rrcommendjtlod ftl l1 t r 1 23rock son i 8l ts ttlnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814pg21/data/0017.pdfv s...

i usa1 eMY iir fa I silos TM- 1aee 4stMleibev- e boM Mu1 kt vtMg kilos sty N- ldanailaw TIprw rose I It cant Wk atet> a N Us nd c aarYlaR 1- aI hey lihttedt 1hn eaU Ss tee llneJtMttL J It to MM PntMeet- far ie tk eta O riirN ftl saes- IrQU I RUNTTbe Ns t 1r of The 11ana new wlll be etk- dtaitlent r yglSX > 1 MrDdteflipiti ai The Sit I 8eIA ewe rotta eot oa North Tuittlli Mieet Apply srFJaler attmp To imk to IGI pry fanllybywIsH weutw Call It Soath Thltf lftenographcr eiteeanAIM D Competent exrerienoed peer lady i referred Addreii 8L eLOP OB BXBAYM Strawberry taa atOM < tl yuan oto IS 13 hands two white klt d feet i a little Irl BewM1 paid for KOOT Hn L 8 Dimcan SOOBron tii fee 1a 7 lMa > LBBBS I cut low Soeats per line Dr Pwilejr phone 418 fkireirood phone 4ft s1 Wkwlnr etgn Ring SOS tf p bttkory store wood phone 411 ttiLorlDg for Intnrance of all 0 sAa for Ellct Dream M J5e a 100 at The n j M you mall rooms dolt shas teenotbdto hit oleos suer theHctttder price fOdb eteci 1laof oMcars of the wat postponed last night stThmtey erepreparive i yon a yvgimw 8 V iTBeker who wee shot Christ g tf Jim Kale It still Improving lMd lDrOleeiyethatlte tolnktte will b aWe to atteatlthe trial of Hale O MttjMhwkMiJt cjell Kctly fc Umfciuehi damaged stock of wM paper and window rihWMftluaf prise 321 Court St ttjctor lea 0 Ingram isre 16e Terrell live stable at eathoaCevtwMeh tetobe o- eupkQbyMr Wynn Tolly when com Proda i The Sun nroomcare prepared to gite yon the iwatest work of soy to to opted to the city fbo Bre d psrtoent Ira Ailed to Wilh and Bfotblvray let night by a tejepaone eetailag that there war a fire Itwaaonlya pruik but will not be to funny if Chief Woods Jl who It was I haeremoteeftlco i detkbuar8g ofpuslte this post 4eIi9 ftI 7tm 0rpo Gray oetered who tea- t by Spot Peck tereral ilayt ago in allro bet Ua rery precarlont K lltton ITkejastorandimember of tie- B MptII 4chnrch arf plannUe Ikingforthecoining i of Ertn llCrsoo Thrwillbe service iljfit and all members arid friend are BRoJ to U present as there will KnoioromeetlDK< till Sunday rwator Yelscr now tin a tele Jhoiie in his office at the city hall Interlewel l f I MpMlers I iXlt the first time a phone nla iko mayor office line I jnn onVelepbono In the city ialt itMlbCMi seal by11 offlclals Il- lrutMrleit7 t I J Aft TRANK BOYD Ii BROOK HIM BLIV- OsWltMlwir Tkf Klevloi- t Ml Res Ibone loi r rIfii KEMTOCIY Ir > J gatbr > aay years here q may of IN ii + eke rooeetsei been revised jtaiatt the Preserve reason ADd ttmic tHgltah takes pleatnro in tmsMMtak to lilt j xlroas tbathe bM teenvd tbo comedy that made Ward ana Yokes famous vliy A ItM M the Bank for the attraction ilio Kentucky on Wednesday attar MtntdtdDlght Those clever comedy saitPoey cad St John who have been starring for several seasons pratI- sstller E D Stairs management 11- 1IiiitHao tie leadtog role of Percy and Harold and tile safe to assume that two sub competent artiste and cur by a company of more than 1111 people who have been selected tipoclal care for the parts they wlllarelylcll t tcaton and it will no doubt fully equal the enormous builneti done by this clever comedy under previous Adios Baby Verina who depict thu character of Marion flUrk in Barney GIlmore successful comedydrama Kidnapped In New York It only a little over tour yours old While this It the first putt the hat ever played Ibo nnusnal brightness anti Intolll genre she displays promtso greet things for her In tho future She It ai natural as if she was playing I In the nursery Ht home and aha mate a great hit with the ladles and children Uhi will be icon hors tomorrow afternoon and night when Kidnapped in New York will t the attraction ai Tho Kentucky There brave been a good many changes In Kidnapped In New York since last reason but its pop¬ clarity 1 It on the Increase The com pony It headed ly Barney Ollmore who has made tie publIc leech sa1- Icr11a his great creation of Dooley the past three seasons erect and clever specialties ore promtsei feet now on tale I NOT KNOWN HERE A MAN WUO SAYS PADUOAU f- ILLS t la HOME ARRESTED A man named Plank Ray all l cir lag hit homo at Fadncah and who claims to bare been mustered ont of r tho army last October at San Fun cisco U under arrest at Kinsley kart for holding np a telegraph ol > androbhlni him of 4333- He used a pistol to enforce his de sire and U was by hit voice and the pistol that he was recognized Irf the operator He war heM over Tho police hero do not know the prisoner at least by such a name COP TNERsiip DISSOLUTION The jjartnoralilrr heretofore ex ding between Oreer and Reed of tho city of Ptdncah Ey t it hereby dis- solved by mutual consent The nnfln libel business of said partnership will be attended toby said jmrtners and I each partner is anthorls d to tolled t any feet that may be doe or become ° I due to said distolred firm This the 1st day of JazillArIV02 W D Oreer 3t W M Reed S SICK hl = Mrs A L Lasslter Is III Captain T P Carter I Is 111 at his I home on Clark street Mn Lucy Davit it mncn butter to- day and will be out shortly It 1 It thorgbt County Physlcatn J W Pendley Is recovering from ht ° injuries sustained I by the Petrol wagon colliding with hit boggy Tuesday A PAINFUL ACCIDENT Ed Medley an employ of the Kit gcru healing factory while working this morning stock A largo sliver In to hit left thumb The filter war cut out this morning by Dr Trontman All the mutant clue children o the Flit Baptist church are requested to meet with Mrs Ed K Atkins No SU North Biith street tomorrow afternoon from two until fire p ANNOUNCEMENT Services will be resumed at Tempt Israel this evening Scrrlcet com menu at 730 i f Metsri Joke Uroots and Henry Rudy will leave tomorrow for lump den City Va to resume their studies in college FOR HENTJ story 7 room frame Water and gas Clay between Fourth and Fifth Apply it 705 Court r t edyt a v S OVESe- A WI 8RL1e- t AV9 J mil HErJ m5 A- RATBDI on Rradi sea te 324- l 3 About People SAdiiSod i r L t Mr IX IL Willis of the Golden CroM went to Owtnlbora today to work up interest In the order Mr Wood Iran of Euttawa was U the city loday Mrs Samuel Hendcnuffl of Mem phis It Tlslting Mrs 711Dlntfs Attorney Arthur Y Martin has re- turned from Orecnrille where he spent the holidays Mr and Mrt Victor Van Do Male have returnedfrom a Visit to Texas Attorney Thomas Harrison ins re turned from his visit to Cincinnati Rr and Mrt J W Ilion returned last night from their bridal trip to Bt Loult They are at Mr F M McQUthery 431 North Seventh ttreet for a while Mr Jams McOIathery has retarnod to Knoxtllle Tenn where ha I Is attenilng the University of Tennci tee Mr WaltonKetchnm has returned to VanderbtlV uolrcrsttyafter spending the holldaytVfth hit mother Mrs F M McOlatherT Mr Al Unriiseller of Decatur III bfs1 ft iMti le Boyle of Calm Ill and visiting Mr and des E1 LearerJof South Eleventh Mrs boo 4 liarrett will return- BondcyfronslortsmomlhOblowhero ts tljE Illnest of her grandmother Mrs Item ilton who has improved Princetone Ky returned home this morning Mrs Mike VfiUiarni returned to Monnd City Ujit morning after a visit to tees husband hem Mrs 7IL Fount returned to Cairo this morning after a visit here Attorney Haryey Yeainan who tray gone Into partnership with Attorney torn Harriton arrived last evening Mr E a Teachoit of the N 0 and St U was in theclty today Mr F O Ooltman e the TlmMcrphy company is at tb Palmer Superintendent 0 II Fisher of the Southern tapreucompany wat In th city fl tolI r tol city after a visit to Florence Staton thr e city after a visit to relatives kith ts county Mrs Batt Stlth of Bllzabethtown returned homo this morning after a visit to the family of Dr Alvey Misses Leila Marlow and Alice Todor left for Memphis Tens today to spend several days with friends and relativea v Mr and Mrs 0 T Glenn of Dy cusbnrg Ky returned to their homo after a pleasant visit to Mr end UrL A F Richards of Adamt street Mr Walter Richard of Orlinda Tenn Is visiting his brother Mr A ER chards of 610 Adam street Mrs P W Maguire of New York it visiting her sister Sire W A Den- Is I of Jefferson street Miss Georgia Portngton who has been lhsguest of Mra Elbrldge Palm er during the holidays leftyestirday for her home In Asheville N 0 Mr Ed Miller and family returned to the city atnoon today after a via it in Bardweli Mrs Tom Hannon of Louisville re turned borne at noon today after a visit le her son ifs Ed Haiiuou tat plumber Mrs Little Kinney and daughter of Marion returned home at noon today after a visit Id the family of Mr Ham Loving Mr Will Polk of the county re turned to Nashville at noon rosily to reenter Vanderblll University after spending the holIJwith parents heret Mr 0 V UoieViton will leave to night for Lot Angeles OLOD a pleasure trip 1 Mrs A b Williams of Chicago went to l dbrllest noon today to visit Shebat etplie guest of Mrs W T Miller hetC Mr and Mrs Battle formerly of Nashville are at the Palmer Home Mr Battle has accepted a position with the Padncali Furniture company and they will matcethis city their home MM Charles Bnndy has gone to Evanivlllf on a visit Attorney Morton Tout Cud wife bars returned to Or nvllle alter a bilsf visit to the city 1Uchboad I Gregory find wife Miss Edita Vsjj j of St Louis base turned hpme after a visit to the family of Mr U Walleritttn- M Ws once Uanlner Ruth Smith and icy Thomor Mayfleld who have been visiting here Uivt returned bones iMnioilatnllcos I of McLeansboro ilt 1IloJ Mrilleary Stw Ianhlla lie retir ed ht liIIito her panptf JIf uu Mrs Jo+ UjWit Mr >4 yOiifiiM ki retU MM 18I1MIIIII JN1e Irvia iPriatlM lister a aR Ie- It 1 rtftLv JI Na iG jlr k take charge of the Owinsboro Mar singer daring hit lllueu Miss Jennie Hush of Smllhltud ii at the Palmer Mr L A hell Jr bpd wife of Knttawa were in the city today Mr A L lIertbe tichllrct went to Dawson this morning on host tan tit A It Lassltcr retained from yesterday from Murray after a brief business trip of Central CiMtysuperintendent of the Central Coal ant Iron company Is In the city Mln Emma Steinbeck of Padncau who has been visiting relative lu this city left Wednesday for that city by the way of Rrookport where the will spend K tow days with frlen l1 the Metropolis Herald Mr Tom Jackson of lint Spring Ark son of Mr George Jackson nr rise In tho city at noon today after an absence of nearly ono year He u In tnaemploy of the street car com pony there and holds a high petition with the company lib many friends will be pleased to learn of his success and will be glad to learn of hli return Ht will remain In Piulocnh about n week SOCIAL NOTES Mrs J II fords entertained at cards yesterday afternoon compll laentary to her charming Memphis visitor Mrs Samuel Henderson Mini Katherine Cross and Mica Ora Condo- Choci end It was nn exceedingly de lightful occasion as well as nn artist ieally pretty party The decorations were of holly and rep carnations an tho red erect was carried throughout The tally cards were handpainted holly The first prize was won by Mrs Victor fort the lone haul by MM 8 II Wlustead tho Tlsltori prize by Miss Katherino Cross of Memphis and the consolation prize by Mrs W M Bawls A delightful twoconrso luncheon wortiiost artistically served the saladI In red apples cud the cieam in red candy hearts ornamented with cher ties empnathring the color them very prettily slure The ball ponilre en masque at the WbltefleU homo on last droning we- an exceedingly beautiful party It watglvcn in honor of Miss Annn Louts Leo of Oolhmbni Miss the guest of Miss Kathleen Whltcneld The guests in their quaint and erect lye costumes male a most charming sane The cotillion was led by Mr Roy Cnlley and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour A delightful you cheon was served There will be a reception at the res idence of Mr sod Mrs Robert Baker 11110 West Broadway this evening from 8 mail 11 Given by tho Trimbl- street Methodist church in honor cf Roy and Mrs John Witt Irion MiA la Thompson Is entertaining at cards this afternoon at her home on Jefferson street Mrs L W Boswell of North Fifth strut is entertaining a card party this afternoon HANDSOMELY REMEMBERED MR KYLE AND MISS SSIVTHE BEND THEIR PICTURES TO TILE KENTUCKY CLUB Mr Saunders Fowler president of the Kentucky ebb Is In receipt of two beautiful photographs one of Mr Howard Kyle who presented Nathan Uload one of Miss Florence Smytbe who took the part of Alice Adams In the same production These have been handsomely framed and now adorn the walls of that ele gently furnished club Mr Kilo and Miss Smythe were the Invited guests of a dinner at the club eel send these remembrances as evidences of thelrnp predation of tho kind treatment ex tended to them whllo hero lost week POLICE COURT TilE GASES TODAY WERE MOST LY CONTINUED There was a short sesslbn of I police court this morning and no convlc times Harry McKlnney andothers charged with petty larceny will again lie tried tomorrow as their ce was not finished today They are charged with stealing cal Peon the Real coal yards Alfred Taylor of heaves county charged with having stolen an Over coat from Motorman Clarence dark ion was discharged as tho evidence showed that the raotorman saw men take the coat and inado no IboI I tempt to top him Major Anderson colored I Is charged with having obtained money by laiIOr r pretenses securing tG from a under the pretense of helping a mm alleged to have been in trouble The I casowat continued Hi Tom Tate will leave tomorrow for Belbncklr Terre to resume his studies In college Mr Rrmle Tate hit brother will accompany him to- Nashville OoM your mirror reelect clean white teeth and sound gums l1t not thoa we Jcnnelleetooth powder Hiw Lola La line of Hendenoa iJMP ol Mrs II P Bigh- tsDrf3ealles Tooth Powder Mr oayperlwtslentritle Ued t Mel sepia Sold terall x x- u tarti jkC u11 elfM SAME COMMITTEE The Elks Decide to Givo Another Carnival This Spring Mr L A Lifoninlno i ii Chiiimln of the Committee cn Arrangements Tho members of Paducah lodge of rrcommendjtlOD lIrchlerllto eacoarjftlllas every support At a testimonial ctI their and past BKrvlcen the old carnival committee Mcsits Ij AI Lsgonnarslno Charles Wctllo and J J Head was renppotnted and will begin work nt onco Jt has n month the start of lent year and the benefit of much experience beMn1 will lose no tlmo on making the necessary preparations The sub committees covering every department will bo appointed as soon as the committee can meet and onolnt them und then headquarters will be established and work ben In earnest Needless to say the carnltal will be a greater success than the ono last May The Kits are determined to startn oat to do a thing always do it The committee expects to meet the Gas kill and Bostock carnival people hero decidel who will famish tbe mtdiray attrac tions Tonight InsleiiJo lodge Odd Pel lows will Install the following cltl aura A O Mayers noble grand Samuel Itobertson vise grand Peter J Bcchenback secretary and George VV Itobcrtron treasurer At the in stallation ceremonies the appointed ofllclalt will bo named The election of otllccrs for the Tribe laste night on amount of dim small at tendance but was defrrreil two weeks Otego Tribe No CO lied Men will 1Incet tonight In rtznlar session and there will likely boa large attendance Mr Klmnt Darter was last night In dated into Padncah lodge and served an elegant banquet drowse COLLECT IN ADVANCE NEW RULING OF POSTOFF1CE DEPARTMENT AFFECTING COUNTRY PAPERS A ruling of Interest to publishers of courtry papers in Kentucky has Just Ivcu mailo by Third Assistant Post deniese tin right of the publishers to extend credit to any subscriber for his paper under penalty of withdrawal of mall lug priflleges Tho matter is treat log considerable Interest jMr Mad dos believes that second class matter I is carried at an actual lots to the gov eminent despite statistics to the con tracy Ills ruling will not affect dally papers and standard publications which are circulated on a cash blII INSURANCE BUSINESS TilE IIEPORT WILL SHOW A LOSS OF ABOUT U5000 Tie report of amount of Insurance losses I etn for Padncah during the past year I Is not yet complete but Stamp Deputy lloso if hailat work on It and will have It ready by tisst weekA prominent insurance man stated that the report will show that the companies have lost about US COO In Paducah About twentyseven companies have withdrawn from the state and a dozen or thereabout from Paducah A cold cough or la grippe ran la 1 nipped III the bud with a done or two of FOLKY9 IIONRV AND TAR Beware of substitutes J 0 Ollbert The Sun has removed to the old Newt steel 113 South Third itrcet SATURDAY JANUARY Iare Country Sweet Cider per 50c gallon Illaa 4OCpeck i i Hulk Alirea I per pluh J J5c Nice for LargePrunes Four Pounds 25c Navy UeawSlzPounds- Quaker 2 r r pocks 0 ew1UC J l I pereeuw2UC Lsrgellickog Tuls2UC per Ik F AT LOUIS CLARKS it THE MAR1EJSTREET ° t1 J GROCER r- Ill YgLEPNONE 4ti tInU J 1 4 7 VERY GOOD TIMEII n Now to buy your WlntcFShou and Sippers at d Rocks ff SOME RRICES Ladles budoir slippers 48 Ladles button shoes 7Sc Misses button shots In patent and kid tip 7Sc Utile Lents school sloes f8 l 23Rock Son 321 Broadway A THE KENTUCKY11 I J IT BNOLISH MON MATINEE AND NIGHT SATURDAY JAN 4th lathe humorous Third TrmI the Comedy Uisnn Suc- cessKIDNAPPED In I j NEW YORK 1eraTor rid 10 hrsnnlh nl lutlunri A1IY MAHIONCIAHK f NE IT SEEtbecurGrnlu1uo Special New Scenery Matchless Costumes PRICKS MntinteAilulti sec Chll jcNIGHT 75cSeats Next CoghlauJanuary THE KENTUCKY Jas E Mgr i i 7TUESDAY Sold Lurrara Iv u Miss Gertrude Coghlan laprnouilnv BecKy Sharp U a UruutluiKi or 1IACKKItAY ft VANITY FAIR era II KEVINS Magnificent Scenic Production Ilaycrs of Recognized Ability Everywhere piayedat Jiso top prces Note the prices for Paducah rillCKS tt 750 soc 3Sc ac Seat Sale opens Monday at 91 in I Cnrriaicm al II It i 01 I Next Attraction Iuscy St John In A Run on the Hank Wednesday January 8lh Matinee aud Night THE KENTUCKY IAS E ENGLSH Mgr I WEDNESDAYJAN I 8 I TilE FAIIIT + I PUSEY AND ST JOHN Jn lee Funoitit t all Lctigbitii Mp4 A RUN ON TilE BANK A Moiicsl Psrr Coratilr uliltllj rp lo hale l lpplinglua t H II lobe and Ihcli I mom IMACIK kli TKK Kutin Ml Burntmtd 111 kind pettiulw Arthurocrl stes NtnlnjC 4 Button 54 mny ethers L rludiof wcl1vlccil Chorus of Fifteen Pretty Girls la lie Unl Popular Hiilt ol the 117 rrlceAd JjNight I Seats on Sale TUK3DAY 9 am Next Altrnctlon Tim Murphy in A Capitol Comedy Thursday Jan 9 MR L A LAUOMAUS1NO 1mlAr1dl 1 0 lc J 1 We have on sate at cut prices some of our lintel go ds In mens ladies and chfldrcneI hoesi i ey t SOME PRICES > Child JOe Misses I5c Men 0 25c Mens embroidered slippers 50c Mens Cong cut from 250 and UOD to Jf0 All mens500 tars cut to 298 t 32J I Mr litiglislt oclock Ttl YV t GOT i TO 60 Cut prices now prevail Menls and Boys Cloth ing and the reductions are more than ever heretofore t Come and let us show you II IITh 600 reduced and to 650 Mins Fill Suits are il 8675 II 125pm rubbers rubbers rubbers gaiters on CttF The 750 850 and 1000 Mens Fally 1 3I Suits arc reduced to 675 1250 and 1350 Mens Fall Suits II IIThe are rciurcd to 1 SI290 The 1500 1600 and1800 Mens ErCf Suits are reduced to FallI I The 2000 2250 and 2500 Mens Fall Suits are reduced to BE OFF 81410C JOn I and on oil > knee suits and long pant suits I BIG JARDINIERE SALE AT ARCADEI All Day Tomorrow Cuspldores Here arc a fw prices we give to sho v you what great offers you can get tomorrow barge 9 Tech Iancy Jntilinlctcs escorted blends and I nil were II and Ego They ro nt Jardinieres that wore f2ootomorrows Ilooineh 0111o line of 9 and ioiuch Jardiniere that wero I IAnother 50 aud f i coall go for Jardinieres and Pedestals that seer IlIeaulllul i7spcdal tomorrow 83 75 aril lieautitulardineres the Tine art gooiltthat were 16 and F7special 3jo and China Cuspldorcs that sold for 7oc = special IIlite tomorrow at line of these goods that sold at doe go on I IADolhcr tomorrow at S3t98 1 r 1 S980 I I I 1 I ICOtltc bobs THE beauties tomorrow 49c I I 99c I 73c I 450 I 400 I 37c I 23cl Ccme down and look them oer Such prices you never saw before For style lId prices they cant be beat By far the handsomest line on The Street We alto make a special lIce of 19 cents on too Beautiful Picture Fran that ate worth 3Sc or 400 anywhere THE ARCADE O posit the Palmer House en J < J C ji S bi dbtforiTh SUN Vnd f pct tb hilL It s At JO t

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Post on 21-Sep-2020




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Page 1: rrcommendjtlOD ftl l1 t r 1 23Rock Son I 8L ts Ttlnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814pg21/data/0017.pdfv S OVESe-A WI 8RL1e-t AV9 J mil HErJ m5 A-RATBDI on Rradi sea te 324-l 3 AboutPeople SAdiiSodi


usa1 eMY iir

fa I silos TM-

1aee 4stMleibev-

e boM Mu1 ktvtMg kilos sty N-

ldanailaw TIprw roseIIIt cant W k atet>

a N Us nd c aarYlaR 1-

aI hey lihttedt 1hn eaU Ss teellneJtMttLJ It to MM PntMeet-

far ie tk eta O riirN ftlsaes-


RUNTTbe Ns t 1r of

The 11ana new wlll be etk-dtaitlentr yglSX > 1

MrDdteflipitiai The Sit I

8eIA ewe rotta eotoa North Tuittlli Mieet ApplysrFJaler

attmp To imk to IGI pry

fanllybywIsH weutw CallIt Soath Thltf


D Competent exrerienoedpeer lady i referred Addreii8LeLOP OB BXBAYM Strawberry

taa atOM < tl yuan oto IS 13 handstwo white klt d feeti a little

Irl BewM1 paid for KOOT

Hn L 8 Dimcan SOOBron

tii fee1a

7 lMa >LBBBS I

cut low Soeats per line

Dr Pwilejr phone 418

fkireirood phone 4ft

s1 Wkwlnr etgn Ring SOS tfp bttkory store wood phone 411

ttiLorlDg for Intnrance of all0sAa for Ellct Dream

MJ5e a 100 at The

njM you mall

rooms dolt

shas teenotbdto hitoleos suer theHctttder price

fOdbeteci1laof oMcars of the

wat postponed last nightstThmtey



a yvgimw8 V iTBeker who wee shot Christ

g tf Jim Kale It still ImprovinglMd lDrOleeiyethatlte tolnktte

will b aWe to atteatlthe trial of Hale

O MttjMhwkMiJtcjellKctly fc Umfciuehi damaged

stock of wM paper and window

rihWMftluaf prise 321 Court Stttjctor lea 0 Ingram isre16e Terrell live stable at

eathoaCevtwMeh tetobe o-

eupkQbyMr Wynn Tolly when com

Prodai The Sun nroomcare prepared

to gite yon the iwatest work of soy toto opted to the city

fbo Bre d psrtoent Ira Ailed toWilh and Bfotblvray let night by atejepaone eetailag that therewar a fire Itwaaonlya pruik but

will not be to funny if Chief Woods

Jl who It wasI

haeremoteeftlcoidetkbuar8g ofpuslte this post

4eIi9 ftI 7tm0rpo Gray oetered who tea-

t by Spot Peck tereral ilayt agoin allro bet Ua rery precarlont

K llttonITkejastorandimember of tie-B MptII 4chnrch arf plannUe

Ikingforthecoiningi of ErtnllCrsoo Thrwillbe serviceiljfit and all members arid friend

are BRoJ to U present as there willKnoioromeetlDK< till Sunday

rwator Yelscr now tin a teleJhoiie in his office at the city hall


f I

MpMlers IiXlt the first time a phone

nla iko mayor office lineI jnn onVelepbono In the cityialt itMlbCMi seal by11 offlclals Il-

lrutMrleit7t I



t Ml Res Ibone loir


>Jgatbr > aay years here q may ofIN ii+ eke rooeetsei been revisedjtaiatt the Preserve reason ADd

ttmic tHgltah takes pleatnro intmsMMtak to lilt jxlroas tbathebM teenvd tbo comedy that madeWard ana Yokes famous vliy A

ItM M the Bank for the attractionilio Kentucky on Wednesday attar

MtntdtdDlght Those clever comedy

saitPoey cad St John who havebeen starring for several seasons pratI-

sstller E D Stairs management 11-

1IiiitHao tie leadtog role of Percy andHarold and tile safe to assume that

two sub competent artiste and curby a company of more than

1111 people who have been selectedtipoclal care for the parts they


tcaton and it will no doubt fullyequal the enormous builneti done bythis clever comedy under previous


Baby Verina who depict thucharacter of Marion flUrk in BarneyGIlmore successful comedydrama

Kidnapped In New York It only alittle over tour yours old While thisIt the first putt the hat ever playedIbo nnusnal brightness anti Intolllgenre she displays promtso greetthings for her In tho future She Itai natural as if she was playing IIn

the nursery Ht home and ahamate a great hit with the ladlesand children Uhi will be icon horstomorrow afternoon and night when

Kidnapped in New York will tthe attraction ai Tho Kentucky

There brave been a good manychanges In Kidnapped In NewYork since last reason but its pop¬

clarity 1It on the Increase The compony It headed ly Barney Ollmorewho has made tie publIc leech sa1-


his great creation of Dooleythe past three seasons

erect and clever specialties orepromtsei feet now on taleI





A man named Plank Ray all l cirlag hit homo at Fadncah and whoclaims to bare been mustered ont ofrtho army last October at San Funcisco U under arrest at Kinsley kartfor holding np a telegraph ol>androbhlni him of 4333-

He used a pistol to enforce his de

sire and U was by hit voice and thepistol that he was recognized Irf theoperator He war heM over

Tho police hero do not know theprisoner at least by such a name


The jjartnoralilrr heretofore ex

ding between Oreer and Reed of thocity of Ptdncah Ey tit hereby dis-

solved by mutual consent The nnflnlibel business of said partnership willbe attended toby said jmrtners andI

each partner is anthorls d to tolledt

any feet that may be doe or become°I

due to said distolred firm

This the 1st day of JazillArIV02W D Oreer

3t W M ReedSSICK hl=Mrs A L Lasslter Is III

Captain T P Carter IIs 111 at hisI

home on Clark street

Mn Lucy Davit it mncn butter to-

day and will be out shortly It 1Itthorgbt

County Physlcatn J W Pendley Isrecovering from ht° injuries sustained I

by the Petrol wagon colliding withhit boggy Tuesday

A PAINFUL ACCIDENTEd Medley an employ of the Kit

gcru healing factory while workingthis morning stock A largo sliver Into hit left thumb The filter war cutout this morning by Dr Trontman

All the mutant clue children othe Flit Baptist church are requestedto meet with Mrs Ed K Atkins NoSU North Biith street tomorrowafternoon from two until fire


Services will be resumed at TemptIsrael this evening Scrrlcet com

menu at 730i fMetsri Joke Uroots and Henry

Rudy will leave tomorrow for lumpden City Va to resume theirstudies in college

FOR HENTJ story 7 room frameWater and gas Clay between Fourthand Fifth Apply it 705 Court

rt edyt


v S OVESe-A WI 8RL1e-

tt AV9 J mil

HErJ m5 A-

RATBDIon Rradisea te 324-



About PeopleSAdiiSod


rL t

Mr IX IL Willis of the GoldenCroM went to Owtnlbora today towork up interest In the order

Mr Wood Iran of Euttawa wasU the city loday

Mrs Samuel Hendcnuffl of Mem

phis It Tlslting Mrs 711DlntfsAttorney Arthur Y Martin has re-

turned from Orecnrille where hespent the holidays

Mr and Mrt Victor Van Do Malehave returnedfrom a Visit to Texas

Attorney Thomas Harrison ins returned from his visit to Cincinnati

Rr and Mrt J W Ilion returnedlast night from their bridal trip toBt Loult They are at Mr F M

McQUthery 431 North Seventh ttreetfor a while

Mr Jams McOIathery has retarnodto Knoxtllle Tenn where ha IIs

attenilng the University of Tenncitee

Mr WaltonKetchnm has returnedto VanderbtlV uolrcrsttyafter spendingthe holldaytVfth hit mother MrsF M McOlatherT

Mr Al Unriiseller of DecaturIII bfs1 ftiMtile Boyle of CalmIll and visiting Mr and des E1

LearerJof South Eleventh

Mrs boo 4 liarrett will return-BondcyfronslortsmomlhOblowherotstljE

Illnest of her grandmother Mrs Itemilton who has improved

PrincetoneKy returned home this morning

Mrs Mike VfiUiarni returned toMonnd City Ujit morning after avisit to tees husband hem

Mrs 7IL Fount returned to Cairothis morning after a visit here

Attorney Haryey Yeainan who tray

gone Into partnership with Attorneytorn Harriton arrived last evening

Mr E a Teachoit of the N 0and St U was in theclty today

Mr F O Ooltmane

the TlmMcrphy company is at tbPalmer

Superintendent 0 II Fisher of theSouthern tapreucompany wat Inthcity fltolIr


city after a visit to Florence Statonthr ecity after a visit to relatives kith ts


Mrs Batt Stlth of Bllzabethtownreturned homo this morning after avisit to the family of Dr Alvey

Misses Leila Marlow and AliceTodor left for Memphis Tens todayto spend several days with friends andrelativea v

Mr and Mrs 0 T Glenn of Dycusbnrg Ky returned to their homo

after a pleasant visit to Mr end UrLA F Richards of Adamt street

Mr Walter Richard of OrlindaTenn Is visiting his brother Mr A

ER chards of 610 Adam streetMrs P W Maguire of New York

it visiting her sister Sire W A Den-IsI of Jefferson street

Miss Georgia Portngton who hasbeen lhsguest of Mra Elbrldge Palmer during the holidays leftyestirdayfor her home In Asheville N 0

Mr Ed Miller and family returnedto the city atnoon today after a viait in Bardweli

Mrs Tom Hannon of Louisville returned borne at noon today after avisit le her son ifs Ed Haiiuou tatplumber

Mrs Little Kinney and daughter ofMarion returned home at noon todayafter a visit Id the family of Mr HamLoving

Mr Will Polk of the county re

turned to Nashville at noon rosily toreenter Vanderblll University afterspending the holIJwith parents

heretMr 0 V UoieViton will leave to

night for Lot Angeles OLOD apleasure trip 1

Mrs A b Williams of Chicagowent to l dbrllest noon today tovisit Shebat etplie guest of MrsW T Miller hetC

Mr and Mrs Battle formerly ofNashville are at the Palmer HomeMr Battle has accepted a positionwith the Padncali Furniture companyand they will matcethis city theirhome

MM Charles Bnndy has gone toEvanivlllf on a visit

Attorney Morton Tout Cud wifebars returned to Or nvllle alter abilsf visit to the city

1UchboadI Gregory find wife

Miss Edita Vsjjj of St Louis baseturned hpme after a visit to thefamily of Mr U Walleritttn-

M Ws once Uanlner Ruth Smithand icy Thomor Mayfleld whohave been visiting here Uivt returnedbonesiMnioilatnllcosI of McLeansboroilt1IloJMrilleary Stw Ianhlla lieretir ed ht liIIito herpanptf JIf uu Mrs Jo+ UjWit

Mr >4 yOiifiiM ki retUMM18I1MIIIII

JN1e Irvia iPriatlMlister a aR Ie-



rtftLv JINa iGjlrk

take charge of the Owinsboro Mar

singer daring hit lllueuMiss Jennie Hush of Smllhltud ii

at the PalmerMr L A hell Jr bpd wife of

Knttawa were in the city todayMr A L lIertbe tichllrct

went to Dawson this morning on host

tantit A It Lassltcr retained from

yesterday from Murray after a briefbusiness trip

of CentralCiMtysuperintendentof the Central

Coal ant Iron company Is In the cityMln Emma Steinbeck of Padncau

who has been visiting relative lu thiscity left Wednesday for that city by

the way of Rrookport where the willspend K tow days with frlenl1the Metropolis Herald

Mr Tom Jackson of lint SpringArk son of Mr George Jackson nrrise In tho city at noon today afteran absence of nearly ono year He uIn tnaemploy of the street car com

pony there and holds a high petitionwith the company lib many friendswill be pleased to learn of his successand will be glad to learn of hli returnHt will remain In Piulocnh about nweek

SOCIAL NOTESMrs J II fords entertained at

cards yesterday afternoon complllaentary to her charming Memphis

visitor Mrs Samuel Henderson MiniKatherine Cross and Mica Ora Condo-

Choci end It was nn exceedingly delightful occasion as well as nn artistieally pretty party The decorationswere of holly and rep carnations antho red erect was carried throughoutThe tally cards were handpaintedholly The first prize was won byMrs Victor fort the lone haul byMM 8 II Wlustead tho Tlsltoriprize by Miss Katherino Cross ofMemphis and the consolation prize byMrs W M Bawls

A delightful twoconrso luncheonwortiiost artistically served the saladI

In red apples cud the cieam in redcandy hearts ornamented with cherties empnathring the color themvery prettilyslureThe ballponilre en masque at theWbltefleU homo on last droning we-

an exceedingly beautiful party Itwatglvcn in honor of Miss Annn

Louts Leo of Oolhmbni Miss theguest of Miss Kathleen WhltcneldThe guests in their quaint and erectlye costumes male a most charmingsane The cotillion was led by MrRoy Cnlley and dancing was enjoyeduntil a late hour A delightful you

cheon was served

There will be a reception at the residence of Mr sod Mrs Robert Baker11110 West Broadway this eveningfrom 8 mail 11 Given by tho Trimbl-

street Methodist church in honor cfRoy and Mrs John Witt Irion

MiA la Thompson Is entertainingat cards this afternoon at her home on

Jefferson street

Mrs L W Boswell of North Fifthstrut is entertaining a card partythis afternoon





Mr Saunders Fowler president ofthe Kentucky ebb Is In receipt of twobeautiful photographs one of MrHoward Kyle who presented Nathan

Uload one of Miss FlorenceSmytbe who took the part of AliceAdams In the same productionThese have been handsomely framedand now adorn the walls of that elegently furnished club Mr Kilo andMiss Smythe were the Invited guestsof a dinner at the club eel send theseremembrances as evidences of thelrnppredation of tho kind treatment ex

tended to them whllo hero lost week




There was a short sesslbn of Ipolicecourt this morning and no convlctimes Harry McKlnney andotherscharged with petty larceny willagain lie tried tomorrow as their cewas not finished today They arecharged with stealing cal Peon theReal coal yards

Alfred Taylor of heaves countycharged with having stolen an Overcoat from Motorman Clarence darkion was discharged as tho evidenceshowed that the raotorman sawmen take the coat and inado no IboII

tempt to top himMajor Anderson colored IIs charged

with having obtained money by laiIOrrpretenses securing tG from aunder the pretense of helping a mmalleged to have been in trouble The I

casowat continued

Hi Tom Tate will leave tomorrowfor Belbncklr Terre to resume hisstudies In college Mr Rrmle Tatehit brother will accompany him to-


OoM your mirror reelect cleanwhite teeth and sound gums l1t notthoa we Jcnnelleetooth powder

Hiw Lola La line of Hendenoa

iJMP ol Mrs II P Bigh-tsDrf3ealles Tooth Powder Mr

oayperlwtslentritle Ued tMel sepia Sold terall xx-

utarti jkC u11



The Elks Decide to Givo Another

Carnival This Spring

Mr L A Lifoninlno iii Chiiimln of the

Committee cn Arrangements

Tho members of Paducah lodge of

rrcommendjtlODlIrchlerlltoeacoarjftlllasevery support At a testimonial ctItheir and past BKrvlcen theold carnival committee Mcsits Ij AILsgonnarslno Charles Wctllo and JJ Head was renppotnted and willbegin work nt onco Jt has n monththe start of lent year and the benefitof much experience beMn1 willlose no tlmo on making the necessarypreparations The sub committeescovering every department will boappointed as soon as the committeecan meet and onolnt them und thenheadquarters will be established andwork ben In earnest

Needless to say the carnltal will be

a greater success than the ono lastMay The Kits are determined tostartnoat to do a thing always do it Thecommittee expects to meet the Gas

kill and Bostock carnival people herodecidelwho will famish tbe mtdiray attractions

Tonight InsleiiJo lodge Odd Pellows will Install the following cltlaura A O Mayers noble grandSamuel Itobertson vise grand PeterJ Bcchenback secretary and GeorgeVV Itobcrtron treasurer At the installation ceremonies the appointedofllclalt will bo named

The election of otllccrs for the Tribelastenight on amount of dim small attendance but was defrrreil two weeks

Otego Tribe No CO lied Men will1Incet tonight In rtznlar session and

there will likely boa large attendance

Mr Klmnt Darter was last night In

dated into Padncah lodge and servedan elegant banquet drowse




A ruling of Interest to publishers ofcourtry papers in Kentucky has JustIvcu mailo by Third Assistant Postdeniesetin right of the publishers to extendcredit to any subscriber for his paperunder penalty of withdrawal of malllug priflleges Tho matter is treatlog considerable Interest jMr Maddos believes that second class matterIis carried at an actual lots to the goveminent despite statistics to the contracy Ills ruling will not affect dallypapers and standard publicationswhich are circulated on a cash blII




Tie report of amount of InsurancelossesI etn for Padncah during thepast year IIs not yet complete butStamp Deputy lloso if hailat workon It and will have It ready by tisstweekA

prominent insurance man statedthat the report will show that thecompanies have lost about US COO In

PaducahAbout twentyseven companies have

withdrawn from the state and a dozen

or thereabout from Paducah

A cold cough or la grippe ran la1

nipped III the bud with a done or

two of FOLKY9 IIONRV AND TARBeware of substitutes

J 0 Ollbert

The Sun has removed to the old

Newt steel 113 South Third itrcet



Iare Country Sweet Cider per 50cgallon

Illaa 4OCpecki iHulk AlireaI

per pluh JJ5cNice

forLargePrunes Four Pounds 25c

Navy UeawSlzPounds-


2r r

pocks0 ew1UCJ

l Ipereeuw2UCLsrgellickog Tuls2UCper Ik






1 4


Now to buy your WlntcFShouand Sippers at

d Rocks ff


Ladles budoir slippers 48

Ladles button shoes 7Sc

Misses button shots In

patent and kid tip 7Sc

Utile Lents school sloes f8

l 23Rock Son 321 Broadway ATHE KENTUCKY11 I




lathe humorous


TrmIthe Comedy Uisnn Suc-



NEW YORK1eraTor rid 10 hrsnnlh nl lutlunriA1IY MAHIONCIAHK f



Special New SceneryMatchless Costumes

PRICKS MntinteAilulti sec Chll

jcNIGHT75cSeatsNext CoghlauJanuary


Jas E Mgr ii

7TUESDAYSold Lurrara Iv u

Miss Gertrude Coghlanlaprnouilnv

BecKy SharpU a UruutluiKi or 1IACKKItAY ft


Magnificent Scenic ProductionIlaycrs of Recognized Ability

Everywhere piayedat Jiso topprces Note the prices for

PaducahrillCKS tt 750 soc 3Sc acSeat Sale opens Monday at 91 in I

Cnrriaicm al II It i 01 I

Next Attraction Iuscy StJohn In A Run on the HankWednesday January 8lh Matineeaud Night





PUSEY AND ST JOHNJn lee Funoitit t all Lctigbitii Mp4

A RUN ON TilE BANKA Moiicsl PsrrCoratilr uliltllj rp lo halel lpplinglua t H II lobe and IhcliI

mom IMACIK kli TKK Kutin Ml

Burntmtd 111 kind pettiulw Arthurocrlstes NtnlnjC 4 Button 54 mny ethers L

rludiof wcl1vlccilChorus of Fifteen Pretty Girls

la lie Unl Popular Hiilt ol the 117


Seats on Sale TUK3DAY 9 amNext Altrnctlon Tim Murphy in A

Capitol Comedy Thursday Jan 9



0 lcJ


We have on sate at cut prices

some of our lintel go ds In

mens ladies and chfldrcneIhoesiiey



Child JOe

Misses I5cMen 0 25c

Mens embroidered slippers 50c

Mens Cong cutfrom 250 and UOD to Jf0

All mens500 tars cut to 298t

32J I




Ttl YVt

GOTi TO 60Cut prices now prevailMenls and Boys Cloth

ing and the reductions aremore than ever heretofore t

Come and let us show you

IIIITh 600reduced


650 Mins Fill Suits are

il 8675







CttFThe 750 850 and 1000 Mens Fally 13I Suits arc reduced to 675

1250 and 1350 Mens Fall SuitsIIIIThe are rciurcd to 1

SI290 The 1500 1600 and1800 MensErCf Suits are reduced to FallII I

The 2000 2250 and 2500 MensFall Suits are reduced to BE



JOnI and on oil > knee suits and long pant suits I


ARCADEIAll Day Tomorrow

CuspldoresHere arc a fw prices we give to sho v you

what great offers you can get tomorrow

barge 9 Tech Iancy Jntilinlctcs escorted blends andI nil were II and Ego They ro nt

Jardinieres that wore f2ootomorrowsIlooineh 0111o

line of 9 and ioiuch Jardiniere that weroIIAnother50 aud f i coall go for

Jardinieres and Pedestals that seerIlIeaulllul i7spcdal tomorrow 83 75 aril

lieautitulardineres the Tine art gooiltthat were16 and F7special 3jo and

China Cuspldorcs that sold for 7oc =specialIIlitetomorrow at

line of these goods that sold at doe go onIIADolhcr tomorrow at

S3t98 1 r1

S980 I II 1


ICOtltc bobs




49c I I99c I

73c I

450 I

400 I

37c I

23clCcme down and look them oerSuch prices you never saw beforeFor style lId prices they cant be beatBy far the handsomest line on The Street

We alto make a special lIce of 19 cents on tooBeautiful Picture Fran that ate worth 3Sc or

400 anywhere

THE ARCADEO posit the Palmer House

enJ < J C ji

S bidbtforiTh SUN Vndf pct tbhilL It s At JOt