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Rotary Africa Booklet


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Rotary in Africa

July 2014


Dear Friends of Rotary in Africa,

First of all, I would like to congratulate my old friend Nick Phillips on his initiative to produce this booklet highlighting the work of all the Districts on the African Continent.

I have known Nick to be one of the most passionate African Rotary leaders of our time. He has travelled widely across Africa on various Rotary assignments and he is, in my view, well qualified to put together this handbook.

I have gladly accepted to write the foreword to the booklet in my capacity as the Chair of Rotary International’s Reach Out To Africa Committee, ROTA. It is my hope that the material assembled herein will serve as useful reference material for anyone interested in Rotary in Africa.

The story of ROTA dates back to 2007, when Wilf Wilkinson served as RI President. He was to serve as ROTA’s first Chairman. Wilf was subsequently succeeded by PRID Tom Branum Snr. Subsequent Presidents of RI namely, DK Lee, John Kenny, Ray Klinginsmith, Kalyan Banerjee, Sakuji Tanaka and Ron Burton, all sustained and enhanced the activities of ROTA.

Our main objective is to bring to focus the needs of Africa with particular emphasis on Humanitarian Projects and Membership growth.

Over the last seven years, ROTA has achieved a significant margin of success, having created great awareness of the opportunities for service in Africa. Many projects have been initiated from outside Africa and, no doubt, many more are to follow. We have also achieved some growth in membership, which might not have happened, if it were not for the ROTA initiative.

1 July 2014 will go down in the annuals of the history of Rotary as a turning point for ROTA when an African was for the first time appointed to lead ROTA as chair. Just before he assumed the position of RI President, President Elect Garry Huang, publicly announced that it was his strong belief that the time had arrived to appoint an African to take up the stewardship of ROTA. He wanted Africa to become its own flag carrier.

It was against this background that I assumed the role of ROTA Chair. Taking over the reins from such Rotary giants as PRIP Wilf Wilkinson, PRID Tom Branum Snr and other luminaries who are the founding fathers of ROTA, is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

Reach out to Africa

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My colleagues and I on the new ROTA Committee are determined to move ROTA from strength to strength because we stand on the shoulders of the giants that have served before us.

With this thought in mind, I have set the following goals as my AFRICAN DREAMS over the next four to five years:1. To attain a membership of 50, 000 Rotarians by 30th June 2019.2. Each Region to undertake a minimum of 5 significant Humanitarian Service projects each year.3. Africa to become a Zone of its own, by 20194. Africa to be accorded a dedicated seat on the Board of RI by 2019,5. Africa to host the RI convention in 2019.

May this handbook serve as a tool to help us achieve our African Dreams. I have no doubt that, together, we will be able to Light Up Rotary in Africa. Warm Rotary Greetings,

PDG Patrick D. ChisangaROTA Chair 2014 – 2015Lusaka, [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9370

South-eastern South AfricaLesotho

July 2014 Dear Rotarian Friends and Friends of Rotary,

Arising from an invitation to address the 2014 Zones 30 and 31 Institute in Kansas City about doing projects in Africa I decided to compile a booklet showcasing all the Rotary districts on our continent.

The vastness and complexities of Africa are little understood by many people and this booklet attempts to put the diversity and needs of our Rotary districts into some sort of perspective.

With a population of 1.1 billion in 57 countries (including the Indian Ocean islands) and 16 Rotary districts with a total of only 28,734 Rotarians (at 30th June 2014) it is easy to see that African Rotary manpower and resources are severely taxed as we attempt to provide effective humanitarian service here.

On a continent of this size it is not surprising that almost every nuance of the social condition can be found. Prosperity and poverty, health and disease, peace and war, hunger and conspicuous consumption. Trying to make sense of all this and coming to reasoned conclusions about the state of Africa is the challenge that many of us face when we think about what we might be able to do to help.

It has been said that if all the non-governmental organisations in Africa were taken out of the humanitarian service equation, human development on the continent would be severely compromised. But it is not all doom and gloom! African Economic Outlook (the AEO) advises that Africa’s macroeconomic prospects remain favourable. In 2013, Africa maintained an average growth rate of about 4%. This compares to 3% for the global economy and underscores again the continent’s resilience to global and regional headwinds. Not unexpectedly, however, growth performance varied widely across country classifications and regions.

We Africans love our continent, warts and all, and invite you to join with us in fellowship and solidarity as we continue to make a difference.

Warm wishes,

Nick PhillipsPast District Governor [email protected]

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Rotary districts in AFRICA

















Part ofD2452

































































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Rotary in Africa

District 2451

OUR DISTRICTDistrict 2451 was formed on July 1st 2013 but Rotary has been in Egypt since 1929. At present, the district has 78 clubs and 1,998 members. The district incorporates the country of Egypt from the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the red sea to the east and the Nile valley running from south to north.

CONTACTIf you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2013-2014 District Governor Yasser Assem, ROTA Region 2 Chair, [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


MULTI FOCUS PROJECTSDistrict 2451 has joined most of the clubs in a

mega project, named The Happy Village Project, in the Fayoum Governorate providing pure water, sanitation, roofs for houses, education, health care, revolving funds and artificial limbs to three villages. We also partner with S C Johnson and the Orman NGO doubling the funds raised by the clubs to reach US$650 000.

LITERACYA literacy program agreement incorporating a collaboration between the Vodafone Foundation and Rotary secured a fund of US$400,000 and 550 literacy classes resulted assisting 10,000 students from the age of 15 to 45.

EDUCATION TRAININGAn agreement with The Literacy Rotarian Action Group (LITRAG) has seen the creation of the first Lighthouse project in the Middle East and Africa to train trainers. Trainers are being sent to Thailand with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education to prepare the first generation of trainers.

WATER FOR LIFEDistrict 2451 signed a partnership with UNICEF for a long term Water for Life project that will provide 1,300,000 houses with pure water and saving the lives of many children.

RIPE Gary Huang and RID Safak Alpey held a water summit in Cairo in June 2014 to highlight the importance of this significant partnership.


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District 2451


Literacy Classes

In the villages across District 2451 we hope to provide up to 550 literacy classes each year on an ongoing basis.

In addition we are interested in projects that fall into every Area of Focus:

1. Water and sanitation2. Health 3. Artificial Limbs and wheel chairs4. Revolving funds in the form of delivering cows5. Roofs for roofless houses6. Literacy 7. Vocational training

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Rotary in Africa

District 2452


District 2452 is more than 84 years old. It is a district of multi countries, multi cultures and multi languages.

It is present in 3 continents and 9 countries of which Sudan is in Africa. Since 2013 our district has incorporated the countries of Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Sudan, Bahrain, UAE, Georgia, Armenia and Palestine.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Khalil Alsharif at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


Khartoum Rotary Club, in partnership with TRF, District 9500, Adelaide West RC and the Rotary Clubs of Bahrain successfully completed a project that supplies safe drinking water to more than 6,000 people (and their animals) living in 7 villages in the area of Migrih, which is in Gedarif State in the south-east of the Republic of the Sudan.

At a cost of approx. US$120,000, the project provided two large fenced waterholes (known locally as “hafirs”) with a capacity of 30,000 cubic meters each to store rain water during the short rainy season for human and animal consumption and use. Each hafir includes a collection canal, collection, sedimentation and exit wells, a water treatment unit, a generator and a storage tank.

U n d e r g r o u n d water is not accessible in the Migrih area, and prior to completion of the project, the people of Migrih used to have to purchase water (often unclean) from one small privately-owned hafir at US$3 per barrel, which was more than twice the average daily income.



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District 2452

PROJECT WISH LISTProject to provide training to 275 village midwives in Khartoum State, the Republic of the Sudan:

Khartoum Rotary Club has successfully sponsored a one week refresher training course for 30 village midwives (“VMWs”).

The provision of well-trained VMWs has been identified by various governmental and international bodies (including the UN) as necessary to reduce maternal and child mortality rates in the Sudan, which have continued to rise across the country in recent years. The training focused on enhancing the VMWs’ medical skills, but also on improving their leadership and communication skills.

The intention is that these VMWs will return to their communities empowered to actively promote maternal and child health and to campaign against issues such as female genital mutilation, child marriages and HIV/AIDs. To incentivize VMWs to attend the training, Khartoum Rotary Club provided a free midwifery medical kit to each participant. The training was done in collaboration with the Sudanese Ministry of Health, the World Health Organisation, and Ahfad University for Women (which is renowned as a pioneer in female education and empowerment in the Sudan).

Khartoum Rotary Club wishes to find Rotary clubs and districts to partner in a TRF matching grant (total cost US$ 71,500) to provide these refresher training courses to an additional 275 VMWs in Khartoum State.

For more information on this project, please contact PP Zuheir Saeed E-mail: [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9010


District 9010 is a large district with 78 clubs and 1387 members. These numbers will increase up to 1400 members and 2 more clubs in the end of this year.

The district incorporates Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, as well as Mauritania.

With a poor economic climate, a specific cultural and politic situation, a large rural population and disparities in living standards, education and skills Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG El Jilali El Antari at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


Rotary clubs new generation:In spite of the difficult situation, and the reduction of Rotarian Members between 2000 and 2010, the member sizes increased significantly in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. 8 new generation clubs, with young Rotarian coming mostly from Rotaract clubs work in the district. This is resulting from the 80 Rotaract Club operating in the district 9010 (1500 members).

Rotary Club Tunis El Menzeh: The Rotary Club Tunis El Menzeh organize every year (14 years now) an action entitled “help a child find a smile”. This action is to operate on children from needy families of Tunisia and Algeria with lip and palate malformation, in partnership with the Japanese, US, Canadian, Italian and Tunisian Doctors. The Rotary Club Tunis El Menzeh hopes collaboration with other clubs and Rotary foundation to increase this number and help more children.

Contact Past Président Houcem ben Nasr at [email protected]

Rotary Club Casablanca Mers Sultan: Since 2007 District 9010 in partnership with Italian district 2030, 2100 and 2110 is trying to control the Thalassemia in Morocco. From 2011, Rotary club Casablanca Mers Sultan and ten other Moroccan clubs with the collaboration of several ONG and the

government provide hospitals to fight against this disease and treat sick children.

Contact PDG Ababou Thami at [email protected]

TunisiaAlgeriaMorocco Mauritania

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District 9010


Rotary club Sidi Bou Said (Tunisia)The very young Rotary Club Sidi Bou Said, created in March 2014 by the 9010 PDG Mohamed Ghammam, decides to continue the district politic about Thalassemia and lead a new project in Tunisia to fight this disease . Collaboration with other districts and rotary clubs is needed. Thalassemia are forms of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorders that originated in the Mediterranean region. In thalassemia, the disorder is caused by the weakening and destruction of red blood cells. Thalassemia is caused by variant or missing genes that affect how the body makes hemoglobin.

The club now requires also funds for providing 1000 physically handicapped with wheel chairs for needy persons. Contact PDG Mohamed Ghammam at [email protected]

Rotary club Alger Est ( Algeria)In the same time, the Rotary club Alger Est, needs to collaborate with other clubs in other districts to begin a new Thalassemia project in Algeria.

Contact Chafik Bourkaïb at [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9101


District 9101 arose from the split of D9100, in two, on July 1st, 2013. Our District includes 71 clubs spread over 10 countries that are Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone. The first District Assembly and Conference of D9101 was held from April 8th to 12th, 2014 in Mindelo, Cape Verde and allowed the members to enjoy friendship and talk about programs and hopes.


To learn more about partnering with us, please contact 2014-2015 District Governor Martin Ouédraogo at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


A donation of medicine by the Rotary Club of Abidjan Cocody to deprived children in Daloa.

The Rotary Club of Abidjan Cocody, understanding the risks of anaemia incurred by children in the district of Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire, led a project in November, 2013 during which 1000 doses of iron rich medicine and deworming medication were distributed and resulted in a great improvement in the physical well-being of the children.

A Donation of prostheses to handicaped children at the University Hospital of Yopougon.

In association with the NGO “Vivre Debout “ the RC of Abidjan Cocody offered prostheses to handicaped children in February 2014 in the University Hospital of Yopougon (Abidjan). The enjoyment was visible on the faces of these children from 2 to 17 years old and their parents.

Burkina FasoCape VerdeIvory CoastGambiaGuinea-Bissau

Guinea-ConakryLiberiaMaliSenegalSierra Leone

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District 9101

A donation of a cold room by the Rotary Club of Mali to the Ministry of Health and the Health service of Mali.

On the occasion of the launch of the JNV (Synchronised National Polio Immunisation Days) in May 2014, the Rotary clubs of Mali provided a 100M3 cold room to the National Center of immunization. This donation of 40,000,000 West African CFA Francs (XOF) or US$82,000 was financed by the Rotary Foundation.


Our district incorporates ten countries in West Africa all of which have urgent needs that fall into every one of the Rotary Foundation Areas of Focus.

In order to provide exposure to these project needs an annual project fair is held. It brings Rotarians from West Africa in contact with Rotarians from North America and other parts of Rotary world to promote friendship while cultivating partnerships for the implementation of service projects in West African communities.

The 10th West Africa Project Fair will take place from 28 October to 6 November 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia.

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Rotary in Africa

District 9102


D9102 in West Africa was created two years ago out of the former District 9100 and this has given the leadership the opportunity to create a more intimate district with better avenues for closer networking to foster the ideals of Rotary, to develop better projects that meet the needs of our communities and also to enhance fellowship. Our District comprising Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger with more than 2000 members, has some of the highest rural communities in the sub-region and by drawing on the Areas of Focus of the Rotary Foundation, we intend to create more success stories for the image of Rotary and improve the lives of our social partners.


We believe that there is room for many Rotarians and other benevolent entities who would like to support projects in our communities. The principal contact point to obtain more information concerning our project or to offer your contribution is our DG Maurice Edorh at [email protected] who will direct you to the most appropriate person. Additional information may also be obtained from our project bank at West Africa Projects Fair domain,


The Sanitation Project at Medie in Ghana was a Global Grant project, a partnership of Rotary International, Rotary Club of Accra-West, US Clubs as International partners and Joy2theWorld a local NGO. The toxic waste dump was cleared and layered with laterite. Using local products, labor and services from the community, a new safe site has been reclaimed and a public toilet has been built for the community and local school.


An 11 year old partnership between Solidarite-Brulesnantes-Lome, Rotary Clubs in Lome & CHU Sylvanus Olympio has undertaken several projects over the years including training of surgeons, anaesthetist nurses, physiotherapists, biomedical technicians, training in operating theatres and sponsorship of one surgeon for training in Paris.This project in Togo consisted of the construction of a post operation recovery room for better treatment management of acute burns victims (skin grafts, bandaging) and the opening of a children’s burns unit. This should allow the reintegration of burns victims by treatment for them to regain their dignity and to regain their rightful place in society.


Toxic waste dump site After clearing of site

Project inauguration Completed public toilet

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District 9102



The city of So-Ava characterized houses on stilts in a lake is located off the Atlantic coast in Benin. The main activities carried out there are fishing, trade, tourism and transport. The principal mode of transport is by boats and canoes without which very little activity can take place. Unfortunately, few parents are able to provide transportation for their children due to lack of boats, or because of their occupations. Schools boys and girls have to struggle and rush to the first boat on the water ready to go towards their schools. It even happens that some students stay at school very long waiting for a boat to return home after school.

In addition, the boats used by some parents for school transport are very small and because of that they capsized frequently near speedy motorized boats. Parents in this community register frequently their children’s death because of that. Two Rotaract clubs in Cotonou (Rive gauche Elite and Palmier) have decided to help remedy this situation by initiating this project.


This community forms part of a cluster of communities in the Ablekuma West constituency in the Greater Accra Region. Its population, which is predominantly low income and poor, is estimated to be around 9300.

The other adjoining towns Glefe, Opetekwei, and Gbegbeyisei altogether have estimated population of 45,000. The main occupation is fishing. Most of the women are traders in the market. The young men are generally unskilled and therefore mostly unemployed.


a. Drinking water: Most rivers and lagoons in this area are heavily polluted with sachet water rubbers and household waste. There are very few hygienic sources of drinking water taking into account the population size of these communities.

b. Toilets: To build more public toilets in the area, so that residents will stop using the beaches.

c. Health Care: The nearest health facility is the Dansoman Poly clinic which is several kilometers away.

As Rotarians, we justify our existence by how much good and relief we can bring to the less privileged in our communities. The Rotary Club of Accra South over the years we have carried out humanitarian service in many communities in and out of Accra. For this rotary year, our aim is to bring hope and relief to the people of Mpoase and its surrounding towns. We have engaged the chief and elders of this town have willingly offered Rotary Club of Accra South a large parcel of land for this project.

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Rotary in Africa

District 9110

Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria


District 9110 is a large district with 83 clubs and 2058 members. The district covers the Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria. With a large rural population and disparities in living standards, education and skills, The District and Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 District Governor Dr. Dele Balogun at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


Among many others, these major projects were undertaken by the District and Clubs in all the areas of focus.

Save Our Sight (Avoidable Blindness Programme)This programme saw the establishment of an Eye ward at Catholic Hospital Ago-Iwoye. Assistance was received from the Rotary Foundation through a discovery grant. In 2005 the District and the Rotary Club of Lagos Palmgrove Estate in affiliation with Rotary Eye Institute, Navsari, India carried out corrective eye surgeries for cataract and glaucoma for the poor people in the District. Since 1993 more than 5500 eye surgeries have been carried.

Correction of cleft lip and palate defectsSince 2010 our District in collaboration with Alliance for smiles from USA and the Ogun State Government organized two surgical camps for the treatment of adult and babies born with cleft lip and palate defects in Lagos and Ogun States. A total of 150 procedures have been performed. Jaipur Limb WorkshopIn the 2009 our district established and donated a factory for the manufacture of artificial limbs to the Lagos State Government.

Roll Back MalariaVarious clubs in our District procured and distributed about twenty thousand insecticide treated nets to children and pregnant women in various communities in our district. This was also combined with health education on malaria prevention and how the user will maintain and re-treat their nets.

Gift of Life – Open Heart SurgeriesSince 2010 our District sponsored several children suffering from various heart ailments for surgery in India and they have all recovered well.

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District 9110



Equipment required:

• 400 Desk top computers and printers

• Generators, fans, furniture and air conditioners

• One year internet subscription and training • Renovation of classrooms for Computer Lab


Community outreach program for Malaria control involving various local government areas in D9110 and the Rotary Clubs.

• This includes outdoor spraying of schools and houses with insecticides in selected locations in D9110.

• Education of primary school children, market women, women in Ante Natal, and Infant Welfare Clinics.

• Eye tests for primary School Children• Basic Hygiene Education on Prevention of

Diarrheal Diseases• Provision of Worm Expellant to School



• This includes equipping classrooms for e-learning.

• Supply of broad band internet connectivity to the schools.

• Provision of equipment and materials such as tablets, projectors, inverter power back-ups and teachers laptops.

• Provision of e-learning class software and hardware, wireless devices and internet network configuration

• Teacher training• Provision of air-conditioning units• Supply of Automation Applications to students

and teachers.

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Rotary in Africa

District 9125

Nigeria (covering 23 of 36 States)


Formerly Districts 9120 and 9130, District 9125 Nigeria is one of the three Rotary International Districts in Nigeria covering 23 out of the 36 States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The District occupies about 90% of the land mass of Nigeria that has a population of about 97 million people.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Mogbeyi Tolu Omatsola at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate club or District committee.


Within this vast territory exists every conceivable need contemplated in the Areas of Focus of Rotary International but there can be no greater need than to finish the job of eradicating Polio.

District 9125 has been in the forefront of supporting the Polio eradication campaign, not only with much needed funding but also with the provision of manpower and resources by Rotarians and well wishers. In appreciation of his generous donation of

$1million towards polio eradication in Nigeria, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Chrome Group, Sir Emeka Offor, has been appointed as Rotary International’s First Polio Ambassador in Nigeria.

Chairman of the International PolioPlus Committee, John F. Germ, said the contribution “helped to launch the new Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation challenge, and as such was leveraged with an additional US$2 million, resulting in a cumulative impact of US$3 million toward the eradication of polio in Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

The ongoing partnership between Rotary International, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organisation, the Nigerian government and many private and

c o m m e r c i a l donors will ensure the success of the Polio eradication programme and District 9125 is proud to be a part of it.

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District 9125


CONSTRUCTION OF BOREHOLESIt is the major project of the District to as a matter importance provide potable water to the residents of the poor rural communities covered by the District by sinking boreholes and providing overhead tanks and taps.

The unit cost of an installation is about US$9,259 and the District budget is US$61,728.

SUPPORT FOR ERADICATION OF POLIO and POLIO CORRECTIVE SURGERYOver the years, Rotary International has been championing the fight to eradicate the dreaded Polio virus all over the world. The District will continue to support the Polio Eradication Initiative more so as there are Polio endemic areas within the District.

The sum of US$30,864 has been budgeted for mobilisation, supervision, monitoring, advocacy and provision of logistics.

In addition, the District wishes to have a team of surgeons and medical personnel trained to carry out a polio corrective surgery within the District.

ESTABLISHMENT OF A ROTARY PEACE CENTREThe Executive Governor of Plateau State has donated a choice property in Jos, the Plateau State capital for use by the District as a Rotary Peace Centre. The District will in the 2014/2015 Rotary year develop the Centre to serve as a befitting venue for Seminars, Workshops and other such events on Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution.

The initial budget for this is US$154,321

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Rotary in Africa

District 9140

Nigeria (covering 11 of 36 States)


District 9140 was established in 1983 and is now 31 years old. There are 109 Rotary clubs and membership is about 2850. It is currently the largest district in Nigeria. It occupies the south and south-east of the country and includes 11 out of the 36 states of Nigeria.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Noble Shemitan at [email protected] Who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.

PROJECT SUCCESSES MEDICAL MISSIONSOriginating in India the missions provide free eye surgery to persons across the district. This has resulted in the establishment of eye clinic at a place called Auchi. The eye clinic has been donated to the Government and is jointly supervised by the Rotary club and the state Government.

ADULT SCHOOL PROJECTThere a number of free adult schools for those who missed the opportunity to get primary or elementary education when they were young.

GIFT OF LIFE PROJECTSSeveral hole in the heart children have been treated using Rotary Gift of life grants.

WATER AND SANITATION PROJECTSMany water and sanitation projects in communities and schools have been executed.

POLIO ERADICATION PROJECTSWE are fully committed to engaging in immunization, advocacy projects and raising of funds for polio projects.

MICRO-CREDIT SCHEMEThese are established by many clubs in the district to help community members boost their businesses and skills.

FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGEs take place between our district and districts in other parts of the world.

BLOOD BANK FACILITIESMany hospitals have blood bank facilities provided by Rotary.

WEST AFRICA PROJECT FAIRWe attend and market our projects at the annual West Africa Project Fair.


Our district offers a wealth of future project opportunities based on the six areas of focus of Rotary. At present a major project is to develop Water and Sanitation projects in 30 schools in the district as well as a district wide public health project that will impact on many thousands of Nigerians.

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District 9140

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Rotary in Africa

District 9150

BurundiCameroonCentral African RepublicChadCongo

Democratic Republic of CongoEquatorial GuineaGabonRwandaSao Tome & Principe


District 9150 is one the largest districts in the world with 5.4 million km2 and more than 135 million inhabitants but 72 Rotary clubs and 1,411 members. The district incorporates 10 countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda and Sao Tome & Principe.

With a large rural population and disparities in living standards, education and skills Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus and in partnership with other districts.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Jean Runuya at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


PLASTIC SURGERYRotary clubs of Kigali (Rwanda) have provided, in partnership with Rotarian doctors from India (District 3080) and Nigeria, plastic surgery to genocide victims. This year, MEDICARE 3 will take place in August.

In Rwanda many of the genocide victims have scars from attacks during the genocide war and they require plastic surgeries. The program’s aim is to provide surgical treatment to these victims.

Rwanda is an under developed country, resources are scarce and plastic surgeons are not available hence there is lack of infrastructure and surgical supplies. Many patients remain untreated. Screening of the patients is done by local doctors who report that urgent treatment and surgeries is required.

The next mission will require the transportation of surgical supplies and medicines along with 5 plastic surgeons and 2 anaesthesiologists.

The surgery teams are composed of doctors from District 3080 who have experience of doing 15 to 20 such projects since 1999. The team is supplemented by a plastic surgeon and anaesthesiologist from Nigeria. All the Doctors are Rotarians and will be working for 7-8 days in Rwanda.

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District 9150


LIBREVILLE HIGH SCHOOLS WATER AND SANITATION PROJECTLibreville-Okoume Rotary Club, based in Libreville (Gabon) is implementing a pilot project to bring water and sanitation to a high school situated in the northern part of the city. More than 1,000 students go to this school with no latrines. Many of the girls miss school when having their period. Several high schools have neither potable water nor electricity.

The project consists of collecting rain water to provide flush toilets. The pilot has cost US$20,000 so far, financed with the help of local sponsors. The remaining part of the project will put the emphasis on sustainability.

The club now requires funds and help on sustainability issues to equip 8 to 10 high schools through a Global Grant. The program will stretch over 18 months and cost a total of US$160,000. The ultimate beneficiaries would be more than 10,000 children, in the suburbs surrounding Libreville.

ADULT LITERACYThe Rotary clubs of Masuku, Port-Gentil and Libreville in Gabon, and Kinshasa in DRC are strongly committed to help their communities by teaching adults to read and write and give them new skills and a certain autonomy. They have developed methodologies and organized a part time school for adults using public facilities.

The Rotary Club of Masuku (Gabon) has run its own program for 10 years and has given certification to more than 450 adults. Their project aims to build a dedicated school with 2 or 3 class rooms in order to provide classes for women, men and young adults who did not complete their school education.

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Rotary in Africa

District 9210



District 9210 is a large district with 62 clubs and 1,387 members. The district incorporates four Countries, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe.With a great variety of cultures, economic and living standards, education and skills, Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Ken Chibesakunda at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.

PROJECT SUCCESSES During Rotary year 2013-14 many projects were initiated and completed including• Peace and Conflict Resolution

- RC of Mutare• Disease Prevention & Treatment

- RC of Kalulushi• Water & Sanitation

- RC of Livingstone• Basic Education & Literacy

- RC Of Harare CBD• Maternal health and Child Health

- RC of Harare Central• Economic and Community Empowerment

- RC of Mzuzu

PROJECT WISHES Currently the Rotary Club of Harare Dawn in Zimbabwe is seeking support for:

ST PETER CLAVER PRIMARY SCHOOL CHISHAWASHASt Peter Claver is a primary school in rural Chishawasha. It has 570 children from Grade One to Grade Seven, with each Grade having two classes. The parents are mainly farm workers and domestic workers.

Literacy levels at St Peter Claver School are below what is expected of pupils in the early grades of school, and this will severely hamper those children as they progress up the school ladder. In addition the school with the entire community have no clean water resulting in frequent outbreaks of diseases such as diarrhoea and cholera.

Overall Objectives1. Enabling children to read so that their literacy skills are developed and children are able to learn effectively.2. Providing clean water as a means of promoting effective learning as children perform better in a hygienic and clean environment.

Action Plan

• Provide Learn-to-Read books and teachers resources to the school. Happy Readers, level 1, 2 and 3 are a set of Learn-to-Read books developed in Zimbabwe for use where English is a second language. The books use African wild animals as the characters, are brightly coloured on durable gloss paper with lots of illustrations.

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District 9210

• Training of teachers, parents and Interact members to use the books.

• Regular Monitoring of the scheme by Senior Staff of St Peter Claver’s as well as Rotarians from Harare Dawn

• Evaluation to be carried out by the trainer of trainers at six monthly intervals.

BudgetACTIVITY BUDGET IN US$Level 1 readers 3,390Teacher training (LevelOne) 540Monitoring (Level One) 200Level 2 readers 3,726Teacher training (Level Two) 540Monitoring (Level Two) 200Level 3 readers 4,230Teacher training (Level Three) 540Monitoring (Level Three) 200Evaluation (All levels) 500Total literacy 14,066Borehole 6,000Project total 20,066

OutcomesThis literacy intervention for a rural school like St. Peter Claver would contribute directly to the development of individual reading, writing and creative thinking skills for children at the school.

By giving a chance to the children at this school, the Rotary Club of Harare Dawn will provide an opportunity for these children to compete equally with other children of their age in urban areas.

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Rotary in Africa

District 9211


Our District

District 9211 consists of the Rotary clubs in Tanzania and Uganda. There are 116 clubs (38 in Tanzania and 68 in Uganda) with about 3000 Rotarians. The clubs have been involved in community service projects and programs in all the areas of focus.


Harish R. Bhatt, District Governor 2014-15 – [email protected] H. Asher, District Secretary 2014-15 – [email protected]

Project Successes

TanzaniaThe Winning Line: Rotary Pediatric Oncology Ward

Rotary Dar Marathon is a sporting event held in Dar es Salaam which mobilizes around a cause and raises money for the benefits of the community. It started in 2009 as a charity walk with about 700 participants but today has scaled to over 7,000 participants to run and walk our half marathon of 21.1kms.

In 2011 Rotarians from the 6 clubs in Dar es Salaam along with our partner Bank M and Kalamanadalam rallied around building a Pediatric oncology ward and adopted the slogan, “Help Children fight cancer”. It took almost two years of work by the committee and well wishers to design a 400 m2 state of the art Oncology ward with 23 beds and six isolation wards at a cost of $837,500.

All beds have been provided with oxygen outlets. The construction of the ward took 8 months. On August 1st 2013 the ward was opened by Dr Jane Goodall and our then DG Emmanuel Katangole and is currently in operation at the Muhimbili National Hospital.

UgandaNkondo Adopt a Village – Transforming Minds

GG 25002, Nkondo Adopt a Village, is not a project: It is a programme of transformation.

It requires long term engagement to feel and understand the tempo of the community, their assets, and their needs. Poverty is multi-faced, starting with mindset, and must be engaged on all fronts, involving all areas of focus.

This is what Kampala North, working with Rotarians from D5340 and with TRF support as well as three cooperating organisations, set out to do six years ago. Our success is measured in the Community response to our interventions.

The community worked cooperatively to merge three RCCs under one common registered community based

organization. They bought land and started on the building of a grain mill. We assisted and they provided local materials and labour.

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District 9211

Land was donated for a borehole and the five valley dams. They run a microcredit system using the Grameen model and are into their fourth cycle with 100% recovery.

The start-up amount has grown by 50%. Local government put up a 3-classroom block along with pit-latrines and the local primary school provided a classroom for conversion to computer room and library, the only facility in the District. The school has been designated a model school. They have instituted user fees for water, health services, and the computer room. The Rural Electrification Agency, in response to Rotary interventions, has extended a power line to the community at a cost of $98,000. The community is transforming itself before our eyes. It is a good feeling.

Project Wish List

TanzaniaRotary Entrepreneurship and Resource Centre at the University of Dar es Salaam

The University of Dar es Salaam has expanded from 2,000 students in 1980’s to over 15,000 students now but the facilities have not kept pace woth the growth in numbers. The library needs refurbishment, newer facilities and modern technology. Rotary clubs in Dar es Salaam wish to refurbish a part of the existing library to provide resources which will include a 80 unit thin client computer system on a local area network.

UgandaCancer Ward

The Rotary Clubs of Uganda embarked on a mission to build a specialist cancer centre in Uganda. Our vision is a centre of excellence that will provide the early detection and cure of cancer, pre and post treatment care and most importantly

save many lives being lost needlessly today. Starting as a dream of Past District Governor Stephen Mwanje (D9200, 2010/11) and his friends, St Francis’ Hospital Nsambya donated the land and the ground breaking took place on April 22nd 2011 presided over by the then RI President Ray Klinginsmith.

Generous donations have been received from several corporate organisations like Centenary Bank, Crown Beverages, National Housing Corporation, Bank of Uganda, Hima Cement and Rotarians.

In August 2012, the Cancer Run was launched as the flag bearing fundraising vehicle. This year will mark Cancer Run 3 on 31st August 2014. The first run attracted 8,000 participants and the second 13,000. We have so far raised about $300,000 which is 80% of what is needed to complete the structure, and we hope to fund the balance through cancer run 3. Our friends from Districts 7780 and 5710 have already mobilised all the necessary equipment and a Global Grant application has been prepared to help transport the equipment and also to build capacity through VTTs (inward and outward).

But so much remains to be done including building an extension for the paediatric ward and outpatients department, building five regional Cancer Centres, procuring all the requisite equipment and equipping all the centres with qualified personnel. Your support will make this possible and save more lives as we Light up Rotary and transform communities!!

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Rotary in Africa

District 9212

EthiopiaEritreaKenyaSouth Sudan

Our District

District 9212 is an offspring of District 9200 arising from an RI Board decision which split it into D9211 and D9212. Located in East Africa, District 9212 comprises 64 Rotary Clubs with 1652 members in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya and South Sudan.


To partner with us please contact 2014-2015 DG Bimal Kantaria at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.

Project Successes

The Rotary Club of Kilifi’s Water and Sanitation project begun in October 2013 and was completed successfully in April 2014. They partnered with the Rotary Club of Vinings (D6900, USA). The project scope covered 3 primary schools; (Silala, Palakumi and Petanguo), which provided 3 latrine blocks including three specially constructed for younger students.

The Rotary Club of Diani assisted by the Rotary Clubs of Tauberbischofsheim (TBB) and Evesham built a classroom, donated 60 desks and installed gutters and a water tank for a rain harvesting system between 2010 and 2012.

To support the provision of clean water the Rotary Club of Nairobi East helped with the construction of boreholes, rainwater harvesting tanks and construction and repair of water piping between 2011-2013. This was done in close partnership with the Rotary Club of New Port/ USA and a local community based organization, POWER (Pastoralist Organization for Water and Environment Research).

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District 9212

D9212 Projects Seeking Partnerships

School Rainwater HarvestingThe Rotary Club of Nairobi East seeks to address the water crisis felt by communities in Kajiado with the support of multiple primary schools. A project budget of $50,000 has been identified which is enough to fund the construction of a rain water harvesting and storage system for 15 schools. The local community will be involved in the construction of the tanks and guttering and will be trained in how to maintain these.

The Rotary Club of Nairobi East will manage the project and is seeking to raise 10% of the required funds thus $45,000 is sought from partners.

For more details contact: Mark Carey, RNE Community Service Committee Chair 2014-2015 [email protected], +254 701 862 845

Water Provision and Economic Empowerment ProjectThe Rotary Club of Maseno seeks partnerships in a water provision and economic sustainability project for the Community Care Development Organization (CCDO) in the Rakwaro Integrated Development Project located in Kisumu County.

It seeks to provide a borehole and construction of a green house and fish pond for income generating activities and water accessibility. Estimated budget costs are Ksh 4,200,000 and partnerships are requested for Ksh 3,975,694 (USD46,773) for more details

Contact: Richard Onono, Club PresidentE-mail: [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9220


District 9220 comprises of 65 clubs with a membership of some 1,600 Rotarians. The district incorporates the Indian Ocean islands of Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius (including Rodrigues), Mayotte, Reunion, Seychelles and Djibouti in the Horn of Africa.

It is said that D9220’s geography renders it unique. Indeed one gets to meet a wonderful mix of cultures. It is in the main French speaking.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact the 2014-2015 District Governor Alen Topsy at [email protected].


LITERACY, WATER AND HEALTH projects represent a large part of the district’s activities.

50 YEARS OF ROTARY SERVICEThe year 2014-2015 also marks the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Port Louis Mauritius, which chartered on the 9th November 1964. This anniversary is being celebrated in the spirit of 50 years presence of Rotary in Mauritius. To mark this event, the flagship project is the construction of 50 housing units, of which 5 have already been handed over to beneficiaries.

POTABLE WATER MADAGASCARThis Potable water supply project was initiated by the E-club of District 9220 in partnership with the Rotary Clubs of Mayotte, Mayotte Mamoudzou, Le Port-La Possession and the NGO Hilfe Madagascar. The project was completed December 23, 2013 and was inaugurated on April 30 2014 in the internet presence of members of the E-club based in other countries.

ComorosMadagascarMauritius (including Rodrigues)

MayotteReunionSeychelles Djibouti

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District 9220


The island countries making up the majority of this Rotary district demonstrate a variety of social development issues ranging from poverty alleviation, economic empowerment of rural communities and skills training.

Many ethnic groups are represented and populations are relatively small but, generally, most of the country economies are identified by the World Bank as being middle income.

Unlike mainland Africa the work of Rotary in this district, except for Djibouti, can best be described as providing sustainable economic empowerment programmes to assist small business entrepreneurs, farmers and tourism industry participants to develop their businesses and influence.

Rotary partners - interested in projects falling into the Areas of Focus of

• Providing clean water,• Supporting education, and• Growing local economies

will find a wealth of project opportunities in these beautiful islands.

Djibouti, situated on the Horn of Africa, has a chronic food deficit and is totally dependent on imports to meet its food needs. It is a small country in which more than 40 percent of its people live in extreme poverty. It is poorly endowed with natural resources and has limited arable land, rainfall and water.

Project needs here fall into all the Areas of Focus, particularly

• Fighting disease,• Providing clean water, and• Supporting education

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Rotary in Africa

District 9350

Western Cape (South Africa)Northern Cape (South Africa)NamibiaAngola


District 9350 is a very large district with 60 clubs and 1,307 members covering an area of about 3.9m square kilometres (1.5m square miles). The district incorporates the South African province of Western Cape and a portion of Northern Cape as well as the countries of Namibia and Angola.

With a high incidence of poverty in a multitude of informal settlements in and around the urban areas Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 District Governor Cecil Rose at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate club or district committee.


Moya We Khaya (Spirit of Home) Peace Gardens The Rotary Club of Constantia with a Matching Grant with partners in England and Germany. Provision of facilities and training of disadvantaged people to enable vegetable production. On land granted by City of Cape Town which was cleared and levelled, boreholes sunk, compost applied and vegetable gardens developed.

Rural Namaqualand SchoolsThe Rotary Club of Waterfront together with a Matching Grant improved teacher skills at 4 ECD schools in rural Namaqualand to improve development of young children. Vegetable gardens developed to provide meals. Warm clothing made by unemployed women for winter conditions. Upgraded school facilities and libraries with local people trained to work in libraries.

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District 9350


Bizweni Centre for Disabled ChildrenThe Rotary Club of Helderberg plans to construct a Skills Development Centre at the existing Bizweni Centre to accommodate the training of 25 disabled adolescents aged 12 – 18 years. The building of 167 sq m with a covered veranda will be equipped with the necessary furniture, fixture and fittings to enable the training in household chores, crafts and other skills according to ability as well as communications skills. A vital sense of self-worth will be developed and some might be able to earn an income.

Contact Peter Cohen at [email protected]

Mondesa Youth Opportunity TrustThis Rotary club of Swakopmund (Namibia) project focuses on education for promising, underprivileged students from their poorer communities. They offer these students 5 years of free education in the afternoons to supplement and enhance their normal education. MYO, their school, is serious about education. They focus on all areas of the students’ development - academic, social, and physical development, with a particular focus on literacy. Ongoing fund is needed to continue and develop this project.

Contact Vera Leech at [email protected].

Support in Namibia for Albinos Requiring Assistance (SINASRA)The Rotary Club of Windhoek (Namibia) runs a ongoing project whose primary focus is the survival of people with albinism, ensuring their livelihood and offering them a fair standard of living. The supply of visual aids, protective clothing, sunscreen and dissemination of relevant information is aimed at preventing sun-related cancer, its complications and early death. Dispensing special telescopic spectacles substantially improves the vision of people with albinism who would otherwise be classified as being blind. The support which SINASRA seeks will assist greatly in alleviating the plight of people affected by albinism in Namibia.

Contact Servaas van den Bosch at [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9370

LesothoKwaZulu Natal (South Africa)Eastern Cape (South Africa)Free State (South Africa)


District 9370 is a large district with 94 clubs and 1,897 members. The district incorporates the South African provinces of KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Free State as well as the Kingdom of Lesotho.With a large rural population and disparities in living standards, education and skills Rotary clubs are involved in many projects in their communities in all the Rotary areas of focus.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact 2014-2015 District Governor Andrew Jaeger at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


Zulufadder Children’s TrustThe Rotary Club of Eshowe in partnership with the The Zulufadder Children’s Trust assisted with the development of a fully equipped day care centre for children who have been marginalised by HIV and AIDS in Zululand.

Soul of AfricaSince 2006 District 9370 in partnership with The Soul of Africa Trust, the social responsibility arm of Clarke’s Shoes International, provided clubs with the opportunity to erect classrooms and day care centres in conjunction with Matching grant funding for resources.

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District 9370


Buffalo City Early Childhood Development ProjectGately Rotary Club, based in East London, District 9370 are implementing Phase 1 of a US$ 40,500 project (GG 1410735) to train 25 Prospective Early Childhood Development Practitioners.

The club now requires funds for Phase 2 that will stretch over 18 months and cost a total of US$80,000. All graduates are deployed to the Childhood Centres identified in the greater East London area. The ultimate beneficiaries would be the 1000 children, between the ages of 1-6 years, spread around villages in the Eastern Cape. Contact Pieter Bosch at [email protected]

Bundle of Joy Creche ProjectDurban North Rotary Club wishes to provide a turnkey solution for the Bundle of Joy Crèche situated in a township adjacent to Durban. Presently there are 70 children being cared for in substandard facilities by a dedicated group of carers.

The project aims to provide a multipurpose facility able to be used as a community centre at a cost of around US$35,000.

Contact Gussie Augustus at [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

District 9400

BotswanaMozambiqueSwaziland North West (South Africa)

Limpopo (South Africa)Eastern CapeMpumalangaGauteng (South Africa)


District 9400 comprises 84 clubs and 1 567 members. The district incorporates Botswana, Mozambique, Swaziland and many provinces in South Africa including North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Gauteng. Close to 700 projects are undertaken in any one Rotary year serving needy communities and beyond.


If you would like to learn more about partnering with us please contact the 2014 - 2015 Public Image Coordinator, PDG Shirley Downie at [email protected] who will direct your enquiry to the correct club or district committee.


Sibebe Survivor Project The RC of Mbabane-Mbuluzi (Swaziland) hosts an annual 16 kilometre walk/climb up the world’s largest granite outcrop mountain. Over 3 000 walkers of all ages as well as corporate teams have a fun-filled Rotary day. Funds raised in 2013 netted US$80 000 after project expenses.

The funds support the Sibebe Community Trust in its community upliftment programme, water and sanitation projects, school scholarships for the needy, orphans and vulnerable children, child care programmes and more.

These projects cover the six areas of Rotary’s focus. If you wish to support us please contact PDG Martin Forsyth-Thompson at

[email protected]

Humanitarian Distribution centre of Southern Africa For the past 12 years, The Second Wind Foundation, Houston, Texas, has sent over 150 containers filled with books to South Africa, mostly to Johannesburg. The containers are not returned and they are converted into clinics, libraries, nursery school classrooms, sewing rooms and even a satellite police station in a rural area.

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District 9370

Close to 6 million books with an estimated value of US$65 million have been distributed to schools, nurseries, prisons, universities, old age homes and charity organisations.


TransportThe transport of the containers is funded from Texas to a container terminal in Johannesburg. We have a fund-raising committee that then raises funds to cover taxes, transport and agent’s fees. If you can assist us with funding and grants please contact PDG Shirley Downie. WaterWater makes a huge different to thousands of people. Two massive water tanks were installed to supply water for vegetable gardens and sanitation. This community is spread over a three kilometre area with 70,000 inhabitants and 70% of them are unemployed. The project as been expanded to include a bakery and this has created employment opportunities. More than a thousand people collect water from the tanks daily and more tanks are needed.

If you can assist with the installation of more tanks contact PP Annemarie Mostert at [email protected]

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Rotary in Africa

Reach out to Africaand