ridge valley schoolविशेषण सीखतेदूस ी कक्षा के...

LANGUAGE WEEK Communication is a key element of human existence. We are nothing if we can’t express ourselves. Language is the key to expression and every language contributes in uniting people and making them global citizens. As part of the language week students from grade 3 onwards were part of various activities that helped them strengthen their lingual skills and indulge in unbridled creative expression. November 2018 RIDGE VALLEY SCHOOL Events 1-2 Tiny Tots Corner 3-4 Literacy Corner 5-7 Numeracy Corner 8 UOW Corner 9-10 Inside this issue:

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  • LANGUAGE WEEK Communication is a key element of human existence. We are nothing if we can’t express ourselves. Language is the key to expression and every language contributes in uniting people and making them global citizens. As part of the language week students from grade 3 onwards were part of various activities that helped them strengthen their lingual skills and indulge in unbridled creative expression.

    November 2018


    Events 1-2

    Tiny Tots Corner 3-4

    Literacy Corner 5-7

    Numeracy Corner 8

    UOW Corner 9-10

    Inside this issue:

  • P A G E 2

    RVS Events

    T H E R I D G E A N


  • A Glimpse Into the world of our tiny tots

    P A G E 3 T H E R I D G E A N


    Quantifying followed by number names kept the children busy at the learning centres. Shapes like circle and square were seen in a new dimension as they looked around for spheres and cubes. The foot span was a fun way to introduce measurement and measure the length of the carpet and the width of the classroom.


    Sequencing cards and story mapping keep the children alert as they take turns to narrate the story in the correct order and help each other when an incident therein is missed out! Simple rhyming words were picked up through various activities and they enjoyed making their own by the sound. Reading whether

    through words or pictorially is interesting for the tots.

  • P A G E 4 T H E R I D G E A N


    The children were busy with various craft activities as they got ready for the festival season. They tried to experience how food is consumed during certain festive occasions seated on the floor. Animal shelters was interesting as they discussed and then

    colourfully expressed their ideas.


    The children love to sing the अक्षर song as they practice writing a new अक्षर and then brain storm related vocabulary as well as use the same to practice writing दो अक्षर के शब्द.


    The highlight of the day was the movie show with a

    theatre experience -- tickets, popcorn, juice et al.

  • P A G E 5 T H E R I D G E A N

    Students of Grade V had a blast watching the story of ‘Rumpelstilskin’ on the IWB and giving the story their own twist. Students were divided into groups and asked present their twisted tales on sheets of paper for display. The students not only learnt how stories can be moulded and created, but also learnt o work together in groups, communicate with each other and showcase their best work.

    Shakespeare may terrorize many but our young Ridgeans can tackle the Bard and how! Students of Grade VIII made comic strips out of the famous monologues of ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Shakespeare’- giving our elizabethan author a modern, contemporary twist. It helped students understand the timelessness of literature and its flexibility of interpretations.

    We have been blessed with many inspirational personalities that motivate us towards a certain goal in life. Students of grade 9 paid a tribute to their heroes and heroines by expressing their reverence for them in a poetic form. The budding poets presented their work to the class, creating a wonderful ambience of beautiful expressions.


  • P A G E 6 T H E R I D G E A N

    Students of grade X lend their ears to both Marc Antony and Brutus, entering into the world of clever oration. After appreciating the oratory skills of these legendary literary characters, the class indulged in a little debating of their own where they argued who had a better motive between the two. This activity familiarised the students with the art of oration and how words can be manipulated to communicate different meanings.

    कैसा -ककतना

    विशेषण सीखत ेदसूरी कक्षा के बच्च े।

    तीसरी कक्षा के बच्चों ने पौधों के विभिन्न खाए जाने िाले िागों को ऐसे दशााया ।

  • P A G E 7 T H E R I D G E A N

    चलो पढ़ें “संस्कृत संख्या”

    कक्षा सातिीीं के छात्रों ने सींस्कृत “सींख्या” को जाना और कक्षा में विभिन्न चचत्रों के माध्यम से प्रस्ततु करके उच्च स्िर िाचन का आनींद भलया ।

    हरित दिपावली

    कक्षा छठी के छात्रों ने दीपों ि खुभशयों का त्योहार “ददिाली” के महत्ि को जाना और हररत ददिाली मनाने की शपथ ली।


    कक्षा दसिीीं के छात्रों ने िज़ीर अली के बहादरुी के कारनामे पढे और कक्षा में “कारतूस पाठ की अभिनयात्मक प्रस्तुतत की।

  • P A G E 8 T H E R I D G E A N

    Grade IV children learnt about equivalent fractions with the help of an

    activity using coloured paper strips. The children cut out equal sized

    coloured strips and folded the same into various fractions like half, one-

    fourth, one-sixth, one-eighth, one-sixteenth.

    Objectives of the activity were-

    To understand equivalent fractions

    To conclude that equivalent fractions have the same value.

    Grade III children played a game of money with the help of fake money in class. They were divided into groups and given various

    currency notes of Rs1, 2, 5, 10, 100 etc. Together they calculated the number of notes needed to form a particular amount.

    Students of Grade VII made a calorie chart as a project to identify and compare the nutritional value as

    percentages of a specific food item.

    Students of Grade IX created a cuboid from an A4 sheet and derived the formula for Lateral and Total Surface Area of a

    Cuboid by hands on activity

  • P A G E 9 T H E R I D G E A N

    Students of Grade III were able to compare the jars in terms of capacity (more /less), guessing the level of

    liquid (water) in the jars, comparing jars with respect to taller/shorter, comparing jars in terms of narrow/

    wide and arranging the jars from tallest to shortest. This activity was divided into 4 parts.

    To make a craft of weighing balance and identifying which objects are heavier or lighter in

    weight. The students of Grade IV were asked to bring material like scale, hexagonal pencil, 2

    empty matchboxes, (paper ,double sided tape were provided). Students were able to explore how

    the left side and right side of weighing balance are brought to equilibrium. By putting the objects

    in their empty trays they were to identify which object were heavier or lighter in weight.

    To make a craft of the layer of earth which shows its interior structure and to identify and label the layers of earth. With the help of this activity students of Grade V were able to construct the model of layers of earth. For this activity students were provided with coloured sheets, compass, pencil, marker, scissors, fevicol. The coloured sheets provided were red, orange, yellow, brown and blue. Red colour represents inner core, Orange colour represents outer core, Yellow colour represents mantle, Brown colour represents crust and Blue colour represents earth. Students were given instructions to cut the coloured sheet in the shape of

    circle. Circle of particular radius was drawn with the help of compass.

  • P A G E 1 0 T H E R I D G E A N

    Students of Grade VIII made models of different habitats in groups and played the role of a conservationists to prevent its biodiversity as continuation of last month’s activity. They spoke about the threats faced by the biodiversity and hoe it can be



    The students of Grade VI were able to make an electromagnet, prove that a freely suspended bar magnet aligns itself in north-south direction, observed magnetic field of a bar magnet and also

    compared the magnetic strength of a magnet at its poles and at the center.


    Students of Grade X performed different experiments to observe the properties of ethanoic acid.