rumungro viktor elšík (charles university). austria czechia ukraine poland hungary sc nc rumungro...

Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University)

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Page 1: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


Viktor Elšík (Charles University)

Page 2: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice









Rumungro of Selice

Page 3: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


Page 4: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

General information

village of Selice (Šóka): 3,500 inhabitants 2,200 Roma “Rumungri” (Rumungro) 300 Roma “Pojáki” (a different dialect of Romani) 2,000 Hungarians hierarchy: Hungarians > “Rumungri” > “Pojáki”

Rumungro family and in-group communication among “Rumungri” learned as L2 by local “Pojáki” and some local Hungarians inter-group communication between “Rumungri” and

“Pojáki” no publications, no education, no media

Page 5: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Contact layers

Indo-AryanWest Iranian

Armenian, Ossetic, Georgian10th c. Greek

South Slavic

Croatian16/17th c. – current Hungarian1920 – current Slovak1950 – current Czech

Page 6: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

(Hungarian deictic pro-words)

demonstrative ‘this/that’ ez az

quality ‘such like this/that’ ilyen olyan

quantity ‘this/that much’ ennyi annyi

size ‘this/that big’ ekkora akkora

manner ‘in this/that manner’ így úgy

extent ‘to this/that extent’ ennyire annyira

stative ‘here/there’ itt ott

directive ‘to here/there’ ide oda

separative ‘from here/there’ innen onnan

perlative ‘this/that way’ erre arra

time ‘at this/that time’ ekkor akkor

terminative ‘up to here/there; until this/that time’ eddig addig

Page 7: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


1. CONJUNCTIVE taj ‘and’te – te ‘both – and’ni – ni ‘neither – nor’

2. DISJUNCTIVE vaď ‘or’vaď – vaď ‘either – or’ha – ha ‘whether – or’

3. ADVERSATIVE de ‘but’azomba ‘however’mégiš ‘still, even so’halem ‘G. sondern’

Page 8: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice



adversative > disjunctive > conjunctiveHungarian Hungarian Croatian indigenous


meg pedig


Hungarian ‘and’ ‘in turn’ ‘in turn’ ‘and’

Rumungro – meg pedig –

Page 9: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Morphological borrowing

category borrowing (PAT) iterative aktionsart causatives orientation gender associative

construction borrowing (PAT) lexical compounds reciprocal universal quantifiers

affix borrowing (MAT) numerous

Page 10: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Morphological borrowing

category borrowing (PAT) iterative aktionsart causatives orientation gender associative

construction borrowing (PAT) lexical compounds reciprocal universal quantifiers

affix borrowing (MAT) numerous

Page 11: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


Hungariankőműves ‘bricklayer’kőműves-ek ‘bricklayers’kőműves-ék ‘bricklayer & his work team’

Rumungrokémívėš-i ‘bricklayer’kémívėšš-ė ‘bricklayers’kémívėš-ingere ‘bricklayer & his work team’

Page 12: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


ASS kémívėš-in-ger-e

GEN.SGNOM.SG kémívėš-is-ker-e

GEN.PLNOM.SG kémívėš-en-ger-e

Page 13: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice


OBL.SG OBL.PL ASS Kálo M -e s- -e n- -e n- Grófo M -o s- -e/o n- -o n- Gumi M -i s- -e n- -i n- Rička M -a s- -e n- -a n- Káli F -a – -e n- -a n- Čuma F -a – -e n- -a n- Néni F -i – -e n- -i n-

Page 14: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Morphological borrowing

category borrowing (PAT) iterative aktionsart causatives orientation gender associative

construction borrowing (PAT) lexical compounds reciprocal universal quantifiers

affix borrowing (MAT) numerous

Page 15: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Universal quantifiers

minden-hogyanevery-how‘in every manner’



sa-ko -who



< Croatian


Page 16: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix borrowing

affix extraction = indirect matter borrowing affixes of L2 origin are borrowed as parts of

borrowed word-forms, then expanded to non-L2 bases

affix replication = direct matter borrowing affixes of L2 origin are borrowed directly, without

the mediation of word-form borrowing

Page 17: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix replication

[D]espite the many claims concerning the “borrowing” of phonology, morphology, and even syntax, there has been no convincing demonstration that such structural change occurs without mediation by some other medium or process. (Winford 2003: 61)

Page 18: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix extraction

cigaretta cigaretta ‘cigarette’

cigarettá-z-ik cigarettáz-in-el ‘smokes’ (3SG)

cigarettá-z-ni cigarettáz-ňi ‘to smoke’ (INF)


-(V)z-V = a ~ e ~ o ~ ö

Page 19: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix extraction

cigaretta cigarett-a ‘cigarette’

cigarettá-z-ik cigarett-áz-in-el ‘smokes’ (3SG)

cigarettá-z-ni cigarett-áz-ňi ‘to smoke’ (INF)

ásv-a ‘tear’

ásv-áz-in-el ‘sheds tears’

ásv-áz-ňi ‘to shed tears’


-(V)z-V = a ~ e ~ o ~ ö

Page 20: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix extraction

nominative noun inflections (< Greek) verb adaptation markers -in-, -is- (< Greek) participle marker -ime (< Greek) adjective and adverb derivation -ik-, -ik-a (< Greek) ordinal marker -t- (< Greek)

feminine derivation -kiň- (< Croatian) adjective adaptation markers -n-, -av- (< Croatian) attenuative marker -ast- (< Croatian)

nominalisation -áš-, -íš-, -šág- (< Hungarian) causative marker -tat- (< Hungarian) adverb derivation -(š)on (< Hungarian) and more

Page 21: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix replication

‘cheap’ ‘cheaper’ ‘the cheapest’

HUN olcsó olcsó-bb leg-olcsó-bb

ROM óčó-n-o óčó-n-eder leg-óčó-n-eder

Page 22: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Affix replication

other instances deictic-contrast marker am- (< Hungarian) deictic-identity marker uďan- (< Hungarian) specific indefinite marker vala- (< Hungarian) free-choice indefinite marker akár- (< Hungarian) universal-quantifier marker minden- (< Hungarian) separative adverbial marker -tú (< Hungarian)

borrowed from Current L2 construction parallelism closed classes (but degree!)

Page 23: Rumungro Viktor Elšík (Charles University). Austria Czechia Ukraine Poland Hungary SC NC Rumungro of Selice

Brief overview (ROM < HUN)

phonology e.g. intonation patterns, word-initial stress, vowel length, palatals, geminates, morpho-phonological rules (incl. vowel harmony)

typology e.g. prefixes, preverbs

nominal structures e.g. case, gender, nominalisation

verbal structures e.g. infinitive, aktionsart, causatives, verbalisation

other POS e.g. particles (phasal, focus, modality, discourse, fillers), conjunctions, interjections, pronouns (deictics, interrogatives, indefinites), numerals and quantifiers; degree

constituent order e.g. some postpositions, pragmatic variation

syntax clause-combining (coordination, complementation, relativisation, adverbial subordination): majority of conjunctions, non-finite construction

lexicon all word classes, incl. basic vocabulary