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  • 8/14/2019 Rsponsible for Haiti Missing Persons EXPOSED_EG


    Haiti Missing Persons,responsible for the earthquakeexposed


  • 8/14/2019 Rsponsible for Haiti Missing Persons EXPOSED_EG


    A few words from the writer /

    My friends in this book, and knowledge, which keep the dusty Greek manuscripts of Aristotle,Plato and other ancient fotodoton through masterfully blended events of economy, religion,Greek history and mythology of confirmations of Medicine and the multidimensional social

    structures you presenting with episodic manner cycles of 50 years revolutionizing themainstream polity, destroying and reconstructing the society magazines where miningresources of land and man by man reaches a breaking point that affects the very nature. Weeven economic indicator behaviors with which it is possible to spend almost painlesslythrough this economic tidal wave, get ready my friends for the collapse of the dollar and wagedive without any safety net, stories Reality With an enormous number of error events for theconstellations, and possible falsification of cosmogony, incidents involving the Nazis and thepossible bases in space, President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias launched inconjunction with the worship of infernal beings are a new mirror through which can be seenthe current mainstream The rapid development in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chipEMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking system in relation to theFinancial Collapse of America, SIONISMOS, and the new order of the 4th Reich, andPEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA than reactive and anti-government slogans on

    walls define a new reality, which leads to control police use of centuries of hidden rifles Soundof the ancient Greeks, developed from the Greek Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva. Thecreations of the Draft "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as the internet sourcesare presented in detail below in relation to biological warfare from the U.S. aircraft-sprayingfrom chemical and microbial air over cities. By Bantouva model [the Cretan bravery under theinstructions of Mahatma Gandhi, is trying to reduce the harmful effects of these anti-constitutional activities are using Genetics Industry, extensive fires, building new towns in theconcentration camps of the Reich D, applied geo-strategic plan implementing a new war inthe Balkans because of Kosovo where the project "Blue Ray" at the upcoming riot until theend of 01/2010, new weapons will chrisimopoiithoun low frequency police with physicaleffects of radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS The whole controversy will graduateand prevalence of Russia and Greece in the Balkans, and economic and cultural situation ofsimultaneous degradation of the roles of Germany and gal, and development of China

    By PriceLIAPIS Panagiotis

    It is an old story vlpoume repeat all too often. From very old to the U.S. prodspathousanlenxoun plythismous since the Philadelphia Experiment and more ago. MANY blackepichirisis followed damn destroyer Eltrige which resold in 1951 to the Greek Navy and thebeer continued from Amrikaniki basis of Dion in Souda, Crete and the basis of Penteli Athens,fully equipped with mirrors, receivers ELF frequencies. After the klisimo of continuing navalsubmarine base in the regionA few years later by setting up a network of satellites the U.S. beer try sending a terrestrialmicrowave frequency radar with the code name I.A.A.R. R.One of these vrisktai located in the secret base at Pylos. Pylos, Gateway, as we say Stargate,see coincidences;But what is the I.A.A.R. R.;HAARP, which stands refer to High-frequency Active Aural Research Programme or on theellinikoteron, Research Program High-Frequency Active Radiation. In fact, this is a terrifyingweapon system electromagnetic radiation which is developing the U.S. systematically since1987. This is a system where "perfected" will be able to cause climate change a selection,closure and destruction of all electrical and electronic devices in a specific place,unprecedented magnitude earthquakes, holes in the ionosphere, lightning incredible intensity,up control of the human brain by low-frequency emission similar to human!The idea began in the late 19th century by the renowned natural Tesla. The H.A.A.R.P.consists of an antenna system, through which electric waves produced by specific powerplants placed in a super dish. The waves through the ionosphere spill multiply the force ofradiomagnitikis frequency (at an advanced stage of planning will reach 10 billion Watt) anddirected to desired locations. The first phase of testing took place in Alaska, which hascreated a huge antenna, and the information leaked talk about two other points in the world,the icy Norway and at Akrotiri in Cyprus.

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    What can cause the HAARP

    Where they end up these enormous power electromagnetic waves occurring dramatic andirreversible changes.First created enormous environmental damage by creating holes in the ionosphere at worstand excessive thinning of the atmosphere in the most optimistic scenario, the effect of the

    earth and living organisms at the mercy of solar ultraviolet radiation (of course theresponsibility of the program argue simply that it's like when you put your hand in the watercreated a hole, but when the draw closes).Also in the diluted region of the atmosphere over an area does not have the relief of lightning,so they arrive with incredible intensity on the ground. The Earth will be electrically chargedand the temperature rises, thus adding to the greenhouse effect. The impact of radiation inthe ionosphere radiomagnitikis parts will pushed higher and the gap will be created will rushto cover other air masses from adjacent areas, which in turn would leave a gap which will becovered by others and so on, with resulted in the Earth's atmosphere phenomenon'dominoes'. We will change the whole climate in selected regions with massive floods,prolonged droughts, etc.The H.A.A.R.P. will be able to paralyze any electrical and electronic equipment in selectedareas, this means that (stopping machines in intensive areas of hospitals, inactivation of each

    radio frequency, interruption of communication with aircraft control tower, destroyingsatellites, etc.). Also if radiomagnitika waves diverted to the subsurface, it is very likely tochallenge biblical earthquake. And we come to influence the use of HAARP in living beings,which is the tromaktikotero scenario. In accordance with sound scientific research andexperiments are possible through the emission of electromagnetic waves at certainfrequencies and coordination with the respective human, affecting the functioning of the brain.Experiments have shown that certain low-frequency confounding function of the human (allanimals) brain, reaching up to the point of control. It is not in such frequencies for prolongedperiods can cause terrible damage to the body ranging from migraines, unexplained irritability,depression, depression and reach the cancer and the alteration of DNA with horrificconsequences not only victims but also to future generations .

    H for humans

    The human body is essentially electrons vibrate continuously and emotions which are fed bychemical reactions and transported in the body and brain via electrical signals through thenerves. Respective roles and other organizations. Fortizontas in the world, with unimaginableamounts of electrical charge f true scientist who knows what effect this documentary will haveon humans and the environment? Certainly the program management is sparing in theirstatements. Constantly say "do more experiments," a scientist who has some qualms waitingfor him to show us, "the Navy and the Air we entrusted the money of the American peopleand therefore know something," the system will be used for research on undergrounddeposits of minerals, oil, etc. and to communicate the Pentagon's U.S. submarines and othersuch banal. However, the 'sound' scientific community responds strongly (even in the U.S.)and the only positive story is that while we learn in the past experiments and results "novel"weapons 10 or 20 years later, in this case noticed early on the creepy scenarios, resulting in arelatively well informed, alert and react.

    Responses and ContractsLong ago the Swedish MEP Mrs Brittan asked a question in the European Parliament to beinformed about the HAARP program and possible effects on climate. The response of thePresident of the European Parliament was that there are no details as the U.S. refused toprovide answers about the potential impact of these experiments.The Americans for their part argue that the HAARP program aims to systematically study theionosphere, the creation of modern communications with submarines and betweensubmarines, modern communication with underground tunnels and even reduce the ozonehole. If all this is true then that explains the exclusive interest of the Navy and U.S. Air ForceProgram HAARP; company E-systems has contracts amounting to 1.8 billion dollars to theCIA, the Defense Department and other similar organizations. The company E-systems had anumber of patents for the HAARP program when purchased in 1994 by Raytheon Company

    one of the largest companies in the world production of weapon systems with dozens ofpatents, useful program HAARP. Specifically, twelve patents company Raytheon are the

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    backbone of the HAARP program The patent (patent), the Bernard J. Eastlund, US Patent4,686,605 entitled "Method and Apparatus for Change Region of the atmosphere, ionosphereand / or magnetosphere" marked secret and sealed in a secret order of the government. Thecompany Raytheon is one that performs experiments HAARP Yukon in Alaska for aviationand shipping in U.S.Link H.A.A.R.P. and chemtrails

    Ultimately what is the relationship if indeed there is such a tremendous program between theU.S. and strange contrails left behind by the aircraft around the world?According to scientists who studied the issue in America and Europe, can the chemicals leavethe aircraft back to play a supporting role in the experimental features of superiority. Typical isthe complaint human SS the data available to the magazine who saw last Septemberchemtrails over the island of Ikaria. That evening, an earthquake in Ikaria. Coincidence? Sosay scientists. Greece is indeed an earthquake zone. But anyone who would like to test aweapon that can cause earthquakes, will not try it in an area with no history of earthquakes soas not to attract attention. And this autumn, the Aegean was afflicted by several earthquakes&

    . Everything you need to know about the HAARP here

    James Bond 007: Goldeneye. When the imagination of Hollywood can be a nightmare. It isthe only film in which reference and apply to electromagnetic radiation weapon. See to seewhat it can do.Just type the word HAARP CHEMTRAILS or in a search engine on the Internet. The reportsof complaints concerning scientific evidence is endless!

    Well actually it is ultimately the legacy of Uncle-Tesla, of course, the specific thinking on thealternative energy and to my knowledge had plans to split into 3 forces to end not to fall intothe hands of one. Apparently our friends the Americans to work though.

    Anyway to express one or two reflections on the topic (not necessarily simple disagreementconcerns.

    Generally the Americans if they want to keep something secret to keep. Unless it is now upand running, so exercise the power without any spin. So I tend distinguish two:1) The range of ready (;)2) harass dissidents and opponents by showing them what they want to show (;)

    Now for the scientific community (outside the program) only detached cases can make if nodata available, nor detailed surveys and studies can be conducted.

    Generally is a very frightening scenario whole thing ...

    PS. Really what are the sources for the above; I just want to know if we are to judge howreliable it is anyway and see what's around this "game".

    The bellicose known to all Americans that were bright idea to draw a weapon that could giverise to radiation excitation in molecules of the upper atmosphere and have led to high or lowblood pressure according to what we want to occur.As we all know the weather changes prokallountai from low to high pressure in parts of theatmosphere. T this weapon can say for a country to destroy dimiourgontae a cyclone or ahurricane literally razing everything.And I ask all intelligent readers of this Article here what would happen if in fact this wholesystem in place;will happen they say the older "going to burn the god" that something will happen;Another very disturbing factor is that scientists are crawling and trying to find information andto build models but which are certainly primitive stages in relation to the size of the problem.This means that any prediction on the climate is risky and impractical means of course that iseven more difficult to propose measures and again can not be made and consequences of

    these results.

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    I wish, I wish in principle to realize the financiers of this world, those who determine the fate ofthis former paradise, what is happening and make no immediate reduction in emissions butthese disappear 'and never mind let us have cars, let there be some other goods anyway theyfoisted on us is necessary. Why do than I have understood to begin to talk about anythingelse in this step is a prerequisite. I wish I could have left even a hope.Usually, in an arbitrary manner and thus autistic repeated phrases and clichs of the SMEs

    and interviews with relevant non-specific. "The Nature of revenge, showing the hard face.Nature breaks out, punish, and is relentless. Artificially, they appear as victims and are in theconstant harassment by the perpetrator. Possibly, the victimized us is to act as an excuse toget rid of any responsibility. Moreover, if we take the view that everything driven by higherpower again become 'hapless' responsibilities.

    For example, when enskiptoun earthquakes and sinking, usually talking about disasters, notnatural disaster. The higher power is everywhere, in their view. That is, in most cases, wehave chosen to play the role of small and weak, and even those words are from Danishhuman societies. And this is another manifestation of the challenges our disposal to thenatural environment, it seems that we know almost nothing about what was happening innature, the processes, the effects of natural phenomena being the frequency andaggressiveness have been intensified and extended to most areas.

    Moreover, the human relationship with nature, and we recruit, of results, increasingproportions. It is customary to say "to meet our needs, even hide the word 'unlimited',although it is obvious that natural resources are becoming scarcer. The competitive moodtowards the natural world is indisputable fact.The scientific view of natural phenomena-such as rain, snow, drought, storms, temperature,earthquakes, landslides and other-occur, sometimes with and sometimes dominant withlesser means. These and a wide variety of natural phenomena ultimately shape the Earth.Natural phenomena are part of the evolutionary process of Nature. This is a process ofenvironmental change that takes place millions of years.Although for humans can become forces of destruction, for Nature is creative forces. Theydefine the face of the Earth in different seasons. It could even be described as the friendlyman formed because such an environment that allowed him to have and to live on Earth, and

    are detrimental to the existence, when they create losses which are considered by modernconditions as acquired by humans.Moreover, only recently realized that interfere most active, pressing, threatening in nature anddo not adjust our requirements in relation to natural phenomena. The paradox now is that weourselves we have increased the vulnerability of our presence so even small events haveenormous consequences. For example, in a town where they should live one hundredthousand people now live more than one million. Thus, when occur, earthquake or othernatural phenomenon losses will certainly be huge.Realizing that the risks to the environment know no boundaries and other distinctions, wemust strengthen our presence in practice and to intensify pressure on all our full range ofaspects of environmental protection. It is definite need for constant adaptation andimplementation of effective policies for environmental protection. Both state authorities andcivil societies have to raise the sovereign environment nucleus each of our activity. The

    environment is the neighborhood in which we live and live and our children. It is our home andprotection is a matter for all the family. Sustainable development and the preservation ofhuman and natural resources have already been made-priority targets for the internationalcommunity. Let us make for us, for each requirement for a better quality of life.Superiority HAARP IN CYPRUSThe eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus, situated at the crossroads of three continentsand around the sensitive Middle East region. This fact makes the position of one of the mostimportant geostrategic position in the world.Something acknowledged by the British government, based on statements by the Minister ofDefense of Britain in 1996, Michael Portilo which featured the British bases in Cyprus as anational kefaliao for England because of its position and the British Army describing the basisof Verde as the most important foundation of the Royal Air Force.The English army has military bases in Cyprus, remnants of colonialism or vestiges of

    colonialism, guest of the United Nations which prohibits so-called sovereignty of the formercolonial powers in the former colonies.

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    The British, the Treaty of Establishment in 1960, has 3% of its territory in the form of militarybases in different parts of the island and specifically: military base at Dhekelia (near Larnaca) air base at Akrotiri and Episkopi epistathmia military base to operate radar on top of the Troodos small part of Nicosia airport located in the buffer zone

    use of land in Akamas National Park to conduct military exercisesThe base at Akrotiri Limassol is the most important basis of the British island located in thegeographical coordinates 34 37 N, 32 58 E. There are no facilities of HAARP, an air basesupporting the military operations both in Afghanistan as in Iraq. Rightly classification whichhas been attributed to Cyprus as the land of NATO aircraft carrier.Also from the air base at Akrotiri manage the program of aerial spraying air with heavy metalssuch as aluminum or barium (chemtrails).HAARPThe following photos are from the deployment of HAARP in Cyprus and compared withcorresponding HAARP facilities in Alaska.HF Ionosonde Antenna

    Two called Pluto, height 96 meters and a width of 200 meters long and 58 meters height and

    width of 100 meters, the smallest. The operation of these antennas is to collect the reflectedwaves to the Earth and that the frequencies used are relatively low is huge and expensive.

    HF Ionosonde Antenna at the HAARP facility in Alaska.I.R.I - Ionospheric Research Instrument

    The IRI consists of RHF transmitters, their function is to send low-frequency electromagneticwaves in the ionosphere and the cloud generated by chemtrails. The system IAARP in Alaskathere are 360 antennas of this type, and in its system in Cyprus is unknown, their numbers,and their validity

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    HF Ionosonde Antenna HAARP .

    I.R.I - Ionospheric Research Instrument

    I.R.I RHF transmitters, chemtrails. RP 360 , ,

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    RHF transmitter

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    To .R.I , 360

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    VHF Ionospheric Radar

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    VHF Ionospheric Radar HAARP

    Operation Center

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    RHF transmitter

    To cluster dishes I RI in egkastaseis in Alaska, consisting of 360 antennasVHF Ionospheric Radar

    VHF Ionospheric Radar at the HAARP facility in AlaskaOperation Center

    HAARP antennas of the British base at Akrotiri Limassol became operational by the end of1993 at an experimental stage. By 2001 the system went into full operation which led theEnglish army to upgrade the system with the second major HF Ionosonde Antenna, height 96meters and 200 meters wide.The antenna is that the British installed the wetland in the Limassol Salt Lake next to thesmaller antenna is the same type occupying a total area of 13 hectares. Before installing theantenna, governments of England, through the British High Commission in Nicosia and theGovernment of Cyprus agreed on 28 August 2001 to undertake joint epidemiological studieson the effects of electromagnetic radiation to residents in the surrounding area (the nearestvillage 800 meters from the antennas of HAARP) and jointly handle environmental issues.

    England mandated unilaterally by 17 to December 19, 2001, conduct environmental study inthe English Institute I.E.M.A (Institute of Enviromental Management and Assessment) and

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    step consisted of two experts, an Englishman and a Canadian.The Foreign Minister of Cyprus, declared its opposition to the experts appointed by theEnglish because it was felt by the agreements that the study will be effected "a respected,independent, transparent and well-known international group of experts with relevantexperience.The British not meet the agreed on 28 August 2001, the decision to publish that on June 11,

    2002 will proceed to install the antenna.The Minister of Foreign Affairs and relevant departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairsinformed the authorities of British bases for the decision, but concealed the information fromthe Parliamentary Committee on Environment addresses the issue by installing thegigantokeraias by the English! (minutes Cypriot parliament 20/06/2002)The Parliamentary Committee on the Environment was informed of the decision to install theantennas from the press and by local residents. It seems that the Cypriot governmentsabotage the parliamentary committee that was responsible for examining proposed to installa satellite dish.The Cypriot Parliament through the Parliamentary Environment Committee denounced thearbitrary and the British Government's attitude to the sessions of 12/07/2001 and 20/06/2002.Excerpts from the minutes of the Cyprus Parliament, sessions on 12.07.2001 and 20.06.2002on: "The planned establishment of the British dishes in Limassol Salt Lake and the impacts on

    environment and health of citizens"12/07/2001HOUSE RESOLUTION OF REPRESENTATIVESThe House of Representatives of Cyprus,Expressing serious concern over the planned by the British establishment of a new antenna inAkrotiri Salt Lake and its environmental impact and its possible effects on health of residentsand workers,considering the report of the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment and thepreliminary findings of the Parliamentary Committee for Defense and Healthconsidering the area of Akrotiri wetland, particularly in the area is planned to install the newantenna of British environmental paramount importance for Cyprus and for the whole regionof Eastern Mediterraneanwhereas the installation of new antenna will have a negative impact on the natural

    environment of wetlands Verde and cause serious irreversible effects on the ecosystem of theregion, flora, fauna and ptinopanida,arguing that the health of local residents and the potential impact of the proposed installationof the antenna in that the electromagnetic energy is a priority,reiterating its position that any antenna installation should be preceded by documentedscientific and objective study of environmental impact and health effects on residents,The terms m a n h f1. Calls on UK Government to suspend any action towards the deployment of the antenna,which will be necessary to obtain the prior consent of the Cyprus Republic and the House ofCommons of the country to act in the same direction.2. Invites the Government of Cyprus to take all necessary steps and not to consent tocommencement of installation of the antenna before conducting the above studies.3. It empowers the President of the body to make all necessary representations to the

    European Parliament, parliamentary bodies, the British Parliament and where considereduseful to raise awareness of the body to prevent such a reference in British Energy.Extract from the meeting on 20/06/2002The Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, having before it the above data indicatesthe following:1. Considers arbitrary and unacceptable action the British authorities to proceed without priorconsultation with the Cyprus Republic to the arbitrary announcement of the final decision toinstall the antenna in Salt Lake wetlands in Limassol. The British have announced thedecision to implement their projects without first implemented material conditions which gavea commitment in the Joint Statement of 28 August 2001 between the Ministry of ForeignAffairs of the Republic and the British High Commissioner. In particular, it is noted that theBritish announced their decision without:I. to shape the final protocol to conduct an epidemiological study in the medical area for the

    residents,II. to implement a joint program to monitor the movements of birds in the region and its impact

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    on mortality, due to the antennas,III. to complete the process for integrating wetland Verde list wetlands of internationalimportance under the Ramsar Convention of 1971. Note that even the proposal of the Britishbases to the Ramsar Secretariat has included the area where we intend to install the newantenna,IV. to complete the management plan for the protection of the Salt Lake Verde, including the

    creation of a comprehensive protected area near the salt lake.Apart from the above included in the joint statement the two sides and that the action of theBritish ignored completely, the committee believes that additional study to reviewenvironmental impact is far should logically lead to the decision to install antenna. First,because using the same study is that the figures given for the purpose of the survey isincomplete and therefore the decision is premature, and secondly because it identifiessignificant environmental impacts from the planned project.2. The characterization of the action of the British as arbitrary reinforced by the fact that therewas no standard by the minimum of respect to our side and to the joint statement under whichit was the result of an environmental study to be considered jointly by the both sides. Unlikemade the announcement of their decision, while, according to the statement of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs on June 11, this study examined by the relevant departments of the State. Inconclusion, then, to the committee that the British do not even exchanged views with the

    authorities of the Republic on the issue.3. Apart from the above, the Committee notes that the British are not informed or did not carryout any consultation with local residents, as imposed good will, ethics, and the spirit of theTreaty of Establishment.4. In relation to the conduct of government by the majority of the committee believes that thegovernment and especially the Foreign Minister did not show adequate commitment orbrought criticism would be expected in such an arbitrary action by the British, which clearlyviolates the spirit and letter the joint statement the two sides.The majority of the committee considers that a press release issued on 11 June 2002 by theMinistry of Foreign Affairs is a dry listing of facts without any attempt to denounce the violationof agreed and arbitrariness of the Britons. The majority of the committee believes that, apartfrom all the above reasons, the Cypriot government should respond, at least for the fact thatwhile the government has not yet evaluated the study, the British have gone to the

    announcement of their decision.The majority of the committee also notes that the government failed to inform theParliamentary Committee on the Environment on the latest developments, so the latterinformed by the press what is happening. In addition to submitting the report of the expertcommittee would expect further information from the government, which repeatedlyrequested, and the government is committed to inform.The members of the parliamentary party Democratic Rally, disagreeing with the aboveposition of the majority of the committee in relation to the conduct of Government and ForeignMinister stated that this position is not supported by the facts.The State Committee member of the species by Androula Kingdom, also disagreeing with theposition of the majority of the committee in relation to the attitude of the government, said thatshould have been consulted before the Committee on Foreign Minister again to advise themon the facts, as was her report.

    By submitting the above supplementary report to the body it solely driven by the need toprotect an area with significant environmental value, not a personal acquisition of the Cypriotsbut legacy for all humanity, and desiring also to protect the health and ensure the welfare oflocal residents calls the House of Representatives adopted a resolution aimed at withdrawingthe unacceptable and arbitrary decision of the British to proceed with installation of theantenna in Akrotiri Salt Lake.The MEP Marios Matsakis in session on 20/06/2002 said:

    .... I think that if these antennas, used or know for what purpose ... Others say for spypurposes. a Briton who has written me sent me information saying that might be used for aspecial electromagnetic warfare. There are several elements that are several years studies ofthe human mind and thinking through radio waves. He said that even with exposure to certainfrequencies can cause paranoia, may cause mania, may cause a tendency towards suicide

    and various other things. And I already said that America especially since 1960 with the"Pandora", Russia in 1970 with the system "Woodpecker" and America today the system

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    "Haarp" make experiments that can, by exposing people to specific frequencies influence theway in which struggling or fighting may cause psychological problems in populations and canaffect the morale of the military. I do not know if they can be, but are already experimentingwith such electromagnetic weapons the great powers ... "The British proceeded to install the antenna and upgrading of the HAARP system with theblessing of the Cyprus Government ...


    As for the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the health of residents in the surroundingarea, just confirmed their fears with the epidemiological survey conducted by the Departmentof Oncology and Medical Physics, University of Bristol, in June 2005 in cooperation with theCyprus Republic.The results of the survey show that residents of Akrotiri and intangible, as the antennae ofBritons have increased symptoms of migraines, headaches, dizziness and depression. Also inAsomatos an increase in heart disease and asthma, and Akrotiri is much higher rate ofemotional stress. The study also recognizes that the electromagnetic radiation is responsiblefor the neurological symptoms are those living close to antennas.Note that in Kyvides Over the radiation levels measured at 0,001 volt / m, while the Akrotiri0,57 volt / m and Asomatos 0,46 volt / m (ie 500-600 times above).

    The environmental impact is irreversible. The British construction of the HAARP systemdestroy the wetlands in Limassol at Akrotiri Salt Lake. Representative of the Department ofForestry on information to the committee on the environmental importance of the Akrotiriwetland, especially given its geographical position, located along one of the eight majormigratory routes of birds from Europe and Asia to Africa and vice versa and is one of the mostimportant wetlands in the Middle East.If I, THE IAARP AKTIONOBOLEI the ionosphere, AKTINS OF THE MICROWAVE ANDTHERE reflected PFTOUN P OVER THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, THE SURFACEDONITAI and we have EARTHQUAKES, earthquakes swing building materials and we haveKATAREFSEIS BUILDINGSOSO KI GERO IS BUILDING IN AN TALANTOTHI IDIAITRI eigenfrequency OF KATAREEI.S AMRIKANOI manipulate IAARPHangman AND MURDER OF CHILDREN AND PEOPLE PREFERABLY CARRIAGES


    EMPARKO IN AMERICAN PRODUCTS - DO NOT BUY NOTHING U.S.EMPARKO THE CURRENCY OF DOLLARS - MAKE TRADE ONLY IN EUROEMPARKO IN AMERICAN SERVICES AND INTERNET SITEThe situation changed when it first must understand all of us. The impact on health ofresidents of the area, the destruction of wetlands is only the tip of the iceberg of the projectiontakes the existence of such superiority in Cyprus. The possibilities of such a weapon renderthe Cypriot government to protect its residents and its national security. English people haveno desire to leave the island. Let us focus on the elimination of this weapon. The UnitedNations prohibits the possession and use of such weapons .. And this applies not only to theHAARP system in Cyprus and all IAARP the world that is constantly growing

    EMPARKO ON TRANSPORT AND THE FUELNext time perhaps you are or your relatives in the rubble of priochis decided by the Americansto reduce plythismo, the "AHRISTA mouths" as prigrafoun NATO plan GLOBAL 2000The influenza vaccine I1N1, I1N2, I1N3, I1N4, I1N5, VEE, DN is anything other than purely"biological weapons" as a son of the DNA-containing mixture derived from the DNA 4 itemssons of which one is from AFRICAN green monkeys, another son of Empoli, the third andfourth SWINE RETRO-SON found in a sarcophagus containing formaldehyde in mvolio t iscarcinogenic and inactivates the mix for three months, after the body absorbs. Then the Sonwakes up and starts metalasei human DNA to DNA CAPE AFRICAN Monkeys The U.S.stated that it was stolen from the SON MILITARY LABORATORIES VEE, or otherwise AVIANmad ALLOGON. EXPECT NEW TAXATION AND MODERN NEW TO PANDEMIC not shoutany vaccine use are based on the following away from them. At the end comes the chip willdini apythias commands in your brain and not have to think about, ... .. since others caring for

    the good you just for the animals before slaughterUnderstand now who murdered so many people in Tahiti.

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    The most natural fainpomena ekdilonontai According to the political will of AmericaScientists have gone mad