rsn vol. 08 no. 02 february 2012

Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ 5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA 703-538-4886 The Rock Spring News February 2012 Vol. 08 No.02 At the Core of Our Community: IMAGINE 2.0 reveals Rock Spring’s Core Values Inclusive Caring & Generous Learning Community Justice Seeking Faith-filled Joyful

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The Februaru 2012 edition of the Rock Spring News.


Page 1: RSN Vol. 08  No. 02  February 2012

Rock Spring CongregationalUnited Church of Christ

5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA703-538-4886

The Rock Spring NewsFebruary 2012 Vol. 08 No.02

At the Core of Our Community:IMAGINE 2.0 reveals Rock Spring’s Core Values




Learning Community

Justice Seeking



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Rock SpRing’S coRe ValueS

At the annual meeting held on January 22, 2012, the following core values were presented to the congregation.

An Inclusive Community: We recognize that all persons are an integral part of the

human family, created in the image of God. We strive to be a place where all people know they are valued for their unique experiences and gifts. We actively seek to

include everyone around our table.

A Caring, Generous Community: We recognize that people of every generation and in all communities have both needs and gifts. We are committed to sharing with each other, and with our neighbors in the community and around the world, the talents and

gifts we have been given.

A Learning Community: We are curious, open-minded people of all ages who meet to nurture our intellectual and spiritual development. We help each other listen for the

still-speaking God.

A Justice Seeking Community: We seek just peace through building relationships and through making small, deliberate choices. We advocate for individual human rights, and social and ecological justice, seeking to be in solidarity with the disadvantaged.

Together, we seek to bring about the world that God intends.

A Faith-filled Community: We approach faith and worship in many different ways with respect and a desire for engagement with other traditions. We strive to use our

Christian faith to guide our decisions and our actions.

A Joyful Community: We are grateful for the gift of life and for each other. Fun and laughter are woven into the fabric of our lives together. We strive to bring a spirit of joy

to all that we do.

During the Lenten seasonThe pastors will be preaching on each of these values and grounding them in scripture and theology. Over the course of this time, we will be encouraging the congregation to reflect upon and explore what these values say about who we are as a congregation. Look for more information about this in up-

coming bulletins and weekly emails.

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Rock SpRing’S coRe ValueS

Rock Spring News February 2012 3

The Process that brought us here:

September, 2011: Approximately 75 Rock Springers attended a kick-off luncheon and a forced-choice exercise that surfaced a host of values that are important to our congregation.

October and November, 2011: Kathy Dwyer met with 15 small groups, in members’ homes, with the intent of going deeper and testing some of our assumptions about what is most im-portant; 120 Rock Springers participated with this phase of the process. Each small group generated a list of ten values that they thought were most important to our congregation.

December, 2011: Kathy created a synthesis of the responses and narrowed the values/themes to ten areas about which we could seek feedback.

January, 2012: A survey was sent via Survey Monkey to three different groups of people: About 60 people who are engaged with the congregation, but were unable to participate with the process; parents of young children (pre-K to first grade) who were unable to participate in the process; and about 15 people who recently have drifted away from the congregation. The purpose of the survey was to see how these individuals perceive the values we say are important to us. Of those polled, we have had 47 responses.

The survey confirmed that we are on track with the values identified, and it also demonstrated specific ways we fall short of living out these

values. The values presented to you are written with both of these realities in mind. The first part of the narrative is intended to describe

what we can clearly demonstrate.

The second part is designed to be aspirational. Framed this way, the values can remind us of what is important and also inspire us to


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Rock Spring News February 2012 4

I have heard James Forbes, the former pastor of Riverside Church in New York, speak and preach many times. Of the many inspiring things I have heard Forbes say, one thing has especially stuck with me; I will never forget when he said (I am paraphrasing), “I always tell my congregation that if any one of them is pleased with more than 75% of our worship service, they are not being hospitable enough.” He talked about this in the context of what it meant to be a community that embraced diversity. If we welcome the other, we must make room for their interests, gifts, and desires.

As I write, I am thinking about this statement in relation to our core values. Spending time with so many of you over the past months and listening to what is most important to you has been a real gift to me. I have loved the opportunity to get to know many of you better through this process. I have loved hearing so many stories from our congregational history, and I have appreciated the time you have taken to share your ideas and the things you hold close to your heart.

Emerging from this process are six values that Rock Spring consistently draws upon when making decisions. These values do not represent a belief statement nor do they compose a vision statement. Core values reflect the preferences or the choices consistently reflected in the behavior of the congregational participants.

I am aware that few of us would list of all these values as our primary values, and I hope all of us will find within these values something that speaks to what is essential at Rock Spring. Like Forbes’ worship services, these values seek to provide an umbrella under which every-one can find a home. Even when one specific value is not what we hold as primary, under-standing and articulating its importance within the life of our congregation will help us show respect for those around us and make decisions that honor our community.

I look forward to our ongoing dialogue about how we might live into these values most fully.

Grace and peace,



Rev. Kathy Dwyer

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fRom the council pReSident

Rock Spring News February 2012 5

As I wind up my term as Council President, I am struck again and again by a profound feeling of gratitude. So many people give so much of their time and talent to Rock Spring, and it has been a joy to be part of that effort.

It’s easy to get so caught up in the busyness of our tasks that we forget to enjoy the people and the beauty all around us. And it’s easy to be so caught up in the business of the church’s work, that we forget that our relationships with God and each other are most important.

And so I want to pause and say thank you to each and every person at Rock Spring, simply for the gift of your presence here. Thank you for kind words when they were most needed, for the joy and laughter that has punctuated Council meetings, for good advice and wise counsel, for gentle challenges to think differently about an issue, and for the loving support that I have felt over the past two years.

I woke up this morning to find this “Word of the Day” from in my email inbox: “People say, ‘What is the sense of our small ef-fort?’ They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time” (Dorothy Day). It was a wonderful (and timely) reminder to celebrate and be grateful for the many small steps that lead to big progress.

The past two years have been filled with small steps taken by countless Rock Springers, and I am grateful for every single one. Taken together, they have become great strides and a source of fabulous momentum into our Centennial and beyond.

Rock Spring is a special place. The values that bind our community to-gether are important to me and to my family, and we are grateful every day to have found our place here with all of you.

With gratitude,

Ashley Martinage

Thank You. . .

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childRen, Youth, & familieS

Getting to class on time!Big thanks to everyone who helped finish the color-coding for our doors! Now, the twists and turns from the Sanctuary to the Hunter Education Build-ing are easy to negotiate! In order to help our participants and parents find their way, we’ve paired the color of each room’s door with a grade level.

Lower Level:Infant / Toddlers OrangePreschool RedKindergarten/1st Grade Purple

Upper Level:2nd/3rd Grade Sky Blue4th/5th Grade Grass GreenMiddle High (6th-8th) Deep Red (Interns’ Office)Senior High (9th-12th) Dove White (Peace Room)

Godly PlayThis month, we will come out of the church season of Epiphany and our sharing the Parables of Jesus. We’ll enter the season of Lent and begin our journey to Easter! Our 9:00 a.m. Multi-age and 11:00 a.m. Pre-K classes will share in Godly Play, engaging these stories: 2/05 The Parable of Parables (learning why we teach with story) 2/12 The Parable of the Sower and Seeds 2/19 The Parables of the Leaven and the Mustard Seed 2/26 The Mystery of Easter: Lesson 1

Seasons of the SpiritThis winter, we are taking a moment to evaluate how this curriculum is best used in sharing our faith with our children and youth. In the meantime, our classes are relying on an old friend, Sea-sons of the Spirit, and a new tool, Gather ‘Round. These two curricula provide our teachers dif-ferent options in method of teaching and different resources in sharing in the faith journey with our children and youth at an age-appropriate level.

Parents, we will continue our weekly “FP @ Home” emails every Monday. This will share the Sun-day school lesson for the week, the scripture stories that were shared, and a way to continue the practice with your family through the week. In November we verified our family address lists and hope that we have every family on our distribution list. If you are not yet receiving the FP @ Home emails, please send a note to [email protected], and we will get you on the list immediately!

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Rev. Hank Fairman

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childRen, Youth, & familieS

Youth of Rock Spring (YoRS)February will be our time to get ready for Lent: that means a lot of fun, fellowship, and faith-filled sharing! We start with the Family Life Retreat, head into Mardi Gras, and on into a time of reflection on who we are called to be as co-journeyers in a life of faith.

YoRS Dates

2/5 Family Life Retreat (no Sunday meetings)2/12 Back to our Usual Haunts MH YoRS @ 4:30 p.m. SH YoRS @ 6:30 p.m.

2/19 Presidents’ Day Weekend (no Sunday meetings)

2/21 Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras!) Pancake Supper and Welcoming Lent Event

2/26 MH YoRS: Living the Life: our Lenten journey 4:30 p.m. at Neighborhood House SH YoRS: Potomac Youth Mission Event at Westmoreland UCC, Gather @ 4:30 p.m., return @ 8:30 p.m.

Rock Spring News February 2012 7

Confirmation Class of 2011This year, our Confirmation Class will take on a new way of engaging the core questions of faith. We will gather weekly through Lent and afterward, sharing in the many ways people have shown witness to their beliefs through the ages and today. We will gather together on Sunday, February 12 at 9:00 to walk through the class, our plans and expectations, and an-swer any questions that folks have. Confirma-tion is open to any youth who is currently in or beyond Ninth Grade. If your child is in this age group, you should have received an invita-tion to this meeting in January. If you did not, please contact Pastor Hank today!

This year, we will continue our practice of link-ing the class members with a mentor from the congregation. You may be asked to share in this process as a Mentor (a God-parent for the Confirmation year). If you are asked, please take on this relationship with great honor; it’s really cool to be trusted to walk with our youth on their journey!

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childRen, Youth, & familieS

Rock Spring News February 2012 8

Spring New Members’ Information SessionsEach year at this time, we reach out to those who have visited our church in worship, gatherings, and programs. We hope that your time spent with the Rock Spring family has been memorable and that you will consider learning more about the mission, vision, and ministry of our congregation.

We also know from past gatherings that many people visit and participate as “friends” of the church for many years. This invitation goes out to you as well. Maybe you are feeling God’s gentle tug to share more deeply in the ministry of Rock Spring as a member.

In either case, you are invited to come and share in this season’s New Member Information Sessions. They will take place on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:30 a.m. on the following dates:

Childcare will be available in our Sunday school and nurseries.

2/26 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. 3/04 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. 3/11 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. 3/18 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m.

These gatherings are offered to help familiarize you with the many faces of the ministry at Rock Spring. We welcome you to learn more about our ministries of Christian Education and Fellowship, Worship and Music, Mission, Advocacy, and Outreach, and Pastoral Care in our community and our congregation. At the conclusion of the sessions, you are invited to join in membership with the congregation. If you have any questions about membership at Rock Spring, please call us at the church office 703-538-4886. You can RSVP to the sessions by email to [email protected].

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Rock Spring News February 2012 9

Step back in time—to see what life was like when Daniel was captured and taken to Babylon.

Just imagine…

•Exploring authentic traditions,•Building strong relationships with other family members,•Trying new crafts and games,•Smelling and tasting new foods, and•Learning from Daniel, who stood firm in a faithless culture.

Everything…from the music to the costumes to the Marketplace crafts…absolutely everything has the look, feel, and flavors inspired by ancient Babylon.

This summer, let’s bring that same wonder and excitement to our church! Be a part of our Vacation Bible Experience (VBE) from Wednesday, July 18 to Saturday, July 21 (and worship on Sunday!)

We’re hoping that you’ll join us for this awesome intergenerational VBE program. Together, we’ll discover that:

When things change, God is with you.When you need help, God is with you.When you’re afraid, God is with you.When you’re alone, God is with you.

When you’re thankful, God is with you.

Watch for more information about this exciting ministry event!


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SpiRitual gRowth & leaRning

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Get Ready for Lent!

This year we will try something new to help us get ready for Lent. At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21 there will be a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper hosted by YoRS in Neighborhood House. During that time, there will be a pre-made banner on some tables. The word Alleluia will be outlined in big letters on the banner. All dinner guests especially children, will be invited to color in and decorate the letters and the whole banner. After we are all stuffed with pancakes and the banner looks gorgeous, the children will all go over to the sanctuary. The children will bring the banner in and we will sing a song or two with lots of Alleluias in them. Then we will have a little ceremony in which we say goodbye to the word Alleluia for the season of Lent and we will learn why the church does this. At this time we will fold up the banner and prepare to “bury it.” To close the service, we will sing a song for the season of Lent and have a prayer. We will all be able to watch as the Alleluia is buried. This is a very old tradition in the Christian Church and is a great way to help even young children begin to learn about Lent. It is very appropriate for all ages and lasts for about 20 minutes. Please come and join us!

Ash Wednesday WorshipFebruary 22, 2012 7:00 p.m.

Join us as we begin the journey to Easter with worship

on Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, a penitential

season observed by many Christians. While the exact date of Ash Wednesday varies from year to year, it is always in either the

month of February or March, depending on where Easter

falls in the liturgical year.

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Journey of the Universe film screening and workshop with Mary Evelyn Tucker and John GrimWashington National Cathedral, Saturday, February 25th

Join Janet Parker in attending this special event

What does the ancient-yet-evergreen wisdom of the monastic tradition have to teach about care for our shining blue planet?

How are we to understand our “right place” in the universe? In what ways do science and our spiritual wisdom intersect to heal

our world—and ourselves in the process?

Join Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, directors of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, to explore the dynamic intersection of wisdom, science, and the monastic way. The morning (10:15) features a screening of the film Journey of the Universe as a visual meditation that will launch a dialogue with Mary Evelyn and John. Journey of the Universe is a dramatically beautiful and moving film about the evolution of the universe, the wonders of our home planet, and our hu-man place in the universe story. From the film’s website comes this description of the film, which is narrated by Brian Swimme:

“Beautifully filmed in HD, our story begins on the historically rich Greek island of Samos, birthplace of mathematician Pythagoras. Disembarking on the island at dawn, Swimme expertly guides us on an exhilarating trek through time and space, sharing a wondrous view of cosmic evolution

as a process based on immense creativity, connection, and interdependence. After the toll of midnight, he sets sail into the star-lit waters of the Aegean Sea, leaving audiences with a sense of wonder at the mystery, complexity and connectivity that permeates the Earth and universe from

the very beginning.”

Additionally, all are welcome to register for a special afternoon workshop (2:00 p.m.) with Mary Evelyn and John that focuses on action we can take in the world. Discover the profoundly sim-ple ways that the wisdom and practice of the monastic tradition can foster radical balance in our lives and reconciling transformation in our world.

For more information on the film, visit

For more information on the film screening and workshop at the National Cathedral, and to register, visit

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Rock Spring News February 2012 12

Social action & miSSion

“Again, Thank you”

That was the subject line of an email from BRAVO (Buyers and Renters Arlington Voice) in early January 2012. But it could have come from any number of our Community Partners as they wrote to thank Rock Spring for grants from Rock Spring’s Wider Mission budget, mailed out last November.

“In late December [2011], a grandmother in-and-out of Arlington Hospital contacted us for help [with] an eviction notice, ….effective …. New Year’s Eve. We provided key assistance, securing from a proud woman her authoriza-tion for us to discuss [her situation] with her landlord. The result was an agreement satis-factory to both sides that gives the tenant the breathing room she needs to move into a new home.”

Arlingtonians Meeting Emergency Needs (AMEN) during FY11, prevented 609 families from losing their homes and helped another 2,760 with emergency expenses.

The Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing aims to “deliver at least 100 new or renovated affordable homes to Arlington an-nually. […] in early 2011, we began a major renovation of the 111-unit Buchanan Gardens...[a] 100% affordable property.”

Shaw Community Ministry says that it was able to enroll “46 students in our afterschool pro-gram and 20 high school students in weekly college prep workshops” in this severely dis-advantaged neighborhood of Wasington DC thanks to our grant. Rock Spring donations represented 1.6% of SCM’s 2011 budget.

Doorways for women and families provided “safety, housing, and life-changing services to over 2,000 women, men and children experiencing domestic violence and homelessness each year. …. 90% of Doorways’ clients leaving emergency shelter transition to safe, positive housing and over 85% achieve their goals in the areas of employment, savings and reduced debt.”

Arlington Pediatric Clinic, observing the tenth anniversary of its service of providing quality medical care to low-income and uninsured Ar-lington children, “provided 12,098 visits to 2,511 patients, including 613 new patients [through] a team of dedicated physicians, nurses, care coordinators and a social worker.”

Likewise, Arlington Free Clinic provided exten-sive “vital medical care to hundreds of our un-insured neighbors”. Specifically, 1,700 patients, 10,000 appointments and 17,000 medications.”

“The county’s top elected official has pledged to solve a snafu that has left some residents of western Columbia Pike with few good options in getting to the county’s relocated Depart-ment of Human Services (DHS) headquarters for medical treatment and other services. ‘We’re going to fix this,’ County Board Chair-man Chris Zimmerman said at the March 19 meeting of VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement).” (Sun Ga-zette, 3/21/11). We did not hear directly from the residents affected, but you can be sure they are grateful that by August 2011 the bus was running.

Again, thank you Rock Spring.

*******A full list of the organizations supported by

Rock Spring’s Wider Mission appears in the So-cial Action and Mission Board’s Annual Report. Far more detail about the individual grants—

applications, analysis, responses--may be found in a folder in the church library.

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Rock Spring News February 2012 13

communitY & SocietY

ONA News

“Understanding Transgender”Sunday, February 12, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, Upper Neighborhood House

Please join us in a two-hour session on February 12 immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service to explore the meaning of “transgender” with Denise Leclair, Executive Director of the National Focus on Gender Education and a transgender woman herself. A scientist by training, Denise has been speaking to various groups on this topic for more than a decade, covering issues ranging from legal and medical to religious and social. Denise will also speak briefly during the 11:00 a.m. service. We hope this will be the start of continuing education to help the congregation increase its understanding of gender identity and transgender so that we can each better affirm transgender individuals.

Denise will begin by discussing what words such as sexual orientation and gender identity mean. She will next provide a brief overview of the spectrum of transgender, followed by a personal account of her struggle with faith before coming to see faith as something helpful rather than hurtful. We will then open the floor to questions and discussion. Our goal is to create a safe space where people can feel free to raise any question—this is a forum where no question will be considered politically incorrect, no question “silly.” We will conclude by taking suggestions from the floor on how we may explore this topic further in the future.

The session will be appropriate for High School YORS and adults. Lunch will be served. To help us prepare the lunch, please RSVP to Masami Kojima.

Join the 2012 Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast

Last year, over 6,000 people welcomed a daily opportunity to fast from carbon as their Lenten discipline. Initiated by the UCC and endorsed by Episcopalians, people of every Christian perspective benefitted from this opportunity to become more conscious and conscientious in their daily lives.

We invite you to join us as we commit to fasting from carbon during Lent. Beginning Ash Wednesday (February 22) and throughout Lent, participants will receive a daily email with the day’s suggested carbon-reducing activity. When possible, this will include a quantitative measure of the carbon reduction resulting from the activity.

Some of the activities will be quite practical, and others will be more overtly spiritual: meditation, prayer, self-reflection. The intention is to provide do-able actions which can make a difference.

God is calling us to be the change we long to see. Let us engage this spiritual discipline, grateful for all God has entrusted to us, and trusting that with God all things are possible. Rock Springers are also invited to participate in a weekly reflection group as part of this unique Lenten spiritual practice. Participants will gather to share their experiences with one another, compare notes, share resources and pray together. If you would like to be part of this group, RSVP to Janet Parker or sign up in the Saegmuller Room. This opportunity is brought to you by the Rock Spring Eco-Justice Committee and the Central Atlantic Conference.

To register, click on this link:

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Rock SpRing ReView

Rock Spring News February 2012 14

2012 Women’s Retreat, March 17, at Rock Spring

Come join the women of Rock Spring for a special daylong re-treat in connection with the church’s centennial year: “In Memory of Her: Celebrating the Gifts of Women.” The retreat will be held on Saturday, March 17, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., on the Rock Spring campus.

Our retreat leader will be the Rev. Dr. Barbara Brown Zikmund. An experienced retreat leader, she has also served as a pastor, a seminary professor, an academic dean and a seminary president, and has taught and written about the history of the UCC and women in church history.

Remembering the stories of women in the his-tory of the church has always been uneven. This year we will use the retreat to lift up the stories of women throughout the ages and in many places – but especially at Rock Spring. The retreat will prod us to imagine how we can remember the women who have gone before us and thereby enrich our common life in the 21st century.

The registration fee of $20 includes lunch. Registration forms are available in the Saeg-muller Room. Or you can print out a PDF of the registration form from the church website. Fill out the form and mail it along with your check to the address indicated on the form.

Registration closes March 4. Questions? Con-tact Judy McDowell, Sara Fitzgerald, Eileen Jinks, Myra Britton, Susan Peters or Kathy Morland.

maRkeRS & mileStoneS

Congratulations on the baptisms of Ryan Zachary Sullivan and Nicholas Riley Sullivan, sons of Deborah and Chris Sullivan on January 15, 2012.

Congratulations to Susan Henderson who cel-ebrated 20 years of ordained ministry on Janu-ary 12, 2012, and congratulations to Hank Fairman who celebrated 10 years of or-dained ministry on January 22, 2012.

Our sincere condolences to several people who have lost loved ones over the past month: Jeff Dale whose father passed away, Heather Barbour, whose mother passed away, Carol and Carroll George, who lost their aunt and sister, and Howard Hjort whose cousin passed away after her battle with brain cancer.

newS & noteS:What is the Prayer Circle?One of the parts that make up Rock Spring is the Prayer Circle, a small, devoted group -, some of whose members meet on the third Sunday after worship, in the Peace Room. An additional twenty-some members receive their monthly letter. Persons in the circle agree to the discipline and the gift of praying once daily for those who have asked for prayer support. You may have noticed the prayer request cards in the racks on the back of each pew in the sanctuary; That is one way to ask for prayer support.

You are most welcome to join the group on the third Sunday morning, or add your name to those receiving the monthly letter, and com-mitting to remember in prayer those who have requested it. No special expertise is required; it is a gift we offer.

Anita Cline, scribe for the newsletter.

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Rock SpRing ReView

Rock Spring News February 2012 15

From the Bookshelf…

As of the end of January, you can expect to see the following in the new book area:

A More Perfect Heaven;, Explorers of the Nile;The Tinkers; Blue Night, Didion;Lost Washington D.C., FerrariFish in Your Ear;Impossible Dead;KBL, John Weisman;Binocular Vision;House of Silk; The Drop, Michael Connolly; andthe Harry Belafonte autobiography.

National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk on Washington

February 29th and March 1st are the dates for the annual NDSS Buddy Walk on Washington. Over 400,000 Americans and 5 million people globally have Down Syndrome, including Lukas Steele, one of the new members of our Congregation. Those of you who have met him know he can light up a room and melt a heart.

Thanks to the Human Genome Project and the creation of genetically engineered mice with triple chromosomes similar to human Down Syndrome, researchers in recent years have had tremendous breakthroughs in identifying neurotransmitter imbalances that are

responsible for many of the cognitive challenges facing Lukas and others with Down Syndrome. As these discoveries were happening Federal funding for the research got cut nearly in half after Congress passed the Children’s Health Act in 2000 to promote research on autism, juvenile diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, Fragile X, and traumatic brain injury, but omitted Down Syndrome.

Senators Sherrod Brown and Susan Collins have sponsored the Trisomy 21 Research Resource Act of 2011 and the Trisomy 21 Centers of Excellence Act of 2011 (S.1841) while Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chris Van Hollen and Pete Sessions have sponsored the House Bills H.R. 2696, the Trisomy 21 Research Resource Act of 2011 and H.R. 2695, the Trisomy 21 Centers of Excellence Act of 2011. These bills will remedy this funding deficit and help greater coordination of Down Syndrome research.

If you would be interested in writing letters, calling or meeting legislators or joining the Steele family in the Buddy Walk on Washington please contact Gary Steele, Lukas’s father at [email protected] or 202-905-1083.

We on the library staff are still looking for someone to check out books after the 11:00 a.m. service, first and second Sundays.

Do drop by the children’s library to check out their new books.

Remember; you will sleep better if you read something “good” before bedtime!

Anita Cline and library staff

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Rock SpRing ReView

Rock Spring News February 2012 16

Rock Spring Recital SeriesOur Rock Spring Recital Series continues in Feb-ruary after a stellar performance in January by Ed Newman and Elisabeth Adkins.

Our plentiful audience was treated to some wonderful music for violin and piano, highlighting our gorgeous Steinway piano and wonderful Sanctuary acoustics.

Our next concert on February 12 at 4:00 p.m. is a return for another performing ensemble that Rock Spring has welcomed previously, Washington Musica Viva. The program is entitled “Turkish/Jewish.” Music for Violin and piano by A. Adnan Saygun and Mordechai Seter played by Andrea Vercoe, violin.

IBIS in Concert at Rock Spring February 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.

A popular Arlington Chamber Music group, IBIS is a favorite at Rock Spring. Their mission is to present great chamber music concerts that feature a refreshing variety of music and a friendly approach to music-making. Their programming ranges from the familiar to the unconventional and encompasses a dazzling spectrum of sonorities. They are as interested in the audience member who protests that he ‘knows nothing about music as the more experienced concert-goer. Their concerts are attended by neighborhood folks, music lovers from all around Washington D.C., and even a healthy number of kids. An IBIS concert is always informal, informative and fun! Here are some of the things the media says about IBIS:

“A zestful program (that) veered from the tradi-tional...”The Washington Post

“It was a refreshing mix of music, well-played and fetchingly presented.”The St. Petersburg Times

“The players’ down-to-earth, humorous com-mentary was especially appreciated by the audience.”The St. Petersburg Times


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The Wisdom Jesus

Sunday’s, March 18, 25 and April 1The Saegmuller Room

March 18 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

March 25, following the congregational Sedar 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

April 1 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Dinner included

Join Kathy and Dale for a three-week exploration of Jesus’ vision and

teachings. We will put aside traditional perceptions of Jesus and see him,

instead, as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness.

We will use Cynthia Bourgeault’s book, The Wisdom Jesus, as a guide to Jesus’ teaching and life, and core practices

to awaken or deepen a wisdom connection.

Class size is limited to 25. If you would like to attend, please

email Kathy or put your name on the sign-up sheet on her office door.

Books are available for a suggested donation of $10.00.

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At the Core of Our Community: An Invitation to Go Deeper during the season of Lent

This Lent, the congregation is invited to engage in a discipline that will help us all go deeper into the meaning and depth of Rock Spring’s core values as we also get to know one another better.

The pastors will be creating and providing a guide for discussion that can be used with individuals and small groups.

Our hope is that you will set aside 30-60 minutes each week during Lent to meet with someone perhaps someone you have been hoping to get to know or someone who is new to our community.

Watch for more information in the bulletin, TW@RS and a special email that will be sent the week prior to Lent with more details.

Rock Spring Recital

Series 2012

Sunday, February 12

4:00 p.m. - SanctuaryWashington Musica Viva,

featuring Elizabeth Kluegel, soprano

A chamber music ensemble featuring vocal chamber music by

Darius Milhaud

Sunday, March 11

4:00 p.m. - SanctuaryIBIS Chamber music ensemble

Music of Women composers “Wives, Sisters, Daughters”

We hope to see you there!

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Special eVentS calendaR

Rock Spring News February 2012 19

Friday, February 3Family Life Retreat12:00 p.m. Men’s Monthly Lunch – Mylo’s Grill 6:30 p.m. Taizé Service - Sanctuary

Saturday, February 4Family Life Retreat

Sunday, February 5Family Life Retreat

Wednesday, February 811:00 a.m. Shirlington Employment Center Lunch

Friday, February 1011:00a.m. Lael Swinney Interment Service – Memorial Terrace

Saturday, February 11 4:00 p.m. Kid’s Night Out – Carpenter Hall

Sunday, February 1212:00 p.m. Transgender Session – Carpenter Hall

4:00 p.m. Rock Spring Recital Series - Sanctuary

Wednesday, February 1512:00 p.m. Rock Spring News Deadline

Saturday, February 18 8:30 a.m. Church Council Retreat – Neighborhood House

Tuesday, February 21 6:00 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper – Neighborhood House

Wednesday, February 22 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service – Sanctuary

Sunday, February 26 4:30 p.m. IBIS Musical Concert – Sanctuary 5:00 p.m. Potomac Youth Winter Gathering – Westmoreland Congregational

Taizé at Rock SpringJoin us First Fridays for Candlelight

Evening Prayer with music in the style of Taizé.

Children are welcome and childcare will be available.

Friday, February 36:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Upcoming dates: March 2 & April 6

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Rock Spring CongregationalUnited Church of Christ5010 Little Falls RoadArlington, VA 220270

Centenial Events Calendar

March 17Rock Spring Women’s Retreat celebrating a century of spirit.

March 24Rock Spring Centennial Concert with guest artists: Michael Howe, Elizabeth Kluegel Niblock and Ed Roberts. Celebrating a century of music ministry.

May 18Rock Spring Centennial Home comingCentennial dinner Friday evening, May 18.

May 20Centennial Worship ServicePremier of the Rock Spring Centennial Anthem.