risk in cyber space

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  • 8/2/2019 Risk in Cyber Space


    Cyber Banking

    Using the Internet to perform banking

    functions. Also called electronic banking,

    virtual banking, and online banking.

    Cyber banking allows customers toconduct financial transactions from home,

    business or from the road, on a securewebsite operated by their retail or virtualbank.

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    Consumers can use e-banking to check their

    accounts, pay bills online, secure a loan

    electronically and much more. E-banking saves users time and money. For banks

    it offers an inexpensive alternative to branch


    Many physical banks offer home banking services

    like SBI, Citibank, ICICI, HDFC etc

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    The term online became popular in the late '80s

    and referred to the use of a terminal, keyboard and

    TV (or monitor) to access the banking systemusing a phone line.

    Online services started in New York in 1981 when

    four of the citys major banks (Citibank, Chase

    Manhattan, Chemical and Manufactures Hanover)offered home banking services using the videotex


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    The UKs first home online banking

    services was set up by the Nottingham

    Building Society (NBS) in 1983.

    The system allowed on-line viewing of

    statements, bank transfers and bill


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    Virtual Banks

    Virtual banks have no physical location, but

    only conduct online transactions.

    The world's first fully-functional virtual

    bank was the Security First Network Bank


    These banks were designed without atraditional banking infrastructure.

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    Virtual Banks around the world are: ING Direct

    U Bank

    HSBC Direct

    First Direct

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    Implementation Issues in

    Online Financial Transactions

    Access to Banks Intranets by outsiders

    Many banks provide their customers withpersonalised service by allowing the access to

    the banks intranets

    Using Imaging Systems

    Several financial institutions eg. Bank of

    america, citibank allow customers to viewimages of all their checks, invoices which are inprocess.

    For eg, in SBI transactions, before authorising

    the check you can see the image of the check

  • 8/2/2019 Risk in Cyber Space


    Pricing Online Versus Off-Line Services

    Pricing issues must be taken into account for

    providing the different types of services.

    Mostly computer based banking services are

    offered free by banks whereas offline

    services prove to be costlier than onlineservices

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    Features of online banking


    Electronic bill payment


    Non Transactional

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    Features of online banking

    Transactional (e.g., performing a financial

    transaction such as an account to account

    transfer, paying a bill, wire transfer and

    applications apply for a loan, new account,etc.)

    Electronic bill payment Funds transfer

    between a customer's own checking andsavings accounts, or to another customer's


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    Investment oppurtunities to customers

    like opening of D-MAT account,


    Non-transactional (e.g., online statements,


    Bank statements, Account update.

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    Advantages of Online Banking

    View your Transactions

    Online banking is the quickest way to check

    and see if a transaction has cleared your


    Speedy Work For the Bank

    Online banking is generally quicker than

    the transactions conducted at the ATMS orat the bank.

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    No physical presence is required

    All banks today are encouraging customers

    to bank online rather than going to the bank

    and making transactions.

    24*7 facility is available

    Online banking sites never close. They are

    available 24 hrs a day, seven days a week.

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    Eliminating paper work

    Paying bills online does more than save trees. It

    also helps reduce fuel consumption by the trucksand planes that transport paper checks.


    If you are out of station or even out of country on

    a tour or on an official trip, If you are facing

    money problem, all you have to do is log on to the


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    ATM as a part of cyber banking

    Automated Teller Machines or 24-hourTellers are electronic terminals that let youbank almost any time. To withdraw cash,make deposits, or transfer funds betweenaccounts, you generally insert an ATM cardand enter your PIN. Some financialinstitutions and ATM owners charge a fee,particularly to consumers who dont haveaccounts with them or on transactions atremote locations.

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    Online Billing and Bill Paying

    People prefer to pay monthly bills, such as

    telephone, utilities, rent, credit cards, and

    so on, online. The recipients of such

    payments are equally eager to receivemoney online, because online payments

    are received much more regularly and

    quickly and have lower processing costs.

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    Payment system

    Automatic transfer of funds to pay monthly

    utility bills.

    Like your gas and water bills, the bank

    automatically allows customer to pay these

    bills from there bank accounts.

    Paying bills from online banking accounts.

    Many people pay there monthly rent and

    other bills directly into the payees bank


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    Person to Person direct payment.

    An example of this is Pay Pal, it enable a

    person to send funds to another individual

    over the internet.

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    Disadvantages of cyber banking

    Safety concern

    Meant for tech savvy people

    Sophisticated technology

    Continuous up gradation

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    Disadvantages Contd.

    Safety Concerns: In the article titled, "Is

    Online Banking Safe", cyber scams that

    may target unsuspecting customers wereexplored in great detail. Phishing, the

    presence of malicious software, keylogger

    issues and security concerns due to weakwireless security networks deter people

    from opting for Internet banking

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    Because physical presence of a person is not

    required, that may pose a problem.

    Internet required sophisticated technology.

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    Meant for Tech Savvy People: People

    belonging to the older generation may not

    be tech savvy and may find it difficult toadapt to online banking.

    Continuous up gradation is required

    otherwise the site will become obsolete.

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    Challenges of cyber banking


    Systems Development and Life Cycle



    Return on investment

    Identity Theft

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    Banking Risks

    Same inherent risk and issues as Internet

    Banking, primary risks affected

    Strategic Transaction



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    Strategic Risk

    Determining wireless banking role indelivering products and services

    Defining risk versus reward goals and

    objectives Implementing emerging e-banking strategies

    Rapidly changing technology standards

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    Transaction Risk

    There are various kinds of transaction risks in cyber

    space like

    1. On line fund transfer done by some one else on yourbehalf.

    2. You yourself do fund transfer but to some phishing


    3. Stop payment of a cheque is made by someone else.4. Site not working properly.

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    Unproven standards can have security


    Encourage customers to use goodPIN/Password management practices

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    Reputation Risk

    Reliability of delivery network

    Customer acceptance of no-service due to

    telecommunications issues when they are inareas they expect service - ConsumerExpectations

    Processing and handling of interrupted

    transactions Integration of wireless applications with

    existing products and services

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    Reputation Contd.

    This kind of risk is mostly considered in

    case of HNI (High Net Worth Individual/

    High Net Worth Income) client. Becausethey give bank huge interest as well as

    business. Bank do not want to let them


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    Compliance Issues


    The various risk removal methods used by

    the bank should be compliable to the


    They should not violate the rules of the


    Privacy concerns for customers.

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    Risk in Cyber Space

    Fraudulent practices

    Cyber squatting

    Email Spamming

    Money Laundering

    First Party Risk

    Third Party Risk

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    Fraudulent practices

    Many people are involved only in doing

    fraud. Like they make virus, spyware, trojan

    horse etc.

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    Cyber squatting

    It means a person can subscribe to a domain

    name which may be the name of a brand.

    After that the person can demand moremoney to the brand, if he will sell that

    domain name.

    Eg. Nike, Coke

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    Email Spamming

    Fraud email can be sent to a persons email

    address. Whether a person wants them or


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    Money Laundering

    Money can be sent via the internet from one

    part of the world to the other part of the

    world. This is a good way of making white money

    from black money.

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  • 8/2/2019 Risk in Cyber Space


    Cyber Intelligence

    It is defined as the various methodologies

    used by a company to eliminate risk in

    cyber space. It includes many things

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    A firewall is a set of programs, located at a network

    server that protects the resources of a private networkfrom users from other networks. (The term alsoimplies the security policy that is used with the

    programs.) An enterprise with an intranet that allowsits workers access to the wider Internet installs a

    firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its ownprivate data resources and for controlling whatoutside resources its own users have access to.

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    Virus Scanners and IDS

    Virus is defined as a computer program that do unwantedthings. It may replicates itself many times or it may deleteimportant data.

    Meaning of IDSIntrusion Detection System, is asecurity system that detects inappropriate or maliciousactivity on a computer or network.

    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to determineif a computer network or server has experienced anunauthorized intrusion. An IDS works like a burglar alarm

    system. If it detects a possible intrusion, the IDS systemwill send out an alert or warning which would prompt anadministrator to perform further investigation which mightinclude computer forensics and prosecution.

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    Authentication is the process of determining whethersomeone is, what it is pretended to be. Authentication iscommonly done through the use of logon passwords.

    Knowledge of the password is assumed to guarantee thatthe user is authentic. Each user registers initially has anassigned or self-declared password. On each subsequentuse, the user has to state that password.

    The weakness in this system for transactions is that

    passwords can often be stolen, accidentally revealed, orforgotten.

    That may pose a problem.

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    Encryption is a process of translating a message,called the Plaintext, into an encoded message,called the Ciphertext. This is usually accomplished

    using a secret Encryption Key and a cryptographicCipher.

    Two basic types of Encryption are commonlyused:

    Symmetric Encryption, where a single secret keyis used for both encryption and decryption.

    Asymmetric Encryption, where a pair of keys isused -- one for Encryption and the other forDecryption.

  • 8/2/2019 Risk in Cyber Space


    Active content filter

    A type of malware that uses common, dynamicscripting languages (e.g. Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, or Visual Basic). Vulnerabilities in the

    scripting language are exploited to carry maliciouscode, which could be downloaded through a Webbrowser and executed on a local system withoutthe user's knowledge or consent. Malicious activecontent can be used for many criminal activities,

    including to deliver viruses and worms, send e-mail, record information from the local user, or toredirect users or content. Active content is alsocalled mobile code.

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    Active Content Filter (ACF) removes potentiallymalicious active content (JavaScript, Java)from application content that is displayed in a

    browser that interprets DHTML. The ACF runsover any application content over which usershave control, such as e-mail bodies and subjects orcalendar entries. Filtering of mail messages, forexample, occurs every time a user opens a

    message for viewing, replying, or forwarding. Theoriginal content of the message is stored in thedatabase and the content is filtered on the fly.

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    Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and VulnerabilityEvaluation. It is a suite of tools, techniques, and methodsfor risk-based information security strategic assessmentand planning.

    The OCTAVE methods are

    self-directedSmall teams of organizational personnelacross business units and IT work together to address thesecurity needs of the organization.

    flexibleEach method can be tailored to theorganization's unique risk environment, security andresiliency objectives, and skill level.

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    Chief Security Officer

    Chief Security Officer means the person

    responsible for the organization's entire

    security posture which is digital. CSOs alsofrequently own or participate closely in

    related areas such as business continuity

    planning, loss prevention and fraudprevention, and privacy.