
IE Brown EMBA application Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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IE Brown EMBA application

Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

2013: No longer do I want to run for myself…

Running has defined me as a person in life and at work.

Circa 1981. The half-asleep child

1.1It all started with wanting to see the world and meeting likeminded people…

Adrenaline rush for cities in the world

ING New York City Marathon, 2010

BMW Berlin Marathon 2012

Auckland Marathon 2013

Disclaimer: No professional athlete here…

Humbling journey here. Where you meet passionate runners who are eager to share their experience – knowing that you have travelled THAT far to run the same race.

At my first overseas race in NYC, a lovely couple from Memphis were so ecstatic for me – they told me 2010 was their 7th NYC race. I was inspired.

Having ran three races in NYC, Berlin and Auckland, the most amazing feeling was having school bands performed and supporters lined the entire 42.195km randomly cheering you by your first name, “Linda, almost there!”

2.1Then the motivation became wanting to push my own limits



Brokenness in the body

Excitement in spirit

With shear determination, willpower, strength and discipline

Just. Euphoria.

Indeed, humans are tougher than we think. These are qualities and emotions I know I can manage – in life and at work. I’m trained.

• How is leading and running 8am meetings tough when I’m always raring to go for my 5.30am races?

• How is managing difficult clients tough when I have the patience and determination to train consistently for 4 months clocking crazy miles every week?

• How can leadership be lonely when I just love my quiet time to clear my mind while running?

• When thrown a larger-than-life growth target for the year with a tiny team, I no longer have fear. I believe that with teamwork (community), hard work (just that) and a few mistakes (a few injuries), we will get there.

3.1 Likeminded People + Community

Over the years, people around me, have joined my journey as they learnt of these stories…

In Shanghai with co-workers (who became friends)

In NYC with friends and my lovely sister,


In Berlin with fellow runners

In Auckland with the best friend and family

(Dad and sister)

And sometimes, you meet an unexpected friend along the way. @36km, when my feet

were injured, an English girl, Jen Creaser, picked me up and we bonded over 8km of walking

after… and completed the race.

Back home in Singapore with Team Wesley from church

Running has given me the opportunity to connect with many – it is so simple and easy. Sometimes they are just folks in your life taken for granted. They could also be strangers and acquaintances you just met.

The connection is so powerful. At work, this has transformed the way I connect with my colleagues. They know they can always count on me to find out the right shoes, race tips and yes, join them to kick-start their newfound hobby.

4.1 It is no longer about me and my conquests or inspiring others

It will be about helping others achieve.