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Technical Memorandum #1 – Summary of Staff, Stakeholder, Public and Rider Input July 22, 2014 S Submitted by: In Association With: Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA)

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Technical  Memorandum  #1  –  Summary  of  Staff,  Stakeholder,  Public  and  Rider  Input    July  22,  2014  


SSubmitted  by:   In  Association  With:  

Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  (COA)  


Technical  Memorandum  #1      RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis      

Table  of  Contents  


1.0            Project  Overview  ..........................................................................................................  3  

2.0   Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Plan  ............................................................................  4  2.1   Public  Engagement  Plan  ........................................................................................................  4  Technical  Input  .................................................................................................................................  6  Public  and  Rider  Input  ......................................................................................................................  6  

3.0   Staff  Input  ....................................................................................................................  8  RTS  Staff  Input  .................................................................................................................................  8  3.1   Management  and  Planning  ...................................................................................................  8  3.2   Transit  Bus  Operators  ...........................................................................................................  8  3.3   Transit  Supervisors  and  Customer  Service  .............................................................................  8  

4.0   Stakeholder  Input  .........................................................................................................  9  4.1   Transit  Steering  Committee  (TSC)  ..........................................................................................  9  4.2   Key  Stakeholder  Input  .........................................................................................................  10  

5.0   Public  and  Transit  Rider  Input  .....................................................................................  11  5.1   Public  Involvement  .............................................................................................................  11  5.2   Transit  Rider  Input  ..............................................................................................................  14  



Appendix  A:  Project  Involvement  

Appendix  B:  Staff  Input  

Appendix  C:  Stakeholder  Input  

Appendix  D:  Stakeholder  Questionaire  and  Responses  

Appendix  E:  Public  &  Transit  Rider  Input  



Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  3  

Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Activities  


The  City  of  Gainesville  Regional  Transit  System  (RTS)   is  conducting  a    Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  (COA)     to   evaluate   existing   transit   operations   in   comparison   with   a   detailed   technical   analysis   of   travel  market  demand   in   the  region   for  short-­‐term  and   long-­‐term  transit  needs.  The  COA  study   includes  an  on-­‐board   rider   survey,   driver   interviews,   field   observations,   and   a   transit   propensity   analysis.   The   study  process  is  illustrated  on  Figure  1.  The  goal  is  to  enhance  the  overall  effectiveness  of  the  RTS  transit  system  and   to   identify   short-­‐term   solutions   as  well   as   long-­‐term   investments.   The   COA   study   area   is   shown   on  Figure  2.  



Figure 1: Gainesville COA Study Process


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  4  

Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Activities  


Successful   community   engagement   focuses   on   communicating  with   the   public   and   receiving   information  from  all   interested   persons,   groups,   and   government   organizations   regarding   a   project.   It   communicates  project   goals   and   analysis   clearly,   provides   a   forum   for   input   throughout   the   study,   and   integrates  stakeholder   input   into   the   technical   analysis.   Moreover,   it   works   to   reach   broad   segments   of   the  community  by  making  information  easily  available.  This  requires  a  process  that  is  characterized  by  technical  competence,  honesty  and  integrity,  and  good  listening.  This  Public  Engagement  Plan  outlines  the  process  to  be  taken  to  ensure  the  appropriate  level  of  public  involvement  is  performed  for  this  project  in  compliance  with   the   Florida  Department  of   Transportation’s   (FDOT)  Project  Development   and  Environmental   (PD&E)  Manual,  Part  1,  Chapter  11,  and  Part  2,  Chapter  9,  as  well  as  the  FDOT  Public  Involvement  Handbook.  

Successful  public  engagement  is  about    

2.1   Public  Engagement  Plan  

Activities  implemented  as  part  of  COA  Public  Engagement  Plan  allowed  people  living  and  working  in  the  RTS  service   area,   and   other   interested   parties   to   contribute   their  thoughts   regarding   bus   service.   The   goal   of   the   COA   Public  Engagement   Plan   was   to   generate   interest   in   the   project   purpose  and  meetings  as  well  as  create  an  awareness  of  the  scope,  schedule,  and   opportunities   for   public   input.   This   supported   the   primary  objective   of   ensuring   that   the   community  was   given   opportunities  to  review  and  comment  on  the  findings  of  the  COA  Study  and  that  concerns   were   addressed   in   the   analysis.   The   COA   Public  Engagement   Plan   provided   elected   officials,   students,   business  owners,  the  public,  agency  staff,  and  other  interested  parties  with  a  two-­‐way   line   of   continuous   communication,   easy-­‐to-­‐understand  project   information,   and   readily   accessible   project   materials.   For  example,   the   public   information   meeting   format   for   each   of   the  Gainesville   RTS   COA   meetings   presented   the   same   information  during  the  day  at  the  RTS  bus  stops  as  was  presented  in  the  evening  at  an  open  house  meeting  in  the  community  (see  image  at  right).  In  this  way,  the  community  engagement  plan  was  taken  to  passengers  so  those  who  were  unable   to  attend  or  uncomfortable  attending  a  traditional  public  workshop  could  present  their  opinion.    



Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  5  

Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Activities  




Figure 2: Gainesville COA Study Area


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Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Activities  


In  addition,  the  COA  Public  Engagement  Plan  provided  for:    

• Availability  of  maps,  technical  analysis,  and  project  information,    • Input  on  RTS  service  characteristics,  transit  improvements,  and  evaluation  criteria,  and  • Access  to  staff,  consultant  team  members,  and  the  decision-­‐making  process.  

The  entire  project   team  participated   in  this  effort   (Connetics  Transportation  Group,  Parsons  Brinckerhoff,  and   Luke   Transportation   Engineering   Consultants)     and   worked   together   to   prepare   presentation   and  handout  materials  and  make  presentations  as   requested  by   the  RTS  Project  Manager,  as  well   as  prepare  meeting  summaries  of  all  meetings.  

Technical  Input  

The  Consultant  team  worked  with  a  technical  stakeholder  group  (see  Appendix  A)  referred  to  as  the  Transit  Steering  Committee  (TSC).  The  TSC  reviewed  and  provided  input  into  the  study’s  key  deliverables,   including:    Public  Engagement  Plan,   study   goals,   evaluation  methodology,   and   each   screening  step   throughout   the   study   process.     Before   each   public  information   meeting,   this   group   reviewed   the   materials   that  were  to  be  presented.  The  TSC  met  three  times  during  the  study  to  provide  input.  The  TSC  was  composed  of  representatives  from  major  stakeholder  groups  including1:  

• RTS  

• Alachua  County  

• City  of  Gainesville  

• University  of  Florida  (UF)  

• Santa  Fe  College  (SFC)  

• Florida  Works  

Public  and  Rider  Input  

The  public  engagement  plan  used  both  non-­‐traditional  and  traditional  methods  to  reach  the  community.  At  each  engagement,   the  Consultant   team  offered  the  community   the  opportunity   to   join  a  mailing   list   (see  image  at   right)   or   suggest   a   community  member  of   an  organization   to   add   to   the   list;   there  were  other  transit   studies   being   conducted   in   the   community   and   the   consultant   team   cross-­‐pollinated  mailing   lists  with   those   consultant   teams.   On-­‐board   surveys,   driver   and   rider   interviews,   and   one-­‐on-­‐one   reviews   of  study  recommendations  were  conducted  to  allow  for  passengers  and  the  public  to  offer  comments  on  the  COA  study.  Figure  3  provides  a  summary  of  a  prioritization  survey  conducted  at  the  Rosa  Park  Downtown  Terminal,  the  Oaks  Mall,  Butler  Plaza  and  the  Public  Meeting  held  on  May  1,  2014.    

                                                                                                                         1   When   the   COA   study   was   later   combined   with   the   Transit   Development   Plan   the   Metropolitan   Transportation  Planning  Organization  (MTPO)  and  FDOT  were  also  invited  to  participate  in  meetings.  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

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Summary  of  Public  Engagement  Activities  

Figure 3: COA Study Prioritization Survey Results






Rte  # #  Responses Rte  # #  Responses Rte  # #  Responses Rte  # #  Responses Rte  # #  Responses Rte  # #  Responses75 15 75 20 75 16 75 13 75 19 75 135 3 6 3 12 3 39 3 2 2 2 26 2 12 3 20 2 10 2 10 2 39 243 2 23 3 25 2 12 2 23 2 43 21 1 1 2 1 1 43 2 39 2 8 18 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 43 2 10 19 1 8 2 5 1 7 1 6 1 25 110 1 20 2 6 1 8 1 7 1 76 115 1 25 2 8 1 9 1 8 120 1 35 2 9 1 15 1 12 121 1 9 1 15 1 20 1 20 123 1 15 1 35 1 24B 1 25 124B 1 39 1 39 1 25 1 35 125 1 43 1 43 1 36 1 76 134 1 76 1 76 1 76 136 1 128 1 128 139 162 176 1

Weekday Saturday SundayWeekday Saturday Sunday


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

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Stakeholder  Input  



RTS  Staff  Input  

The  community  participation  approach  began  with  RTS  staff  input.  Staff  identified  local  issues  and  priorities  as   well   as   key   areas   of   concern   for   inclusions   in   the   public   outreach   process   throughout   the   plan  development.  Key  RTS  groups  engaged  in  the  COA  process  included  the  following:  Planning  and  Operations  Managers,   the   RTS   Director,   Bus   Operators,   Transit   Supervisors,   and   Customer   Service   personnel.   The  following   is   a   brief   description   of   the   staff   level   outreach   activities   conducted   as   part   of   the   COA   Study.  Comments  received  by  each  of  these  groups  are  documented  in  Appendix  B.    

3.1   Management  and  Planning  

A   series   of  meetings  were   held  with  management   and   planning   staff   throughout   the   course   of   the   COA  Study.   The   Project   Management   Team   consisted   of   Eustache   Mine,   Project   Manager,   Jesus   Gomez   RTS  Executive  Director   and  Matthew  Muller,   RTS   Transit   Planner.  Meeting  with   this   team   focused  on  project  schedule,  key  milestones  and  products,  outstanding  issues  and  specific  focus  areas  to  be  addressed  during  the  study,  as  well  as  collecting  desired  outcomes,  perspectives  and  insight  from  RTS  staff  that  would  assist  the   Consultant   Team   in   completing   the   study.   More   specifically,   the   Consultant   team   conducted   the  following  meetings  with   the  Project  Management  Team  over   the  course  of   the  COA  Study:   initial  Project  kick-­‐off   meeting,   study   coordination   and   status  meetings,  Workshop   #1   on   Task   4   –   Service   Evaluation,  Workshop  #2  on  Task  6/7  –  Service  Recommendations,  TSC  and  Public  Meeting  preparation  meetings,  and  coordination  meetings  between  the  COA  and  Transit  Development  Plan  (TDP)  Study  efforts.        

3.2   Transit  Bus  Operators  

The   staff   that   comes   in   contact   with   the   customers   each   day   can   provide   important   insight   on   the  customers’  experience.  As  ambassadors  of  the  transit  agency,  transit  operators  have  the  most  opportunity  for  and   the  greatest  depth  of  contact  with  RTS’  patrons.    This   fact  makes   them  a  valuable  asset  both   for  vetting   rider   input  on   surveys   and   through  other  media,   and   for  providing   important   insights   into   route-­‐level  and  system  network  issues  related  to  operations,  safety,  scheduling,  etc.    The  Consultant  team  made  use  of  this  asset  by  spending  time  in  the  operator  break  room  at  RTS  on  September  30,  2013  (10:00  a.m.  to  8:00  p.m.),  as  well  as  onboard  buses  and  at  end-­‐of-­‐line   locations   informally   interviewing  operators  about  RTS  services,  potential  enhancements,  and  often-­‐heard  rider  needs  and  complaints.  

3.3   Transit  Supervisors  and  Customer  Service  

Transit   Supervisors   and   customer   service   representatives   interact   with   the   RTS   customers   each   day   to  resolve  complaints,  answer  service  inquiries,  and  respond  to  other  operational  issues.    Meetings  were  held  to  get   insights  on   this   interaction  on  December  9th   and  10th  2013   in   the  administrative  office   conference  room  of  RTS.      



Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  9  

Stakeholder  Input  


4.1   Transit  Steering  Committee  (TSC)    

At  the  inception  of  the  COA  Study,  RTS  established  a  TSC  consisting  of  representatives  from  organizations  like  the  City  of  Gainesville,  Alachua  County,  and  UF.  Table  4.1  lists  the  TSC  members  for  this  study  effort.  

Table  4.1:  COA  Study  Transit  Steering  Committee  (TSC)  

First   Last   Title  Organization  -­‐  Department  

Email   Phone  

Naima   Brown   Sociology  Department   Santa  Fe  College   [email protected]   (352)  395-­‐5300  

Michael   Fay   Development  Program  Manager  

Alachua  County   [email protected]   (352)  374-­‐5245  

Scott   Fox   Director  Transportation  and  Parking  Services  

University  of  Florida  -­‐  Transportation  &  Parking  

[email protected]    (352)  392-­‐8048  

Jesus   Gomez   Transit  Director   City  of  Gainesville  -­‐  RTS   [email protected]   (352)  334-­‐2609  

Jeffrey   Hays   Transportation  Planning  Manager  

Alachua  County   [email protected]   (352)  374-­‐5249  

Debbie     Leistner   PW  Planning  Manager   City  of  Gainesville   [email protected]   (352)  393-­‐8412  

Bob   Miller  Associate  Vice  President  for  Finance  and  Administration  

University  of  Florida  -­‐  Business  Affairs  

[email protected]   (352)  392-­‐1336  

Eustache   Mine   Transit  Operations  Manager  

RTS   [email protected]   (352)  393-­‐7852  

Matthew   Muller   Transit  Planner   RTS   [email protected]   (352)  393-­‐7890  

David   Price   History  Department   Santa  Fe  College   [email protected]   (352)  395-­‐5300  

Bill   Reese   Associate  Vice  President  for  Facilities    

Santa  Fe  College   [email protected]   (352)  395-­‐5521  

Kim   Tesch-­‐Vaught   Executive  Director   FloridaWorks   ktesch-­‐[email protected]   (352)  244-­‐5148  


As  stated  above,  the  TSC  assisted  the  COA  Study  Team  and  RTS  with  review  of  analyses  results,   input  and  perspective   based   on   the   entities   they   represented,   review   and   comment   of   draft   and   final   COA   service  plan   recommendations,   and  prioritization  of   future  year   service   improvements.   The  TSC  met   three   times  throughout   the  COA   Study,  with   the   last   two  meetings   being   held   jointly  with   the   TDP  Consultant   Team  (Tindale  Oliver  &  Associates).    TSC  Meetings  were  held  on  the  following  dates  and  times:  

The  following  TSC  meetings  were  held  through  the  course  of  the  COA  Study:  

• TSC  Meeting   #1:   October   22,   2013,   10:00   a.m.-­‐12:00   p.m.   at   Gainesville   Regional   Utilities   (GRU)  Multi-­‐purpose  Room  

• TSC  Meeting  #2:  February  3,  2014,  10:00  a.m.-­‐12:00  p.m.  at  GRU  (Joint  COA  /  TDP  Meeting)  • TSC  Meeting  #3:  May  21,  2014,  10:30  a.m.-­‐12:00  p.m.  at  GRU  (Joint  COA/TDP  Meeting)  

Appendix   C   contains   the   PowerPoint   Presentations   for   each  meeting,   including   copies   of   any   additional  materials  presented.  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  10  

Stakeholder  Input  

4.2   Key  Stakeholder  Input  

To  get  a  better  understanding  of  the  perceptions  and  attitudes  of  the  community,  the  Study  Team  offered  one-­‐on-­‐one  interviews  with  City  Commission  members.  The  Consultant  team  developed  an  interview  script  and  reviewed   it  with  RTS  staff  prior   to  conducting  these   interviews.  The  Consultant  contacted  the  City  of  Gainesville   Commission   members   through   their   staff   representatives   to   schedule   these   one-­‐on-­‐one  meetings.   The   following   three  methods   of   interaction  where   offered   to   the   Commission   to   gather   their  input:  

• E-­‐mailed  surveys  (sent  to  all  Commissioners  on  March  9,  2014),  • Personal  face-­‐to-­‐face  meetings,  and    • Phone  interview  meetings    

Two  of   the  City  Commission  members  chose  to  participate   in   this   input  collection  process,  Commissioner  Hinson-­‐Rawls   and   Commissioner   Hawkins.   The   remaining   Commissioners   did   not   respond   to   the   offer.  Commissioner  Hinson-­‐Rawls  was   interviewed  on  March  18th  at  1:30  p.m.  and  Commissioner  Hawkins  was  interviewed  on  March  18th  at  2:30  p.m.  Additionally,  Commissioner  Hawkins  completed  the  survey  e-­‐mailed  to  all  Commissioners  on  March  9,  2014,  and  is  attached  in  Appendix  D.              




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Public  and  Transit  Rider  Input  


5.1   Public  Involvement  

Community  engagement  meetings  were  held  on  October  1,  2013  and  on  May  1,  2014.  The  format  for  both  public   information  meetings  was  similar.  The  consultant  team  met  with  passengers  at  RTS  stations  during  the   day   and   held   an   open   house  workshop   in   the   evening.   The   same  materials  were   presented   to   both  groups.    

The   October   1,   2013  meeting  was   duly   advertised   in   the   Gainesville   Sun   and   the   Florida   Administrative  Register.   Notices   were   also   posted   using   bus   cards   on   buses.   Flyers   announcing   the   meetings   were  distributed   to   the  UF  Campus,   SFC  Campus,  downtown  Gainesville  businesses,   social  media,   and  a  broad  email   list  of  community  organizations.  The  Consultant   team  met  with  passengers  at   the  Oaks  Mall   in   the  morning   and   afternoon,   at   the   Rosa   Parks   Downtown   Station   in   the  morning   and   afternoon,   and   at   the  Historic   Gainesville   Depot   (across   from   Rosa   Parks)   in   the   evening.   Altogether,   the   Consultant   team  interacted  with  73  members  of  the  community  on  October  1,  2013.  The  open  house/workshop  attendance  included  nine  persons  who  signed   in.  Those  who  attended  the  workshop  stayed  for  about  45  minutes  on  average  and  conducted  all  workshop  activities.  Some  stayed  to  ask  additional  questions  or  offer  personal  insights.  Meeting  materials  and  photographs  are   included   in  Appendix  D.  A  Survey  was  conducted  of   the  participants  of  this  meeting,  asking  them  to  prioritize  spending  priorities  as  well  as  types  of  services.    The  survey   was   also   conducted   with   the   Transit   Steering   Committee   (TSC)   at   its   first   meeting.   Table   5.1  summarizes  the  results  of  these  survey  efforts.  


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Public  and  Transit  Rider  Input  

Table  5.1:  Public  Meeting  #1  (October  1,  2013)  and  Transit  Steering  Committee  Meeting  #1    Service  Prioritization  Survey  Results  



Public  Meeting  ResultsSpending  Priorities  with  $17  to  spend  ($10,  $5  and  $2)

Improvement  Type Investment Priority Service  Type Investment PriorityFrequency 65.00$                         1 Fixed  Routes 64.00$                         1Better  Connections 51.00$                         2 Limited  Stop  Routes 49.00$                         2Passenger  Amenities 19.00$                         3 Express  Routes 42.00$                         3Operating  Hours 14.00$                         4 Flexible  Routes 9.00$                               4More/Different  Routes 12.00$                         5 Demand  Response 6.00$                               5Weekend  Service 9.00$                               6 Circulators -­‐$                                   NRSafety  Improvements -­‐$                                   NR

170.00$                     10  voters 170.00$                     10  voters

Transit  Steering  Committee  Meeting  ResultsSpending  Priorities  with  $17  to  spend  ($10,  $5  and  $2)

Improvement  Type Investment Priority Service  Type Investment PriorityBetter  Connections 26.00$                         (2.2)  1 Fixed  Routes 40.00$                         (2.2)  1Frequency 25.00$                         (2.4)  2 Circulators 20.00$                         (2.4)  2Passenger  Amenities 22.00$                         (3.5)  3 Express  Routes 24.00$                         (2.7)  3Operating  Hours 15.00$                         (3.5)  4 Limited  Stop  Routes 16.00$                         (2.8)  4More/Different  Routes 12.00$                         (4.2)  5 Demand  Response 2.00$                               (5.2)  5Weekend  Service 2.00$                               (5.3)  6 Flexible  Routes -­‐$                                   (5.4)  6Safety  Improvements -­‐$                                   (5.4)  7

102.00$                     6  voters 62.00$                         6  voters


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  13  

Public  and  Transit  Rider  Input  

The  May  1,  2014  meeting  was  advertised  in  the  Gainesville  Sun.  Notices  were  also  posted  using  bus  cards  on   buses.   Flyers   announcing   the   meetings   were   distributed   electronically   and   posted   manually   around  Gainesville   in   the   same   locations   outlined   above.   The  Consultant   team  met  with   passengers   at   the  Oaks  Mall  in  the  morning,  at  Butler  Plaza  in  the  afternoon,  at  the  Rosa  Parks  Downtown  Station  in  the  morning  and  afternoon,  and  at  the  GRU  Multipurpose  Room  (across  from  Rosa  Parks)  in  the  evening.  Altogether,  the  Consultant   team   interacted   with   62   members   of   the   community   on   May   1,   2014.   The   open  house/workshop   attendance   included   seven   persons   who   signed   in.   Those   who   attended   the   workshop  stayed   for   about   25   minutes   on   average   and   conducted   all   workshop   activities.   A   few   stayed   to   ask  additional  questions  or  offer  personal  insights  until  the  end  of  the  meeting  at  8:00  p.m.  





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Page  14  

Public  and  Transit  Rider  Input  

5.2   Transit  Rider  Input  

Transit  Rider  input  was  received  through  a  number  of  methods.  Below  is  a  list  of  ways  the  Consultant  team  interacted  with  the  transit  riders  throughout  the  COA  Study.  

• On-­‐Board  Passenger  Survey  –  September  16-­‐20,  2013  • 1st  Public  Meeting  –  October  1,  2013  • Rosa  Parks  Transit  Center  –  October  1,  2013  (7:30  a.m.-­‐9:30  a.m.,  and  2:30  p.m.-­‐4:30  p.m.)  • Oaks  Mall  Transit  Stop  –  October  1,  2013  (7:30  a.m.-­‐9:30  a.m.,  and  2:30  p.m.-­‐4:30  p.m.)  • Field  Analysis  and  bus  tours  –  September  16-­‐20,  2013  and  November  17  –  19,  2013  • 2nd  Public  Meeting  –  May  1,  2014  • Rosa  Parks  Transit  Center  –  May  1,  2014  (7:30  a.m.-­‐9:30  a.m.,  and  2:30  p.m.-­‐4:30  p.m.)  • Oaks  Mall  Transit  Stop  –  May  1,  2014  (7:30  a.m.-­‐9:30  a.m.)  • Butler  Plaza  Transit  Center  -­‐  May  1,  2014  (2:30  p.m.-­‐4:30  p.m.)  

Input  sessions  held  at  Oaks  Mall,  Butler  Plaza  and  Rosa  Parks  Transit  Center  allowed  the  Consultant  team  the   opportunity   to   distribute   and   discuss   the   same   materials   and   handouts   presented   at   the   Public  meetings  held  on  October  1,  2013  and  May  1,  2014.  Meeting  materials  and  comment  card  responses  from  these  events  are  included  in  Appendix  D.  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  A-­‐1  

Appendix  A  












Appendix  A  

Project  Involvement  Saved  as  separate  document  



Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  B-­‐1  

Appendix  B  












Appendix  B  

Staff  Input  Saved  as  separate  document  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  C-­‐  1  

Appendix  C  












Appendix  C  

Stakeholder  Input  Saved  as  separate  document  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  D-­‐  1  

Appendix  D  







Appendix  D  

Stakeholder  Questionnaire  and  Responses  Saved  as  separate  document  


Technical  Memorandum  #1    RTS  Comprehensive  Operations  Analysis  

Page  E-­‐  1  

Appendix  E  












Appendix  E  

Public  &  Transit  Rider  Input  Saved  as  separate  document