rwd online magazine


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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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What's the on-line magazine called and what's your initial impression of their homepage? •The on-line magazines called ‘RWD’ which is short for ‘rewind’

•Mix Media Mag ( Grime, hip-hop, r&b, dubstep, pop and house)

What colors have been used? What are the connotations of these colors?

•The bright colours reveal the tempo of the mag

•The colours used suggest that the mag is for teenagers

Look at the main images used on the home page-what kind of audience do you think the magazine is aimed at? What else leads you to this conclusion?•The images on the homepage are of current bands/artists that would be listened to by teens suggesting that the magazine is targeting the teenage audience.

•There is hardly any writing, leading me to think that its less about the reading and more about looking at pics, watching music vids ,listening to audio ‘s etc

Look at the main stories advertised-who are the target audience? How can you tell?I can tell the magazine is targeted at teens because:

•It looks cheap

•Easy to access

•There isn't pages and pages of off unnecessary info/writing

•Is has a lot of dirt on celebs (gossip)

•Talks about the latest news/songs/artists-what teens really want to hear about!

What broad comments can you make about the style of writing in articles? Think about levels of formality

•Its not very informative – says 2 lines about the artist

•Uses casual language- very informal

•Quick, brief- getting a point across effectively! Where as if it was an adult mag stuff would be written in fuller sentences, over all more would be said

How easy do you find to navigate the online magazine? Would you prefer to handle a physical copy?•I’d prefer a physical copy because I found it hard to navigate around the site, some things weren't labeled (e.g. some links had no names)

•On-line I don’t get to read everything(don’t want to read everything)-I skim through it

•On-line everything is crammed onto one page (e.g. stuff about Bruno Mars, P.Diddy and Chase &Status-different styles of music) whereas on a physical copy the would all have there different sections/pages