russian avant-garde from u s death row

1 Yuri Kadamov’s interpretation of how collaboration between Picasso and Dali might have looked. Yuri Kadamov’s interpretation of how collaboration between Miro and Mondrian might have looked. RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDE FROM U.S. DEATH ROW My name is Yuri Kadamov (although the Americanized spelling of my name under which I am imprisoned is Jurijus Kadamovas). I am a Lithuanian-born Russian and am currently unjustly under a United States Federal Sentence of Death, for crimes I did not commit. I am also the first and only citizen of any E.U. Nation to be on United States Federal Death Row. I am writing for two purposes. The first reason, which is most dear to my heart, is that I wish to share my creativity with the world. It may come as a shock to you that such a thing is important to me under these circumstances. It may also be a surprise that I am able to find any sort of creative inspiration at all while locked in a cell. However, if you knew me, it would not really be surprising at all, because creativity is my heart and soul. Once behind bars, I was forced to discover a different outlet for my creativity. If I had not, I believe I would have gone insane. So I have become an artist, pouring myself into drawings and paintings now as I once poured myself into my music. Art has become my love and passion. Yet, because I am so used to the shared creativity that a group of musicians generates, I still often feel as if something is missing. Then one night, it came to me in a dream: What would have been possible if two great artists such as Kazimir Malevich and Jackson Pollack, or Joan Miro and Piet Mondrian had done a collaboration on a single canvas? In my opinion, it would have resulted in some of the most beautiful, sublime works of art ever to be produced! Imagine Picasso and Dali working together two masters in unison to compliment and perfect each others work. What might they have created? It is a shame no one will ever know. Yet, it is possible for other living artists to give the idea a try. I am certainly not comparing myself to the masters, but I do feel that I have the talent to create art that is worthy of a lasting place in the world. It is my hope that other artists, wherever they may be, might be willing to join with me to create a collaboration, a duet on canvas, if you will. If I can be a part of making something which will touch and inspire others in future generations, then no matter how my life ends, I can ask for no better epitaph than that. Philosophically speaking, we all have death sentence, just from different causes. My privilege is to know why, when, where and how I will die.

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Post on 03-Mar-2015




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Yuri Kadamov’s interpretation of how collaboration between Picasso and Dali might have looked.

Yuri Kadamov’s interpretation of how collaboration between Miro and Mondrian might have looked.


My name is Yuri Kadamov (although the Americanized spelling of my name under which I am imprisoned is Jurijus Kadamovas). I am a Lithuanian-born Russian and am currently unjustly under a United States Federal Sentence of Death, for crimes I did not commit. I am also the first and only citizen of any E.U. Nation to be on United States Federal Death Row.

I am writing for two purposes. The first reason, which is most dear to my heart, is that I wish to share my creativity with the world. It may come as a shock to you that such a thing is important to me under these circumstances. It may also be a surprise that I am able to find any sort of creative inspiration at all while locked in a cell. However, if you knew me, it would not really be surprising at all, because creativity is my heart and soul.

Once behind bars, I was forced to discover a different outlet for my creativity. If I

had not, I believe I would have gone insane. So I have become an artist, pouring myself into drawings and paintings now as I once poured myself into my music. Art has become my love and passion. Yet, because I am so used to the shared creativity that a group of musicians generates, I still often feel as if something is missing.

Then one night, it came to me in a dream: What would have been possible if two great artists such as Kazimir Malevich and Jackson Pollack, or Joan Miro and Piet Mondrian had done a collaboration on a single canvas? In my opinion, it would have resulted in some of the most beautiful, sublime works of art ever to be produced! Imagine Picasso and Dali working together two masters in unison to compliment and perfect each other’s work. What might

they have created? It is a shame no one will ever know.

Yet, it is possible for other living artists to

give the idea a try. I am certainly not comparing myself to the masters, but I do feel that I have the talent to create art that is worthy of a lasting place in the world. It is my hope that other artists, wherever they may be, might be willing to join with me to create a collaboration, a duet on canvas, if you will. If I can be a part of making something which will touch and inspire others in future generations, then no matter how my life ends, I can ask for no better epitaph than that. Philosophically speaking, we all have death sentence, just from different causes. My privilege is to know why, when, where and how I will die.

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Yuri Kadamov’s interpretation of how collaboration between Magritte and Delevaux might have looked.

It is hard for me to really decide from where my inspirations arise when I draw or paint. Look at how I live my life all day long I am in a 7-foot wide by 10-foot long cell. My window is frosted over so that I am denied seeing the trees, the grass growing, or the birds flying by. Although I can tell when the sun rises and sets, I am unable to actually gaze upon or admire the beauty of these natural events which most people take for granted. I must sit alone in this steel and concrete box, my only interaction with the outside world coming by way of a small black and white television. So my physical world is so limited but my psychic (mental) world has no borders or walls.

There is little access to recreational and/or educational programs which might stimulate me physically or mentally. A majority of my correspondence is limited to only my lawyers and I am even unable to write letters to my friends as other prisoners may. (I feel that most of my restrictions and limitations are imposed by prison officials simply because in their eyes, I am a foreigner.)

Artwork is the only thing I have which keeps me grounded and sane, but even my ability to do that is severely curtailed. It is difficult for me to obtain the types of supplies I need. Various officials impose their views which are often contradictory to mine. What I am able to purchase one time, I may not be able to purchase the next. These decisions are arbitrary with no rhyme or reason and I can never consistently rely on having anything. Even something as simple as a paintbrush is subject to Asecurity concerns, and may be cut down to only four inches in length. Both the lack and uncertainty affect what I do.

Most often, the medium I employ is colored pencils because they are easiest for me to obtain, and when I paint, I use acrylics because I am not allowed oil-based paints. I have used oil pastels, though the fall into the category of sometimes I may have them, and sometimes I cannot. I also work in graphite, charcoal and water-soluble wax pastels. What I use those on varies as much as the mediums themselves. I work on canvas, canvasboards, watercolor paper or bristle paper, depending on what I am allowed at the moment.

I really love doing abstract work; it is my bread and butter. I feel that it represents me well and I live and breathe it with every fiber of my being. Even so, I still do fine with realism, working on the occasional portrait or landscape. I enjoy employing mixed media and love mixing styles as well. I hold nothing back when it comes to art, and explore all that is possible within the range of my abilities. Every time I begin a new piece, the colors and layout are dictated by what I am experiencing at the time. I utilize both the positive and negative elements of my being, from my hopes and dreams to my pain and

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depression. I just let my mood flow freely, and allow it to transfer to the paper or canvas. My work is very visceral in its nature. If I had to imagine it in terms of musical style, it would be hands down AJazz Rock, or sometimes I am the choreographer of geometric ballet, full of colors and movement, where every linear unit has kinetic inertia.

The second reason for my writing this letter is that I am seeking professional representation with anything to do with my artwork. It is my hope to one day organize a large exhibit to travel the world with all the pieces of art that I collaborated with another artist. It is this reason why I seek out the representation and attention that what I am trying to accomplish will generate. I need someone who is able to handle that and this will also be needed when it comes to directing those who wish to collaborate with me.

So, if there are any artists out there who would be interested in a duet with me, this is my idea. Since no one can send their work to me, I would do my portion first. We can begin with a specific theme in mind or I can go with whatever I feel. I can do an outline or background for you to complete, or do a main subject for you to surround or expand upon. Or, my background, like music, your part, like vocals, will be a song. We can be 4 or 5 artists (like musicians), creating our band of art that plays with colors and lines creating music for the eyes. The options are limitless! The specific roles we each play are unimportant; what really matters is the end result, how the combination of our moods, beliefs, colors and styles affect others.

I closing, I would like to say this. Trust me when I say a segregated prison cell is

not the best place for the stimulation of the creative process. I would not encourage anyone to follow in my footsteps and subject themselves to similar conditions. In spite of this, I seem to thrive artistically in this situation. It is ironic that I have only found the true depth of my talent here where it is so difficult to share with others. I have to wonder at times if the AGrim Reaper@ himself is my muse, or perhaps it is as a Japanese philosopher once said: AOnly while living in the shadow of death can one truly appreciate the beauty of life.@

For whatever reason, I feel I can see clearly now for the first time in my life. So I

keep my head up, press on with my work, and hope that I may be in a better place at some future point. All I want out of life is to create great art together with someone else who loves creating as much as I do. We can accomplish that B something which could be appreciated by many and would live on forever. So let=s do this and create a lasting impression on future generations of artists, helping me to show that no matter what a person=s situation, no matter how dire the straits in which they find themselves, the human spirit can not only endure, but rise about the hardships and still be capable of finding beautify.

So ....

Let’s Duet on canvas my friends !!!!!!!

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Yuri Kadamov