romeo and juliet w.shakespeare-verona

Romeo and Juliet – W. Shakespear Verona ( Italy )

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Romeo and Juliet – W. Shakespear Verona ( Italy )

William Shakespeare (Stratford-on-Avon 1564-1616)• He doubtless was one of the biggest and valued playwright of all times• At the age of 22 abandoned the family to search fortune, and go to London. Where he became a theatre producer and an author of texts.• Thanks to the support of the Duke of Southampton, in 1599 Shakespeare became the owner of the Globe Theatre, where he represents he his texts.

Romeo and Juliet are a young boy and a young girl that fall in love during a dance, but they belong from two different enemies families, Romeo’s from Montagues and Juliet’s from Capulets.

Romeo listend to Juliet’s pronouncement and he offerts a secret wedding but the day they have to marry, he gets involved in a brawl and because of the anger of the death of a friend he kills Juliet’s cousin.

When he gets discovered he has to escape to Mantova,

meanwhile Juliet has to marry an old gentleman, but she drink a narcotic that makes her seem

death for 40 hours.

Friar Lorenzo order to give the news to Romeo to escape with Juliet, but the messanger doesn’t arrive to Romeo who thought that Juliet was death, so he

stricken by the struggle commits suicide with a strong poison that make him die near his secret

bride. When Juliet wake up and see him, she pierces herself with a dagger.



Verona is one of the Italian cities that are considerated love’s city fo the novel “Romeo and Juliet”.

Shakespear has even nevers visited the city but knew it by the writers Luigi Da Porto, Masuccio

Salernitano and Matteo Bandello, that inspired him. They

entere story of “Romeo and Juliet” is a fiction, and everyone knows it. And also know that the balcony has never existed still


Shakespear pictured Verona like Venice for the

channels and the gondolas, maybe for the Venetian painters at the court of

London. This is the reason why he decide to set his

stories. “The gentleman of Verona” and “The shrew

shrewish”, were set in Padova.