romance film genre


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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Romance film genre


Page 2: Romance film genre

Red and pinks are thought to be romantic colours, because red is like the colour of your heart.

Hearts are associated with love.

A prince/ hero/ lover saving someone because of love.

A kiss reflects love between two people

Flowers are a romantic gesture especially if they are unnamed as it gives a hint of curiosity to the gift.

Roses particularly red roses show love.

A wedding is a way two people prove their love for each other

Paris is said to be the city of love. Many romantic films are set in Paris.

Rings represent never ending love.

A man running after a train shows how much he loves the person who is leaving and cant let her go.It is a way to prove love.

Page 3: Romance film genre

Two shot: it shows that the relationship is just between them.

What ever happens in the film is related to a boat called Titanic and it has a huge importance because its in the front.

The are connected with both their heads and hands which means they are close.

She is looking down at his hand which shows she is conscious about their relationship.

He is above her which shows he is protecting her and keeping her safe.

He has his eyes closed which represents he is saving this moment and that it is special.

The water looks aggressive which represents that something bad will happen on the ship.

The text colour is white which represents being pure which indicates that their love is pure.

Their style of clothing is different. This means that they are not supposed to be together.

Page 4: Romance film genre

Distant LoveMale main: Jonathon Alfred Carlyle is 18 and lives in Exmouth. He has one of the

poorer names in the area and lives with his dad Quinton. He works as a lumber jack. He loves to have fun and he has a dream to travel around the world.

Female main: Nancy Georgina Farrow is 16 and lives in London. She is a part of the richest families in London, she lives with her: Mother, Amelia, Father, Richard and sister, Ebony. Nancy was adopted by the Farrows at birth as her mother was very close to Amelia. She does not need to work and seems to act very cautious and older than her age.

It is set in the 1940’s just before the war. Nancy and family are visiting Exmouth for a summer holiday. Jonathon and Nancy meet at the local fair however they are not in love yet. Jonathon’s and Nancy’s friends always meet up so they continuously meet each other. They end up falling in love. This love was not meant to last because Nancy is moving to Paris with her family. They are not in contact for around 10 years and their lives have changed, Jonathon has returned from the war but he still lives in Exmouth and his father has died. Nancy is engaged to bachelor and thinks she has fallen in love again. They end up to find each other in Paris and fall in love again. Nancy chooses between her fiancé and Jonathon. She decides to be with Jonathon, so they move back to Exmouth and start a family.This film is aimed at teenagers that enjoy watching films with friends.

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In Cinemas
