romania - touristic presentation · 7 romania - touristic presentation - r omania is situated in...


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Page 1: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,
Page 2: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,
Page 3: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,

Romania - touristic presentation

Geography and administrative-territorial organisationGeographical position of RomaniaLength of Romania’s bordersMajor natural lakesMajor anthropic lakesMajor mountain peaksAdministrative organisation of Romanian territory

Tourists’ accommodation capacityEstablishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists‘ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishmentsEstablishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of ownership and type ofestablishments, in 2017 Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017 Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and tourist destinations, in 2017 Existing rooms in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, in 2017

The tourists’ accommodation activityTourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by type of establishmentsTourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017 Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by type of establishmentsOvernight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017



România - prezentare turisticã . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1. Geografia ºi organizarea administrativ-teritorialã

1.1 Poziþia geograficã a României . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.2 Lungimea frontierelor României . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.3 Principalele lacuri naturale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.4 Principalele lacuri antropice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.5 Principalele altitudini muntoase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.6 Organizarea administrativã a

teritoriului României . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2. Capacitatea de cazare turisticã 2.1 Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni

de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuri . . . . . . . 22

2.2 Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe forme de proprietate ºi tipuri de structuri, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.3 Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.4 Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuri ºi destinaþii turistice, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.5 Camerele existente în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3. Activitatea de cazare turisticã 3.1 Turiºtii cazaþi în structurile de primire

turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2 Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3 Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.4 Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


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Tourists accommodated and the overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by tourists’ countries of residence, in 2017Net use indices of the tourists’ accommodation capacity in use, by type of establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and category of comfort, in 2017

Activity of travel agencies Number of tourists taking part in the tourist actions organized by travel agenciesNumber of Romanian tourists taking part in the domestic tourist actions, by tourist areas Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions

Romanian tourism, by region of development Offer for tourists’ accommodationTourists’ arrivals and overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation

International trips registered at Romania’s bordersArrivals of foreign visitors in Romania anddepartures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport usedIndices of arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and indices of departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used

The tourist demand of residents in RomaniaTrips and overnight stays, by main reason of the trip, in 2017Internal trips for holiday and business, by tourist areas, by length and organizer of stay , in 2017Holiday and business trips abroad, by countries of destination, in 2017

Data source

List of countries by continents


3.5 Turiºtii cazaþi ºi înnoptãrile în structurilede primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe þãri de reºedinþã a turiºtilor, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.6 Indicii de utilizare netã a capacitãþii de cazare turisticã în funcþiune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4. Activitatea agenþiilor de turism 4.1 Numãrul turiºtilor participanþi la

acþiunile turistice organizate de agenþiile de turism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2 Numãrul turiºtilor români participanþi la acþiunile turistice interne, pe zone turistice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.3 Numãrul turiºtilor români participanþi la acþiunile turistice externe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5. Turismul României, pe regiuni de dezvoltare

5.1 Oferta de cazare turisticã . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635.2 Sosirile ºi înnoptãrile turiºtilor în

structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6. Cãlãtoriile internaþionale înregistrate la frontierele României

6.1 Sosirile vizitatorilor strãini în România ºi plecãrile vizitatorilor români în strãinãtate, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizate . . . . . . 70

6.2 Indicii sosirilor vizitatorilor strãini în România ºi indicii plecãrilor vizitatorilor români în strãinãtate, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

7. Cererea turisticã a rezidenþilor în România7.1 Cãlãtorii ºi înnoptãri, dupã motivul

principal al cãlãtoriei, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . . . . 757.2 Cãlãtorii interne pentru vacanþe ºi afaceri,

pe zone turistice, dupã durata ºi organizatorul cãlãtoriei, în anul 2017 . . . . . . . 76

7.3 Cãlãtorii în strãinãtate pentru vacanþe ºi afaceri, pe þãri de destinaþie, în anul 2017 . . . 77

Sursa datelor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Lista þãrilor pe continente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79



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România este situatã în sud-estul Europei Centrale, în interiorul ºi exteriorul arcului munþilor Carpaþi,pe cursul inferior al Dunãrii (1075 km), cu ieºire la Marea Neagrã, la o distanþã faþã de extremitãþilecontinentului, ce variazã între 1050 km ºi 2800 km.

Teritoriul României este situat la intersecþia paralelei 45o N cu meridianul 25o E.România este o þarã carpaticã ºi dunãreanã, cu ieºire la Marea Neagrã.

Litoralul românesc al Mãrii Negre se desfãºoarã pe 245 km, între gârla Musura (graniþa cu Ucraina) ºilocalitatea Vama Veche (graniþa cu Bulgaria).

Capitala: Municipiul Bucureºti.

Oraºele principale: Bucureºti, Iaºi, Constanþa, Cluj-Napoca, Timiºoara, Galaþi, Craiova, Braºov, Ploieºti,Brãila.

Porturile principale: - la Marea Neagrã: Constanþa, Mangalia;- la Dunãre: Moldova Nouã, Orºova, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mãgurele,Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Olteniþa, Cãlãraºi, Cernavodã, Hârºova, Mãcin, Brãila, Galaþi, Tulcea, Sulina.

Aeroporturile principale: Bucureºti (Otopeni, Bãneasa), Constanþa (Mihail Kogãlniceanu), Timiºoara,Cluj-Napoca, Iaºi, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Târgu Mureº, Suceava, Bacãu, Deva, Sibiu, Craiova, Tulcea.

Potenþialul turistic de excepþie al României este marcat prin douã componente esenþiale:- componenta naturalã, reprezentatã prin peisaje spectaculoase, configuraþia variatã a reliefului, condiþiileclimatice favorabile, valoarea terapeuticã ºi abundenþa unor factori naturali de curã;- componenta antropicã, reprezentatã prin vestigii ale civilizaþiilor ce s-au succedat pe teritoriul Românieidin vremuri imemoriale, monumente ºi obiective de artã laicã sau religioase, muzee ºi colecþii muzeale,elemente de etnografie ºi folclor de mare frumuseþe ºi originalitate, realizãri actuale de prestigiu.

Acestea constituie elementele de mare atractivitate ale ofertei turistice româneºti, prezentând o paletãlargã de forme de turism: de sejur (de litoral, montan, balnear), vânãtoare ºi pescuit sportiv, turismitinerant cu valenþe culturale, turism profesional etc.

Poziþia geograficã îi conferã României statutul de þarã carpato-danubiano-ponticã, datoritã celor treielemente naturale definitorii în structura peisagisticã ºi a teritoriului: Munþii Carpaþi, fluviul Dunãrea ºiMarea Neagrã.

Fiecare formã a cadrului natural deþine, dupã specificul sãu, o anumitã capacitate de potenþial turistic,urmãritã pe treptele majore de relief, creºte de la câmpie, la dealuri ºi podiºuri pânã la unitãþile montane,excepþie fãcând litoralul românesc al Mãrii Negre ºi Delta Dunãrii, care prezintã aspecte fizico-geograficeoriginale.

România este deþinãtoarea unui tezaur imens de vestigii arheologice, monumente istorice, dearhitecturã sau de artã, ca ºi a unui inestimabil patrimoniu care atestã evoluþia ºi continuitatea de muncãºi de viaþã pe aceste meleaguri, dezvoltarea culturii ºi artei poporului român.

Resursele turistice antropice sunt în principal, urmãtoarele:- vestigiile arheologice;- monumentele istorice, de arhitecturã ºi de artã cu o valoare de unicat;- muzeele ºi casele memoriale;- mãrturiile civilizaþiei ºi culturii populare;- satele turistice.


România- prezentare turisticã -

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Romania - touristic presentation -

Romania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,on the Danube (1075 km) lower course and on the Black Sea, being placed at a distance ranging between1050 km and 2800 km from the continent extremities.

The Romanian territory is situated at the crossing between the parallel 45o N and the meridian 25o E.Romania is a Carpathian and Danubian country, located at the Black Sea.

Romanian seaside stretches for 245 km along the Black Sea coast, between Musura brook (border withUkraine) and Vama Veche locality (border with Bulgaria).

Capital: The Municipality of Bucharest.

Main cities: Bucharest, Iaºi, Constanþa, Cluj-Napoca, Timiºoara, Galaþi, Craiova, Braºov, Ploieºti, Brãila.

Main harbours:- at the Black Sea: Constanþa, Mangalia;- at the Danube: Moldova Nouã, Orºova, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mãgurele,Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Olteniþa, Cãlãraºi, Cernavodã, Hârºova, Mãcin, Brãila, Galaþi, Tulcea, Sulina.

Main airports: Bucharest (Otopeni, Bãneasa), Constanþa (Mihail Kogãlniceanu), Timiºoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iaºi, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Târgu Mureº, Suceava, Bacãu, Deva, Sibiu, Craiova, Tulcea.

The exceptional tourism potential of Romania has two main components:- the natural component, represented by spectacular landscapes, varied configuration of the relief,favourable climatic conditions and lots of natural therapeutic spas;- the historical component, represented by traces of succeeding civilisations that had lived on Romanianterritory since ancient times, monuments and lay or religious art objects, museums and museum collections,beautiful and original ethnographical and folklore elements and actual prestigious achievements.

All the above mentioned constitute very attractive elements of the Romanian tourism offer, presenting awide variety of tourism types: stay (seaside, mountain, spa), hunting and sport fishing, cultural tourism atlarge, professional tourism a.s.o.

Due to its geographical position and to the three natural elements defining its landscape structure andterritory: the Carpathians, the Danube and the Black Sea, Romania has the status of a Pontian-Danubian-Carpathian country.

Each natural element, by its specific, has a certain capacity of tourism potential, pursued on major steps ofrelief, increasing from the plain to the hills and plateaus up to the mountains, with the exception of theRomanian seaside of the Black Sea and the Danube Delta which present physical and geographical originalaspects.

Romania holds a huge treasury of archaeological traces, historical, architecture and art monuments, aswell as a valuable patrimony certifying the continuous labour and life evolution on these lands and thedevelopment of the Romanian culture and art.

The main cultural and historical tourism resources are the following:- archaeological artifacts;- historical, architecture and art monuments of unique value;- museums and memorial houses;- folklore and traditions;- tourist villages.

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Între cele mai reprezentative zone turistice ale României se disting câteva cu caracteristici deosebite:- Bucureºti - capitala României cel mai mare centru politic, industrial, administrativ, cultural, ºtiinþific ºituristic al þãrii;- Munþii Carpaþi - prin întindere, uºoarã accesibilitate, originalitatea ºi frumuseþea peisajelor montane,bogãþia de ape minerale ºi multiple posibilitãþi de practicare a sporturilor de iarnã, constituie cea maimare ºi mai complexã zonã turisticã a þãrii. Aici se gãsesc renumitele staþiuni montane internaþionalePoiana Braºov, Sinaia, Predeal, care, alãturi de Borºa, Stâna de Vale, Pãltiniº, Durãu, Semenic, MunteleMic, Bâlea, dispun de hoteluri moderne ºi vile cochete, restaurante, numeroase posibilitãþi de agrement,pârtii ºi instalaþii pentru sporturile de iarnã ºi transport pe cablu. Turismul balnear are, de asemenea, puternice baze de tratament, cazare ºi agrement în frumoaselestaþiuni din depresiunile sau culoarele de vãi carpatine: Bãile Herculane, Bãile Felix, Cãlimãneºti-Cãciulata, Slãnic-Moldova, Bãile Tuºnad, Covasna, Vatra Dornei etc.;- Litoralul românesc al Mãrii Negre - zona respectivã are o alcãtuire complexã care-i mãreºte valoareaturisticã. Ea se desfãºoarã pe o lungime de 245 km, cu Delta Dunãrii ºi complexul de lagune Razim-Sinoe la nord, iar la sud pe circa 70 km se întinde litoralul turistic propriu-zis. Staþiunile de pe litoral,bine cunoscute în turismul internaþional: Nãvodari, Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Techirghiol,Costineºti, Olimp, Neptun, Jupiter, Aurora, Venus, Saturn, Mangalia, au moderne baze de cazare ºitratament ºi diverse posibilitãþi de agrement;- Delta Dunãrii, este situatã în partea de nord a litoralului românesc, la 122 km de Constanþa. Seprezintã ca o imensã suprafaþã cu stuf, din care se desprind plauri cu nuferi, plante amfibii ºi carnivore,pãduri de plopi ºi sãlcii pletoase. Delta Dunãrii este totodatã ºi cel mai bogat parc faunistic din Europa,cu peste 300 specii de pãsãri, 60 specii de peºti de mare valoare economicã;- Moldova de Nord, Bucovina sau “þara de Sus a Moldovei” - este renumitã pe plan internaþional prinmãnãstirile ºi bisericile sale - Voroneþ, Moldoviþa, Suceviþa, Humor, Arbore, Dragomirna, Putna etc.;- Maramureº - Oaº - perimetrul respectiv reprezintã una dintre cele mai originale zone istorico-etnografice ale þãrii. Bisericile de lemn, porþile masive, au înscrustãri originale ºi ornamente variate,ceramicã cu motive decorative dacice (Vama-Oaº);- Zona Oltenia se constituie ca o zonã turisticã importantã, situatã între Carpaþii Meridionali ºi Dunãre;- Zona Transilvania - sub acest nume este cunoscutã, încã din vremea cuceririi romane, regiuneageograficã din România cuprinsã în interiorul arcului carpatic;- Moldova Centralã - este provincia istoricã româneascã situatã la est de Carpaþii Orientali;- Dunãrea - a constituit încã din antichitate o arterã de comunicaþie între Europa Centralã ºi PeninsulaBalcanicã;- Banatul - strãveche vatrã de locuire ºi de culturã româneascã, este situat în sud-vestul României, întreDunãre, Mureº ºi lanþul Carpaþilor Meridionali.

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Here are some of the most representative tourism areas of Romania with their special characteristics:- Bucharest - capital of Romania - the largest political, industrial, administrative, cultural, scientific andtourism centre of the country; - The Carpathians - due to their width, easy access, original and beautiful mountain landscapes, richmineral waters and lots of possibilities for winter sports, represent the largest and the most complextourism area of the country. Here are located the international famous mountain resorts Poiana Braºov,Sinaia, Predeal which, besides Borºa, Stâna de Vale, Pãltiniº, Durãu, Semenic, Muntele Mic, Bâlea, boastmodern hotels and smart villas, restaurants, various entertainment facilities, tracks and installations forwinter sports and cable transport. Spa tourism also boasts important treatment, accommodation and entertainment centres in beautifulresorts of the Carpathian valleys and plateaus: Bãile Herculane, Bãile Felix, Cãlimãneºti-Cãciulata, Slãnic-Moldova, Bãile Tuºnad, Covasna, Vatra Dornei a.s.o.;- The Romanian seaside of the Black Sea - this region is a complex one which increases its tourism value. Itlies on 245 km in length, with the Danube Delta and the lagoon complex Razim-Sinoe to the North while tothe South, on about 70 km, there lies the seashore itself. The seaside resorts which are well known atinternational level: Nãvodari, Mamaia, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Techirghiol, Costineºti, Olimp, Neptun, Jupiter,Aurora, Venus, Saturn and Mangalia, have all modern accommodation, treatment centres and variousentertainment opportunities;- The Danube Delta - is located in the North of the Romanian seaside, 122 km from Constanþa. It isa very wide area of rush¸ water lilies, carnivorous and amphibious plants, poplar woods andweeping willows. It is also the richest fauna park in Europe, with over 300 bird species and 60 fishspecies of great economic value;- North Moldavia, Bucovina or “Highlands of Moldavia” - is famous at international level due to itsmonasteries and churches Voroneþ, Moldoviþa, Suceviþa, Humor, Arbore, Dragomirna, Putna a.s.o.;- Maramureº - Oaº - this area represents one of the most original, historical and ethnographical regionsof the country. There are wooden churches and massive gates that have original engravings and variousornaments and Dacian pottery (Vama-Oaº);- Oltenia - is a very important tourism area situated between the Southern Carpathians and the Danube;- Transylvania - known as such since the Roman conquest, it is a geographical region ofRomania situated inside the Carpathian arch;- Central Moldavia - this is the Romanian historical district situated at East of the Eastern Carpathians;- The Danube - since antiquity, it has been a communication channel between Central Europe and theBalkan peninsula;- Banat - this ancient habitation area and Romanian culture region, is situated in the South-Eastern part ofRomania, between the Danube, the Mureº river and the Southern Carpathians chain.

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kmLungimea frontierelor / Border length

Totalã Terestrã Fluvialã MaritimãTotal Land River Sea

Total graniþe 3149,9 1085,6 1816,9 247,4Total borders

Bulgaria 631,3 139,1 470,0 22,2Bulgaria

Serbia 546,4 256,8 289,6 -Serbia

Republica Moldova 681,3 - 681,3 -Republic of Moldova

Ucraina 649,4 273,8 343,9 31,7Ukraine

Ungaria 448,0 415,9 32,1 -Hungary

Marea Neagrã 193,5 - - 193,5Black Sea

Punctul extrem Longitudinea Latitudinea(localitatea) Judeþul esticã1) nordicãExtreme point County East North(locality) longitude1) latitude

Nord Satul Horodiºtea Botoºani 26o42’05’’ 48o15’06’’North Horodiºtea village

Sud Oraºul Zimnicea Teleorman 25o23’32’’ 43o37’07’’South Zimnicea town

Est Oraºul Sulina Tulcea 29o41’24’’ 45o09’36’’East Sulina town

Vest Comuna Beba Veche Timiº 20o15’44’’ 46o07’27’’West Beba Veche commune

Notã: Lungimile frontierelor sunt oficializate numai cu Serbia, respectiv Ungaria, celelalte frontiere fiind calculate unilateral.Note: Lengths of borders are official only with Serbia and Hungary, respectively, the other borders being unilaterally calculated.

1.1Poziþia geograficã a RomânieiGeographical position of Romania

Lungimea frontierelor RomânieiLength of Romania’s borders1.2

1) Dupã Greenwich.According to Greenwich.

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1.3 Principalele lacuri naturaleMajor natural lakes

Judeþul Suprafaþa (ha) Volum (mil. m3)County Area (ha) Volume (mill. m3)

Lacuri în circuri glaciare / Glacial circuses lakesBucura Hunedoara 10,5 0,5Zãnoaga Mare Hunedoara 9,0 1,0Bâlea Sibiu 4,7 0,2Câlcescu Gorj 3,0 0,1

Lacuri în crater vulcanic / Volcanic crater lakesSfânta Ana Harghita 22,0 0,6

Lacuri în depresiuni carstice / Karstic depression lakesZãton Mehedinþi 20,0 1,0Iezerul Ighiu Alba 5,3 0,2Vintileasca Vrancea 4,7 0,1

Lacuri de baraj natural / Natural storage reservoirsLacul Roºu Harghita 12,6 0,7Bãlãtãu Bacãu 6,0 0,1

Lacuri în crovuri (depresiune de tasare) / Clasto-karstic lakesIanca Brãila 322,0 1,6Movila Miresii Brãila 180,0 4,5Lacul Sãrat - Brãila Brãila 39,0 0,2

Limane fluviatile / River banksOltina Constanþa 2509,0 60,0Iezerul Mostiºtei Cãlãraºi 1860,0 160,01)

Balta Albã Buzãu, Brãila 1012,0 5,1Jirlãu Brãila 890,0 5,6Amara-Buzãu Buzãu 600,0 3,6Snagov Ilfov 575,0 17,3Cãldãruºani Ilfov 224,0 4,5Hazarlâc Constanþa 168,0 0,8Amara-Ialomiþa Ialomiþa 132,0 2,6

Limane fluvio-maritime / River-maritime banksTaºaul Constanþa 2335,0 57,0Techirghiol Constanþa 1161,0 41,8Mangalia Constanþa 261,0 15,7Tatlageac Constanþa 178,0 14,0

Lagune marine / Sea lagoonsRazim Tulcea 41500,0 909,0Sinoie Constanþa 17150,0 210,7Zmeica Tulcea 5460,0 45,6Siutghiol Constanþa 1900,0 88,7

Lacuri de luncã / River meadow lakesBrateº Galaþi 2111,0 30,0Bistreþ Dolj 1867,0 28,0Suhaia Teleorman 1094,0 18,0Lacul Rotund Tulcea 219,0 2,0

Lacuri din Delta Dunãrii / The Danube Delta lakesDranov Tulcea 2170,0 21,7Lacul Roºu Tulcea 1445,0 21,7Gorgova Tulcea 1377,5 13,8Lumina Tulcea 1367,5 20,5Merhei Tulcea 1057,5 15,9Furtuna Tulcea 977,5 9,8Matiþa Tulcea 652,5 9,81) Volum rezultat din lucrãrile de amenajare pentru irigaþii.

Volume resulted from planning works for irrigations.

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1.4 Principalele lacuri antropiceMajor anthropic lakes

Principalele altitudini muntoaseMajor mountain peaks1.5

Suprafaþa la nivel Volumul la nivelDenumirea lacului normal de retenþie normal de retenþieantropic Judeþul (ha) (mil. m3) Categoria de folosinþãName of County Area at normal Volume at normal Category of useanthropic lake level of afflux level of afflux

(ha) (mill. m3)

Porþile de Fier Mehedinþi 70000 2400,0 energie / energyOstrovu Mare Mehedinþi 7920 800,0 energie / energyStânca-Costeºti Botoºani 5900 735,0 complexã / complexIzvorul Muntelui-Bicaz Neamþ 3100 1130,0 energie / energyStrejeºti Olt 2204 202,7 energie / energyIpoteºti Olt 1692 110,0 energie / energyFrunzaru Olt 1280 96,0 energie / energyIzbiceni Olt 1095 74,0 energie / energyDrãgãneºti Olt 1080 76,0 energie / energyMihãileºti llfov 1013 76,3 complexã / complexVidra Vâlcea 950 340,0 energie / energyFântânele Cluj 884 212,9 energie / energyVidraru Argeº 870 469,0 complexã / complexSoleºti Vaslui 452 15,8 complexã / complexOaºa Alba 447 131,0 energie / energyGura Apelor Hunedoara 420 210,0 energie / energySiriu Buzãu 360 126,0 complexã / complexIovanu Gorj 290 120,0 complexã / complexLacul Morii Municipiul Bucureºti1) 256 14,2 complexã / complexVãcãreºti Dâmboviþa 234 14,1 complexã / complexBrãdiºor Vâlcea 230 38,0 energie / energyPuºcaºi Vaslui 230 8,0 complexã / complexPecineagu Dâmboviþa 182 63,0 complexã / complexDrãcºani Botoºani 500 6,1 pisciculturã / pisciculture

Denumirea vârfului muntos Denumirea masivului muntos Judeþul Altitudinea vârfului (m)Name of peak Name of massif County Height (m)

Moldoveanu Fãgãraº Argeº 2544Negoiu Fãgãraº Argeº, Braºov, Sibiu 2535Parângu Mare Parâng Gorj, Hunedoara 2519Peleaga Retezat Hunedoara 2509Omu Bucegi Prahova, Braºov, Dâmboviþa 2505Retezat Retezat Hunedoara 2482Iezeru Mare Iezer Argeº 2462Pãpuºa Iezer Argeº 2391Pietrosu Rodna Maramureº 2303Gugu Godeanu Caraº-Severin, Hunedoara 2291Suru Fãgãraº Sibiu, Vâlcea 2283Ineu Rodna Bistriþa-Nãsãud 2279Cindrel Cindrel Sibiu 2244ªtefleºti Lotru Sibiu, Vâlcea 2242La Om (Piscul Baciului) Piatra Craiului Braºov 2238Godeanu Godeanu Caraº-Severin, Gorj 2229Cãleanu Þarcu Caraº-Severin 2190Þarcu Þarcu Caraº-Severin 2190Leaota Leaota Dâmboviþa, Argeº 2133Vârfu lui Pãtru ªureanu Hunedoara 2130Pietrosu Cãliman Suceava, Mureº 2100ªureanu ªureanu Hunedoara 2059Ciucaº Ciucaº Braºov, Prahova 1954

1) Bucharest Municipality.

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Organizarea administrativã a teritoriului 1) RomânieiAdministrative organisation of Romanian territory 1)1.6

Suprafaþa totalã Numãrul oraºelor din care:(km2) ºi municipiilor municipii

Total area Number of towns of which:(km2) and municipalities municipalities

ROMÂNIA 238397 320 103

Judeþul / CountyAlba 6242 11 4Arad 7754 10 1Argeº 6826 7 3Bacãu 6621 8 3Bihor 7544 10 4Bistriþa-Nãsãud 5355 4 1Botoºani 4986 7 2Braºov 5363 10 4Brãila 4766 4 1Buzãu 6103 5 2Caraº-Severin 8520 8 2Cãlãraºi 5088 5 2Cluj 6674 6 5Constanþa 7071 12 3Covasna 3710 5 2Dâmboviþa 4054 7 2Dolj 7414 7 3Galaþi 4466 4 2Giurgiu 3526 3 1Gorj 5602 9 2Harghita 6639 9 4Hunedoara 7063 14 7Ialomiþa 4453 7 3Iaºi 5476 5 2Ilfov 1583 8 -Maramureº 6304 13 2Mehedinþi 4933 5 2Mureº 6714 11 4Neamþ 5896 5 2Olt 5498 8 2Prahova 4716 14 2Satu Mare 4418 6 2Sãlaj 3864 4 1Sibiu 5432 11 2Suceava 8553 16 5Teleorman 5790 5 3Timiº 8697 10 2Tulcea 8499 5 1Vaslui 5318 5 3Vâlcea 5771 11 2Vrancea 4857 5 2Municipiul Bucureºti 238 1 1Bucharest Municipality

1) La 31 decembrie 2016. / On December 31, 2016.

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2 .2 .



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Prin structurã de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã se înþelege orice construcþie sauamenajare, care furnizeazã în mod permanent sau sezonier serviciul de cazare ºi alte servicii specificepentru turiºti.

Nu se cuprind în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã: structurile deprimire folosite în exclusivitate de posesori sau chiriaºi, pe o duratã mai mare de un an, indiferent declasificarea acestora; locuinþele secundare ale populaþiei, utilizate în scopuri turistice în mod exclusiv deposesorii acestora; cãminele, internatele ºcolare pe perioada anului ºcolar, unitãþile spitaliceºti (cuexcepþia sanatoriilor ºi altor spaþii similare ce practicã în mod exclusiv activitãþi turistice); vagoaneledormitor; adãposturile ºi refugiile montane ºi similare; barãcile ºi dormitoarele pentru muncitori,cãminele de bãtrâni ºi casele de copii.

În numãrul structurilor de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã sunt cuprinse structurile deprimire turisticã existente la 31 iulie din anul respectiv, fiind excluse cele a cãror activitate a fost întreruptãpentru o perioadã mai mare de timp, în vederea realizãrii unor reparaþii capitale sau pentru modificãriimportante ale capacitãþii de cazare sau/ºi a categoriei de încadrare.

Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã

ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accomodation capacity

Structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni

de cazare turisticã

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation

Capacitatea de cazare existentã

Existing accommodation capacity

Capacitatea de cazare în funcþiune

Accommodation capacity in use


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Establishment of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation means anyconstruction or arrangement which provides permanently or seasonally accommodation and other specificservices to the tourists.

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation do not include:establishments of accomodation used exclusively by owners or tenants for over a year, irrespective of theirclassification; secondary dwellings of the population used for tourism purposes exclusively by their owners;hostels and boarding schools during school year, hospital units (excepting sanatoria and other similar spaceswhich exclusively have tourism activities); sleeping cars; mountain shelters and refuges and similar; workershuts and bedrooms, retirement homes for old people and children hostels.

The number of establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodationincludes establishments of tourists’ reception existing on July 31 of the respective year, excluding those whoseactivity was interrupted for a long period of time in order to carry out capital repairs or important changes oftheir accommodation capacity or/and category.

Indicii de utilizare netã a capacitãþii de cazare în funcþiune, pe categorii de confort, în anul 2017

Net use indices of tourists’ accommodation capacity in use, by category of comfort, in 2017





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Capacitatea de cazare turisticã existentã (instalatã) reprezintã numãrul de locuri de cazare defolosinþã turisticã înscrise în ultimul act de recepþie, omologare sau clasificare al structurii de primireturisticã, exclusiv paturile suplimentare care se pot instala în caz de necesitate. Numãrul de locuri a fostdeterminat pentru structurile existente la 31 iulie din anul respectiv.

Cercetãrile statistice cuprind structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã cu ocapacitate de cazare instalatã de cel puþin 5 locuri-pat.

Capacitatea de cazare turisticã în funcþiune (exprimatã în locuri-zile) reprezintã numãrul de locuri decazare puse la dispoziþia turiºtilor de cãtre structurile de primire turisticã, þinând cont de numãrul de zile câtacestea sunt deschise în perioada consideratã. Se exclud locurile din camerele sau structurile închisetemporar, din lipsã de turiºti, pentru reparaþii capitale sau pentru alte motive.

Gruparea indicatorilor s-a efectuat dupã forma de proprietate asupra capitalului social al unitãþii ºianume:- proprietate majoritar de stat care cuprinde capitalul integral de stat, public de interes naþional ºilocal, mixt (unde statul deþine peste 50% din capital);- proprietate majoritar privatã, care cuprinde capitalul integral privat, mixt (peste 50% capital socialprivat), integral strãin, cooperatist ºi obºtesc.



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Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazareturisticã, pe forme de proprietate, în anul 2017

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by type of ownership, in 2017g2.3

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Existing (provided) tourists’ accommodation capacity represents the number of beds used for thetourists’ accommodation and registered in the last reception, homologation or classification document oftourists’ accommodation establishment, the extra-beds which can be provided, if necessary, excluded. Thenumber of beds was determined for the existing establishments on July 31 of the respective year.

The statistical surveys comprise establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’accommodation having at least 5 beds as capacity of tourist’s accommodation.

The tourists’ accommodation capacity in use (expressed in places-days) represents the number ofaccommodation beds put at the disposal of tourists by the establishments of tourists’ reception, taking intoaccount the number of days they are opened in the respective period. The beds from the rooms orestablishments temporarily closed, due to lack of tourists, for capital repairs or for other reasons, are excluded.

The indicators have been grouped according to the ownership type of the unit of the social capital as follows:- mainly state ownership includes the public integral state capital of national and local interest and themixed one (over 50% state owned social capital);- mainly private ownership includes the integral private capital and the mixed one (over 50% privateowned social capital), integral foreign capital and co-operative and community capital.

Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºicapacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe destinaþii turistice, în anul 2017

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accomodation capacity, by tourists destinations in 2017

Litoral / Seaside

Alte localitãþi / Other localities

Bucureºti ºi oraºele reºedinþãBucharest and county capital cities

Delta Dunãrii / The Danube Delta

Staþiuni montane / Mountain resorts

Staþiuni balneare / Spas


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2015 2016 2017

Numãrul de structuriNumber of establishments

TOTAL 6821 6946 7905 TOTALHoteluri 1545 1551 1597 HotelsMoteluri 221 218 222 MotelsHanuri turistice 3 3 3 Tourist innsHosteluri 248 266 300 Hostels Vile turistice 643 635 659 Tourist villas Bungalouri 280 288 434 BungalowsCabane turistice 196 194 225 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 7 7 9 Holiday villagesCampinguri 66 61 57 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 63 58 57 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 33 38 40 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 1527 1530 1666 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 1918 2028 2556 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 61 59 70 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 10 10 10 Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare existentã (numãr de locuri)Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds)

TOTAL 328313 328888 343720 TOTALHoteluri 190275 189999 194884 HotelsMoteluri 8331 8408 8902 MotelsHanuri turistice 63 63 63 Tourist innsHosteluri 11757 12845 14211 HostelsVile turistice 14473 14213 15255 Tourist villasBungalouri 2768 2755 3554 BungalowsCabane turistice 5876 6097 6503 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 557 479 539 Holiday villagesCampinguri 15039 12428 8784 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 6979 6702 6436 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 1792 1894 1919 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 32051 32602 34816 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 35188 37394 44499 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 2657 2502 2848 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 507 507 507 Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare în funcþiune (numãr de locuri - zile)Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days)

TOTAL 81872539 83323220 87655762 TOTALHoteluri 49580807 49803288 51115580 HotelsMoteluri 2750418 2741784 2633717 MotelsHanuri turistice 20381 29590 36834 Tourist innsHosteluri 2880394 3129748 3511238 Hostels Vile turistice 3129939 3151044 3546918 Tourist villasBungalouri 365313 332520 404070 BungalowsCabane turistice 1386448 1434209 1587103 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 113196 130516 142222 Holiday villagesCampinguri 1392974 863218 799138 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 1338432 1211928 1111848 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 251225 270554 373383 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 9416908 9706739 10413485 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 9079901 10336702 11787897 Agro-tourist boarding housesCãsuþe turistice 161215 177908 175966 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 4988 3472 16363 Ship accommodation places


Notã: Numãrul de structuri ºi capacitatea de cazare existentã sunt la “31 iulie“ din anul respectiv.Note: Number of establishments and existing accommodation capacity on “July 31“ of the respective year.

Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuriEstablishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments

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Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazare turisticã, pe forme de proprietate ºi tipuri de structuri, în anul 2017Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of ownership and type of establishments, in 2017

Total Majoritar de stat Majoritar privatãMainly state Mainly private

owned owned

Numãrul de structuriNumber of establishments

TOTAL 7905 240 7665 TOTALHoteluri 1597 55 1542 HotelsMoteluri 222 - 222 MotelsHanuri turistice 3 - 3 Tourist innsHosteluri 300 16 284 Hostels Vile turistice 659 34 625 Tourist villasBungalouri 434 27 407 BungalowsCabane turistice 225 19 206 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 9 - 9 Holiday villagesCampinguri 57 2 55 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 57 57 - School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 40 1 39 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 1666 5 1661 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 2556 22 2534 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 70 2 68 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 10 - 10 Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare existentã (numãr de locuri) Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds)

TOTAL 343720 19162 324558 TOTALHoteluri 194884 8854 186030 HotelsMoteluri 8902 - 8902 MotelsHanuri turistice 63 - 63 Tourist innsHosteluri 14211 1332 12879 Hostels Vile turistice 15255 995 14260 Tourist villasBungalouri 3554 178 3376 BungalowsCabane turistice 6503 354 6149 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 539 - 539 Holiday villagesCampinguri 8784 328 8456 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 6436 6436 - School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 1919 140 1779 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 34816 117 34699 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 44499 268 44231 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 2848 160 2688 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 507 - 507 Ship accommodation places

Capacitatea de cazare în funcþiune (numãr de locuri - zile)Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days)

TOTAL 87655762 4771977 82883785 TOTALHoteluri 51115580 2675346 48440234 HotelsMoteluri 2633717 - 2633717 MotelsHanuri turistice 36834 - 36834 Tourist innsHosteluri 3511238 453242 3057996 Hostels Vile turistice 3546918 237815 3309103 Tourist villasBungalouri 404070 27149 376921 BungalowsCabane turistice 1587103 74256 1512847 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 142222 - 142222 Holiday villagesCampinguri 799138 48430 750708 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 1111848 1111848 - School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 373383 23220 350163 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 10413485 31920 10381565 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 11787897 76431 11711466 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 175966 12320 163646 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 16363 - 16363 Ship accommodation places

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Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazareturisticã, pe tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and thetourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Numãrul de structuriNumber of establishments

TOTAL 7905 122 909 4152 2056 553 113 TOTALHoteluri 1597 34 330 827 352 51 3 HotelsMoteluri 222 - - 108 95 18 1 MotelsHanuri turistice 3 - - - 1 - 2 Tourist innsHosteluri 300 - - 139 110 45 6 Hostels Vile turistice 659 39 111 326 156 21 6 Tourist villasBungalouri 434 - - 139 58 236 1 BungalowsCabane turistice 225 - - 121 54 36 14 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 9 - 1 4 3 1 - Holiday villagesCampinguri 57 - - 5 18 24 10 Camping sitesTabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 57 - - - 1 - 56 pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 40 - - 8 21 10 1 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 1666 22 205 984 417 36 2 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 2556 26 261 1470 743 56 - boarding housesCãsuþe turistice 70 - - 16 26 19 9 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 10 1 1 5 1 - 2 places

Capacitatea de cazare existentã (numãr de locuri)Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds)

TOTAL 343720 9611 60058 152035 94151 18469 9396 TOTALHoteluri 194884 8243 47611 78914 55096 4760 260 HotelsMoteluri 8902 - - 4422 3936 504 40 MotelsHanuri turistice 63 - - - 22 - 41 Tourist innsHosteluri 14211 - - 6898 4566 2545 202 Hostels Vile turistice 15255 203 2159 7539 4627 536 191 Tourist villasBungalouri 3554 - - 1085 583 1856 30 BungalowsCabane turistice 6503 - - 3279 1657 972 595 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 539 - 86 283 158 12 - Holiday villagesCampinguri 8784 - - 1004 2300 4334 1146 Camping sitesTabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 6436 - - - 115 - 6321 pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 1919 - - 385 992 536 6 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 34816 459 4485 21017 8061 756 38 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 44499 686 5697 26095 11228 793 - boarding housesCãsuþe turistice 2848 - - 689 792 865 502 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 507 20 20 425 18 - 24 places


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continuare / continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Capacitatea de cazare în funcþiune (numãr de locuri - zile)Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days)

TOTAL 87655762 3068062 18912021 41155055 19809657 3369202 1341765 TOTALHoteluri 51115580 2681102 15222352 21812476 10221592 1061486 116572 HotelsMoteluri 2633717 - - 1309913 1168145 139461 16198 MotelsHanuri turistice 36834 - - 13870 15664 - 7300 Tourist innsHosteluri 3511238 - 34837 1511882 1275970 658467 30082 Hostels Vile turistice 3546918 36856 603428 1822173 952706 70615 61140 Tourist villasBungalouri 404070 - - 200587 55196 148287 - BungalowsCabane turistice 1587103 - - 857560 350632 235649 143262 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 142222 - - 54085 56539 31598 - Holiday villagesCampinguri 799138 - - 180669 293111 322352 3006 Camping sitesTabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 1111848 - - - 24455 174989 912404 pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 373383 - - 94980 140681 137722 - Tourist halting placesPensiuni Tourist boardingturistice 10413485 149459 1471194 6232082 2342173 189312 29265 housesPensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 11787897 200645 1580210 7026959 2824008 156075 - boarding housesCãsuþe turistice 175966 - - 30444 79797 43189 22536 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 16363 - - 7375 8988 - - places


Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazareturisticã, pe tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and thetourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

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Total Litoral1) Staþiuni balneare Staþiuni montaneSeaside1) Spas Mountain resorts

Numãrul de structuri

TOTAL 7905 776 577 2270Hoteluri 1597 287 132 212Moteluri 222 1 15 19Hanuri turistice 3 - - -Hosteluri 300 52 10 34Vile turistice 659 160 84 206Bungalouri 434 235 57 25Cabane turistice 225 - 8 144Sate de vacanþã 9 - - 5Campinguri 57 10 8 14Tabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 57 3 7 16Popasuri turistice 40 2 5 15Pensiuni turistice 1666 14 200 449Pensiuni agroturistice 2556 5 45 1110Cãsuþe turistice 70 7 6 20Spaþii de cazare pe nave 10 - - 1

Capacitatea de cazare existentã (numãr de locuri)

TOTAL 343720 80618 36631 63921Hoteluri 194884 63535 25982 18675Moteluri 8902 291 541 1203Hanuri turistice 63 - - -Hosteluri 14211 3861 513 1513Vile turistice 15255 4534 1773 4913Bungalouri 3554 1763 271 441Cabane turistice 6503 - 205 4674Sate de vacanþã 539 - - 358Campinguri 8784 4366 760 1184Tabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 6436 1012 751 1574Popasuri turistice 1919 194 378 603Pensiuni turistice 34816 372 4063 9263Pensiuni agroturistice 44499 184 946 18903Cãsuþe turistice 2848 506 448 586Spaþii de cazare pe nave 507 - - 31

Capacitatea de cazare în funcþiune (numãr de locuri - zile)

TOTAL 87655762 9221634 9852659 18258593Hoteluri 51115580 7792523 7466915 6324664Moteluri 2633717 9606 161473 364650Hanuri turistice 36834 - - -Hosteluri 3511238 292568 131684 422246Vile turistice 3546918 366070 435197 1585118Bungalouri 404070 134392 19205 84734Cabane turistice 1587103 - 31566 1129257Sate de vacanþã 142222 - - 95053Campinguri 799138 380637 30374 156654Tabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 1111848 73544 76073 234580Popasuri turistice 373383 99172 62886 99690Pensiuni turistice 10413485 36314 1149599 2841714Pensiuni agroturistice 11787897 13284 257244 4865888Cãsuþe turistice 175966 23524 30443 46970Spaþii de cazare pe nave 16363 - - 7375



1) Exclusiv Municipiul Constanþa. / The Municipality of Constanþa excluded.2) Inclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included.3) Exclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded.

Structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi capacitatea de cazareturisticã, pe tipuri de structuri ºi destinaþii turistice, în anul 2017

Establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and the tourists’ accommodation capacity, by type of establishments and tourist destinations, in 2017

Bucureºti ºiDeltaDunãrii2) oraºele reºedinþã3) Alte localitãþi

The Danube Delta2) Bucharest and county Other localitiescapital cities3)

Number of establishments

125 1472 2685 TOTAL19 658 289 Hotels

- 31 156 Motels1 1 1 Tourist inns- 121 83 Hostels

57 86 66 Tourist villas14 2 101 Bungalows

- 6 67 Tourist chalets 1 1 2 Holiday villages- 5 20 Camping sites1 8 22 School and pre-school camps1 1 16 Tourist halting places9 523 471 Tourist boarding houses

13 23 1360 Agro-tourist boarding houses 2 6 29 Houselet-type units7 - 2 Ship accommodation places

Existing accommodation capacity (number of beds)

3890 87901 70759 TOTAL2036 65400 19256 Hotels

- 1281 5586 Motels21 20 22 Tourist inns

- 5224 3100 Hostels 396 2017 1622 Tourist villas172 28 879 Bungalows

- 168 1456 Tourist chalets 29 12 140 Holiday villages

- 572 1902 Camping sites249 793 2057 School and pre-school camps

96 20 628 Tourist halting places250 11668 9200 Tourist boarding houses271 496 23699 Agro-tourist boarding houses 230 202 876 Houselet-type units140 - 336 Ship accommodation places

Accommodation capacity in use (number of beds - days)

674955 30417360 19230561 TOTAL546702 23254220 5730556 Hotels

- 438759 1659229 Motels- 21170 15664 Tourist inns- 1754108 910632 Hostels

61769 587028 511736 Tourist villas21156 5660 138923 Bungalows

- 65417 360863 Tourist chalets - - 47169 Holiday villages- 62525 168948 Camping sites- 330220 397431 School and pre-school camps

11456 2160 98019 Tourist halting places14288 3762538 2609032 Tourist boarding houses

4148 118191 6529142 Agro-tourist boarding houses 6448 15364 53217 Houselet-type units8988 - - Ship accommodation places


Page 24: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,

Dupã dotarea cuinstalaþii sanitare: Dupã numãrul de

By endowment with By number of beds sanitary installations:


Cu baie Fãrã baie Cu un pat Cu un pat Cu 2 paturi sau duº sau duº de un loc de 2 locuri de un loc

With bath Without bath Single Double Twinor shower or shower

TOTAL 157661 152097 5564 6317 59269 73063Hoteluri 97571 96936 635 4352 32644 52864Moteluri 4165 4083 82 259 1325 1954Hanuri turistice 31 31 - 2 18 9Hosteluri 5277 4757 520 242 1245 1943Vile turistice 7081 6756 325 134 3091 2732Bungalouri 1368 882 486 30 243 859Cabane turistice 2583 2194 389 34 900 977Sate de vacanþã 218 203 15 4 60 91Campinguri 131 46 85 - 8 86Tabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 1525 654 871 11 43 335Popasuri turistice 223 188 35 15 80 99Pensiuni turistice 16419 15895 524 680 8159 5070Pensiuni agroturistice 20809 19212 1597 540 11421 5842Spaþii de cazare pe nave 260 260 - 14 32 202



Camerele existente în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, în anul 2017Existing rooms in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, in 2017

Dupã modullocuri în camere: de funcþionare:in the rooms: By type of use:

Camere pentruCu mai mult Camere în persoane cu

de 2 paturi apartamente dizabilitãþi Permanente Sezoniere2 beds + Rooms in Rooms for persons Permanent Seasonal

apartments with disabilities

10000 8597 415 122699 34962 TOTAL1926 5439 346 69418 28153 Hotels

420 207 - 4012 153 Motels1 1 - 27 4 Tourist inns

1650 179 18 3732 1545 Hostels 599 521 4 4629 2452 Tourist villas206 30 - 435 933 Bungalows546 126 - 2547 36 Tourist chalets

36 27 - 199 19 Holiday villages37 - - 35 96 Camping sites

School and pre-school1103 33 - 994 531 camps

24 5 - 162 61 Tourist halting places1519 965 26 16012 407 Tourist boarding houses1931 1054 21 20288 521 Agro-tourist boarding houses

Ship accommodation2 10 - 209 51 places


Page 25: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,







Page 26: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


Numãrul turiºtilor cazaþi în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã

cuprinde toate persoanele (români ºi strãini) care cãlãtoresc în afara localitãþilor în care îºi au domiciliulstabil, pentru o perioadã mai micã de 12 luni ºi stau cel puþin o noapte într-o structurã de primireturisticã în zone vizitate din þarã; motivul principal al cãlãtoriei este altul decât acela de a desfãºura oactivitate remuneratã în locurile vizitate.

Înnoptarea reprezintã fiecare noapte pentru care o persoanã este înregistratã într-o structurã deprimire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, indiferent dacã fizic este prezentã sau nu în camerã.

Înregistrarea turistului strãin care este cazat într-o structurã de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni decazare turisticã se face dupã þara sau zona geograficã de reºedinþã a acestuia.

Indicii de utilizare netã a capacitãþii de cazare turisticã în funcþiune se calculeazã prin raportareanumãrului de înnoptãri realizate, la capacitatea de cazare turisticã în funcþiune, din perioada respectivã.







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Turiºtii cazaþi în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã

Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation





Page 27: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


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The number of tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists’ reception with function oftourists’ accommodation includes all persons (Romanians and foreigners) who travel outside the localitiesof residence, for less than 12 months and who stay at least one night in an establishment of tourists’ receptionin the visited areas of the respective country; the main reason of the trip is other than carrying out a paidactivity in the visited places.

The overnight stay represents every night for which one person is registered into an establishment oftourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, no matter if the person is present or absentfrom the room.

The accommodation of the foreign tourist is done in an establishment of tourists’ reception withfunctions of tourists’ accommodation and he/she, is registered by his/her country of residence orgeographical residence area.

Net use indices of the capacity of tourists’ accommodation in use are calculated as the ratio betweenthe number of overnight stays and the capacity of tourists’ accommodation in use in the respective period.

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã

Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodationg3.2

Page 28: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,



















Turiºtii cazaþi în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe destinaþii turistice, în anul 2017

Tourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by tourist destinations, in 2017



















Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe destinaþii turistice, în anul 2017

Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by tourist destinations, in 2017g3.4


Page 29: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,





































































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Indicii de utilizare netã a capacitãþii de cazare turisticã în funcþiune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, în anul 2017

Net use indices of the tourist accomodation capacity in use, by type of establishmentsof tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, in 2017g3.5

Page 30: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


2015 2016 2017


TOTAL 9921874 11002522 12143346 TOTALHoteluri 7273862 7973803 8624783 HotelsMoteluri 259961 264086 251047 MotelsHanuri turistice 1994 3409 3928 Tourist innsHosteluri 258106 316385 374806 Hostels Vile turistice 291540 327824 409165 Tourist villasBungalouri 24491 26483 32196 BungalowsCabane turistice 94976 117304 136832 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 5932 4588 6233 Holiday villagesCampinguri 60723 52043 49484 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 48109 46468 48213 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 17772 21082 31014 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 899494 1020606 1157665 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice 672756 813454 1004400 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 11798 14364 12100 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 360 623 1480 Ship accommodation places


TOTAL 7681896 8521698 9383266 TOTALHoteluri 5283364 5790762 6230359 HotelsMoteluri 243699 246147 236588 MotelsHanuri turistice 1805 3227 3378 Tourist innsHosteluri 217938 260255 293593 Hostels Vile turistice 261831 298028 374445 Tourist villasBungalouri 22973 24816 29896 BungalowsCabane turistice 87503 109050 127350 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 5117 3887 5644 Holiday villagesCampinguri 53079 44541 39511 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 46504 44705 47738 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 17590 20489 30027 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 806696 912982 1035214 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice 622187 748320 917213 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 11250 13884 11537 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 360 605 773 Ship accommodation places


TOTAL 2239978 2480824 2760080 TOTALHoteluri 1990498 2183041 2394424 HotelsMoteluri 16262 17939 14459 MotelsHanuri turistice 189 182 550 Tourist innsHosteluri 40168 56130 81213 HostelsVile turistice 29709 29796 34720 Tourist villasBungalouri 1518 1667 2300 BungalowsCabane turistice 7473 8254 9482 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 815 701 589 Holiday villagesCampinguri 7644 7502 9973 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 1605 1763 475 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 182 593 987 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 92798 107624 122451 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice 50569 65134 87187 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 548 480 563 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave - 18 707 Ship accommodation places

3.1numãr turiºti / number of tourists

Turiºtii cazaþi în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuriTourists accommodated in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by type of establishments

Page 31: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.2numãr turiºti / number of tourists

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Total þarãTotal country

TOTAL 12143346 743310 3739630 5368618 1942645 276588 72555 TOTALRomâni 9383266 259876 2451940 4609129 1755884 236924 69513 RomaniansStrãini 2760080 483434 1287690 759489 186761 39664 3042 Foreigners

Hoteluri 8624783 693687 3278074 3417301 1120901 109929 4891 HotelsRomâni 6230359 218613 2048568 2829754 1024729 103881 4814 RomaniansStrãini 2394424 475074 1229506 587547 96172 6048 77 ForeignersMoteluri 251047 - - 123277 117807 9354 609 MotelsRomâni 236588 - - 116533 110258 9194 603 RomaniansStrãini 14459 - - 6744 7549 160 6 Foreigners

Hanuri turistice 3928 - - 2705 278 - 945 Tourist innsRomâni 3378 - - 2190 243 - 945 RomaniansStrãini 550 - - 515 35 - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 374806 - 10125 148020 155340 59158 2163 Hostels Români 293593 - 8013 127957 122777 32683 2163 RomaniansStrãini 81213 - 2112 20063 32563 26475 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 409165 2796 85603 229542 81825 2973 6426 Tourist villasRomâni 374445 2386 72810 214940 75167 2848 6294 RomaniansStrãini 34720 410 12793 14602 6658 125 132 Foreigners

Bungalouri 32196 - - 20099 3716 8381 - BungalowsRomâni 29896 - - 18546 3172 8178 - RomaniansStrãini 2300 - - 1553 544 203 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 136832 - - 80218 28201 17390 11023 Tourist chalets Români 127350 - - 73475 26999 17233 9643 RomaniansStrãini 9482 - - 6743 1202 157 1380 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 6233 - - 2281 2870 1082 - Holiday villagesRomâni 5644 - - 2229 2661 754 - RomaniansStrãini 589 - - 52 209 328 - Foreigners

Campinguri 49484 - - 4810 25278 19282 114 Camping sitesRomâni 39511 - - 3374 21361 14662 114 RomaniansStrãini 9973 - - 1436 3917 4620 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 48213 - - - 2066 5131 41016 pre-school campsRomâni 47738 - - - 1842 5131 40765 RomaniansStrãini 475 - - - 224 - 251 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 31014 - - 5526 9013 16475 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 30027 - - 5383 8690 15954 - RomaniansStrãini 987 - - 143 323 521 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 1157665 25910 195126 705411 211150 15527 4541 houses Români 1035214 19190 166695 634607 196102 15245 3375 RomaniansStrãini 122451 6720 28431 70804 15048 282 1166 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 1004400 20917 170702 626029 179133 7619 - boarding houses Români 917213 19687 155854 576907 157577 7188 - RomaniansStrãini 87187 1230 14848 49122 21556 431 - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 12100 - - 2577 4409 4287 827 Houselet-type unitsRomani 11537 - - 2547 4220 3973 797 RomaniansStrãini 563 - - 30 189 314 30 Foreigners

Spaþii de cazare Ship accommodation pe nave 1480 - - 822 658 - - placesRomâni 773 - - 687 86 - - RomaniansStrãini 707 - - 135 572 - - Foreigners

Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 32: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.2numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified



TOTAL 1049970 22867 269677 396040 307044 48780 5562 TOTALRomâni 1016287 19644 251698 388856 302558 47969 5562 RomaniansStrãini 33683 3223 17979 7184 4486 811 - Foreigners

Hoteluri 900937 22186 261175 344225 256298 17053 - HotelsRomâni 872579 18977 243956 338010 254603 17033 - RomaniansStrãini 28358 3209 17219 6215 1695 20 - ForeignersMoteluri 914 - - 914 - - - MotelsRomâni 894 - - 894 - - - RomaniansStrãini 20 - - 20 - - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 31608 - - 13311 14604 3693 - Hostels Români 30467 - - 13232 13542 3693 - RomaniansStrãini 1141 - - 79 1062 - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 52540 420 8502 28225 13883 1510 - Tourist villasRomâni 51093 406 7742 27570 13865 1510 - RomaniansStrãini 1447 14 760 655 18 - - Foreigners

Bungalouri 9240 - - 2466 1160 5614 - BungalowsRomâni 9168 - - 2466 1160 5542 - RomaniansStrãini 72 - - - - 72 - Foreigners

Campinguri 27693 - - 3226 15702 8765 - Camping sitesRomâni 25504 - - 3033 14142 8329 - RomaniansStrãini 2189 - - 193 1560 436 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 5288 - - - - - 5288 pre-school campsRomâni 5288 - - - - - 5288 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 11956 - - - 1475 10481 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 11628 - - - 1430 10198 - RomaniansStrãini 328 - - - 45 283 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 5126 - - 2435 2691 - - houses Români 5007 - - 2413 2594 - - RomaniansStrãini 119 - - 22 97 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 1865 261 - 250 1231 123 - boarding houses Români 1856 261 - 250 1222 123 - RomaniansStrãini 9 - - - 9 - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 2803 - - 988 - 1541 274 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 2803 - - 988 - 1541 274 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

1) Exclusiv Municipiul Constanþa. / The Municipality of Constanþa excluded.

Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 33: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.2numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Staþiuni balneareSpas

TOTAL 945257 24883 200317 430628 272430 14127 2872 TOTALRomâni 896515 24191 180943 413354 261733 13422 2872 RomaniansStrãini 48742 692 19374 17274 10697 705 - Foreigners

Hoteluri 721652 22742 183911 300398 213863 738 - HotelsRomâni 689931 22090 165571 292692 208840 738 - RomaniansStrãini 31721 652 18340 7706 5023 - - Foreigners

Moteluri 14508 - - 8360 6148 - - MotelsRomâni 13882 - - 7734 6148 - - RomaniansStrãini 626 - - 626 - - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 12556 - - 4206 8350 - - Hostels Români 9924 - - 4128 5796 - - RomaniansStrãini 2632 - - 78 2554 - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 46023 250 1415 29983 14136 239 - Tourist villasRomâni 44848 234 1353 29230 13859 172 - RomaniansStrãini 1175 16 62 753 277 67 - Foreigners

Bungalouri 2006 - - 470 62 1474 - BungalowsRomâni 1842 - - 383 62 1397 - RomaniansStrãini 164 - - 87 - 77 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 1843 - - 862 63 918 - Tourist chalets Români 1789 - - 839 32 918 - RomaniansStrãini 54 - - 23 31 - - Foreigners

Campinguri 3824 - - - 2703 1121 - Camping sitesRomâni 3143 - - - 2104 1039 - RomaniansStrãini 681 - - - 599 82 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 5076 - - - - 2551 2525 pre-school campsRomâni 5076 - - - - 2551 2525 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 7988 - - - 2544 5444 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 7779 - - - 2493 5286 - RomaniansStrãini 209 - - - 51 158 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 88894 1891 13353 50621 22507 522 - houses Români 82744 1867 12484 47516 20382 495 - RomaniansStrãini 6150 24 869 3105 2125 27 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 39037 - 1638 35488 1911 - - boarding houses Români 34013 - 1535 30592 1886 - - RomaniansStrãini 5024 - 103 4896 25 - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 1850 - - 240 143 1120 347 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 1544 - - 240 131 826 347 RomaniansStrãini 306 - - - 12 294 - Foreigners

Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 34: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Staþiuni montaneMountain resorts

TOTAL 2019142 48108 665008 945527 284547 47548 28404 TOTALRomâni 1800140 42662 564531 859823 262093 43562 27469 RomaniansStrăini 219002 5446 100477 85704 22454 3986 935 Foreigners

din care: / of which:

Hoteluri 1049529 24622 491729 421417 94768 14397 2596 HotelsRomâni 887324 21424 404507 360257 84215 14348 2573 RomaniansStrãini 162205 3198 87222 61160 10553 49 23 Foreigners

Moteluri 28646 - - 8792 19677 177 - MotelsRomâni 25773 - - 8545 17051 177 - RomaniansStrãini 2873 - - 247 2626 - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 22197 - - 19564 1083 1550 - Hostels Români 21398 - - 19015 920 1463 - RomaniansStrãini 799 - - 549 163 87 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 142031 791 23675 77381 32544 1214 6426 Tourist villasRomâni 134252 747 21655 73726 30674 1156 6294 RomaniansStrãini 7779 44 2020 3655 1870 58 132 Foreigners

Bungalouri 6139 - - 3737 1335 1067 - BungalowsRomâni 4762 - - 2900 848 1014 - RomaniansStrãini 1377 - - 837 487 53 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 101433 - - 52843 26011 14114 8465 Tourist chaletsRomâni 96115 - - 49446 24944 13976 7749 RomaniansStrãini 5318 - - 3397 1067 138 716 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 3754 - - 2281 1473 - - Holiday villagesRomâni 3493 - - 2229 1264 - - RomaniansStrãini 261 - - 52 209 - - Foreigners

Campinguri 8075 - - 175 2361 5425 114 Camping sitesRomâni 4432 - - 175 2167 1976 114 RomaniansStrãini 3643 - - - 194 3449 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 13474 - - - 2066 725 10683 pre-school campsRomâni 13208 - - - 1842 725 10641 RomaniansStrãini 266 - - - 224 - 42 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 5504 - - 3025 2071 408 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 5441 - - 2992 2041 408 - RomaniansStrãini 63 - - 33 30 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 244430 11990 69325 130542 28192 4381 - houses Români 229553 10047 63301 124750 27124 4331 - RomaniansStrãini 14877 1943 6024 5792 1068 50 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 391273 10705 80279 224907 71472 3910 - boarding houses Români 371900 10444 75068 215060 67520 3808 - RomaniansStrãini 19373 261 5211 9847 3952 102 - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 1835 - - 41 1494 180 120 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 1802 - - 41 1483 180 98 RomaniansStrãini 33 - - - 11 - 22 Foreigners


Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 35: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,



Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Delta Dunãrii2)

The Danube Delta2)

TOTAL 100423 - 33905 62855 3663 - - TOTALRomâni 76281 - 28998 44508 2775 - - RomaniansStrãini 24142 - 4907 18347 888 - - Foreigners

din care: / of which:

Hoteluri 79205 - 20419 56277 2509 - - HotelsRomâni 56831 - 16259 38354 2218 - - RomaniansStrãini 22374 - 4160 17923 291 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 1492 - - 996 496 - - houses Români 1302 - - 831 471 - - RomaniansStrãini 190 - - 165 25 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 821 - 821 - - - - boarding houses Români 687 - 687 - - - - RomaniansStrãini 134 - 134 - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 527 - - 527 - - - Tourist halting placesRomâni 491 - - 491 - - - RomaniansStrãini 36 - - 36 - - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 12665 - 12665 - - - - Tourist villasRomâni 12052 - 12052 - - - - RomaniansStrãini 613 - 613 - - - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 548 - - 548 - - - Houselet-type unitsRomâni 548 - - 548 - - - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

2) Inclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included.

Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã,

pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017

Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 36: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Bucureºti ºi oraºele reºedinþã de judeþ3)

Bucharest and county capital cities3)

TOTAL 5992403 602709 2211686 2350267 692480 118944 16317 TOTALRomâni 3860026 145009 1172517 1857984 581963 87549 15004 RomaniansStrãini 2132377 457700 1039169 492283 110517 31395 1313 Foreigners

Hoteluri 5020319 598670 2086393 1810839 463153 59861 1403 HotelsRomâni 3048697 142172 1071922 1389009 389730 54461 1403 RomaniansStrãini 1971622 456498 1014471 421830 73423 5400 - Foreigners

Moteluri 36453 - - 21693 13756 1004 - MotelsRomâni 34441 - - 20465 12972 1004 - RomaniansStrãini 2012 - - 1228 784 - - Foreigners

Hanuri turistice 3650 - - 2705 - - 945 Tourist innsRomâni 3135 - - 2190 - - 945 RomaniansStrãini 515 - - 515 - - - ForeignersHosteluri 244640 - 10125 81773 99831 50748 2163 Hostels Români 174115 - 8013 64751 74359 24829 2163 RomaniansStrãini 70525 - 2112 17022 25472 25919 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 97354 1335 30257 56760 9002 - - Tourist villasRomâni 79619 999 23047 50311 5262 - - RomaniansStrãini 17735 336 7210 6449 3740 - - Foreigners

Bungalouri 996 - - 996 - - - BungalowsRomâni 891 - - 891 - - - RomaniansStrãini 105 - - 105 - - - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 8192 - - 8192 - - - Tourist chalets Români 7319 - - 7319 - - - RomaniansStrãini 873 - - 873 - - - Foreigners

Campinguri 1415 - - - 1415 - - Camping sitesRomâni 762 - - - 762 - - RomaniansStrãini 653 - - - 653 - - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 10054 - - - - 1182 8872 pre-school campsRomâni 9905 - - - - 1182 8723 RomaniansStrãini 149 - - - - - 149 Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 549923 2704 84444 351246 103221 5374 2934 houses Români 486503 1838 69078 311743 96776 5298 1770 RomaniansStrãini 63420 866 15366 39503 6445 76 1164 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 17137 - 467 16063 607 - - boarding houses Români 12369 - 457 11305 607 - - RomaniansStrãini 4768 - 10 4758 - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 159 - - - 159 - - Tourist halting placesRomâni 159 - - - 159 - - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 2111 - - - 1336 775 - Houselet-type unitsRomâni 2111 - - - 1336 775 - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

3) Exclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded.


Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 37: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.2numãr turiºti - continuare / number of tourists - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Alte localitãþi ºi trasee turisticeOther localities and tourist routes

TOTAL 2036151 44743 359037 1183301 382481 47189 19400 TOTALRomâni 1734017 28370 253253 1044604 344762 44422 18606 RomaniansStrãini 302134 16373 105784 138697 37719 2767 794 Foreigners

Hoteluri 853141 25467 234447 484145 90310 17880 892 HotelsRomâni 674997 13950 146353 411432 85123 17301 838 RomaniansStrãini 178144 11517 88094 72713 5187 579 54 Foreigners

Moteluri 170526 - - 83518 78226 8173 609 MotelsRomâni 161598 - - 78895 74087 8013 603 RomaniansStrãini 8928 - - 4623 4139 160 6 Foreigners

Hosteluri 63805 - - 29166 31472 3167 - HostelsRomâni 57689 - - 26831 28160 2698 - RomaniansStrãini 6116 - - 2335 3312 469 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 58552 - 9098 37193 12260 10 - Tourist villasRomâni 52581 - 6961 34103 11507 10 - RomaniansStrãini 5971 - 2128 3090 753 - - Foreigners

Bungalouri 9308 - - 7923 1159 226 - BungalowsRomâni 8949 - - 7622 1102 225 - RomaniansStrãini 359 - - 301 57 1 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 25364 - - 18321 2127 2358 2558 Tourist chalets Români 22127 - - 15871 2023 2339 1894 RomaniansStrãini 3237 - - 2450 104 19 664 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 2479 - - - 1397 1082 - Holiday villagesRomâni 2151 - - - 1397 754 - RomaniansStrãini 328 - - - - 328 - Foreigners

Campinguri 8477 - - 1409 3097 3971 - Camping sitesRomâni 5670 - - 166 2186 3318 - RomaniansStrãini 2807 - - 1243 911 653 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 14321 - - - - 673 13648 pre-school campsRomâni 14261 - - - - 673 13588 RomaniansStrãini 60 - - - - - 60 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 4880 - - 1974 2764 142 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 4529 - - 1900 2567 62 - RomaniansStrãini 351 - - 74 197 80 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 267800 9325 28004 169571 54043 5250 1607 houses Români 230105 5438 21832 147354 48755 5121 1605 RomaniansStrãini 37695 3887 6172 22217 5288 129 2 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist boarding agroturistice 554267 9951 87497 349321 103912 3586 - houses Români 496388 8982 78107 319700 86342 3257 - RomaniansStrãini 57879 969 9390 29621 17570 329 - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 2953 - - 760 1436 671 86 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 2729 - - 730 1270 651 78 RomaniansStrãini 224 - - 30 166 20 8 Foreigners

Hanuri turistice 278 - - - 278 - - Tourist innsRomâni 243 - - - 243 - - RomaniansStrãini 35 - - - 35 - - Foreigners

Sosiri ale turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Tourists’ arrivals in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 38: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.3numãr înnoptãri / number of overnight stays

2015 2016 2017


TOTAL 23519340 25440957 27092523 TOTALHoteluri 18018089 19350169 20122915 HotelsMoteluri 450186 436444 408674 MotelsHanuri turistice 2817 4603 6403 Tourist innsHosteluri 588332 682620 784204 Hostels Vile turistice 678691 755063 912300 Tourist villasBungalouri 57035 75153 91336 BungalowsCabane turistice 182980 215087 234536 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 15451 12515 15806 Holiday villagesCampinguri 180864 143990 152752 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 233119 194241 201359 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 45073 51731 84523 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 1664533 1881750 2113520 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice 1368992 1597939 1928485 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 32187 38746 31685 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 991 906 4025 Ship accommodation places


TOTAL 19047701 20609141 21801487 TOTALHoteluri 14107069 15164085 15584417 HotelsMoteluri 420326 406803 383703 MotelsHanuri turistice 2455 4332 5604 Tourist innsHosteluri 498667 570343 623422 Hostels Vile turistice 611477 685423 838022 Tourist villasBungalouri 52881 70072 84504 BungalowsCabane turistice 167557 196587 215223 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 12802 10020 13797 Holiday villagesCampinguri 165840 130052 133096 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 220915 185032 199930 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 44734 50448 82274 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 1454948 1640386 1855827 Tourist boarding housesPensiuni agroturistice 1256092 1457163 1750354 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 30947 37507 30304 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave 991 888 1010 Ship accommodation places


TOTAL 4471639 4831816 5291036 TOTALHoteluri 3911020 4186084 4538498 HotelsMoteluri 29860 29641 24971 MotelsHanuri turistice 362 271 799 Tourist innsHosteluri 89665 112277 160782 Hostels Vile turistice 67214 69640 74278 Tourist villasBungalouri 4154 5081 6832 BungalowsCabane turistice 15423 18500 19313 Tourist chaletSate de vacanþã 2649 2495 2009 Holiday villagesCampinguri 15024 13938 19656 Camping sitesTabere de elevi ºi preºcolari 12204 9209 1429 School and pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 339 1283 2249 Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 209585 241364 257693 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni agroturistice 112900 140776 178131 Agro-tourist boarding houses Cãsuþe turistice 1240 1239 1381 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare pe nave - 18 3015 Ship accommodation places

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe tipuri de structuriOvernight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by type of establishments

Page 39: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Total þarãTotal country

TOTAL 27092523 1318574 7177921 11776252 5869698 714753 235325 TOTALRomâni 21801487 498466 4809391 10159344 5469837 635583 228866 RomaniansStrãini 5291036 820108 2368530 1616908 399861 79170 6459 Foreigners

Hoteluri 20122915 1233599 6327698 8026547 4197535 313925 23611 HotelsRomâni 15584417 426595 4072534 6769765 3991600 300671 23252 RomaniansStrãini 4538498 807004 2255164 1256782 205935 13254 359 Foreigners

Moteluri 408674 - - 202057 189137 12560 4920 MotelsRomâni 383703 - - 189815 176587 12393 4908 RomaniansStrãini 24971 - - 12242 12550 167 12 Foreigners

Hanuri turistice 6403 - - 4265 1062 - 1076 Tourist innsRomâni 5604 - - 3550 978 - 1076 RomaniansStrãini 799 - - 715 84 - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 784204 - 16936 327157 313298 122264 4549 Hostels Români 623422 - 13289 285944 248253 71387 4549 RomaniansStrãini 160782 - 3647 41213 65045 50877 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 912300 5766 177777 486613 220298 13824 8022 Tourist villasRomâni 838022 4865 151583 456621 203918 13147 7888 RomaniansStrãini 74278 901 26194 29992 16380 677 134 Foreigners

Bungalouri 91336 - - 48482 11282 31572 - BungalowsRomâni 84504 - - 44356 9699 30449 - RomaniansStrãini 6832 - - 4126 1583 1123 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 234536 - - 140666 42062 28723 23085 Tourist chaletsRomâni 215223 - - 127101 40080 28491 19551 RomaniansStrãini 19313 - - 13565 1982 232 3534 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 15806 - - 4570 6787 4449 - Holiday villagesRomâni 13797 - - 4478 6455 2864 - RomaniansStrãini 2009 - - 92 332 1585 - Foreigners

Campinguri 152752 - - 23510 79614 49320 308 Camping sitesRomâni 133096 - - 20199 70655 41934 308 RomaniansStrãini 19656 - - 3311 8959 7386 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and pre-schoolºi preºcolari 201359 - - - 7785 32958 160616 campsRomâni 199930 - - - 7090 32958 159882 RomaniansStrãini 1429 - - - 695 - 734 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 84523 - - 14550 19642 50331 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 82274 - - 14298 19050 48926 - RomaniansStrãini 2249 - - 252 592 1405 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 2113520 42239 338317 1289324 409946 26650 7044 houses Români 1855827 32653 282735 1134832 373937 26192 5478 RomaniansStrãini 257693 9586 55582 154492 36009 458 1566 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 1928485 36970 317193 1199472 358806 16044 - boarding housesRomâni 1750354 34353 289250 1099691 312378 14682 - RomaniansStrãini 178131 2617 27943 99781 46428 1362 - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 31685 - - 8217 9241 12133 2094 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 30304 - - 8007 8834 11489 1974 RomaniansStrãini 1381 - - 210 407 644 120 Foreigners

Spaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 4025 - - 822 3203 - - placesRomâni 1010 - - 687 323 - - RomaniansStrãini 3015 - - 135 2880 - - Foreigners


3.4numãr înnoptãri / number of overnight stays

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 40: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified



TOTAL 4316379 78087 910095 1730848 1393594 176254 27501 TOTALRomâni 4183458 67714 839285 1696615 1378911 173432 27501 RomaniansStrãini 132921 10373 70810 34233 14683 2822 - Foreigners

Hoteluri 3740087 75984 882105 1526320 1199339 56339 - HotelsRomâni 3623084 65689 813318 1495239 1192536 56302 - RomaniansStrãini 117003 10295 68787 31081 6803 37 - Foreigners

Moteluri 1262 - - 1262 - - - MotelsRomâni 1234 - - 1234 - - - RomaniansStrãini 28 - - 28 - - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 122638 - - 53834 54999 13805 - Hostels Români 119553 - - 53601 52147 13805 - RomaniansStrãini 3085 - - 233 2852 - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 200265 1318 27990 106528 56548 7881 - Tourist villasRomâni 195816 1240 25967 104252 56476 7881 - RomaniansStrãini 4449 78 2023 2276 72 - - ForeignersBungalouri 38103 - - 9106 4253 24744 - BungalowsRomâni 37248 - - 9106 4253 23889 - RomaniansStrãini 855 - - - - 855 - Foreigners

Campinguri 110589 - - 20226 60925 29438 - Camping sitesRomâni 104588 - - 19671 56612 28305 - RomaniansStrãini 6001 - - 555 4313 1133 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and pre-schoolºi preºcolari 26585 - - - - - 26585 campsRomâni 26585 - - - - - 26585 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 40443 - - - 3797 36646 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 39569 - - - 3720 35849 - RomaniansStrãini 874 - - - 77 797 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 18500 - - 8628 9872 - - houses Români 17894 - - 8568 9326 - - RomaniansStrãini 606 - - 60 546 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 6367 785 - 1004 3861 717 - boarding houses Români 6347 785 - 1004 3841 717 - RomaniansStrãini 20 - - - 20 - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 11540 - - 3940 - 6684 916 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 11540 - - 3940 - 6684 916 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

1) Exclusiv Municipiul Constanþa. / The Municipality of Constanþa excluded.

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 41: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Staþiuni balneareSpas

TOTAL 4204898 65730 585907 1721064 1778153 43136 10908 TOTALRomâni 4032534 62990 508707 1670183 1738553 41193 10908 RomaniansStrãini 172364 2740 77200 50881 39600 1943 - Foreigners

Hoteluri 3681627 62245 548853 1430788 1632301 7440 - HotelsRomâni 3552398 59658 474630 1403548 1607122 7440 - RomaniansStrãini 129229 2587 74223 27240 25179 - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 32329 - - 13897 18432 - - Hostels Români 25667 - - 13690 11977 - - RomaniansStrãini 6662 - - 207 6455 - - Foreigners

Moteluri 26988 - - 14898 12090 - - MotelsRomâni 25477 - - 13387 12090 - - RomaniansStrãini 1511 - - 1511 - - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 119211 479 3000 66857 47776 1099 - Tourist villasRomâni 115656 429 2828 64622 47065 712 - RomaniansStrãini 3555 50 172 2235 711 387 - Foreigners

Bungalouri 7675 - - 1484 1780 4411 - BungalowsRomâni 7395 - - 1388 1780 4227 - RomaniansStrãini 280 - - 96 - 184 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 4073 - - 1382 349 2342 - Tourist chalets Români 3829 - - 1293 194 2342 - RomaniansStrãini 244 - - 89 155 - - Foreigners

Campinguri 8099 - - - 5110 2989 - Camping sitesRomâni 6451 - - - 3692 2759 - RomaniansStrãini 1648 - - - 1418 230 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 18514 - - - - 7993 10521 pre-school campsRomâni 18514 - - - - 7993 10521 RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 18934 - - - 6009 12925 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 18418 - - - 5939 12479 - RomaniansStrãini 516 - - - 70 446 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 207472 3006 30886 121994 50363 1223 - houses Români 189968 2903 28396 112670 44848 1151 - RomaniansStrãini 17504 103 2490 9324 5515 72 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 75418 - 3168 68649 3601 - - boarding houses Români 64869 - 2853 58470 3546 - - RomaniansStrãini 10549 - 315 10179 55 - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 4558 - - 1115 342 2714 387 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 3892 - - 1115 300 2090 387 RomaniansStrãini 666 - - - 42 624 - Foreigners

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 42: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Staþiuni montaneMountain resort

TOTAL 4178123 100535 1337267 1903813 626724 140797 68987 TOTALRomâni 3723816 82535 1137405 1717087 584266 135065 67458 RomaniansStrãini 454307 18000 199862 186726 42458 5732 1529 Foreigners

din care: / of which:

Hoteluri 2252153 55762 1004648 860056 239887 80486 11314 HotelsRomâni 1913640 42153 831575 723018 225436 80395 11063 RomaniansStrãini 338513 13609 173073 137038 14451 91 251 Foreigners

Moteluri 45786 - - 17897 27535 354 - MotelsRomâni 41614 - - 17535 23725 354 - RomaniansStrãini 4172 - - 362 3810 - - Foreigners

Hosteluri 43983 - - 37677 3148 3158 - Hostels Români 42591 - - 36752 2825 3014 - RomaniansStrãini 1392 - - 925 323 144 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 288957 1933 53861 142615 77712 4814 8022 Tourist villasRomâni 268920 1731 48756 135867 70154 4524 7888 RomaniansStrãini 20037 202 5105 6748 7558 290 134 Foreigners

Bungalouri 13649 - - 9309 2756 1584 - BungalowsRomâni 9621 - - 6776 1344 1501 - RomaniansStrãini 4028 - - 2533 1412 83 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 161972 - - 86150 38376 21536 15910 Tourist chalets Români 154048 - - 81153 36653 21326 14916 RomaniansStrãini 7924 - - 4997 1723 210 994 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 7162 - - 4570 2592 - - Holiday villagesRomâni 6738 - - 4478 2260 - - RomaniansStrãini 424 - - 92 332 - - Foreigners

Campinguri 13895 - - 175 4893 8519 308 Camping sitesRomâni 8922 - - 175 4488 3951 308 RomaniansStrãini 4973 - - - 405 4568 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 43728 - - - 7785 2792 33151 pre-school campsRomâni 42991 - - - 7090 2792 33109 RomaniansStrãini 737 - - - 695 - 42 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 9407 - - 5815 3056 536 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 9335 - - 5775 3024 536 - RomaniansStrãini 72 - - 40 32 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 484692 23746 123003 260973 68569 8401 - houses Români 456428 20177 112225 249767 65928 8331 - RomaniansStrãini 28264 3569 10778 11206 2641 70 - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist boarding agroturistice 808995 19094 155755 477705 148050 8391 - houses Români 765478 18474 144849 455055 138985 8115 - RomaniansStrãini 43517 620 10906 22650 9065 276 - Foreigners

Spaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 822 - - 822 - - - placesRomâni 687 - - 687 - - - RomaniansStrãini 135 - - 135 - - - Foreigners

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 43: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Delta Dunãrii2)

The Danube Delta2)

TOTAL 210334 - 76541 117096 16697 - - TOTALRomâni 157514 - 66069 79422 12023 - - RomaniansStrãini 52820 - 10472 37674 4674 - - Foreigners

din care: / of which:

Hoteluri 150837 - 40685 97402 12750 - - HotelsRomâni 104092 - 32365 60723 11004 - - RomaniansStrãini 46745 - 8320 36679 1746 - - Foreigners

Vile turistice 33788 - 33788 - - - - Tourist villasRomâni 31909 - 31909 - - - - RomaniansStrãini 1879 - 1879 - - - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 2605 - - 1861 744 - - houses Români 2279 - - 1583 696 - - RomaniansStrãini 326 - - 278 48 - - Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-touristagroturistice 2068 - 2068 - - - - boarding houses Români 1795 - 1795 - - - - RomaniansStrãini 273 - 273 - - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 1313 - - 1313 - - - Tourist halting placesRomâni 1240 - - 1240 - - - RomaniansStrãini 73 - - 73 - - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 1914 - - 1914 - - - Houselet-type unitsRomâni 1914 - - 1914 - - - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

2) Inclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea included.

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

Page 44: Romania - touristic presentation · 7 Romania - touristic presentation - R omania is situated in the South Eastern part of Central Europe, inside and outside the Carpathians Arch,


3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Bucureºti ºi oraºele reºedinþã de judeþ3)

Bucharest and county capital cities3)

TOTAL 10341681 1011222 3698706 4105531 1206032 258051 62139 TOTALRomâni 6409312 242544 1851835 3070605 988199 195949 60180 RomaniansStrãini 3932369 768678 1846871 1034926 217833 62102 1959 Foreigners

Hoteluri 8623703 1004943 3500220 3166597 812354 128970 10619 HotelsRomâni 5015345 238476 1701413 2282953 664766 117118 10619 RomaniansStrãini 3608358 766467 1798807 883644 147588 11852 - Foreigners

Moteluri 67709 - - 33414 32942 1353 - MotelsRomâni 63336 - - 30475 31508 1353 - RomaniansStrãini 4373 - - 2939 1434 - - Foreigners

Hanuri turistice 5341 - - 4265 - - 1076 Tourist innsRomani 4626 - - 3550 - - 1076 RomaniansStrãini 715 - - 715 - - - ForeignersHosteluri 447836 - 16936 164862 163049 98440 4549 Hostels Români 310283 - 13289 129399 114678 48368 4549 RomaniansStrãini 137553 - 3647 35463 48371 50072 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 154677 2036 44940 94390 13311 - - Tourist villasRomâni 122550 1465 32061 81187 7837 - - RomaniansStrãini 32127 571 12879 13203 5474 - - Foreigners

Bungalouri 1348 - - 1348 - - - BungalowsRomâni 1187 - - 1187 - - - RomaniansStrãini 161 - - 161 - - - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 14395 - - 14395 - - - Tourist chalets Români 12172 - - 12172 - - - RomaniansStrãini 2223 - - 2223 - - - Foreigners

Campinguri 1851 - - - 1851 - - Camping sitesRomâni 897 - - - 897 - - RomaniansStrãini 954 - - - 954 - - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and şi preşcolari 61117 - - - - 19314 41803 pre-school campsRomâni 60722 - - - - 19314 41408 RomaniansStrãini 395 - - - - - 395 Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 936562 4243 135896 605856 177704 8771 4092 houses Români 796420 2603 104416 514588 163692 8593 2528 RomaniansStrãini 140142 1640 31480 91268 14012 178 1564 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 22616 - 714 20404 1498 - - boarding houses Români 17248 - 656 15094 1498 - - RomaniansStrãini 5368 - 58 5310 - - - Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 984 - - - 984 - - Tourist halting placesRomâni 984 - - - 984 - - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 3542 - - - 2339 1203 - Houselet-type unitsRomâni 3542 - - - 2339 1203 - RomaniansStrãini - - - - - - - Foreigners

3) Exclusiv Municipiul Tulcea. / The Municipality of Tulcea excluded.

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

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3.4numãr înnoptãri - continuare / number of overnight stays - continued

Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

Alte localitãþi ºi trasee turisticeOther localities and tourist routes

TOTAL 3841108 63000 569405 2197900 848498 96515 65790 TOTALRomâni 3294853 42683 406090 1925432 767885 89944 62819 RomaniansStrãini 546255 20317 163315 272468 80613 6571 2971 Foreigners

din care: / of which:

Hoteluri 1674508 34665 351187 945384 300904 40690 1678 HotelsRomâni 1375858 20619 219233 804284 290736 39416 1570 RomaniansStrãini 298650 14046 131954 141100 10168 1274 108 Foreigners

Moteluri 266929 - - 134586 116570 10853 4920 MotelsRomâni 252042 - - 127184 109264 10686 4908 RomaniansStrãini 14887 - - 7402 7306 167 12 Foreigners

Hosteluri 137418 - - 56887 73670 6861 - Hostels Români 125328 - - 52502 66626 6200 - RomaniansStrãini 12090 - - 4385 7044 661 - Foreigners

Vile turistice 115402 - 14198 76223 24951 30 - Tourist villasRomâni 103171 - 10062 70693 22386 30 - RomaniansStrãini 12231 - 4136 5530 2565 - - Foreigners

Bungalouri 15955 - - 12629 2493 833 - BungalowsRomâni 15091 - - 11937 2322 832 - RomaniansStrãini 864 - - 692 171 1 - Foreigners

Cabane turistice 54096 - - 38739 3337 4845 7175 Tourist chalets Români 45174 - - 32483 3233 4823 4635 RomaniansStrãini 8922 - - 6256 104 22 2540 Foreigners

Sate de vacanþã 8644 - - - 4195 4449 - Holiday villagesRomâni 7059 - - - 4195 2864 - RomaniansStrãini 1585 - - - - 1585 - Foreigners

Campinguri 18318 - - 3109 6835 8374 - Camping sitesRomâni 12238 - - 353 4966 6919 - RomaniansStrãini 6080 - - 2756 1869 1455 - Foreigners

Tabere de elevi School and şi preşcolari 51415 - - - - 2859 48556 pre-school campsRomâni 51118 - - - - 2859 48259 RomaniansStrãini 297 - - - - - 297 Foreigners

Pensiuni Tourist boarding turistice 463689 11244 48532 290012 102694 8255 2952 houses Români 392838 6970 37698 247656 89447 8117 2950 RomaniansStrãini 70851 4274 10834 42356 13247 138 2 Foreigners

Pensiuni Agro-tourist agroturistice 1013021 17091 155488 631710 201796 6936 - boarding houses Români 894617 15094 139097 570068 164508 5850 - RomaniansStrãini 118404 1997 16391 61642 37288 1086 - Foreigners

Cãsuþe turistice 7209 - - 1199 4195 1306 509 Houselet-type unitsRomâni 6613 - - 989 3841 1286 497 RomaniansStrãini 596 - - 210 354 20 12 Foreigners

Popasuri turistice 13442 - - 7422 5796 224 - Tourist halting placesRomâni 12728 - - 7283 5383 62 - RomaniansStrãini 714 - - 139 413 162 - Foreigners

Înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe principalele destinaþii turistice, tipuri de structuri ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation,by main tourist destinations, type of establishments and category of comfort, in 2017

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Turiºti cazaþi (numãr) Înnoptãri (numãr)Accommodated tourists (number) Overnight stays (number)

TOTAL 12143346 27092523Români / Romanians 9383266 21801487Strãini / Foreigners 2760080 5291036

EUROPA / EUROPE 2048697 3859139U.E. / E.U. 1756041 3273810

Austria 60952 105498Belgia 45210 80013Bulgaria 65379 107864Cipru 7431 15398Croaþia 12370 23206Danemarca 15873 31798Estonia 3772 6858Finlanda 9454 18818Franþa 168269 294762Germania 325331 629437Grecia 59921 118247Irlanda 16608 33200Italia 241787 474790Letonia 3779 7296Lituania 5803 11164Luxemburg 1973 3920Malta 2292 4472Olanda 66625 120345Polonia 108746 184334Portugalia 18467 41262Regatul Unit 155170 277610Republica Cehã 29630 51207Slovacia 19250 48846Slovenia 13463 22369Spania 117128 196575Suedia 24434 46493Ungaria 156924 318028

Elveþia 27593 49328Federaþia Rusã 30075 56513Serbia 24747 55109Muntenegru 965 2227Norvegia 15980 32312Republica Moldova 69770 164919Turcia 55184 105122Ucraina 34963 59414Alte þãri din Europa / Other countries of Europe 33379 60385

ASIA 416121 881106China 33746 55038Israel 293150 661076Japonia 19572 32430Alte þãri din Asia / Other countries of Asia 69653 132562

AMERICA 204961 378639Canada 24561 45671S.U.A. 157377 290437S.U. Mexicane 5854 12001Þãri din America de Sud / Countries of South America 17169 30530

AFRICA 18999 42567


Þãri ºi teritorii nespecificate 52435 93703Countries and territories not specified

Turiºtii cazaþi ºi înnoptãrile în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã, pe þãri de reºedinþã a turiºtilor, în anul 2017Tourists accommodated and the overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation, by tourists’ countries of residence, in 2017

Notã: Pentru denumirea þãrilor în limba englezã, consultaþi lista de la pagina 79.Note: For countries name in English, please consult the list from page 79.

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Total 5 stele 4 stele 3 stele 2 stele 1 stea Neclasificate5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star Not classified

TOTAL 30,9 43,0 38,0 28,6 29,6 21,2 17,5 TOTAL

Hoteluri 39,4 46,0 41,6 36,8 41,1 29,6 20,3 HotelsMoteluri 15,5 - - 15,4 16,2 9,0 30,4 MotelsHanuri turistice 17,4 - - 30,7 6,8 - 14,7 Tourist innsHosteluri 22,3 - 48,6 21,6 24,6 18,6 15,1 HostelsVile turistice 25,7 15,6 29,5 26,7 23,1 19,6 13,1 Tourist villasBungalouri 22,6 - - 24,2 20,4 21,3 - BungalowsCabane turistice 14,8 - - 16,4 12,0 12,2 16,1 Tourist chalets Sate de vacanþã 11,1 - - 8,4 12,0 14,1 - Holiday villagesCampinguri 19,1 - - 13,0 27,2 15,3 10,2 Camping sitesTabere de elevi School and ºi preºcolari 18,1 - - - 31,8 18,8 17,6 pre-school campsPopasuri turistice 22,6 - - 15,3 14,0 36,5 - Tourist halting placesPensiuni turistice 20,3 28,3 23,0 20,7 17,5 14,1 24,1 Tourist boarding houses Pensiuni Agro-tourist boarding agroturistice 16,4 18,4 20,1 17,1 12,7 10,3 - houses Cãsuþe turistice 18,0 - - 27,0 11,6 28,1 9,3 Houselet-type unitsSpaþii de cazare Ship accommodationpe nave 24,6 - - 11,1 35,6 - - places

Indicii de utilizare netã a capacitãþii de cazare turisticã în funcþiune, pe tipuri de structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã ºi categorii de confort, în anul 2017Net use indices of the tourist accommodation capacity in use, by type of establishments oftourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation and category of comfort, in 2017

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4 .



4 .



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The tour operator travel agencies are those travel agencies specialized in organizingtourist programmes and actions that they sell directly or through other travel agencies on thebasis of agreements and conventions.

The travel agencies with sales activity are those travel agencies that sell the touristprogrammes and actions of tour operators.

The tourist action is the specific course and the conditions provided by the organizingeconomic agent during the tourist travel.

The tourists participating in a tourist action are the persons who benefit from the servicesrendered and sold by the economic agent that organizes the respective tourist activity.


Agenþiile de turism tour operatoare sunt acele agenþii de turism specializate înorganizarea de programe ºi acþiuni turistice, pe care le comercializeazã direct sau prinintermediul altor agenþii de turism, pe bazã de contracte ºi convenþii.

Agenþiile de turism cu activitate de vânzare sunt acele agenþii de turism care vândprogramele ºi acþiunile turistice ale tour operatorilor.

Acþiunea turisticã este modalitatea specificã de desfãºurare ºi condiþiile asigurate de agentuleconomic organizator pe parcursul cãlãtoriei turistice.

Turiºtii participanþi la o acþiune turisticã sunt persoanele care beneficiazã de serviciileoferite ºi vândute de agentul economic care organizeazã activitatea turisticã respectivã.

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Agenþii tour Agenþii cu activitateoperatoare de vânzare

Tour operator Agencies withagencies sale activity

2016 2017 2016 2017

Total turiºti 590500 670428 162618 93791 Total tourists- Zona litoralã 340949 346005 61437 35278 - Seaside area- Croaziere fluviale 282 123 31 17 - River cruises- Croaziere maritime 125 172 79 35 - Maritime cruises- Delta Dunãrii 6043 5090 1587 990 - The Danube Delta- Turism cultural 15356 4982 9145 217 - Cultural tourism- Pelerinaj religios 21014 28886 1871 166 - Religious pilgrimage- Zona montanã 76758 80595 24155 11651 - Mountain area- Zona balnearã 24892 30994 13159 10958 - Spa area- Alte zone 105081 173581 51154 34479 - Other areas

Activitatea de Activitatea de Activitatea deincoming 1) turism intern outgoing 2)

Incoming Activity of Outgoingactivity 1) domestic tourism activity 2)

2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017

Agenþii tour operatoareTour operator agencies

- Numãr de turiºti – total 74125 105310 590500 670428 541037 746928- Number of tourists - total

Agenþii cu activitate de vânzareAgencies with sale activity

- Numãr de turiºti - total 3417 8766 162618 93791 409225 152791- Number of tourists - total

Numãrul turiºtilor participanþi la acþiunileturistice interne, pe zone turisticeNumber of Romanian tourists taking part in the domestic tourist actions, by tourist areas4.2

4.1 Numãrul turiºtilor participanþi la acþiunile turistice organizate de agenþiile de turismNumber of tourists taking part in the tourist actions organized by travel agencies

1) Pentru turiºtii strãini care vin în România. / For the foreign tourists traveling to Romania.2) Pentru turiºtii români care pleacã în strãinãtate. / For the Romanian tourists traveling abroad.

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Agenþii tour Agenþii cu activitateoperatoare de vânzare

Tour operator Agencies with saleagencies activity

2016 2017 2016 2017

TOTAL 426134 635816 270856 126720Europa / Europe 408301 588295 255603 114628

U.E. / E.U. 335650 466432 217260 87757Austria 13578 16855 10412 2474Belgia 1867 3491 275 400Bulgaria 93568 127778 38947 11405Cipru 1794 3103 28 1700Croaþia 2364 3301 211 238Danemarca 311 855 - 231Letonia - 51 90 -Finlanda - 521 4 219Franþa 17631 19947 16495 7462Estonia - 5 - -Germania 14863 32207 30973 1691Grecia 88450 136335 48019 26210Irlanda 2 23 10 -Italia 30303 39544 22081 12825Malta 4568 4183 17 80Olanda 3047 4355 3776 1353Polonia 1448 3054 835 13Portugalia 4806 5711 725 1986Regatul Unit 12463 13657 8224 1830Republica Cehã 3984 2945 3463 88Republica Slovacã 112 70 - -Slovenia 50 56 - 65Spania 34894 40713 29881 15634Suedia 397 597 77 429Ungaria 5150 7075 2717 1424

Albania 49 176 3 -Bosnia ºi Hertegovina - - - -Islanda - - -Elveþia 394 1352 347 457Federaþia Rusã 558 2612 - 927Norvegia 235 643 4977 399Republica Moldova 587 737 211 2Muntenegru 333 249 9 -Fosta Republicã Iugoslavã Macedonia 55 79 - -Serbia 295 621 - -Turcia 69867 114729 32713 25086Ucraina 278 665 83 -


Notã: Pentru denumirea þãrilor în limba englezã, consultaþi lista de la pagina 79.Note: For countries name in English, please see the list from page 79.1) Primele 10 destinaþii turistice externe din cadrul fiecãrei agenþii de turism.

The first 10 external destinations of every travel agency.

Numãrul turiºtilor români participanþi la acþiunile turistice externe 1)

Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions 1)

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4.3 Numãrul turiºtilor români participanþi la acþiunile turistice externe 1)

Number of Romanian tourists taking part in the external tourist actions 1)

continuare / continuedAgenþii tour Agenþii cu activitateoperatoare de vânzare

Tour operator Agencies with saleagencies activity

2016 2017 2016 2017

Africa 1024 4480 818 1249Egipt 559 3493 367 637Maroc 23 190 14 -Tunisia - 251 - 34Republica Africa de Sud 90 266 - -Alte þãri din Africa 352 280 437 578Other countries of Africa

America de Nord 1966 9423 981 671North AmericaCanada 182 301 100 -S.U.A. 1784 9122 881 671

America de Sud ºi Centralã 2114 2956 3354 1985Central and South AmericaCuba 86 611 361 764Mexic 198 135 118 124Argentina 135 265 - -Brazilia 135 - - -Alte þãri din America de Sud 1560 1945 2875 1097Other countries of South America

Asia 11852 30449 9585 7724China 319 565 148 435Emiratele Arabe Unite 6782 6530 5395 2727Iordania 201 650 - 100Israel 1796 17560 378 831Japonia 70 794 165 69Thailanda 1174 1994 2158 2161Alte þãri din Asia 1510 2356 1341 1401Other countries of Asia

Australia, Oceania ºi alte teritorii 877 213 355 463Australia, Oceania and other territories

din care: of which:Australia 877 213 355 463

Þãri ºi teritorii nespecificate - - - -Countries and territories not specified

Notã: Pentru denumirea þãrilor în limba englezã, consultaþi lista de la pagina 79.Note: For countries name in English, please see the list from page 79.1) Primele 10 destinaþii turistice externe din cadrul fiecãrei agenþii de turism.

The first 10 external destinations of every travel agency.

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Municipii / Municipalities

Reşedinţe de judeţ / County residence

Judeţe / Counties

Regiuni de dezvoltare / Development regions


































Baia Mare

Satu Mare



Târgu Mureş

Miercurea Ciuc








Alba Iulia


Târgu Jiu

DrobetaTurnu Severin












Târgovişte Buzău













Nord - VestNorth - West

Sud - MunteniaSouth - Muntenia

Sud - Vest OlteniaSouth - West Oltenia

Sud - EstSouth - East

Nord - EstNorth - East





Bucure ti - IlfovşBucharest - Ilfov

Oraşe / Towns

Legendă / Legend:



U /




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Structuri de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni Capacitatea de cazarede cazare turisticã 1) Locuri existente 1) turisticã în funcþiune

Regiunea (numãr) (numãr) (locuri - zile)Region Establishments of tourists’ Existing places 1) Tourist accommodation

reception with functions (number) capacity in useof tourists’ accommodation 1) (beds - days)


2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017

TOTAL 6946 7905 328888 343720 83323220 87655762din care:- hoteluri 1551 1597 189999 194884 49803288 51115580of which:- hotels

1. Nord-Est - total 858 985 28763 31170 8371177 8728496North-East - total

din care:- hoteluri 122 129 12310 12954 4004368 4103088of which:- hotels

2. Sud-Est - total 1129 1208 98769 98070 13649977 14111912South-East - total

din care:- hoteluri 407 416 71716 73497 10594064 10934907of which:- hotels

3. Sud Muntenia - total 734 826 30347 31529 8582965 8758842South Muntenia - total

din care:- hoteluri 167 173 14901 15293 4619033 4670442of which:- hotels

4. Sud-Vest Oltenia - total 453 529 19190 21000 6099524 6759795South-West Oltenia - total

din care:- hoteluri 112 119 10720 11365 3580812 3849882of which:- hotels

5. Vest - total 662 770 28233 30165 7593869 8069868West - total

din care:- hoteluri 153 149 14898 14590 4465748 4494780of which:- hotels

6. Nord-Vest - total 831 1019 33848 37792 10353049 11440975North-West - total

din care:- hoteluri 180 189 18809 19976 5997034 6283836of which:- hotels

7. Centru - total 2094 2359 67496 71038 20572829 21431280Center - total

din care:- hoteluri 275 284 25739 26264 8916300 9148790of which:- hotels

8. Bucureºti-Ilfov - total 185 209 22242 22956 8099830 8354594Bucharest-Ilfov - total

din care:- hoteluri 135 138 20906 20945 7625929 7629855of which:- hotels

Oferta de cazare turisticãOffer for tourists’ accommodation

1) La 31 iulie. / On July 31.

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Sosiri turiºti (numãr)Tourists’ arrivals (number)

Regiunea 2016 2017Total Români Strãini Total Români Strãini

Romanians Foreigners Romanians Foreigners

TOTAL 11002522 8521698 2480824 12143346 9383266 2760080din care: - hoteluri 7973803 5790762 2183041 8624783 6230359 2394424

1. Nord-Est - total 1084045 948926 135119 1187823 1034551 153272din care: - hoteluri 669930 555253 114677 710968 582650 128318

2. Sud-Est - total 1506616 1404096 102520 1642715 1527784 114931din care: - hoteluri 1239059 1146297 92762 1346263 1242478 103785

3. Sud Muntenia - total 914141 785648 128493 974473 825253 149220din care: - hoteluri 597163 484738 112425 641325 510489 130836

4. Sud-Vest Oltenia - total 630446 582423 48023 736458 681846 54612din care: - hoteluri 405770 364666 41104 463400 417514 45886

5. Vest - total 899961 726143 173818 960698 758569 202129din care: - hoteluri 604533 455203 149330 642390 467274 175116

6. Nord-Vest - total 1316363 1077788 238575 1581744 1310564 271180din care: - hoteluri 898796 705465 193331 1042204 823501 218703

7. Centru - total 2585938 2094943 490995 2856558 2307137 549421din care: - hoteluri 1563565 1224894 338671 1706707 1329457 377250

8. Bucureºti-Ilfov - total 2065012 901731 1163281 2202877 937562 1265315din care: - hoteluri 1994987 854246 1140741 2071526 856996 1214530



Sosirile ºi înnoptãrile turiºtilor în structurile de primire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticãTourists’ arrivals and overnight stays in the establishments of tourists’ reception with functions of tourists’ accommodation

Înnoptãri turiºti (numãr)Tourists’ overnight stays (number)

2016 2017 RegionTotal Români Strãini Total Români Strãini

Romanians Foreigners Romanians Foreigners

25440957 20609141 4831816 27092523 21801487 5291036 TOTAL19350169 15164085 4186084 20122915 15584417 4538498 of which: - hotels

2205775 1935068 270707 2322441 2029313 293128 1. North-East - total1469515 1241805 227710 1493946 1248953 244993 of which: - hotels

5313781 4974217 339564 5596081 5251651 344430 2. South-East - total4548785 4238441 310344 4753680 4438712 314968 of which: - hotels

1996392 1709716 286676 2066310 1750337 315973 3. South Muntenia - total1391763 1134126 257637 1435226 1151537 283689 of which: - hotels

1810428 1692412 118016 1973344 1852328 121016 4. South-West Oltenia - total1351902 1258265 93637 1422665 1327408 95257 of which: - hotels

2283902 1914718 369184 2298952 1874051 424901 5. West - total1658805 1350139 308666 1680879 1314422 366457 of which: - hotels

3088566 2607023 481543 3337541 2781844 555697 6. North-West - total2290962 1900482 390480 2340328 1885144 455184 of which: - hotels

5386220 4373269 1012951 5897215 4794231 1102984 7. Center - total3402839 2715493 687346 3633972 2890838 743134 of which: - hotels

3355893 1402718 1953175 3600639 1467732 2132907 8. Bucharest-Ilfov - total3235598 1325334 1910264 3362219 1327403 2034816 of which: - hotels


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Sosirile vizitatorilor strãini în România, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizate1)

Arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania, by means of transport used1)

Transport rutier / Road transport

Transport naval / Sea transport

Transport aerian / Air transport

Transport feroviar / Railway transport

Vizitator internaþional este, din punct de vedere statistic, orice persoanã care cãlãtoreºte cãtre o þarã,alta decât aceea în care îºi are reºedinþa, pentru o perioadã care sã nu depãºeascã 12 luni, scopulprincipal al vizitei fiind altul decât exercitarea unei activitãþi remunerate în þara vizitatã.

Sosirile cuprind numãrul vizitatorilor strãini înregistraþi la intrarea în þarã.

Plecãrile cuprind numãrul vizitatorilor români care cãlãtoresc în strãinãtate ºi sunt înregistraþi la ieºireadin þarã.

Aceeaºi persoanã din strãinãtate poate realiza, în perioada respectivã, mai multe cãlãtorii în þarã, fiindînregistratã de fiecare datã ca o nouã sosire. În acelaºi mod se procedeazã la plecãrile vizitatorilor româniîn strãinãtate.

Urmãtoarele categorii de cãlãtori sunt excluse din sosirile ºi plecãrile vizitatorilor internaþionali:persoanele care intrã sau ies din þarã ca migranþi; diplomaþii, reprezentanþii consulari ºi membrii forþelorarmate când se deplaseazã spre/dinspre locul unde trebuie sã-ºi exercite misiunea, într-o altã þarã;refugiaþii sau nomazii.

1) Inclusiv cãlãtoriile efectuate pe jos. / Walks included.


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1) Inclusiv cãlãtoriile efectuate pe jos. / Walks included.


From the statistical point of view the international visitor is any person who travels to a country,other than his country of residence, for a period not exceeding 12 months, the main purpose of hisvisit being other than carrying out a paid activity in the visited country.Arrivals include the number of foreign visitors registered when entering the country.

Departures include the number of Romanian visitors who travel abroad and are registered whenleaving the country.

The same person from abroad can travel several times in the respective period within the country, everytime being registered as a new arrival. Departures of Romanian visitors abroad are treated in the sameway.

The following categories of travellers are excluded from the arrivals and departures ofinternational visitors: persons entering or leaving the country as migrants; diplomats, consularrepresentatives and members of armed forces when going to/coming from the place where their mission iscarried out to another country; refugees or nomads.

Plecãrile vizitatorilor români în strãinãtate, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizate1)

Departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used1)

Transport rutier / Road transport

Transport naval / Sea transport

Transport aerian / Air transport

Transport feroviar / Railway transport


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1) Inclusiv cãlãtoriile efectuate pe jos. / Walks included.


numãr / number

Sosirile vizitatorilor strãini în România ºi plecãrile vizitatorilor români în strãinãtate, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizateArrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used6.1

2015 2016 2017

Total sosiri 93310561) 10222889 12706133 Total arrivals

Transport rutier 7475287 7676696 8007856 Road transportTransport feroviar 143112 123095 117793 Railway transportTransport aerian 1534825 2256532 4419265 Air transportTransport naval 177832 166566 161219 Sea transport

Total plecãri 131180771) 16127997 19939664 Total departures

Transport rutier 10245213 11100972 13821887 Road transportTransport feroviar 135237 96097 94847 Railway transportTransport aerian 2711918 4905965 5998217 Air transportTransport naval 25709 24963 24713 Sea transport

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2015 2016 2017

Total sosiri 110,5 109,6 124,3 Total arrivals

Transport rutier 117,0 102,7 104,3 Road transportTransport feroviar 82,7 86,0 95,7 Railway transportTransport aerian 90,8 147,0 195,8 Air transportTransport naval 94,3 93,7 96,8 Sea transport

Total plecãri 106,7 122,9 123,6 Total departures

Transport rutier 109,4 108,4 124,5 Road transportTransport feroviar 85,6 71,1 98,7 Railway transportTransport aerian 98,4 180,9 122,3 Air transportTransport naval 111,6 97,1 99,0 Sea transport


anul precedent = 100 / previous year = 100

Indicii sosirilor vizitatorilor strãini în România ºi indicii plecãrilor vizitatorilor româniîn strãinãtate, dupã mijloacele de transport utilizateIndices of arrivals of foreign visitors in Romania and indices of departures of Romanian visitors abroad, by means of transport used6.2

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Sfera de cuprindere a anchetei o constituie persoanele rezidente în România, cu vârsta decel puþin 15 ani împliniþi, din cadrul unui eºantion reprezentativ de gospodãrii.

Unitatea de observare este gospodãria, prin care se înþelege un grup de douã sau mai multepersoane, care în mod obiºnuit locuiesc împreunã, au în general legãturi de rudenie, segospodãresc (fac menajul) în comun, uneori lucreazã împreunã în gospodãrie, consumã ºivalorificã în comun produsele obþinute, participã integral sau parþial la formarea ºi utilizareabugetului de venituri ºi cheltuieli al gospodãriei.

Înregistrarea datelor a fost fãcutã prin metoda interviului faþã în faþã, rolul principal revenindanchetatorilor, care s-au deplasat la domiciliul gospodãriilor ce au fãcut obiectul anchetei.

Perioada de referinþã pentru înregistrarea datelor este trimestrul. Date din Breviarprezintã cumulat datele rezultate din anchetele trimestrelor I-IV 2017.

The survey coverage comprises residents in Romania, aged 15 at least, from a representativehousehold sample.

The observation unit is the household, consisting of a group of two or more persons, whousually live together, are relatives, do the housekeeping together, sometimes work together inthe household, consume the obtained products and take part totally or partially in creating andusing the income and expenditure budget of the household.

The data registration has been done based on face-to-face interviews, the main role beingplayed by the investigators who visit the households subject to the survey in question.

The reference period for data registration is the quarter. The data in “The Romanian TourismStatistical Abstract” are cumulated based on the 2017 quarterly surveys.


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Cãlãtorii ºi înnoptãri, dupã motivul principal al cãlãtoriei, în anul 2017Trips and overnight stays, by main reason of the trip, in 20177.1

Numãr de Numãr de cãlãtorii înnoptãri

Number of Number of trips overnights stays

Total - din care: 19058365 73520974 Total - of which:

1. Vacanþe 1) 16897668 63695620 1. Holidays 1)

din total vacanþe: of total holidays:

Vizite la prieteni ºi rude 9378847 30747117 Visits to friends and relatives

Vacanþe de 4 înnoptãri ºi peste 6120903 41218360 Holidays of 4 overnight stays and over

2. Afaceri ºi motive profesionale 707055 2972714 2. Business and professional reasons

3. Alte motive (tratament, pelerinaj) 1453642 6852640 3. Other reasons (treatment, pilgrimage)

1) Odihnã, recreere, vacanþe, inclusiv vizite la prieteni ºi rude. / Rest, recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives included.


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Zone turistice / Tourist areas

Total Zona ZonaOraº Litoral ruralã*) Croaziere montanã Altele

Town Seaside Rural Cruises Mountain Otherarea*)

TOTAL 16444213 5846406 2145919 4546691 17873 3832933 54391Durata cãlãtorieiLenght of stay- 1-3 înnoptãri 11151285 4823717 424079 3392710 12323 2455914 42542- 1-3 overnight stays- 4-7 înnoptãri 4609069 865778 1545445 948208 5550 1234988 9100- 4-7 overnight stays- 8-14 înnoptãri 477137 97888 126836 149837 - 100916 1660- 8-14 overnight stays- 15-28 înnoptãri 146264 50404 37373 34039 - 23359 1089- 15-28 overnight stays- peste 29 înnoptãri 60458 8619 12186 21897 - 17756 -- over 29 overnight staysOrganizatorul cãlãtorieiOrganizer of trip- pe cont propriu 15209504 5461032 1777443 4384543 15426 3533085 37975- on one’s own- alte mijloace (agenþii 1234709 385374 368476 162148 2447 299848 16416

de turism, sindicat, oficii de pensii, Ministerul Muncii ºi Justiþiei Sociale,asociaþii profesionale, culturale, religioase etc.)

- other (travel agencies, trade union, pension offices, Ministry of Labour and Social Justice and professional, cultural and religious associations a.s.o.)

Cãlãtorii interne pentru vacanþe 1) ºi afaceri 2), pe zone turistice, dupã durata ºi organizatorul cãlãtoriei, în anul 2017Internal trips for holidays 1) and business 2), by tourist areas, by length and organizer of stay , in 20177.2

numãr / number

1) Odihnã, recreere, vacanþe, inclusiv vizite la prieteni ºi rude. / Rest, recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives included.2) Afaceri ºi motive profesionale. / Business and professional reasons.*) Inclusiv lacuri ºi râuri. / Lakes and rivers included.

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Cãlãtorii pentru vacanþe

Holiday tripsTotal Din care vizite la Cãlãtorii pentru

Total prieteni ºi rude afaceriOf which visits Business trips

to friends and relatives

Total 1160510 1058499 370458 102011

Europa 1131582 1038706 362956 92876U.E. 1070118 977242 338576 92876

Asia 21835 12700 4357 9135

America de Nord 3145 3145 3145 -

America de Sud ºi Centralã - - - -

Africa 3948 3948 - -

Cãlãtorii în strãinãtate pentru vacanþe 1) ºi afaceri 2), pe þãri de destinaþie, în anul 2017Holidays 1) and business 2) trips abroad, by countries of destination, in 20177.3

numãr / number

1) Odihnã, recreere, vacanþe. / Rest, recreation and holidays.2) Afaceri ºi motive profesionale. / Business and professional reasons.

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Capitolul 1:Tabelele 1.1; 1.3 - 1.5:

Institutul de Geografie Bucureºti.Tabelul 1.2:

Inspectoratul General al Poliþiei de Frontierã din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Interne.

Capitolele 2 - 6:Pentru capacitatea ºi activitatea de cazare turisticã, datele provin din cercetãri statisticecompletate de persoanele juridice ºi fizice care au în proprietate sau administreazã structuri deprimire turisticã cu funcþiuni de cazare turisticã.Pentru activitatea agenþiilor de turism privind acþiunile turistice organizate, datele provin din cercetãristatistice completate de agenþiile de turism.Datele privind turismul internaþional sunt furnizate de cãtre Ministerului Administraþiei ºi Internelor -Inspectoratul General al Poliþiei de Frontierã.

Capitolul 7:Datele provin din cercetãri statistice completate de cãtre persoanele de cel puþin 15 ani împliniþi, careaparþin unui eºantion reprezentativ de gospodãrii.

Chapter 1:Tables 1.1; 1.3 - 1.5:

The Bucharest Institute of Geography.Table 1.2:

The General Inspectorate of Border Police within the Ministry of Internal Affaires.

Chapter 2 - 6:For the capacity and activity of tourist accommodation, data are taken from statistical surveys filled in bylegal and natural persons who own or manage establishments of tourists’ reception with functions oftourists’ accommodation.For the activity of travel agencies regarding the organised tourist actions, data come from statistical surveysfilled in by travel agencies.Data on international tourism are supplied by the Ministry of Administration and Interior - GeneralInspectorate of Border Police.

Chapter 7:Data are obtained from statistical surveys filled in by persons, aged 15 years at least, who belong to arepresentative household sample.

Sursa datelor

Data source

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LISTA ÞÃRILOR PE CONTINENTE - înscrise în tabele


AFRICA AFRICAEgipt EgyptMaroc MoroccoTunisia TunisiaRepublica Africa de Sud South AfricaAlte þãri din Africa Other countries of Africa


AMERICA DE SUD ªI CENTRALÃ CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICACuba CubaS.U. Mexicane Mexico, U.S.Argentina ArgentinaBrazilia BrazilAlte þãri din America de Sud Other countries of South America

ASIA ASIAChina ChinaEmiratele Arabe Unite United Arab EmiratesIordania JordanIsrael IsraelJaponia JapanThailanda ThailandAlte þãri din Asia Other countries of Asia



EUROPA EUROPEU.E. E.U.(Uniunea Europeanã) (European Union)

Austria AustriaBelgia BelgiumBulgaria BulgariaCipru CyprusCroaþia CroatiaDanemarca DenmarkEstonia EstoniaFinlanda FinlandFranþa FranceGermania GermanyGrecia GreeceIrlanda IrelandItalia ItalyLetonia LatviaLituania LithuaniaLuxemburg LuxembourgMalta MaltaOlanda NetherlandsPolonia Poland

Portugalia PortugalRegatul Unit United KingdomRepublica Cehã Czech RepublicRepublica Slovacã SlovakiaSlovenia SloveniaSpania SpainSuedia SwedenUngaria Hungary

Albania AlbaniaBosnia ºi Hertegovina Bosnia and HerzegovinaIslanda IcelandElveþia SwitzerlandFederaþia Rusã Russian FederationRepublica Moldova Republic of MoldovaMuntenegru MontenegroRepubila Macedonia Republic of MacedoniaNorvegia NorwaySerbia SerbiaTurcia TurkeyUcraina UkraineAlte þãri din Europa Other countries of Europe