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June, 2017

RTI2 Framework

Curriculum and Instruction Department


1 Last updated June, 2017

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June, 2017

Table of Contents RTI2 General Overview ............................................................................. 3

Tennessee RTI2 Model .............................................................................. 5

RTI2 Decision Flow Chart ......................................................................... 6


Universal Screener .................................................................................... 7

RTI2 Team .............................................................................................. 10

Parent Contact/Communication………………………………….……..10

Tier 1 ........................................................................................................ 11

Enrichment ……………………………………………………………. 15

Tier 2

Time Configuration……………………………………………………. 16

Identification………………………....................................................... . 16

Intervention Class……………………………………………………… 16

Progress Monitoring at Tier 2 .................................................................. 17

Professional Development. ........................................................ ……. 17

Fidelity Monitoring at Tier 2 ................................................................... 17

RTI2 Team .............................................................................................. 18

Changes within Tier 2 ............................................................................. 18

Moving to Tier 3 ……………………………………………………… 19

Tier 3

Time Configuration……………………………………………………. 20

Identification ............................................................................................ 20

Intervention Class .................................................................................... 21

Progress Monitoring at Tier 3 .................................................................. 21

Professional Development ....................................................................... 21

Fidelity Monitoring at Tier 3 ................................................................... 22

RTI2 Team ............................................................................................... 22

Changes within Tier 3 ............................................................................. 23

Moving to Formal Evaluation .................................................................. 24

Students with Skill Gaps in Reading and Math ................................................... 25

Consideration for Special Education Services ..................................................... 26

RTI2 Documentation ............................................................................................ 28

English Language Learners

Procedures ............................................................................................... 29

WIDA and Placement ............................................................................. 32

Reading Intervention Menu- Elementary ............................................................ 33

Reading Intervention Menu- Secondary ………………………………………...34

Math Intervention Menu ...................................................................................... 35


Appendix A – RTI2 Team Roles and Responsibilities………………......36

Appendix B – Outline of RTI2 Meetings……………….…...……...…...37

Appendix C – RTI2 Enrollment Letter…….………….………………... 40

Appendix D – Progress Monitoring Letter…………….………………...41

Appendix E – Sample Walk Through Observation Form……………….42

Appendix F – Sample Computer Observation Form……………….........43

Appendix G – Sample Direct Instruction Observation Form……..……..44

Appendix H – Data Review Discussion Guide………………………… 45

Appendix I – AIMSweb Survey Level Assessment………...…………...46 Appendix J – AIMSweb 25th Percentile Norms and Error Rates……….48

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3 June, 2017 –Return to top

RTI2 General Overview

The Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) Framework for teaching and learning

begins with high-quality, differentiated instruction throughout the day and emphasizes

intervening with students when they first start to struggle to avoid prolonged academic


Tier 2 addresses the needs of struggling and advanced students. It is in addition to Core

Instruction. Tier 2 requires high-quality intervention matched to students’ needs and is

provided by highly trained personnel. It is recommended that the majority of the intervention

is through direct instruction so intentional teaching strategies are used to pinpoint specific

skill gaps for students. For those doing a computer program, students should still have daily

interaction with a teacher who can hold them accountable and further assist students in

closing the gap.

Tier 3 is in addition to Tier 1 and provides extra help to students who have not made

adequate progress with Tier 2 interventions or who are significantly below grade level in

math, reading and writing skills. Tier 3 interventions are provided by highly trained

professionals and are more explicit and more intensive than Tier 2 interventions. Students at

this level should receive daily, intensive, small group, or individualized intervention targeting

specific area(s) of deficit. The most effective way to do this is through direct instruction. For

those doing a computer program, students should still have daily interaction with a teacher

who can hold them accountable and further assist students in closing the gap. It is necessary

to consider other assessments, data and information on the student. The purpose of

immediately placing a student in Tier 3 intervention is to increase the intensity of the

intervention, not to shorten the duration of the intervention period.

The first “I” in RTI2 is instruction; strong Tier 1 instruction is the foundation of RTI2.

Core instruction and grade-level expectations are delivered to all students through the Tier 1

instructional block. The hallmarks of effective Tier 1 instruction:

• High expectations

• Standards-based whole group and small group instruction

• A balance of skills-based and knowledge-based competencies in reading,

differentiation, and purposeful use of data

RTI2 also offers additional instruction with multiple entry and exit points based on

student’s needs: a student who is on grade level may receive high-quality Tier 1 instruction

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4 June, 2017 –Return to top

and enrichment; another student who is showing slight deficits in specific areas may receive

targeted interventions through Tier 2 for a specific period of time; alternately a student who

has significant needs may receive extended, intensive interventions through Tier 3.

Special education services are a continuation of the path through the RTI2 tiers. A

student who does not show growth in response to an appropriate intervention that is delivered

with fidelity in Tier 3 may be eligible for the most intensive services available, special

education services. However, the RTI2 model provides instructional opportunities for all

students and is not exclusively a path to special education eligibility.

Note: The contents of this manual are designed to serve as guidance on the RTI2 process.

These guidelines are not meant to be strict rules. It is the RTI2 school team’s decision on

placement of students into intervention and/or enrichment activities based on that student’s

individual needs.

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7 June, 2017 –Return to top

Universal Screening

RTI2 is a process focused on prevention and early intervention that uses multiple sources of data

for instruction, differentiation, intervention, and transition between tiers. Ongoing assessments

are a major component of the RTI2 Framework. Data derived from ongoing assessments,

including the universal screening process, informs data‐based decision-making.

Knox County Elementary Schools will administer AIMSweb for K-5 as our screening tool.

Grades 6-8 will be administered the STAR assessment. All students must participate in a

universal screening process to identify those who may need additional support and/or other types

of instruction.

The universal screening process will also play an important role in fulfilling the requirements of

Tennessee’s dyslexia legislation (Public Chapter 1058 of the Acts of 2016).

The universal screening process involves four steps:


Grades K-8, we will administer a nationally normed, skills-based universal screener as part of the

universal screening process because relying only on local performance could give a false

impression of student proficiency. Universal screeners are brief, informative tools used to

measure academic skills in six general areas (i.e., basic reading skills, reading fluency, reading

comprehension, math calculation, math problem solving, and written expression).

Grades 9-12, schools collect multiple sources of data that can be incorporated into an early

warning system (EWS). KCS has established criteria for identifying students who are at risk by

using this EWS. KCS has determined appropriate thresholds for each indicator and weighting

each indicator appropriately to effectively differentiate students based on local context.


Grades K-12, school teams analyze the results and compare to other classroom-based

assessments. This information should be used to confirm or challenge performance on the skills-

based universal screener.


Grades K-12, students identified as “at risk” based on multiple sources of data should be

administered survey level and/or diagnostic assessments to determine student intervention needs.

As required by the “Say Dyslexia” bill (Public Chapter 1058 of the Acts of 2016), these survey-

level assessments for reading my explicitly measure characteristics of dyslexia to include:

phonological and phonemic awareness, sound symbol recognition, alphabet knowledge,

decoding skills, rapid naming, and encoding skills.

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8 June, 2017 –Return to top


Grades K-12, teams should apply data-driven analysis or data-based decision making. Data-

based decision making is the use of appropriate data gathered through ongoing assessment

to inform and drive instructional decisions in Tier 1. It also determines the need for skills-

specific interventions, remediation, re-teaching, and enrichment.

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9 June, 2017 –Return to top

Universal Screener Assessment The information collected from skills-based universal screeners, additionalsources of data, and survey-

level and/or diagnostic assessments together inform important decisions about student learning and serve

as a benchmark for measuring the improvement of a group, class, grade, school, or district. Furthermore,

the use of additional, appropriate sources of data, including diagnostic assessments, achievement tests,

teacher observations, and student records (e.g., grades, attendance, behavioral incidents) may provide

additional information helpful for making decisions regarding student academic support.

Frequency by Grade Band

Grades K-5 Grade 6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12


3 times a year

(Fall, Winter,



3 times a year

(Fall, Winter,



End of year


Early Warning System

(EWS) reviewed annually to

identify at-risk students

Knox County has established a window for the date for the universal screener to be administered

for the 2017-18 school year.

o Fall: Aug. 23-Sept. 8 o Winter: Dec. 1-20 o Spring: May 1-20

Schools should consider the most effective way to administer this assessment using the available

resources and personnel at their school. For example, schools may want to administer the

universal screener on the same day to all students or stagger the administration throughout the

benchmarking window for administration. Fidelity of implementation of the universal screener

will ensure student skills are accurately measured. Personnel should be appropriately trained in

how to administer the universal screener before it is given. As with all universal screeners, no

accommodations will be used on AIMSweb or STAR for accuracy of the student’s current


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10 June, 2017 –Return to top

RTI2 Team

KCS has a District RTI2 Leadership Team for each grade band that meets regularly to ensure the

fidelity of the RTI2 process. This team looks at district data to ensure that Tier 1 instruction is

meeting the needs of 80-85% of students and that Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions are meeting the

needs of 15-20% of students. This team works to organize professional learning, set and monitor

timelines for implementation, and guide the implementation of RTI2.

Each school also has a RTI2 Team. This team meets at least every 4.5 weeks to ensure the fidelity

of the instruction ad interventions, as well as make data-based decisions regarding appropriate

student placement in interventions. This team reviews and discusses student data and student

attendance in intervention. Interventions are matched to specific area(s) of deficit for each


• RTI2 Team Roles and Responsibilities (Appendix A)

• Outline of RTI2 Team Meeting (Appendix B)

Parent Contact/Communication Parent contact is an essential component of RTI2 and reinforces a culture of collaboration.

• A variety of means to reach parents may be used

o Automated phone systems

o Electronic or US Mail

o Student-delivered communications

o Parent Portal

• Parents should be informed:

o When a student begins or ends any tier. Enrollment Letter stored in Aspen. (Appendix C)

o Every 4.5 weeks regarding progress in intervention. Letter stored in Aspen. (Appendix D)

o In the event there is a referral to special education. Letter found within the Progress

Monitoring letter stored in Aspen. (Appendix D)

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11 June, 2017 –Return to top


Also known as core instruction, Tier 1 provides rich learning opportunities for all students that

are aligned to the Tennessee Academic Standards and are responsive to student strengths and

needs through differentiation. Differentiation, based on multiple sources of data, is a hallmark of

Tier 1. Each type of data serves a purpose and provides useful information regarding students’

strengths and weaknesses. No one source of data should override or supersede another.

ELA Instructional Overview

• Instruction should be student-focused and text-based

• In order to promote the integration of standards and the application of skills in context, click

here to view what ELA instruction should focus on.

ELA Instruction should include (click each bullet for more information)

• A balanced and Scaffolded Approach

• Strategic Instructional Grouping

• Purposeful Practice

• Developmental Appropriateness

Timeframe Guidance

Tier 1 Grades K-2 Grades 3-5

ELA 150 minutes daily 120-150 minutes daily

It is strongly recommended that 90 minutes of ELA be uninterrupted.

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12 June, 2017 –Return to top

Timeframe Guidance

Tier 1 Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


ELA 55 minutes daily 90 minutes daily 55 minutes daily 90 minutes daily

It is strongly recommended schools move toward a single, coherent, integrated ELA course

model, as the interconnected nature of the TN Academic Standards requires students to

work across multiple strands at once.

Mathematics Instructional Overview

Provides students the opportunity to

• Develop Conceptual Understanding

• Develop and Solidify Procedural Fluency

• Participate in Meaningful Problem Solving Application Investigations

Math Instruction Focus (click each bullet for more information)

• Grades K-2: Four Critical Areas

o Developing and extending an understanding of the base-ten number system

o Building fluency with addition & subtraction

o Developing an understanding of measurement that culminate in students using

standard units of measure

o Describing and analyzing attributes of shapes

• Grades 3-5: Four Critical Areas

o Building fluency with multiplication and division

o Developing an understanding of and computing with fractional numbers

o Developing a basic understanding of 2 & 3 dimensional geometry

o Developing fluency with decimal operations

• Grades 6-12: Shifts from Computational Fluency to Application of Mathematics

o Build mathematical vocabulary

o Build conceptual understanding using multiple representations of mathematical


o Solidify procedural fluency

o Solidify an understanding of multiple problem-solving strategies

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13 June, 2017 –Return to top

Timeframe Guidance

Tier 1 Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Mathematics 60 minutes


60 minutes


75 minutes


90 minutes


90 minutes


90 minutes


It is strongly recommended mathematics instruction should be uninterrupted.

Timeframe Guidance

Tier 1 Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


Mathematics 55 minutes daily 90 minutes daily 55 minutes daily 90 minutes daily

It is strongly recommended mathematics instruction is uninterrupted.

Grades 6-12 Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, and Career & Technical Education Instructional


• The Tier 1 curriculum should address the needs of all students to develop academic and

technical content knowledge in a particular discipline while also building literacy skills such

as comprehension and stamina. Teachers should work closely within the RTI2 framework to

address the needs of their students, using flexible groups and teaching reading skills and

strategies when needed.

• Important Instructional Strategies for each content area (click here)

Timeframe Guidance

Tier 1 Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


Science, Social Studies,

Fine Arts, & Technical

Education Classes

55 minutes


90 minutes daily 55 minutes


90 minutes daily

Tier 1 Instructional Practices

Focus on developing both skills-based and knowledge-based competencies and should align with

grade-level standards for ELA, Mathematics, and the content areas. (Click on each bullet for

more information.)

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14 June, 2017 –Return to top

Ongoing Assessments in Tier 1

• All students, aligned with grade-level instruction, and done continuously throughout the year

• Collaboration and communication through the data analysis process and throughout the data-

based decision making process

There should be a thorough understanding of what an assessment measures and how to interpret

the data that assessment generates. Click here to view assessments types and descriptions.

Additional data may also be used to inform important changes to teachers’ instructional

strategies for students who may need more support and/or differentiation of instruction in Tier 1.

These data sources may include: Universal Screeners, Survey Level Assessments, Progress

Monitoring, Diagnostic Assessments, Teacher Observations, Student Record Reviews. Click

here to view descriptions of each Data Source.

Fidelity of Instruction and Fidelity Monitoring

• Refers to providing instruction with integrity, aligning with instructional goals for student

learning, and attending to the critical features of instructional best practices designed to meet

those goals. To address the diverse range of students’ strengths and needs, schools need a

comprehensive approach to instruction that reflect the fidelity of:

o Standards based instruction

o Data-driven goals

o Research-based best practices

o Support for teachers as they make data-informed decisions for adjusting instructional

goals, methods, and programs

• Goal to determine the extent to which the delivery of core instruction adheres to the

expectations and goals set for student learning.

• If at least 80% of the students are not meeting grade-level standards, the Tier 1 curriculum, as

well as the delivery of instruction, should be evaluated and adjustments should be made.

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15 June, 2017 –Return to top


Creating the schedule for students in intervention groups should coincide with scheduling

decisions for students not involved in interventions as well. These students are referred to as

Enrichment students, which mean students falling generally above the 25th percentile, i.e. those

not in Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention. The following guidance is the recommendation to be used

when scheduling and working with enrichment students. It is each school’s decision to determine

the most appropriate way to address this within the school.

Scheduling can be done by:

• Whole School: in a 30-45minute whole school period where each teacher is involved

with some type of small group. In this set-up Tier 2 intervention, Tier 3 intervention,

standards-based intervention, and enrichment activities can occur concurrently.

• By Grade or Team: each grade-level could have a 30-4 minute period where their grade

implements Tier 2 intervention, Tier 3 intervention, standards-based intervention, and

enrichment activities.

If choosing the above scheduling methods, you should:

• Make data-based decisions for all students, even in the standards-based intervention and

enrichment groups.

• Place teachers strategically with students. Schedule your highest effect teachers with the

lowest needs students.

• Allow this time for creativity from both teachers and students. Have teachers incorporate

creative enrichment opportunities. Allow for student choice in their enrichment activities.

• All students and staff are productively engaged in this learning period. No one should be

planning during the time (if choosing whole school).

Ideas for enrichment activities:

• Book study with creative project

• Extended science projects

• Foreign language exploration

• Cultural exploration

• Project based learning

If it is decided to do a school-wide schedule as shown here, enrichment activities such as study

hall, computer games without academic connections, or free periods are not allowed. Enrichment

students should be actively engaged in an academic activity during this time.

*Note: Scheduling enrichment is optional but highly encouraged. Scheduling of Tier 2 and Tier 3

interventions is required.

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16 June, 2017 –Return to top


Tier 2 addresses the needs of struggling and advanced students. It is in addition to Core

Instruction. Tier 2 requires high-quality intervention matched to students’ needs and provided by

highly trained personnel. It is recommended the majority of the intervention is through direct

instruction. For those doing a computer program, students should still have daily interaction

with a teacher who can hold them accountable and further assist students in closing the gap.

Time Configuration:

Tier 2 Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Reading 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Mathematics 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Tier 2 Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


Reading 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Mathematics 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Identification: Students who score below the designated cut score, based on national norms, from the universal

screening will receive more intense intervention in Tier 2. As a guideline, students between the

11th and 25th percentile would be considered for Tier 2. Students who exceed grade level

expectations may be considered "advanced." When teachers and school level RTI2 support teams

are making placement decisions for Tier 2 interventions, it is necessary to consider other

assessments, data, and information on the student. When a student begins an intervention a more

precise assessment may be needed to identify the specific area(s) of deficit.

Intervention Class: • Developed based on the unique needs of students

• Evidence interventions focus on specific skill needs rather than the standards focus of

Tier 1

• Intervention delivered by highly-trained personnel

• Implemented with fidelity and confirmed with measurement

• Progress monitored to ensure outcomes are being met

Grade Ratio

K-5 1:5

6-8 1:15*

9-12 1:15**

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17 June, 2017 –Return to top

*Implementation of Intervention Accountability Document

** Smaller groups are suggested for more individualized interventions.

Progress Monitoring at Tier 2: Progress monitoring is used to assess students’ academic performance, to quantify a

student’s rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and to evaluate the

effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring indicates if an intervention is successful, if an

intervention is still needed, if changes are necessary in an intervention, and to find a student’s

rate of improvement.

• AIMSweb is used in all grades and tiers targeting specific skill deficit area(s)

• Frequency of progress monitoring is at least every 2 weeks

• Progress monitoring data should continuously be analyzed

• Data from progress monitoring is used to make instructional decisions

• Students should be monitored on their instructional level

• If an intervention student’s instructional level is below grade level, use AIMSweb’s

Survey Level Assessment with the 25th percentile norms and error rates to determine

instructional level (Appendix I) (Appendix J)

• Set AIMSweb goals for the end of the year using the 25th percentile at Spring Benchmark

at student’s instructional level

Professional Development: Professional Development will cover specific content pertaining to Tier 2 interventions, progress

monitoring, data-based decision making, and fidelity monitoring. All personnel involved in Tier

2 interventions, including administrators, will receive professional development. Personnel

delivering Tier 2 intervention programming will be trained on that specific program.

Fidelity Monitoring at Tier 2: Fidelity is the accuracy to which Tier 2 materials are used as intended by the author/publisher.

Interventions must be implemented with integrity. If the intervention is not implemented with

80% integrity, the interventionist should be supported until fidelity is obtained. Attendance in

intervention is part of fidelity and should be recorded daily in Aspen. Students are marked

present when he/she is present for 25 out of 30 minutes. If a student is not present for this

number of minutes, he/she should be marked absent.

Fidelity will be monitored a minimum of 3 times before making a data-based decision to increase

the intensity of the intervention. There needs to be two direct fidelity checks and one indirect

fidelity check. When reviewing the effectiveness of an intervention, a data team should review 3

fidelity checks and 8-10 data points (when monitoring is done every other week.) This is

approximately one semester.

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18 June, 2017 –Return to top

Tier 2: Three Fidelity Checks

Direct Fidelity Check (2) Indirect Fidelity Check (1)

Options for Direct Checks:

• Walk through observation (Appendix E)

• Short observation (partial intervention session)

• Full observation

o Computer (Appendix F)

o Direct Instruction (Appendix G)

Direct observations may vary in length depending

on the intensity of the observation needed.

No specific form required for observations

Options for Indirect Checks:

• Review of intervention lesson plan

• Review of progress monitoring data

• Review of schedule

• Review of attendance (including reasons for



Fidelity checks can be done for an entire group at

the same time; however, the information they

provide should be looked at from the student level

because the team will be making decisions about

each student’s needs.


The data team should conduct reviews of student

data. When analyzing one student’s progress, the

team should consider the group and/or student rate

of improvement.

School RTI2 Teams

Meet every 4.5 weeks to analyze data, measure the effectiveness of interventions, and check

student progress toward goals. Conversations focus on students when there is a concern such as

a student is not making adequate progress or student is making significant progress. All

stakeholders have the opportunity to bring issues and voice concerns. Any changes made in the

program are to be done with the RTI2 Team in a Data Review Meeting.

• The RTI2 Team Data Review Discussion Guide can help guide discussions.(Appendix H)

If a student is not making progress, then fidelity checks need to be more thorough.

Changes within Tier 2 If a student is not making adequate progress in Tier 2, the team should discuss the predominate

issue that is hindering growth. Is it a problem with motivation, behavior, attendance or

academics? A change within the tier should address the specific problem identified by the team.

For academic issues, specific skill deficits need to be identified and the intervention program

used should address those skill deficits. A diagnostic assessment may be administered to

determine which areas should be a focus in the given intervention program.

It is recommended that students should have at least 4 data points before a change is considered

within the intervention in order for there to be enough time in the intervention to show


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Adjustments within interventions may include:

• Adjusting components within the intervention (pacing, grouping, re-teaching, etc.)

• Focusing on specific areas identified from diagnostic assessments using the intervention

already in place

• Restructuring groups within the intervention

• Changing teachers

• Changing time of day

• Changing progress monitoring situation

• Incorporating motivational components

• Other changes determined by the RTI2 School Team

Moving to Tier 3

Fidelity should be monitored at least three times and have 8-10 data points (if monitored every

other week) in Tier 2 before making a data decision to increase the intensity of the intervention

tier, moving to Tier 3. This should give an adequate amount of time for the student to show

growth. There should have been a change considered after 4 data points within Tier 2

intervention, if progress is not adequate. The change must address the specific issue hindering

growth for the student.

If no change was considered after at least 4 data points, and the student is not making progress, a

change within the tier should be considered before moving a student to Tier 3. After a change is

made within the intervention, a new rate of improvement should be determined to measure the

effectiveness of the change. This is easily accomplished through progress monitoring. A

sufficient amount of time is required for a student to begin demonstrating progress. Student

should have a clear trend line. Evidence from other data sources should align before a student is

moved to Tier 3. This is to ensure every possible situation was explored within the intervention

before we deem a student’s lack of response to that level of intervention indicating a need for a

more intensive tier. These decisions are all RTI2 school team decisions.

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20 June, 2017 –Return to top


Tier 3 is in addition to Tier 1 and provides extra help to students who have not made adequate

progress with Tier 2 interventions or who are significantly below grade level in math, reading

and writing skills. Tier 3 interventions are more explicit and more intensive than Tier 2

interventions. Students at this level should receive daily, intensive, small group, or individualized

intervention targeting specific area(s) of deficit. It is necessary to consider other assessments,

data and information on the student. The purpose of immediately placing a student in Tier 3

intervention is to increase the intensity of the intervention, not to shorten the duration of the

intervention period.

Time Configurations: Tier 3 Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

Reading 40-45












Mathematics 40-45












Daily Time Configurations:

Tier 3 Grades 6-8


Grades 6-8


Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


Reading 45-55 minutes 45-55 minutes 45-55 minutes 45-60 minutes

Mathematics 45-55 minutes 45-55 minutes 45-55 minutes 45-60 minutes

Weekly Time Configurations:

Tier 3 Grades 9-12


Grades 9-12


Reading 225-275 minutes 225-300 minutes

Mathematics 225-275 minutes 225-300 minutes

Identification: Students who score below the designated cut score, usually below the 10th percentile based on

national norms, from the universal screening will receive more intense intervention in Tier 3.

Tier 3 interventions include those students that continue to show marked difficulty in acquiring

necessary reading, mathematics, and writing skills. There will be evidence that interventions are

more intense than Tier 2. This is a guideline, not a rule. Each RTI2 school team determines the

best placement for each individual student. It is necessary to consider other assessments, data,

and information on the student. Tier 3 also includes students who have not made adequate

progress with Tier 2 interventions despite efforts in changes within the interventions to meet the

student’s needs.

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Intervention Class: Interventions need to match skill deficits for students in Tier 3 intervention. To enable a teacher

to meet students’ specific deficit needs in Tier 3, diagnostic assessments are recommended for

each student to make instructional decisions.

• Developed based on the unique needs of students

• Evidence interventions focus on specific skill needs rather than the standards focus of

Tier 1

• Intervention delivered by highly-trained personnel

• Implemented with fidelity and confirmed with measurement

• Progress monitored to ensure outcomes are being met

Grade Ratio

K-5 1:3

6-8 1:15*

9-12 1:15**

*Implementation of Accountability Document

** Smaller groups are suggested for more individualized interventions.

Progress Monitoring at Tier 3 Progress monitoring is used to assess students’ academic performance, to quantify a

student’s rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and to evaluate the

effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring indicates if an intervention is effective, if an

intervention is still needed, if changes are necessary in an intervention, and to find a student’s

rate of improvement.

• AIMSweb is used in all grades and tiers targeting specific skill deficit area(s)

• Frequency of progress monitoring is at least every 2 weeks

• Progress monitoring data should continuously be analyzed

• Data from progress monitoring is used to make instructional decisions

• Students should be monitored on their instructional level

• If an intervention student’s instructional level is below grade level, use AIMSweb’s

Survey Level Assessment with the 25th percentile norms and error rates to determine

instructional level (Appendix I) (Appendix J)

• Set AIMSweb goals for the end of the year using the 25th percentile at Spring Benchmark

at student’s instructional level

Professional Development: Professional Development will cover specific content pertaining to Tier 3 interventions. All

personnel involved in Tier 3 interventions, including administrators, will receive professional

development. Personnel delivering Tier 3 intervention programming will be trained on that

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22 June, 2017 –Return to top

specific program. Professional Development will also include training in diagnostic assessments

that will help teams identify skill gaps within a skill deficit area. Examples include: • PASS – Phonological Awareness Skills Screener

• PWRS – Phonics and Word Reading Survey

• SOAR Survey

• Intervention diagnostic assessments

Fidelity Monitoring at Tier 3: Fidelity is the accuracy or extent to which Tier 3 materials and other curricula are used as

intended by the author/publisher. Interventions must be implemented with integrity. If the

intervention is not implemented with 80% integrity, the interventionist should be supported until

fidelity is obtained.

• Attendance in intervention is part of fidelity and should be recorded daily in Aspen. A

student is marked as present when he/she is present for 35 out of 45 minutes in Tier 3. If

a student is not present for this number of minutes, they should be marked absent.

Fidelity will be monitored at least 5 times before making a data-based decision to increase the intensity

of the intervention. For students receiving Tier 3 intervention, an increase in intensity would be a referral

to special education. There needs to be three direct fidelity checks and two indirect fidelity checks. When

reviewing the effectiveness of an intervention, a data team should review 5 fidelity checks and 8-10 data

points (when monitoring is done every other week.) This is approximately one semester.

Tier 3: Five Fidelity Checks

Direct Fidelity Check (3) Indirect Fidelity Check (2)

Options for Direct Checks:

• Walk through observation (Appendix E)

• Short observation (partial intervention session)

• Full observation

o Computer (Appendix F)

o Direct Instruction (Appendix G)

Direct observations may vary in length depending

on the intensity of the observation needed.

No specific form required for observations

Options for Indirect Checks:

• Review of intervention lesson plan

• Review of progress monitoring data

• Review of schedule

• Review of attendance (including reasons for



Fidelity checks can be done for an entire group at

the same time; however, the information they

provide should be looked at from the student level

because the team will be making decisions about

each student’s needs.


The data team should conduct reviews of student

data. When analyzing one student’s progress, the

team should consider the group and/or student rate

of improvement.

School RTI2 Team

Meet every 4.5 weeks to analyze data, measure the effectiveness of interventions, and check

student progress toward goals. Conversations focus on students when there is a concern such as

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23 June, 2017 –Return to top

a student is not making adequate progress, or student making significant progress. All

stakeholders have the opportunity to bring issues and voice concerns. Any changes made in the

program are to be done with the RTI2 Team in a Data Review Meeting.

• The RTI2 Team Data Review Discussion Guide can help guide discussions.(Appendix H)

Changes within Tier 3 If a student is not showing adequate progress in Tier 3, the RTI2 team should consider a change

within the intervention. Fidelity checks should be more thorough. The team should discuss the

predominate issue that is hindering growth. Is it a problem with motivation, behavior, attendance

or academics? The change should address the specific problem identified by the team. For

academic issues, specific skill deficits need to be identified and the program should focus on

those skill deficits. It is recommended a diagnostic assessment be administered to determine

what areas should be a focus in the given intervention program. A change within the tier will be

considered before moving to a more intensive tiered level of support (formal referral).

Changes within interventions may include:

• Adjusting components within the intervention (pacing, grouping, re-teaching, etc.)

• Focusing on specific areas identified from diagnostic assessments using the intervention

already in place

• Restructuring groups within the intervention

• Changing teachers

• Changing time of day

• Changing progress monitoring situation

• Incorporating motivational components

• Other changes determined by the RTI2 School Team

It is recommended that students should have at least 4 data points before a change is

considered within the intervention in order for there to be enough time in the intervention

to show improvement.

After a change is made within the intervention, a new rate of improvement should be determined

to measure the effectiveness of the change. This is easily accomplished in progress monitoring.

Sufficient amount of time is required for a student to begin demonstrating progress. Students

should have a clear trend line. Evidence from other data sources should align before a student is

referred for a formal evaluation. This is to ensure every possible situation was explored within

the intervention before we deem a student’s lack of response to that level of intervention

indicating a need for a more intensive tier. These decisions are all RTI2 school team decisions.

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24 June, 2017 –Return to top

Moving to a Formal Referral for a Specific Learning Disability

Fidelity should be monitored at least five times and have 8-10 data points (if monitored every

other week) before making a data decision to increase the intensity of the intervention (formal

referral). There should have been a change considered after 4 data points within the Tier 3

intervention if adequate progress has not been made. If a student did not receive Tier 2

interventions, the amount of time in Tier 3 will be 16-20 data points (if monitored every other

week). The number of data points represent an adequate amount of time to demonstrate growth.

Students should be given every opportunity to show growth before a referral for a formal

evaluation is requested. The team must determine if the school has thoroughly identified specific

skill gaps for the student, what the school has done to address those gaps, and how much

progress the student has or has not made after a sufficient amount of time. Diagnostic reports are

recommended to be administered during Tier 3 to help identify areas of need. The RTI2 team

makes the decision to refer a student. The following should be supported:

• Review of all available data through formative and informal assessments, current and


• Review of growth during intervention tiers, comparing before and after a change has


• Changes within the tier that address specific identified skill deficits

• Adequate time to respond to the intervention and the changes made within the tiers

• Fidelity of all 3 tiers of instruction and intervention

• Exclusionary factors reviewed

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25 June, 2017 –Return to top

Students with skill gaps in both Reading and Math The RTI2 school team decides the best placement for each individual student using all data

sources available, including classroom teacher input. There will be situations when a student

shows low achievement in both Reading and math. These types of situations are decisions made

by the RTI2 school team based on all available data for each individual student.

Each school must offer Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions in both Reading and math, however, it is

not required that a student be enrolled in both if they are low in both. If the student can be

enrolled in both, and that is in the best interest of the student, then the school should proceed in

that manner. However, scheduling in both is not always possible or beneficial for the student.

When RTI2 school teams are making decisions about placing students who are low in both

Reading and math, it is recommended to choose the area of greatest deficit and/or greatest need

for gain. For a majority of situations this will be Reading. Using this guidance, the student will

be placed into Reading tiered intervention in addition to their core instruction time. The

additional skill deficits in math should be addressed using differentiated instruction during math

core instruction, if at all possible.

There might be exception to always defaulting to Reading when a student is low in both areas.

For example, if a student has a glaring deficiency in math that outweighs concern about this

student’s reading ability, placement into math might be the more appropriate choice.

Additionally, a school RTI2 team could also choose to be more creative in their scheduling to

accomplish servicing students in both deficit areas, if they desire. The recommendation from the

state is to rotate each day, one day Reading, then the next day math, and so on. It will be

important, however, for the team to watch the student’s progress very closely and make

adjustments if the student is not progressing in this model.

Ultimately, all placement decisions are the RTI2 school team decisions based on use of all data

and consideration of the student holistically. While the above paragraphs provide guidance and

example decisions, the decision that should be made is what is best for each student.

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26 June, 2017 –Return to top

Consideration for Special Education A special education referral for a student suspected of a specific learning disability may only be

deemed necessary after the student has received tiered interventions, and the intervention(s)

provided were not successful in closing the achievement gap.

Areas of specific learning disability (SLD) include basic reading skills, reading fluency, reading

comprehension, mathematics calculation, mathematics problem solving, and written expression.

If a student fails to make adequate progress after receiving intervention at all levels, the

information obtained from any screenings completed during the intervention process may be

used as part of the eligibility determination following informed written parental consent.

If, within the RTI2 process, the team suspects that student may be evidencing a disability other

than a Specific Learning Disability, then the referral process for that disability must be followed.

• Student documentation includes:

o Attendance (77% or greater)

o Direct and Indirect Fidelity Checks

o Graph(s) that would indicate student not making adequate progress with

adequate number of data points or justification of team decision if not reaching

total data points

o Consideration of change within an intervention when progress insufficient

o Gap analysis to evaluate rate of improvement

• Consent for evaluation may be requested or received during Tier 3 interventions, but

evidence from Tier 3 must be part of eligibility, and a lack of response to Tier 3

interventions may not be predetermined. An evaluation for SLD may not be concluded

before Tier 3 interventions are proven ineffective.

• Interventions must continue in Tier 3 until the evaluation process is complete and/or until

the student begins receiving specialized instruction from a special education teacher. No

interruption should occur in servicing a student.

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27 June, 2017 –Return to top

Tennessee SLD Definition

Team members involved in making a decision to refer to special education shall include: School

psychologist; Principal or other designee; RTI2 Team members; Parents must be invited to a

meeting to discuss a referral for special education evaluation.

Referral for Special Education-Forms

• RTI2 Student Plan found in Aspen

• Progress Monitoring Data

• Documentation of the Problem

• A detailed description of the intervention process

• Tier 3 Gap Analysis, completed by school psychologist

• Teacher Input

• Parent Input

• Components of a special education evaluation/re-evaluation

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28 June, 2017 –Return to top

RTI2 Documentation

Documentation for RTI2 intervention students is located in our student information system,

Aspen, including a printer friendly copy of the RTI2 Student Plan.

Components that are recorded in Aspen are:

• Dates of entry and exit of tiers

• Any changes within an intervention

• Attendance within intervention groups

• Attendance in school

• RTI2 Data Review Sheet

• Parent Communication

o Enrollment Letter

o Parent Progress Monitoring Letter every 4.5 weeks

• Dates for Fidelity Checks with individual student notes

o Direct Observations

o Data Review Meetings

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29 June, 2017 –Return to top

Procedures for English Language Learners

English as a Second Language (ESL) Services and Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) go hand in hand to bring success to

a population of at-risk students. At the beginning level, ESL students may either:

• Have English language arts (ELA) in their regular classroom with the general education teacher of their peers, or

• Have English language arts in the alternative program: English as a Second Language with an ESL teacher.

ESL services for beginners and intermediate English Learners (ELs) are viewed as a right of the Non-English Language Background

(NELB) student by the Office of Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education. Lau v. Nichols (1974) established that NELB

students have a right to access the curriculum fully. In English only schools, this is not easily accomplished if the student is not fluent

in English. Therefore, to access academic work, ELs often need an alternative core instruction program. If the ESL teacher delivers the

core instruction, the student generally benefits from tier 2 and tier 3 language acquisition interventions with language acquisition

interventionists. ESL for these students is viewed as their English language arts class. This is the core language instruction for ELs

whether it is in the general education classroom, or in the ESL classroom, or a combination of the two.

The choices made related to pull out ESL services, push-in ESL services and placement in the regular classroom for literacy are

district decisions. However, the decisions should be made based on what will likely work best for this student. ELs acquire English at

different speeds and in different ways during the process. The success of these students requires that progress-monitoring data be kept

and analyzed not only for the academic growth, but also for growth as they are acquiring English.

Is it preferable for the EL to be in the regular classroom where the teacher may have had specific training in teaching reading, or it is

better to have the student in the ESL classroom where the teacher has specific training on second language acquisition? There is

considerable discussion about which is better, but there is no simple answer to the situation. There are valid reasons for both types of


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30 June, 2017 –Return to top

RTI2 focuses on instruction and intervention. First and foremost, the instruction for each EL must be meaningful and dynamic. The

best instruction uses the teacher as the facilitator while the student explores subject matter and makes the needed connections. For ELs

the gap may be so wide that the teacher gradually moves from being a more traditional teacher into the facilitator mode as the student

grows in the skills needed to navigate the educational system. For an EL, English is more than just a means of communication; it is the

tool needed to open the curriculum to him/her. The district needs to be sure that the instruction in each classroom which has ELs is

productive to the student’s goals for achievement. These students often begin with huge gaps and these may be closed surprisingly

quickly with the proper balance of instruction and intervention. Keep in mind that most of the ELs day is spent in the regular

classroom, so it is necessary that these general education teachers have EL strategies and knowledge to make their instruction

meaningful to this subgroup.

All students are provided high quality core instruction regardless of who is delivering the core instruction. For this instruction to be

meaningful, the ESL teacher must tie his/her ESL standards to content concepts at the minimum and to content standards ideally. All

instruction in the classroom needs to be academic and relate to core subjects and ideas. Vocabulary needs to be learned and practiced

in context. Teachers must make sure that the ESL class has the same balance of non-fiction and fiction reading materials that are used

in the age/grade level appropriate classroom of the EL student. The focus must be communicative discourse both speaking and

writing. Re-teaching standards and ideas is part of the core instruction and not a tier 2 or tier 3 service.

Intervention is in addition to core instruction. When a teacher notices that an EL is not performing on grade level, s/he intervenes.

This can be a formal tier 2 or tier 3 intervention or language acquisition, or a combination of an intervention and language acquisition,

but it can also be as simple as a couple of minutes spent individually with the student. All students, including ELs, benefit from

interventions around a variety of educational issues. ELs have the right to complete academic access to service in RTI2 as they do for

all programs within the school. These interventions are determined by the language acquisition data gathered through progress


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31 June, 2017 –Return to top

So is ESL a tier 2 intervention? tier 3? Do we choose ESL class or tier 1 services? Actually, however the EL gets his/her ELA

instruction is tier 1. That can be accomplished through the ESL classroom, through the regular classroom, through a Title I supported

reading teacher, or through a combination of settings. The two issues that require focus are

1. Beginning and intermediate ELs are required to have a minimum of one hour each day, 5 days per week of direct ESL

instruction, and

2. RTI2 outlines times dedicated to ELA instruction each day.

Both of these requirements are to be met. As professionals in your districts, the Tennessee Department of Education believes that you

have the unique position of knowing both the students and their collected data to make the best decisions about service. First language

acquisition scores let us know where students are in language development; the second progress monitoring helps determine if the

student needs tier 2 or tier 3 interventions.

Keep in mind that ELs might need tier 2 intervention in mathematics rather than ELA and they have the right to the interventions

needed. ESL services are core instruction in ELA or language acquisition academic instruction. Often it is referred to as an alternative

program core program for ELA. If an advanced or even exited EL had difficulty in language issues that an ESL intervention would

help, you might consider offering that help during a tier 2 or tier 3 block of time. ELs have the same right to interventions as any other


Using this RTI2 process will aid in more reliably knowing when to assess an EL for Special Education services. This process will

allow the student to have the needed interventions as the determination is being made regarding whether to proceed with special

education testing. These decisions will be based on reliable progress monitoring data.

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32 June, 2017 –Return to top

Tier I (Core Instruction)

All students receive core instruction- all language levels

Language Acquisition

Intervention or Academic Intervention (consider

language proficiency level

and area of need)

Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging

Core instruction 60 minute explicit ESL instruction focusing on listening, speaking, reading,

and writing Use of progress monitoring Student will have scaffolds in

place for all instruction in the academic day ESL & Gen. Ed Teacher collaboration

Core instruction 60 minute explicit ESL instruction focusing on listening, speaking, reading,

and writing Use of progress monitoring Student will have scaffolds in

place for all instruction in the academic day ESL & Gen. Ed Teacher collaboration

Core instruction 60 minute language acquisition and/or academic intervention determined by

universal screener Progress monitoring Scaffolds in place for the

academic day ESL & Gen. Ed Teacher collaboration

Core instruction Academic intervention based on universal screener and survey level

assessments Appropriate scaffolding when needed

Progress monitoring ESL & Gen. Ed Teacher collaboration

Core instruction Academic intervention based on universal screener data

Appropriate scaffolding Progress monitoring ESL & Gen. Ed Teacher


English language learners can reach the same high content- area standards as all students, but they need different pathways.

Response to Instruction & Intervention (RTI²) for English Language Learners Language Learners

Core Instruction (Tier I)

w/ ESL Endorsed Teacher

•Student receives ELA core instruction with the ESL teacher plus;

•60 minutes of explicit language intervention based on language level of 1-6 and area of need/deficit

Core Instruction w/

General Education Teacher

•ESL endorsed teacher provides core support by differentiating & scaffolding instruction with the general education classroom teacher plus;

•60 minutes of explicit language aquisition intervention (need will be based on level of language proficiency 1-6 and area of need/deficit)

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33 June, 2017 –Return to top

Reading Intervention Menu- Elementary

Grade Level Tier II Tier III


Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (Ticket to Read)

• RTI Kits (Reading Street) Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Ticket to Read

First Grade

Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (T2R)

• RTI Kits (Reading Street) Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Ticket to Read

Second Grade

Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (T2R)

• RTI Kits (Reading Street)

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally Ticket to Read

Third Grade

Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (T2R)

• RTI Kits (Reading Street)

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Fourth Grade

Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (T2R)


• RTI Kits (Reading Street)

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Fifth Grade

Direct Instruction

• Voyager Passport (T2R)


• RTI Kits (Reading Street)

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

Direct Instruction

• My Sidewalks

• S.P.I.R.E. Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Read Naturally

• Ticket to Read

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34 June, 2017 –Return to top

Reading Intervention Menu- Secondary

Grade Level Tier II Tier III

6th Grade

• Reading Plus

• Rewards; Blue and Sentence Refinement

• Language!Live- Red

• Language!Live- Blue o Text Training o Digital Word Training

7th Grade

• Reading Plus

• Rewards- Social Studies

• Step Up to Writing 6-8

• Language!Live- Yellow

• Language!Live- Red o Text Training o Digital Word Training

8th Grade

• Reading Plus

• Rewards- Science

• Step Up to Writing 6-8

• Language!Live- Purple

• Language!Live- Yellow o Text Training o Digital Word Training

• Vocabulary Journey

9th Grade

• Reading Plus

• 6 Minute Solution

• Language!Live- Purple 7-9 o Text Training

• Language!Live – Writing Projects

• Vocabulary Journey

10th Grade

• Reading Plus

• 6 Minute Solution

• Language!Live- Purple 10-12 o Text Training

• Language!Live – Writing Projects

• Vocabulary Journey

11-12th Grade

• Reading Plus

• 6 Minute Solution

• Language!Live – Writing Projects

• Vocabulary Journey

• 6 Minute Solution

• Reading Plus

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35 June, 2017 –Return to top

Math Intervention Menu –KCS Supported

Grade Level Tier II Tier III


Direct Instruction

• Moving With Math Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Front Row (Skills)

• Xtra Math (Fluency)

Direct Instruction

• Moving With Math Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Front Row (Skills)

• Xtra Math (Fluency)


Direct Instruction

• Moving With Math Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Front Row (Skills)

• Xtra Math (Fluency)

Direct Instruction

• Moving With Math Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Front Row (Skills)

• Xtra Math (Fluency)


Direct Instruction

• Inside Algebra

• Moving With Algebra

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Khan Academy

Direct Instruction

• Inside Algebra

• Moving With Algebra Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

Khan Academy

Math Intervention Menu –School Supported

Grade Level Tier II Tier III


Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Reflex

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Reflex


Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Think Through Math

Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction

• Think Through Math


Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction


Computer-Based Blended Instruction to support Direct Instruction


CONTACTS: MWM: Caryl Pierson 800-852-2435, Cell 612-308-6667 TTM: Toby Shelton 919-669-7889

FASTT Math: Kelly Bratcher 865-210-1659 Reflex: Norma Miller 770-891-5400 Front Row: Sidharth Kakkar 609-218-9944

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36 June, 2017 –Return to top

RTI2 School Support Team Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibilities Name

Principal/Designee • Maintain procedures and timelines for instruction and


• Appoint school-level RTI2 chair/facilitator and team of

representatives from school level

• Schedule professional development

Chair/Facilitator • Establish procedures for instruction and intervention practices

• Coordinate assessment procedures, progress monitoring, fidelity,

and documentation



• Provide ongoing professional development and coaching for

successful achievement of all students including tailoring

programs for specific skill deficits

• Collaborate with teachers and interventionist in best practices to

deliver high quality instruction (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2

&3) to address the needs of all students

• Assist with instructional planning according to academic ability

using analysis of assessments






• Deliver high quality instruction (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2

& 3)

• Follow implementation guidelines for administering and

analyzing appropriate assessments

• Use all data available to identify specific skill deficits and

differentiates in instruction (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2 &

3) to address those needs

• Attend professional development sessions for purpose of

ensuring success for all students






• Make recommendations in identifying specific skill gaps and

ways to address these skills within the program

• Make recommendations for students with disabilities that are

part of RTI2

School Counselor • Facilitate administration of assessments for accurate decision

making to ensure success for all students

• Consult and support teachers/ students/parents to encourage

academic achievement


Language Learners

(ELL) Teachers

• Assist team in understanding language acquisition and meeting

the needs of the EL learner

Parents (Optional) • Parents may be invited to RTI2

Support Team meeting to provide relevant information

Appendix A

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Appendix B

Outline of RTI2 Meetings with Responsibilities

Universal Screening- Identification

• AIMSweb is used in addition to other data sources to determine which students are most at-

risk and in determining the how intensive the intervention should be.

o Guidelines are students between 25th-11th percentile potential Tier 2 and students

below 10th potential Tier 3

• All student data should be taken into consideration when making placement decisions

including grades, attendance, diagnostic assessments, skill deficits, staff and parent concerns.

This is a team decision.

Prior to RTI2 First Meeting

• A Survey Level Assessment from AIMSweb should be administered to all intervention

students to determine instructional level.

• AIMSweb goals will need to be set for all students for the academic year at instructional


• The RTI2 Data Sheet from Aspen will be reviewed with other data when formulating a plan

to address the skill deficit area. The RTI2 team will determine the most appropriate

placement to meet the needs of the student.

• Core instruction (Tier 1) must continue as students receive additional support in Tier 2 or

Tier 3. The RTI2 team should have a process to make sure the Tier 1 teacher is aware of

specific student deficits and addresses these issues daily through differentiating core


• Parent notification will be communicated for tier enrollment. This will be done in Aspen. It

may be printed and sent home. It can also be published on parent portal.

• A schedule for direct observations should be created and assignments made with due dates to

ensure observations are spread throughout the year and completed in a timely manner.

RTI2 First Meeting

• The RTI2 Data Sheet will inform the team of potential issues such as vision/hearing

problems, attendance history, medical history, special ed status, etc. The RTI2 team must

address these concerns (ex. Attendance issues, vision or hearing.)

• Any concerns regarding intervention groups should be addressed.

• The schedule for direct observations is shared with all team members.

• Team reviews all data available on students and records individual comments for specific

students. (Student Centered)

• Initial student information entered into Aspen to create a student plan if has not already


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Responsibilities after first meeting:

• Complete AIMSweb Survey Level Assessment if not yet done and make verify that

AIMSweb schedules and goals are set for students.

• Complete first direct observation prior to next meeting so issues may be handled quickly.

• Parent Enrollment Letters are printed or published to parent portal and sent home.

1st 4.5 weeks of Intervention

• Every 2 weeks students are progress monitored on AIMSweb’s instructional level.

• Attendance is recorded daily in Aspen for intervention groups.

• During this time frame, the school should do a direct fidelity observation to be certain

intervention is being implemented with integrity. Any issues with fidelity must be addressed.

After direct observation has occurred, the date will be recorded into aspen and copied to all

in the group. This would be direct observation #1. Notes on specific students are marked on

the comment section and must be student directed.

Prior to RTI2 meetings

• Progress Monitoring Letters

o All intervention students’ data has to be reviewed to ensure we are meeting students’

needs. The school should determine processes and procedure for implementing a

procedure for this to be completed. Data from the intervention class, anecdotal notes, and

progress monitoring graphs are used to determine the progress of the student and decide

what the most appropriate option is to communicate this progress to the parent/guardian.

o Schools should have more in depth discussions for students that are not making progress.

o A pre-meeting or post-meeting may be necessary to review this data. o Data should be reviewed and team members have the opportunity to express

any concerns: academic, social, emotional, behavior, health, etc. o Teachers are the most important members and should be given the opportunity

to share input on all intervention students. This input gathering process may vary from school to school.

o If the team determines there are no concerns, and the student is making progress, the following needs to be documented in the data review meeting notes:

o The RTI2 team has reviewed all data and determined that the current intervention plan will continue.

• A reminder should be sent out to all staff responsible for fidelity observations to be certain

they are on target for the correct number of fidelity observations have been completed. Dates

for fidelity observations will entered into Aspen and copied for all students in the group and

will be reviewed in the student data review.

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During the meeting

• Students with the most need should be discussed in detail during the RTI2 team meeting with teachers. o All stakeholders give input to determine what action the school should recommend in an

effort to see the student make better gains.

o Teachers are encouraged to bring at least one other data source that would support the

determination of progress in a tiered intervention. Data sources could include but are not

limited to PASS/PWRS, other diagnostic assessments, work samples, teacher anecdotal

notes, or intervention assessments. This information may be paper and pencil or relayed

in a digital format. The RTI2 Data Discussion Guide is to be used to guide discussions

for data reviews.

o The date of the data review meeting is recorded in Aspen for individual students

including any notes recorded under the comments section of the data review.

o Any new students that may need Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention should be discussed as well

as students making significant progress that would move the student to a lesser tier.

Team Follow up Responsibilities

• Intervention groups rearranged as needed

• SLA/diagnostic assessments completed on students as needed

• New schedules created on AIMSweb for students as needed

• Any other changes that were recommended for a student during the meeting need to be

implemented. The team will review the effectiveness of the change at the next meeting.

Schools should have a system in place to document recommendations were completed.

• Parent progress monitoring letters are printed from Aspen, sent home, and/or published in

parent portal. The AIMSweb graph should be printed and sent home.

Ongoing every 4.5 weeks

• Every 2 weeks, students’ skill deficits are progress monitored using AIMSweb on their

instructional level.

• Fidelity observations should be conducted as scheduled. After completion of the

observation, the date will be recorded and copied for all students in the group. Notes for

specific students recorded under fidelity checks on Aspen.

• Progress is evaluated and letter sent home to parent and/or published in parent portal.

• Required data reviews for students are as follows:

o Tier 2 students– one data review per semester o Tier 3 students– two data reviews per semester

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Appendix C

Knox County Schools

Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2)

Intervention Enrollment Letter

Date: _________________________

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your child has been screened for academic skill deficits in the areas of reading and math using

multiple sources of data including teacher input. All data are reviewed to determine which

students are academically at risk. Although your child is receiving direct instruction daily in

ELA (English/Language Arts) and math, he/she will benefit from additional academic support in

the subject area specified below.

Additional support will be provided through small group instruction to target individual

academic skill deficits. Your child’s progress will be monitored, and you will receive a progress

report every 4.5-5 weeks.

Additional assessments may be completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is

our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child be successful.

You can support your child by:

• Getting your child to school daily and on time;

• Communicating with your child’s teacher(s);

• Reading with your child;

• Visiting KCS ELA/Math Department webpages for parent tips;

• Reviewing progress reports and discussing them with your child; and

• Asking your child’s teacher(s) for specific strategies to help at home.

Subject Area and Intervention Tier

Reading: __________ Tier 2: __________ Tier 3: __________

Math: ___________ Tier 2: __________ Tier 3: __________

If you would like more information, please contact the school.


RTI2 Team

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Appendix D Knox County Schools

Response to Intervention (RTI2)

Progress Monitoring Letter

Student: _______________________________________ Date:__________________________

Teacher: _______________________________________ Area: __________________________

Dear Parent,

A letter previously notified you that your student is receiving additional academic support in intervention.

During this intervention period, your child has received small group, systematic intervention that targets

his/her individual skill deficits. Your child’s progress has been monitored regularly using assessments

that are specific to the academic need. Attached you will find a graph indicating your child’s progress

over time.

Systematically, comprehensive data is reviewed on each student to ensure individual student needs are

being met through academic support services. Progress is determined by the overall trend of the data

shown on the graph, as well as additional data provided by your child’s teachers.

At this time, your child’s data indicates that:

Additional intervention support is no longer needed.

Intervention is meeting your child’s needs and will continue.

Progress has been made with the current Tier 3 intervention support; therefore,

intervention support will decrease to Tier 2 level of support.


Intervention strategies will be adjusted to more adequately meet your child’s academic


Current intervention support needs to be more intensive. Tier 3 support is needed in

order to address your child’s academic deficits.

Further evaluation may be needed in order to meet your child’s academic needs. We

will be contacting you regarding a meeting to discuss your child’s progress.

Thank you for your support. It is our goal to work together as a team in all aspects of your child’s

education. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.


RTI2 Team

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Appendix E

Intervention Walkthrough

Interventionist ________________________________ Grade __________ Date __________

Person Completing Walkthrough/Observation ________________________________________ Rating Scale: 1=minimal evidence noted; 2=evidence noted; 3=outstanding implementation

Classroom Setting

_____ Space is appropriate for intervention implementation.


_____ Evidence exists of program materials being used as designed.

_____ Teacher uses the Teacher’s Guide/manual/instructions during intervention.

Teacher Instruction

_____ Teacher follows the selected program’s instructional routines as designed.

_____ Evidence exists that activities are student goal directed.

_____ Teacher fosters active student engagement and motivation to learn.

_____ Classroom behavior management system is effective in providing an environment conducive to


_____ Transitions are smooth and quick.

Student Actions

_____ Evidence of active versus passive learning.

_____ Evidence of student engagement.

Classroom Environment

_____ Teacher and student interactions are mutually respectful and positive in tone

_____ Evidence exists that the teacher provides all students with an opportunity to learn.

_____ Evidence indicates that the teacher implemented activities that support student diversity.

I certify that everything reported on this form is accurate and correct and that interventions are being

implemented with integrity of at least 80 percent of the time.

Notes from Observation:




Observer’s Signature

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Appendix F

Direct Observation Fidelity Checklist (Computer-Based Intervention)

Interventionist Date/Time

Number of Students in group Observed by

Intervention Area

Total Time of Observation

Description Yes No

Student has access to computer-based intervention program

Student logs in successfully to program

Self-monitoring tools are available to student (timer, login


Student uses headphones appropriately

Teacher monitors and/or assists student

Student is engaged in learning on the prescribed intervention

Student navigates correctly through intervention program

Student is working in the area of specific area of deficit

Intervention occurs at designated time

Student works independently without disturbing others

I certify that everything reported on this form is accurate and correct and that interventions are

being implemented with integrity at least 80 percent of the time.


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Appendix G

Direct Observation Fidelity Checklist (Direct Instruction Intervention)

Interventionist Date/Time

Number of Students Observed by

Intervention Area

Total Time of Observation

Description Yes No

The intervention is tailored to the specific skill deficits of the

student (i.e. skills based instruction)

Student materials are prepared and organized

The Teacher Guide/manual/instructions are used during lesson

Program materials are being used as designed by publisher

Pacing is appropriate for the intervention

Students receive feedback on their progress

The environment is respectful and positive in tone

Students are engaged in learning

Students have the opportunity for individual turns

Skills/strategies are appropriate and regularly incorporated

I certify that everything reported on this form is accurate and correct and that interventions are

being implemented with integrity at least 80 percent of the time. Signature

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Appendix H RTI2 Team Data Review Discussion Guide

Review Current Tier, Intervention, Skill Deficit Area Addressed & Previous Decision & Follow up

Conversation notes should be student specific, documenting specific action steps.

Does the trend on the progress monitoring (instructional level) data indicate growth?

• Good

• Should progress monitoring goal be changed?

▪ AIMSweb level?

▪ AIMSweb measure?

Can student be supported in a less intensive tier?

• Questionable

• Describe concerns in comments and action steps to increase progress

• Poor

▪ Review ROI, area of deficit, and grade level data

▪ Administer diagnostic assessment to identify specific skill deficit

▪ Perform gap analysis (T3 only) if necessary

Is plan being implemented with fidelity? Refer to observations.

▪ Fully

▪ Partially

Student concerns?

Is Teacher support needed?

Action Steps to be recorded in comments- Specific and student oriented

Was attendance a factor in lack of progress?

▪ Yes – Document in comments with follow up actions as appropriate

▪ No

Teacher Input/Other Data

▪ Checklists, anecdotal notes, benchmarks, intervention assessments, diagnostic assessments, daily work, grades,

writing samples, etc.

▪ Is there evidence of growth in Tier 1?

▪ Is there evidence of progress within intervention group?

▪ Other issues that need to be addressed- Document in comments

• Behavior

• Social/Emotional

• Health

Intervention Decision

Do we have enough information to make an informed decision?

▪ Continue

▪ Adjust intervention as needed – Document in comments

▪ Move to less intensive tier

▪ Move to more intensive tier

▪ Discontinue

Document Action Steps from Team in the data review section of the Student Plan.

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Appendix I



Begin testing at grade level & test at lower grade levels until student scores at the 25th percentile.

BASIC READING SKILLS IF 1st Grade Reading Fluency is below 25th %ile, test Basic Reading

Skills. Begin with NWF.

LNF Circle: K or 1st Grade Score ______________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

LSF Circle: K or 1st Grade Score ____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

PSF Circle: K, 1st or 2nd Grade Score ______________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

NWF Circle: K, 1st or 2nd Grade Score ____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

READING FLUENCY (R-CBM): Begin with grade level; if at/above the 25th percentile with 95%

accuracy, test Reading Comprehension (MAZE). Once the student meets criteria to mark Y for both

areas, testing is completed.

Corrects/Errors Grade ___:

Median__________25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___:

Median__________25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___:

Median__________25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N


Grade ___:

Median__________25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___:

Median__________25t%ile Y N Accuracy Y N



Grade ___: ________________ 25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___: ______________ 25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___: _____________ 25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N

Grade ___: ______________ 25%ile Y N Accuracy Y N




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Begin testing at grade level & test at lower grade levels until student scores at the 25th percentile.

EARLY NUMERACY SKILLS If 1st Grade Math Computation is below 25th %ile, test Early

Numeracy Skills. Begin with Missing Number Measure.

OCM Circle K or 1st Grade Score_____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

(Oral Counting)

NIM Circle K or 1st Grade Score_____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

(Number Identification)

QDM Circle K or 1st Grade Score_____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

(Quantity Discrimination)

MNM Circle K or 1st Grade Score_____________ At or above 25%ile Circle Y N

(Missing Number)

MATH COMPUTATION (M-COMP): Begin with grade level; if at/above the 25th percentile test

Math Concepts & Applications (M-CAP).


Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N


Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N

Grade ___: 25%ile Y N




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Appendix J

25th Percentile Reading Measures With Maximum Error Rates (95% Accuracy)

Measure Fall 8/7/17 - 11/14/17

Winter 11/15/17 -3/14/18

Spring 3/15/18-5/22/18

25th Errors 25th Errors 25th Errors


LNF K 7 N/A 32 N/A 41 N/A

LNF 1 36 N/A 44 N/A 50 N/A

LSF K 1 N/A 15 N/A 29 N/A

LSF 1 21 N/A 36 N/A 41 N/A

PSF K 1 N/A 11 N/A 35 N/A

PSF 1 29 N/A 41 N/A 46 N/A

PSF 2 35 N/A 36 N/A 41 N/A

NWF K ---- ---- 15 N/A 28 N/A

NWF 1 22 N/A 40 N/A 51 N/A

NWF 2 39 N/A 45 N/A 54 N/A

READING FLUENCY ** Accuracy see below

R CBM 1 6 0 19 1 40 2

R CBM 2 35 2 64 3 82 4

R CBM 3 59 3 84 4 98 5

R CBM 4 84 4 101 5 112 6

R CBM 5 94 5 111 6 123 6

R CBM 6 116 6 131 7 141 7

R CBM 7 119 6 130 6 141 7

R CBM 8 123 6 132 7 142 7

READING COMPREHENSION **Accuracy see below

MAZE 2 2 0 6 0 10 0

MAZE 3 8 0 11 1 11 1

MAZE 4 10 0 15 1 15 1

MAZE 5 12 1 17 1 20 1

MAZE 6 16 1 22 1 22 1

MAZE 7 18 1 20 1 24 1

MAZE 8 18 1 17 1 22 1

**Accuracy should be at 95% for Oral Reading Fluency and MAZE. To calculate the accuracy rate for scores higher than what is shown on chart, divide Words Read Correctly (median score for R CBM)

by Total Words Read (median score for RCBM). This will result in a decimal, which is the accuracy percentage.

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25th Percentile Math Measures

Measure Fall 8/1/17 - 11/14/17 Winter 11/15/17 -3/14/18 Spring 3/15/18-6/01/18

25th 25th 25th


OCM K 26 49 64

OCM 1 59 73 80

NIM K 15 39 51

NIM 1 30 50 56

QDM K 5 12 22

QDM 1 14 26 30

MNM K 1 7 11

MNM 1 7 14 16


* Calculated using Rate of Improvement

M COMP 1 4 18 11

M COMP 2 10 23 32

M COMP 3 14 29 40

M COMP 4 17 32 43

M COMP 5 8 14 21

M COMP 6 11 18 22

M COMP 7 12 17 19

M COMP 8 10 15 17


M CAP 2 4 11 14

M CAP 3 4 7 11

M CAP 4 9 12 13

M CAP 5 6 8 8*

M CAP 6 9 12 13

M CAP 7 7 11 13

M CAP 8 6 7 9