role of english in india

Subject : English Language Teaching Roll No : 12 Prepared by : Krupali K Lewade ( krupaliklewade@gmail. com ) Submitted to : S M T . S .B. G A R D I D E P A R T M E N T O F E N G L I S H Engli sh In

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Page 1: Role Of English In India

Subject : English Language Teaching Roll No : 12Prepared by : Krupali K Lewade([email protected])Submitted to :SMT. S.B.GARDI DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH (MKBU)

English In India

Page 2: Role Of English In India

English in IndiaEnglish language is Global language.

English is not our mother tongue. It’s language of England.

English is necessary thing because each and every field requires English Language.

English is Language of power.

To survive in this modern era it is necessary to require basic knowledge of Eglish language.

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Importance of English Language

English is the Language of Education.

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English is the Language of information & technology

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English is the Language of communication.

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For Example- priminister has to communicate in English language rather than Hindi or Guajarati.

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English is the language of Science & Technology.

English is the Language of Advertisement & Marketing.

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English as a part of our every day life.


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Why English speaking is important in India

Multiple Language in India.

•Every state require it’s own Language.

•It’s difficult to learn all the languages of India.

•So, it’s important to learn English language to communicating with others.

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Multiculturalism in India.•India is multicultural country. There are so many sates, each states has it’s own culture, religion, language, tradition, literature etc.

•With the help of English language we can understand other culture.

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Role of English in India

After 1947 institutions and instruments were retained in India.

A new national symbolized the emergency.

It symbolized pride, new values, and power as well as new national language.

There was earlier aspiration & pressures to make Hindi as National language but English was official language.

Finally Hindi was selected as Devnagri script.

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Because of multinational character of India.

Official language Language of the state with provision for continued use of English language.

Double face of English in India

The replacement of English as the medium of education all the primary school & secondary school.

School run by private sectors.

English medium is prestigious & is in great demand because of lack of development of Indian language.

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More value of English become not good for India, because we face double face of English in India.

For example, the number of the students learning English has greatly increased, but their level of competence in English has decreased.

Power & English Language

Those who enjoyed the advantages of English, they are in power position.

They did not want to corrode their base and argued that being second language to be formally learnt by all.

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It served as political weapon for the non-Hindi elites to contain the emergence Hindi as the new language of power.

It gives wealth, power, and status to them.

After the world war, the stature and power of English increased internationally in the political & commercial spheres.

English Language has two sides:

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Saraswati:English had become more and more Indianised grammatically and Funtionally because it is used by large number of people.

It’s possible only because increased education, commerce, and journalism and the Indian English was no more foreign.

Satan:Those who take Indian language as medium they are a small minority and poor student.

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Text books and reference books written in Indian language are unsold

English newspapers are also unsold as compare to English news paper.

This is how English language has both side satan & sarswati.

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Thank you!