river water management.docx

RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT, MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT A CASE STUDY WITH RESPECT TO EASTERN RIVERS OF INDUS SYSTEM KVS Thakur 1.0 General Broadly classified, there are 5 river basins in India viz. 1. Westward flowing rivers such as Narmada and Tapti- 30.55 M ham (305,500 Mm 3 /248 MAF) 2. Eastward flowing rivers such as Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery and their tributaries - 35.56 M ham (355,600 M m 3 /288 MAF) 3. Ganga and its tributaries- 55.01 M ham (550,100 M m 3 /446MAF) 4. Indus and its tributaries -7.95 M ham (79,500 Mm 3 /64 MAF) 5 Brahmaputra and its tributaries-59.07 M ham (590,700 Mm 3 /479MAF) The total water potential of the basins of India amounts to a colossal amount of 188.14 M ham (1,881,400 M m 3 /1525MAF) .If this potential is tamed and optimally utilized, the sustaining of ever increasing demand of food grains for the vast populace of India can be ensured with spare enough for export. The Indus River System comprises river Indus as its mother river and five main tributaries of Indus namely, Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. Along with two more tributaries from the North West Frontier and Afghanistan, the Indus forms the Sapta Sindhu (Seven Rivers) delta. 1

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RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT, MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENTA CASE STUDY WITH RESPECT TO EASTERN RIVERS OF INDUS SYSTEMKVS Thakur1.0 GeneralBroadly classified, there are 5 river basins in India viz.1. Westward flowing rivers such as Narmada and Tapti- 30.55 M ham (305,500 Mm3/248 MAF)2. Eastward flowing rivers such as Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery and their tributaries - 35.56 M ham (355,600 M m3/288 MAF)3. Ganga and its tributaries- 55.01 M ham (550,100 M m3/446MAF)4. Indus and its tributaries -7.95 M ham (79,500 Mm3/64 MAF)5 Brahmaputra and its tributaries-59.07 M ham (590,700 Mm3/479MAF)The total water potential of the basins of India amounts to a colossal amount of 188.14 M ham (1,881,400 M m3/1525MAF) .If this potential is tamed and optimally utilized, the sustaining of ever increasing demand of food grains for the vast populace of India can be ensured with spare enough for export. The Indus River System comprises river Indus as its mother river and five main tributaries of Indus namely, Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. Along with two more tributaries from the North West Frontier and Afghanistan, the Indus forms the Sapta Sindhu (Seven Rivers) delta.The development of water resource in Indus valley began about 5000 years ago. The traces of canals are found in the remains of Mohanjodaro and Harappa, which indicate that irrigated agriculture was prevalent in Indus. Canals were built during the Mughal Empire in 16th and 17th century for water supply and irrigation of small areas. However, an extensive network of canals was developed during the British Raj. The first major canal was Upper Bari Doab Canal (UBDC) on river Ravi, which was opened in 1859. The second major canal was Sirhind Canal on river Sutlej which was opened in 1882. This was followed by Sidhni, Lower Chenab and Lower Jhelum canals. However, occurrence of a serious famine in 1889-1901, emphasized the need to expand the irrigation facilities in Northern India. The construction of storage dams was the evident solace but storage dams seemed prohibitively expensive. This gave birth to the first integrated system, the triple canal system on Jhelum, Ravi and Chenab. This was followed by construction of the Sutlej Valley Project, which comprised of four new barrages viz. Ferozepur, Suleimanki, Islam and Panjnad on river Sutlej along with canals off taking from the head works. The three upper barrages were completed by 1927 and the last one at Panjnad was completed in 1933. The Indus Valley rivers are shown in figure-1 below:

Rivers of the Indus System

Fig -1 Rivers of Indus SystemThe partition of India in 1947, however, divested East Punjab of the major portion of developed irrigation facilities. Indian part of Punjab got only 20% of the irrigated area against population liability of 50 %.The situation called for major initiative to restore the balance .The independent India resolved to raise irrigation facilities on a large scale to erase the menaces of famines and floods .The river management in form of storage reservoirs and canals was born in a big way. Both structural and non-structural measures were planned to be undertaken to tackle the problem. A system to take up non-structural measures like flood plain zoning, flood forecasting etc. was envisaged to be provided. Structural measures in the form of construction of structures like dams, embankments, drainage channels, etc. were planned for implementation at ground. The process of accomplishment of the objectives of Water- Food- Energy Nexus resulting in alleviation of the dearth of food and generation of energy for overall growth of the nation was set in motion by taking up of the construction of Modern Temples of Resurgent India. Bhakra Nangal project was taken up immediately after independence as joint venture of the states of Punjab and Rajasthan to harness the water of river Sutlej. However, the partition had raised many skirmishes. The dispute for sharing of waters of the rivers of pre partitioned Punjab by India and Pakistan formed a major issue. The newly formed states were at odds over how to share and manage what was essentially a cohesive and unitary network of irrigation. After a prolonged process of litigation, an agreement mutually acceptable to India and Pakistan in form of historic Indus Water Treaty for water sharing arrangement was signed at Karachi in Pakistan on 19th September, 1960.The signatories to the treaty were Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru- the Prime Minister of India and Field Marshal, Mohammad Ayub Khan -the President of Pakistan.The Treaty gave India exclusive use of all of the waters of the three Eastern Rivers viz. Sutlej, Beas and Ravi and their tributaries before the point where the rivers enter Pakistan. Similarly, Pakistan was given the exclusive use of the Western Rivers viz. Chenab, Jhelum and Indus. The treaty however was to be effective from 1st April, 1960 with a transition period up to 31st March 1970.A master Plan was drawn to harness the waters of eastern rivers which now became available for exclusive use by India. The Bhakra Nangal Project which had already been taken up became a part of the Master Plan. The components of master Plan were:

Bhakra Nangal Project - completed in 1963 Madhopur Beas Link - completed in 1954 Beas Dam at Pong -completed in 1974. Beas Sutlej Project- completed in 1977 Ranjit Sagar Dam - completed in 2001, Fig 2(Master Plan) The construction of storage reservoirs envisaged in the Master Plan provided the structural infrastructure necessary for River Water Management for the eastern rivers of Indus System. However, the operation of these Storage Reservoirs in an optimal manner forms an equally important ingredient of the effective River Water Management. 2.0 Operation of Storage Reservoirs- A case Study with respect to eastern rivers of Indus System2.1 General Principles of Operation of Reservoirs:The large dams in general play a considerable role in preventing floods. However, these structures are mostly constructed as multipurpose projects- serving needs of irrigation and power. The objective is to fill the reservoirs to the maximum possible level during the filling period so that sufficient storage is available during lean period. There is a further tendency to keep the levels slightly higher than the lowest levels at the end of depletion period so as to keep some reserves to take care of the delayed or poor monsoons in the ensuing filling period.The process of operation of reservoirs is a very complex issue as it involves avoidance of floods, meeting conflicting demands of water and power by the participating beneficiaries and achieving maximisation of Irrigation and Power at the same time. Most difficult situation may arise when a conservation reservoir is called upon to perform the function of a flood control reservoir without the provision of adequate flood storage space. The operating authorities are faced with a dilemma firstly towards the end of filling period when the reservoir is at high level and there is flood forecast, to whether release water or not .If the water is released and the reservoir level is brought down but the floods do not come as per the forecast, then the reservoir level is left less than the full reservoir level (FRL) at the end of filling period. On the other hand if the flood warnings are neglected and the flood impinges, the authorities are not left with any other alternative than to pass the flood downstream. Secondly, a dilemma is also faced at the end of depletion period. When a carryover has been kept in the reservoir at the end of depletion period, the effective storage capacity during the filling period is reduced. If the next year happens to be wet year, then inflows may have to be spilled over to keep a space in the reservoir to store the inflows. This also diminishes the flood control effectiveness of the reservoir. However when a carryover is not kept, it is not possible to offset the effect of delayed or poor monsoons in the ensuing filling period. The operating and regulating authorities are therefore called upon to make an attempt to meet the conflicting requirements of conservation and flood control by judicious combination of principles of operation of reservoirs.The general principles for optimum utilization of storage reservoirs can be summarized as under: Optimum utilization of water for irrigation Optimum utilization of water for generation of power Avoidance of floods and To save some water in the reservoirs at the end of depletion period to hedge against poor or delayed monsoons in the ensuing filling period. 2.2 Case StudyThe operation of storage reservoirs at Bhakra and Beas on Sutlej and Beas rivers respectively is being carried out by Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) while that of Ranjit Sagar dam on river Ravi is being carried out by Punjab. The distribution of waters of the three eastern rivers of Sutlej, Beas and Ravi is being made as per interstate agreements between Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. While the distribution of waters of river Sutlej is done individually, the waters of rivers Ravi and Beas are combined together and distributed among the participating states in fixed and agreed upon ratios. However, it has been agreed upon that BBMB will be responsible for the distribution of Ravi-Beas waters to the beneficiary states in correct proportions and quantities. The scenario thus emerging out of the above makes BBMB as the regulation authority for all the waters of three eastern rivers. The operation of Ranjit Sagar dam is carried out by Punjab government in an integrated manner with the operation of Bhakra and Pong reservoirs so that the agreed upon shares from Sutlej and Ravi- Beas waters are available to all the participant states viz. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, J&K and Delhi. In all, BBMB regulates the supplies of rivers Sutlej, Beas and Ravi amounting to about 35,000 million m3 (28 MAF) annually to the beneficiaries. The supplies irrigate about 5 million ha (1 crore 25 lakh acres) of lands besides providing drinking water to many towns enroute and generate about 10,000-12,000 million units of cheap and clean Hydro Power.The operation of reservoirs calls for: An elaborate and fairly reliable accumulation and assimilation of decision support data, Sound decision making Healthy day to day implementation of decisions and Making of continuous improvements in operation based on latest technology and updated data. 2.2.1 An elaborate and fairly reliable accumulation and assimilation of decision support data,The decision support data mainly comprises the: Constitution of inflows; patterns of inflows based on long range flow series and inflows into the reservoirs based on these patterns, Reservoir Capacities Estimation of inflows with the help of various instruments to record the rainfall, humidity, snowfall, evaporation, temperatures, sunshine hours, wind velocity, gauge discharge sites etc. in the catchment areas and through analysis of fore cast of rainfall, snowfall and consequent runoffs etc. Filling and depletion periods Guide lines for filling and depletion of reservoirs; The sharing of waters The system of channels for passing of the shares to the beneficiaries. InflowsThe inflows into Bhakra reservoir come mainly from river Sutlej and its tributaries. (Beas diverted waters also form a part of inflows into Bhakra reservoir). Sutlej has its origin in the Mansrovar Lake in Tibet. It covers a distance of about 322 km before entering the Indian territory near Shipki in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. At Namgia it is joined by its main Himalayan tributary, the Spiti. Many Himalayan glaciers drain into its tributaries in Kinnaur district. The catchment area is fed by snowfall at higher altitudes during winter months and rainfall due to monsoons from July to September in lower catchment areas. The total catchment area of Sutlej is 56,680 sq. km out of which only 19820 sq km lies in India which can be further divided into three parts. Part I- about 5030 sq km just upstream of Bhakra gets only rainfall, part II- about 5550 sq km gets both rainfall and snow fall and the uppermost part III about 9240 sq km gets only snow fall and almost no rainfall. The permanent snow line in area of the Himalayas is at 5500 m. Major portion of snow catchment is inaccessible. The annual rainfall in Sutlej catchment is 1136 mmThe Beas Dam at Pong (Beas Reservoir) and Beas Sutlej Link are fed by river Beas. The Beas river rises in the Himalayas from Beas Kund near Rohtang Pass. At Pandoh, about 20 km upstream of Mandi town, it has been tapped by making an earth cum rock fill dam for diverting its flows to a maximum extent of 255 cumecs (9000 cusecs) into river Sutlej through nearly 40 km long water conductor system comprising two tunnels and an open hydel channel. The diverted Beas water has been utilized to produce 990 MW of power at its confluence point with Sutlej at Dehar by exploiting a fall of over 300 m. Downstream of Pandoh dam, the Beas traverses about 130 km upto Pong where it has been tapped by another earth cum rock fill dam which is a storage dam called Beas Dam at Pong. The total catchment area of Beas is about 12560 sq km out of which 5278 sq km is upstream of Pandoh. The catchment area downstream Pandoh is mainly rain fed with annual rainfall of about 2100 mm. Many tributaries join the river upstream and downstream of Pandoh Dam. The third river, the Ravi also rises in the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh. This has been tapped upstream of Madhopur by making yet another earth cum rockfill dam called Ranjit Sagar dam. The river Ravi has also been linked with river Beas through a link called Madhopur Beas LinkThe Sutlej and Beas catchments are depicted in the figure -3 given below

Figure 3- Sutlej and Beas catchmentsThe inflows during winter into Bhakra and Beas (Pong) dam reservoirs are fairly constant and of lower magnitude during winter. These rise gradually during months of April, May and June due to snow melt. However, typical of monsoon driven tropical climates of the lower catchments of Bhakra and Pong reservoirs, the inflows further rise during July- September.The inflows into rivers Sutlej, Beas and Ravi depending on dry (90% probability), dependable (67% probability) and mean (average) year patterns are given as under: Inflows into Bhakra (Sutlej only)Flow SeriesDry Year(MAF)Dependable Year(MAF)Mean Year(MAF)

1909 to 57--------13.6( As per designer's criteria)

1909 to 97-988.80710.90013.059

1909 to 2007-088.52310.75112.829

Inflows into Bhakra including Beas diverted waterFlow SeriesDry Year(MAF)Dependable Year(MAF)Mean Year(MAF)

1909 to 1997-9812.26314.68917.145

1909 to 2007-0811.90114.49416.869

Inflows into Beas Reservoir( down stream Pandoh dam)Flow Series Dry Year (MAF) Dependable Year (MAF) Mean Year (MAF)

1922-23 to 97-983.567 5.660 8.115

1922-23 to 2007-083.492 5.461 7.914

Inflows into Ranjit Sagar damFlow Series Dry Year (MAF) Dependable Year (MAF) Mean Year (MAF)

1921-22 to 97-983.956 5.300 6.933 The reservoir capacities The reservoir capacities in million cubic meters are given as under: Estimation of Inflows -Traditional Observation and Communication Setup

The inflows into the reservoirs vary according to the snowmelt runoff and rainfall. As such the knowledge of snow accumulation and snow melt as well as quantum of rainfall in the catchment area is essential for predicting the runoffs in the rivers. The BBMB had set up a number of snow gauge/ snow observatories, rain gauges, discharge measuring sites, hydro meteorological observatories and evaporimeter observatories in Sutlej and Beas catchments to assess inflows into the reservoirs. A net work of wireless communication system had also been set up for proper and speedy communication of data to the processing stations. For estimation of snow melt runoff during April, May and June in river Sutlej, BBMB engages the services of National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) who based on the data supplied by BBMB from their observatories and satellite imageries provided an estimation of such inflows. The rainfall inflows are estimated on the basis of forecast of rainfall provided by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). These estimations help BBMB in planning of the operation of reservoirs.A sketch of the various hydro meteorological stations set up in Sutlej and Beas catchments is given as Figure -4 under

Figure -4 Hydro meteorological stations in Sutlej and BeasVarious Traditional Hydro-meteorological stations in Sutlej and Beas catchments are as under:Sr. no.Hydro-meteorological stationNo. of Hydro-meteorological stations

Sutlej catchmentBeas catchment

1Snow-gauge Observatories4-

2Snow-gauge Stations17-

3Rain-gauge Stations1324

4Discharge Sites915

5Evaporimeter Observatories66

6Meteorological Observatories12

The wireless stations of the wireless network (shown in fig 5 below) in the catchment areas are connected to the main stations as under:Fig 5-Wireless Stations Network Nangal for Sutlej catchment Talwara Township for catchment area of river Beas downstream of Pandoh dam and to receive data from the catchment of river Ravi through the wireless network of Punjab Government. Sunder Nagar for catchment area of river Beas upstream of Pandoh Dam All the main stations are also connected to BBMB Head Quarters at Chandigarh and liaison office at Delhi. Filing and Depletion periodsThe reservoir operation has been classified into two distinct periods viz. Filling Period and Depletion period. Filling period which covers the Monsoon months when kharif crops are sown commences from 21st May and lasts up to 20th September in case of Bhakra reservoir and from 21st June upto 20th September in case of Beas dam reservoir. The depletion period which covers the rabi crops commences from 21st September and lasts upto 20th May in case of Bhakra Reservoir and upto 20th June incase of Beas Dam reservoir. As per the Bhakra Nangal agreement 1959, entered into between erstwhile state of Punjab and Rajasthan for sharing of waters of river Sutlej, either party is free to utilize the Kharif or Rabi supplies in whatever way it likes but the transfer of supplies allocated for the period from 21st September to 20th May or vise versa is not permitted. Guide lines for filling and depletion of reservoirs;As per the decision of the Bhakra Beas Management Board, the Bhakra reservoir is not to be filled beyond 502.92 m (1650ft.) by 15th July, beyond 509.016 m (1670 ft.) by 15th August and beyond 512.064m (1680 ft.) by 31st August. Maximum levels at Bhakra and Pong are to be kept as 512.064m (1680 ft.) and 423.672m (1390 ft.) respectively. However in case the levels are allowed to rise a little higher than these values for the purpose of flood routing/absorption and to avoid synchronization of releases with those of rivulets downstream of the dams, the levels are to be brought down as soon as the conditions downstream of the reservoirs permit.The depletion of the reservoirs is planned on the basis of reservoir levels at the end of filling period and by assuming dry year inflows into the reservoirs during the depletion period. The releases are based on 10 daily irrigation requirements of participating states in proportion to their shares. The availability of water is updated continuously. Sharing of Watersa) Sharing of Sutlej watersThe Bhakra- Nangal Agreement entered into by the states of erstwhile Punjab and Rajasthan specified the shares of Sutlej waters between these states. After reorganisation of erstwhile Punjab into Punjab and Haryana in 1966, the share of Haryana was derived from the share of erstwhile Punjab. The overall shares of these three States are 57.88% 32.31% and 9.81% in respect of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan respectivelyb) Sharing of Ravi-Beas waters As per Inter-State Agreement signed on 31.12.1981 by the states of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, out of total 20.56 MAF of Ravi Beas Water according to flow series 1921-1960, the following distribution was decided after deducting pre-partition use of 3.13 MAF and transit losses in Madhopur Beas Link of 0.26 MAF:StateShare in MAFShare in terms of percentages of the inflows

Punjab4.22 MAF30%

Haryana3.50 MAF21%

Rajasthan8.60 MAF49%

Delhi 0.20 MAF (Fixed0.20 MAF (Fixed

J&K0.65 MAF (Fixed)

0.65 MAF (Fixed

Total:17.17 MAF The system of channels for passing of the shares to the beneficiaries.The Sutlej water is delivered to : Punjab via Bhakra Main Line, Sirhind canal and Bist Doab canal Haryana via Bhakra Main Line d/s RD 3,90.000 ft. and Narwana Branch d/s RD 1,60,000 ft. Rajasthan via Haryana from channels offtaking from Bhakra Main Line and via Punjab from Harike out of Ravi Beas waters equivalent to the used Sutlej waters by Punjab in Sirhind Canal group at Ropar out of Rajasthans share.The Ravi Beas waters are taken by : Punjab from channels off taking at Madhopur and Harike headworks Rajasthan from Harike headworks Haryana from Bhakra Main Line along with Sutlej waters Delhi through Haryana via Bhakra Main Line Narwana BranchA sketch showing rivers and canal system is given under as figure 6Figure 6 2.2.2 Sound Decision MakingThe Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) has constituted a Committee called Technical Committee headed by the Chairman of the Board for deciding releases from the reservoirs. The other members are comprised of Whole Time Members of the Board, Chief Engineers of Irrigation departments of the partner states and Technical Members of the State Electricity Boards (Power Utilities). Director Agriculture Punjab and Chief Engineer Central Water Commission are the special invitees. The committee meets at the end of every month for regulating supplies of water to the partner states for the next month based on 10 daily basis. The committee is provided with a comparison of actual and assumed inflows and probable power generation based on the Water Power studies for dry, dependable and mean year patterns. The other various studies depict the proposed releases during the remaining filling /depletion period based on the existing position of reservoirs, likely inflows and planned requirements of the states within their permissible shares. The feedback on all other relevant decision support data such as likely /actual inflows in Sutlej due to snow melt during the months of April, May and June based on the studies carried out by NRSA and monsoon inflows as assessed on the forecasts of IMD is also provided.. The general procedure adopted is as under:Outflows from reservoirs are distinctly divided into two categories period wise: Outflows during Filling Period from 21 May to 20 September. Outflows during Depletion Period from 21 September to 20 May. The outflows during filling period are decided as per requirements of the partner states subject to storing sufficient water to meet requirement during Depletion period. Out flows during the depletion period are decided on the basis of availability of water and requirements of the states during particular 10 daily period based on their respective balance shares. The availability of water for the depletion period is assessed at the end of filling period by measuring the actual storage and by estimating the inflows during depletion period based on the dry year pattern of runoff. Some reserves at the end of depletion period to hedge against poor or delayed monsoons in the ensuing rainy season are also planned. The revised shares/ availability due to the states based on actual inflow patterns are intimated to the states every month for planning requirements by them.The outflows are restricted to irrigation demand of the states in order to avoid any spillage of water to Pakistan. During some extraordinary power requirements, the releases are adjusted in interest of power generation without causing any spillage to Pakistan. A daily record of out flows from reservoirs of Bhakra Dam, Beas dam and Ranjit Sagar dams and deliveries at contact points of the beneficiary states is maintained. 2.2.3 Healthy day to day implementation of decisions.The deliveries at the contact points of Haryana and other partner states are monitored keenly and any short fall being passed on is brought to the notice of concerned authorities and correct discharges are restored.The day to day regulation of releases based on the field conditions of the day forms a very important assignment of the Regulation Engineers. Sudden gains due to rains and subsequent reduction in demand of water, sudden damage to the carrier channels, sudden reduction in power demand,/Grid failure etc. have to be considered while deciding exact daily releases from the reservoirs. The decision has to be made keeping in view the different and long time periods required for the water for traversing long distances between release and consumption points.The Regulation of Ranjit Sagar dam is not vested with the Bhakra Beas Management Board. However as per the agreement of 1981 for sharing of Ravi Beas waters, BBMB has been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring correct supplies to the partner states as per their shares. This makes BBMB as the sole body for planning/ executing / monitoring of the waters of all the three eastern rivers viz, Sutlej, Beas and Ravi to the partner states. This requires for a strict liaison with the Punjab Government and Punjab State Power Corporation (PSPC) with respect to releases planned by them from Ranjit Sagar Reservoir. In fact, the releases from Ranjit Sagar reservoir are decided in the Technical Committee meetings based on an integrated operation in consonance with the releases from Bhakra and Pong reservoirs. A meticulous system of maintaining water accounts as per the allocation and decision of the Technical Committee meetings is followed. The water accounts are reconciled at the level of Assistant Engineers of the States every month. The water account is reconciled at the Superintending Engineer level every three months. A significant characteristic of the system is that no water accounts are lying unsettled. 2.2.4 The State of the Art Observation, Communication and Processing Set up-The Real Time Decision Support System Growing concern due to extreme floods and droughts in many parts of the country and competing demands on the scarce water resources has triggered a paradigm shift towards comprehensive planning and management of water resources in a river basin context. A reliable data base providing scientifically verified, uniformly acceptable and widely accessible historical records is an essential prerequisite. India has since long realized the essentials and thus has already adopted National Water Policy (NWP)-(first issued in 1987 and subsequently revised in 2007).NWP lays emphasis on development of a national hydrological information system. A wide data base in 9 states and 6 Central agencies across the country has been established under the Government of Indias World Bank financed Project called Hydrology Project I. It comprised horizontal expansion viz.: Establishment of Hydrological Information System (HIS) with standardized hydrological data collection and processing Establishment of institutional structures for coordinating project implementation at national and state levels Installation of 916 new river gauging sites Establishment of 436 hydro meteorological stations Establishment of 7,889 observation wells & 258 water quality labs With a view to continue supporting the enhancement of a comprehensive HIS in India, a sequel to HP-I in the form of HP-II was also launched comprising vertical expansion viz. Strengthening the capacity of hydrology departments to develop and sustain the use of HIS for hydrological designs and decision tools Improving the capabilities of implementing agencies in using HIS for efficient water resource planning Establishing user friendly HIS for shared vision with improved access to public agencies, civil society organisations and private sector.Traditionally, flood forecasting by BBMB was and still continues to be done by observing the river flow at some station sufficiently upstream of the point, where the forecast is required. These observation stations are called base stations. Using historical data, a mathematical relationship and a gauge to gauge or gauge to discharge correlation is developed between the runoff at base station at time t1 and the runoff at forecast station at time t2.Wireless sets in HF frequency range carrying voice are being used for communication between the base station and the forecast station. Though the traditional system has been in operation for the past many years till a very recent past at Bhakra and Pong, yet experience shows that it has many limitations viz. Manual collection and communication of data is prone to mistakes/errors. Since the data is communicated through wireless system, the communication performance deteriorates during bad weather conditions in monsoons, when requirement of data is crucial for reservoir operations. Pictorial/graphical presentations of trends are not immediately available and have to be drawn manually at the central stations causing delay which could be dangerous. All gauges/stations are not ideally located as these have been provided near populated areas, as some ideal locations are hazardous for habitation. It has been observed that the forecasts received for snowmelt runoff from NRSA & monsoon rainfall from IMD have large variation from actual runoff. For both the reservoirs, the catchment areas contributing heavy floods are located very near to the reservoirs and as a consequence the advance time available for forecasts is very limited.With the advent and easy availability of computers, mathematical models are increasingly being used for inflow and flood forecasting. Computer simulation offers a high speed and effective tool for forecasting. The facility of computers enables frequent updating of predictions based on the passage of the flows and for multiple alternatives to be analyzed. Finally, all this is done in real time in the form of Real Time Decision Support System (RT DSS) which is an integrated interactive computer system consisting of analytical tools and information management capabilities, designed to aid decision makers in solving relatively large, structured as well as unstructured problems is a must.To achieve above objective, development of Real Time Decision Support System has been carried out by BBMB under HP-II Project financed by World Bank. The system has been put into practice. The RTDSS comprises of the collection of data through remote sensing instruments, setting up of radars for fairly accurate rain fore cast, transmission of data in real time through satellites and analysis of the same based on mathematical models in real time. RTDSS will provide top management with a well structured, user friendly, practical and complete water resources management information system. RTDSS will provide necessary data & reports at the desired intervals, which will facilitate integrated reservoirs operation decisions from time to time and at short intervals for optimum utilization of water. Real Time DSS will be useful for issuing reliable advance flood warning for preparation of evacuation plan to save the lives and properties. It will facilitate the management to assess the consequences of a set of choices at faster rate. It will also improve quality of decision through increased consistency and transparency RTDSS will promote learning as it explains to the user the process in reaching a particular recommendation with reasoning. In process of developing RT DSS Under HP-II, a huge database and reports of the Sutlej & Beas catchments will be generated, which will be of great use for other hydropower developers in the basins as well. A few illustrations/pictures of the modern data collecting stations set up under RTDSS and Processing system and station are given as under:

Fig -7

Fig 8


Fig 10---------------------------------------------1


Indus River System#Bhakra BeasNations PrideSatluj & Beas BasinsBHAKRA DAMBEAS DAMBEAS RIVERSATLUJ RIVERNangalManaliMandiSuniRampurSanglaDehraPandohSlapperTaboKazaPoohPARVATI RIVERSainj KhadKangraBASPA RIVERSPITI RIVERKulluBilaspurTIBETNSatluj Catchment : 56980 Km2 (20000 Km2 in India)Beas Catchment: 12560 Km2Legend:International BoundaryCatchment BoundaryRivers/KhadsSATLUJ RIVERGobind SagarPong ReservoirPalampurBEAS RIVERBSLSundernagarSuketi KhadBharari KhadNauti KhadNogli KhadBhaba KhadSolding NalaTidong NalaBaner KhadGaj KhadNeogal KhadBinwa KhadUhl RiverHurla NalaSalasi KhadJuniKhadBakhli KhadTirthan RiverBehana KhadGambar KhadAlsaid KhadKansa KhadGhanvi KhadShorang KhadMehbor KhadTaiti KhadRopa KhadTiang NalaRongTongNalaLigti KhadHydro-Meteorological Data Acquisition And TransmissionWIRELESS SYSTEM NETWORKHARYANAB.B.M.BPUNJABCHANDIGARHMADHOPURHARIKEFEROZPURROPARPUNJABBBMBRAMPURSUNIKASOLKAHUBARTHINMANIKARANTHALOUTBHUNTERPANDOHBAGGISLAPPERSUJANPUR TIRANADAUNHARIPUR GULERNAGROTA SURIANREFERENCESWIRELESS TELEPHONE SUNDER NAGARNANGALBBMBTAIL CONTROLB.B.M.BPUNJABTALWARASystem Architecture


WorkstationData Transmission through satelliteRawData ModuleData Decoding ModuleData Transmission from Remote Stations

DAS Server(1 TB)

DMS/ Backup Server(1 TB)

ModelingServer (300GB)DatabaseServer (1 TB)BackupServer (1 TB)


WorkstationAutomatic precipitation gauge Installed at Kalpa, Elevation -2758 m


Full Climatic Station Installed at Pandoh Dam, Elevation 899 mBBMB CONTROL ROOM98