rosemary works newsletter 11th july 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014


    On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week we invited parents and relatives to school to enjoy this yearsSummer Show, Alice in Wonderland. All 75 children had a part to play in the show and we even had four

    different Alices. Each Year Group was given a specific part to play and some children from each class were givenlines to learn and say.

    Nursery Class children were the

    flowers in the play. They stood in thesoil with their lovely flowery costumesand confused Alice as she enteredWonderland. They all sang a song aboutflowers and they all did a sterling jobwith their lines and strong singingvoices.

    They really enjoyed getting involvedwith the play and, considering this wastheir very first production, we think theywere fantastic. It takes a lot of guts tostand up in front of all the adults andperform a song, so for that,congratulations to you all in NurseryClass!

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014


    Reception Classwere the deck of

    cards in the show. They wereresponsible for painting the whiteroses red and, ultimately, takingAlice away to court. They had amarch about the deck of cards assoldiers and they also did a great

    job with the projection of theirvoices. Some children in ReceptionClass had lines and we were veryproud with how they deliveredthem. Others played the kazoo togood effect. Like the Nursery Classchildren, some of our ReceptionClass children have never beeninvolved in a play before, making it

    admirable that they showed suchconfidence.

    Year 1 were the animals for the

    Caucus Race and they wore somespectacular outfits that their parents

    had lovingly made to really put them

    in the mood! Children in Year 1 also

    had a song to learn, lines to rememberand say loudly, and they introducedmany of the scenes throughout thewhole play. The children made best use

    of the track in the playground to runin the race where everyone was a

    winner! Also two of the Alices werefrom Year 1 and they were marvellous!

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014


    Year 2/3being the oldest children in the school, had the main parts of the play. They

    were the Mad Hatters, Caterpillar, two Alices, the White Rabbit, the King and Queen ofHearts, the Cheshire Cat, Alices Parents, the Narrator and many other parts. As well asall the younger children, every Year 2/3 child did really well adding humour anddynamics to their roles. The Mad Hatters Tea Party scene was unforgettable with theirintricate Mexican wave-style cup scene and the crazy drumming. I m sure the childrenwont forget this in a hurry!

    Well done to all the childrenat Rosemary Works School.You were all fantastic!

    Thank you to the staff forall their hard work and anextra special thanks toDavid and Paul for writing,directing and performingthe play. It was a hugesuccess and thats down toyou!

    Go to the blog to see thevideo of the show and aslide show of the photostaken.

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014


    This week the children who received certificates mainly did so for their contribution to

    our sell-out, and hugely successful, Summer Show - Alice in Wonderland. Also sporting

    prowess and general kindness and friendliness bagged these children a prize and the

    clouds stopped raining on us for the photo!

    Next week is the final week of the school year, so there won't be a Celebration

    Assembly as such, but we'll find a time to celebrate those children whose birthdays it

    is over the summer and a chance to say goodbye to our leavers.

    The Artist of the Week went to Cosmo

    in Year 2. His close observation of the

    Disney character drawing and

    attention to detail has impressed us

    greatly. He thought about his use of

    colour and created a realistic skin

    tone which really made his picture

    stand out. Well done!

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014


    Nursery Class .......... LilaReception Class ...... MiloYear 1 ........................ AvaYear 2/3 ................... Zaia

    Nursery ClassOliviahas been fantastic in our Summer Show this week. She put a lot of effort into learningthe song words and actions and had a fantastically loud singing voice for all the songs! Oliviaalso never needs to be told how to behave in class. She always sits beautifully, listens well andalways follows the classroom rules!

    Verity has been an absolute star this week in our Summer Show. She puts an incredibleamount of effort into singing the songs and remembered the words even better than some ofthe adults! Verity has also been trying really hard with her phonics and has been doing somefantastic writing as well!

    Reception ClassYviefor singing with so much enthusiasm for our part in the Summer Show this week! Youwere brilliant, well done Yvie!

    Year 1Sage - Your recent efforts during PE lessons have really impressed me! Your ball skills andhand/eye coordination are really improving and you are a great team player. Your ability todribble, pass, move in to space and score points is amazing! Also your contribution to ourschool summer show has been excellent! Well done you!

    Year 2 3Gowanis our Star this week. He put in 100% effort into all three of our Summer Shows. Hewas a fantastic Cheshire Cat and remembered all the songs which he sang extremely well.Thanks for your hard work Gowan. Well done!

  • 8/12/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 11th July 2014



    Week 1 Dish of the Day AlternativeOption Vegetables Sides SaladSelection Dessert Tea

    Monday Margarita PizzaSandwichselection

    Dairy Free VegPizza

    Seasonal varietyMixedsalad


    Hummus with pittaand crudities &

    fresh fruit

    Tuesday Salmon Steaks with EggFried Rice

    Egg Fried RiceSandwichselection

    Green VegetablesMixedsalad



    Cheese wraps &sponge cake

    Wednesday Jacket Potato with choiceof: cheese, beans, tuna,cauliflower cheese or chilli


    Guacamole orcoleslaw


    FlapjackTomato Pasta &

    fresh fruit

    Thursday Veggie Lasagne TomatoPasta/Plain pastawith cheese

    Garlic breadMixedsalad



    Beans on toast &fruit

    Friday Bean BurgersSliced Cheese


    Chipped potatoes& peas



    Egg Mayosandwiches &

    seasonal fruit cake

    For Your Diary

    Mapping out the rest of the academic year so you can book time off to not miss a thing!

    17thJuly .............................................................................................. Last Day of Term (Picnic in the Park)

    18thJuly .............................................................................................. Teacher INSET + Play Scheme + Nursery OPEN

    Picnic in the Park 17thJuly at Noon

    Last year we celebrated the end of the school year by heading off to Rosemary Gardens for a12pm picnic. You are all welcome to come along. If you wish for your child to have a schoolpacked lunch, please let Alannah know, but you are equally welcome to bring along a picnic andrelax in the park with us. Therell be music, games and a celebration of the staff that are leaving.All children are welcome, so if you have other children or cousins, bring them along!

    Summer Fete

    Its tomorrow!

    Please come alongand regardless of theweather, its going tobe a great fun day

    for all the family.

    Bring your relativesand friends andsupport the school.