roseburg review. (roseburg, or.) 1885-08-28 [p ]. · roseburg review. general merchandise. ... aid...

5ZSkfi23EHBfeX2S3 MARBLE WCI1KS. POfiTLU"D dDVERTISEilS MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL MERCHANDISE. MISCELLANEOUS. ROSEBURG REVIEW. MISCELLANEOUS. Spanish Jrlcrino Bucks. I have on hand a number of fine BuckA, froni one jear old and uiiwards. Price $10. Where a number j're pur- chased a liberal discount will be made. Call at my pi c, five miles west of Roseburg. Henry Conn, r. For Su!e Cheap for Cash orapproved credit Thorough-Bre- d Merino Sheep Male and Female, at our place, six miles north of Roseburg, near "Wilbur. Correspondence solicited. ju!3 Cm T1IOS. SMITH & SON. BELFILS, Watchmaker. TTAVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS XX Watchmaker in Oregon, 1 feet confident of sfivuijr satisfaction in all work entrusted to me 1 have the County patent riirht foi sale of Concrete Cenent l'ipe for conveying water to any place tie sired. L. Bahi'iLa. T JASKULEK. . O. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler aud Optician. ALL WOIJK WAliUAXTED. Dealer iti Watches, Clock?, Jewtlrj, Speetaclea au l Eyeglasse. A FULL LINE OF CI J A1?S, TOBACCO & GOOD3. rnHE ONLY RLLUBLS OPTOMER IV TOWN X for the proper a.lj.istmeiit oi S,ieia;-les- . Depot oi tae ue:)Ui!ie iJrzniaii Pcbole b;v"-taei- as anj glasses. Ollice in Hamilton's 15rick lUock. II. PA11RY, Mtrchant Tailor. First r'ght-han'- 1 room, up stairs, over Alar.;s Store Repaiia and Alterations neatly cone. MRS. S. A. IlilTCinXSO', MILLINERY STOFiE! Onlciilncl, Oregroh. WILL'D Mi' STOCK LAH3E AVD LADIES i'ricei inoaerate. Oj- - m rjall.' Mrs. S. A. Hutchinson". w IIEA IIISOCK, Oakland, Oregon. Wagonmaker - and Undertake!, -- mi CONSTANTLY ON HAND A KEEl'S Hssortuteut of Coffins and B'irial C;isUets, which, he wilt sell at recsouaMe prices. Also keeps a lare stock of ail ma- terials nceessars for repairing' and making Wagon?, Buggies, Tlows aud Machinery of all kiiul-t- . Fur 1HH5 VS VALUABLE TO ALL! be mailed r? Fi ?? to all applicants r f tL Em and to customers of last year witnout orderineit. It contains illustrations, nrlces. descriptions and direction: for planting all Vegetable and Flower SEKDS, lit LBS, etc D. M. FERRY & CO.D,T The BtTl KItS' CHDE lM lesued MarcU and Fejit., each. year. 210 pages, at UH incle,Tr tth over 3, COO Illustration a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumer on all Roods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every- thing yon nee, eot, drink, wear, or have fiia with. These 1 3S VALUABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. "We will mail a copy FREE to any ad- dress upon receipt of lO ets. to defray expense ef matting. Lt ns hear from you Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 3k 220 VVabush Avenue, Chicago, 111. Land Corners. FOLLOWING LAW WAS PASSED BY THE 1MIE Legislature: To establish all corners of Govemmrnt surveys, where the witness trte havs been cur, or have fallen down, ami where there re-- tinu the stumn on which the bearing mark or blazes can still be setn, or where other evidences of the Uoremment comers may or can be found, whereby the said comers by Government surveys can be positively located by any of sne.h or other desTavinjf evidences, aid corner or corner tolo reetablUhed In the man- ner prescribed in thisSection for est;tbhfihing corners, and shall keejta ttuperate record of the same in a book called ltearimr Trees of U S. Surveys, and rivinjr the date, and uimes of pcritons present, and turn said record over to his successor. When so they liall be recognized thereafter s the le,fal ami permanent corner or corners. Wll. TIIIEL, County Surveyor. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS. MANUFACTURES A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF and Ginger Ale. Or- ders from abr.Kul filled wiita. proniplness and at easonable rates, SUBSCRIBE E??..S?.EEV,EW "J Mrs. R. Breckenridge AGENT FOR W. S. MoOOEHIO: Importer aal Manufacturer of fJONUraTSlHEADiiOfS Of American aud foreign Marble ' anl Sooich Granite. Kb.imatosj givcu or Coping iu Sand intone, f: '..v.'' '''r'V:1 Also Agent' for Walker's Iron Fence for Ceaietety Enclosure. ; . ROSEBURG. - " OREGON.. T II. O'M ALLEY, i , .. Tropi it-t- of the KOSEBURG MAR1JLE AVORKS. And Dealer iu TcciicsTONi:s, Tablets, Etc. Shop Renr of Hogan's Store. iiks. ROSEBURG GROCE UY STO R E. ROUT. EASTOX, PROPRIETOR. ' Jackson Etreo.t. one i!;irr Smith nf Wrt7f!nmsl:in' HAS Jl'ST HfiVIXYED A STOCK OF CANDIES, KITTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS, SPICES ; SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, COFFEES, ETC?., ETC., ETC,, I Exchange Goods iui Good Butter and Fresh. Eggs, ' MY GOODS hRE ALL FRESH, ROUT. EASTOJT. CT. c23 JLrL- - A Full Line of Sta)lo aud Fuucy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Croclierys Qaccnsward Site. Goods Delivered anywhere in. the City limits, Free of Charge. ; GrooerY" AND V ARIETY STOREL A Fall Stock ,o Fiiuiiiv Groceries, v will fivd it to their auyak Farmers 'iiircliise ihaj urocero. Near tno Da. a s imc. J. 1 inj rlo:r f Hie CITY BAKEUY AM) CANDY. FACTORY. C0&TA1LY VS ITAND a fcll. Knsrs of iJi, ( atei, Pie, Piain anj Fancy i. ratkeri. e::. Aiso a thus bc'eo.m:: of 1 reach cd A:ni noun Ltlivlics J i liucoit'.t; Cix.Us. MtOICAL- - LQ3? r5 D3. LOiG'3 WONDERFUL ' German Inviorator Men vho art sufferinz froaj L'icade and Vi'caliiieu br't on b;." early imprudedc or excesses, euuMnir ncrrou uetility, premature dicay, lobt uiKiiligcd, etc., ing- tried m vain cvt-r- known remedy, should pro- cure immediate!? Iut LlEElU'ri lYitiORA'luB. No. 2. THE DOCTOR will a?ree to forfeit $1,000 for c:ise undertaken, not cured, 'ilie reaon by o many cinnot get cured of venkness and th ebova riUea-H- is owiinr to a complication called PKOfaTA--TOURHK- A wiih liyi enesUiesia, bii require seacial treatment. DR. LlEBUi'rf I1JY.GORAT02 No. 2, undorocr ad.-ic- e and scfciial the oniy oositiecura. fur PROSTATl RKKf A. DR. LIEKIU & cu tor tlie past nineteen year have made an excJuive BjHJtjail.v of the trealucutit taueascs of men. :.- - If pimples appear on the face, if you beoome Iit-Je- ss and despondent,' look out for the complicat on with Seminal Weakness and liw c( Vitality knoan s I'rs;atorrlica. Huiulrod of lives have been Iot and thousa.iila hav? li st their proerty and plearora in life from its ciler;is, Viriewtle; or womiy veins f the scroti: m. "iflen li e iinKUPf-ecle- cause of Lost Manhood, Debility, cte. etc., iK. LltUHi'S lnTif-orato- r, Mo. 2, is t;ie only kmwn remedy! or ,ta above coinpiic:-.ti.n- , and a i crfuct and perma nen c ire will be in all cases undertaken oca der our special a. I vim and treat mtr.t. . - .Vost powerful e'lectriu belts free to our patiants.. To prove the wonderful power of the 1NV1UUUA-TO- R, A tk2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or a;! dress, ' '. Dr. liielis & Cos Private DUpenaary- - 4C0 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAX FRANCISCO, CAL Treats ail Chronic, Special and Private . - Diwass vith M'onderful Recess. . THE GHCAT ENGLISH ItUlM SJr?nh A NEVER FAILING 3Ai' J i URK for Neinma Debilty , . .... L ' y I k M a listed Vitality, Sierma- - orrhea, Lott llanhod. H7TY( 1ST t, J 'Z i mi uipoiency, i'5rijnifc Jl'roitiitorrhea, and ai! Uta cr.ibls eflecta of Self. soue, jouiniui imiiera eeM.e in inatorer yeartr ut b as Loss of Memory Nocturnal Eat. Aiuna. aversion to ncity DunneMtoi V muu. Nt ihcs in the Ilehd, EXCEMila IN DRINKING inU.xicutii.ff liquor, tne itI fluid pastin unobserved in the mine, and many otberdla-eas- e that leaa to insanity and death. D:u .Mism, who is A Rkoixak Puymcus, CaiPC- - ATK or TUB USIVKfifclTT or 1'F.SNftTLVAKIA, will aTe to forftvt Fire MirvnitEP IVtLLAkS for a cae of ibia kind the VITAL RESTORATU E (under hi tpecial advice and treatment) ill not cure, tr for anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mistib treats all private ei soecoarfuHv without mercury. Coxsvltation Free. Thorough examination and includinc anr.hvU of urine, $5.00. Pnot ! VITAL HKSTOR A.TIVE. Sl.fO a IottIc. or four timea th quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receipt cf Price, or C. G, I.r secured from observation, snd I in private name if ds.-ire- d by Dr. Mintir, U KaMY hTREET. Sax FaAXCUHW, Val. iena ior jxsw i nat- ions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to anv one applying bv letter, statingr syBtytotnn, sex and age. btrit serecy in regards to ail busiuetfs transactions. . f ' Da. Mintie'8 Kionet Remedy, XEPH RE TICUif Cure all kinds i t Kldnry and Madder t'Bomplaint, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Iucborrnea etc. For sale by all c'rnt'ffistK; $1 a bottle or six bottles for fivedollar. Da. Minties DAKD2UOK Pills are the best and tba cheap.-- t Dysi Ei8tA and Bilious cure in the market. For sale by all rirugxUts. ! TTTT AT wrrj moner thsn at anything ebe by j out. IJesinner3 succeed ?ra:id!v. None foil Terms; 1 free. Uallftt Book Co., lortltr-d- , Maine. FUJiMlUHE PALACE, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has the finest stotk of furniture south of Portlaud which lie sells as cheap as it can be bought in the State. The new tangled DO UBL E LED L 0 UNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. Alaohas on hand a full assortment of beda and bed- ding, chairs, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Chiidrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. Attention McchauioN. mmwrn book s-:r?- 0 proportion cornices, to make mouldings How to make Eave and Hake mould-din- g; gauge a tapenng stick 8 square; make a lop mitre box; get the length of bip rafters; get the backing for the same, get the length of jack rafters; get the length of valley ratters; get the hip for a concave rcof; get the and pitch roof; cut the top end of mould- ing for rake; strike a circle with a square; draw a spiral. Also the 47th problem of Euclid explained in a new way, for the benefit of Carpenters. Price 50 cents. FOE SALE AT THE REVIEW OFFICE. CHINEE YASH HOUSE. AND LABOR A GjE NCY! Yung Sam .. Proprietor, nnilS POPULAR LAUNDRYMAN HAS OPENED L business, ai hi: old stand in kogeburg, opposite Carlon's Livery Stable. Is prepared to contract for Ctimese Laborers, i And funiisli COOKS, !. FA1JM HELP, W OOD CHOPPERS 11AILBOAD HANDS Or C linese Labor of any description on short notice. VHEIAj $ BOWES BROS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Uiacksmitli Shop. riAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE J ouur-- to three tons weight. Small Cu- pola for small castiua. Money rcfuuded if work s uot satisfactory. Portland j rices ! Sav? telegrams and expresaae. LAITGENBEEffS Baat and! Sha itQ? Jackson Street.'Oppositc Post OfEee, Roselrarg, Oregon. KEEPS OX HAXD THE LARGEST AND BEST of Eastern and San Francisco an:l otiier makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEHS, SL1P-PEii- S and evcrj-thin- in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Ma.le to Order, and Perfect Fit 0 uaranteed. I use the Eest of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on fchort Kctice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGENBERG. CIVIL BEND STORE V. L. ARRINGTOH, DEALER IN Dry G00I3 Groosics to AH Kinds of ProJuos Taken h Exshinra O CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAGOH, AND BLACKSMITH SH0PIS Ailaiinon's Old Stand, Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARri!AE3, HACKS, EUOGIE ! All Kind of Repairing Done. Terns ar Reasonable. Oasxon & Blackman. CHANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, OF UCSEEURG. W.F.OWENS. : r : Manager. -- DEAL IN- - WOO ml Orein ! ALSO, AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS WE TRANSACT A GENERAL TUJSI-- M ness in our line and pay the Highest Market Pricvs for Wool and Grain. A full line of Agricultural Implement kept con- stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice t Lowe&t Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give ns a call. V. F- - OWENS. $200,000?. rr.ESEi;Tsoivi!x away, tend u postage, and by mii: you will get free a packaprc fI goods of larpn value, that ui start you in worn inai win at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. AH about the ? 00,00oin presents with each box. Agents wanted eversw here, of either ecs, of all axes, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for ns at their op n Fortunes .'or all workers absolutely as- sured. Don't delay. H. Uallkx & Co., Portland Maine. WAR IN EUR Hemoval! Remo val J Removal! On account of our removal into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Gen-ei- al Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith- standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will en. able everybody to buy our goods THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move. Our Stock is larger and better assorted than any in the City, COME AND ESABIINE And be your own judge, Before Purchasicg- - Elsewhere We guarantee our clothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our place of business is olo door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. H. O. Stanton DEALER IN nil! ( win oiiirwa mil UUUU Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Assortment of ZPXIKnE W555- Wi 1LLOW and G LASSWARE ALSO CROCKERY, CORDAGE. A Full Stock of: SCHOOIi BOOKS. STATIONERY, TOYS, & FANCY ARTICLES. Furnishes Checks on Portland, and procures Drafts on San Francisco. POST-OFFIC- E STORE ROSEBURG NOTICE. I McKinncy lias bought out F. P. Iffogau's stock of goods and is selling out at co.t, in order to close out business. Produce, such as Wheat, But- ter and Eggs, taken at high- est market price. Call and examine for your- self, as my low prices arc Cheaper than the Cheapest. AT TLOED'S OLD STAND. MEW STO AT would respectfully inform the public that he lias on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, f $ cady-JIad- e Clothing and in faci everything usually kept at a riist-c'.as- s store. (Jive him a call. Goods at tow Prices, i . All kinds cf Produce Taken ai Exchange for Goods. TSlAll orders promptly attended to. C. W. KXOWLES, L. IX BROWN. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN ) BROWN & KN0WLE8, Proprietors. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With Tha House Fire-proo- f Brick Building: lSv) Rooms. In the Center of the City COR. FROST ASD MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUROPEAN PLAN. E HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Coaxca Frokt ax JLibkjsos Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Thomas Guinea, Proprietor. ESMOND RESTAURANT, II. Mcllek, Proprietor, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Arrangements for Wedding: and Dinner Parties and Banquets. rpllE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles IIeilman, Proprietor. The very best in the. Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and ?E Streets. Portland, Ores on. REDUCED RATES, TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Tills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTE- D HOUSE superior accomodations aiwpuiar price. Meals ?5c, Rooms 25c. and &de. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings, t ree Rus to and from the Hotel JSo ;hinese servanta. o overcharges or dcviaUou from rctfilar rates of 1.00 per bay. lasre-t- f E. LEW1STQN. Prop'r. 4- - . THE ; NEW YORK COFFEE HO UcE RESTAURANT AND Oyster Saloon- - THE LEADING CI1ECK RESTAURANT IN I ITY SIFERD 4 HACKNEY. PROPS. Open Day and Niyht. Private R Joins fur. Ladies. 132 First Street Portland Oregon. Established lSj?.J A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Aider Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING glothier; mum ' -- AND i OF OREGON. -- TIIE PIaACE TO EUY. J B CON OLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, T3.LEATHEU AND SADDLERY HARDWARE 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore- gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the young and middle-age- d of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education f n the short- est time consistent with thorough work, and attho least expense. Day and evening sessions through-ou- i the year. Students admitted anytime. Cata- logue on application. A. P. Armstrong, PrincipaL FOR A BUSINESS EDUCATION OO TO THE- - 7 si i 4 '' JfJ M l( sl flLf ' f N. Y. cor. Smd: d and Salmon Ets. See C. C. C. JOURNA L, for inrormation. Address W. S. J A M KS, Principal, Mention this paper. J -- ikx 03. rortland. Or. MRS. E. F. H0TGHKISS and. "Neat JJressmaking? ROSEBURG , OREGON. T ILL FURNISH YOU THE BEST AND FINEST lV' GKds in the Market. Ladies Wear, Laces, Ruchings, Hosiery and Jewelry, SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE OF THE MISS Departtntnt, which insures a Good and Fashionable fit. Near the Dcnot TRS. HOOVE K, ill ' iVfller in f . FINE MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Ladies will And my Stock Large and 'Complete. Prices Mwlerate. Jf.RS. II, E. HOOVER. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1885. QEliEBAL NUTIS- - Smallpox is pronounced epidemic in Montreal. The government cruisers will be fin- ished in Roach's yards. The outlook for the iron trade in Pittsburor in more f;ivni-iill- f than fW years. Rome is taking precautionary meas- ures to meet a possible invasion of cholera. 'It is rumored in financial circles in London that a new Atlantic cable is projected. Gladstone, the ex-prem- of Eng- - laod is traveling in Norway for health find pleasure. Bartholdi modeled his statue of "Libert?" after his mother, who was a beautiful woman. The German corvette Augusta has been wrecked and 238 men lost. The ship was valued at, 81,750,000. It is stated that Mrs. Jefferson Da- vis drives six miles on Sunday morn- ing to teach a colored Sunday-schoo- l. Owing lo the anti-washhou- se ordi- nance passed by the trustees of Mo- desto, all the Chinese laundries have shntdown. Investigation shows that there are .30,360 Chinese in San Francisco inclu- - .ding 722 children, of whom 9 attend public school. The train bearing the tea shipped from Tacoma, made the run from ocean to oceari in eight days, the fastest freight time on racord. Silver dollar makes a satisfactory weight by wh'ch to test letters under the new rules, as it weighs within the fraction of an ounce. Two halves will answer Secretary Whitney has purchased the Graceland homestead, ono of the handsomest residences on Georgetown Heights. The price paid for it was $30,000. Monroe was the only ona of the Presidents or who was buried in New York City, and his re- mains were removed thence to Rich- mond before the war. From 1,200 to 1,500 men are re- - ported as out of employment on the middle work of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and as full of threats as they are short of money, A tomahawk of tempered copper was recently found by a farmer near Kanborn. D. T. This is a very rave : relic. The method of tempering cop- per tools is paid to be a lost art. - The average Sunday tlti collections of Rev, Newman Hairs Church, i,i $175, and of Rev. C. H. Sturgeon's congregation, in the great Taoernacle, $345. S. S. Cox, United States Minister, . lias been specially instructed, it is re-- 5 ported-a- t Constantinople, to resume negotiations with the Porto for a mod- ification of the Turkit-- tariffs on Amer-- ' ican imports. The robbers who fenced millions of acres of Government land in order to exclude settlers, are getting consider- ably cut up by the press of the country for their greed. The universal verdict js, served them right. In length of life Gen. Grant fell sixteen yeais short of his father, and twenty one years short of his mother. His father died in in 1873, his mother in. 1883. Both are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, near Cincinnati. C. B. Stewart died at Montgomery, Texas, July 28, aged 81 years. lie was one of the two surviving signers of the declaration of the Texas indepen- dence. He held many important posi- tions under the republic of Texas. The coal miners at Shcndoah, Penn- sylvania, are having pitched buttle3 Hungarians and Poles against the strikers. Several have bren seriously injured. Thus far the "foreigners" seem to be masters of the situation. JThe production of steel rails is to be reduced, based upon the capacity of Mch mill, the same to go into effect January 1st, 1886, associated manu- facturers having agreed that this was the only way to overcome tho deple- tion that paralyzes the business. ' M. C. FUnders, the Kendall (N. Y.) astronomer, has a moon theory cf his own. He claims that during the re- cent, eclipse the semi-transparen- cy of the moon was made quite evident by means of a telesc.p, sun-spo- ts being discerned through he moon's disc. By use of .a simple and conveniently worked device of coiled spring,- - an English inventor has fuceeded in dis- - rKnielnrr wifli iliA nril nf fi-Jviii- caw. ing jnacbines by hand or foot; a few trns of a handle winds up sufficient power to keap full speed over an hour. It is completely under control as to the rate of sti'chingand stopping, and an be applied to aiy existing machine at moderate cost, ''' The Hon. Horatio Seymour still re- tains his interest in the National Prison a -- t .i l i. e i . Auutiniiuu, vi nuitu uvj nils iui o luny time President. Though unable to attend its meeting", he keeps himse'f informed as to all the doings of the Association, and lends to its aims a helping hand in every way that he can. He is still Vice-Preside- nt of the Society, and is consulted as to all its important movements. injjt&n monument from a stroke of lightning recently demonstrated the need of more adequate protection from this foe of the air, and an addition of one hundred and saventv-tw- o Hhtnidg- vol tips were placed on the structure. It will take several months to complete the iron stairway leading to the top of the monument, and when that is done, the work of yto generations will ba finished. FINE ST ALLION, f gOwne'd by Jos. Carlon, tie noted Horseman. This Famous Horse is 16i hands high, weighs over 1,400 lbs., is of Ma- - hogony I'.ay Color. Six years old. Per- - feet in Form, Limb and Uody. CLYDE was sired at Saletn by the noted irapoitecl Glkxeld, winner at the Centennial 1876, and imported into the United States by Jas- - Burrows, purchased in 1 87 Gby Major Bruce, and hy him brought to Oregon. Glexeld was sired by the grent Scotch prize winner, Johnny Copp, that won inore pi-sz(- s than any other horse in his day.' His dam was by the justly renowned, Glexald. CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henry and Hamiltoniitn, lirought from Illi- nois to Oregon in 1868, and purchased by Jesse Cornelius. The attention of all Farm era imd Horsemen is called to the above artic-ular- s, and tht-- are asked to call and see this beautiful horse and g;t terms. Good pasturage furnished at reason- able rates. Every possilli care wi'l be taken to prevent accidents or escapes, but no responsibility assumed. For further particulars see or address J. V. CAB LON, Rose burg, Oregon, who also keep3 the best Livery Stable in south- ern Oregon. workina people. Send 10 cent3 pos mm and we wili mail you vkkk, a ryal sample box of coods that will put you in the way cf making more money in a few dny3 than you evertnoiitfni pussioie atanv DusinuMs. Capital not required. You ean livo at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of ell ages, gra-ndl- successful. 50 cents to $3 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled utter: To all who are not wt 11 satisfied we will send 31 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't der ay. Address Stissos & Co., Portland, Maine. send six cjnts for nostace. A PBIM free. a costlv box of irod which w:ll be!na.ll. nf either sev ta more money right awaj' than anything clue in the world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure At. on-- ? THUK d Co., Augusta, iiamo. SUGAR MILL Twelve miles from Roseburo;, on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. Any amount of Lumber Sugar Pine, Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Rustic, Mouldings, etc. Va WILL;H0T EE UNDERSOLD. We have appointed A. J. BELLOVVtJ and HEXliY GATES agents fpr Iioseburjr, who will have lumber always on hand. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. ritlCES AT MILL; Rough Lumber "......J 9 00 per II H oring 13 CO per M Rustic IS 00 per ?i CLARKE i BAKER, Props. Having purchased the above named mills of E. Stephons Co., we are now prepaped to furnish any amount of the be t quality of ever offered to the public in Douglas Comity, We will furnish at the mill at the following prices; Xq- - 1 rough lumber . . .$12 M No, 1 flooriuif, 6 inch .. $24 SI No. 1 floor hit?, 4 Inch 26 M No. 1 finishing lumber $20 M" No. 1 fin ishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed cn 4 sides" M CLAIt.CE &. BAKER. DEALKIt IN luiuiloi ?asli Doors niicl 3XoxilliuH OF THE VEUY. '.BEST MATERIAL. AND GET TERMS BEFORE PURCH ' COME elsewhere. Office near L'epot, Roscburg. Agent for J. J. Whitsett's Lumbev. Agee& Hann.ii. If ew Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. SATISFACTION ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. .THE OLD RELIABLE SSFTOHflE-BEtiff- Established in 1867. Jacob IS if zcr III GLASCOUNTY BANK HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roseourc - - - - Oregon. TRANSACT ..A GENEiiAL BAHKIWeBUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on rortland, S - Francisco, New- - Yoi jc and other points. . Bills of exchange on the nnuciiI cities of Liirope. Ueposiu rs- - ceived Buhjcct to check. Collections made oo. all accessible points at reasouable rates. '

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Page 1: Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-08-28 [p ]. · ROSEBURG REVIEW. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ... aid corneror tolo reetablUhed In the man- ... 4C0 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. THE



Spanish Jrlcrino Bucks.I have on hand a number of fine

BuckA, froni one jear old and uiiwards.Price $10. Where a number j're pur-chased a liberal discount will be made.

Call at my pi c, five miles west ofRoseburg. Henry Conn, r.

For Su!e Cheap for Cash orapprovedcredit Thorough-Bre- d Merino SheepMale and Female, at our place, sixmiles north of Roseburg, near "Wilbur.

Correspondence solicited.

ju!3 Cm T1IOS. SMITH & SON.


TTAVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE ASXX Watchmaker in Oregon, 1 feet confident ofsfivuijr satisfaction in all work entrusted to me

1 have the County patent riirht foi sale of ConcreteCenent l'ipe for conveying water to any place tiesired. L. Bahi'iLa.


O . Practical

Watchmaker, Jeweler aud Optician.ALL WOIJK WAliUAXTED.

Dealer iti Watches, Clock?, Jewtlrj,Speetaclea au l Eyeglasse.



rnHE ONLY RLLUBLS OPTOMER IV TOWNX for the proper a.lj.istmeiit oi S,ieia;-les- . Depotoi tae ue:)Ui!ie iJrzniaii Pcbole b;v"-taei- as anjglasses. Ollice in Hamilton's 15rick lUock.

II. PA11RY,Mtrchant Tailor.

First r'ght-han'- 1 room, up stairs, overAlar.;s Store

Repaiia and Alterations neatly cone.


Onlciilncl, Oregroh.WILL'D Mi' STOCK LAH3E AVDLADIES i'ricei inoaerate.

Oj- - m rjall.' Mrs. S. A. Hutchinson".


Oakland, Oregon.

Wagonmaker- andUndertake!,-- mi

CONSTANTLY ON HAND AKEEl'S Hssortuteut of Coffins and B'irialC;isUets, which, he wilt sell at recsouaMeprices. Also keeps a lare stock of ail ma-terials nceessars for repairing' and makingWagon?, Buggies, Tlows aud Machinery ofall kiiul-t- .


VS VALUABLE TO ALL!be mailed r? Fi ??

to all applicants r f tL Emand to customers of last year witnoutorderineit. It contains illustrations, nrlces.descriptions and direction: for planting allVegetable and Flower SEKDS, lit LBS, etcD. M. FERRY & CO.D,T

The BtTl KItS' CHDE lM

lesued MarcU and Fejit.,each. year. 210 pages,

at UH incle,Tr tth over3,COO Illustration awhole Picture Gallery.GIVES Wholesale Prices

direct to consumer on all Roods forpersonal or family use. Tells how toorder, and gives exact cost of every-thing yon nee, eot, drink, wear, orhave fiia with. These 13S VALUABLEBOOKS contain information gleanedfrom the markets of the world. "We

will mail a copy FREE to any ad-dress upon receipt of lO ets. to defrayexpense ef matting. Lt ns hear fromyou Respectfully,MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.227 3k 220 VVabush Avenue, Chicago, 111.



To establish all corners of Govemmrnt surveys,where the witness trte havs been cur, or have fallendown, ami where there re-- tinu the stumn on whichthe bearing mark or blazes can still be setn, orwhere other evidences of the Uoremment comersmay or can be found, whereby the said comers

by Government surveys can be positivelylocated by any of sne.h or other desTavinjf evidences,aid corner or corner tolo reetablUhed In the man-

ner prescribed in thisSection for est;tbhfihing corners,and shall keejta ttuperate record of the same in abook called ltearimr Trees of U S. Surveys, andrivinjr the date, and uimes of pcritons present, andturn said record over to his successor. When so

they liall be recognized thereafter sthe le,fal ami permanent corner or corners.

Wll. TIIIEL, County Surveyor.



ders from abr.Kul filled wiita. proniplness and ateasonable rates,


Mrs. R. BreckenridgeAGENT FOR

W. S. MoOOEHIO:Importer aal Manufacturer of

fJONUraTSlHEADiiOfSOf American aud foreign Marble '

anl Sooich Granite.

Kb.imatosj givcu or Coping iu Sandintone, f: '..v.'' '''r'V:1

Also Agent' for Walker's Iron Fence forCeaietety Enclosure. ; .


T II. O'M ALLEY,i , .. Tropi it-t- of theKOSEBURG MAR1JLE AVORKS.

And Dealer iuTcciicsTONi:s, Tablets, Etc.

Shop Renr of Hogan's Store.




Jackson Etreo.t. one i!;irr Smith nf Wrt7f!nmsl:in'





I Exchange Goods iui Good Butterand Fresh. Eggs, '


CT. c23 JLrL- -

A Full Line of

Sta)lo aud Fuucy Groceries,Table and Pocket Cutlery,

Glassware, CroclierysQaccnsward Site.

Goods Delivered anywhere in. theCity limits, Free of Charge.

; GrooerY"AND


A Fall Stock ,o Fiiuiiiv Groceries, v

will fivd it to their auyakFarmers 'iiircliise ihaj urocero. Near tno Da.

a s imc.J. 1 inj rlo:r f HieCITY BAKEUY AM)


C0&TA1LY VS ITAND a fcll.Knsrs of iJi, ( atei, Pie, Piain anj Fancyi. ratkeri. e::. Aiso a thus bc'eo.m:: of 1 reach cdA:ninoun Ltlivlics J i liucoit'.t; Cix.Us.



German InvioratorMen vho art sufferinz froajL'icade and Vi'caliiieu br'ton b;." early imprudedc orexcesses, euuMnir ncrrou

uetility, premature dicay, lobt uiKiiligcd, etc.,ing- tried m vain cvt-r- known remedy, should pro-cure immediate!? Iut LlEElU'ri lYitiORA'luB.No. 2.

THE DOCTOR will a?ree to forfeit $1,000 forc:ise undertaken, not cured, 'ilie reaon by omany cinnot get cured of venkness and th ebovariUea-H- is owiinr to a complication called PKOfaTA--TOURHK- A

wiih liyi enesUiesia, bii requireseacial treatment.

DR. LlEBUi'rf I1JY.GORAT02 No. 2, undorocrad.-ic- e and scfciial the oniy oositiecura.fur PROSTATl RKKf A.

DR. LIEKIU & cu tor tlie past nineteen yearhave made an excJuive BjHJtjail.v of the trealucutittaueascs of men. :.--

If pimples appear on the face, if you beoome Iit-Je- ss

and despondent,' look out for the complicat onwith Seminal Weakness and liw c( Vitality knoan

s I'rs;atorrlica. Huiulrod of lives have been Iotand thousa.iila hav? li st their proerty and plearorain life from its ciler;is, Viriewtle; or womiy veins

f the scroti: m. "iflen li e iinKUPf-ecle- cause of LostManhood, Debility, cte. etc., iK. LltUHi'S lnTif-orato- r,

Mo. 2, is t;ie only kmwn remedy! or ,taabove coinpiic:-.ti.n- , and a i crfuct and perma nenc ire will be in all cases undertaken ocader our special a. I vim and treat mtr.t. .

-.Vost powerful e'lectriu belts free to our patiants..To prove the wonderful power of the 1NV1UUUA-TO- R,

A tk2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE.Call or a;! dress,

' '.

Dr. liielis & Cos Private DUpenaary- -4C0 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal.


Treats ail Chronic, Special and Private .

- Diwass vith M'onderful Recess. .

THE GHCAT ENGLISH ItUlMSJr?nh A NEVER FAILING3Ai' J i URK for Neinma Debilty, . ....L 'y I k M

a listed Vitality, Sierma--orrhea, Lott llanhod.

H7TY( 1ST t, J 'Z i mi uipoiency, i'5rijnifcJl'roitiitorrhea, and ai! Utacr.ibls eflecta of Self.soue, jouiniui imiiera

eeM.e in inatorer yeartrut b as Loss of Memory

Nocturnal Eat.Aiuna. aversion to ncity

DunneMtoi V muu. Nt ihcs in the Ilehd, EXCEMilaIN DRINKING inU.xicutii.ff liquor, tne itI fluidpastin unobserved in the mine, and many otberdla-eas- e

that leaa to insanity and death.D:u .Mism, who is A Rkoixak Puymcus, CaiPC- -

ATK or TUB USIVKfifclTT or 1'F.SNftTLVAKIA, will aTeto forftvt Fire MirvnitEP IVtLLAkS for a cae of ibiakind the VITAL RESTORATU E (under hi tpecialadvice and treatment) ill not cure, tr for anythingimpure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mistib treatsall private ei soecoarfuHv without mercury.Coxsvltation Free. Thorough examination and

includinc anr.hvU of urine, $5.00. Pnot !VITAL HKSTOR A.TIVE. Sl.fO a IottIc. or four timeath quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receiptcf Price, or C. G, I.r secured from observation, snd

I in private name if ds.-ire- d by Dr. Mintir, U KaMYhTREET. Sax FaAXCUHW, Val. iena ior jxsw i nat-ions and pamphlet.

SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE.Will be sent to anv one applying bv letter, statingrsyBtytotnn, sex and age. btrit serecy in regards toail busiuetfs transactions. . f '

Da. Mintie'8 Kionet Remedy, XEPH RE TICUifCure all kinds i t Kldnry and Madder t'Bomplaint,Gonorrhea, Gleet, Iucborrnea etc. For sale by allc'rnt'ffistK; $1 a bottle or six bottles for fivedollar.

Da. Minties DAKD2UOK Pills are the best and tbacheap.--t Dysi Ei8tA and Bilious cure in the market.For sale by all rirugxUts.

! TTTT AT wrrj moner thsn at anything ebe by

j out. IJesinner3 succeed ?ra:id!v. None foil Terms;1 free. Uallftt Book Co., lortltr-d- , Maine.


Has the finest stotk of furniture south of Portlaudwhich lie sells as cheap as it can be bought

in the State. The new tangled




Alaohas on hand a full assortment of beda and bed-

ding, chairs, tables,


And all kinds of Chiidrens Chairs, etc.J. GILDERSLEEVE.

Attention McchauioN.mmwrn book



proportion cornices, to make mouldingsHow to make Eave and Hake mould-din- g;

gauge a tapenng stick 8 square;make a lop mitre box; get the lengthof bip rafters; get the backing for thesame, get the length of jack rafters;get the length of valley ratters; get thehip for a concave rcof; get the and

pitch roof; cut the top end of mould-

ing for rake; strike a circle with asquare; draw a spiral. Also the 47thproblem of Euclid explained in a newway, for the benefit of Carpenters.





LABOR A GjE NCY!Yung Sam . . Proprietor,

nnilS POPULAR LAUNDRYMAN HAS OPENEDL business, ai hi: old stand in kogeburg, opposite

Carlon's Livery Stable. Is prepared to contract for

Ctimese Laborers,i And funiisli



11AILBOAD HANDSOr C linese Labor of any description on short notice.


FOUNDRY,Machine Shop,

Wagon Shop,Uiacksmitli Shop.

riAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONEJ ouur-- to three tons weight. Small Cu-

pola for small castiua. Money rcfuuded ifwork s uot satisfactory. Portland j rices !

Sav? telegrams and expresaae.

LAITGENBEEffSBaat and! Sha itQ?

Jackson Street.'Oppositc Post OfEee,

Roselrarg, Oregon.

KEEPS OX HAXD THE LARGEST AND BESTof Eastern and San Francisco an:l

otiier makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEHS, SL1P-PEii- S

and evcrj-thin- in the Boot and Shoe line, and

SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH.Boots and Shoes Ma.le to Order, and Perfect

Fit 0 uaranteed.I use the Eest of Leather and Warrant all

my work.Repairing Neatly Done, on fchort Kctice,





Dry G00I3 Groosics to

AH Kinds of ProJuos Taken h ExshinraO


T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman


BLACKSMITH SH0PISAilaiinon's Old Stand, Jackson Street.



All Kind of Repairing Done. Terns arReasonable. Oasxon & Blackman.



OF UCSEEURG.W.F.OWENS. : r : Manager.

-- DEAL IN- -

WOO ml Orein !




ness in our line and pay the HighestMarket Pricvs for Wool and Grain. A fullline of Agricultural Implement kept con-

stantly on hand, or furnished on short noticet Lowe&t Prices. Office and Warehouse

OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give ns a call.V. F- - OWENS.

$200,000?. rr.ESEi;Tsoivi!x away, tend upostage, and by mii: you

will get free a packaprc fI goods of larpn value, thatui start you in worn inai win at once bring you in

money faster than anything else in America. AHabout the ? 00,00oin presents with each box. Agentswanted eversw here, of either ecs, of all axes, for allthe time, or spare time only, to work for ns at theirop n Fortunes .'or all workers absolutely as-sured. Don't delay. H. Uallkx & Co., PortlandMaine.





On account of our removal

into our new Store we proposeto offer our entire stock of Gen-ei- al

Merchandise to the Public

at such low prices that notwith-

standing the present hard times

and scarcity of money, will en.

able everybody to buy our



Must be sold before we move.

Our Stock is larger and betterassorted than any in the City,

COME AND ESABIINEAnd be your own judge,

Before Purchasicg- - ElsewhereWe guarantee our clothes to

fit in every particular.


And no mistake. Our place ofbusiness is olo door north of thePost Office.


H. O. StantonDEALER IN

nil! ( winoiiirwa mil UUUU

Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Assortment of







Furnishes Checks on Portland, and procuresDrafts on San Francisco.


NOTICE.I McKinncy lias bought out

F. P. Iffogau's stock of goodsand is selling out at co.t, inorder to close out business.

Produce, such as Wheat, But-

ter and Eggs, taken at high-est market price.

Call and examine for your-

self, as my low prices arcCheaper than the Cheapest.AT TLOED'S OLD STAND.


would respectfully inform the public that helias on hand a fine assortment of

Dry Goods, Groceries,f$ cady-JIad- e Clothing

and in faci everything usually kept at ariist-c'.as- s store. (Jive him a call.

Goods at tow Prices,i .

All kinds cf Produce

Taken ai Exchange for Goods.TSlAll orders promptly attended to.



BROWN & KN0WLE8, Proprietors.


Good Restaurant Connected With Tha House

Fire-proo- f Brick Building:lSv) Rooms.

In the Center of the City




First Class In Every Particular,Coaxca Frokt ax JLibkjsos Sts.


Thomas Guinea, Proprietor.

ESMOND RESTAURANT,II. Mcllek, Proprietor,

Corner Front and Morrison Streets,PORTLAND, OREGON.

Special Arrangements for Wedding: and DinnerParties and Banquets.


Charles IIeilman, Proprietor.

The very best in the. Market is setbefore you.



Cor. Third and ?E Streets.Portland, Ores on.


Tills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTE- D HOUSEsuperior accomodations aiwpuiar price.

Meals ?5c, Rooms 25c. and &de. Only three blocksfrom all Depots and Steamer landings, t ree Rusto and from the Hotel JSo ;hinese servanta. oovercharges or dcviaUou from rctfilar rates of 1.00per bay.

lasre-t- f E. LEW1STQN. Prop'r.


. THE ;


Oyster Saloon- -


SIFERD 4 HACKNEY. PROPS.Open Day and Niyht. Private RJoins fur. Ladies.

132 First Street Portland Oregon.

Established lSj?.J

A. ROBERTS,Corner First and Aider Street Portland, Or.


glothier; mum'

-- AND i



J B CON OLEManufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In


103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON

The Portland Business College, Portland, Ore-gon, offers superior private and class instructionto the young and middle-age- d of both sexes whodesire to obtain a practical education fn the short-est time consistent with thorough work, and attholeast expense. Day and evening sessions through-ou-i

the year. Students admitted anytime. Cata-logue on application. A. P. Armstrong, PrincipaL


7 si i4'' JfJ M l( slflLf' fN. Y. cor. Smd: d and Salmon Ets.

See C. C. C. JOURNA L, for inrormation.Address W. S. J A M KS, Principal,Mention this paper. J -- ikx 03. rortland. Or.


and."Neat JJressmaking?


lV' GKds in the Market. Ladies Wear, Laces,Ruchings, Hosiery and Jewelry,

SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE OF THEMISS Departtntnt, which insures aGood and Fashionable fit. Near the Dcnot

TRS. HOOVE K,ill ' iVfller in f .FINE MILLINERY


Ladies will And my Stock Large and'Complete. Prices Mwlerate.


FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1885.


Smallpox is pronounced epidemic inMontreal.

The government cruisers will be fin-

ished in Roach's yards.The outlook for the iron trade in

Pittsburor in more f;ivni-iill- f than fW

years.Rome is taking precautionary meas-

ures to meet a possible invasion ofcholera.

'It is rumored in financial circles inLondon that a new Atlantic cable isprojected.

Gladstone, the ex-prem- of Eng--

laod is traveling in Norway for healthfind pleasure.

Bartholdi modeled his statue of"Libert?" after his mother, who was abeautiful woman.

The German corvette Augusta hasbeen wrecked and 238 men lost. Theship was valued at, 81,750,000.

It is stated that Mrs. Jefferson Da-vis drives six miles on Sunday morn-

ing to teach a colored Sunday-schoo- l.

Owing lo the anti-washhou- se ordi-nance passed by the trustees of Mo-

desto, all the Chinese laundries haveshntdown.

Investigation shows that there are.30,360 Chinese in San Francisco inclu- -

.ding 722 children, of whom 9 attendpublic school.

The train bearing the tea shippedfrom Tacoma, made the run from oceanto oceari in eight days, the fastestfreight time on racord.

Silver dollar makes a satisfactoryweight by wh'ch to test letters underthe new rules, as it weighs within thefraction of an ounce. Two halves willanswer

Secretary Whitney has purchasedthe Graceland homestead, ono of thehandsomest residences on GeorgetownHeights. The price paid for it was$30,000.

Monroe was the only ona of thePresidents or who wasburied in New York City, and his re-

mains were removed thence to Rich-mond before the war.

From 1,200 to 1,500 men are re--ported as out of employment on themiddle work of the Canadian PacificRailroad, and as full of threats as theyare short of money,

A tomahawk of tempered copperwas recently found by a farmer nearKanborn. D. T. This is a very rave

: relic. The method of tempering cop-

per tools is paid to be a lost art.- The average Sunday tlti collections

of Rev, Newman Hairs Church, i,i

$175, and of Rev. C. H. Sturgeon'scongregation, in the great Taoernacle,$345.

S. S. Cox, United States Minister,. lias been specially instructed, it is re-- 5

ported-a- t Constantinople, to resumenegotiations with the Porto for a mod-

ification of the Turkit-- tariffs on Amer--'ican imports.

The robbers who fenced millions ofacres of Government land in order toexclude settlers, are getting consider-

ably cut up by the press of the countryfor their greed. The universal verdictjs, served them right.

In length of life Gen. Grant fellsixteen yeais short of his father, andtwenty one years short of his mother.His father died in in 1873, his motherin. 1883. Both are buried in SpringGrove Cemetery, near Cincinnati.

C. B. Stewart died at Montgomery,Texas, July 28, aged 81 years. liewas one of the two surviving signers ofthe declaration of the Texas indepen-dence. He held many important posi-tions under the republic of Texas.

The coal miners at Shcndoah, Penn-sylvania, are having pitched buttle3Hungarians and Poles against thestrikers. Several have bren seriouslyinjured. Thus far the "foreigners"seem to be masters of the situation.

JThe production of steel rails is to bereduced, based upon the capacity ofMch mill, the same to go into effectJanuary 1st, 1886, associated manu-facturers having agreed that this wasthe only way to overcome tho deple-tion that paralyzes the business.' M. C. FUnders, the Kendall (N. Y.)astronomer, has a moon theory cf hisown. He claims that during the re-

cent, eclipse the semi-transparen- cy ofthe moon was made quite evident bymeans of a telesc.p, sun-spo- ts beingdiscerned through he moon's disc.

By use of .a simple and convenientlyworked device of coiled spring,- - anEnglish inventor has fuceeded in dis- -rKnielnrr wifli iliA nril nf fi-Jviii- caw.

ing jnacbines by hand or foot; a fewtrns of a handle winds up sufficientpower to keap full speed over an hour.It is completely under control as tothe rate of sti'chingand stopping, andan be applied to aiy existing machineat moderate cost,''' The Hon. Horatio Seymour still re-

tains his interest in the National Prisona -- t .i l i. e i

. Auutiniiuu, vi nuitu uvj nils iui o lunytime President. Though unable toattend its meeting", he keeps himse'finformed as to all the doings of theAssociation, and lends to its aims ahelping hand in every way that he can.He is still Vice-Preside- nt of the Society,and is consulted as to all its importantmovements.

injjt&n monument from a stroke oflightning recently demonstrated theneed of more adequate protectionfrom this foe of the air, and anaddition of one hundred and saventv-tw- o

Hhtnidg- vol tips were placed onthe structure. It will take severalmonths to complete the iron stairwayleading to the top of the monument,and when that is done, the work ofyto generations will ba finished.


gOwne'd by Jos. Carlon, tie notedHorseman.

This Famous Horse is 16i hands

high, weighs over 1,400 lbs., is of Ma--

hogony I'.ay Color. Six years old. Per- -

feet in Form, Limb and Uody.CLYDE was sired at Saletn by the

noted irapoitecl Glkxeld, winner atthe Centennial 1876, and imported intothe United States by Jas-- Burrows,purchased in 1 87 Gby Major Bruce, andhy him brought to Oregon. Glexeldwas sired by the grent Scotch prizewinner, Johnny Copp, that won inorepi-sz(-

s than any other horse in his day.'His dam was by the justly renowned,Glexald.

CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henryand Hamiltoniitn, lirought from Illi-

nois to Oregon in 1868, and purchasedby Jesse Cornelius.

The attention of all Farm era imdHorsemen is called to the above artic-ular- s,

and tht-- are asked to call andsee this beautiful horse and g;t terms.

Good pasturage furnished at reason-able rates. Every possilli care wi'l betaken to prevent accidents or escapes,but no responsibility assumed. Forfurther particulars see or address J. V.CAB LON, Rose burg, Oregon, who alsokeep3 the best Livery Stable in south-ern Oregon.

workina people. Send 10 cent3 posmm and we wili mail you vkkk, a ryalsample box of coods that will

put you in the way cf making more money in a fewdny3 than you evertnoiitfni pussioie atanv DusinuMs.

Capital not required. You ean livo at home andwork in spare time only, or all the time. All ofboth sexes, of ell ages, gra-ndl- successful. 50 centsto $3 easily earned every evening. That all whowant work may test the business, we make this unparalleled utter: To all who are not wt 11 satisfied wewill send 31 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Fullparticulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense payabsolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't deray. Address Stissos & Co., Portland, Maine.

send six cjnts for nostace.A PBIM free. a costlv box of irod

which w:ll be!na.ll. nf either sev tamore money right awaj' than anything clue in theworld. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sureAt. on-- ? THUK d Co., Augusta, iiamo.

SUGAR MILLTwelve miles from Roseburo;, on

the Coos Bay Wagon Road.

Any amount of Lumber Sugar Pine,Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring,

Rustic, Mouldings, etc.

Va WILL;H0T EE UNDERSOLD.We have appointed A. J. BELLOVVtJ and HEXliY

GATES agents fpr Iioseburjr, who will have lumberalways on hand. Will deliver to any part of the cityfrom the Mill at reasonable rates.

ritlCES AT MILL;Rough Lumber "......J 9 00 per IIH oring 13 CO per M

Rustic IS 00 per ?i


Having purchased the above named mills of E.

Stephons Co., we are now prepaped to furnish anyamount of the be t quality of

ever offered to the public in Douglas Comity, Wewill furnish at the mill at the following prices;Xq- - 1 rough lumber . . .$12 M

No, 1 flooriuif, 6 inch .. $24 SI

No. 1 floor hit?, 4 Inch 26 M

No. 1 finishing lumber $20 M"

No. 1 fin ishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 M

No. 1 finishing lumber dressed cn 4 sides" M



luiuiloi ?asli Doorsniicl 3XoxilliuH



Office near L'epot, Roscburg.

Agent for J. J. Whitsett's Lumbev.

Agee& Hann.ii.

Ifew Butcher Shop

We keep all kinds of FRESH andPICKLED meats.


Hides of all kinds bought.


SSFTOHflE-BEtiff-Established in 1867.

Jacob IS ifzcr


HUMPHREY & FLINT,Roseourc - - - - Oregon.


BAHKIWeBUSINESSSight Drafts Drawn on

rortland, S - Francisco, New- - Yoi jc andother points. . Bills of exchange on thennuciiI cities of Liirope. Ueposiu rs- -

ceived Buhjcct to check. Collections madeoo. all accessible points at reasouable rates. '