rudraksha kantha also named as indra mala contain

RUDRAKSHA KANTHA ALSO NAMED AS INDRA MALA CONTAIN'S 1 TO 14 MUKHI RUDRAKSHA WITH GANESH & GOURI SHANKAR RUDRAKSHA IN PURE SILVER. Origin : 1 mukhi Rudraksha - Half moon Shape Big Size from Java Origin . 2 mukhi to 14 mukhi Rudraksha - Big Size Of Nepal Origin. Gouri-Shankar rudraksha - Big Size Of Nepal Origin . Ganesha - Rudraksha - Big Size Of Nepal Origin . Design : All the rudraksha are capped with pure silver & made in pure silver wire , attached with pure silver chain . Description & Benefit's of Different Rudraksha : 1 mukhi Rudraksha : One Facet Rudraksha The One mukhi Rudraksha / 1 Mukhi Rudraksh is the symbol of God hood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity. The One mukhi Rudraksha / Rudraksh is itself Lord Shankar and it is the main among all rudrakshas of all faces. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. It brings the power of Dharana to the wearer meaning the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD. His mind begins to concentrate on the Supreme Element that is Partattva Dharana cha jayate Tatprakashnam thus the discoverers of Aatma Tattva must wear 1 Mukhi Rudraksha / One facet Rudraksh. Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is found in three shapes round shape , oval shape and the half moon shape. Round One mukhi Rudraksh is highly praised in our ancients texts but it is very rare and more of a myth. One mukhi Rudraksha Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka.One Faced Rudraksha oval shape is also very rare but not as like of

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Origin :

1 mukhi Rudraksha - Half moon Shape Big Size  from Java Origin .

2 mukhi   to   14   mukhi Rudraksha -  Big Size Of Nepal Origin.

Gouri-Shankar rudraksha - Big Size Of Nepal Origin .

Ganesha - Rudraksha - Big Size Of Nepal Origin .

Design : All the rudraksha are capped with pure silver & made in pure silver wire , attached with pure silver chain .

Description & Benefit's of Different Rudraksha :

1 mukhi Rudraksha :

One Facet Rudraksha

The One mukhi Rudraksha / 1 Mukhi Rudraksh is the symbol of God hood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity. The One mukhi Rudraksha / Rudraksh is itself Lord Shankar and it is the main among all rudrakshas of all faces. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. It brings the power of Dharana to the wearer meaning the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD. His mind begins to concentrate on the Supreme Element that is Partattva Dharana cha jayate Tatprakashnam thus the discoverers of Aatma Tattva must wear 1 Mukhi Rudraksha / One facet Rudraksh. 

Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is found in three shapes round shape , oval shape and the half moon shape. Round One mukhi Rudraksh is highly praised in our ancients texts but it is very rare and more of a myth. One mukhi Rudraksha Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka.One Faced Rudraksha oval shape is also very rare but not as like of round shape ,it is only find in india (uttranchal ). From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be. The cost of One mukhi Round Rudraksha & the cost of one mukhi rudraksha having oval shape is very high in comparision of half moon shaped Rudraksha. 

Benefit's : This is the best of all Rudrakshas . Peace and pleasure abide in the house where One mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. The person who worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures

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during his life span but also remains unaffected by them. 

It is also said that one mukhi rudraksha is a " Manokamna pooran rudraksha " , as a person can wear this rudraksha for fulfillment of his wishes. 

Excerpts from Puranas 

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter V verses 25 and 26 it is stated " According to Jabala instinct for wearing Rudraksha results only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and blessings of Lord Siva during preceding births " 

In Chapter VII verse 23 it is stated "Rudrakshas infused with Bija mantras should be worn. One mukhi Rudraksha helps envisioning the Partattva " 

Padma Purana Chapter 57 Translated by Bhatta 1989 it is stated in verse 38 to 39 "The Rudraksha of one mouth is virtually Siva It removes the sin of brahmanacide. Therefore one should wear it for the destruction of all (ones) sins. He would go to Siva's heaven and rejoice with Siva. O Kartikeya a man would obtain a Rudraksha of one mouth due to great religious merit and due to Siva's favour and would also obtain Kailasa ". 

Symbol of : Lord Shiva 

Ruling Planet : Sun 

Recommended for : Headache, Heart Disease ,high & low blood pressure and Eye Defect.

2 Mukhi Rudraksha :

Purpose of two mukhi rudraksha is Happier family life & Relationships with friends. A two mukhi rudraksha has two natural lines (facets or mukhas). It helps in harmonizing relations between two individuals ( Husband � Wife, Father � Sons, Friends) and there by making happier and lasting relations. Therefore it is also known as a bead for �Unity�. Both Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati are pleased with the person wearing a Two Mukhi Rudrakshas. 

A person is bestowed with Wealth, improved Business due to better relations with clients & all the mental agonies get vanished by wearing a 2 mukhi rudraksh . 

A two Mukhi Rudraksha Cures the malefic effects of Moon and helps in stabilizing the mind, making a person purposeful & his decisions making abilities are enhanced. 

BENEFIT'S : Two Mukhi rudraksh helps in the diseases of left eye, fluid systems of body, Renal failure and intestinal systems. At also cures stress, Anxiety, Depression and negative thoughts. Those people who gets irritated very soon should definitely wear this Rudrakshas. 

Recommended for : Loneliness , Depression , Irritation , Inferiority Complex , Good & Strong Relation Ship , Eye defect 

Symbol Of : Ardhnarishwar (Joint image of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati- Shakti) 

Ruling planet : Moon

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3 Mukhi Rudraksha :

3 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is known to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha for stopping all problems created in the past and existing in the present moment and about to take place in the Future. This Rudraksha Bead combined with appropriate Mantras helps to dramatically change a persons life for the better in the 40 days it takes to complete an initial Mantra Discipline. The 3 Mukhi Rudraksh Bead is a life saver, it is said that wearer of three mukhi rudraksha attains a "moksha" . The wearer feels its influence by attaining success in his efforts, favourable means, learning and knowledge. Its best virtue is that it makes the wearer free from chronic fever certainly. It contains the Trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. 

BENEFIT'S : Releasing of stress, Burning of Past karma,wearer of three mukhi rudraksha released from past memories of hurt , low self esteem , anger & shame and he rises & shines forever . 

Symbol Of : Agni , The God Represent the Fire 

Ruling Planet : Sun 

Recommended for : Headaches, fever, Pitta diseases, bone problems, baldness, deficient blood circulation, heart problems, eye disease 

4 Mukhi Rudraksha :

This four mukhi rudraksha represents god brahaspati who rules jupiter . the wearer gains power of knowledge & creativity .expands memory power , vocal power ,wit &  intelligence .wearer is blessed with melodious speech. Gives Educational Achievement and Vaksidhi.  4 Mukhi Rudraksh  bead also  gives  the four essentials of life namely Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. It acts as cure for cough, asthma, brain related illness, stammering, mental illness, paralysis, memory lapse, respiratory tract problems, nervous disorders, yellow fever and nasal disease. This Rudraksha also removes laziness, excessive sleep and unwanted dreams.

Benefit's  of Four Facet Rudraksha : This bead is suitable for students, teachers, scientists, journalists, sales persons, writers .

Ruling Planet : Jupiter

Symbol Of :  Bahraspati ( The Guru)

Recommended for : Asthma ,Knowledge & Communication  , Lack Of Concentration

5 Mukhi Rudraksha :

Five mukhi represents rudra kalagni .this highly auspicious rudraksha is important for people who wish to awaken their higher selves meaning upaguru.enhances awareness , memory,word power & intellect. 5 mukhi rudraksh is highly used in malas for wearing & chanting mantras & connects one to grace of lord shiva . Five Facet Rudraksha also removes malefics of planet jupiter. 

This Five Faced Rudraksha bead affects all major chakra points. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is said to control the five elements in the human body (fire, water, air, sky and Earth) and destroys the five

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main sins (lust,anger,greed, attachment and ego). 

Benefit's Of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha : Realisation of Higher self , Intellect & Enhanced Awareness. 

Symbol Of : Rudra kalagni 

Ruling Planet :Jupiter 

Recommended for : High & Low Blood Pressure , Heart related Problem's 

6 Mukhi rudraksha :

6 mukhi rudraksha is ruled by the war god , lord kartikeya & pacifies planet mars, wearer is blesses with several virtues of willpower , courage , perfection , grounding & focus .releases mental lethargy & vices of lust & ego .increases connection with mother earth . wearer gets luck & assets of properties & vehicles. 

Benefit's : Lord Kartikeya is a Commander in Chief of Gods. Gives victory over enemy. Good for lawsuits. Six mukhi rudraksha increases concentration and cures epilepsy, gynecological problems, hysteria, problems with Eyes, reproductive organs and urinary tract etc. This six Facet rudraksha is also said to bring understanding and appreciation of Love,  Music and Personal relationships. Six Mukhi rudraksha beads represents lord Kartikeya and is highly recommended for those engaged in learning and those who want to improve their charm and speech power. 

Symbol Of : kartikeya 

Ruling Planet : MARS 

Recommended For : Increment of will power ,Courage , Perfection , Grounding & Focus . 

7 Mukhi rudraksha :

Seven Face Rudraksha


7 mukhi Rudraksh is provider of money luck to the wearer. It helps in shining in the field of business or service. It therefore also helps in enhancement of wealth. Sapta mukhi Rudraksh represents Goddess of wealth MAHALAKSHMI. 7 Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by those who are suffering from miseries related to finance & luck. By wearing seven face rudraksha the person progresses steadily in life with name & fame . 

It provides good effects of its Ruling Planet venus and therefore physical health and mental faculties of the wearer obtain fitness. 

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Shiva followers believe that each of its seven face represents one Serpent, headed by their king �Shesh-naga�. It is therefore said that a serpent never harasses the wearer of this Rudraksh. 

On the other hand the Vaishnavas believe that each of its seven face represents a Great Rishi. It is therefore concluded that Rishis shower best of their blessings with gift of knowledge, cure of diseases and happiness of abundant wealth. The wearer remains away from sins and leads a healthy, wealthy, happy and long life. 

Benefit's : 

The 7 mukhi rudraksh bead is used to cure diseases like asthma, pharyngitis, impotency, foot related diseases, respiratory disorders cold, pain in bone and muscles, paralysis, long term diseases etc. The 7 Facet Rudraksha is said to bless the wearer with wealth, fame and spiritual knowledge 

Symbol Of : Lakshmi / Laxmi 

Ruling Planet : Venus 

Recommended for : Wealth & New Opportunities 

8 Mukhi Rudraksha :

Eight Facet Rudraksha

Eight mukhi rudraksha represents lord Ganesha & Planet ketu . It removes obstacles in path , destroys evils & bring success in all undertakings . wearer is blessed with knowledge , wisdom & wealth. 

Destroyer of obstruction. As the name symbolize it destroy obstruction and gives achievements in all ventures. The 8 mukhi Rudraksh bead is also represented by Lord Ganesha who is worshipped prior to all the other gods. This bead removes obstacles in life and gives stability of mind. Wearing a Eight Facet Rudraksha is suggested for attaining anticipated results for any new work. 

Benefit's : This rudraksha bead protects the person from problems related to litigation, accidents, misfortunes, miseries, obstacles and enemies.It also cures stomach ache, stress, skin diseases, anxiety etc 

Symbol Of : Lord Ganesh 

Ruling Planet : ketu 

Recommended For : Removal of Obstacles & Success in undertakings .

9 Mukhi Rudraksha :

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Nine Facet Rudraksha

9 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the Goddess Durga (Shakti). It contains the power of Nine Deities. The worshippers of the supreme power Shakti must wear this Rudraksha. All the Rudraksha are the symbol of Lord Shiva but Nine faced Rudraksha contains special Nine qualities. It increases self-power. It makes us concentrate our mind and it also creates the belief that as by hiding the head into the lap of mother, all the fears of a child finish, similarity its wearer becomes fearless. The blessings of the Mother remain with him who always wears it. Nine faced Rudraksha gives the wearer both devotion and salvation. When invoked, the mother Goddess blesses the wearer with lot of energy, powers, Dynamism and fearlessness, which are useful to live a life of success. Gives Bhoga and Moksha. It's ruling planet is Rahu (Dragon's head). 

There are some articles in the world, that give prosperity and some others provide salvation. Both these characteristics are contradictory. The things that give worldly pleasures can not give salvations. Practising rituals to worship the Shree yantra and the wearing of the nine faced Rudraksha, give both the worldly pleasures and the salvation. 

Benefit's : By wearing 9 faced Rudraksha the man gets blessings from Shakti, the Supreme Mother. The wearer of 9 mukhi rudraksh gets endurance, bravery, courage and his name and fame spreads all around. His devotion in god increases & his will power is strengthened. 

Symbol of : Goddess Durga 

Ruling Planet : Rahu 

Recommended For : Intoxication, addictions, compulsive behavior, worries, fears, phobias, most psychological and psychiatric disorders 

10 Mukhi rudraksha :

Ten Face Rudraksha

10 Mukhi Rudraksha represent Lord Vishnu, major god of Hinduism and Indian mythology, popularly regarded as the preserver of the universe. Some Puranic literature refers to him as the eternal, all-pervading spirit and associates him with the primeval waters believed to have been omnipresent before the creation of the world. So regarded, Vishnu is depicted frequently in human form, sleeping on the great serpent Shesha and floating on the waters. One hand holds a lotus; a second holds a conch; a third holds a discus (which always returns by itself after being thrown); and the fourth carries a mace. The petals of the lotus are believed to symbolize the unfolding of creation; the conch is said to symbolize that from which all existence originates; and the discus and the mace reputedly were obtained by Lord Vishnu as rewards for defeating the God Indra. 

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Lord Vishnu is said to possess also a special sword called Nadaka and a special bow called Sarnga. His wife is Goddess Lakshmi (also known as Shri), goddess of beauty and fortune. He rides a huge creature, half bird and half man, called Gandara. His home is in a heaven called Vaikuntha (where the Ganges River is believed to flow from its source at Vishnu's feet). The god has a thousand names, the repetition of which is regarded as an act of devotion. The representing deity of 10 mukhi Rudraksh is Lord Narayana (The Preserver). It helps the wearer to overcome difficult times and ensures that the wearer and the family of the wearer is protected. It creates a feeling of security. It works like a shield on one's body and drives evils away. Wearer is protected from influence of evil spirit , ghosts and black magic. There is no ruling planet for this bead and it pacifies all negative planetary energy. One wears this by the blessings of Lord Mahavishnu. Excellent for narayana bhaktas (devotees). One gets the power to concentrate well. Also aids in devotion and meditation. 

Benefit's : Ten mukhi rudraksha works like a sheild on one's body & the wearer gets immense protection from negative energies , evil eye & psychic attacks . this rudraksha gives success in court cases , land deals , & wearer is free from debts & losses. 

Excerpts from Holy Books 

Siva Purana Vidyesvara Samhita Translated by Shastri 1973. Siva said- 4. O Siva Mahesani be pleased to hear the greatness of Rudraksha. I speak out of love for you from a desire for the benefit of the devotee of Siva. 5 - 7 O Mahesani formerly I had been performing penance for thousands of divine years. Although I had controlled it rigorously my mind was in flutter. Out of sport, I being self possessed just opened my eyes. O Goddess, from a desire of helping the worlds, drops of tears fell from my beautiful half closed eyes. From those tear drops there cropped up the Rudraksha Plants. 8 They became immobile. In order to bless the devotees they were given to the four varnas devoted to worship of Visnu. 20 O Parmesvari no other necklace or garland is observed in the world to be so auspicious and fruitful as the Rudraksha. 47 People of all varnas and Asramas even Women and Sudras can wear Rudraksa at the bidding of Siva. The Ascetics shall wear it with the Pranava. 62 Even the devotees of Visnu and other Dieties shall unhesitatingly wear the Rudraksa. Especially the devotee of Rudra shall wear Rudraksha always. 76 O Mahesani, Rudraksa with ten faces is Lord Janardana Himself. O Devasi by wearing it the devotee shall achieve the fulfillment of all desires. 86 Seeing a devotee with the garland of Rudraksas O Parvati, Siva, Visnu, devi, Ganapati, the Sun and all the gods are pleased. 

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter IV, Narayana said- 21 Ten Mukhi Rudraksa is Visnu and removes all the tears and troubles due from planets, evil powers and snakes. Chapter V,God said- 22 Wearer of Rudraksa on hair tuft on the crown, in ear, in neck, in hand and in abdomen attains the status of Siva, Visnu and Brahma. 

Mantramaharnava, Lord Siva said- A Rudraksha with 10 Faces is General of an army and is also Vishnu Himself. It sublimates the malefic effects of planets, evil powers and eliminates snakes. 

Symbol of : Lord Vishnu 

Ruling Planet : All Planets 

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Recommended for : Pacifying nine planets

11 mukhi rudraksha :

Eleven Facet Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Rudraksha is regarded as the light mass of Lord Rudra Shiva (Eleven Rudras). For the devotees of Lord Shiva it is the most effective and most successful Rudraksha. There are eleven Rudras and the eleventh Rudra is Lord Hanuman and taking his name ghosts and evil spirits run away. He is full of learning, virtues, cleverness and wisdom. Therefore, all these virtues are filled in the man who wears this eleven faced rudraksha. It makes the wearer strong, wise, healthy and without disease. This Rudraksha is the symbol of Indra, the king of Gods. It gives the wearer permanent happiness. It means that pleasure and happiness come to the man who worships Indra and makes him happy. It relieves the wearer from the fear of sudden death. It induces courage and confidence in the wearer to lead an adventurous life. It also helps in practicing meditation and religious rituals and removes the problems of yogic practices. 

Benefit's : 11 mukhi Rudraksha represents the 11th rudra which is Lord Hanuman. According to ancient texts the fruit obtained after performing 1000 Ashavamedh Yagya and 100 Vajpaye Yagya is obtained instantaneously by wearing this bead. The wearer is blessed with wisdom, right judgment, powerful vocabulary, adventurous life, fearlessness and success. It helps in Meditation and yoga sadhanas by removing problems in Yogic practices. Gives self control of all senses and thus removes addictions. According to Srimaddevibhagawad, Lord Indra also rules this rudraksha. The wearer gets power, name and fame and material comforts. This powerful Rudraksha bead is worn to provide relief from all planets. 

Symbol Of : 11 Rudra & Lord Hanuman 

Ruling Planet : All Planets 

Recommended for : Maintenance of entire neurophysiology. wisdom & self confidence , aid to meditation 

12 Mukhi Rudraksha :

Twelve Face Rudraksha

The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the Centre of Brilliancy and Lustre and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun (SURYA). The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the quality of Surya to

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move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. This Rudraksha gives knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is found miraculously effective. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most important Rudraksha to be worn by any person who needs to attract knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures. This Rudraksha is the most useful for the administrators. 

Benefit's : The person who wears the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha gets administrative capacity limitlessly. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha must be worn by politicians and businessmen and aspirants of name and fame. Wearing 12 mukhi Rudraksha increases self image and motivation. Gives happiness and material gains and protects from accidents. 

Excerpts from Holy Books : 

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter V verse 25 to 26 it is stated "According to Jabala, instinct for wearing Rudraksha results only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and Blessings of Lord Siva during preceding births". 

The 12 Gifts of Surya 

Om Mitraya Namaha Light of Universal Friendship 

Om Ravaye Namaha Light of Compelling Radiance 

Om Suryaya Namaha Dispeller of Darkness or Ignorance 

Om Bhanave Namaha Shining Principle 

Om Khagaya Namaha All Pervadeing Light 

Om Pushne Namaha Light of Mystic Fire 

Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha Golden Colored One Healing Gold 

Om Marichaye Namaha Light obvious and subtle as at dawn and dusk 

Om Aditaya Namaha Light of the Sage an aspect of Vishnu 

Om Savitre Namaha Light of Enlightenment 

Om Arkaya Namaha Light That Removes Afflictions 

Om Bhaskaraya Namaha Brilliance The Light of Intelligence 

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11th Skand Chapter IV verse 27 to 29 it is stated "Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha appeases Surya and provides the benefit that accrues from Gomedha and Asvamedha yajnas. It dispels fear of armed men, horned animals and lion. Its wearer never suffers from physical and mental pains. Thus it makes the man fearless and trouble free to lead the life like the god himself." 

Symbol of : Lord Sun / Surya 

Ruling Planet : Sun 

Recommended for : Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Skin Disease, Hiatus of Stomach, Esophagus, and Bowel Problems, self power ,release of stress & anger . 

13 Mukhi rudraksha :

Thirteen Face Rudraksha

13 mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the lord Indra & lord kamadeva . Lord Indra becomes happy, if it is worn. It gives riches. If a man wears, he is upgraded, his honour increases. It fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies), and the god cupid (Kamdeva) pleases with the man who wears it. "Kartikeya samo gyeye sarva Kaamarth Sidhidah." This Rudraksha provides all attainments connected with chemical science. The researchers of medical science reach new horizons of success by wearing this thirteen face Rudraksha. Raso Rasayanam Chaiva Tasya Sarva Prasidhyati Nobody can face the wearer of this Rudraksha during any debate is also an accepted truth. 

Benefit's : When invoked, showers all possible comforts of life one can ever desire. Gives hypnotic power of attraction (Vashikaran) to the wearer. It also gives the wearer material gains. It is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainments. It is suggested to cause material upliftment. It increases the mental power of the wearer amazingly. It should be kept safely as Rudraksha are long life assets and gives the wearer benefits in all fields. 

Symbol Of : Lord Kamadeva 

Ruling Planet : Venus 

Recommended for : Attraction, Abundance, Eight Accomplishments (Siddhies) 

14 Mukhi Rudraksha :

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Fourteen Face Rudraksha

14 Mukhi Rudraksha is found most rarely and it pleases Lord Shiva to give the wearer His company. It is the most precious divine thing Deva Mani. it is ruled by the mighty hanuman .14 Faced Rudraksha infuses wearer with a strong will, brave heart & the courage to overcome all odds. lord hanuman is considered to be incration of lord shiva. Hanuman is the epitome of sincere devotion & dedication , being a great disciple of lord rama. Conceptually , Hanuman is the mind . Rama is the soul ; it is the surrender of mind to soul , matter to spirit . hanuman is power personified. worship of lord hanuman symbolizes in our individual life " the pursuit of excellence " 14 Mukhi rudraksh invokes the lord hanumana in us , which is being fearlessness & doing what comes naturally to us , maintaining a balanced & steady approach 7 identifying our latent potential . This rudraksha is the ultimate protector from the evil effects of mars & thus pacifies mangal dosha in a chart . In ramayana it is mentioned taht hanuman saved the nine planets during the war from the clutches of king raavana. and as a favour for saving them the planet blessed lord hanuman by saying that any malefic effects of the nine planets can be averted by praying to lord hanuman alone. 

Benefit's : Fourteen faced Rudraksha awakens the sixth sense organ by which the wearer foresees the future happenings. Its wearer never fails in his decisions. Its wearer gets rid of all the calamities, miseries, worries. It provides the wearer safety and riches. It is a very powerful antedote for Saturn miseries and provides miraculous cures to several ailments. It is recommended to be worn on chest as a necklace, on forehead on third eye region or on right arm. It helps in achieving moksha (salvation) from the world which is the essence of human life. The wearer of 14 mukhi rudraksh becomes divine and becomes dear to Lord Shiva. 

Excerpts from Holy Books : 

Shiva Purana Vidyesvara Samhita Translated by Shastri 1973 : A Rudraksa with fourteen faces is the highest Siva. It shall be worn on the head with great devotion. 

Padma Purana Chapter 57 Translated by Bhatta 1989. THE LORD said- If a man always wears on his head or arm a Rudraksha with fourteen mouths, the mass of Sivas's power, he is always honored and approached by gods due to the greatness of this religious merit Sacred Hymn for the 14 Mukhi Rudraksa is OM NAMO NAMAH 

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter III. NARAYANA said- A man wearing fourteen mukhi Rudraksha on his forehead himself becomes Siva, hence its greatness is indescribable. One who wears even one bead on the forehead is always worshipped like Brahmins and gods and attains moksa. Chapter V, GOD said- There is no need to describe the greatness of Rudraksha again and again. It should be worn always for it is superior to all. Those men who wear either the rosary of Rudraksha or even one bead on their head, get rid of all pains, sorrows and sins and attain all the credits................ Such men on chanting the names of Siva become superior to all other men. 

According to Jabala, instinct for wearing Rudraksha results only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and Blessings of Lord Siva during preceding births He cannot be killed. He roams like Rudra among other creatures on earth and is worshipped like Siva by all including deities 

Mantramaharnava. LORD SHIVA said- 

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A Rudraksha with fourteen faces is God Srikantha Himself. It gives Moksa liberation to all the kith and kin of past generation and its wearer himself attains moksa. 

Planetary Correlations And Astrological Implications of Rudraksas, page 59, Rudraksha by Mr. Subas Rai- Fourteen Mukhi is held to sublimate the malefic effects of Saturn. 

Symbol of : Lord Shiva & lord hanuman 

Ruling Planet : Mars 

Recommended for : Safety, security and riches and self power. Also awakens 6th sense.

Gouri-Shanker Rudraksha :

Gowri Shankar Rudraksha

Two naturally joined Rudraksha called Gauri Shankar is regarded as the form of Shiva & Parvati. It is so much full of influence that it causes the development and expansion of universe due to its being the unified and identified form of the Lord Shiva and the Goddess Uma. This form becomes the cause of expansion of the universe providing fertility. It makes the husband and wife identify each other. Therefore it is regarded the best thing for peace and comfort in the family. So, it is the most preferred gift as ancient texts mention that gifting rudraksha accrues punya (good karma). 

Benefit's : 

If a man worships Gowri Shankar Rudraksh at his worshipping place, the pain and suffering and other earthly obstacles are destroyed and the peace and pleasure of family are increased. In Puranas the bead of Gauri Shankar is regarded the best for happy family life. 

It opens up the Hrit Padma chakra and aligns oneself with Universal love. Aids Dhyan and meditation. Harmonizes relationships of the wearer. Expands sphere of influence to love one and all. Attracts a suitable life partner by grace of Shiva and Shakti. 

The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is probably one that expands one's consciousness to a 360 degrees! A real blessing that bestows the boon of awareness. Awareness that makes you realize the truth of relationships: with ones you're related to, one's you work with, those who work for you, the plants and trees that you see everyday, the Bhumi that you walk on, the atma that resides in your soul. 

It is awareness that helps to know what we lack in ourselves or to see that ones around us lack. Gauri Shankar rudraksha bestows the capacity to tolerate the lack in others, and, simultaneously, the insight to develop what is lacking in our own self. It really does help identify, not just your spouse but everything that connects with you not just on this earth but the Universe. 

Symbol Of : Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati 

Page 13: Rudraksha Kantha Also Named as Indra Mala Contain

Ruling Planet : Sun 

Recommended for : Peace and comfort in the family. & Awakening of divine love & unification 

Ganesha Rudraksha :

Ganesha Rudraksha

Ganesh Rudraksha bears a Trunk like elevation as is seen on the face of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva. Ganesha, the elephant-headed God of success and overcoming obstacles, is also associated with wisdom, learning, prudence, and power. He gives 'Riddhi-Siddhi'. He is the first to be worshipped in the beginning of any auspicious occasion. 

Benefit's : Ganesh Rudraksha provides the wearer perfection in every sphere in life and the grace of Lord Ganesha is received by him. The Ganesh Rudraksh Bead is really special due to the way it grows the thorny protrusions of the outer surface of the Bead. 

Symbol Of : Lord Ganesha 

Ruling Planet : No Ruling Planet Recommended for : Perfection in every sphere in life.



DESCRIPTION   Of This Indrakshi Mala :

Mantra :

 "Om Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Kloom Indrakshyai Namah"

"Om Iym Hrim Srim Kleem Kloom Indrakshyai Nama,Om namo bhagawathi , Indrakshi, Mahalakshmi, Sarva jana sammohini, Kalarathri, Narasimhi, Sarva Shathru samharini, Anale, Abhaye, Ajithe. Aparajithe, Mahasimhavahini, Mahishasura Mardhani, Hana hana, Mardhaya mardhaya, Maaraya maaraya, Soshaya soshaya Dhahaya dhahaya, Maha grahan samhara samhara."


Page 14: Rudraksha Kantha Also Named as Indra Mala Contain

Oh Goddess Indrakshi, Mahalakshmi, enchantress of the universe, darkest night, the female aspect of lion-man, She who kills all enemies, raging fire, She who saves all, She who cannot be defeated, She who can help one win over sins, She who rides the lion, She who killed the buffalo rakshasa, Kill, kill, Beat, beat, destroy, destroy, exterminate, exterminate, burn, burn, and kill, kill all the ills caused by the great planets.

" Savithri saa cha Gayathri Brahmani brhama Vadini,Narayani, Bhadra Kali, Rudrani, Krisha Pingala. "

She herself is Savithri and Gayathri,She is the part of creator as Bramani,She is the part of Vishnu as Narayani,She is the terror goddess Bhadra Kali,She is the part of Shiva as Rudrani,And she is part of Krishna as Krishna Pingala.

 "Bhavani, paravathi, durga, haimavathi, ambika, Shiva,Shiva bhavani rudrani sankaradha sareerini."

She is Bhavani, Parvathy, Durga,She is golden coloured,She is Ambika, the wife of Shiva,And she is the power of Rudra,And she resides in half the body of Shiva.

The Indrakshi mala is made up of one bead each of mukhis from 1 mukhi till 14 mukhi according to the description in Katyani Purana. It is a rare possession and only few fortunate persons in the world possess this combination. Ancient texts say that possessing this mala is like having entire Universe with you. Made in Heavy silver with  silver Caps this Indrakshi Mala would be worshipped by a Community Leader to help manifest projects and programs for the well being of others and their own Families also.

The wearer of Indrakshi mala becomes “Ichadhari” meaning whatever he desires, becomes reality. On seeing the wearer of this mala all evils, negativity and negative forces are dispelled. Gayatri Devi in all Her forms resides in this mala.

Indrakshi Mala Mantra

Page 15: Rudraksha Kantha Also Named as Indra Mala Contain

Om Hreem Namah, Om Namah, Om Kleem Namah, Om Hreem Namah, Om Hreem Namah, Om Hreem Hoom Namah, Om Hoom Namah, Om Hreem Hoom Namah, Om Hoom Namah, Om Hreem Namah, Om Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah, Om Krom Kshrom Rom Namah, Om Hreem Namah, Om Namah, Om Kleem Namah, Om Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah, Om Aim Krom Kreem Hoom Namah, Om Aam Aim Hreem Namah, Om Hreem Hoom Namah, Om Aim Hreem Aim Namah, Om Namah !!


******* as this rudraksha kantha contain's all the rudraksha so the benefit's of all the rudraksh are in this indra   mala.

******* indra mala can be wear by any person of any profession.

******* it removes all the bad thing done by any person in his or her life.



for more information about this indra mala pls mail m at : [email protected] or call m at : 09837232420