rpp smk english x

LESSON PLAN (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) School : SMK Muhammadiyah Randublatung Subject : English Department : TOKR Grade / Semester : XI / 4 Time allotment : 6 x 45 minutes Meeting : 29, 30, 31 Standard of Competency : Communicating English at Elementary Level Basic Competency : 2.5 Expressing feelings Indicators : Expressions of invitation are applied and responded correctly Expressions of bargaining are expressed and responded correctly Expressions of certainty are expressed and respond correctly Expressions of compliments are applied and responded correctly A. Learning Objectives: By the end of the course, students will be able to: 1. Express and respond expressions of invitation, bargaining, certainty and complements. 2. Expressions of invitation, bargaining, certainty and complements are compossed correctly B. Teaching Materials: INVITATION Expressions used in giving invitation

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(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

School : SMK Muhammadiyah Randublatung

Subject : English

Department : TOKR

Grade / Semester : XI / 4

Time allotment : 6 x 45 minutes

Meeting : 29, 30, 31

Standard of Competency : Communicating English at Elementary Level

Basic Competency : 2.5 Expressing feelings

Indicators :

Expressions of invitation are applied and responded correctly

Expressions of bargaining are expressed and responded correctly

Expressions of certainty are expressed and respond correctly

Expressions of compliments are applied and responded correctly

A. Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Express and respond expressions of invitation, bargaining, certainty and complements.

2. Expressions of invitation, bargaining, certainty and complements are compossed correctly

B. Teaching Materials:

INVITATION Expressions used in giving invitation

Do you want to … Would you like to … If you’d like to … How would you like to … I was wondering

+ V1

Do you feel like Would you mind How about How do you fancy I was wondering it

+ Ving

Expressions used in responding an invitation

Accepting an invitation Refusing an invitation

Yes, I’d love to Yes, that would be nice With pleasure Yes, thanks I’m pleased/happy/glad to do that

I am sorry, I can’t. I’d love to, but (I have to finish my job). I’m afraid, I can’t Sorry, I’m busy That would be nice but …



Expression used in bargaining Response of bargaining Can I bargain it? Can you give me a discount? It’s too expensive. How about … What if I bargain … Is there any discount on it?

I’m sorry. It’s a fixed price All right. That’s too low.

EXPRESSING CERTAINTY Being sure.-I'm sure / certain (that) (he will come / ...)-There is no doubt about it.-No doubt (you'd like to see your gift / ...)-I certainly think / believe that (she was unhappy / ...)-I'm positive on that point.-I'm certain...-It is obvious that ...-That goes without saying.-It's crystal clear.-It's as sure as two and two make four.Being less sure.-I think so-I think that ( they will be there by 6 / ...)-I suppose so.-I suppose / expect that ( it is the way to the bus stop /...)-I believe that ( he is sick / ...)-I assume (that ) (they did it / ...)-It's more than probable that ...-I wouldn't be surprised if ....Being unsure.-I'm not sure (that) ...-I wonder if...-I doubt if ...-May be / perhaps (they're right / ...)-It's very doubtful whether (he'll accept / ...)-There's a little chance of ( arriving in time / ...)-It isn't known for use ...Not knowing.-I don't think so.-I don't think that (they will give her a ring / ...)-I don't know / I've no idea / I wouldn't like to say (where it is).-I haven't the faintest idea.-Sorry, I can't tell you.Construction of ‘used to’:Used to + base formBe/get + used to + ing formBe/get accustomed to + ing form/noun phrase

C. Methods of Instruction :

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) yang mencakup Inquiry (Menemukan),

(Questioning) Bertanya, Constructivism (Konstruksi), Learning Community (Kelompok

Belajar), Authentic Assesment (Penilaian sebenarnya), Modelling (Pemodelan), dan

Reflection (Refleksi).


D. Teaching Scenario :

1. Meeting 29

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation

b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher delivers an open question about giving invitation.

b) Students are introduced to the expressions of invititaion in English, either how to

give or how to respond.

c) Students are also introduced to the structure of “get+used to”.

2) Elaboration

a) Students are directed to compose their own invitation expression.

b) Teacher encourages students to compose a sentence using “used to”

c) Students are invited to write their work on the white board.

3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to write an invitation and its respond based on the

situation given.

b) Students are requested to complete the sentence with the correct verb.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

2. Meeting 30

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation


b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher delivers an open question about bargaining.

b) Students are introduced to the expressions of bargaining

c) Students are also introduced to the expressions of certainty

2) Elaboration

a) Students invited to read the list of expressions about bargaining and use it to

make a dialogue in pair, as if they were a buyer and a seller.

b) Teacher explains various expressions of certainty including their meaning and


3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to differenciate some expressions whether they belog to

sure, less sure, unsure, or not knowing.

b) Student’s job is evaluated and discussed in the class.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

3. Meeting 31

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation

b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher delivers a compliment to students.

b) Students’ response is applied as an example of an Indonesian response to


c) Students are introduced to the expressions of English compliments and how to

respond it correctly.

2) Elaboration

a) Students are encouraged to work in pair composing a sentence contains

compliment, and the correct response to it

b) Teacher gives some comments and correction if needed.


3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to translate sentences contain compliments into English.

b) Student’s task must be completed individually.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

E. Required Books and Media

1. Media: board marker, white board.

2. Books:

Effective Communication (Elementary Level)

The Universe of English (book 2)

F. Evaluation

Task 1: Complete the dialogue using the words in the box!

A journalist is interviewing Lidya Lau, a young singer.

The journalist : Congratulations on your ……(1)……, Lidya.

Lidya : ……(2)…… I’m so happy.

The journalist : What is the ……(3)…… of your new album?

Lidya : Lao Zhi Zao jian Kang Ge.

The journalist : Can you tell me how many albums you have ……(4)……?

Lidya : Sure. I have four albums.

The journalist : I see. How old were you when you did the first one?

Lidya : I was four.

The journalist : Wow! ……(5)……!

Lidya : Yes, and I also want to tell you that I ……(6)…… an award from MURI as

the first child who ……(7)…… a Mandarin album in Indonesia.

The journalist : Well, once again ……(8)……, Lidya.

Lidya : Thanks so much.

Fantastic – Congratulations – recorded – success title – received – launched – Thank you


Task 2: Create a dialogue based on the situation given!

1. Michael asks Susan to see West Life. Susan accepts it.

Michael : Would you like to see West Life concert in HI on Saturday evening?

Susan : ......................................................

2. Dony asks Susi to watch tennis match this afternoon, but Susi refuse because she is


Dony : .....................................................

Susy : .....................................................

3. There is a big discount in Matahari Department Store.

Intan asks Mira to go there for shopping and Mira agree.

Intan : ......................................................

Mira : ......................................................

4. Tiara will held a birthday party next Sunday morning, and she invites Rizky to come but

Rizky can’t come because he must go to his grandparents with his family.

Tiara : ......................................................

Rizky : ......................................................

5. The day is very hot. Tanjung asks her brother to have some drinks and her brother

agrees, because he is thirsty.

Tanjung : ......................................................

Aria : ......................................................

Task 3: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form.

1. Judy had to get used to _____ on the left. (drive)

2. When I was a child, I used to ______ swimming everyday. (go)

3. I’m the boss. I’m not used to _________ told what to do. (be)

4. You’ll have to get used to _______ less if you want to lose weight. (eat)

5. There used to ____ a cinema on this corner but it was knocked down.

Randublatung, February 2012

Acknowledged by,

The Principal of


S U W I T,S.Ag. Sri Uswatun Hasana, S.Pd.NBM : 100.3984



(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

School : SMK Muhammadiyah Randublatung

Subject : English

Department : TOKR

Grade / Semester : XI / 4

Time allotment : 8 x 45 minutes

Meeting : 25, 26, 27, 28

Standard of Competency : Communicating English at Elementary Level

Basic Competency : 2.5 Expressing feelings

Indicators :

Expressions of asking and giving opinion are expressed and responded correctly

Expressions of agreeing and disagreeing are expressed and responded correctly

A. Learning Objectives:

1. Asking and giving opinion correctly

2. Responding opinion correctly

3. Expressing and responding to expressions of agreement and disagreement correctly

B. Teaching Materials:

1. Stating an opinion

a. In my opinion...

b. The way I see it...

c. If you want my honest opinion....

d. According to Lisa...

e. As far as I'm concerned...

f. If you ask me...

2. Asking for an opinion

a. What's your idea?

b. What are your thoughts on all of this?

c. How do you feel about that?

d. Do you have anything to say about this?

e. What do you think?

f. Do you agree?

g. Wouldn't you say?

3. Expressing agreement

a. I agree with you 100 percent.

b. I couldn't agree with you more.

c. That's so true.

d. That's for sure.

e. You're absolutely right.

f. Absolutely.

g. That's exactly how I feel.

h. Exactly.

i. I'm afraid I agree with James.

j. I have to side with Dad on this one.

k. No doubt about it.

l. I suppose so / I guess so.


m. You have a point there. n. I was just going to say that.

4. Expressing disagreement

a. I don't think so.

b. No way.

c. I'm afraid I disagree.

d. I totally disagree.

e. I beg to differ.

f. I'd say the exact opposite.

g. Not necessarily.

h. That's not always true.

i. That's not always the case.

j. No, I'm not so sure about that.

5. Interruptions

a. Can I add something here?

b. Is it okay if I jump in for a second?

c. If I might add something...

d. Can I throw my two cents in?

e. Sorry to interrupt, but...

f. (after accidentally interrupting

someone) Sorry, go ahead. OR

Sorry, you were saying...

g. (after being interrupted) You didn't

let me finish.

6. Settling an argument

a. Let's just move on, shall we?

b. Let's drop it.

c. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.

d. (Sarcastic) Whatever you say. / If you say so.

7. The construction of Either and Neither

C. Methods of Instruction :

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) yang mencakup Inquiry (Menemukan),

(Questioning) Bertanya, Constructivism (Konstruksi), Learning Community (Masyarakat

Belajar), Authentic Assesment (Penilaian sebenarnya), Modelling (Pemodelan), dan

Reflection (Refleksi).

D. Teaching Scenario :

1. Meeting 25

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation

b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher asks students’ opinion about National Final Examination.

b) Students are invited to express their opinion.

c) Students are introduced to the expressions for giving and responding opinion.


2) Elaboration

a) Teacher delivers a topic to be discussed by students

b) Students are invited to express their opinion, and

c) Some others give comment or argument.

d) Students’ discussion is under teacher’s supervision.

3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to write an opinion based on the topic given.

b) Students’ task is evaluated by teacher.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

2. Meeting 26

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation

b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher asks students’ opinion about the increasing of petroleum prices.

b) Students are invited to express their argument.

c) Students are introduced to the expressions for giving arguments.

2) Elaboration

a) Teacher delivers a topic to be discussed by students

b) Students are invited to express their opinion, and

c) Some others give comment or argument.

d) Students’ discussion is under teacher’s supervision.

3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to write their argument based on the situation given.

b) Students’ task is evaluated by teacher.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting


3. Meeting 27

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation

b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Teacher asks students’ opinion about a certain topic.

b) Students are invited to tate whether they are agree or disagree

c) Students are introduced to the expressions for agreeing and disagreeing.

2) Elaboration

a) Teacher gives some examples of sentence containing agree and disagree

b) Teacher elaborates the way how to express agreement and or disagreement

c) Students are invited to compose their own sentences using ‘the axpression of

agreement and disagreement.

d) Teacher checks studdents’ work and gives correction if needed.

3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to distinguish sentences given, whether they are included

to expression of agreement or disagreement.

b) Students’ task is evaluated by teacher.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

4. Meeting 28

a. Pre-teaching:

1) Salutation

2) Checking student’s attendance

3) Apperception

Stating the topic and objective of the meeting

4) Orientation

5) Motivation


b. Whilst-teaching:

1) Exploration

a) Techer checks students’ understanding about construction of ‘either’ and


b) Students are introduced to the construction of ‘either’ and ‘neither’.

2) Elaboration

a) Teacher gives some examples of sentence containing either and neither.

b) Teacher elaborates some forms of the construction of ‘either’ and ‘neither’.

c) Students are invited to compose their own sentences using ‘either-neither’.

d) Teacher checks studdents’ work and gives correction if needed.

3) Confirmation

a) Students are requested to translate some sentences containing ‘either’ and


b) Students’ task is evaluated by teacher.

c. Post-teaching

1) Teacher concludes the meeting

2) Teacher opens a question-answer session

3) Teacher gives a slight description about the subject matter for the next meeting

E. Required Books and Media

1. Media: board marker, white board.

2. Books:

Effective Communication (Elementary Level)

The Universe of English (book 2)

F. Evaluation

1. Indonesia is very dirty nowadays. Indonesian don’t like to clean their environment and it

costs flood everywhere. And they also careless to every roles. Give your opinion about the


2. Make an argument based on the following sentence:

Studying in Senior High School has more benefits in entering higher education

Randublatung, March 2012

Acknowledged by,

The Principal of



S U W I T,S.Ag. Sri Uswatun Hasana, S.Pd.NBM : 100.3984