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A country in the E. of Europe and N. AsiaStamp AlbumEmpire, RSFSR & USSR Periods1858 - 1991Currency: 100 Kopeks = 1 RoubleRussiaRussieRulandRuslandRusia1858 - 19171917 - 19231923 - 19591960 - 19691970 - 19791980 - 1991Russian EmpireRSFSRUSSRUSSRUSSRUSSR#1#2#3#4#5#6-- Album Volumes --Periods CoveredThis stamp album covers two arbitrarypostal periods in Russian history:The Imperial Period1857-1917 The House of Romanov.Peter's Westernisation of Russia culminated in thedestruction of the autocracy by the SocialistRevolution of 1917.The Soviet Period1917-1991 The Communist Party maintained the Empireas the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR fell in1991 and dissolved into 15 nations. This Soviet Period is splitinto the RSFSR and USSRThe Post-Soviet Russian Federation PeriodThe Post-Soviet Period 1991-Present is not covered. With thedisintegration of the USSR in December of 1991, Russia setout on a new road to democracy and a market economy.Kazakhstan. A central Asian republic which declared independence from the USSR on 16December 1991. First stamps in 1991.Kirghizstan. A central Asian republic which declared independence from the USSR inSeptember 1991. First stamps in 1991.Latvia. The first stamps in 1918 were printed on German army maps. From 1944 stamps ofthe USSR were used, and in 1991 the first stamps of the independent republic were issued,some overprinted on USSR. Declared in May 1990 that Soviet occupation in 1940 was unlaw-ful, and independence conceded by USSR in September 1991.Lithuania. The first primitive stamps were issued in 1918. The Lithuanian SSR was formed in1940, and in 1941 German stamps overprinted LIETUVA were used. From 1944 stamps of theUSSR were used, and the first stamps of the independent republic were issued in 1990.Lithuania has used three currencies since 1990, with interesting results, worthless kopeckstamps being twice revalued. Declared in March 1990 that 1918 constitution was still valid;independence was conceded by USSR in September 1991.Moldova. The stamp issuing territory of Moldavia and Wallachia, which became Romania, atone time included the whole of Bessarabia. The border between the Soviet Union and the restof Europe moved frequently during the 20th century, and Bessarabia ended up in the USSR,either in Moldavia or Ukraine. The Moldavian SSR became Moldova in December 1991. Tworegions declared independence from Moldova in 1992.Russia. Until 1918 there was no country name on its stamps. Kerensky's "broken chain"stamp was inscribed (Cyrillic) ROSSIA, but on all other stamps only initials were used, firstRSFSR (PCCP) and in 1923 USSR, or CCCP. In 1991 stamps were inscribed ROSSIJA in Latinand Cyrillic type. Local overprinted stamps were legally issued in the city of St. Petersburg.Tadjikistan. A central Asian republic which adopted a declaration of republican sovereigntyin August 1990. First stamps in 1991.Turkmenistan. A central Asian republic which adopted a declaration of independence inOctober 1991. First stamps in 1991.Ukraine. The first Ukraine stamps in 1918 were overprinted on RSFSR stamps. Definitiveswere issued in 1919, and then Ukrainian SSR stamps. In 1924 stamps of the USSR were over-printed YCCP, after which USSR stamps were used unoverprinted. During occupation in 1941-3 German stamps were overprinted UKRAINE. Independence was declared in December 1991and brought a feeling of philatelic deja vu as USSR stamps were overprinted with the tridentsymbol first used in 1918. The republic of Crimea, politically and linguistically closer toRussia wants independence from Ukraine and has issued overprinted USSR & Ukraine stamps.Uzbekistan. A central Asian republic which adopted a declaration of sovereignty in June1990 and independence in August 1991. First stamps in 1991.To for some of the information contained in these album pages. Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia project. Wikipedia is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around theworld. With rare exceptions, its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet. The nameWikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a type of collaborative website) and encyclopedia. Since its cre-ation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference Web sites on the Internet.Also to Stanley Gibbons - The most famous name in philately for SG catalogue numbers and informationfrom their Part 10 Russia Specialised catalogue.Visit for the very best in philatelic resources and supplies.CREDITSUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 20www.ruskystamps.comNote: First number given is the Stanley Gibbons SG stamp number.The second number is the stamp design type number18587 1 30Kgreen&carmine-rose186410 6 &lt. green186411 6 &pale lilacEmpire Arms(Posthorns are shown without thunderbolts in designs SG1-SG49)1858SG2 Alexander II18 February (=2 March) 1855-1 (=13) March) 18811858 P14.5-15 Wmk #2 in 1,2,3 in dull white; thick or thin paper1858 P12.5 Wove No Wmk.1863 P12.5 TypoIssued for St. Petersburg & Moscow Town Posts1858 Imperf. SG1Wmk. #2 in 1,2,31864 P12.5 Wove No Wmk.Alexander (Aleksandr) II of Russia was the Emperor (zar) of Russia from March 2, 1855 until hisassassination. As such, also the Grand Duke of Finland 1855-1881. Born the eldest son of Nicholas Iof Russia, Alexander's early life gave little indication of his potential, and up to the time of his accessionin 1855, few imagined that he would be known to posterity as a great reformer. Alexander succeededto the throne upon the death of his father in 1855. The first year of Alexander's reign was devoted tothe prosecution of the Crimean War, and after the fall of Sevastopol to negotiations for peace. Thenbegan a period of radical reforms, encouraged by public opinion but carried out with autocratic power.SG1 was never a planned issue. The Imperial Postal Service had committed to releasing its first ever adhesivestamps at the end of 1857, to be used from 1 January 1858. They were to be perforated, but there were delays in receiving theperforating equipment and making it operational. Accordingly, in late 1857 the decision was made to release a limited numberof sheets of unperforated 10k stamps so that at least a partial implementation of adhesive stamps would still be in place in timefor the 1 January 1858 date. These unperforated 10k stamps were on sale for approximately one month before being replacedby properly perforated 10k stamps as well as two new values - a 20k and 30k stamp.RSFSRRUSSIAN SOCIALIST FEDERAL SOVIET REPUBLICRussia Stamp Album - RSFSR. Page 40www.ruskystamps.comStar of Hope, Wheat andWorker-Peasant Handclasp1922Imperf. Wmk. 44257 46 7500r.deep violet1922Imperf. No Wmk.259 46 paper1922Imperf. No Wmk.260 64 22500r.deep purple/buffchalk-surfaced paperWorker and Peasant(Industry and Agriculture)These stamps were used onregistered letters, money ordersand parcels but had no frankingvalue. No gum1922 OBLIGATORY TAXRostov-on-Don Famine ReliefAllegory: Agriculture Will HelpEnd DistressSowerIndustry - Workers of the World Unite Industry - Workers of the World Unite Symbols of Agriculture & IndustryIndustry - Workers of the World Unite Symbols of Agriculture & IndustryRussiaStamp AlbumVolume 3USSR Soviet Period1923 - 1959Currency: 100 Kopeks = 1 RoubleUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 47www.ruskystamps.com1923-24ImperfLitho337 923k.1923-24ImperfLitho340 916k.1923-24ImperfLitho341 9210k.1924ImperfTypo345 912k.1924ImperfTypo347 904k.1924ImperfTypo347a 916k.1925ImperfTypo349 908k.1923ImperfTypo351 9210k.1924ImperfTypo351b 9020k.1924ImperfTypo354 9150k.1924ImperfTypo354a 921r.1925ImperfTypo357 955r.1923-25 DefinitivesT90, 93, 95 Worker; T91 Peasant; T92, 94 SoldierUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 53www.ruskystamps.com1925P13.5T429 3125k. on 7k.1925P11.5T430 3150k. on 1k.1925P11.5T427 3110k. on 3k.1925P13.5T426 315k. on 1k.1925 Obligatory Tax Exchange Control Stamps(Surcharged war charity stamps of 1914)1925 1st Anniversary of Lenins DeathLenin Mausoleum, Moscow1925Imperf.429 10240k.1925P13 x 13.5426 1027k.1925P13 x 13.5427 10214k.1925P13 x 13.5428 10220k.1925P13 x 13.5429 10240k.USSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 56www.ruskystamps.com1926P10.5W103451 1041r.1925-28 Lenin(Many other watermark and perforation variations exist)1925 Bicentenary of Academy of Sciences1925 30th Anniversary of PopovsRadio Discoveries1925P13.5 W103456 1063k.1925P13.5W103458 1077k.Prof. Lomonosov and Academy of Sciences,LeningradProf. A. S. Popov1859-1905USSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 60www.ruskystamps.com1927P12496 928k. on 7k.1927P12 W103497 928k. on 7k.1927 Definitives Surcharged1927P10.5 W103498A 11914k.1927 40th Anniv of Publication of ZamenhofsLangue Internationale EsperantoDr L. L. Zamenhof1859-19171927P12.5 x 12500 12015k.1927 1st International Air Mail Congress,The HagueTupolev ANT-3 Biplane and Map1927P10.5chalk-surfaced paper503 1237k.Worker, Soldierand PeasantAllegory of RevolutionSoviet Russia Russian Racial Types Worker, Soldier and Peasant(symbolising Federation of SovietRepublic)Smolny Institute Sailor and Worker1927 10th Anniversary of October RevolutionUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 61www.ruskystamps.com1927P13.5509 1292k.chalk-surfacedpaperWorker Peasant Peasant Worker PeasantWorker Worker Lenin Lenin LeninPeasant Worker Peasant Worker Peasant1927 Definitives1927P13.5522 12980k.chalk-surfacedpaperUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 64www.ruskystamps.com1929-31P12 x 12.5541 1381k.1929-31P12 x 12.5546 1437k.1929-31P12 x 12.5550 14630k.1929-31 Definitive Issue(Many shades exist, printings after 1931 had yellowish gum)1929-32 High Value Definitive Issue1929 Industrial Loan Propaganda1932P12 x 12.5W103561 1491r.1929P12 x 12.5564 15210k.Industry Tractors More Metal,more MachinesBlast Furnace and graphshowing Pig-iron outputCentral Telegraph Office,MoscowLenin Hydro-electricPower StationWorker Factory Girl Peasant Farm Girl Guardsman Worker, Soldier,PeasantWorkerWorker, Soldier,PeasantPeasant Factory Girl Farm Girl Guardsman Peasant LeninUSSRUNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICSRussia Stamp Album - U.S.S.R. Page 66www.ruskystamps.com1930 P12 x 12.5(Dated 1905-1930)W103577 1555k.1930P12.5 x 12(Dated1905-1930)W103578 15510k.1930 Imperf.(Dated 1905-1930)W103576 1553k.1930 25th Anniversary of 1905 Rebellion1931 Airship Construction Fund(W103 Imperf. but also produced in various perforations)From the Tundra (reindeer)to the Steppes (camel)Above LeninsMausoleumAbove the Dnieprostroi DamBarricade and Rebels Red Flag atPresnya BarricadeBattleship PotemkinAbove the North Pole Airship Construction