roren: fiin rio we will have an open discussion to … · in rio we will have an open discussion...

17 th WPC delegates seek to network and do new business deals. See how to register 7 March / April 2002 2 Roren: In Rio we will have an open discussion to learn what the expectations of society are and how to meet them EIVALD M. Q. ROREN WPC President The awesome Iguassu Falls: a must in the pre- and post-Congress tours 11 Industry leaders speak of their expectations and reflect on the oil and gas market 4 President of Brazil to take part in the Opening Ceremony 3 Scientific Programme: 400 presentations 6

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17th WPC delegatesseek to network anddo new businessdeals. See how toregister 7

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March / April 2002


Roren: �In Rio we will have an open

discussion to learn what the expectations

of society are and how to meet them�EIVALD M. Q. RORENWPC President

The awesome IguassuFalls: a must in the pre-and post-Congress tours 11

Industry leadersspeak of theirexpectations andreflect on the oil andgas market 4

President of Brazilto take part in theOpening Ceremony 3

Scientific Programme:400 presentations 6

march/ april 20022

The Petroleum Industry: Towards Excellence and Social Responsibility

he World PetroleumCongress (WPC) provides aninternational forum fordiscussing the issues facing

the global petroleum industry on astrictly non-political basis. The WPC’s59 member countries represent over90% of the world’s major oil and gasproducers and consumers. Attendanceat the triennial WPC Congresses isopen to all. We aim to encourage theapplication of scientific andtechnological advances and the studyof economic, financial, management,environmental and social issuesrelating to the petroleum industry. Seealso

A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE - Theconcepts of sustainability andsustainable development were firstproposed in 1972, as an alternative tothe ethos of expansionism. Thisfollowed in the trailing waters of theAmerican Rachel Carson’s “SilentSpring” (1962), one of the first strongwarnings from a scientist on thedamaging uses from pesticides.

The Brundtland definition is the mostwidely accepted today, and serves asthe starting point for the vast majority


of sustainable developmentpolicy-making by governments, citizens’groups, industry and environmentalorganisations: “meeting the needs of thepresent without compromising the abilityof future generations to meet their ownneeds.” (Brundtland Commission)

In 1992, this view was formally adoptedon a worldwide scale at the UnitedNations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.This meeting also was the start of aseries of initiatives aimed at combatingclimate change, the most famous ofthose happening at Kyoto. It is importantto recall these events ten years afterthe Earth Summit.

THE GLOBAL COMPACT - By July2000, the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, invited leadingcompanies to launch the GlobalCompact initiative. Many WPCmembers and their organisation joinedother global leaders from business andcivil society to promote this jointinitiative, which supports responsiblebusiness operations and universal valuesthroughout the world.

Environmental and social issues are notnew features of the WPC congresses.Before and at the 14th WPC inStavanger, the World PetroleumCongress initiated a major programmeon the environment and has not lookedback since.

At the start of the new millennium, in2000, WPC held its 16th Congress wherealso social responsibility was put on theagenda for the first time, and

emphasised that the mission of thepetroleum industry goes beyondtechnical and economical excellence.

Since seeking excellence inperformance had been such a largefeature of summing up of the CalgaryCongress it was incorporated into thetheme for the 17

th WPC Congress in

Rio: “The Petroleum Industry:Excellence and Responsibility inServing Society”. In Rio we will havean open discussion to learn what theexpectations of society are and how tomeet them.

CONCLUSIONS - The well-being ofsocieties around the world depends onthe performance of an excellent andwell-regarded petroleum industry.

We have come a long way since theearly signals from Rachel Carson in1962. Care and concern for theenvironment, social responsibility andsound economics constitute jointlyquite essential ingredients in myopinion. For centuries man hasendeavoured to “exploit” theenvironment. It is high time that mannow has to defend the environment,summed up nicely by T.S.Elliot:

“Time present and time past areperhaps present in time future and timefuture contained in time past”.

The World Petroleum Congress isin the forefront of steadily improvingthe future and helping to createa better perception of the petroleumindustry worldwide. Welcome to the17

th World Petroleum Congress.


“The well-being of societiesaround the world depends on

the performance of anexcellent and well regarded

petroleum industry”

w w w . w p c 2 0 0 2 . c o m 11

Discover the best of Brazil from north to southe l e g a t e s a n daccompanying personswho wish to enjoy Brazil’smultifaceted beauty, artand culture have a wide

range of pre- and post-Congresstours available to them. Theexcursions include the top touristattractions of the country throughand through. From north to southand east to west, travel choicesvary from beaches and islands tohistorical cities, jungles andnational parks. Two traveldestinations ranking among thebest are the impressive IguassuFalls, in the south, and the dazzlingSauípe Coast, in the north-east.Congress travelers who choose togo to Iguassu Falls may stay at aluxury hotel, and will be able to giveway to the splendid natural beautyof the tropical jungle surroundingthe world’s most spectacular falls.The region’s rivers, lakes, jungle,as well as flora and faunacompose a breath-taking scenarioof harmony between civilisationand nature.Another good choice while you arethere is to take a guided tour ofItaipu Dam, the world’s largest inoperation with an installedcapacity of 12,600 MW.In the north-east, a greatdestination is Salvador, Bahia.Brazil’s first capital ever is todayone of country’s most importanttourist attractions. Salvador is alsowell known for its old quarter, thePelourinho. Declared a WorldHeritage site by UNESCO, thePelourinho is Latin America’slargest architectonic complex ofthe Brazilian Colonial baroque.While in Bahia, you may want tospend a couple of nights in LatinAmerica’s most complete touristcentre, the Sauípe Coast. This isa region blessed by 193 kilometresof exotically beautiful beaches,many of which are bathed bylagoon-forming rivers. The SauípeCoast tourist centre features asophisticated infrastructureoffering typical and international

Pelourinho, Salvador - Bahia

Iguassu Falls - Paraná

The best way to get to knowBrazil, a continental-size country,is by purchasing the Varig BrazilAir Pass. With it, you will be ableto visit more than nine Braziliancities. Its cost ranges from US$530 to US$ 930, depending on theitinerary. Good for 21 days, theBrazil Air Pass is sold only to non-residents in Brazil, regardless ofnationality. The basic condition forbuying one involves the purchaseof a round trip ticket to Brazil. VarigBrazil Air Pass is one moreservice offered by Varig, the officialairline of the 17th WPC.

Check out the complete pre- andpost-Congress tour programmeand get additional information onexcursion dates and on how toregister at

or by calling (+55 21) 3875-9315

Travel with the Brazil Air Pass


Sauípe Coast - Bahia

Salvador - Bahia

cuisines, bars, apparel andperfume shops, jewelers’,bookstores, multiple-sportsfacilities, including a marina.

Brazilian gemstonesThe programme for accompanyingpersons organised includes a visitto the H. Stern Museum, whichshowcases South America’s mostcomplete collection of colourgemstones. The ideal place forjewel collectors and enthusiasts,the H. Stern Museum bringstogether all of the types ofgemstones found in Brazil: theaquamarine, the emerald, theimperial topaz, the tourmaline, thecitrine, the amethyst and thediamond. As a whole, Brazil isrecognised as the world’s largestmineral province of colourgemstones, and it accounts for80% of the global production.Besides its exclusive exhibit ofcrystals and gemstones, theMuseum hosts the largestcollection of tourmalines in theworld, containing over onethousand stones of various sizesand in all known tones.Museum visitors are entitled to takethe Gemological Tour to becomeacquainted with the lapidaryprocess: gemstone selection, cut,polishing and setting.

march/ april 200210

Rio Oil & Gas area: 94% already sold

f the 30 thousand square metresset aside for the Rio Oil & GasExpo 2002, 94% have alreadybeen marketed. More than 50

countries will be represented in Expopavilions or booths. Among theinternational pavilions, expectationshave been accruing on those from SaudiArabia, India, Algeria, Kuwait, andQatar, all of which are making their debutin Latin America’s largest Expo.

The UK has the largest pavilion, with1,200 square metres in area, and over40 participating firms. The countryoccupying the second largest area isChina, with 850 square metres. Italy hasthe third largest pavilion, with 360square metres. Other large pavilions:Russia’s (300 square metres); Canada’s(270 square metres); Norway’s (220square metres); Denmark’s and theNetherlands’, both with 200 squaremetres; and France’s (160 squaremetres).

This year’s novelty is the convenience court, with 2 thousand square in area. Thecourt will be set up by BR Distribuidora, which is in the process of signingpartnership agreements with service providers from various branches of activitywith the aim of offering solutions designed to meet visitor needs. Some of theservices available to all visitors: Business Centre, cybercafé, travel agency, VarigAirlines, Banco do Brasil branch office, DHL courier, cloakroom, messenger service,photo shop, drugstore, bookstore, convenience stores, gift shops.

Social events: time to relax and network


September 1 - OpeningCeremony at ATL Hall, Rio deJaneiro’s biggest show house.

September 3 - Brazilian Night*,at Marina da Glória, one of Rio’smain tourist sites, featuring awonderful view of GuanabaraBay.

September 4 - Maracanã Night.

September 5 - ClosingCeremony, at the Riocentroconventions facility.

*The only event not included in the

registration fee.

Pavilion 1Main entrance, Registration,

Convenience areaRussian PavilionAustrian Pavilion

Pavilion 2Global Business

OpportunitiesCentre, where the

pavilions fromAlgeria, Kuwait,

Qatar, Saudi Arabia,India and Canada

are located.

Pavilion 3French PavilionUS PavilionItalian PavilionDanish Pavilion

Pavilion 4UK PavilionCanadian PavilionNorwegian Pavilion

Pavilion 5Site of the technical andscientific events





he social events programme willplace emphasis on Brazil’scultural and geographic diversity.Organisers have set up four

nights of entertainment, beginning withthe Opening Ceremony which will counton the attendance of the Presidentof Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso,and will present a video welcoming thedelegates and speeches. Once theformalities are over, a show is in storefor guests, featuring the music, danceand art of this country.

The Brazilian Night will offer an eveningof surprises for guests. Theme roomswill exhibit the country at its best asthey explore themes such as itsnatural beauties, its architecture, itshandicrafts, its exotic cookery andfruits, its beverages, and many moreattractions.

At the Maracanã Night, sited in the

world’s largest and most famousfootball stadium, the great attractionwill be a game between two importantteams.

The Closing Ceremony will offerdelegates the opportunity to recapthe Congress’ best moments and toreflect on the themes discussed. Thenight’s programme includes thepresentation of a video that will havebeen recorded in the course of theCongress and an assessment of the17th WPC. It will also be during theClosing Ceremony that the WPC flagwill be passed on to the hosts of18th WPC, to be held in South Africa.

the new board of directors. To capit all, Closing Ceremony guests willbe treated to a music and danceshow with samba dancers fromone of Rio’s top samba “schools,”Mangueira.

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Brazil�s President accepts invitation for Opening Ceremony

he president Fernando HenriqueCardoso will participate inthe Opening Ceremony onSeptember 1st, in Rio de Janeiro.

The invitation was extended by membersof WPC National Brazilian Committee onApril 2nd in Brasília, the federal capital.The President noted that the country isproud of hosting the most importantevent in the international oil and gasindustry, as well as of receiving theexecutives from the world’s major oilindustries.

During the visit made by Francisco Gros,João Carlos de Luca and Milton CostaFilho, President of the WPC NationalBrazilian Committee, President of theBrazilian Organising Committee andExecutive Director of the 17th WPC,respectively, the President, sided byPedro Parente, Chief of Staff for thePresidency, highlighted the importanceof the theme, “Petroleum Industry:Excellence and Responsibility in ServingSociety”, in the current global scenario.

President Cardoso, who was given asculpture symbolizing the event, becameacquainted with the details of the

Congress’ Programme andemphasised the importance of the oilindustry for the development of Brazil andthe other countries of the world.

Oil production increases 100% duringPresident Cardoso’s term of officeIn the eight years that PresidentFernando Henrique Cardoso headed thegovernment of Brazil, this country’s oilindustry experienced a boom in theupstream and downstream segmentstriggered by the development oftechnologies internationally recognisedfor their standards of excellence. Duringthis time frame, oil production increasedmore than 100%. According to datasupplied by Brazilian National PetroleumAgency, in 1994 oil production stood atan average of 693 thousand barrels perday, whereas in January of the currentyear, an average of 1.5 million barrelsper day were produced.

Brazil’s National Organisation of thePetroleum Industry (ONIP) hasestimated that over the coming six yearsdomestic oil production will reach 2.5mill ion barrels per day, whileconsumption ought to grow from the

he Congress Luncheon to beheld on the theme will provide an

additional opportunity fordelegates and guests to discuss

the quality of the relationship that the oil

industry has with society and theenvironment, as well as with industrysuppliers and clients. To this Luncheon

— where participants will discuss trendsin the energy area with a focus onsustainable development — the Brazilian

Organising Committee invited Brazil’s firstlady, anthropologist Ruth Cardoso. Mrs.Cardoso is also President of the Board of

Comunidade Solidária, a Brazilian NGOdevoted to striking partnershipagreements between the federal

government and civil society, with the

Corporate social responsibility at the top of the debates agenda

current 80 thousand to 90 thousandbarrels of oil per year over the sameperiod. The current consumption standsat 1.9 million barrels per day. Brazil’sgrowth in oil and gas E&P as well as thenon-stop expansion of its domesticmarket are some of the factors that haveattracted new investment in the sector.Still according to ONIP data, over thecoming years Brazil’s oil industry oughtto receive US$ 100 billion in investments,of which 85 per cent are to go to oil-relatedbusinesses and 15 per cent to the naturalgas segment.

From left to right: Costa Filho, De Luca,President Cardoso, and Gros

objective of reducing the rates of poverty

and social exclusion in this country.

Of the four blocks into which it is divided,

the Congress features one devoted to this

subject: “Excellence & Responsibility in

Managing the Petroleum Business with

Economic, Environmental and Social

Dimensions.” In addition to its six forums,

ten poster sessions and three technical

presentations, this block will present

“Balancing the Petroleum Business and

its Social Responsibility: Enhancing

Reputation and Building a Competitive

Edge,” a plenary session to be led by

Brazilian National Economic and Social

Development Bank (BNDES) president,

Eleazar de Carvalho Filho, and that

will have the participation of OPEC

president, Rilwanu Lukman; Norsk

Hydro CEO, Egyl Myklebust; and Saudi

Aramco CEO, Abdallah S. Jum’ah.

From left to right: De Luca, Ruth Cardoso,and Costa Filho

march/ april 20024

Vast potential for growing natural gas markets

he source of clean energy,natural gas, will be one of thesubjects discussed during theevent. The president ofInternational Gas Union (IGU),

Hiroshi Urano, Session Chairman inthe plenary session entitled NaturalGas: The Bridging Fuel to aSustainable Future, thinks that, “Asa hydrogen-rich and abundant energysource, natural gas has earned a well-deserved place as a fuel of choice formature and growing economies alike,demanding competitive, secure, andenvironmentally friendly energyservices.”

As for the business opportunitiesoffered by this source of energy to theoil companies, Urano emphasisesthat “the remarkable andcontinuing successes achieved inexploring, developing, and producing indifficult and remote regions provide arational basis for expecting our

world-wide natural gas reserves andresource base to keep abreast ofaccelerating growth in global demand.”And he adds: “The rapid pace ofadvancement in deepwater productionthe systems — including those that floatas well as those that are based on thesea floor — along with advances innew processes such as those for GTL

and even for offshore LNG facilities,indicates vast potential for growingnatural gas markets to stimulate long-term expansion throughout the upstreamsector of our industry.”

International natural gas market

Concerning the international natural gasmarket, Urano expects “regional marketsto become increasingly integratedthrough new land-based and sea-borneinfrastructure. From my perspective inEast Asia and Japan, Russia has thepotential to provide valuable linksbetween the markets of Western Europeand those of the Far East. Of course,by sea, as LNG and, perhaps, somedayby GTL, as well, these markets arealready linked to some extent, as thegrowing flexibility in LNG pricingdemonstrates.”

For Latin America, Urano believes that


URANO:presidentof IGU


this continent “also holds great promisefor linking large urban centers with avast reserves base through internationaltrade by land and sea. In the Americas,as well as in Asia, in Europe, and inNorthern Africa, all these links will alsounlock further new incentives to tap thevast undeveloped resources alongthese international routes to providethe basis for what might, in fact, become“an international market for natural gas”within two or three decades”.

Meeting leaders

As for what he expects of the 17th WPC,

Urano says that he is very much lookingforward to meeting many distinguishedleaders representing all sectors ofthe petroleum industry. “In view of themajor deep-water offshore successesthat have been achieved in Braziland of the potential to build a large-scaleinfrastructure throughout the regionwith links to Europe and Asia, as wellas Rio’s recognised place as one ofthe great, and beautiful, urban centersof the world, all make this an excellentvenue for the 17th WPC.”

Plenary 6 – Natural Gas:The Bridging Fuel to a

Sustainable FutureSeptember 5, 9:00 a.m.

Keynote Speakers: Alfonso Cortina,Chairman and CEO of Repsol, andA. B. Miller, Chairman of the Board,

GAZPROM.Session Chairman: Hiroshi Urano,

President of IGU

If you register for the Congress while visiting the 17th WPCbooth (No 5425 in the Brazilian Pavilion) set up at theupcoming OTC, you will be entered into a drawing for around trip economy class air ticket from anywhere in theworld to Rio de Janeiro.

The Organising Committee chose to once again presentthe Congress at the OTC because this is one of the mainexpos in the offshore sector, a segment in which E&P inBrazil has achieved its best results. Another factor thatweighed in on the decision was that the event is to beheld in Houston, one of the world’s oil capitals.

A press conference will be held on May 7 to disseminateup-to-date information on the event among the

international media. Present at the press conferencewill be the ANP general director, ambassadorSebastião do Rego Barros Netto, 17th WPC executivedirector, Milton Costa Filho, and the executive secretaryof the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum & Gas, ÁlvaroTeixeira.

Visitors will find folders, newsletters and other Congresspublicity materials. Online registration for journalists is yetanother service available at the booth.

After the upcoming OTC, the Committee plans on sendingrepresentatives to the Global Petroleum Show, Calgary,Canada; to MIOGE 2002, Moscow, Russia; as well as toother events in Norway, Mexico and Bolivia.

OTC: Register at the 17th WPC and run for an air ticket

“Natural gas has earned awell-deserved place as

a fuel of choice for matureand growing economies”

w w w . w p c 2 0 0 2 . c o m 9

Exchanging  viewsean Paul Vettier is President,Refining and Marketing andMember of the ExecutiveCommittee of TotalFinaElf,the world’s fifth largest oil

company. He is among theforemost personalities in theinternational oil industry and hiskeynote address, Petroleum/Automobile Industry Synergies, isone of the most awaited. Vettierbelieves that “it is important todiversify our supplies by puttingnew resources into production.” ForTotalFinaElf, he says that the 17th

WPC is an exceptional platform formeeting a lot of people exchangingviews with industry partners”.

How do you assess oil and gasindustry trends and challenges?

Vettier - Competitive as ever! Evenmore competitive in the comingfuture. Scarcity of new big oil fields,attractions of natural gas, supplydemand — balance of refinedproducts, new competition in retail!A few examples: Discovering newlarge oil fields in all types ofenvironments (e.g. deep offshore,ultra heavy oil…) and putting themon stream have becometomorrow’s challenges for the oilindustry. At the current rate ofnearly four billion metric tons a year,the world is consuming theequivalent of the North Sea’sproducible resources every threeyears. Thus, we feel that it isimportant to diversify our suppliesby putting new resources intoproduction, now accessible thanksto technological advances carriedout over the past few years. In orderto ensure the development of theglobal economy in a sustainable

JEAN PAUL VETTIER: president, Refiningand Marketing and member of the

Executive Committee of TotalFinaElf

“It is an exceptionalplatform for meeting a lot

of people exchangingviews with industry


manner, one of the things we willhave to do is renew and, if possible,increase our hydrocarbonreserves. Oil is slowing, becominga limited reserve and it isworthwhile sitting back and thinkinghow to optimise its use (fuels fortransportation, feedstock for thechemical industry….). Gas iscertainly the most attractive forelectricity production and thermaluse. Of greatest concern is thelack of equilibrium in the supply —demand balance of refinedproducts in the EEC in the nearfuture. On the longer term, webelieve that if there is one drop ofoil left, it will have to be used fortransport purposes.

What opportunities is theCongress likely to generate?

Vettier - For TotalFinaElf, it is an

exceptional platform for meeting alot of people exchanging views withindustry partners as for examplethe automobile industry. Ourgrowing positioning in SouthAmerica in the Upstream businessmakes the WPC the idealopportunity for significantnetworking within our industry.TotalFinaElf is proud to be asignificant player as a Goldsponsor of the 17th WPCin Rio, Brazil.

Could you give our readers atshort preview of your keynotepresentation?

Vettier - As in the past, the refiningindustry as well as the marketingbusiness will keep adjustingproduction to meet new marketneeds and trends in conjunctionwith the automobile industry. Toillustrate this matter, the followingpathways will be chosen: Transportpositioning within the worldwideenergy mix; Past and presentachievements from actions takenby legislators, the oil industry andthe automobile industry; Futureexpectations from partnershipbetween the oil and automotiveindustries, to meet end userexpectations in a context ofsustainable development.

Plenary 7 – Petroleum/Automobile Industry Synergies

September 5, 9:00 a.m.Keynote Speakers: Jean PaulVettier, President, Refining andMarketing and Member of the

Executive Committee ofTotalFinaElf, and BurkhardGöschel, Executive Vice

President, Development of BMW

march/ april 20028

eidar Michaelsen, CEO& chairman of PGS, ageophysical technologysolutions company,

celebrates the fact that the 17th

WPC takes place in Brazil. PGShas invested significantly into theBrazilian continental shelf, and thisvenue will provide us with keyexisting and future customers thatare already operating in thecountry,” states Michaelsen.

How do you assess the oil andgas market in the world?

Michaelsen - Oil and gas will bethe dominant source of energy fordecades to come, and in the long-term perspective from an industrypoint of view the outlook is healthy.The industry will have to live withthe cyclical nature of the business,introduced by the shorter termpolitical and macro-financial



Developing new businessWhat do you expect from the 17


World Petroleum Congress?

Michaelsen - The fact that leadingexperts on markets, technologyand business are gathered in thesame arena provides us with theopportunity to meet these keypeople and to exchange ideas andopportunities to go forward. At thesame time we can calibrate ourown activities — both from atechnology as well as businesspoint of view — to ensure that weare developing our own businessin the right way.

Could you name someopportunities that theCongress can generate?

Michaelsen - The fact that thisconference takes place in Brazil isimportant to us. PGS has investedsignificantly into the Braziliancontinental shelf, and this venue willprovide us with key existing andfuture customers that are alreadyoperating in the country — as wellas those planning to enter themarket. We get the opportunity topresent — in the country — ourexisting data, technology andexpertise. We are certain that thisvenue will have an impact on thebusiness we are currentlyconducting in Brazil as well asfuture opportunities for PGS.

PGS is proudly sponsoring:WPC Excellence

Awards LuncheonSeptember 2, 12:15 p.m.

drivers. This will require that theindustry work together — oilcompanies and service companieswill mutually benefit from developingnew business models required toreduce the severe impact of thecyclical nature of our business. Theindustry as a whole is faced withlarge challenges in providing astable and geographically diversesupply of oil and gas. Technologywill be key in developing theresources needed to meet theglobal energy demand, and this isa challenge that the industry as awhole must take on. We believe

that in the years to come new andsignificant oil companies will enterthe global arena — these aredomestic majors and national oilcompanies that are in the processof seeking partners internationally.We certainly are optimistic aboutthe future, while we realize that ourindustry — as well as the industryin general — will face largechanges. Changes introduced bynew players entering the arena,the need for new business modelsas well the demand fortechnological advances in orderto effectively find, developand produce the remaininghydrocarbon resources in theworld.

“In the years to come new

and significant oil companies

will enter the global arena”

w w w . w p c 2 0 0 2 . c o m 5


Stability and security are priority for Opec

am confident that our meeting willtremendously contribute tostrengthening of the bonds amongproducers and consumers, and will

find the spirit and the determination tosurmount the insurmountable,” notesOPEC secretary general Alí RodríguezAraque when asked about theopportunities that the 17th WorldPetroleum Congress may create for itsparticipants. Rodríguez Araque, whotogether with Robert Priddle, director ofthe International Petroleum Agency, willco-host the Congress Luncheon onpetroleum industry perspectives, furtherremarks that, “This prominent gatheringis an opportunity to determine theproactive measures that can be takento bring stability and security of oilsupplies to the market.”

“The Organisation of the PetroleumExporting Countries,” he says, “hasalways been at pains to emphasize theimportance of co-operation.” As he seesit, “Now, in this new, more uncertainworld, the importance of solidarity andworking together on issues of commonconcerns will be more critical than everif we are to overcome the multitude ofchallenges confronting the petroleumindustry.” Rodríguez Araque is alsoconfident that the Congress will find theways and means of bringing theseobjectives to fruition.


For Rodríguez Araque, oil, as the world’spremier and most flexible energyresource, has a central role to play infueling the desired turnaround in theglobal economy. To do so effectively, hecomplements, it is essential that oilsupply be stable, secure, transparentand tailored to meet the market needs

at all times. “As we all know, when leftto its own parameters, the oil market islikely to perform in a volatile manner,because the stakes are high with acommodity that is central to the well-being of the global economy. It goeswithout saying that volatility isantithetical to the growth of the worldeconomy,” he notes. In addition to the

need for OPEC countries to plan for theirfuture output to meet projected demandgrowth in an orderly manner, hesees a demand for long-terminvestments in many of membercountries. Additionally, the scale ofexpansion of production capacity inthe long-run, which stands currently ataround 32 million barrels per day(crude oil), is subject to “greatuncertainties,” mainly stemming fromnon-OPEC supply, price fluctuations,developments in technology andinvestment policies. The OPECsecretary general also sees Gas asgradually taking hold as anenvironmentally friendly fuel.Consequently, many OPEC MemberCountries are taking appropriate stepsin tapping the enormous gas potentialsthat exist within their borders. “Havingrealized the importance of gas as arelatively clean energy source, manyOPEC nations are doing well in termsof exploiting this natural resource,” addsRodríguez Araque.


The OPEC secretary general notes that

RODRÍGUEZ ARAQUE: OPEC secretary general

a key emphasis at the WPC is thedevelopment of technology in theupstream sector. For him, “History hasshown how costs have constantly beendriven down by the effects of the evolutionand dissemination of new technicalsolutions,” and he adds, “it is partlythrough these improvements that theassessment of the petroleum resourcebase is now so optimistic — just a fewdecades ago, for example, all offshoreoil was classified as unconventional.”Thus, he concludes that, “With thisunderstanding, the latest OPECforecasts reveal no expected resourceconstraint in supplying the futuredemand.”

NOTE: After this interview,Rodríguez Araque was confirmed asthe new president of PDVSA

OPEC/IEA LuncheonSeptember 5, 12:15 p.m.Keynote Speakers: Alí

Rodríguez Araque, OPECSecretary General and Presidentof PDVSA, and Robert Priddle,

Executive Director of theInternational Energy Agency

“Oil has a central role toplay in fueling the

desired turnaround inthe global economy”

Embassies disseminate the Congress in 80 countriesBrazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the bodies which have lent the most support to the dissemination of the 17th

WPC. Information on the Congress is already available in the Brazilian embassies and consulates as they regularlyreceive updates on the event. Brazil maintains representations in over 80 countries in all continents.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently publicising the Event through its representations abroad, with the objectiveof attracting the public interested and specialised in energy and petroleum issues,” notes the Minister of Foreign Affairs,Celso Lafer. Embassies and consulates also act as depositories of touristic information on Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.Additional information may be found at .

march/ april 20026

Monday, September 2

Plenary 1 – Sustainability of the Oiland Gas Industry in Brazil

Plenary 2 – The World Summit onSustainable Development – ThePetroleum Industry, Perspectiveand Responses

Tuesday, September 3

Plenary 3 – Balancing PetroleumBusiness and its SocialResponsibility; Enhancing Reputationand Building a Competitive Edge

Wednesday, September 4

Plenary 4 – E-Business in thePetroleum Industry

Plenary 5 – Risks and OpportunitiesFacing the Petroleum Industry at theDawn of a New Century

Thursday, September 5

Plenary 6 – Natural Gas: TheBridging Fuel to a Sustainable Future

Plenary 7 – Petroleum/AutomobileIndustry Synergies


• OPEC President – Rilwanu Lukman• OPEC Secretary General - Alí Rodríguez Araque• CEO of Sonatrach & Minister of Energy and Mines of Algeria – Chakib Khelil• Chairman and CEO of Chevron Texaco - David O’ Reilly• CEO and President of Saudi Aramco - Abdallah S. Jum’ah• Chairman and CEO of Repsol YPF - Alfonso Cortina• Chairman of Norsk Hydro and SAS - Egil Myklebust• Chairman, President and CEO of Schlumberger - Euan Baird• Group Managing Director of Shell – Sustainable Development and Latin America - Lew Watts• WPC President — Eivald M. Q. Roren• President of International Gas Union - Hiroshi Urano• CEO of Petrobras - Francisco Gros• Brazilian Minister of Mines and Energy – Francisco Gomide• President of the Brazilian National Economic & Social Development Bank (BNDES) - Eleazar de Carvalho Filho• Director General of the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP) - Sebastião do Rego Barros• Chairman of the Board of Gazprom – A. B. Miller• Chairman & CEO of Syncrude Canada – Eric Newell• President, Refining and Marketing and Member of the Executive Committee of TotalFinaElf – Jean Paul Vettier• President and CEO of Halliburton Energy Services Group – Edgar Ortiz• Global Energy and Utilities Sector Leader of PricewaterhouseCoopers – Richard D. Paterson• Executive Director of UNEP — Klaus Töpfer• Executive Director of the International Energy Agency — Robert Priddle• Executive Vice President, Development of BMW — Burkhard Göschel


PlenariesEach plenary will feature leaders from the international arena, who will bring their ownunique perspective on the key issues facing our industry for today and the future.

ForumsEach forum explores a particular petroleum industry area featuring significantactivity and substantial new developments. All forums will comprise four or fiveseparate paper presentations, followed by open discussion. Every forum topicwill also include up to twelve poster presentations that support the topic.

Poster SessionsTo enhance the scope of the programme blocks, poster presentations will be anintegral part of each forum. Designed to complement paper presentations, postersprovide attendants with an opportunity for in-depth discussion and exploration oftopics, as well as for networking with poster authors.

LuncheonsTheme Luncheons have been scheduled so far. Three of them have already hadtheir subject defined: Social Responsibility; WPC Excellence Awards, featuringthe award winners; and Perspectives for the Oil Industry, hosted by OPEC’ssecretary general and the director of the International Energy Agency.

Number of scientific programm

w w w . w p c 2 0 0 2 . c o m 7

Executive from Hong Kongis the first to register

he first to register was BrianAnderson, chairman of HongKong’s Anderson Energy.Anderson intends to participate

in the Congress not just to find out moreabout market trends, but also to dobusiness with Brazilian oil companies.“Brazil is one of the sector’s mostpromising countries, in that it has gainedworld recognition for its offshoreproduction technology,” he explains.Anderson plans on stretching his stayin Brazil to visit the historical town ofOuro Preto and the Iguassu Falls.

Kevin Ferrick, manager of the enginelubricants programme sponsored by theAmerican Petroleum Institute (API),is yet another executive who hasregistered early on. Ferrick viewsthe Congress as an opportunity toget an overview of the international oilindustry, and at the same time shareinformation about this sector’s industrialactivities in his country. “The 17th WPCwill allow us to network and dobusiness,” he says. Besides Ferrick,nine other API employees are to takepart in the Congress. The BrazilianOrganising Committee expects theEvent to attract at least 3 thousandexecutives, 70% of which from abroad.

Registration news:

n March: more than 200 registrations

April: over 100

n Sonatrach registered 33 executives

n Chevron Texaco will send 120 delagates

n Hotel room reservations: 50 from

Japan, 50 from Russia, and 30 from


n The Chinese National Committee

confirmed the presence of over

100 of its members

n 30 oil executives will come from


Three ways to register:

n Online:

n Via fax: (+55 21) 2527-6297

n Via regular mail: 17º Congresso

Mundial de Petróleo, Rua Conde de Irajá, 260/2º andar - Botafogo - 22271-020 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil.

NGOs will take part

The Brazilian Organising Committee,counting the support of the InstitutoEthos de Responsabilidade Social, anorganisation that promotes socialresponsibility projects in corporations,is putting together a forum of NGOs.The idea calls for inviting them topresent their work in a tent set up inthe Riocentro conventions facility. Withthis initiative the organisers intend tofoster projects for achieving socialwell-being and sustainabledevelopment, as well as for promotingthe exchange of information betweenoil industry officials and third sectorrepresentatives.

The executive director of the 17th WPC,Milton Costa Filho, remarks that, “Forthe first time, we are clearly articulatingthe words responsibility and societyinto a single whole.” The event will setan example, he says, by creating jobsin local communities and by invitingNGOs to take part. “NGOs will havespace to exhibit their products andideas – which is what they are fightingfor,” states Costa Filho. “The oilindustry is at the forefront of developingconcepts of how to work in a sociallyresponsible way and is setting animportant example to other industries.”

Review and Forecast Papers - RFPsRFPs will present a comprehensive review of recent advances in specificoil industry areas. These in-depth, worldwide reviews by guest authors willhighlight the implications of current problems and of the ongoing research.They will also project the direction of future research, throw light on thesubject under discussion, and stimulate new ideas.

Visualisation SessionBased on cutting-edge technology, this session will show the impact ofimaging techniques on research for the discovery and exploitation of newproductive fields.

Brazil SessionThis session will offer an overview of the Brazilian oil and gas market,highlighting the following topics: downstream, upstream, suppliers of goodsand services, and natural gas: an emerging industry.

Dewhurst LectureThe Dewhurst Lecture was created in honour of Thomas Dewhurst, thefounder of the World Petroleum Congress. This year’s Dewhurst lecturerwill be Schlumberger president and CEO, Euan Baird, who will addressexcellence in the oil industry, with emphasis on the sector’s recent scientificand technological advances.

e presentations hovers on 400

march/ april 2002

Brazilian Organising Committee: Almirante Barroso Ave., 52 - 26thfloor20031-000 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

phone: (55-21) 2282-2002 Fax: (55-21) 2282-2005 / [email protected] newsletter is published by Edelman do Brasil. Journalist in charge: Malu Fernandes (MT 16250)