rp r 2010. m) gs 3r , 2012 · avro manhattan, “protestant” knight of malta, english historian...

A Weekly Global Watch Media Publicaon (www.globalreport2010.com) August 3rd, 2012 The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publicaon of Rema Markeng (www.remamarkeng.com) and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at [email protected]. ©Rema Markeng 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publica�on (www.globalreport2010.com) August 3rd, 2012

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke�ng.com) and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke�ng.com. ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.

“The Number one weekly report which provides concrete evidence of a New World Order & One World Government agenda”


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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report “No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican’s part in it. And no significant world situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit role.”

Avro Manhattan, “Protestant” Knight of Malta, English Historian and Agitator, 1960, The Vatican And World Politics.

When Martin Luther sparked the spiritual and social revolution in Europe we now know as the Reformation, he sent an arrow deep into the heart of the Vatican power base. As the Reformation spread and enlightenment became commonplace, the Dark Ages ended, didn't they? Apparently they did not. The Vatican, in its lust for power over all human life, soon spawned an advocate who was worthy of the devil himself. He went by the name of Ignatius Loyola. Loyola was a self-made man. He suffered many trials and defeats in his life, but persevered to become the head of what he named the "Society of Jesus" whose members later became better known under their assigned nickname: the Jesuits. Ignatius Loyola formed the Jesuits as a military order with the stated purpose of overthrowing the reformation started by Martin Luther and restoring the temporal (political) and religious domination of the Vatican in all walks of life. In other words, he wanted to bring back the Dark Ages. The domination of the Vatican and the Pope as Monarch over all Kings, Queens, secular leaders and the rest of humanity was (and still is) the avowed mission of the Society of Jesus. Loyola's mandate was that the end justified the means, and any means of restoring Vatican domination was acceptable. The mission of the Jesuits was the extermination of all heresy and all heretics. Protestants and all other non-Catholics must be converted or eliminated - either sooner or later. The saying among the Jesuits was that "It is no sin to kill a heretic". This murderous justification apparently became their creed. As a military order, they fought many open political wars with European Kings, Queens and statesmen. Their favored tool against such power was assassination. Because of their small numbers, they became experts on poisoning and all known methods of assassination. They were even connected to the Borgias, as in Lucretia Borgia. The other very successful and crucial tactic they employed was to infiltrate all of their enemies. Opposing religions, enemy political structures, business, media and education, both domestic and foreign, were infiltrated by Jesuit missionaries and the many unidentifiable junior Jesuits: those secular followers who were all too willing to accept Jesuit favors and position in exchange for selling their countries and their souls to the Vatican. The lessons learned from open conflicts with the European powers led to the next and most sinister phase of the Jesuit takeover of world society. They realized that the most effective and efficient method of seizing control of a society was by their already useful tactic of infiltration, but this time in secret. The instruments of that infiltration would be the many secret societies which they targeted and assumed control of. The international nature of the Masonic brotherhood made them an ideal tool for using its membership to advance Jesuit goals. Publicly, the Vatican and the Masons were enemies; but many astute researchers have found evidence linking them. Once they spread their influence through the secret societies worldwide and coordinated with the English Roundtables to impose a worldwide network of control, the whole phenomena evolved into what we know of today as the New World Order (or what the elite-controlled press so disingenuously refers to as Globalism, as if that is something to be desired). The Globalists have many nicknames, but their agenda is one and the same. It is total control of this planet. They have many factions who compete with one another for position and advantage like a group of churlish relatives, but the ultimate goal is always unchanged. And the Jesuit overlords lurk in the background, pulling all the important strings. This edition of the Global Watch Weekly peels back the murky layers of some of the groups that have significant influence in piggy backing off the Vatican albatross.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica�on of Rema Marke�ng (www.remamarke�ng.com) and is published every Friday.

For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke�ng.com. ©Rema Marke�ng 2012. All Rights Reserved.


The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope).

The "Society of Jesus" - as they are officially known - was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute, temporal, ruling power has always been the Vatican institution's primary objective.

Many believe that the Jesuit Order since 1814 has been in complete control of the obscenely, wealthy, Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the Military Order of Malta, such as: • the United Nations • NATO • European Commission • Council on Foreign Relations • various central banks • big corporations • secret services • numerous societies and cults, such as

Freemasonry ("The Brotherhood") and Opus Dei

It is also important to note that the Jesuit-controlled Vatican has since 1929 being cast (and accepted) as a sovereign microstate called Vatican City, with its own: • Head of State and cabinet (the Holy See, which

consists of the Papal non-hereditary monarchy and the Curia).

• Central bank (Vatican Bank). • Jurisdiction rules (Canon Law, Admiralty law). • Some 147 international agreements (diplomatic

treaties which where formerly called Concordats or Lateran Treaties, which grant the Vatican special national privileges).

• Large radial underground network of secret archives (estimated at 84 kilometres of shelving space), and a large collection of ancient art works in the Vatican Museums.

• Universal inquisition office (headed by the American William Levada since 2000), an Italian police force and a Swiss military guard consisting of only Catholic single males with Swiss citizenship and Swiss military training.

Furthermore note that the Jesuit Order, the Catholic clergy and many of the other Papal and Royal military orders have an extremely patriarchal culture. This type of social structure is one of the main aspects of fascistic groups. For instance not the observation below from Eric Jon Phelps. "The Jesuits have no women. They have no love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have an allegiance to your wife and family, and you cannot obey the General. That’s why they will NEVER be married, and that’s one of the great KEYS to their success." Eric Jon Phelps

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Two of the most controversial of the many orders affiliated with the Vatican and the Jesuits are the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Opus Dei. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta Order of Malta or Knights of Malta, is a Roman Catholic lay religious order, traditionally of military, chivalrous, noble nature. It is the world's oldest surviving order of chivalry. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is headquartered in Rome, and is widely considered a sovereign subject of international law.

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) has about 12.500 members (excluding volunteers), and Opus Dei has about 26,000 celibate members (excluding volunteers). Opus Dei is one of the most controversial movements within the Roman Catholic Church. While it is supported by various Popes and conservative Catholic leaders, many opponents allege it applies cult-like practices in recruitment. Others criticizes Opus Dei's conservative theology. They also criticize its influence in church and society

The opposition to Opus Dei reached a special point with the publication of The Da Vinci Code in 2003 and the release of its film version in May 2006. According to observers, the book and film led to a greater awareness of Opus Dei, even bringing about an increase in its membership, while its opponents continued their consolidation of forces The Vatican Jesuit Masonic conspiracy is based on a belief that thousands of years has witnessed their criminal "full-spectrum dominance" doctrine as effectuated all over the world by: • War, genocide and depopulation (recent

examples: Canadian natives genocide between 1880-1984, the "Vatican managed Serbian genocide during WWII" with an ongoing US court case, and the ongoing Shia Muslim genocide in Iraq with over 1.217.892 deaths)

• Political subversions • Economic slavery • Poor quality nutrition, healthcare and housing • Government propaganda (via education, media,

science, and religion) • Suppression of sovereignty, consciousness and


CHARITY FRONTING Creating benign charity fronts, is a common tactic of the Catholic 'church' and the Jesuits, to try and confuse people about their fascistic history and their present operations. Sometimes these seemingly harmless 'charity' organizations are also used for information gathering and espionage in foreign countries. The most well known is Rotary International with over 32,000 clubs in 200 countries and with significant support for the UN globalist agenda.

Father Esposito actually recalled Rotary's Masonic spirit with these enlightened words:

“The existing rapport between this organization and Masonry is essential, not only because of its founding on February 23, 1905 by the lawyer, Paul P. Harris, of Chicago, along with three of his fellow Masons, but also because of the ideological and juridical elements, borrowed from Masonry, which take the best in the initiatory message in order to insert it into society and laicize it, that is by excluding the initiatory and restrictive aspects, which - by always excluding religious confessionalism - have a certain sacred although lay character.”

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The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Society of Jesus—the Roman Catholic religious order, also known as the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position carries the nickname of Black Pope, "Black Pope" is a nickname given to the Superior General, usually by the media (and never used by the Jesuits themselves). The name comes partly from the color of the plain black priest's cassock, worn by members of the Society, including the Superior General and partly from a past concern, (most prominent around the 16th and 17th

centuries), amongst Protestant European countries, concerning the relative power of the Jesuits within the Roman Catholic Church. The very first Black Pope was Ignatius Loyola who from April 1541 until July 1556 founded and was the first Superior General of the Jesuit Order.

The formal title in Latin is Praepositus Generalis, which may fairly be rendered as "superior general" or even, "president general". The term is not of military origin, despite popular misconceptions, but is derived from "general", as opposed to "particular" (as with many other Catholic religious orders, like the Dominicans' "master general", Franciscans' "minister general", Carthusians' "prior general", etc. and many civil posts, such as Postmaster General, Attorney General and Receiver General). The Jesuits are organized into provinces, each with a provincial superior, (usually referred to as the "Provincial Father" or just "Provincial"), with the head of the order being the "general superior", for the whole organization. As a major superior, the Superior General is styled "The Very Reverend". The previous Jesuits' outgoing Superior General was a soft-spoken Netherlands native named Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, who served from 1983. The 79-year-old became the first ever Jesuit leader to ask for, and receive, papal permission to retire from the post. Controversial accusations have been laid regarding his use of extremists to facilitate a Vatican agenda of world domination He was superseded by Adolfo Nicolas in January 2008 Though more recently established, more traditionalist movements and religious orders such as Opus Dei and the Legionaries of Christ have gotten more attention of late, the Jesuits are still far and away the largest clerical order in the Church. The order has been accused of a number of bizarre beliefs including Satanism. Of those that have accused the Vatican of being infiltrated by Satanists, none has been as widely noticed as the late Malachi Martin. An expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls, he also wrote about such widely diverse topics as exorcism, Church history and modern geopolitics. None of his books have been so controversial — or so misunderstood or ignored by the mainstream press — as his works that deal with this ominous and sensitive topic. From 1958 until 1964, Malachi Martin served in Rome as a Jesuit priest, where he was a close associate of the Popes, and carried out many sensitive missions for, the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. Released afterwards from his vows of poverty and obedience at his own request (but still a priest), he ultimately moved to New York and became a best-selling writer of fiction and non-fiction. Martin had first made explicit reference to a diabolic rite held in Rome in his 1990 non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the Vatican, The Keys of This Blood, in which he wrote: “Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’. . . an oblique reference to




‘an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia — rites and practices — was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites. (p. 632. Emphasis added)

These allegations have largely gone unnoticed, possibly because Martin was so crafty in his descriptions that he might even have been referring to the coronation of Pope Paul VI. But he revealed much more about this alleged ritual in one of his last works, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (1996). In this story, he vividly described a diabolical ceremony called “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer” supposedly held in St. Paul’s Chapel within the Vatican, but linked with concurrent satanic rites here in the US, on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI. In this novel, before he dies, a pope leaves a secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant of the throne of Peter, a thinly-disguised John Paul II.?

According to The New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he had described. “Oh yes, it is true; very much so,” the magazine reported he said. “But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic form.” Windswept House is a sweeping novel, set on the grand global stage and the unfolding of the next stage of civilization, the ominously-named New World Order. It tackles head on a number of heavy issues from abortion to the Third Secret of Fatima, but the essential message seems to be this: Satanists lurk in the shadows, from the heart of the Vatican down to the local parishes, manipulating those fooled by the false spirit of Vatican II. They are doing their damnedest to subvert the Roman Catholic Church, while Pope John Paul II, intent on his geopolitical millennial endgame, fiddles about, waiting for a sign from the Blessed Virgin while the Church literally goes to hell around him. In Windswept House, Martin was quite explicit about the conditions in the Vatican, opening the novel with the above-mentioned satanic ritual. In it, Satan was formally enthroned in the Vatican in the Chapel of St. Paul The ceremony was co-ordinated via telephone with another simultaneous rite in South Carolina. (This could be a reference to the claims of “Leo Taxil” who wrote spurious exposés of the Masons and fallen priests as devil-worshippers in the 19th century. He, too, claimed South Carolina — Charleston, to be exact — was a satanic headquarters. This was the hometown of Albert Pike, the only Confederate general memorialized in Washington, D.C., who reformed the Scottish Rite and was indeed an admitted “Luciferian.”) Below are some excerpts from an article by Martin entitled “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places : Malachi Martin on The End of Religion (As We Know It)”:

”…Ever since Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, the Power Elite have never given up on their feverish dream of a One World Government. Former Jesuit Malachi Martin's novel, Windswept House (Doubleday/ Main Street Books), offers a lurid behind the scenes look at a cabal of Vatican insiders who want to use the Roman Catholic Church as a foundation for a politico-religious New World Order. The plot of the novel involves a group of Church officials who scheme with a group of like-minded corporate executives to manipulate the Church into a ready-made infrastructure for a One World Religion -- a universal umbrella for everybody from Episcopalians to voodoo practitioners. The new ecumenicalism is clothed in Globalist garb. The agenda includes promoting issues like population control, environmentalism and secular humanism, which the plotters hope will eventually lead to the complete secularization of religion. The most outrageous and controversial premise of the novel -- described in great detail in the prologue -- is that a ceremony was performed in the Vatican in 1963 -- an occult ritual which enthroned the fallen archangel Lucifer as the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Does Dr. Martin believe that this enthronement actually took place in his novel, which could liberally be described as a roman a clef? "Yes, it did," he says emphatically. ‘Beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind. But now the place, time, hour etc., are all obfuscated to protect the guilty and save the innocent’…”




At the time of his passing on July 27, 1999, Martin was at work on what he said would be his most controversial and important book. Primacy: How the Institutional Roman Catholic Church became a Creature of The New World Order was to deal with power and the papacy. This work was to analyze the revolutionary shift that lies at the heart of what many see as the breakdown of papal power. It was to be a book of predictions about the Vatican and the world in the first decades of the new millennium. At the time of his death Malachi Martin never recanted any of his claims that the scene in Windswept House was based on an actual satanic ritual in the Vatican in the first days of the reign of Pope Paul VI, nor that there exists a general satanic conspiracy within the Catholic Church. Another preeminent author, Alexander Hislop authored “The Two Babylon's” which is unparalled in terms of its scholarship and exhaustive nature of research. Hislop references ancient manuscripts, artefacts, archaeological findings, and the Bible itself to support his grand thesis, which is simply this: the Roman Catholic Church's teachings are a hybrid of Christian and pagan beliefs. And these pagan beliefs find their origin in ancient Babylon--hence the title of the book. This is a shocking thesis, but Hislop backs up his claims with impressive scholarship, referencing literally hundreds of different sources to substantiate what most people would consider outrageous. Anyone with a strong background in ancient civilizations knows that the office of priests, worship/adoration of the woman with child, use of the 'confessional', and prayers for and to the deceased have their origins in ancient Babylon. Hislop maintains that the early 'founders' of Catholicism were very shrewd politicians, and in order to gain the favor of the pagan masses they conquered, they blended Christian beliefs with pagan rites. Semiramis became 'Mary', Tammuz became the 'baby Jesus', worship of the Sun god became the "Eucharist", etc.... Over time, these traditions became official teachings, and then solid dogma within the Roman Catholic church. This, Hislop explains, is why the eucharist is in the shape of a circle (the Sun); why a pagan obelisk is in the center of Vatican; why priests are supposedly celibate. It is by far the best publication on the ancient origins of religion, mythology and doctrine Such schools of thought are clearly evident. The Roman-Vatican-Masonic oppression culture has its origins in the much older secret societies (which were also called: "Mystery Religions", "Mystery Schools", "Priesthood cults", or "Schools for the divine science of governing") which were already present in ancient societies:

• Egyptian (Hyksos) • Sumerian • Babylonian • Sadducian ("Tsdoki", "Zadokites") (See also: Ebionites, Essenes, Pharisees) • Phoenician • Canaanite • Etruscan • Roman • Anglo-Celtic • Other priesthood cults: • Rosae Crucis (probably from ~12th c.) • Alumbrados (Spain, late 15th c.) • Roshaniya (Afghanistan, 16th c.) • Bavarian Illuminati (Germany, ~1776)




Blackberry Under the Spotlight

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The New World Order is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century. Following a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as "Leo the Khazar". The Medici popes, and Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) were Khazars, as was the previous Pope, John Paul II. Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms.

According to researcher and author Dr. John Coleman, a "Committee of 300" was established early in the eighteenth century, "although it did not take on its present form until around 1897", (when the China opium trade was legalized) Documentary proof as to the existence of the Committee of 300 is not forthcoming, and it may be no more than a convenient phrase to describe certain key players. Socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds, Walter Rathenau, writing in the Wiener Press (24 December, 1921) said, "Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State which they find unreasonable."

Exactly six months after publication, Rathenau assassinated. Dr. Coleman’s work opens the door to further studies on named members of the ruling elite, particularly in America. Whereas the English have a long history and are very aware of their ancestry, certain families of "blue-bloods" in the United States that have historic ties with the British through blood and money.




These "noble" families are behind most if not all of the so-called pro-environmental movements that are actually intended to curb the population growth of all nations. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of this movement, and are a true part of this conspiracy to destroy industry and take the world back to a New Dark Age. Most if not all the crowned and uncrowned heads of these dynasties enjoy huge incomes from ground rents. All favor the so called “Global 2000 Report” that’s calculated to end all industrial progress, and by famine, disease and wars, eliminate the excess population industry supports. All oppose nuclear power that can produce clean cheap electricity, the key to economic development and prosperity in the Third World. They ardently desire a return to the feudal system where they will once again be absolute rulers. While professing Christianity, the oligarchical families, for the greater part, actually despise it in secret. Masonry provides their religious fulfillment. And without faith, they have no belief in reward or punishment and a world to come. They live for the here and now. Many of these oligarchies are in the drug and arms trade through well-distanced intermediaries (like so many of the large banks). The place of Freemasonry in the power structure of the Elites is quite evident as they carried through Adam Weishaupt’s conspiracy to avenge the Jesuits after their abolition in 1773 by short-lived Pope Clement XIV as "immoral and a menace to the Church and the Faith". By launching the French Revolution and directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe, and by revolts against the church in Mexico and Latin America, they cut-off Vatican income. Nathan Rothschild’s financing of Britain resulted in the defeat of Rome’s enemy Napoleon, (as well as being the source of his wealth and influence). Since Gregory XVI conferred a Papal decoration on Kalman Rothschild for loaning the Vatican five million pounds in a period of difficulty, the Rothschilds have been the fiscal agents of the Vatican. With Vatican interests at heart, the Rothschilds extended their financial and political dominion in the United States.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects. This may explain the untimely end to Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The Prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are descended directly from the last Roman emperor. (The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope). This is the civil equivalent of the Pope’s claimed "apostolic succession" from Saint Peter.

Prince Bernhard is one of the leaders of the black nobility and he also claims descent from the House of David through the Merovingian dynasty, a claim that was acknowledged to be valid by the Carolingian dynasty that supplanted them, by other monarchs and by the Roman Church of that time. Prince Bernhard’s House of Orange had its origins in France. The Habsburgs are related through marriage with the Merovingians, who are said to have descended from the Tribe of Benjamin who went into exile following war with the other eleven Tribes. This line of reasoning share a common similarity with British Israelism. Exile took them to Arcadia in the central Peloponnese, Greece. Here they aligned with the Arcadian royal line and towards the advent of the Christian era, migrated up the Danube and Rhine, through marriage engendering the Sicambrian Franks - the immediate forebears of the Merovingians, who were ultimately of Semitic origin, and descendants of King Saul. They are identified with the Spartans, and both books of Maccabees link the Spartans with the Jews. I Maccabees 12 tells of Jonathan sending a letter to the Lacedemonians (Spartan Greeks) asking for their help, since they were brethren. The Spartans replied,




"It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Jews are brethren and that they are of the stock of Abraham" (verse 21).

Prince Bernhard is in fact related to the Khazars, and assisted by the CIA. Prince Bernhard has brought the hidden ruling body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as The Bilderberg Group. (Established in 1954, its headquarters is 1 Smidswater, Den Haag, Nederlands). The Jesuits and the Military Order of Malta mafia network is supported by many of the wealthiest families in Europe and the US (called the "Black Nobility") and the high-level masons within certain 'elite' secret societies. Examples are the prominent, but certainly not the most powerful, Rothschild family (Knights of Malta) and the Rockefeller family (Knights of Malta, who got started using Rothschild financing for American oilfield exploitations). These three financial families, the Rothschild's, Morgans, and Rockefeller's all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. These wealthy families function as financial supporters and proxies for the larger Jesuit & Military Order of Malta mafia banking operations.

The Vatican, Jesuit Order, Knights of Malta and Black Nobility people have formed a complex masonic mafia network of global proportions, using many front organizations (infiltrated governments/churches/education, secret services, Catholic institutions, mega-corporations, financial institutions, Freemasonry, Labor Zionism, and others) with disastrous effects on the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

The neurotic goal was and still is worldwide human enslavement by any means (“The end justifies the means” is the primary maxim of the Jesuits). The apparatus that has been driven to achieve this goal has been the political structure of the European Union and closer federal integration to create a Catholic dominated European empire. Through militaristic, technological, economic and above all religious-psychological means. This secretive mafia network tries to keep people ignorant of the fascistic conspiracy and the instruments they use. Abusing other people's ignorance is their only real power!




Their criminal practices are hidden behind: • Secret and religious cults, with hierarchical

degrees (compartmentalization within) and secret oaths and plans (compartmentalization without).

• Socialist (read: corrupt centralistic, fascistic) institutions: UN, WTO, NATO, EU, etc.

• Information and knowledge control: cultural entertainment distractions, media censorship, fear propaganda and poor education.

• Organizational infiltration. • Monetary system corruption instruments: • Centrally controlled fiat currency money supply ->

artificial inflation creation (rising prices and poverty) -> debt-dependency creation (more centralist social control) -> interest rates control (making money from debt) and the international banking rules and international lending/currency-exchange programs (making the governments dependent on loan investment programs) -> more debt -> more interest -> more social control -> etc...

• Money laundering (stock market, bonds and other financial products, corporate asset shuffling, real estate, art, software fees)

• Social funds theft (pension funds, tax fund 'redirection').

• Political, judicial and corporate bribing. • Threats, blackmail, and assassinations. • Immigration stimulation - legal and illegal - to

achieve social and political changes, such as: increasing poverty, more and stronger class divisions, and increasing the Roman Catholic population share.

No smoke screen of religious claims, ecumenical projects, charity work, school programs, media control, finger pointing, and history falsification can undo the crimes for which these people are responsible. No other organized crime network has done so much damage to the people on this planet! • from its origins as the faltering militaristic Roman

empire - just when Catholicism was created to stop the so-called 'heretical churches' and its people - which destroyed a lot of European culture diversity

• to the murdering crusades (against Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Germanic/Celtic/Scandinavian/other-indigenous tribes)

• to the satanic inquisitions • to the massacre and enslavement of indigenous

people in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Russia and the Middle-East

• to the global drugs, arms and human slaves trafficking

• to the corrupt banking systems and international corporations

• to the World Wars • to the Cold War hoax and its large-scale military

and political effects • to the global pedophile rings • to synthesized terrorism and propaganda • to secret renditions, torture prisons, and

suspension of habeas corpus • to the ongoing plot to destroy the sovereign United

States of America and the nations in Europe • It can all be traced back to a conspiratorial plot to

rule the sovereign of this world by any means.

It is going to take the awareness of a large group of people to stop this sick and sad group of people, who ultimately can't love themselves nor others, knowing what they have done.