ron singh, pls chief of surveys/geometronics manager oregon department of transportation spar...

Ron Singh, PLS Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager Oregon Department of Transportation SPAR Conference Houston, Texas 17 April, 2012 3D Laser Scanning Beyond the Project

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Ron Singh, PLS Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager Oregon Department of Transportation SPAR Conference Houston, Texas 17 April, 2012 Slide 2 2 This presentation will discuss the various elements of highway engineering automation and propose full utilization of information rich 3D point cloud data - beyond the project and into the life cycle management of the highway corridor. Target Audience Software Developers Hardware Manufacturers Service Providers Educators Target Audience Software Developers Hardware Manufacturers Service Providers Educators Slide 3 Future Transportation Engineering Automation Vision Future Uses for Laser Scanning 3 Slide 4 4 5 minutes Slide 5 Increase Mass Transportation Develop Alternative Fuels Reduce Need for Mobility Increase Highway Capacity Develop Smart Cars and Highways Re-think the meaning of EXPECTED PROBLEMS: POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: Increased Traffic Increased Congestion Increased Carbon Emissions Increased Fuel Costs Aging Driver - Safety Aging Infrastructure Urban Growth 5 Slide 6 More Highways? More Lanes? Faster Vehicles? Safer Vehicles? Smarter Vehicles? Smarter Highways? Self Driving (autonomous) Vehicles? 6 If I would have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have saida faster horse. Henry Ford If I would have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have saida faster horse. Henry Ford Slide 7 USDOTs 1997 Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Warn Driver Recommend Control Actions Take Temporary or Partial Automated Control in Hazardous Situations Assist Driver Increase Safety Increase Efficiency Increase Comfort Luxury or Necessity? 7 Slide 8 Cruise Control Anti Lock Brakes Engine Monitoring Air Bags Dynamic Stability and Traction Control Anti Rollover GPS Navigation Backup Video Built-in Telephone Emissions Monitoring Tire Pressure Monitoring 8 Adaptive Cruise Control Collision Warning with Auto Brake Driver Alert System with Lane Departure Warning Live Traffic Information Live Weather Information Intelligent Parking Streaming Entertainment Slide 9 One to One (Personal) One to Many (Broadcast Media) Many to Many (Social Media) Machine to Machine (Connected Cars) 9 Enabling Technologies Slide 10 1 st Generation - Information News Email 2 nd Generation - Participation YouTube Facebook Twitter 3 rd Generation - Services Cloud Computing Learning Systems Machine to Machine Weather Traffic 10 Enabling Technologies Slide 11 Advanced Positioning and Navigation Lane Tracking Night Vision Assist Obstacle/Pedestrian Detection Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Highway to Vehicle Communication Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Situation Awareness Beyond Capabilities of Human Driver 11 Autonomous Slide 12 Will not take away human control Reduce driver workload Reliance on on-board sensors Reliance on knowledge of highway geometry Combination of sensors and highway geometry 12 Slide 13 13 Autonomous Vehicles Slide 14 Nevada Governor Signs Driverless Car Bill Into Law June 2011 Provides that the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles "shall adopt regulations authorizing the operation of autonomous vehicles on highways within the State of Nevada. Setting safety and performance standards Requires designated areas where driverless cars may be tested. Slide 15 Technology Developers Automotive Manufacturers US Department of Transportation State Departments of Transportation 15 Slide 16 16 15 minutes Slide 17 Factual information Numbers Characters Measurements Output from devices Used as a basis for reasoning and calculation Slide 18