising-dinner-/ E0-001-072592023-7 Connect 2014 Fundraising Dinner Connect and make a difference September 5, 2014 Friday 6:30 PM - 11:30 PM Royal International Convention Centre 600 Gregory Terrace Brisbane, Queensland In communities across Queensland, individuals and families are facing serious issues such as homelessness, mental illness, poverty, domestic violence, family breakdown and unemployment. Those experiencing these challenges can often feel alone and afraid. To help address this heartbreaking situation, Churches of Christ in Queensland’s community chaplains are working with our care services to reach out to people in need and connect them with their local community. Our dedicated chaplains invest in people’s

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Page 1: Ryan Toohey B1

Not relevant – I do not have any customers in Brisbane . Post # 31 – Charity Events in Brisbane


Connect 2014 Fundraising Dinner

Connect and make a difference

September 5, 2014

Friday   6:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Royal International Convention Centre

600 Gregory TerraceBrisbane, Queensland

In communities across Queensland, individuals and families are facing serious issues such as homelessness, mental illness, poverty, domestic violence, family breakdown and unemployment. Those experiencing these challenges can often feel alone and afraid.To help address this heartbreaking situation, Churches of Christ in Queensland’s community chaplains are working with our care services to reach out to people in need and connect them with their local community. Our dedicated chaplains invest in people’s lives, demonstrate unconditional love, are available to help when people are in desperate need and give guidance to those who are struggling with life’s pressures.

Page 2: Ryan Toohey B1

Post # 32 – Electronic Vehicle News Update


Is Australia's electric vehicle market set to take off? Government and solar companies seem to think so.

Page 3: Ryan Toohey B1

OK – Different state though. Western Australia - Post # 33 – Australian News relating electricity Bill


Plan to reduce power bills by passing investment costs to producers

A proposed shake-up of Western Australia's electricity market would see household bills reduced by passing the risk of investing in the market on to producers. The Government last week released details of a review of the system, revealing electricity costs in WA are the highest in the nation.

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OK / Interesting Post # 34 – Australia Power Source


South Australian electricity supply industry overview

In South Australia electricity is generated from renewable and non-renewable sources and sold in the National Electricity Market (NEM).

Electricity retailers buy electricity from the NEM and sell it to households and businesses. Transmission and distribution networks transport the electricity from the power stations to end users.

Electricity generation

Electricity in South Australia is mainly generated by four sources:

gas-fired generation (51%) wind energy (27%) coal-fired generation (17%) rooftop photovoltaics (PV) systems (4%).

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GOOD Post # 35 – Clipsal Safety Switches Update


A safety requirement in all Australian states.

A cooker switch must now be installed within two metres of an electrical cook top and oven. Clipsal has a wide selection of cooker switches to match any style and need.

Page 6: Ryan Toohey B1

Post # 36 – Electrical Tagging/Testing


Portable Appliance Tester

The current Australian Standard, AS/NZS 3760:2010 specifies the tests required to be conducted in order to confirm the electrical safety of an item. Whilst the Australian Standard does not mandate a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT) should be used to conduct these tests, the use of a PAT remains one of the most comprehensive and efficient methods of ensuring an items electrical safety.

Page 7: Ryan Toohey B1

Post # 37 – Electrical Faults Statistics


Reasons for Electrical Testing

Your current insurance policy (including your Public Liability cover) may not cover accidents on site caused by equipment that does not comply with the relevant laws and safety regulations. Electricity can kill in 30 milliseconds. It is to be remembered that electricity does not have to be high voltage to be dangerous or kill by the time the Workplace Health & Safety Inspector is on site it's too late.

Fatal accidents at work have resulted from faulty equipment, which has become live or from contact with worn or damaged cords, switches and the like. Accidents similar to those mentioned above can be dramatically reduced by regular in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment ensuring the safety of your staff.

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Post # 38 – Mark it Safe


Mark it Safe - electrical testing and tagging

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Post # 39- Wiring Tester and Adaptors


Power Point and Earth Leakage TesterA combined Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) polarity and Socket Tester tester, checks most type of power points for correct wiring and also whether the ELCB trip from each power point. ELCB trip test function will test that the ELCB will trip at the power point and also indicate the approximate level of trip current required from 10mA up to a maximum of 100mA in 4 steps.Please note that this tester will indicate if an RCD trips at the appropriate current leakage fault, but cannot be used for testing in accordance with AS/NZS3760:2003 for which an accurate RCD trip time test is required.

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Post # 40 – Small Electrical Business Campaign


NECA’s Chief Executive Officer James Tinslay, said, “Most of our members are small electrical and communications contractors and they are fed-up at having their needs ignored by politicians and governments. We urge all our members to go online and support this important campaign.”

“By uniting the many voices of small business around the country, the campaign’s aim is to change the attitudes and actions of politicians and governments and to show them that, together, small business is too big to ignore,” said Mr Tinslay.

“The campaign will bring together in the one place the deeply personal accounts from real small business operators who have agreed to share their stories. It will give the widest possible group of small business the platform through which they can participate in the national debate. They may be small voices on their own, but together small business can make a big noise in Canberra.”

The campaign will highlight that there are over two million small businesses in Australia that together employ more than seven million Australians or more than 60% of the workforce. Initially the campaign will concentrate on key small business issues like reducing government cost and red-tape burdens, employment reform, tax relief and better infrastructure.

Page 11: Ryan Toohey B1


Solar Tariff to benefit homeowners

Master Electricians Australia (MEA) has supported the State Government’s decision to abandon the 8 cent solar feed-in tariff, saying it gives homeowners the opportunity to shop around for the best deals with retailers.

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Post # 41 - ecaa


“The leading Australian organization trusted to makelife and business easier for electrical contractors”

Our VisionTo provide the best service and support to SME Electrical Contracting Businesses in Australia

Our StrategyTo be the leading provider of essential and value add services to SME electrical contracting businesses

Page 13: Ryan Toohey B1

Post # 42 – Thermal Scanning of Electrical Switchboards


Improve business safety, minimize risk and create value

Thermal scanning, utilizing a specific infrared Polaroid, is a non-obtrusive demonstrative process that permits perception and measurement of the temperature in completely working electrical switchboards.

Images speak to hotness maps of the switchboard, with distinctive colors representing to different temperatures. The pictures recognize blemishes in associations and in the supplies and may pinpoint any "hot spots".

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Post # 44 – Brainy Quote


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Post # 44 – Inspirational Safety Quotes


When one’s goals and language are perfectionist and absolute the only trajectory and attribution is blame, not on self, only on others. In our personal life we expect tolerance and forgiveness, but in our professional life zero wants intolerance and punishment

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Post # 45 – Wind Electricity



Brother and sister generating light from wind power

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Post # 46 – Static Electricity

Static Electricity Is The Mysterious Architect Behind Beautiful Abstracts

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Post # 47 - LED Lights



LEDs are an extremely efficient and cost effective way in which to light your home or business. LEDs high efficiency design can reduce energy lighting costs by up to 90%. This joined with their long life span, warm and cool lighting options, slow failure rate and sturdy design make LEDs a smart buy for the energy conscious home or business owner.

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Post # 48 - Wind power Au


How does the Renewable Energy Target affect your power bills?

The economic analyses carried out so far have delivered wildly differing results. The most recent report says bills will fall if the target is scrapped, while others say the exact opposite.

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Post # 49 – Wind Power Au


Renewables still have a long way to go to compete with fossil fuels

Australia has some fairly ambitious goals for green energy: a renewable energy target (currently under review) of 20% of electricity from renewables by 2020, and a forecast to get 51% of electricity from renewables by 2050.

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Post # 50 – Wind Power Au


How pushing water uphill can solve our renewable energy issues

More and more renewable energy sources are being plugged into Australia’s electricity grids. South Australia, for example, will get 40% of its electricity from wind and solar once the Snowtown wind farm is completed later this year.