robotc basic programming - culpeper robotics

ROBOTC Basic Programming

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ROBOTC Basic Programming

Page 2: ROBOTC Basic Programming - Culpeper Robotics

Open  ROBOTC  and  create  a  new  file  

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Check  Compiler  Target  

•  If  you  plan  to  download  code  to  a  robot,  select  the  “Physical  Robot”  opBon.    

•  If  you  plan  to  download  code  to  a  virtual  robot,  select  the  “Virtual  Worlds”  opBon.  

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Check  PlaGorm  Type  

•  Choose  which  type  of  roboBcs  you  will  be  programming  for.    

Vex  2.0  Cortex  Vex  IQ  

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UpdaBng  Firmware  •  If  this  is  the  first  Bme  

using  a  new  Cortex,  you  may  want  to  make  sure  the  firmware  is  up  to  date  (this  can  also  solve  random  connecBvity  issues).  

•  To  do  this,  connect  the  Cortex  to  the  computer  using  a  USB  A-­‐A  cable  then  select  the  appropriate  opBon  from  the  robot  menu  (see  right).  

•  This  will  need  to  be  done  for  the  Cortex  and  primary  joysBck.  

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Programming Rules/Syntax

•  “Code”  is  the  text  wriTen  for  the  program.    It  is  instrucBons  for  what  the  robot  will  do.  

•  The  programming  language  we  will  be  using  is  RobotC.  

•  Syntax  is  an  important  part  of  wriBng  code—punctua'on  and  capitaliza'on  ma/er!  

•  “White  space”  (spaces  in-­‐between  lines)  can  be  added  for  organizaBonal  purposes  without  affecBng  the  code.  

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Sample RobotC Code Block

Let’s  take  a  closer  look  at  capitalizaBon.  

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NoBce  that  “task  main”  is  in  lowercase.    If  it  were  capitalized,  RobotC  wouldn’t  recognize  it!            

By  convenBon,  motors,  variables,  etc.  are  wriTen  in  “camel  case”  –the  first  word  is  lowercase  and  the  first  leTer  of  all  words  following  are  uppercase,  with  no  spaces.    It  is  important  to  be  consistent  with  capitalizaBon.  Now  we  will  take  a  closer  look  at  the  syntax.  

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Control  structure:  task  main  directs  to  main  body—contains  the  code  that  runs.  

Parentheses  ()    Follow  calling  a  funcBon.    Can  be  empty  or  contain  an  input  for  the  funcBon.    Also  contain  parameters  for  condiBonals  and  loops  (more  on  this  later).  

Semicolon  ;  Marks  the  end  of  a  statement.  

Curly  braces  {}  Surround  commands  in  a  control  structure  (task  main,  condiBonals,  loops).  

Double  slash  //  Marks  a  line  as  a  comment,  or  text  that  is  not  part  of  the  code.  

Square  brackets  []  indicate  which  motor  is  used  in  a  motor  command.  

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• A  funcBon  is  a  block  of  statements  that  are  run  together  when  the  funcBon  is  called  in  the  task  main().  

• Can  be  used  for  movements  and  behaviors  that  are  used  frequently,  like  moving  forward  or  turning.  

What    are  some  funcBons  you  would  want  a  robot  to  be  able  to  


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•  FuncBons  are  created  or  “declared”  outside  of  the  task  main()  and  then  can  be  called  in  the  task  main  whenever  they  are  needed.  

•  Some  funcBons  use  parameters  which  pass  informaBon  into  the  funcBon  to  alter  the  command.  

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Declaring and Calling Functions Declaring  a  func'on  

•  Most  funcBons  we  use  will  start  with  “void”  since  they  do  not  have  a  return  type.  

•  FuncBon  name  followed  by  open  and  closed  parentheses  

•  FuncBon  is  contained  in  curly  braces-­‐-­‐says  what  the  robot  has  to  do  to  complete  the  acBon  (Which  motors  to  turn  on/off,  etc.)  

Calling  a  Func'on  •  Inside  task  main()  •  FuncBon  name  followed  by  parentheses  

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•  Variables  are  essenBally  a  porBon  of  memory  dedicated  to  holding  a  piece  of  data.    A  variable’s  type  describes  what  kind  of  data  the  variable  holds.  

•  A  variable  can  be  declared  with  a  statement  following  the  format  type  varName;    

•  Variables  can  also  be  iniBalized  on  declaraBon  using  type  varName  =  ini/alVal;  •  Boolean  types  (bool)  store  a  true  or  a  false  value.  •  Integer  types  (int)  store  a  non-­‐decimal  number.  

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Function Example: Moving Forward Without  a  parameter   With  a  parameter  

The  funcBon  is  called  with  t  =  3000.      What  is  inside  the  parentheses  is  called  the  “argument”.  

The  funcBon  has  one  parameter,  “t”.    When  the  funcBon  is  called,  it  must  have  an  “int”  (integer)  in  the  parentheses  following  it.    “t”  will  be  set  to  equal  this  value.  

“t”  is  used  in  the  funcBon  wherever  the  value  of  the  variable  will  be  used.  

The  parenthesis  are  empty,  so  this  funcBon  does  not  use  a  parameter.  

Wait  Bme  can’t  be  adjusted  within  the  funcBon,  so  it  is  separate  in  the  task  main().  

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We  will  now  shic  our  focus  to  how  the  robot  moves:  motors.    We  have  already  seen  motors  being  used  in  the  funcBons  we  


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•  The  “Motors  and  Sensors  Setup”  page  is  where  you  enter  which  motors  are  connected  to  which  ports  on  the  robot’s  brain.  

•  Name  the  motors  logical  names  so  that  you  will  know  which  part  of  the  robot  it  controls.  

•  These  are  the  motor  names  you  will  use  when  wriBng  code.  

•  Remember,  capitalizaBon  maTers!    

•  It  is  important  to  communicate  with  the  person  building/wiring.  

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Motors and Movement

• Which  motors  are  on  and  the  power  at  which  they  are  running  determine  how  the  robot  moves.  

•  To  move  forward,  the  lec  and  right  motors  should  be  on  at  the  same  posiBve  power.  

•  To  move  backwards,  the  lec  and  right  motors  should  be  on  at  the  same  negaBve  power.  

•   To  turn,  one  side  should  be  on  a  posiBve  power  and  the  other  negaBve.  

• Arm  lics,  claws,  and  other  features  act  similary.  

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Let’s  revisit  the  moveForward  funcBon,  this  Bme  focusing  on  how  the  motors  are  used  and  how  to  call  them  in  the  code.  

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The  word  “motor”  in  all  lowercase.  

The  name  of  the  motor  being  called  in  [square  brackets].  

A  single  equal  sign  sets  the  motor,  variable,  etc.  on  the  lec  side  of  the  equal  sign  equal  to  the  value  on  the  right  side  of  the  equal  sign.      

In  this  case,  the  power  of  rightMotor  is  being  set  to  equal  127.    The  highest  power  is  127  for  VEX  and  100  for  VEX  IQ.  

Since  this  funcBon  is  to  make  the  robot  move  forward,  lecMotor  is    set  to  the  same  power  as  rightMotor.  

wait1Msec()  makes  the  robot  keep  doing  what  ever  command  came  before  it  for  the  number  of  milliseconds  in  parentheses.  

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Activity: Labyrinth Goal:  Write  code  that  will  guide  a  robot  through  a  maze.  You  will  have  to:  1)  Use  the  motor  set  up  tool  (for  this  virtual  robot,  motor1  is  lecMotor  and  

motor6  is  rightMotor.    Both  are  VexIQ    motors.  2)  Write  three  funcBons:  moveForward(int  t),  turnLec(int  t),  turnRight(int  t)  3)  Use  these  funcBons  and  appropriate  wait  Bmes  to  navigate  a  robot  through  the  labyrinth.  

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How to Run Your Code in a Virtual World 1)  Choose  Virtual  Worlds  as  your  Compiler  Target  (Robot>Compiler  Target>Virtual  Worlds).  

2)  Select  Curriculum  Companion  as  the  Virtual  World  (Window>  Select  Virtual  Word  to  Use>  Curriculum  Companion  4.2.7).  

3)  Compile  code  and  download  to  robot.  

4)  The  Curriculum  Companion  window  will  appear.    Click  log  in  locally  then  log  in  as  guest.    Then  from  the  top  bar  click  movement,  and  click  Labryrinth  Challenge  from  the  lec  column.    Click  start  acBvity.  

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Autonomous  Robot  Virtual  World  Labyrinth  

This code makes use of the functions to the left to autonomously move the virtual robot from the red dashed area below to the black dashed area.

A wait time is used to make this function run for the specified amount of time t.

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SomeBmes  you  don’t  want  to  run  all  of  the  code  you’ve  wriTen  in  the  order  

you’ve  wriTen  it  every  Bme  you  run  the  program.    SomeBmes  you  only  want  the  

robot  to  do  certain  tasks  if  certain  condi'ons  are  true.    In  these  cases  we  

use  condi'onal  statements.  

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Conditional Statements

•  If  Statements–  executes  code  in  curly  braces  only  if  the  condiBon  in  parentheses  is  true.  

Important  symbols:  

•  ==  (double  equal  signs)  checks  for  equality  (doesn’t  set  one  thing  equal  to  the  other)  

•  !=  does  not  equal  •  ||  or  (only  one  of  the  condiBons  has  to  be  true)  • &&  and  (both/all  condiBons  have  to  be  true)  

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Conditional Statements Continued

•  If,  Else  if  statements:  will  first  check  if  the  condiBons  are  true  for  the  first  statement.    If  so  it  will  execute  that  code,  then  stop.    If  the  condiBons  are  not  met,  it  will  move  on  and  repeat  this  process  for  each  else  if  unBl  the  condiBons  for  one  of    them  is  met  and  execute  that  block  of  code  

•  Else:  will  execute  this  code  block  if  the  condiBons  are  not  met  for  any  of  the  preceding  if/else  if’s.    Does  not  have  any  condiBons  to  check.  

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While Loops

•  SomeBmes  you  want  to  execute  a  block  of  code  over  and  over  again  as  long  as  a  certain  condiBon  is  met.    In  these  cases  you  use  while  loops  

•  If  the  condiBon  in  parentheses  is  true,  it  will  execute  the  code  block  then  check  the  original  condiBon  again.    If  the  condiBon  is  sBll  true,  it  will  execute  the  code  block  again.  This  process  repeats  unBl  the  condiBon  is  no  longer  true.    

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This  is  the  code  used  for  driving  a  robot  with  a  remote  control.    It  uses  both  while  loops  and  if/  else  if/  else  statements.  

The  condiBon  for  the  while  loop  is  always  true,  so  this  block  of  code  will  run  indefinitely.  

These  two  lines  of  code  simply  set  the  power  of    the  right  and  lec  motors  to  the  value  of  the  right  and  lec  joysBcks,  respecBvely.  

If  the  value  of  the  upper  right  buTon  is  equal  to  1  (the  buTon  is  pressed)  then  the  braced  line  of  code  will  run.    This  line  of  code  sets  the  power  of  the  arm  motor  to  127  (makes  the  arm  raise  up).  

If  the  condiBon  for  the  previous  if  statement  isn’t  met,  it  will  move  onto  this  code  block.    If  the  lower  right  buTon  is  pressed,  then  the  braced  line  of  code  will  run  and  the  arm  will  lower.  

If  neither  of  the  above  condiBons  are  saBsfied,  it  will  run  the  braced  line  of  code  which  sets  the  power  of  the  armMotor  to  0.  

Once  it  reaches  the  end  of  the  while  loop,  it  goes  back  up  to  the  top  to  check  if  the  condiBon  is  sBll  true  (it  is)  

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Single  Controller    Driver  Control    (Vex  IQ)  

This section of the program will make the rightMotor and leftMotor move based on the value received from the joystick vertical channels A and D. Values range from -127 to 127.

This section of the program will control the armMotor of the robot and will move it up and down based on what button is pressed. If a button is not pressed, the armMotor speed is set to 0.

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Dual  Controller  Driver  Control  (Vex  EDR)  

This section of the program will make the rightMotor and leftMotor move based on the value received from the joystick vertical channels 2 and 3 on Controller 1. Values range from -127 to 127.

This section of the program will control the armMotor of the robot with controller 2 and will move it up and down based on what button is pressed. If a button is not pressed, the armMotor speed is set to 0.

Adding Xmtr2 to the end of a button name will allow you to only use it on your 2nd controller.

Controller 1

Controller 2

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Summer  Camp  Program  Template  This template will allow for timing-based competition control.

It starts by doing nothing until Btn6U is pressed (called an idle loop).

Next, it clears a timer and runs through the autonomous code until 15 seconds are up, then does nothing again until the button is pressed.

Finally, it clears the timer again and repeats the driver code until time runs out.

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Additional Resources

•  •  EducaBon>Vex  IQ  Curriculum>  View  Curriculum  

• Go  through  the  lessons  or  look  at  the  teacher’s  guide  for  more  informaBon  and  pracBce.