robust web apps with react.js

@maxmaxmaxmax MAKSYM KLYMYSHYN CTO GVMachines Inc. Robust apps with React.js

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Robust web apps with React.js

@maxmaxmaxmaxMAKSYM KLYMYSHYNCTO GVMachines Inc.

Robust apps with React.js

Page 2: Robust web apps with React.js



‣ Typical mistakes

‣ Data flow

‣ React.js basics

‣ Flux

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Typical mistakes

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It’s not about stackTypical mistakes

‣ Most of application have sporadic data flow and tightly coupled components

‣ It’s quite hard to avoid it and meet deadlines simultaneously

‣ Only when you have really well formed team and strong architect

‣ So it’s not about Backbone, Angular or any other frameworks

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It’s all about tightly coupled application components

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Coupled code

Typical mistakes

‣ Easy to write – you do not need to think a lot about design

‣ Good for quick bootstrap because you care only about domain

‣ Not require any deep knowledge about programming science and apps design

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Coupling disadvantages

Typical mistakes

‣ A change in one module usually forces a ripple effect of changes in other modules.

‣ Assembly of modules might require more effort and/or time due to the increased inter-module dependency.

‣ A particular module might be harder to reuse and/or test because dependent modules must be included.

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Typical mistakes

‣ some frameworks designed to provide more ways to communicate between components

‣ So it’s easier to make coupled things

‣ And increase coupling between components

‣ Which increase probability to introduce new bugs during change one of them

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Typical mistakes

‣ Reduce module complexity

‣ Increase system maintainability

‣ Increase module reusability

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I believe, that if framework allow to make coupled things,

they will be coupled.

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Coupling correlates with cohesion and

vice versa

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Data flow

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What’s the deal?

Data flow

‣ Read and write from/to database

‣ Call external API

‣ React on external events

‣ Messages exchange/queues

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It’s all about data flow

Data flow

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Most of modern applications consist from message queues of

different types and forms.

Data flow

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React.js basics

React.js basics

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A JavaScript library for building UI Wikipedia

React.js basics

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ComponentsWhat’s inside React.js

‣ Object-oriented widgets definition

‣ Nested widgets support

‣ HTML-Like Widget DOM definition (VirtualDOM)

‣ State spreading to nested components - one way reactive data flow

‣ Optimised rendering to the real DOM tree

‣ Two-way data binding helpers

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Widgets definition

What’s inside React.js

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What’s inside React.js

‣ To simplify Virtual DOM definition added html-subset language called JSX

‣ JSX allow to define Widget DOM piece directly within your JavaScript file

‣ JSX convert for production into raw JavaScript with preprocessor

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Widgets definition

What’s inside React.js

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Nested widgets & state spread

What’s inside React.js

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Virtual DOM

What’s inside React.js

‣ Modification within real DOM tree is very slow

‣ To speed up things created Virtual DOM which consist from lightweight JavaScript objects which represent Widgets DOM tree

‣ When state changed Virtual and real DOM trees are compared and real DOM modified only where it’s required

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What’s inside React.js

Page 26: Robust web apps with React.js

What’s inside React.js

‣ Complexity to compare two trees is O(n^3) complexity

‣ React.js managed to turn O(n^3) problem into linear O(n)

‣ So it’s really fast.

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Virtual DOM

What’s inside React.js

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Simply express how your app should look at any given point in time, and React will automatically manage all UI updates when your underlying data changes.

React.js website

React.js basics

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FLUX Architecture

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React.js is a JavaScript library for building UI Wikipedia


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FLUX is application architecture for building User Interfaces

Flux website


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‣ Data flows in a single direction (cycle)

‣ Dispatcher - hub to manage all data flow

‣ Stores - contain application state and logic

‣ Views - representation of state within Stores, listen to events from depend stores

‣ Actions - dispatcher helper methods

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Store and View

FLUX Store and View

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Events Dependency


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‣ React.js is not about right thing, React.js is all about data flow

‣ You’ll start from pattern which accurately provide abilities to deeply understand flow within your app

‣ It’s easier to not make mistakes within your app architecture

‣ Immutability helpers help you develop !

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