rph math year 4

DAILY LESSON PLAN FOR MICRO TEACHING Subject : Mathematics Class : 4 Amanah No of students : 5 Date : 30 th July 2010 Time : 8.40 - 9.40 am (1 hour) Topic : Whole Numbers (Multiplication) Learning area : Multiplication within the highest product of 100 000 Learning objectives : Pupils will be taught to multiply any two numbers with the highest product of 100 000 (multiplication problem solving) Learning outcomes : At the end of the lesson, pupils would able to solve multiplication problems and apply the knowledge in real life situations.

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Subject : Mathematics

Class : 4 Amanah

No of students : 5

Date : 30th July 2010

Time : 8.40 - 9.40 am (1 hour)

Topic : Whole Numbers (Multiplication)

Learning area : Multiplication within the highest product of 100 000

Learning objectives : Pupils will be taught to multiply any two numbers with the

highest product of 100 000 (multiplication problem solving)

Learning outcomes : At the end of the lesson, pupils would able to solve multiplication problems and apply the knowledge in real

life situations.

Previous knowledge: Pupils have learnt how to multiply any two numbers with the highest product of 1000

Values : Honesty, rationality, courage, self reliance

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Thinking skills : Analysing, problem solving, synthesising, relating

Materials/resources : Coloured papers, container, glue, origami creations, flash cards, marker pen, modified mounting board, blank

papers, envelopes, “Na-O-Mei”, booklets

Step / Duration Content Teaching & Learning Activities RemarksSet Induction

(5 minutes)

To review previous


- Multiply any

two numbers

with the


product of

100 000

- Teacher puts a few pieces of coloured papers which

consist of numbers in a container.

- The numbers are separated in 3 colours which are pink,

blue and green coloured papers.

- The details are as follows :

Pink : 4 digit-numbers (1203, 4232, 2982, 1456,


Blue : 2 digit-numbers (14, 33, 47, 20, 29, 39, 64,

28, 19, 23)

Green : five pieces of 1000

- The students need to take 4 pieces of coloured papers

from the container

1. Blue and pink

2. Blue and green


Coloured papers,

blank papers,

container, glue,

origami creation

Thinking skills :


Values :

Courage, self


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- The students need to paste the 1 and 2 combination of

multiplication questions on a paper in vertical method

- The students have to solve the two questions given

- Teacher gives a piece of origami creation to student after

they finished answering to boost their spirit.

Step 1(10minutes)

To improvise their

understanding on

problem solving in

multiplication by

using Polya’s model

- Teacher shows the examples of problem solving question

in front of the students

i. A tray is filled with 9 eggs. How many eggs are there

in 1203 similar trays?

ii. There are 12 ‘Ben10’ erasers in one box. How many

‘Ben10’ erasers are there in 1025 boxes?


Flash cards, marker

pen, modified

mounting board





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Question 1

Step 1 : Understanding the problem- How many eggs in one tray?

- How many trays are there?

- What do you have to find?

Step 2 : Devising a plan- Multiplication

Step 3 : Implementing the plan- Teacher comes out with diagrams to indicate the

visualization of the question itself

Thinking skills :


Values :



1203 X

1203 X


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- Next, teacher guides the group by showing the 2 types of

multiple representation which are :

i. Written

1 2 0 3

x 9

ii. Verbal

“ One thousand two hundred and three times

nine ”

- Teacher solves the example by showing the right method

of vertical form with the help of arrows and numbering


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Step 4 : Checking the solution- Teacher shows to students how to check the answer

using division


Question 2

Step 1 : Understanding the problem- How many ‘Ben10’ erasers in one box?

- How many boxes are there?

- What do you have to find?

Step 2 : Devising a plan- Multiplication

Step 3 : Implementing the plan- Teacher comes out with diagrams to indicate the

visualization of the question itself

1 0 8 2 7

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- Next, teacher guides the group by showing the 2 types of

multiple representation which are :

i. Written

1 0 2 5

x 1 2

ii. Verbal

“ One thousand and twenty five times twelve ”

1025 X



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- Teacher solves the example by showing the right method

of vertical form with the help of arrows and numbering


Step 4 : Checking the solution- Teacher shows to students how to check the answer

using division

1 2 1 2 3 0 0

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Step 2(15 minutes)

Individual task - Each student gets one envelope consist of problem

solving question

- The questions are:

i. There are 2545 buttons in a box. How many

buttons are there in 8 boxes?

ii. There are 2250 marbles in each packet.

Ratnam bought 10 packets of marbles. How

many marbles are there altogether?

iii. Tina went to Diamond Bakery. She bought 1080

boxes of muffins. Each box contains 25 muffins.

How many muffins did she buy altogether?

iv. There are 12 bags on a table. Each bag

contains 1000 sweets. How many sweets are


v. Laila has 16 packets of lollypops. If there are

242 lollypops in each packet, how many

lollypops does she has altogether?


Envelopes, blank


Thinking skills :

Analyzing, problem


Values :

Self reliance,


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Step 3(10 minutes)

- Pupils




from the



- Pupils create

stories of


problems by


- They need to take turns and do the working in front

- Each of them will get the opportunity to show their

understanding by solving the question in front of others

- Teacher will give response/feedbacks after each student

finished their questions.

- Before they start to create stories, the approach that

teacher uses is giving question and asks the students to

determine information from it

- Students must use the information taken for the question

and do the vertical method and solve the question

- Teacher then goes on and asks the students to create

stories as follows:

i. Teacher gives multiplication number sentence to

each student

3 400 x 9 = 30 600

ii. Students have to create stories based on the

multiplication number sentence given

iii. Teacher asks each student to read their stories in

front of friends


Flashcards, blank


Thinking skills :

Relating, problem


Values :

Courage, self


There are 3265 fishes in a big pond. How many fishes are there in 14 similar ponds?

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Step 4(15 minutes) Assessment

- Game

- Students will get the chance to play ‘Na-O-Mei’ to apply

knowledge in a fun way

- The questions will be given on problem solving types

- The questions that have been provided are:

A box contains 153 shirts. A dealer ordered 100 boxes of

shirts. How many shirts did the dealer order?

There are 525 nails in a box. How many nails are there in

38 similar boxes?

Raju has 28 containers. Each container has 1000 beans.

How many beans altogether?

Titi buys 10 packs of sweets. One pack consists of 1602

sweets. How many sweets does Titi has?

A ship can carry 386 passengers can 12 such ships


Manan delivers 3241 cupcakes every week. How many

cupcakes he delivered in 19 weeks?

Khalis produces 53 jerseys in a day. How many jerseys


‘Na-O-Mei’, booklet

Thinking skills :

Problem solving,


Values :

Rationality, honesty

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Closure(5 minutes)


can be produced in 118 days?

- The students will definitely have to apply the knowledge in

solving those questions

- Teacher reflects what have the students learnt

- Teacher asks students whether they will try to master

problem solving types of questions or not in the future

- Teacher plays a song entitled “Problem Solving”

- Teacher sings the song together with students

- This song helps students to remember the four steps in

solving problem



Thinking skills :


Values :



In multiplication, you need to solve problems,

You don’t have to worry,

You will get the answers correctly..

There are four steps, that you can follow,

You’ll know what to do after you read the question...

Understand the problem,

Is the first step.

Go to the next step!

Second step, you need to devise a plan;


Implementing the plan and check the solution

There are the steps,

In problem solving!

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In multiplication, you need to solve problems,

You don’t have to worry,

You will get the answers correctly..

There are four steps, that you can follow,

You’ll know what to do after you read the question...

Understand the problem,

Is the first step.

Go to the next step!

Second step, you need to devise a plan;


Implementing the plan and check the solution

There are the steps,

In problem solving!