roman catholic church founded 1905

Contact Us Church’s Office: 973.473.0246 Fax/Phone: 973.473.3404 Visit our Website at: Email us at: [email protected] Office Open Monday to Friday from 9AM to 3PM & Closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays Baptisms & Marriages By appointment. Please contact the parish office well in advance. Mass Schedule Mon. to Fri. - 12 Noon Sat. - 9AM & Vigil 5PM in English & 7PM in Spanish Sunday - 8AM, 10AM & 12PM (In Spanish) 4:30 PM (In Filipino) Holy Days: 12 Noon & 7PM Holidays: 9AM Reconciliation 3:30-4:30 PM on Saturdays & by appointment Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament Adoration & Benediction Tuesdays 10AM - 11:45 AM First Fridays 10AM - 11:45 AM 5PM-6:45PM in Spanish followed by Mass at 7PM Novenas to: St. Anthony on Tuesdays Mt. Carmel on Wednesdays Stations of the Cross 7PM - Fridays during Lent Baptismal Classes & R.C.I.A. Director Tony Uri Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a Catholic who wishes to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation & Eucharist? Have questions? Please call or email us for more information. December 6, 2020 Second Sunday of Advent Parish Secretary Odette Aquino Pastor: Rev. Andres Baquero Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church Founded 1905 10 Saint Francis Way, Passaic, New Jersey 07055-5811 “Enter to worship, leave to serve” We, the Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, strive to reach out to a diverse community, through worship, stewardship, and service. Music Director, Bulletin Editor, & Youth Protection Coordinator Lidia Ferreira

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Page 1: Roman Catholic Church Founded 1905

Contact Us

Church’s Office: 973.473.0246

Fax/Phone: 973.473.3404

Visit our Website at:

Email us at: [email protected]

Office Open Monday to Friday from 9AM to 3PM

& Closed on Saturdays, Sundays

& Holidays

Baptisms & Marriages By appointment.

Please contact the parish office well in advance.

Mass Schedule

Mon. to Fri. - 12 Noon

Sat. - 9AM & Vigil 5PM in English & 7PM in Spanish

Sunday - 8AM, 10AM & 12PM (In Spanish)

4:30 PM (In Filipino) Holy Days: 12 Noon & 7PM

Holidays: 9AM

Reconciliation 3:30-4:30 PM on Saturdays

& by appointment

Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament Adoration & Benediction

Tuesdays 10AM - 11:45 AM First Fridays 10AM - 11:45 AM

5PM-6:45PM in Spanish followed by Mass at 7PM

Novenas to: St. Anthony on Tuesdays

Mt. Carmel on Wednesdays

Stations of the Cross 7PM - Fridays during Lent

Baptismal Classes & R.C.I.A. Director Tony Uri

Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a Catholic who wishes to receive the Sacraments

of Confirmation & Eucharist? Have questions? Please call or email us for more information.

December 6, 2020

Second Sunday of Advent

Parish Secretary Odette Aquino


Rev. Andres Baquero

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church

Founded 1905

10 Saint Francis Way, Passaic, New Jersey 07055-5811

“Enter to worship, leave to serve”

We, the Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, strive to reach out to a diverse community, through worship, stewardship, and service.

Music Director, Bulletin Editor, & Youth Protection Coordinator

Lidia Ferreira

Page 2: Roman Catholic Church Founded 1905

Sat. December 5, 2020 9:00AM For those who died of Covid19 and those still suffering from it. 5:00PM For Good Health for the entire Kless Family R/B Marty Kless 7:00PM For all the sick and homebound of our Parish and those in our Prayer List

Sun. December 6, 2020 Second Sunday of Advent 8:00AM For the People of the Parish † Flora Dungao R/B The Family 10:00AM Sosa Family “For Good Health” R/B Marty Kless 12:00PM Mass in Spanish † Ricardo Figueroa R/B Isabel Carmona 4:30PM For an Increase of Devotion to the Sacred Heart R/B The Sacred Heart Devotees Mon. December 7, 2020 12:00PM † Ricardo M. Aquino “Rest in Peace” R/B Odette Tue. December 8, 2020 10:00AM Adoration & Benediction 12:00PM † Concepcion Aquino R/B The Family † Wilbert Santos “Anniversary of Death” R/B Mimi & Wally Santos 7:00PM Mass in Spanish For all the Souls in Purgatory Wed. December 9, 2020 12:00PM † Joseph & Mary Ann Lipari R/B Mary & Louis Maralla Thu. December 10, 2020 12:00PM † Larry, Ann & Max Sitkowski R/B Dolly & Geraldine Wozniak Fri. December 11, 2020 12:00PM Marilyn Facente “For Good Health” R/B Ester Trujillo Sat. December 12, 2020 9:00AM Rosalia R. Aquino “For Good Health” R/B Odette 5:00PM Roland St. Augustine “Happy Birthday” R/B The St. Augustine Family † Ernestina Dell’Accio R/B Lisa Samarilli 7:00PM For all the sick and homebound of our Parish and those in our Prayer List

Sun. December 13, 2020 Third Sunday of Advent 8:00AM For the People of the Parish † Lucia Montero R/B Agustina Pyron 10:00AM † Michael Doremus “Happy Birthday in Heaven” R/B Lois Doremus 12:00PM Mass in Spanish † Ricardo Figueroa R/B Isabel Carmona 4:30PM Julie Anne Moya Colli “For Complete Healing & Good Health” R/B Maria Moya

Let us, in charity, take time to pray for all the sick & all those in need of God’s healing power & love.

Especially for:

Page 2 December 6, 2020 - Second Sunday of Advent

In Loving Memory - December 2020

We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of

Teresita Oneida Hernandez on her passing. May all who sleep in Christ

find in His presence; light, happiness, and peace. Amen.


November 22, 2020

Weekly Offering: 1,505.00 Second Collection: 380.00 Candles: 94.50 Total Offering: $ 1,979.50

November 29, 2020

Weekly Offering: 1,809.00 Christmas Flowers: 720.00 Thanksgiving Day: 435.00 Candles: 41.60 Total Offering: $ 3,005.60

Antoinette Arolan, Fr. John Paladino,

Grace Noto, Rose Graziano,

Dan De Lillo, Ilidia De Jesus Neto,

Cheryl D. Hall, James, Andrew &

Jake Doremus, Larry Bongiovanni,

Ann Lipari, Peter Kueken, Jr., Gregory Kueken, Mark Mikolajczyk, James DeLillo, Sr., James DeLillo, Jr.


Anthony & Joseph Lotito R/B The Family

Phil Lipari R/B Ann & Susan Lipari


Mellendorf & Urciuoli Families R/B Grace Wolfe


Peter Kueken, Sr. R/B Mark A. & Donna K.


Sanctuary Lamp:

Granato & Arolan Families R/B Antoinette Arolan

May God bless you and your family for your generosity to our parish.

If you have a loved one that needs prayer, please contact the rectory at 973.473.0246 to add the name to our Prayer List, and thank you also for your prayers. God bless you always!

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“Ama A tu prójimo”

Mientras este año se termina rápidamente, y muchos planean cómo hacer una contribución

carita va de fin de año que haga un gran impacto; por favor considera las muchas vidas que

ayudamos gracias al apoyo que le das a la Campa-ña para los ministerios diocesanos. Ellos son tus

vecinos, tus amigos, nuestros sacerdotes mayores y seminaristas y estudiantes de escuelas católicas en zonas marginadas de la ciudad. Todos nosotros podemos formar una parte importante dentro de la Campaña para los ministerios diocesanos, ya sea como contribuyente a la causa o beneficiario de

su misión, todos somos bendecidos por su re-sultado. Por favor haz de la Campaña anual del Obispo una prioridad en tus acciones filántropas de fin de año. Para tu comodidad, puedes hacer un dona vo en línea o una promesa de contribuir


“Love Thy Neighbor”

As the year comes fast to an end, and many are

planning on how to make a final year-end charitable contribu on that has the most impact,

please consider the many lives that are helped because of the support given to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. These are your neighbors,

your friends, our senior priests and seminarians and urban school students. All of us can play a

part in the Diocesan Ministries Appeal – as either a contributor to the cause or as a recipient of its mission – and all are blessed as a result. Please

make the Diocesan Ministries Appeal a priority in your year-end philanthropy. Gi s can be made by check, credit cards, through gi s of securi es or

on-line at

Page 4: Roman Catholic Church Founded 1905

COVER SHEET Church Name: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 10 Saint Francis Way Passaic, NJ 07055-5811 Phone Number: 1.201.532.2399 or 1.973.473.0246 Bulletin number: 911108 Contact Person: Lidia Ferreira - 1.201.532.2399 or [email protected] Date of publication: 12.06.20 (Sunday’s date) Number of pages transmitted: 4 pages Special instructions: Please print only 200 copies for this week. If you need to contact us, please call, we do not check e-mails daily, but if you send an email, please use [email protected] Thank you, have a great day. For Office Use Only: Approved by: _________ Uploaded to JSP on: _____________________ By:__________ Emailed to Peter K. on: _____________________ By:__________

Page 5: Roman Catholic Church Founded 1905

Reflection from Fr. Andres

Second Sunday of Advent. Year B. Readings:

Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3:8-14;

Mark 1:1-8.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ. On this second Sunday of Advent the Gospel shows us the figure of St. John the Baptist, and his voice in the desert is still current. He still calls us, crying out, “Repent. Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” What is a call to repentance? It is, in fact, a call to fall in love with God again. When the human heart is filled with love, life becomes more beautiful, more joyful and takes on a new dynamism. A perfect example for each one of us is the life of the Saints. They have made the Gospel the program of their lives and the life of those around them. At the heart of the Gospel is the greatest commandment: the command to love God and neighbor. The entire life of the saints has confirmed that life without love does not make sense, that a lack of love enslaves us. Saints have called people in the past, and they call us still today, to love God, who is Love. Because only God, who is Love, is able to give us back our lost freedom, give us a sense of wealth in poverty, to liberate us from all the fears that plague us. Only Jesus can make our lives meaningful, happy, beautiful, and full of peace At the beginning of Advent, we need to take to heart the call to conversion and allow Christ to come into our lives with His healing power. First, however, we should prepare the way for Jesus, straighten the path of our lives for Him. To straighten our path means to abandon the road of sin, to give up a life of compromise and live the Gospel radically. It also means to exchange unworthy, sinful relationships, for pure and beautiful love. To prepare the way for Jesus is to replace unfair profits with fair and honest work. To straighten the path for Jesus is also a desire to be free from the bad habits; to keep the Lord’s Day holy, and to avoid gossip. Preparing the way of Jesus in our lives means being filled with a desire for freedom, holiness and truth. So let us now join our voices to “the voice of one crying in the wilderness.” Only in this way we will prepare the way for the coming of God. Only through our faithfulness and courage in proclaiming the truth of God’s Word, through the testimony of a Christian life, we can make the crooked path straight, and the rough, smooth so that all flesh may see the salvation of God. May God bless you.

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Reflexión del Padre Andres

Segundo Domingo de Adviento. Año B. Lecturas: Isaías 40: 1-5, 9-11; 2 Pedro 3: 8-14; Marcos 1: 1-8.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en nuestro Señor Jesucristo. En este segundo Domingo de Adviento el Evangelio nos muestra la figura de San Juan Bautista, y su voz en el desierto sigue vigente. Él todavía nos llama, clamando: “Arrepiéntanse. Preparen el camino del Señor, enderecen sus sendas”. ¿Qué es un llamado al arrepentimiento? De hecho, es un llamado a enamorarse de Dios nuevamente. Cuando el corazón humano se llena de amor, la vida se vuelve más bella, más alegre y adquiere un nuevo dinamismo. Un ejemplo perfecto para cada uno de nosotros es la vida de los santos. Han hecho del Evangelio el programa de sus vidas y de quienes les rodean. En el corazón del Evangelio está el mandamiento más grande: el mandamiento de amar a Dios y al prójimo. Toda la vida de los santos ha confirmado que la vida sin amor no tiene sentido, que la falta de amor nos esclaviza. Los santos han llamado a las personas en el pasado, y todavía hoy nos llaman a amar a Dios, que es Amor. Porque solo Dios, que es Amor, puede devolvernos la libertad perdida, darnos un sentido de riqueza en la pobreza, liberarnos de todos los miedos que nos acosan. Solo Jesús puede hacer que nuestras vidas sean significativas, felices, hermosas y llenas de paz. Al comienzo del Adviento, debemos tomar en serio el llamado a la conversión y permitir que Cristo entre en nuestras vidas con Su poder sanador. Primero, sin embargo, debemos preparar el camino para Jesús, enderezar el camino de nuestras vidas para Él. Enderezar nuestro camino significa abandonar el camino del pecado, renunciar a una vida de compromiso y vivir el Evangelio con radicalidad. También significa intercambiar relaciones indignas y pecaminosas por amor puro y hermoso. Preparar el camino para Jesús es reemplazar las ganancias injustas con un trabajo justo y honesto. Enderezar el camino de Jesús es también un deseo de liberarse de los malos hábitos; para santificar el Día del Señor y evitar los chismes. Preparar el camino de Jesús en nuestra vida significa estar llenos de un deseo de libertad, santidad y verdad. Así que unamos ahora nuestras voces a "la voz del que clama en el desierto". Solo así prepararemos el camino para la venida de Dios. Solo a través de nuestra fidelidad y valor al proclamar la verdad de la Palabra de Dios, a través del testimonio de una vida cristiana, podemos enderezar el camino tortuoso, y allanar el áspero, para que toda carne pueda ver la salvación de Dios. Que Dios te bendiga.