robert halford brooks resume

RESUME ROI}ERT H. bROOKS 10023 Skycrest Drlve Bolse, Idaho B3?O4 Hone phone: 326_8349 llessage phone: 8?6_8349 SKILLS/EXPERIENCE @:Extene1veexperience1nd1rectsupervIslonof sales and other nanagerlal staff lnclurling development of staff skllls l' areas such as sales, custoner rel.ations, inventory control, product lnage; addltlonal experience in nanagenent of inventory control, reorderlng, ner_ ;l;i*t;:::' nanagement/supervlslon experlence 1n both small unJ' ru"g" @:Experlence1nwr1tlngads,writIngadcopy, creating and aseembllng wlndow dlsplays, creatlng and assenbling 1n_store dlsplays, creatlng and organlzlng speclal promotlonal canpelgns; consul.tant on design and nerchandtslng to both wholesale ancl retall buslnessee. . Fund-rglslng: Experlence 1n fund-ralslng for non-proflt organlzatlons such as echools, service clubs, athletic g"oup". I+ranaged cornplet.e operations for organlzatlons lncludlng larketlng of fund-ralslng opportunltles, organlzatlon of fund-raising lnternal structure, motlvation and nronitoring of partlclpants. Custoner Servlcg: Experlence ln dlrect custoner servlce relatlons for both wholesale and retall buslnesses. sales/Retall: Extenslve experlence ln drrect retall sales in such areas as conputers, flner uens/wonens fashlons, exclusive giftware. SaJes,/lJholesale: Extenslve experience in dlrect wholesale sales in such areas as exclusive giftware, textiles and candy. Sales/comnercial Space: Experience rn narketlng offlce space in conaercial propertles. EDUCATION conpleted several couraes 1n Business Administration at rdaho state unlversity {Pocatello, Idaho) and seattle comnunlty corlege (Seattre, liashlngton); completed several Danagenent seminars sponsored by previous enployers or offered rndependentry to the general public. [J!IrARy conpleted 3 years active service ln the u.s. Arny l'ledical corp, Errergen- cy Roon NCOIC Ireland Arny Hospital, Fort Knox, Kentucky; 5?4th Medical Detachnent, Ludnlgsburg, West Gernany; 1?3rd ttedical Evacuatron llospital, DaNang' south vlet Nan. Honorabre discharge wlth Arny conrnendation lr{eda}. Dlecharge rank of SSGTE-S, October, 1969.

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Page 1: Robert Halford Brooks Resume



10023 Skycrest Dr lveBolse, Idaho B3?O4

Hone phone: 326_8349l lessage phone: 8?6_8349


@:Extene1veexper ience1nd1rectsupervIs lonofsales and other nanager la l staf f lnclur l ing development of staf f skl l ls l 'areas such as sales, custoner rel .at ions, inventory control , product lnage;addl t lonal exper ience in nanagenent of inventory control , reorder lng, ner_

; l ; i * t ; : : : ' nanagement/supervls lon exper lence 1n both smal l unJ' ru"g"

@:Exper lence1nwr1t lngads,wri t Ingadcopy,creat ing and aseembl lng wlndow dlsplays, creat lng and assenbl ing 1n_storedlsplays, creat lng and organlz lng speclal promot lonal canpelgns; consul . tanton design and nerchandtslng to both wholesale ancl retal l buslnessee.

. Fund-rgls lng: Exper lence 1n fund-rals lng for non-prof l t organlzat lonssuch as echools, service c lubs, athlet ic g"oup". I+ranaged cornplet .e operat ionsfor organlzat lons lncludlng larket lng of fund-rals lng opportunl t les,organlzat lon of fund-rais ing lnternal structure, mot lvat ion and nroni tor ing ofpart lc lpants.

Custoner Servlcg: Exper lence ln dlrect custoner servlce relat lons forboth wholesale and retal l buslnesses.

sales/Retal l : Extenslve exper lence ln drrect retal l sales in such areasas conputers, f lner uens/wonens fashlons, exclusive gi f tware.

SaJes,/ lJholesale: Extenslve exper ience in dlrect wholesale sales in suchareas as exclusive gi f tware, text i les and candy.

Sales/comnercial Space: Exper ience rn narket lng of f lce space inconaercial propert les.


conpleted several couraes 1n Business Administrat ion at rdaho stateunlversi ty {Pocatel lo, Idaho) and seatt le comnunlty cor lege (Seattre,l iashlngton); completed several Danagenent seminars sponsored by previousenployers or of fered rndependentry to the general publ ic.


conpleted 3 years act ive service ln the u.s. Arny l ' ledical corp, Errergen-cy Roon NCOIC Ireland Arny Hospi ta l , Fort Knox, Kentucky; 5?4th MedicalDetachnent, Ludnlgsburg, West Gernany; 1?3rd t tedical Evacuatron l lospi ta l ,DaNang' south v let Nan. Honorabre discharge wlth Arny conrnendat ion l r {eda}.Dlecharge rank of SSGT E-S, October, 1969.

Page 2: Robert Halford Brooks Resume

Reeure - Robert ll. Brooke


n-fg!r ] -bul-qr - r ' l lor ld 's Finest chocoiate", southwestern Idaho and$outheastern Oregon. August, lgg4 - present.

S - "Marshal l ,s , Ri ley,s andAlexander,s" ( i lens/ l r lonena Flner Fashlon ) , Sol"" , Idaho. February, f 9g4Aprl l ' 1985' Lef t enploynent due to change ln ownership and reorganizat lonof conpany.

_ , ,Radlo Shack Computercenter" (Buslness and Pereonal corpui . r -svt6" t , Boise, Idaho. september,1983 - February, lsB{. Lef t enployrent t r r take posl t ion of fered at" l larshal l 's , Rl ley,s and Alexanderte".

salgsnan - " l la lkrood corporat lon" (connercial of f ice space Brokerage),8oise, Idaho. l lay, 1983 - septenber, 1983. Left enployment due ro conpleteoccupancy of a l l aval lable of f tce space handled by f l rm and to take enploy-nent at "Radio Shack".

@-, 'Klopfensteins, Inc. . ' ( I Iar tSchaffnerandt{arxFinerI ' lens l$ear) , Bel levue (seatt le) , t fashlngton. February, 1980 _ I r tarch, 1983,Left enploynent to move to Borse, Idaho to handle personar/ fanl Iy concerns.

( Sportswearnent to take

l lanaand Act ive $ear) , Seatt ]e.posl t lon at "Klopfenstelns,

- "The Squire Shop"1977-1990. Lef t ernploy-f i fashington.

fnc. "

owner, / l r {anager - "Spare Tlne" ( Import copper and Brass Buslness ) ,seatt le, l lashington. 19?5-19??. sold busJness and took enployment at , ,TheSqulre Shop".

of f lce l r {ar . laeer/salesnan - ' Intercer-Langenthar" (rmport /Export rex-t i les/Gif tware ) , Seatt le, Hashlngton. 1969_19?5. Left employment af terconpany aroved to Switzer land.


Rlck van l lemert - Execut lve Dlrector, Idaho Associat ion of SchoolAdl ln lstrators, p '0. Box 1g3?, g02 r{est Bannock, sui te #303, Bolse, Idaho83?01 , ?oB/345-11?1.

John Chapnan - At torney, 275 North Eighth, Boise, Idaho B3?0A, 2OB/34A_6485.

The Reverend Bl l I1915 Unlversl ty Dr ive,

Steuber - Pastor, St . paul ,s Cathol icBolse, Idaho 83706, ZAB/g4g-zt?F.

Student Center,