rpg gazette - jan 2014


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This a an rp mag created for rp-ers by the rp-ers. Feel free to read and give us your opinion. We're still learning.


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Contact Us

Email :: [email protected]

FaceBook :: https://www.facebook.com/RPG.Gazette

Editors :: Phenix & Cara

Contributors ::

Nick Kiara

Reyna Pheni x

Bride Sam

Dean Essie

Trehan Victoria

Ashley Syn

Adrian Elianna

Cara Angelia

Raziel Grace

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Here at the RPG Gazette

We are a magazine by role-players

For role-players

And we are in need of some awesome

writers to help get this out every month

if interested contact us @

[email protected]

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Inside Look at Styxx

By Adrian

Styxx was first introduced in Talon's and Sunshine's story, when he

worked with Dionysus and Camulus. At first Styxx's appearance

piqued our interests. Who was this so called brother, which knew

what Acheron's life was like before he became a god? And what was

he talking about that had Acheron so paralyzed? In Acheron's

book we got our answers, but it made us even more curious about

Styxx. Then that brings about the burgeoning question of: What

happened between the two brothers to cause such enmity?

In Styxx, we get an in-depth look of what the Crowned Prince's life

was like. It is a tale of a young boy's life, who progresses on to be

one of the greatest Greek heroes ever to live. As we progress

through the book, we watch as Styxx grows up from a young prince

to a man. Several things from Acheron's book, that has left us

wondering, are revealed. Some examples are: the truth of Estes's

sudden death, his war in Atlantis, his relationship with Bethany,

and finally his life in modern day times.

This tale encompasses all of the books in the series, written thus

far. It is a tale of sorrow, betrayal, hatred, humility, love, and

loyalty. To be honest, this is one of the best books I have ever read.

It is the embodiment of all that a male should be. In all the previous

books I have read, I have yet to find a book that brought me to tears,

and touched me, like Styxx did. He grew up from a child, through

hardships and never ending trials, to be the best fictional male

characters to be written into a book. It shows us that through all

the suffering, that a being can endure, we can rise out of the ashes

and emerge a re-born phoenix. If you have yet to read it, I highly

recommend that you do so! All your questions about Styxx will be

answered, and so much more!

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Welcome to Dark Hunter Unbound and Unchained, we are a new

Dark Hunter Role Play group but we are building unbelievably fast!

Looking for some of our lost love ones to come home to their

partners, but we have many incredible roles still available. We are

a cannon Group, who follow the Author goddess Sherrilyn Kenyon

books, but still have an edge of creativity to bring their roles to

life. If you are interested we ask that you be: 18 years of age or

older, have a good working knowledge of the books and the

character you are applying for, and come with an enthusiasm to

join ours! Here is the link to an active list of the Writers Needed


https://www.facebook.com/groups/468010613319157/ and

please contact admins Maggie Tigarian DHUU and Soteria

Parthenopaeus DHUU.

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How to . . .

. . . Write a Daily post.

By Remi

Okay so your part of a group, or maybe alone, and you

need to write a daily post; yet you’re drawing a blank on

what to write. Well, I’m here to help you.

The most important part of a daily post is to know your

character. If you don’t know who, or what, your

character is it will hinder your posting. Are you a wolf, a

goddess, or a vampire? Who your character is affects

how you would post. For example, a vampire might not be

posting about the full moon getting closer, but a wolf


Next you need to think to yourself ‘What does my

character do?’ Most characters can have jobs or hunt; a

few, like in the dark-hunter novels fight, so you can post a

fight scene. If you go the fight route, make sure you keep

in mind how the person you’re fighting would respond. I’ve

never seen a true fight were it is: walk up hit them and

done. If you run a shop, or are a doctor, do you have


Finally, there is home life. What type of family does your

character have? Interact with a baby, if you have one,

argue over bills with a spouse, or even go simple: just

curl up with a book and read.

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Once you sort out the above things, take your time and

post about any or all. Include thoughts, feelings and

actions in these posts. Those small touches add a depth

to the character that can’t be seen otherwise.

Now that you have some ideas, get out there and use them.

Happy role playing everyone.

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I’d like to introduce you to Sentella Divinity. We’re a

newly formed small group based on Sherrilyn kenyon’s

League series. If your interested in joining our group

please contact an admin today. Lots of roles to fill.

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Meet Cara Winston

By Bride

Okay, so the spotlight character of the month of January

I chose is the Indy character named: Cara Winston. I asked

her a couple of questions about her character, what RP is

to her, and what she sees and hopes for RP in the future.

Here are the responses that I got, and I must say: thank

you Cara for helping me out in this.

Who is Cara?

Cara is a human working in Sanctuary. She is the only

child of her parents, who still live back home in

Lafayette, La. She is of Acadian descent

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acadian) and while similar

to Cajun culture most are familiar with, they still identify

more with their French ancestors than the Cajuns do and

their accent is not as heavy. She speaks some Acadian

French, but mostly just English. She went to LSU and

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majored in

Psychology and

Sociology, which

is going to help

her when dealing

with her new

boyfriend! She

has a sweet

temperament, but

will only put up

with so much of

Nick’s attitude

before she snaps

back at him. She is

learning that she

doesn’t know

nearly as much

about the world

she lives and

works in as she

believed. She is

being hunted by

Daimons, and not

even Nick can tell why they want her, in particular, so


In Cara’s Words ::

I got into RP in college with Dungeons & Dragons, back

before there was much on the internet. Out of that grew

an extensive sword and knife collection I keep to this day,

and all of them hold an edge. When Cara gets to the point

she carries a weapon, it will be one that I personally own.

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I have used them extensively in my internet RP the past few

years. Up until about 3 1/2 months ago, most of my online

RP had ben still in the D&D world. Then I stumbled across

a group that was doing the Kenyon books. I had just

finished reading Styxx and became Bethany, who has

become my favorite Kenyon character. Out of Bethany

was spawned an Indy character, whose husband has the

same driver as Bethany’s Styxx. A little while later, I

started talking with Nick’s driver and now we have 5

couples across two groups. I got into RP for the same

reason I’ve stayed in RP, I love a good story. And it seems

that so many books end and, even with a series, you only

catch glimpses of your favorite characters. With RP, the

story gets to keep going and in many ways we get to see

the characters we love living out the lives we imagined

for them. No matter what is going on in the real world

around me, when I slip into my character for a story, that

all can get pushed to the side for a while, and I get to live

in the fantasy world my character gets to call home. I

have been very choosy with my writing partners because I

believe communication is as essential for two people

trying to have an RP relationship as it is for those in the

real world. I have been blessed with two wonderful

writing partners currently, and I consider both of them

friends. I hope to see the RP world expand online. Social

Media seems to actually be restricting some of its

expansion at the moment, and I hope to see that end. So

many ways that those in the RP world interact require

travel and money, that Social Media would be smart to

make it accessible to everyone, even if they and to put a

small price on it. Fandom and RP has expanded immensely

since when I started in it, and I hope that fans of shows,

movies, and books never stop writing fan fiction, doing

cosplay, and doing RP. I think one of the best things we

can do for those coming behind us are to let them know

that the story never has to end, that we can continue it as

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long as we have imagination and a willingness to try. I’ve

taken on characters before with no clue what direction

they were going to go in and had it turn out wonderfully.

For those times it didn’t, there were important lessons to

be learned from each experience. I hope that someday my

son, who has a vivid imagination, joins the world of RP for

his favorite books and shows as well. I think both he, and

others, would benefit from being able to escape from

reality and just be a character they’ve always wanted to


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Guardiani del Notte is a fun group with a family

type atmosphere. We’re still kinda new and have

many openings. If your looking for a family then

why not join ours today. Contact Remi Peltier,

Abigail Brady, or Bride today.


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The Do's & Don’t's of

Role Playing

By Raziel

Welcome to the Do's & Don’t's of Role Playing.

Below are some rules that you can DO in role

playing. As well as rules as to what you DON'T DO

in role playing. With each rule, there is an

example, so that everything will be clear.

DO'S of Role Playing:

1. Do have a back story. Back stories help other

Role Player's to know more about who your

character is. Especially if your character is an

OC/Indy (Original Character/Independent



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Full Name







Hair Color

Eye Color

Mode of Transportation

Favorite Pastime


Other Facts


2. DO communicate with your Role Playing partner,

and all other Role Players you're involved with.


Always speak to your role playing partner,

and speak respectfully to one another.

Always talk out SL (Story Line's) whether

Major or Minor, so that no feelings are hurt,

and so there are no misunderstandings.

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3. DO update your Role Playing partner, and Admin

(if there are any) of statuses.


If RL (Real Life) comes into play, let your Role

Playing partner and Admin know why you can't

be around, how long you shall be absent, and

for the reasons.

4. DO always keep other people's feelings in mind.

What you may find in 'good nature' joking could be

considered highly offensive to someone else.


Making erotic jokes, cursing, and playful

flirting. Though in your eyes could be

harmless fun, could be uncomfortable by

another. Always know each Role Players

limits, what they do and don't appreciate.

Sometimes you may need to do a PC (Private

Chat) with some, if not all Role Players, so

that you know not to offend anyone.

5. DO stick with what your character is. If your

character is human, it has human abilities(frail),if

your character is a Were, have it have Were

abilities, if it's a God, God-Like abilities, so on and

so forth.

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Humans do NOT have god-like powers; they can

have pagan, Wicca, powers of that such, but

nothing such as were, god, or vampire. If you

are ANY species, stick with specific species

powers and abilities.

DONT'S of Role Playing:

DON'T god mod. You don't know what someone else

will or won't do, or how they will react to a

specific post or comment.


*He stalks his prey, as he walks up behind him;

he wrapped his arm around his throat, as he

choked him, and cut off his air way, making him

pass out. As he was passed out, he picked up the

unconscious body, and headed to the dark


2. DON'T change a SL (Story Line) without speaking

to everyone involved. There will be confusion, and

some upset role players, if you do not keep their

feelings in retrospect.

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If the SL(Story Line) starts with two

characters fighting, or working together to

find another character, do NOT change the SL

without speaking to everyone involved. If you

do, it could not only ruin the SL, but a possible

argument could ensue.

3. DON'T bring your RL (Real Life) into your Role

Playing character. Feelings could get hurt, if this



If you have had a bad day or are in a bad mood,

do NOT take your emotions, anger, etc. out in

your character, or towards your Role Playing

partners. It is not fair to them.

4. DON'T constantly change your Avi(Avatar) if you

choose one, or two Avi's for your character, do

NOT constantly change them. This could confuse

many people.


Do NOT choose, for example, Johnny Depp as an

Avi, and in a week you simply 'tire' of his look,

and change him to Vin Diesel, and a week later

change again. You NEED a constant look.

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5. DON'T forget that RL (Real Life) comes first. No

matter WHAT happens in Role Play world, your RL

is what is most important. Never let someone make

you feel as if you're Role Play is MORE important

than your RL.


If for some reason RL becomes hectic ,and you

cannot role play, NEVER let anyone pressure

you into believing that the role play you're

doing ,is MORE important that anything in your

RL, such as health, family, happiness, etc. Role

Play is ALWAYS second, and your RL comes

first and foremost.

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From the Desk of


How many of us have more than one character on Fb? Or

do this to have a sense of freedom from the mundane

parts of everyday life.. It can get monotonous and boring.

This is a way to experience new things, and make good

friends. It’s too bad that some people can't role play

without causing drama or stabbing someone in the back

over petty things. Jealousy about a character or a

relationship can ruin a lot of things and tear groups

apart... Believe me I've been backstabbed, lied to, and lied

about and I quit and walked away.. When someone you

thought of as a friend decides that you are no better than

dirt. .. It’s time to sit back and rethink things a lot. I quit

and walked away.. and when the dust settled and all was

said and done, I finally got an apology. third hand from

one of the group founders .. Its why I'm reluctant some

days and very careful who I rp with now.. all it takes is

one bad apple and unfortunately it’s not uncommon...

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Coming soon

Writers Corner.

Do you write beyond rp?

Wanna share?

Contact us and we may share your

story here.

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Coming Soon

Spotlight group

You got a group we wanna hear

about it