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Page 1: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations
Page 2: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations

Regulations for the EUSA sports events i

EUC Regulations

EUC Protocol


isciplinary ProtocolEU

C Medical Regulations

EUC Technical Regulations

Regulations for EUSA

endorsed events

Table of Contents

RegulationsREG 1 General Terms 1REG 2 Supervision, Control and Arbitration Committee (SCAC) 1REG 3 Rights and duties of EUSA 3REG 4 Technical Delegate 3REG 5 Rights and responsibilities of the Organising Committee 3REG 6 Competing countries 5REG 7 Entry Procedure 6REG 8 Financial conditions 6REG 9 Participant Identity cards 7REG 10 Awards 7REG 11 Protocol 7

ProtocolPRO 1 Opening and closing ceremonies 8PRO 2 Guidelines for the medals 10

Disciplinary ProtocolDSC 1 Introduction 11DSC 2 Breaches of discipline during competition 11DSC 3 Breaches of discipline out of competition 12DSC 4 Appeal 12

Medical RegulationsMED 1 General Regulations 13MED 2 Special Regulations 13

Technical RegulationsBAD Badminton 15BAS Basketball 16BVL Beach Volleyball 17BRI Bridge 18FTM Football Men 19FTW Football Women 7-a Side 20FUT Futsal 21GOL Golf 22HBL Handball 23JUD Judo 24KAR Karate 25ROW Rowing 26RUG Rugby 7s 27TAB Table Tennis 28TAE Taekwondo 29TEN Tennis 30VOL Volleyball 31

Regulations for EUSA endorsed events

Table of Contents

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Regulations


EUC Regulations

AbbreviAtionsEC Executive Committee of EUSAEUC European Universities ChampionshipsEUSA European University Sports AssociationFISU International University Sports FederationISF International Sports FederationNSF National Sports FederationNUSA National University Sports Association/FederationOC Organising Committee of the ChampionshipSCAC Supervision, Control and Arbitration Committee of EUSA

Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine.Words of the plural number shall include the singular.Words of the singular number shall include the plural.


REG 1 GEnERAl TERMS REG 1.1 Normally, the European Universities Championships (EUC) are organised every year.REG 1.2 The EUCs are organised in EUSA and Olympic spirit by which no discrimination is allowed against

any country or person on grounds of race, religion or political affiliation. REG 1.3 Participants (teams or individuals) would be nominated through their national university federa-

tion. If no team is nominated in the defined term EUSA is authorised to accept entry form from single University, but is obliged to inform the corresponding NUSA.

REG 1.4 Only the following may participate as competitors in an EUSA championship: REG 1.4.1 students who are officially registered for and pursuing a course of study at a universi-

ty or similar institute whose status as an institution of higher education is recognised by the appropriate national authority of their country;

REG 1.4.2 Former students of the institutions mentioned in 1.4.1 who have obtained their academic degree or diploma in the academic year preceding the event.

REG 1.5 Non-members of EUSA may enter via a reserve list at a higher fee.REG 1.6 The Championship structure as well as the number of athletes/teams per country for any EUC will

be decided by the EC on receipt of recommendation(s) from the Technical Commission.REG 1.7 The EC will normally attribute the EUC about 15 months ahead to a member federation based

on a written bid document. Members will be notified about the exact deadlines in due course.REG 1.8 Potential hosts of larger events may submit a proposal including a full bid document at any time,

but at a minimum of 24 months ahead of the date of the event. The EC will consider the bid upon arrival in terms of general quality and acceptance. In case of a positive result, all member federations will be notified about the intention to attribute the event specifying the venue, the dates and the sports. All countries may oppose or present their own bid within a period of 6 months. After that deadline, the EC will make a decision. The concerned sports will not be available for any further bids.

REG 2 SUPERviSion, ConTRol AnD ARbiTRATion CoMMiTTEE (SCAC)REG 2.1 The EC of EUSA shall set up a SCAC for each championship, which shall consist of:

REG 2.1.1 the delegate of EUSA EC, who shall be the chairpersonREG 2.1.2 the technical delegate of EUSA, normally from the Technical CommissionREG 2.1.3 the delegate of the NUSAREG 2.1.4 the representative of the Organising Committee

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EUC Regulations


EUC Regulations

REG 2.1.5 the delegate of EUSA Medical Commission (if nominated)REG 2.2 Decisions will be taken by a simple majority of those present and voting. In the case of equality

of votes, the chairperson shall have a casting vote.REG 2.3 The chairperson of the SCAC shall submit a written report to the Executive Committee immedi-

ately after the championship.REG 2.4 The SCAC shall be responsible for:

REG 2.4.1 the supervision and smooth running of the eventREG 2.4.2 the interpretation of the regulations of EUSAREG 2.4.3 settling any dispute which does not concern any other committee or juryREG 2.4.4 examining and dealing with any complaints or protests of a non-technical natureREG 2.4.5 taking emergency sanctions against teams or individuals who violate the regula-

tions of the eventREG 2.4.6 deciding any other matters not covered in these regulationsREG 2.4.7 supervising the organisation of the formal ceremoniesREG 2.4.8 the appointment of additional committees and allocation of responsibilities which

might be required by rules of the concerned ISF or by necessities of the eventREG 2.5 The chairperson of the SCAC, at least one day prior to the start of the championship, shall con-

vene a meeting to which he shall invite:REG 2.5.1 the members of the SCAC.REG 2.5.2 a representative of each University competing in the championshipIt will be the responsibility of the chair of the SCAC to devise and issue the agenda for this meeting.

REG 2.6 Protests must be submitted to the Organizing Committee by the Head of Delegation or his deputy in writing. It is the responsibility of the Organizing Committee to forward all protests immediately to the chairperson of the SCAC. Each protest must be accompanied by a deposit of fifty (50) Euros which will be returned only if the protest is considered to be justified.

REG 2.7 The SCAC shall also supervise the following terms of participation:REG 2.7.1 the authenticity of the entries REG 2.7.2 the academic status of the competitors according to 1.4; the SCAC may appoint

special persons to achieve the control under its supervision.REG 2.8 If a person, who has been refused a competitor’s identity card, attempts to compete by means of

fraud, he will be excluded from the event and the Executive Committee of EUSA will consider if this exclusion should apply also to all future sporting events of EUSA.Should this fraud be attempted in a team event, the team will also be excluded from the Championship and any earlier results in the current championship will be cancelled.A report will be forwarded to the respective NUSA and a reprimand will be addressed to the team and/or the individual and the NUSA of his country.

REG 2.9 If the officials of a delegation deliberately misinform the SCAC about the eligibility of a competitor(s), the team of the sport concerned will be excluded from further participation in the current championship: such fraud could be grounds for the termination of that country’s membership of EUSA.

REG 2.10 All decisions taken by the SCAC at the time of the championship are final.REG 2.11 For those EUC which are not organised consecutively or simultaneously at one place, the EC

would appoint a general SCAC following the above mentioned principles. The composition may be varied according to the specific situation.

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EUC Regulations

REG 3 RiGhTS AnD DUTiES of EUSAREG 3.1 All rights in relation to the EUC are reserved to EUSA. REG 3.2 EUSA will invite the member countries to EUCs and publish the updated general and technical

regulations together with the following data: event dates, competition dates, entry fee, participa-tion fee, maximum number of teams/participants, accommodation venues, competition venues, access data of the Organising Committee.

REG 3.3 EUSA shall receive an entry fee from the participating federation/institution. In addition it shall receive an organising rights fee per championship from the organiser/host federation.

REG 3.4 EUSA must receive all documents from the Organising Committee enumerated in REG 5.REG 3.5 EUSA shall not be responsible for any claim for loss, injury or damage arising from the holding of

the championship.

REG 4 TEChniCAl DElEGATEREG 4.1 EC appoint Technical Delegate for each sport of EUC program.REG 4.2 Prior to the start of the sports events, the technical delegate should:

REG 4.2.1 maintain close cooperation with the chairperson of the SCAC and with the repre-sentative of the Organizing Committee in the SCAC

REG 4.2.2 ensure that the regulations of the appropriate ISF are observedREG 4.2.3 inspect the sports facilities and the equipment to be used during the competitionREG 4.2.4 gather exact information relating to:

• the number and performance level of the participating competitors or teams• the number and qualification of the judges and referees from the participating

delegations and the OCREG 4.2.5 devise a system for the appointment of referees/umpires and judges

REG 4.3 One day prior to the start of the championship, technical delegate shall convene a meeting to which he shall invite: appointed referees, referee observers (if nominated), Organizing Committee representatives.

REG 5 RiGhTS AnD RESPonSibiliTiES of ThE oRGAniSinG CoMMiTTEEREG 5.1 The member NUSA of the organising country may delegate its duties to an Organising Committee

(OC) which must work in conjunction with the NUSA. The President of NUSA or his representative must be a member of the Organising Committee.The NUSA shall nevertheless be directly responsible to EUSA and will report to the Executive Committee of EUSA.

REG 5.2 The OC must ensure that all countries are kept fully informed of all the necessary technical and other arrangements. That includes the maintenance of an appropriate website.The OC shall publish the access data of the championship office (phone, fax, email) which would be operational not later than 6 months before the start of the event. The phone must be oper-ated by a person who speaks English fluently.

REG 5.3 The OC must be insured against all claims for loss, injury to individuals or damage to goods arising from the holding of the championship.

REG 5.4 The OC will collect a participation fee per person and per day determined in REG 8.REG 5.5 The OC will be responsible for providing the following:

REG 5.5.1 accommodation agreed on by the EC on the occasion of the attribution of the eventREG 5.5.2 the appropriate transportation for all accredited competitors and officials; access to

individual means of transport for the members of the SCAC must be ensured at any time during the event.

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EUC Regulations

REG 5.5.3 The facilities, material and equipment, officially recognized by the appropriate ISF, necessary for the smooth running of the event. The OC shall inform all competitors of the type and brand of the selected equipment at least 3 months before the open-ing of the championship;

REG 5.5.4 The necessary referees, judges etc. for the effective running of the competitions, according to the respective regulations of EUSA except where the Technical Regulations determine otherwise. Referees nominated by the participating teams corresponding to the required level would be integrated at the same conditions as the domestic referees.

REG 5.5.5 A necessary and efficient information system to keep the participants duly informed of the programme and the results of the events.

REG 5.5.6 Adequate medical assistance, hygiene, catering and doping control during the period of the championship.

REG 5.6 The OC shall cover the cost of travel and accommodation at the time of the championship of:REG 5.6.1 the delegate (chairperson of the SCAC) of the Executive Committee of EUSAREG 5.6.2 the technical delegates and appointed by EC sports officialsIt shall furthermore cover the same costs for up to 2 participants at the Convention for the EUC Organisers and the inspection visit by a 1 person prior to the championship.

REG 5.7 The OC must report to the EC of EUSA on organisational progress 6 months prior to the start of the championship.This report should cover the following items:1 General organisation:

• accommodation• welcome and accreditation• transportation• security• information and media• medical assistance, hygiene, catering and doping control• protocol• advertising and marketing

2 Technical organization on especially:• the proposed timetable of events• the proposed day-by-day timetable of events• sports and technical venues• the sports and technical facilities, and the material and equipment officially approved by

the appropriate ISF3 The layout and/or text of:

• the invitation• the text of all posters and other publicity material for the Championship• accreditation badges• the record forms• the results of the competitions• the design for the medals;

At least two copies of all documents and material shall be provided for EUSA archives.REG 5.8 The OC shall publish on its website and deliver to the invited countries and to the members of

the Executive Committee in the working language of EUSA:REG 5.8.1 the link to the registration system at least 6 months before the start of the


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REG 5.8.2 all relevant details for accommodation, transportation, facilities and provisional time schedule not later than 6 weeks before the event;

REG 5.8.3 during the event, all the necessary information, at least daily, to enable the com-petitors and officials to participate without difficulty. This includes an updated result service on the web;

REG 5.8.4 on the last day of the event or the day of the departure, the complete set of results.REG 5.9 The OC will provide at its own cost:

REG 5.9.1 all the necessary accreditation cards;REG 5.9.2 the necessary and efficient equipment for accreditation and results processing;REG 5.9.3 all necessary medals; as well as the participants diplomas; REG 5.9.4 seats at all venues for the delegates of EUSA, the representative of the ISF, the Heads

of Delegations, and the competitors;REG 5.9.5 an office and appropriate equipment and staff for the work of the SCAC and the

technical delegate;REG 5.9.6 sufficient photographers to cover the events and supply EUSA with the required

photos.REG 5.10 The Organising Committee shall supply and submit to EUSA, at its own cost:

REG 5.10.1 prior to the championship, sufficient documents (bulletins, forms, photos, press releases, etc) for the promotion of the championship;

REG 5.10.2 at the end of the championship, pictures of the winners during the competitions and at the medal award ceremonies;

REG 5.10.3 at the end of the championship, a selection of coloured pictures of the competi-tions, of the opening and closing ceremonies and of the championship in general;

REG 5.10.4 at the end of the championship, produce the list of results signed by the chairperson of SCAC and the technical delegate for EUSA archives;

REG 5.10.5 at the end of the championship, the entire set of results and accreditation statistics on electronic medium (USB, CD, DVD, or similar media);

REG 5.10.6 at the end of the championship, at least two sets of all official documents, medals, certificates, promotional and other materials (including any merchandise), shall be provided for EUSA archives.

REG 6 CoMPETinG CoUnTRiESREG 6.1 The members (athletes, officials) of each university form a delegation. The composition of a

delegation may be defined differently in the technical regulations of the respective sport (the in-tegration of several universities of the same city is permitted exceptionally within the institutional designation of the given NUSA national championship structure).

REG 6.2 All financial responsibilities and obligations are those of the NUSA concerned regardless of who in fact might pay (NUSA, university, third parties)

REG 6.3 The maximum number of participants and officials is defined in the technical regulations of the respective sport.

REG 6.4 If a delegation brings more officials than allowed, the Organising Committee may ask for an increased participation fee approved by the Executive Committee of EUSA and published in the official invitation.

REG 6.5 Each delegations shall designate a Head of Delegation who alone shall be entitled to represent his delegation, unless otherwise provided for in the rules, in negotiations with the committees or sub-committees of EUSA or with the Organising Committee. However, officially designated sports managers or coaches may protest on behalf of their athletes or team provided that the Head of Delegation confirms such action in writing within four hours.

REG 6.6 The NUSA shall pay an entry fee to EUSA and a participation fee to the host of the event. All fees are determined in REG 8.

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REG 6.7 The delegations shall be responsible for their own cost of travel to the venue of the champion-ship and return.

REG 6.8 The delegations must have the appropriate insurance to cover travel and participation.REG 6.9 The NUSA is responsible for the submission of all entries. Entry forms must be completed in

capital letters in English and be submitted according to the procedure laid down in REG 7. The NUSA has to verify the status of the competitors.

REG 6.10 Teams / competitors from countries who had withdrawn their teams in the previous season would be considered a lower priority. The EC might impose additional deposits.

REG 7 EnTRy PRoCEDURE REG 7.1 The procedure for General Entries is defined by EUSA EC and is published on EUSA website

6 months before the start of the EUC.REG 7.2 The deadlines for general, quantitative and nominative entries are defined in the invitation letter.

In general this would be:• general entry 3 months• quantitative entry 2 months• referee entry form 2 months• individual entry forms 14 days• travel plan 14 days

REG 7.3 Entries for which the deadlines or the procedure are not respected will not be considered. The entry fee will not be refunded.

REG 7.4 The general entry shall be submitted via the EUSA online registration system.REG 7.5 The nominative entry submitted to the Organising Committee shall contain a complete list of all

members of the delegation. It has to carry the official stamp of the concerned university as well as of the NUSA certifying that all athletes are students of the said University.

REG 7.6 The individual dossier for each competitor to be presented to the SCAC must be written in English and include:REG 7.6.1 a passport or national identity cardREG 7.6.2 If a current student: a University student identity card or EUSA Certificate of the

Academic Eligibility originating from the appropriate academic authority certifying that the competitor is officially registered for and pursuing a course of study.

REG 7.6.3 if a former student, proof of university and date of graduationREG 7.6.4 a recent photograph

REG 8 finAnCiAl ConDiTionSREG 8.1 Deposit

EUSA shall receive a deposit together with the GE Form according to the General Entries Procedure. In case of a forfeit/withdrawal, the deposit is non-returnable and is equally shared between EUSA and the OC.

REG 8.2 Entry feeEUSA shall receive an entry fee for each competing team and/or competitor. The entry fee as well as the respective deadlines will be decided by EUSA EC for each event.

REG 8.3 Participation feeThe host will receive a participation fee per person per night for each member of the delegation. The amount would be fixed for each EUC. The NUSA shall pay 50% of the participation fees together with the quantitative entry, and the balance of the participation upon arrival at the event.

REG 8.4 Organising rights fee

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EUSA shall receive from the host of EUC an organising rights fee. This fee must be paid six months before the start of the event.

REG 8.5 EUSA has right to introduce an additional fee defined in the technical regulations of the respec-tive sport.

REG 8.6 All fees are determined by the Executive Committee at least six months prior to the start of each Championship, however not later than at the date of attribution of the event to the host.

REG 8.7 All payments shall be received without any local or international bank fees.REG 8.8 If the whole event were cancelled, the deposit, the participation fee and the entry fee would be


REG 9 PARTiCiPAnT iDEnTiTy CARDSREG 9.1 A numbered accreditation card with a recently taken photograph will be issued to each com-

petitor whose dossier has been approved by the SCAC. Identity cards will be issued also to all accredited officials, judges and referees.

REG 9.2 Competitors reporting for the start of any individual sport must be prepared to show their ac-creditation cards to the official in charge. For team championships, the manager before each match must present a list of the players with the numbers and accreditation cards, which will be returned after the game.

REG 10 AwARDS REG 10.1 The Organizing Committee shall provide medals, to a design approved by the Executive

Committee of EUSA. The medals must contain EUSA logo.These medals shall be awarded to the first three in the individual events and the first three teams as follows:• First: Gold/Gilt• Second: Silver/Silver-gilt• Third: Bronze

REG 10.2 Notwithstanding the above, no medals shall be presented to members of a national delegation who have not taken part in at least one match or if, by the time of the championship less than the minimum required number of teams or individuals actually participate.

REG 10.3 The detailed rules of this procedure will be in line with the rules of the appropriate ISF.REG 10.4 Awards in addition to medals may be awarded only after agreement with the Executive

Committee of EUSA.

REG 11 PRoToColREG 11.1 All matters of protocol will be handled in general according to the most recent EUSA EUC


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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Protocol


EUC Protocol


PRO 1 oPEninG AnD CloSinG CEREMoniESThe protocol for opening, closing and medal awarding ceremonies must be approved by the Official Representative of EUSA EC, or by the Chair of the SCAC if the Official EC Representative is absent. In general, the Organising Committee should anticipate the following:PRO 1.1 opening ceremony

PRO 1.1.1 EUSA representative welcomes the highest authorities representing the host coun-try and presents the SCAC members.

PRO 1.1.2 There should be an area set aside for official representatives and guests at the open-ing and closing ceremonies. The EC representative must be fully informed of all guests at the ceremonies, and of their status.

PRO 1.1.3 The national anthem of the host country and raising of the national flag can be used for this occasion.

PRO 1.1.4 The opening ceremony continues with a march past of the athletes; each team shall be provided with a board setting out its University and country.

PRO 1.1.5 The march shall be in alphabetical order, with the exception of the team of the host marching last.

PRO 1.1.6 The ceremony shall include the flag of EUSA, and the flag of each country repre-sented. The role of flags in the ceremony shall be agreed with the EC representative in advance.

PRO 1.1.7 The President of the OC gives a short speech of 3 minutes maximum.PRO 1.1.8 EUSA representative gives a short speech, and invites the highest authority of the of

the host country to declare the EUC open.PRO 1.1.9 Oath of the athletes. One athlete chosen by a host country pronounces the follow-

ing oath: “On behalf of all students; I promise that we shall take part in this Championship, respect-ing the rules which govern it, in the true spirit of friendship, fair-play and sportsmanship, for the honour of our country and our University and for the progress of the European University Sports Movement”.

PRO 1.1.10 Oath of the judges and referees. One judge or referee chosen by the host country pronounces the following oath: “In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in this Championship with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern it in the true spirit of sportsmanship”.

PRO 1.1.11 Raising of EUSA flag and playing of EUSA anthem.PRO 1.1.12 Cultural programme – the participants leave the area to take their places in the

stands reserved for them to attend the rest of the ceremony.PRO 1.2 Closing Ceremony Protocol

Again, the detail for the closing ceremony shall be agreed in advance with the EC Representative, but the following should be expected:PRO 1.2.1 March past of the athletes.PRO 1.2.2 Medal Awarding Ceremony, if not carried out separately.PRO 1.2.3 Closing speech of the President of the Organising Committee.PRO 1.2.4 Closing speech of EUSA EC Representative.PRO 1.2.5 Playing of EUSA anthem and handing over EUSA flag to the host of the subsequent EC.PRO 1.2.6 Cultural programme (if applicable).

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PRO 1.3 flagsPRO 1.3.1 The OC must provide an EUSA flag as well as the flags of the participating countries,

which may be either fixed of hoisted on flag poles.PRO 1.3.2 If flags are to be hoisted as part of medal ceremonies, the OC may need to have

more than one flag for each country.PRO 1.4 viP’s and official Representatives

PRO 1.4.1 In general, there should be a designated space for VIP’s attending the ceremonies, and for official representatives throughout the championships. Refreshments should generally be available, in case officials are unable to attend designated meal times.

PRO 1.4.2 Logistical arrangements for VIP’s and Officials should be made clear at the outset, including any expectations that the host may have of the EC representative to at-tend formal occasions. Where official functions are organised, the EC Representative must receive information regarding who will be attending, and their status.

PRO 1.4.3 In general, it is not expected that VIP’s, official representatives or officials will be ac-commodated in the same dormitory as athletes.

PRO 1.4.4 Transport must be provided for all official appointments of guests and official representatives.

PRO 1.5 Competition venues and arenasPRO 1.5.1 EUSA flag must be hoisted at all venues and arenas, outside and inside.

PRO 1.6 Medal awarding ceremonies PRO 1.6.1 The time of the medal ceremonies should be communicated to all teams to encour-

age them to support the ceremony.PRO 1.6.2 Details of the ceremony shall be agreed with the EC Representative, including who

will present medals. Normally EUSA representative will present the medals. EUSA anthem will be used for all medal ceremonies (Gaudeamus Igitur).

PRO 1.7 GeneralPRO 1.7.1 Medal winners or their representatives must attend the medal Awarding Ceremony.

The ceremony will be postponed if none of the medal winners can attend (ie the athletes themselves and not their representatives).

PRO 1.7.2 The athletes are not allowed to bring on the podium national, cultural or religious symbols.

PRO 1.7.3 Athletes are expected to take off caps when receiving their medal and hold them in the hand through the ceremony (i.e. playing EUSA anthem and raising of the flags as appropriate).

PRO 1.7.4 All medallists must remain at the disposal of the press after the medal awarding ceremony for photographs and interviews.

PRO 1.7.5 A certificate of participation must be prepared for each athlete, to be handed to the Head of Delegation of each delegation for distribution.

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PRO 2.1.1 Ordinarily, EUSA logo appears on the back of the medal. On the front of the medal is the name of the event and the official logo of the event.

PRO 2.1.2 The average dimensions of the medals are 60 mm diameter with a thickness of 5 mm.PRO 2.1.3 The Organizing Committee shall provide medals, to a design approved by the

Executive Committee of EUSA. PRO 2.2 QUAnTiTy

PRO 2.2.1 The number of the medals to be produced must be approved by the Chairperson of the Technical Commission. In addition to the medals to be awarded, please keep in mind that a whole set must be sent to EUSA Secretariat after the event.These medals shall be awarded to the first three in the individual events and the first three teams (athletes +3 officials) as follows:• First: Gold/Gilt;• Second: Silver/Silver-gilt;• Third: Bronze

PRO 2.2.2 Notwithstanding the above, no medals shall be presented to members of a national delegation who have not taken part in at least one match or if, by the time of the championship less than the minimum required number of teams or individuals actually participate.

PRO 2.2.3 The detailed rules of this procedure will be in line with the rules of the respective ISF.PRO 2.2.4 Awards in addition to medals may be awarded only after agreement with the

Executive Committee of EUSA.

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Disciplinary Protocol



isciplinary Protocol

DisciPlinAry Protocol

DSC 1 inTRoDUCTionDSC 1.1 The EUSA Championships should be enjoyed by all participants, as is reflected in the oath of the

competitors and officials:“On behalf of all students; I promise that we shall take part in this Championship, respecting the rules which govern it, in the true spirit of friendship, fair-play and sportsmanship, for the honour of our coun-try and our University and for the progress of the European University Sports Movement”.“In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in this Championship with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern it, in the true spirit of sportsmanship”.

DSC 1.2 Both competitors and officials are seeking, at all EUSA events, to perform to the best of their ability and to respect others. However, circumstances have arisen in some EUSA events where individuals and teams have allowed their behaviour to fall below an acceptable standard. This document sets out some guidelines for athletes and for organising committees.

DSC 2 bREAChES of DiSCiPlinE DURinG CoMPETiTionIn most cases, match officials deal with disciplinary incidents on the field of play, within the rules as set out by the governing body for that sport. The following sanctions may apply in EUSA events: DSC 2.1 In incidents where a player is dismissed from the field of play (in particular for violent conduct

against an opposing player) the player will miss the next match in the tournament. In extreme circumstances, the SCAC may ban a player from the remainder of the competition.

DSC 2.2 Where a player exhibits violent or threatening conduct towards an official, it is likely that the player will be banned from the remainder of the competition, and from any future EUSA events. The SCAC will determine the degree of severity of the punishment, which will reflect the severity of the conduct.

DSC 2.3 Where a team exhibits violent or threatening behaviour towards officials or opposing teams, the SCAC may place a warning about its future conduct. Failure to exhibit good behaviour for all remaining matches may result in the team being banned from the remainder of the competition.

DSC 2.4 Where a team is banned from the competition for either persistent unacceptable behaviour on the field of play, or for extreme examples of violent or threatening behaviour, the delegation will be expected to leave the athlete village at the earliest possible opportunity, as agreed with the SCAC.

DSC 2.5 Where a team is banned from a competition for violent or threatening behaviour, a fine of 300 Euros will be imposed. That University may not participate in any future EUSA event until the fine has been received by the EUSA office. This punishment may also be imposed where the behaviour in the last match of a tournament falls below acceptable standards.

DSC 2.6 In cases of teams being banned from competition, the SCAC will submit a report to the Executive Committee of EUSA who may, at their discretion, ban that University from all EUSA competition for a period of 1 or 2 years. In such circumstances a report will be submitted to the rector of that University setting out the reasons for the punishment.

DSC 2.7 In all cases, the Executive Committee reserves the right to give further consideration to all disci-plinary issues and impose additional penalties if appropriate.

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Disciplinary Protocol



isciplinary Protocol

DSC 3 bREAChES of DiSCiPlinE oUT of CoMPETiTionIt is hoped that competitors will be able to enjoy themselves while taking part in a EUSA competition. The Association is founded on encouraging students from across Europe to get to know each other, develop a greater understanding of each other’s culture and to enjoy fair and competitive sport. For this reason, organising committees organise a range of social opportunities for visiting sports people to fully enjoy the championship. The following should act as a guide for teams:DSC 3.1 Violence or threatening behaviour at EUSA championships will not be accepted. Incidents where

law enforcement agencies are involved may lead to athletes being banned from competition or asked to leave the village. Teams may be asked to leave if group behaviour falls below acceptable standards. In such examples a report will be considered by the Executive Committee of EUSA who may ban an institution from subsequent EUSA events. A report will be submitted to the rector of that University setting out the circumstances of the behaviour.

DSC 3.2 Where a University is involved in damage to property at an EUSA event, compensation for dam-age will be sought by the organising committee, with the support of EUSA and the National Federation. In extreme circumstances EUSA reserves the right to fine institutions or impose a ban from future events until the issue is resolved.

DSC 3.3 In circumstances where the supporters of a University are behaving in an unacceptable manner in the view of the organising committee, the OC may remove the supporters from all venues associ-ated with the event. Where supporters refuse to leave or continue to behave in an unacceptable manner the OC may, in conjunction with the EUSA EC representative, remove the University from the remainder of the competition. This matter will then be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration of further sanctions.

DSC 4 APPEAlDSC 4.1 Each year a report will be submitted to the Executive Committee, in order to monitor standards

of behaviour and severity of sanctions. In all circumstances, Universities on whom sanctions have been imposed may appeal to the Executive Committee, where a sub-group will be established to hear the appeal. A fee of 300 Euros must be paid at the time of the appeal, which will be refunded if the appeal is successful. Any expenses relating to the appeal (such as attendance at the appeal by the appellant) will be covered by the University involved.

Page 15: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations

Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Medical Regulations



edical Regulations

MeDicAl regulAtions

MED 1 GEnERAl REGUlATionSThe Organizing Committee will appoint a person in charge of the organisation of medical care at the Championship (Medical Officer).

MED 1.1 Medical AssistanceMED 1.1.1 The Organizing Committee will provide the EUSA family, participants and all accred-

ited persons with adequate medical assistance.MED 1.1.2 The Organizing Committee will provide the competitors with adequate medical

assistance during the competition according to the International Sports Federation (FSI) Regulations.

MED 1.2 Doping ControlIf the EC introduces doping control, it will do so using International Sports Federation (FSI) Regulations.

MED 2 SPECiAl REGUlATionSMED 2.1 Medical coverage in the venues and accommodation

MED 2.1.1 Medical coverageMedical coverage is provided:• in all sports venues• in all official accommodation sites; there must be a fully equipped first aid box at

the information desk, ice, and ideally 24h medical cover at each siteThe services of the Emergency department (ED) at the nearest hospital must be secured. The official Info booklet must include information about:• what medical help is available and how to access it• national emergency number• medical team leader’s phone number• location of the nearest hospital and it’s emergency number

MED 2.1.2 Medical teamAll venues must have a Medical team on duty during competition and ideally at training times. Every Medical team must have:• a Medical team leader (a physician, qualified to a level appropriate for the respec-

tive sport) with emergency medical bag• medical staff (preferably nurses, paramedics or medical students); the members

of the Medical team must wear distinctive clothing (for example t-shirt with a red cross on it

MED 2.1.3 Sports venuesEach sport venue must have a dedicated medical room, which should be equipped with:• examination couch and portable stretcher for injured athletes• an adequate supply of ice (either a working icemaker or pre-filled iceboxes)• first aid boxThe location of the Medical team in every sport venue needs to be clearly identifi-able (for example with a red cross sign).

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Medical Regulations



edical Regulations

MED 2.2 CateringFood provided must meet the nutritional needs of the athletes given the demands of their specific sport at the Championships. Consideration must be given to the particular cultural / religious requirements of teams. Food hygiene guidelines must be strictly observed.

MED 2.3 hygiene at accommodation siteMED 2.3.1 Rooms

Every participant or EUSA family member must be provided with the following:• towels (at least two which are regularly cleaned)• shower gel (enough for the duration of the championship)• toilet paper (enough for the duration of the championship)Rooms must be cleaned at least every three days (including change of sheets).

MED 2.3.2 OtherIt is recommended that OC provides laundry services at accommodation site for all participants.

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

bADMintonThe organization of the EUC Badminton shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the Badminton World Federation (BWF).

BAD 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:Team competition:• (one (1) women’s singles match, one (1)women’s doubles match, one (1) men’s singles match, one (1)

men’s doubles match, one (1) mixed doubles match)Individual competition:• Men’s: singles and doubles• Women’s: singles and doubles• Mixed: doubles

BAD 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last five (5) days.

BAD 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of entries:Team competition: twenty four (24).Individual competition:• Singles: sixty four (64) women, sixty four (64) men• Doubles: sixty four (64) women’s pairs, sixty four (64) men’s pairs• Mixed doubles: sixty four (64) pairs

If more entries are received, the EUSA EC will decide about the system of qualification.The NUSA may nominate up to four (4) teams, each from different University. The winners of the previous championship in each competition has the right to take part, in addition to the relevant NUSA limit

BAD 4 DElEGATionEach University team may enter with a maximum of six (6) women athletes, six (6) men athletes and three (3) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.Team competition: one (1) team.

BAD 5 inDiviDUAl CoMPETiTion:Singles: maximum three (3) men and three (3) women.Doubles: maximum three (3) men’s pairs and three (3) women’s pairs.Mixed doubles: maximum three (3) pairs.Each player could take part in a maximum of two (2) competitions.

BAD 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered.

BAD 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw for the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account: BWF ranking, EUSA Badminton ranking, NSF ranking. Teams from the same country shall be placed in differ-ent pools/quarters or halves of the qualification draw wherever possible.

BAD 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

technicAl regulAtions

bAD badminton

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

bAsKetbAll The organization of the EUC Basketball shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA).

BAS 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Basketball Men• European Universities Championship Basketball Women

BAS 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

BAS 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries will be received, the EUSA EC will decide about the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries will be received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team in each competition, teams must be from different Universities. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to enable the seeding.The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the event out of the relevant NUSA limit.

BAS 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twelve (12) athletes and a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

BAS 5 REfEREEEach delegation must, at their own cost, include a basketball referee with highest national license (rel-evant license of the National Basketball Federation must be submitted 2 month prior the champion-ships). Delegations who don’t fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without the charging of the partici-pation fee.EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA.

BAS 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

BAS 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Basketball ranking. The University of hosting city (in case of absence the hosting country highest rank team) will be placed on first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in a different pool.

BAS 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations in agreed time. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

bAs basketball

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

beAch volleybAllThe organization of the EUC Beach Volleyball shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) concerning Beach Volleyball.

BVL 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:• European Universities Championship Beach Volleyball Men• European Universities Championship Beach Volleyball Women

BVL 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last five (5) days.

BVL 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition will be thirty two (32). If more than thirty two (32) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. If less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The winner of the previous championship has the right to take part in the competition in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

BVL 4 DElEGATionThe NUSA delegation will consist of: a maximum of three (3) Men’s teams, a maximum of three (3) Women’s teams and a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) officials. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order. 3rd ranked team’s registrations will only be accepted if the 32 places are not taken by registered 1st and 2nd ranked teams. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.In addition the delegation should include a referee with at least the highest national license. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging a participation fee.

BVL 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered. There will be a qualification and a main draw competition.

BVL 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account: FIVB ranking, CEV ranking and the EUSA Beach Volleyball ranking. Teams from the same country shall be placed in different pools/ quarters or halves of the qualification draw wherever possible.

BVL 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

bvl beach volleyball

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

briDgeThe organization of the EUC Bridge shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Bridge League (EBL).

BRI 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Bridge Championship

BRI 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last five (5) days.

BRI 3 EnTRiESThere is not restriction concerning the number of teams entered by NUSA or by Universities. When less than six (6) entries will be received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA nomination must define the ranking order to enable the seeding.

BRI 4 DElEGATionThe members of each team form a delegation. The delegation will consist of a maximum of six (6) athletes and two (2) officials. The team could be composed of students from different Universities. At least three (3) players out of six (6) team members must be from University they represent. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

BRI 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

BRI 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EBL ranking.

BRI 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations in agreed time. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

bri bridge

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

FootbAll MenThe organization of the EUC Football Men shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Football Federation (FIFA).

FBM 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Football Men

FBM 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

FBM 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team, each from a different University. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the event in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

FBM 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of fourteen (14) and a maximum of twenty (20) athletes and a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

FBM 5 REfEREEEach delegation must, at their own cost, include a football referee with a national license (relevant license of the National Football Federation must be submitted 2 months prior the championships). Delegations failing to fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA.

FBM 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

FBM 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done with the presence of EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Football ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the hosting country’s highest rank team) will be placed in first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in a different pool.

FBM 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations. Deposits must be paid on EUSA request.

FtM Football Men

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

FootbAll WoMen 7-a siDeThe organization of the EUC Football Women shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Football Federation (FIFA).

FBW 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Football Women

FBW 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

FBW 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team, each from a different University. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the event in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

FBW 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of fourteen (14) athletes and a mini-mum of one (1) and a maximum of four (4) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

FBW 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

FBW 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Football ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the hosting country’s highest rank team) will be placed in first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in different pools.

FBW 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

FBW 8 TEChniCAl iSSUEPlaying time. The match will consist of two (2) halves of 30 minutes each. The half time interval shall not exceed 15 minutes. Pitches. The dimensions of the pitch shall be 60 to 73 metres in length and 40 to 45 meters in width. The dimension of the goal shall be 5.2 metres in width and 2 metres in height. The penalty area shall be 14 meters from each post and connected by a line running parallel to the goal line. The penalty spot must be at 7.6 meters from the goal line.There is no offside during the match.The defending wall must be at 7 meters.

FtW Football Women 7-a side

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

FutsAlThe organisation of the EUC Futsal shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Football Association (FIFA) concerning Futsal.

FUT 1 EvEnTThe following competition will be held: • European Universities Championship Futsal Men• European Universities Championship Futsal Women

FUT 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

FUT 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team, each from a different University. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the competition in addition to the rel-evant NUSA limit.

FUT 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of fourteen (14) athletes and a mini-mum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

FUT 5 REfEREEEach delegation must, at their own cost, include a futsal referee with an international license or futsal referee with the highest national license (a relevant license of the National Football Federation must be submitted 2 months prior the championships). Delegations failing to fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA .

FUT 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

FUT 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Futsal ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the hosting country’s highest rank team) will be placed in first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in a different pool.

FUT 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

Fut Futsal

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

golFThe organisation of the EUC Golf shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.

GOL 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:• Men’s individual (72 Holes – Stroke – Play)• Women’s individual (72 Holes – Stroke – Play)• Men’s team (72 Holes – Stroke – Play)• Women’s team (72 Holes – Stroke – Play)

GOL 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last four (4) days.

GOL 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of players in individual competitions is ninety (90) men and fifty four (54) women. The maximum number of teams is twenty (20) men’s and twenty (20) women’s. If more entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) team entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate two (2) teams in each competition; the teams must be from different University. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define the ranking order.The winner of the previous championship has the right to take part in the competition in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

GOL 4 DElEGATionEach University team may enter with a minimum of three (3)and a maximum of five (5) men’s athletes, a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of three (3) women’s athletes and a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of four (4) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

GOL 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered.

GOL 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account: international rankings, EUSA Golf ranking, and handicaps. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in different pools/ quarters or halves of the draw.

GOL 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. In addition, each team has to pay the green fee, defined annually by EUSA. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

gol golf

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

hAnDbAll The organization of the EUC Handball shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Handball Federation (EHF).

HBL 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Handball Men• European Universities Championship Handball Women

HBL 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

HBL 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team in each competition; teams must be from different Universities. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has right to take part in the event in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

HBL 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of fourteen (14) athletes and a mini-mum of one (1) and a maximum of five (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

HBL 5 REfEREEEach delegation must, at their own cost, include a handball referee with the highest national license (a relevant license of the National Handball Federation must be submitted 2 months prior the champion-ships). Delegations failing to fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA.

HBL 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

HBL 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Handball ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the hosting country’s highest rank team) will be placed in first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in a different pool.

HBL 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

hbl handball

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

JuDoThe organization of the EUC Judo shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Judo Union (EJU).

JUD 1 EvEnTThe following individual competitions will be held: Men women -60 kg -48 kg +60 kg to 66 kg +48 kg to 52 kg +66 kg to 73 kg +52kg to 57 kg +73 kg to 81 kg +57 kgto63 kg +81 kg to 90 kg +63 kg to 70 kg +90 kg to 100 kg +70 kg to 78 kg +100 kg +78 kg

JUD 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last three (3) days.

JUD 3 EnTRiESThere is no restriction concerning the number of entries by NUSA or by Universities.

JUD 4 DElEGATionThe athletes of each University form a delegation. A head of the Delegation must be appointed.

JUD 5 REfEREEThe Organizing Committee shall provide necessary number of referees, judges and sports officials for the effective running of the competition.Each country may, at their own cost, include a referee with the highest national license. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee

JUD 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EJU rules.

JUD 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

JuD Judo

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

KArAte The organization of the EUC Karate shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Karate Federation (EKF).

KAR 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:Kumite individual: • Men: -60 kg, -67 kg, -75 kg, -84 kg, +84 kg• Women: -50 kg, -55 kg, -61 kg, -68 kg, +68 kg

Kumite Team: Men, WomenKata individual: Men, WomenKata team: Men, Women

KAR 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last two (2) days.

KAR 3 EnTRiESThere is no restriction concerning the number of team and individual entries by NUSA or by Universities.

KAR 4 DElEGATionThe athletes of each University form a delegation. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

KAR 5 REfEREEThe Organizing Committee shall provide necessary number of referees, judges and sports officials for the effective running of the competition.Each country may, at their own cost, include a referee with the highest national license. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.

KAR 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EKF rules.

KAR 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

KAr Karate

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

roWingThe organization of the EUC Rowing shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the Federation Internationale des Societes d’Aviron (FISA).

ROW 1 EvEnTThe competitions will be held for Men and Women in the following classes:• Openweight: 8o, 4-, 2-, 4×, 2×, 1ו Lightweight: 4×, 2×, 4- (Men only), 1×

Where no Lightweight event exists medals may be awarded to Lightweight crews competing in Open events.

ROW 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last three (3) days.

ROW 3 EnTRiESThere is no restriction concerning the number of boats entered by NUSA or by Universities.

ROW 4 DElEGATionThe athletes of each University form a delegation. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

ROW 5 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative, taking into account FISA rules.

ROW 6 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid if so requested by EUSA or the OC.

roW rowing

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

rugby 7sThe organisation of the EUC Rugby 7s shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Rugby Board (IRB).

RUG 1 EvEnTThe following competition will be held: • European Universities Championship Rugby 7s Men• European Universities Championship Rugby 7s Women

RUG 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last three (3) days.

RUG 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams is twenty four (24). If more than twenty four (24) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team, each from a different University. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has the right to take part in the event in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

RUG 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of nine (9) and a maximum of twelve (12) athletes and a minimum of (1) and a maximum of (3) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

RUG 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

RUG 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUC Rugby 7s ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the highest ranked team of the hosting country ) will be placed on first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in different pools.

RUG 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the agreed date. Deposits must be paid on EUSA request.

rug rugby 7s

Page 30: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations

Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

tAble tennis The organization of the EUC Table Tennis shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

TAB 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:Team competition:• Men• Women

Individual competition:• Men: singles and doubles• Women: singles and doubles• Mixed doubles (a mixed doubles team can be made up of the athletes from different Universities and countries)

TAB 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last four (4) day.

TAB 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup. The NUSA may nominate more than one team in each competition; the teams must be from different University. The winner of the previous championship has the right to take part in the competition in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

TAB 4 DElEGATionEach University team may enter with a maximum of ten (10) athletes and a maximum of three (3) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.Team competition:• Men: one (1) team, a maximum of five (5) athletes• Women: one (1) team, a maximum of five (5) athletes

Individual competition:• Men: a maximum of five (5) athletes• Women: a maximum of five (5) athletes

TAB 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered.

TAB 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account: ITTF players ranking, EUSA Table tennis ranking. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in different pools - quarters or halves of the draw.

TAB 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

tAb table tennis

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

tAeKWonDo The organization of the EUC Taekwondo shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the European Taekwondo Union (ETU).

TAE 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:Individual men competition (8): • up to 54kg, + 54kg to 58 kg, + 58kg to 63kg, + 63kg to 68kg, + 68kg to 74kg, + 74kg to 80kg, + 80kg to

87kg and + 87kgIndividual women competition (8):• up to 46kg, + 46kg to 49kg, + 49kg to 53kg, + 53kg to 57kg, + 57kg to 62kg, + 62kg to 67kg, + 67kg to

73kg and + 73kg

TAE 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last two (2) days.

TAE 3 EnTRiESThere is no restriction concerning the number of entries by NUSA or by Universities.

TAE 4 DElEGATionThe athletes of each University form a delegation. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

TAE 5 REfEREEThe Organizing Committee shall provide necessary number of referees, judges and sports officials for the effective running of the competition.Each country may, at their own cost, include a referee with the highest national license. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.

TAE 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered.

TAE 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA representative taking into account ETU rules.

TAE 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

tAe taekwondo

Page 32: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations

Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

tennis The organization of the EUC Tennis shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Tennis Federation (ITF).

TEN 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held:• Team competition Men • Team competition Women

Each tie will include two (2) singles and one (1) doubles match.

TEN 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last six (6) days including one (1) day off for each team.

TEN 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). If more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate a maximum of two (2) teams in each competition; the teams must be from dif-ferent Universities.The host University and the winner of the previous championship have the right to take part in the compe-tition in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

TEN 4 DElEGATionEach University team may enter with a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) athletes and a maximum of three (3) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

TEN 5 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams/athletes entered.

TEN 6 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account: ATP/WTA players ranking,EUSA Tennis ranking.

TEN 7 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

ten tennis

Page 33: Rules and Regulations for EUSA sports… ·  · 2012-03-21Regulations for the EUSA sports events i EUC Regulations

Regulations for the EUSA sports events

EUC Technical Regulations


EUC Technical Regulations

volleybAllThe organization of the EUC Volleyball shall be based on the most recent technical regulations of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB).

VOL 1 EvEnTThe following competitions will be held: • European Universities Championship Volleyball Men• European Universities Championship Volleyball Women

VOL 2 PRoGRAMMEThe Championship will last seven (7) days including one (1) day off for each team.

VOL 3 EnTRiESThe maximum number of teams in each competition is sixteen (16). When more than sixteen (16) entries are received, the EUSA EC will determine the system of qualification. When less than six (6) entries are received, the event may be held as an EUSA Cup.The NUSA may nominate more than one team in each competition; teams must be from different Universities. If more than one team is nominated, the nomination must define a ranking order to aid seeding.The winner of the previous championship has the right to take part in the event in addition to the relevant NUSA limit.

VOL 4 DElEGATionThe delegation will consist of a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of twelve (12) athletes and a mini-mum of (1) and a maximum of (5) officials. A Head of the Delegation must be appointed.

VOL 5 REfEREEEach delegation must, at their own cost, include a Volleyball referee with the highest national license (a relevant license of the National Volleyball Federation must be submitted 2 months prior to the cham-pionships). Delegations failing to fulfil this obligation must pay 1000 Euro to the Organising Committee. Accommodation and food for the referee must be provided by the OC without charging the participation fee.EUSA may appoint referees directly, in that case delegations will be charge a refereeing fee defined annually by EUSA.

VOL 6 PlAyinG SChEMEThe format of the tournament will be decided by SCAC taking into consideration the number of teams entered.

VOL 7 DRAw, SEEDinGThe draw of the tournament will be done in the presence of an EUSA Representative taking into account EUSA Volleyball ranking. The University of the hosting city (or in their absence the hosting country’s highest rank team) will be placed in first (1) place in pool A. Teams from the same country shall wherever possible be placed in different pools.

VOL 8 finAnCiAl obliGATionSEach team has to pay fees defined in EUC Regulations by the specified date. The deposit must be paid on EUSA request.

vol volleyball

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Regulations for the EUSA sports events

Regulations for EUSA endorsed events


Regulations for EUSA

endorsed events

regulAtions For eusA enDorseD events

END 1 EUSA will grant its endorsement to university sports, cultural and educational events. All these events are presented by a NUSA.These sports events will be organised in the spirit of Rules and Regulations for EUSA Sport Events, however the requesting NUSA will take all responsibilities for its organisation.

END 2 Request for this endorsement will be sent in written form to EUSA office accompanied by a presentation dossier and then will be submitted for consideration of EUSA Executive Committee.

END 3 Endorsed events may be titled “EUSA Cup’’, “EUSA Trophy” or could be announced as “under the patronage of EUSA”. EUSA logo must appear on all official publications and promotional items and in the sport arenas.

END 4 The Organising NUSA shall send an official invitation to EUSA. When EUSA EC decides to send its Representative to the event, the NUSA will undertake all local costs like: accommodation, local transporta-tion, catering, while EUSA will undertake the travel cost. All organising NUSA duties relating to EUSA will be described in an attribution letter.

END 5 After the event, the NUSA must present a report to EUSA accompanied by official publications, results, photos, film and press cuttings.