rise of hitler vocabulary

Rise of Hitler Vocabulary

Upload: timothyjgraham

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Rise of hitler vocabulary

Rise of HitlerVocabulary

Page 2: Rise of hitler vocabulary

Nationalism – Example – Adolf Hitler promoted nationalism to convince Germans to support aggression.

Strong support, devotion and loyalty to one's own nation.

Page 3: Rise of hitler vocabulary

Totalitarianism Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all totalitarian leaders.

A government policy where all the decisions are made by one person or group.

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Weimar Republic - The Weimar Republic ended when Hitler came into power.

The name of the government that led Germany from 1919-1933.

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Coup d’etatIn 1923, Hitler attempted a coup d’etat in Germany. He failed and was imprisoned.

A takeover of a government by unconstitutional (illegal) means.

ReichstagExample: The Weimar Government made many decisions in the Reichstag.

The German congress. The government body that makes laws.

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NSDAP (Nazi Party)- Example: The NSDAP took control of Germany after Hitler was appointed chancellor.

Adolf Hitler’s political party. The NSDAP believed in expanding Germany, abolishing the Treaty of Versailles, and racial purity.

Mein Kampf – Hitler’s racist theories blaming the Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI can be found in Mein Kampf.

Book written by Hitler outlining his political beliefs, including anti-Semitism, German nationality, Treaty of Versailles.