rudner macdonald llp

\ / i > RudnerMacDonald LLP represents employees and employers, providing each with clear, practical, strategic advice, in an effort to help them understand their legal rights and obligations. At Rudner MacDonald LLP, both employers and employees will find comprehensive services related to employment law. Our lawyers provide senior counsel of the highest calibre to employers and employees in all aspects of the employment law relationship including: Policies Downsizing Procedures Reducing labourcosts . Hiring Restrictive covenants Employment agreements Discipline Bullying Constructive and Harassment • Wrongful dismissal Human rights issues Contact Us NATALIE C. MACDONALD [email protected] STUART E. RUDNER [email protected] C.PATRICK A. PENGELLY [email protected] Locations 2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1005 Toronto, Ontario M4W3E2 T: 416-640-6402 Trillium Executive Centre 675 Cochrane Drive East Tower, Suite 600 Markham, Ontario L3ROB8 T: 416-530-2484 F: 647-723-1133 in /company/rudner-macdonald-LLP /RudnerMacDonald E: [email protected] ij Rudner MacDonald llp OC The Next Chapter in Employment Law aD QL Rudner MacDonald The Next Chapter in Employment Law LLP

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RudnerMacDonald LLPrepresents employees andemployers, providing each withclear, practical, strategic advice,in an effort to help themunderstand their legal rightsand obligations.

At RudnerMacDonald LLP, both employers andemployees will find comprehensive servicesrelated to employment law.

Our lawyers provide senior counsel of the highestcalibre to employers and employees in all aspectsof the employment law relationship including:• Policies • Downsizing• Procedures • Reducing labourcosts. Hiring • Restrictive covenants• Employment agreements • Discipline• Bullying • Constructive and• Harassment • Wrongful dismissal• Human rights issues

Contact Us


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[email protected]


2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1005Toronto, Ontario M4W3E2

T: 416-640-6402

Trillium Executive Centre

675 Cochrane Drive

East Tower, Suite 600

Markham, Ontario L3ROB8

T: 416-530-2484

F: 647-723-1133

in /company/rudner-macdonald-LLP


E: [email protected]

ij Rudner MacDonald llpOC TheNext Chapter in Employment Law



Rudner MacDonaldThe Next Chapter in Employment Law


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You are guaranteedTop quality service -

prompt, responsive legalsolutions and cost certainty

using technology andalternatives to the billable

hour where appropriate.

Natalie & Stuart have been

repeatedly named among Canada'sTop Employment Law Practitioners

Stuart and Natalie are both highly respectedauthors of critically acclaimed books.

Stuart's book, 'You're Fired! JustCause for Dismissal in Canada'clarifiesthe types of behaviorthat constitute just cause and isan indispensable tool for lawyersand HR practitioners. Aprolificcommunicator, he has alsocontributed to four other texts.

Natalie's book ExtraordinaryDamages in CanadianEmployment Lawisthe onlytextbook of its kind and hasbeen embraced bycourts andmembers of the bar for itsauthority on extraordinarydamages in employment law.

Your Team





Stuart provides senior counsel on all aspects oftheemployment relationship. Heworks with employees and employers, helping them to understand their legal rightsand obligations and providing the strategic advice they need topursue their goals.Stuart represents clients before Courts, Mediators, and Tribunals. At even/ stage,hisfocus ison achieving practical, cost-effective solutions for hisclient.

Stuart has been recognized asoneofCanada's topLegal Social Media Influences.He isthe founder ofthe Canadian HR Law Group on Linkedin, which nowcounts over8,000 members, and enjoys asignificant following for his extensive Twitter updates@CanadianHRIaw and his blog posts at Canadian HR Law and FirstReference.

Stuart graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1998 and received his B.A. (Hons)in Industrial Relations from McGill University. He was called tothe Bar in 1999.

t @CanadianHRLaw

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Natalie provides senior counsel on all aspects of the employment relationship. Sheis the leading authority on Extraordinary Damages in Canadian Employment Law.Natalie appears before Courts and Tribunals onbehalf ofher clients. One ofNatalie'scases, Antidormi v. Blue Pumpkin Software Inc., is touted as a leading decision in thearea ofinducement ofemployees toorganizations. The significant award includedextraordinary damages for the bad faith manner in which the company had acted.Natalie regularly chairs and speaks atconferences and is the founding Co-Chair ofthe Employment Law Practice Essentials Conference, hosted by the Law Society ofUpper Canada, and Program Director ofthe Osgoode Professional DevelopmentHR Law for HR Professionals course.

She received her B.A. (Hons) in Political Science from Queens University. She wascalled to the Bar in 2000.


Both Stuart and Natalie are leaders inthe Employment Law Bar and arefrequently consulted by the media for Employment Law commentary.


Patrick is an Associate who joined the firm immediately after his call totheOntario Bar in 2013.

Patrick received his B.A. (Hons.) in Political Studies from Queen's Universityin 2004, and aJ.D. (Juris Doctor) from Queen's University in 2012. As a lawstudent, Patrick was actively involved with the Queen's Law Journal, andserved as Articles Editor in his third year. He also received academic awardsin legal history and torts law.

Prior to law school, Patrick toured extensively around theworld asthedrummer and co-founder ofaJuno Award-winning band.Patrick wascalled to the Ontario barin2013. He isa member ofthe LawSociety ofUpper Canada, theCanadian Bar Association, and theOntarioBar Association.

Our company has had the pleasure ofworking with Natalie MacDonaldsince she was called totheBar in 2000. During the past 13 years, wehave used her services on numerous occasions, whether foradvice andguidance,or for litigation. Whether she has advised on situations wewere currently experiencing, ora situation sheanticipated we wouldexperience, her expertise has been instrumental in saving the companythousands ofdollars over theyears. Natalie is a pleasure towork with.Her understanding ofthe law has proven to provide us with excellentguidance and advice. Her tenacious attitude has been critical in bringingresolutions ondifficult situations in a timely andeffective manner. Wehighly recommend Natalie to any company that needs her assistance.Mickey Narun, President, Standard Parking ofCanada Ltd.

mOur firm had the pleasure ofdealing with Stuart Rudner last year.He is, simply put, anexcellent lawyer. Throughout theentire project,our Executive Team felt that wewereavailing ourselves of the bestpossible legal advice that money could buy. Stuart's expertise anddiligence, combined with his friendly andapproachable mannerwere trulyappreciated byour organization. Iwould not hesitate torecommend Stuart to anyone.

Paul C. Rai,(Ont), President, RaiGrant Insurance Brokers