rwanda pbf module for dhis-2

Rwanda PBF module for DHIS-2

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Post on 05-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Rwanda PBF module for DHIS-2

Rwanda PBF module for DHIS-2

Page 2: Rwanda PBF module for DHIS-2


• Rwanda’s 45,000 Community Health Workers (CHWs) are not paid

but form about 500 CHW cooperatives that receive performance-based payments that are invested in income generating projects and share the revenues with members

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• 2010: Data entered in OpenPBF module as part of integrated Community HMIS/PBF system

• 2012: System moved to DHIS-2 for data entry as part of Rwanda’s sustainability policy – most analysis still done off-line (Excel) because of need for external tables to support bank accounts, indicator tariffs, quality assessments/scores. Data imported from clinical PBF (php/MySQL platform)

• 2014: Developed PBF module to provide UI to manage PBF configuration and move calculated data into the datavalue table so that it can be analyzed using existing DHIS-2 tools

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Rwanda Quarterly PBF payment calculation Indicators: Quantity Tariff Amount Facility deliveries 360 650 234,000 ANC registrations during 1st trimester 400 500 200,000 Children assessed for nutrition status (MUAC) 8,500 50 200,000

634,000 Multiplied by: Quarterly PBF Quality Assessment score 85% PBF Payment amount 538,900 Plus: Steering committee payment 100,000 Report amount (Adjusted by % population) 3 105,000 315,000 Total payment amount 953,900

Pay into PBF bank account Bank of Kigali BK Musanze 089887765


Bank details

Paid data elements

Quality Assessment

Health Sector Population

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Tariff and Target setting

• Set tariffs for indicators at pre-determined levels for specific periods

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Manage bank accounts

• Associate Bank accounts with the different PBF payment schemes

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Set Quality Max Scores

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Enter Quality Assessment Score

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Enter PBF indicator data

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Adjust tariffs according to funds available

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Data Visualization & Sharing • Use built-in Dashboard and data visualization tools

• Use Web API to embed objects in other web sites

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New ideas:

• Mobile payment of Community PBF incentives

• Payments made directly to community health workers rather than through the cooperative

• Import of PBF indicators from other systems –

• RapidSMS – CHWs paid based upon the number of visits reported per pregnant woman recorded

• RHMIS – Health center data on FP users imported from HMIS instance of DHIS-2

• LimeSurvey – aggregate quality scores imported into DHIS-2

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• PBF funding availability is often variable – difficult to maintain fixed tariffs

• Different PBF schemes require complex combinations of parameters to calculate payments including: • Indicator tariffs

• Catchment area population

• Quality assessment scores

• Report payment

• Steering committee payment

• Partner contributions (indicators and health facilites)

• Rwanda Community PBF complicated by Impact evaluation study during first 2 years (4 different payment groups)

• How to keep pace with DHIS-2 development – new versions every 2 months?