richmond dispatch.(richmond, va) 1884-11-02 [p...

THK RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THK DISPATCH COMPASY. The HAILY DlrarATrll ls de-llfeee - t.> a.ii*. te ttlfr* al I levers < «NT» pet wool.. pet11Me Rt Hie carrier an otis. Ma. let al tel |<or annum: fl* locals; tl.00 Km three moiitha; Sile, f .r bbo nenin, .JeV.HKettl-aAI.rKLV lUtPATCll al ti poi aa- ,iii?»..rt I for «lt BBtaflflfS, Tho Vt I FKL! IHal'AT.'H at ll r-r annum. Suhex-rlplleins In sll <-.»«*» pafaMo In adasa.-o. Bud aet i-apot r aUaaed after Hu- sxptratloa <<f Hw Hmo lt* 1.1 f.-r. s.n.I |>-l->ffl,<- nv>n. t-,.ii|,t. t-Jtock. or retlslorod loiter. Currency seni hf mau tslll 1st al the ria' nt Hm sonder. r-nl-.n-'ber* wlOi- ta* their r*-.H-.*t"ro olia li tr d m.isl file llioli old Bl weilaailwif new t-<>«i aa*ea> Ram ni. laaRflflt tree. aha 11,11*11.. ¦ at: ¦*. Uti l is. ,1 I t.l-fs. . t ."'.' t Uaw*. I " ' fl .re*.. 1 .". ' e, liaaoa. I* lltrres. ant" 1 aaaRRs. ti hm R mouHm. 2.! Oi) I'.ntni nelli cars lei re-a.lln' maller It/pe. I! line¬ ar !om, tl ; In at-to taaaflafl 7.1 e. .1*. cara ol ratesv r». mon- apace lun,i.:.. rraajatt. r.a) atc a in.. .> ai ii ni. .-t tata ataai i" a,it TI ImltTe ll , nlll'lM. T'eoe l.d o..miiiiili'1-al.'.ii* atilt RBI Bl rc-liirn.-1. Bl ND.W.SOVEMBKB -'. IBU. Mr. ninnie- Rad Mr'.'..MU Wfl Tile Wasliltiirtuli Pott Ino mil* slot'* I thal Hf. UltlNk- h-i.l sniit llt.l ..ri't ni"'inn' Ataa worth over two .lulltr*. «..* BRI laborer dirr "ne dollar pta ,|.<y," anil Hie iMHHJ** Inti'iir tu, n allowed lu Mr. Iti vini: I . Rt) tm a ni'Hill. Mr. SrtrxCB. e.f Ibis (itv. «it ilulM) and vv lo!' to RORRBT I. li l.tliN,., Iri Riff Ij .1 Ihi* (iii. and not tu Mr. Ill i m...ii t ia*- siiiije-, -I.-uni .-,.¦¦ -.v. ii fi, to Baa*. Tl kahn,,, and ROI from Mi. Ill UNR. ||ft foliow'ni* MOtfl VA'V- UNO.MN. !>. C., D' i"l" I I '. I**' To Ai th ur A. Sfi'-ei Btdtmtnd, Vtu: itu.! r rn eil. il. I hove- no kimvi- l.-vire of. nor do I l»*li< ve. lb il Hoi. J on I.. Maine vu in ul. n-i* nf Hu * .i.i* thal .. Hr nu. iiniii. vt i- w.iriii .v. taro dollars. oi ur I, i>i*-r (MM dollar |. o di." As Hr.- referc -for R '''Ht I>iv:!*.ri A ( ), ii, ti,.- *.iile m. ii! ol their rc mntt vviil, Hr. Itlaine fur the .,iisln. ti,.ii ol liis real. it. . ll) lilia .Uv. i.k lani' - wile nt.-il ai four ilt'llir-ami lol., mr* .' two dollar* jul dm. BORRBI I. li mini,. Ar.-liil.t'i stitt Builder. Hast, ,t i* iiiiiii-nii to Ute rm* ImrI ¦« o' Itii'htnontl ii wMettttofli apos their liteM- L,'i-iire-- for Mi. Iii un:!., wlm Ko* publl«bed tin- above noir in tin- furn "I a . dodg r." BB :i«*llllir that letPJ would are* pl *il. !i :. mile as a reiniro liftioii of Uh Post' -' il ni.'tit. Mr. li iwn,. know* aothioi; ia the world:,«to Um t nit ti of Ibe rhtrro n. n i ur 11 again*! Mr. l'i uni y the Post. Ile does i,1.1 pretend tn know RRTthiRdf about ll ot all. Ile can ffive in NflJ ir.I I Ikfl uniter no . rititiitle that I* WOtti .hiv in u. linn would lu a taliliaala <>f bri other nun talio know* 1)01111111,* ttlnt. vi ii* tu Itu- iiutli Bfl r»i-.itt of the ii o ... Head Mr. l'i.I. him.- Rote carefully. Ile BBB MR kliovvlidt'i tint Mr. BLUM Pin *.u'(l dial no UT'olnni. wm trorth Btttlt Hun two i ollar* a dui. M'lio rn i * nd In- li ul nny *iu I, ItnowlrtlL'f' Neilberhai Mr. Hi . Mr. BrTTBRR hov -ii. ti kROWted*! 'Muir .-« il tie-ate- would hm. I,., n iu-t at ....-il .>* Mr. El kahn,,'*. Nay, K, tl-i. ll Kv \A.I1, natl, wo rc .t. Mr. Ei i Hixo'fl letter BRAtM, nnd yon will learn from it Hut Mr. I'l tis* liml a ,li*|,iil.- willi l.i* .-..litr.-i.-!..!' :i* I wlml kW oll!*lit to t»' I'aid fol bOt'diflg Mi. I-' URtr'l tim Imu*"' IB M'.i*liii:i;t"ii that Mt. El mun., wat oin ol th* rifer..'* ii, Hii'ca«e: and H.ol '>'. thsst ref trees (.not In/ Mt. Rlai m ..leje-i'li mit* were ral.ol ot lour dollar-' and taboreri ni ttre dollar* per ila*." inn unyhodv h. I;, irf, niiiL* Mr. Ill AIN) Ha* «t|'t'nl*, i".*_- of thal vi t lian* lt BRR* winn lu' Mid Hint im nufliaiii. wo* woiH, inori- limn two dollars fldflj' Tin' nf. nv* would nol hm .. BsMR ailed UDOR lo raia in'-chon).* ot four dollars a day if Mi. Hi Ai sk. had |Kiid Hut pric without iii-(in!-*and without n'feree*. Ititi lhere need bfl no room li fl lol lifer- e-iiio*. Mr. Ill list hflfl (Nni'd various oilier rtalaTI Which hate lu cn broUfhl amoilla! hiin. Hf hu* denied ih'-m Kv tek> .mph. and |*HBsja*lted hi* denial- in all the * .ie-. .f il,. | iiiiui on th. sam. dat. Ir om hour Mr. Htn tun. ¦ ltc|.iil.!i'.ni rand Idate fm ( oiiiiii*-, ian o.t o !,!.'.'iain deo*Inf Hie lt nth of the elm lt: that i*. il il i* HOI Hue. Why write to Mr. I-kmi-ni,. when an r<n*iv,'r BBlfhl hire been ol tallied more ei|..olit:ini«lv fi'ini Mr. Hi t'Ni :. ll liv Wirti lo :, man who BBRtWI HOthiR|| 1'htt- . vi a* to i he t it it li or* ol Ibe 11 when ll Wa* *(. Mt* tl COtniRlinletle vvil'i ilie who kiowaall about x mattel Mr. lt: R1R0 eould hov. obi lin. 1li...i*nto! .. itilieitt. * III VlTginb I"ou Ultu win. ..Iiate in, kin,vt I,ol.', in.ii Mi. Ill UN), pier ina!.' Hu- lian,a--,ul i|',',ii- to.,1 lentil i i" n-iil'-rolioii. It i* ii"! Bl til RRBUBBthla Ikafl Mr.<nevil inp would ll ivi Sift ll 1. It'll Rta nf Ililli -ol!. I..-! thr wuii.iii"uien ,,t i .nini i. .ni Mi. 1-1 Mus,.'- uni, furtiu-in*! ivi-..iud de¬ rale foi Ibemtehre* whether the* krn.vv ii,, ni iRtifl "f ptalB I'nlt i-!i word*, oi need an nilli pn ter. Wu tenure lo sa* ilia! Hu v will ,li*e*',rd Mi. Hl'RlRI -n-Iii:-- ll.'ll of ,1. Botltta Cur. hu.i Electti :. !.. *.v Wo hate l.ein lunui- |u| *oli,e lime t,, know tl,,- tnaui fe,tut"- ,,l tin South iro> ima i e, in,ii law*. There ar. InthemBome loalun-. win, I, .veiv *r,,i. u,i| | ,,v,. |, adul.t Inf..,!. tbe i,i-\1 |.i *',|, nli-il ile,. Hot) Ulll.s- Hie- Enleriil tl.tlu.n WWI UT .Tiaaxui. Vt'e i*atb.>r nor intortn .tii.n on th!- siiiijeei from tin Ouil'-!.m Vein and Vtu, .*l li. ii ire two I'olliiiii- oi tot I na-places foi i-ni-h elullui, iir.-eiin-t. Al one ed Ibene the . Hiuliiinie* f,,r *«i ,te. cir. ul:, h ital nive, and coin,tv ..rtic.-i~ a,, votetl lor. and Ri that athel poMtif-phH-r im- eiodldale* fo< I'lf.ldoiilbl oln-t,,is jud foi-,(,:io|i--niel, are ruled for. The two rsalliRy-pla. - ire »e|e-na!i- ami di*.! iu. I."" Ht hil eulin, w viTiliiie !.. -av. 111. 1'r.altli Illili t-liitnis. viii .ne- Bl i, nfl .-!*. will bfl tuted lor vvlti re Hu «!lu *i ile oih- eira are voled foi. *. At il,.- Malo |M*iiink'-'iiM t lhere tn . ihi» year, .ititi atfllat hoiet, ..* follow- i. I...vein..i nntl nant-, .ct < nor. tillie-r -late olVui-r-. I. « ii .ml v,,|i.|i,.. 4. Male Baajatear. ... MetRBcri ot thettouse «.t It.'iir.-*. i.t.iiive-. ,,. ie,min nih ,,. '.. < ou*t.lilli.nul amen.lui'nt i.i. Hie iiide-lileelni-s* of .minto.. Barb box i- plainly lal-e-lle-el, and tin late! in i-t T ik.. |i*lll* lo | III i-i,-h l..,|lo, HItO Hie ROI lle-i". tioto.i for the jaajjRtaei otherwiae, ibe bal- ht MtH nut he ,.milli il. \. |N....| |n,v fe^^ to',- u or.- than Mate for a ladedale for Hie ^^ -sine- ollie. , .-uni w, hold it i* .ll h. ¦ undi..' tin law. |,.un-ur ;. Kv li, md Inv mBjr |i!Os.i|iin,-nl, l,, put nn, |..,l|.|s ,.f IK,- J- lind ,i, difl.-ii-tit l«,te*, or to pill f.-t.-nt hajtaflfl ni U-a *,n,e hoi. \ ballol villi, b _'.?,.* intii ||. iimni: bot .oniitid Lui thi* doc. i,,.* :... ..fie ne.' af lin- votel vt lu. tote * vt ,... .'- V. tel- l.ll«l e-lllir tile, at R lillie, (lld RR) one .\e,|,t|i. in ni ,.- |. allowed lo I, Hi. t, ,,r« i- vt lille be la in lin- |M.I!ii,o.|,|... lin I mt.-il Kiata*! . '"»i>,-t'i« have- i..i right io laterfei in any way wi I, the miidii't v.! Iheelea-liiin at the Mile iKillitiL-'iiUte. i.r wno tm- nflRfl fol |IIC*idiTltl4l ele I.,,. Thi* la*' i-arakTajih i- rifMRI ie. ,,'. -. aad BatetM hm Keen omlll A Poor Ol phau M.-. Hi hihii'- le-Hi lu, e im.iN... leis. a»kini{ for the u|.|».ilitli>( ul af k>|Mlle* luau* a* special (xii,, emt ii. wa*, in vi,vt nf Mr. Hai.i akh'* flflBBRaRtlCfl n* deputf inar.hHl*. ft ell . sit uLsted to rewind mn- af tue Erm. hittan who wa* tried for tin mur¬ der <rf hi* filber and mother, arid who. wiall asked afterr hi- .onttction if br bad -infilling lo sav ll, ki* de fe i.e., ,.-. piled that be wauled the roon to rowen), be, that lie- wa* "a |*oor orphan." A- h. bad made ho to,-elf ao oiphuu. *o Mi. Jltamo bad. by approving* Bili ari.'** b/b. pwinlmeiita, deprived bimtelf of ill claim Upteli tllTort AlRRttjTVN OT Hie Detuocrilli' BBBft Con*'mini- Election Laws. We (bink lt ls time enough for s Ju,Ur 11 eotistrue election t*w* whee Ihef entne be¬ fore him for Jiulicl.i! eoiislrueiltin. Judge Hkvix. of Ibe Is-ilterf states Iiittrid GBSMi nf :*mith ('ni-nlins, wlitini we line liere!.- fnre quotetl on Hu* BSMBSt, lakes tlir* tine Ctiiuiitl. In Sm ember, issn. upon Hie Ih neb. uni ns s, entntilix.imi r of li-efl'i:-, be iii- bled ls follows .. I sin eolii|-*i!.i| In sa* lln'se in- .lluetinn* .tmnbl baie been niven in (be lst--lil«e«if lb.' law. Tliese tillie! il. BBOUld bate lalerpri leal Hm law, kat < Hie law." ..I it ill onli s;,v tint what I BOW regard lt 11...die and ii'rn|ier tu 1st inac tl tksl ike kia sii-.uid ba liter iiiv Tinted. Tmi Ike run limit y of Ike BB*"erv*aora nnd tmr- ,1.1,1* -bunill be glvea tbeui in Ike laninn ¦¦- nf Hie lint. Tb"!, Ibe**- nllb-'al- iind-i I itv-' te mi, t-ptxrl Ike ls« let them, -u--. lo In k il Bp, '" iletine ii, to t*lic pr. ci-" nt* ti isuee, n,-: la Ike IsBfruaaeof ti lew. bul tn tin ir own nu ii ne, H steal* to rae tim Hu v linn ai ne bemud thur nu l.'-mt i. T'liivli-i" ibme Hint which may IflVOlVC ll.iinseliis Ul (itililile lilli 'iTiltir trmible ii-toa lae r-eoulr In assuming s function tbsl lue ii iini uni |iiil upon ililli)." Jilli.c ll. iel!. '.I .Ililli" AtKlv bate to sit in ease* ib wfclek .ire Involved v points which .l,nl<e Un.ut * in ll i-ti-lli *|i 1Kb lue tinder! 11-1- ' nb ide iii bi- him) words. If i Jt:11 ir quotes Hm vv. iii- nf ike ii«. -iini tell* Um eteci o of- Bern tie v ire '-. governed by those nord* "' Hist law, weil snd .¦cl. Hui vi inn be leila the rieeUoa officers i-. !i Tn eun-tnuiiim of tin- lau i,. ., .fin iv ir,|. criiui-ii Lu -i jiff.,in lii-iii"- iii i for an offence against flint law, aaki bim to til-It tnt the iii. Hint is be tn d-i; In ninety-nine es*-'* out of i hundred hi aili stlek to bb otra instrncHoa. He will l,ive prejudged lite ease aad ia advance :i n tn ti ii* -al lu. decision. sse ttptlti' Un te i. ti.nil.- because Judge llmm has Just written tbe follow Ina let* ti i. We hesitated before i oneludloi*'to pub¬ lish fbi- niTe.|iuliiiiiee. itlllcb Judge Xl- kibs lu* kindly furnished to us. Bal .- ibe Judie* will do doubt be oa Tuesaa* tn st j mt wael tin v are to-dajr, weaupiiose (Imf BO lenin mn rfSUll fnun Its pUbllea- lien, .lui^e iii mu* mseniies kl* oil ce, ll, iv.uiiii by hi* kal invert tba vt tts offl- .. |, int.. I lilied St it. , SM- baie i.i ti n ci mi tint neilin.* bs true. The ti ,t of bis letbr i. ind si, ubjeeHuiinble. Hi si isl.. . oi si ii Richmond, . .ll IMIK'S (Hi It-R, Hu BRONb, Hi In!.' I 38, |SS|. ) ll. Robert lb. lix,-,hr., : (lear sllldr-C, I writ. In Inquire nip Pi von vvii Le in Richmond before (be elec- Hun. I - li* ii i.i ic v-iv "1 ul in line s con¬ ference uiiii ron about question* which may arina na day nf election inch ns' mi iffidsvlts, urns! nf judges, Ac. I am - in-tied lint,I entne tn .nu un -n-i .iiiuliti". aimil would obviate sll trou¬ ble. I Hu-! inn lune entire!; recovered from your late sii Mies*. With kind l. .ml-, v. ty tildi y< Hf.. Timi! vs sj, Aikiss. Ni n: AiiiMiins. 11. !o'"i i". 1881. Hon. Thi t linn Judge, I have hi-i roc-itr,! your bu-1 ..f tl, -xii, um nit. SS ii. n I eal.ii: lure nu Hie lath lo lake inv f 'iiiiiv in il,e im-i I was seized .villi an -i* ute attack of sciatics, wbleb for- badi ni motion aud pr strafed me. Coming ntl lons attack til rheumatism. A*".. In milder form, this attack ls more obstinate linn i' iv. Hld Otherwise baie In ii. ll will tint he possible, therefore, lor me to lie in Richmond lielorc nu lection, a- yon -iijoi-i. | hii|i.' tu Le nilli-iii eel down to Norfolk on tbe lld November. lilabb t.iiiljui tile ilivnlll li*e nf .mural conference with you un Ute lews relating id the approaching I- deral elect ion. ns you Invite, w ill .rue nf you tin- liberty of saving a ft-vi Hung* oa Hie subject in uri- lui", mi in tin expectation of ntl ¦-.tim' V nil own ll* ll-lll illireS View-. bUl "lill ol sppi I-in jj tun *.f mine, A eniiliuiil view uiin li l Imld un tie .llbjeil j,. Hist SClle ollie T's WBO offiri it-' I FnleTiil ibetlntls ale, BS tO thu-c lieiiiut)., (dip-1. ol the I'nlted Wale* ami amenable Io Ibe hw* of tin* I'aited Mate* in theil i iindint ni conducting t-hose elec* liens. If tbei vin! de any ol Hin.e law , in xecuttntr their it Hst* they are amenable lo iiuiu'tiiii nt nmI trial before tbe I'nitcd xiate. e,.int., nn.i in- liable to arrest even while In Ibe preterded discharge ol their duly. This I* a |Roposition which I *'n>- ju... ii iii in-I I--- di-i iited. A* lo voting -ui affidavit*, im tu in ba- a riabl to vote on a ilm|*ie n ith Hi il he i- en- iitli il lo bul hlietl i" qualify proper¬ ly. He inns! -d out in lu- affidavit Ibm lu- In- ii righi ti mte hi lint particular precinct: tba! be was entitled tu ben. ii n d in thal pren Inti; thal he offered inn-..I fu registration tbere within thc lime ptc-ciiiuii by inv for the purpooe; .ml I bat be toiled to be registered uh iii ii ile i' mil ol the rt {inti ring ofBi er. Now, ,. tn thc serious matti ol lie ir- if«t of election nib. er- while rn iii .1 b.n gc ol theil duties. Neither n com¬ mission from im- si ne nor fi-om ihe I tailed s, ,,e. -rive* linmuniti i..i wilful vii'dulion* of law. Xor docs the .iii isl oa!!i alway- lestrain officer* fruin tio'aiin.' the t.ii laws which tbei are -itoin tn administer. Therefore, neither Ihe uini' lon ii-.i tbe oath inn*l '-¦¦ He-ni toproleci iiibe. i. finite lif.t who wilfully i.e ba Hon law* for tbe purpi-e of deputing mien ol lin ii righi nf stilTi Um ni n s's ol eh-, lion "tii.i rs tinghi n.-i in in- in ide li.gblly otiebl not lie rn ide except fm grave cunt, after ii become-i ti ititi st tl il cnn. ns entitled lo v..n- are w iiiiiHi iii'i-nieii nf Hie franchise by tb. ollie* ls bi ile- ui'iii in r in which tln-v per¬ form theil lint ii -. tn i.e. ol Ibis sort toll IPS d lil" Itt In until! ititi pilbil,ll tie-t nit, ii sp,I,,, commissioner*, j. fruin im, tbni tux arrest ol tm election iii ¦.¦. while in ili-tieu 'gr ol Iii- dillie* ,- lo bc made ni Hu bu..m.I except Biter advise- un tu with you and lull opportunist given iou lo supph the ia an. v occasioned bj .lie ali esl. I'm all iiii sc mini-mun, I nil upon lini,e *ei tiiuis of Un- I'nlted States Bel lied matines u|M.ii which | relied iii -iiitu In¬ struction* in November, 188*1. learned lawyers ..i Rlcbmoml contended, il. n. thal the lions had bi n repcalt d bi ci n un dei islons ol the Supreme tl mri nf tb.- I lilted -tat, ,. But, Bs T-al- ral elect k-n*, ibev bat,- nm er I-f lt *u rep tated but hate been tidied lipoil .,- valid bv the supreme i mut it-elf In several ease*', and rsprriallj In tbe quite recenl ease iTora (ii orita of i.. ir ) arborou th, in IQ I mt. il Stall - Reports, Writ Inv fruin mea m. the citation maj be pa itu, lie insc- male. I -inti ri li trust, however, and cobb- t* nt v In lien-, (hal tin- Flection tn Rich- iiiuiul wm be fairly ind pe-tcefullj con- dm eil. I hope to reach Norfolk ea thu afternoon of Ibe .Td ol November, and to be In mi Mlii, lhere all daj on th. Bb. X otu nio.t -in. .a eli. Bo. ss. il, um .. nte*renttng Lettei Tin- [nihill in- letters itill bott! Ire |*Ad with Interest, xs.- do aol Lu-..v (kat Mr. Wool s's lilli i w ,. lutended lor publica¬ tion bul in si -un thal he will I ll- for .Minc lo 0111 lead- rs iht i- el ut w - Iii -i mi, fruin the lower Valley. . nun onahill LB, X i.,n. t :|, |ss|. To tht Uiti'.i, x.t th Dispatch: Belo** iou . letter .ui.! received m.m Ml SS ilh,p. ||. (,.,,I-iii,|. .tatm. ibat bi* letterable father mm ninety-two v..,rs old wi... I,,. ,,..t tot. .1 tine,- the wai, bas re-*i»tei, ,i. ,11,1 will iote for < levehmd sud '.i" Ihe rascal* out. In ant.-bellum ''in- - iii. dui mu » i iviiitiit and uiin. ni citizen. I lu spirit thal aol- in ai--Un- -.ld genlte-maa i- abroad In tbi* -- lion, .uni nut in ii look lor a spleadld U .nd ni Slluiii.uii I bait Jual returned Iron a invaasing t- ur in ft-Re and Rinpakannoek. m P llelipit-l it. bal. tip ii vial' paint ,,|i. ami aili en|.iun- ii,, eounty, isv eipeel a -pun Hm i .¦( nd .:¦ i. Shenandoah alli re ii* a ina.iniiii. BaornbaBBot-k will ,'". -.!. I '-'. Hie in.ijuiilv ;n Ital* uii.-it -.ional,ci will iLulill v !.(*'.'. Besjiectlully yours, Mn UAH SS .".ns. VuMil (.llii! \, kl Iii Ul III I (.1 MV. \ A., * October .7, ix-t. t, optain tin a,-ii. ll oodn Dear Slr, Mj latker. N'siAsaaM UariaatJ, a.. nf North tiinlen pic tin i. this eounii. mit ill Ibe llioeti-s ii 'nnil uni nf his i-f, i-i,'I-te I'i l( for Ikf lil-l lillie tatt week, mid sra estes oi* sVlersas-inatioa, keaMh aad >saltier |*t*rmRilni. to casi hi* vote r.r I* vt toad sud Renell kati -ni (he ti i nf .w l-lllber. Ile *.,i. lu bj* bull lull. ml nf the ilishmp -t iaaBfl af Hie Repub- inn Ililli, ind bad long tad pnfieiiili siled for Hie ,vi.iuii*er uni Htil-tliiiikin . niels of Hie eupiury lu uuti the (lotiiiu.iiit »lty. vyltim' tiiii-ynb i»:«i|m-ii-i(j,-, hue I*ee.inir inl.itetalilc; and now, rn one nf Hu* Old Hu nd, h* , .ina tn Um reacii". anti when vide rr ha* |n-rrlied upon the Iniiner* pf tho DiflRUUrRfll he will «»y. Ta did Wolfe lt lill.'.... " I .11" content." Ile hO|R>* tho' .til lon r* .f --.old BRd hone-t RaorenimrRl Will folk)t li* .\ tiniil" mid vut.f'irl l"Vr- l.d mi Hd'.lti.l.*. Ha thinks il .1 du r vi n ratteri wea fohlaaaetl BRd tepoateflty lorne thal Itchei, Very truly and re¬ al...HUI-. Win iva ll. liam HW. TIM Pcpulnr Votn in IMO Bad 187 I. lin iiuniii, Oetober II. MSI wm n,.! the IHspatch pRbllibin lu i*ub« ilov's lesatie Ihe roajorltle* riven Tlld fl Ib i*-:<; ami Hui"."k in IMO i>v the dltTerenl Mat**, to thal wi nra" eomptre th on wic, the reinrti* (bal oohw Ifl I' '-'' ¦¦*".¦. iRdoMtge AKmid" Thc foil,,vt ino i,'.'-. tltawi tht i itflfl whiel, .. i Reider'' Mkt fm -,,_ IBU ll,, - ,,.il.-!.| T«l l-'i ii-iio t:,|'. !. Ko tn (,,,, -; r.n.i;i iob.¦.¦. ,;- '.¦ lr| All I-!. 41 ileil flfl.1171 ,, no | .., -n. i|x 76.4rt* : I, -' i i,; .:., it ¦.: IBO Bj -....!>, u .. . .ni 84 ll .. Bl mi ni '.'I ¦'¦*." :' 11, ..I*, '.I.. * IT. ('I !>.'¦' ,,, (Jil L'l.-ne |. 14 le, 111... or;..Cl il-. "07 3*H.«01 27J.I4I2 . l-l 1)04 1 12.0VD 7 I.I '7 I, ,- -¦. ; .> I 'I.-."li 0 7 ic.' K. ,:*:¦¦. 104.15.1 I* IA " JJ I,j i -.. -1 .17.0"l Tn. 'o'- Tot . M, 05.171 71." io K.i.* Md io Tu.. 7R.515 01,710 71 o-l vi,,-, in...," !..:,.-".. li.R.77* I v, 131.301 I*-... ni III'.''. I ('......ll Mn *: -.1., tn.ono M.7 io ; "1 V. T*. 7.*." 94.8*4 11-2.1 70 M.. |,|,.i l.-oi7 l-o t.1,77 S>l, ¦.-.-,¦! ;,t.!i,*'.i 17.oM rll.DIrl n, .' ol M.7 i¦. B.ti - in. .** . s. ii. t".7 I M.-:,.' :..-...>'"i ) v .,. i- :,- i- ... ..*.', Ll tot 1"K'. NV -'ll ¦".- l.'l I'll- ¦"' s ll' l|.1.H7fl It6 17 ***. 1 17 MI.I. Ul 17* l- '.' 1,18'J Ol".,-, i* ,,,, lu.-,I- fll',610 14.110 H H., u kt. tiiT ¦* nan.ift* t-i i: io 7*0 i-.i'i'. i".711 I'.:-: *.. i I.'.'.il .'.-..',7 ',,-,',",; 'U.-I" !". .! 1-7 i'.77 1 I'e.H'oi si,-,,., Tot '. -I !"1.7',.'i il-"' \ -a*i 45., i" .'..". i ii' VS 1 TO ¦'¦'¦' iv. v. :.; itu i ii..'i: 51.45.'. i.'.ii'.i-e Vi Ill 'i'll ll. i'.'7 I.' I.B37 ."-ii' - I eil III 1 I ', ( H4.757 4 fl, , lilli 7.' I- ..'.*.".-"7 tll.Hhi i. .' -t --" I,.. ,i mt, ¦" .070 ?. 11. Thc N, rth A,I- ,,1 ,,1.1 !,u*iii' -* friend* hu,' gone lonee Mic Kxpoiitlon tlie Old N'orth stoic im. made ol ber product* al K ilei'/b, and tiler Im k* w ord* lo cn,.re*- ibe pie ,-ur.- ,mi |ir,,i:i ll afl irded them, They only re- ¦int they hare is thal ol I Virginia doe* n it simvv Ibe ATtne enterprise, for wlm rm tell the mea* ti re i benetll 1 Kl ite mini re eire from Mich 1 di*;,Itv ol ber retonree*! iiinti 0 IniiiilrcilHioiis'iiiil i.',,|,le vUiledllie Kx ;>,,*, ti on. and every oneof them will prove 10 ht ir o', iii*, r "f a bil he -m \\ bile on'y half the ronni ie* In the Waif were ¦pecialiy rej.Ried, vt hot thal li Hf h id n. sbott ti!!,,I vi v I ar.i!inion'* lc ir, wilb 11 ide, Sex\ v, ri every rounty R i'i h there, wben nc hope Blchmond will * nd lo are ll inch tn ri tunion 0* trill iwtonith Ihe native*, Virginia and North 4'arollna ore bound togelber by to many tie* that ve 1. Jolee w i; I, bi 1. will, all om tie ut, over the *|>lf ll,lid -11,cc** of Ihi*'.il. uni willi lui iona and daughter* tht enjoy¬ ment ol Rood thing. Bul ive rive her nit. .. th ,t wc. to i. mt,'ul to wake up omi try to mutate ber In h t i iTnrt* to 111- proic the general protperity. Another Dodg n Mr. Iii barb i* mit in fl dodger d ited ii,i., 2»tb- hi* ti mil appeal- evhleb ,-- Niime* thal be and Hie fen white m-*n and tbe gang ol !i--..!,>c* who tupport him know lu ttl what ire the re tl loteretta <>l Rich¬ mond ami of \ Irxlnia thin J" Hie men rompoflinj* tbe told body ni white voter* of Ihi* ill Hie mer. haul*. Hi. iiu-e'.iat)!,'.. the lawyer*, tbe lahorrra, tbe doctor*, and, we might add, tbe clergy who ire Itoiting i.koiim: ll, vVimr, To stal 1 H.- i'|."*iii"ii I* to refute it. Tbe people ol Hit 'hinom! -Hie while linn who pay t ,\ - will, nine tenth* of them, vote fo iii ohm H. Wibi. nchiiemenl Fi ir Petty J. ip Iv,. 1,1.Vf V V. llKNTIV ,nvi r, Vt., 1 Uctober 31, IR8I. v li, the Uditoi oj tht IRspatcl Willyun pleaae Inform me ii wha ihe law wo* cnn1..1 (li*fi'.iii.iii-ui_' all veter* who i! ere eonvk ted ol petti ir I. W. -.' The i,,v ff i- approved April I". 1877. -end nay be found on |>age 'J*! ol tbe Act* of A*n"nil,lv for 1876 77. The law i«. ol course. Hill iii force, seeing tim the 4'or.- -liiinion itlll diilrancbite* all p r* n- RUilty ed Hy ireent. Mi. Bl aim lindiog that the trreal lode- j,ri dent movement in Iii* I'Htv keeps roll¬ ing on, shriek* in their ear* luttrell m Hie Koiilh. A lien.I could not do woi- -. Il :.. to 'i* vv llb buttered um ii*. nilichof lie .. era ol' ., i", .-lill _..'' And Mu ii rime the revelation*of hi*. . u bal man ii tbe South an read th ii record and nol tun from Lon with lo i'h:ii_-\' What thc tarli*, wbul i* anything rom- pap d w Uh hai ins -,;' I' ¦' .r' durr lu Ihe In rbi *' ofli. '. in the ind I'be h ,v* ol t, -di y « ill lee the mon "f tn-nmrrnn If -ii.-l, u man a* Hi hm eau l.* mad.' I'l.-iih"it. where i- thc call lo t lift ino ,,ini Integrity* And where will v,,u. boy* lie willi such an example ia thu! be- loi' their ev ..-;- Thej ,- ,,.,,- in i ,,>n re- *| .,ii-iKlfity. Lill,,-r-: and lin- cliaPl.Tei ..I Ibe workingman'* -,,i) \* a* dearin him, niki to tin- moth, *i l, lion thal ton. ..* i- Ihtt ol liim w im stand* -on t Hie richi -t in ;In- laud. Pondi ibeae Ihinga, and w..ik ai ever nun worked t.Ilia! Iii aim i* defeated, bortc, foot, ind ilra- l in Ri.aivi: organ* Inti, endeavored m make capital oul ol the statement thal ( mm ivn ba* m. v mu- on lb, irifl i|Ul stl in, ll, I'- ;- be -aid in bi* \",v ark *i i e. li l ' ... ¦' limitali , to the ,//.-/'* netth should he. Outr! i,ii.,,,it ,/,-,. .,, tabor oj 'he ability lo a icesufully niil, foreign lalntrand le'dhont ls of our I o',.,o/,- ulalie .." i oiitd anj om de»ire i more et p)i< ii .i,-- Ul limn :. Tin « Ulpt |m '.'-/. ,. Holli- ||| ;, mifi t nilli .ni article In which Judge St*. ri io.'* . hriallan name i- spelled Wai ria. The blunder wa« nol tn ide bj tis. Tbe lei loral ticket* arc litbograpbed ticket*. and on allot them Jlldxe Mill,.-'- nani' appear*, aa ll appeared rn thc Dispatch a fen dav- azo, I* " W R. -i t i-i , -," ll lian i* VT Al KR, M***P>, lli-i, .I.His-kin ,\ .... bave ..nt ut Pan li. "i stoiroxtu's liittionary. We quote: .. >1ai ni rt ., mal -¦' pt ,| adj io Knut." tr. Ni ta Hooks. Vi '" o, ll "'¦,. Bj l-'i:i\ ii Parr. usa. auiii,.i ,.,i I'uiiie. rt ,,i (.'rance lu Ihe Nt r Wurid." Ac. Ac A t. \ -Junie I. BOstOfl l.'l III. BWBV N R 1 ". 1**1. Hus i- pan seventh ,,f tba s,.n, ^, tlt,i .,i. l lame- and Ung land Ir North America, I -Hit* of |li*i,iii.':,| sk,-|,-lu-..' I < -Rle by tho publtoher*. ' ¦'"''/ oi ll. A < oin|,i,lui,.,T'- lli«ioit .f Duellini in Alu',Hinno... |n. . ... -olilli Ml. 11,1 ,| jj .. » .,,, Tropical (.llifornia." tte. itato. Patt, Mt, Extra cloth, beveled, |J, \,. 'eil luKK*. HOWABR rn Hi ii bi tnOA I KM. Ma.i.u Tbi ma', mil.i luve been a diligent llail.i anil coll, ,-lu, .f material fron, | iiuiiiiiiiile af scHtlerceJ .om,-e.. H |. claim- Mi. and Hie i, slims rio reatta t,. donni, ilia! nh,ii lo om,i. upon *|..ciijrji ,,,.|. ten I'ooldeil lui.lilc inectir-; tv In.h .ju ¦' l.c-oti a* a duel tjinl* ktaTfl ;, nientioii, iv ill, IKilIie* of Hiepl'Hli i|..,N, :i||,| v.TVl'cil- H*Ml Bl *ta-.N, mill fre(|iieniif of tRflaRM ii'.il. iiniatlllics, Vthlle i-iich of Hie cjio. titllv notable combat* ratf/cff/Bj . (ujj j^ 1 B1\JE* bj 1 f AC7A -CB- JUIQUIB. We feir Ibat the author w.t. earths* rn verifying bi* statement*. SS*.- unlbe nintes known to ns to be wr)ti7. Howcv. r. *.. fir fla our knowledge of Use si.l ject goes, we eui say 'hit Ibo ml**!.' mont* do ml emu .ni itii|**>rt*nt points. lui bv (lie publishers- -¦rui/fi, rtn/f the lleast. A Novel. Itv ii Tvit *ii niilb-T Si " I be llu.'u- wat l-'aniilv," *<.-. A¦*. »*¦»¦»*. *»«.**- K,,r-.:-¦ Li SS -I. iiiiixsT'is . Ct). Bread-Making. Hi T. N J. BewYork; (.. P, Pl lMM'sSnss. I ***** 1 i. nie ky IfaBr, toMtmnb ** Ob. BRIEF COMMENT. Th, xe./jf/.V/ii'Wtrt-issys: "Th- n Y,,,k ."." I- trulyindeneadent paper." Si.. indy ill,I-iK-lldeill of every th.n lika irintil'-'- Admiral Pn iraa tfceuld writ i noni is no! at all *iirpri-Hi,' Om nn/v it novel affair. Bul f ¦;¦ *' snnine Brid v ( uts ..: i baie lum completely strwtW. t,: eMeemed i*ontt,mporarj ssjrs on I j tklni n in thal ti**eis Ihe ptipularlfy -ir Ibe purni kia-pie la v- a Bailaad it th H, | ul,lieut Iii In 1." Xiii "ll Hie Ith .! Nui.iiib, r the Bepublicaa Henel will be .i|ii.!-h'il md ¦. late pi t. T he BaBinwre i- Hewi ilican) -ai-: "Bul one thia*t* certain co-nip- liuii ind Intimidation min! -ene in th- .,,,,11, i mr. .-I. .Xml lor thal reason the Miiitht in pi.| h ropose to defeat Hi 'party .'.Iii in nm! e irrupt! m. hr Sen X ort /.'.¦" *..'. " " Ike .".;,. ol ile luterioi l" psrtmen c ''iii lie laid open before the people, uni thc almost innumei ih |ob* In public ind* exp ned, il i- nation would '"¦ Binaxed. Bul there would lie tu. exposure under bb Adminlt- m.trolled hf lit vi---. Els ins, Coi n. sud nui:i ." Tnrn the ra«i il* nut, ind rel i sakai the books. T ju- Baltimore I mei, i ra nus and X enus will Ik. -n mi tbe llb of N »veni!x r it U o'cl wk ni ibe morning. Just at this mom -nt tbe pull- a ill lie ni u fm Un reception ol lu'- !..t- ii hhii will twelve hutu* lab li ns,' el," Considering thal li i- iimiii ii,., ibe f:nlui ol Saturn and Ibat if Ht ti; i. i* iii led we shall h ivi a p ilitie ii ,t a. ilia, lht Intel in' remark* act len -inrji stile, and we are nol surprised thal tim ui.l fellow Iel Venus maki « g.. ol iiim. IV rxiiiiiil. King Leopold,ol Belgium, in- pr ni si to King Humbert, "f Haly, i silver me lal for his hiimanllj ind devotion to the chole- i-i i n ki n |.eii,'le ol Maple*. Willi un Cullen'', mun uv will be honored Monday. Ihe anniversary of hi* Irtb, In lin- pbntins ol tm - on Hm |i ¦'<¦ in- grotinibi al Roslyn. I.. I, Jame* n'K-liv. Xl. I*, lor Bo*ctimm*in, nill n lin fr. ni Tn li un. ut al thc end ol Ru- jil- .eui session mu come tn America to .jo into Ihe mw.p.p. i.,;.iiie... John .In. kaon. ol I. iHrangc, ol v n Xiii k State, keep standing on the -iii ol the road a bini nil. d nilli pure ci let w Ith tin-cup within re n-b, Invitin-j all tin li:.-ive*. Prince < rosby, supposed tn Ire more Hi in 104 ycirs ol agc, tl.-centlyal Fishkill, t nu. Ile iv ,. fmiii. iii I!,- si ive ol I iiini, . rosby, 1- Im lig'ured a* llsrvej lin h iii ( ii i" r's novel, .. Tbe Spy," lien Rubinstein, when tired nf his triumphal pioirt ¦- ihroit li ii »|ie, r- fires to hi* i Illa rn ir -c I'i tei -bure, and there, surrounded hy hi- family, be prc- pm - for Hi" ni \t camiiaign. The wife of the late Sf ill,m | storey, of Ibe !.. would inn Iel bi* Hies see hiiii before hi- di .it. and Iht I ui icd li..*, il to ..ppenr before the court ind *k foi an injunction igainsl hei. Mi. nnd.H.-. 1. Marion Crawford will visit Ib-iiie. and. iii-1 sj,, riding purl ol thc winter in Europe, nill return to tbi* colin- uv. nnd In ibo summer will occupy Om- Iii .i hi homestead, in llanover, N. Il, D'lffl il Will sail t*. ith bi- .lute from Southampton for India, November I'jib. in the Peninsula and < mi- I any** Tasmania, a swift steamer, i willi her connections, ivii! bring the nen S pei.,i io ul thc lab st. He em¬ it* ni:. licit si ,k mi', memory .*. iii Ire ki pi gre n v h.- S'n nm -e. ,\ streel in Ihe i| to ic .nen the painti i'- nain.. Makin m. niiii,.ut. raised by miall popular min¬ ti-, i- in inti planned and a MaVart \- liibitioii i- ir, adi spoken f, i- ml et.iv ono oi Ihe artist'* work* which em ,,--'¦- In- obtained. Here mill I here. Ill -I. I. oil- a Ben I'o'li'i aid |l IV elli ll ol pn -p. itu! willow.i '- l'-iti- tried -rn . -tiiul -trcci. i it' i- ii,- mud-bed i* dug i-i rolled lay r ,n .i b ls put rion n iid oated i- iii -ami. iiii. i. .ia il ii iii i-i ril-t 'i. on nil! ii bie-'ip i ".uini!.I Im k* ure .*¦( upright « iib nu idin uri, h l. tuc n il,.- mn i th, (im tte Hu n his -pm-1* t lied piii wai np ivith Un- wu iv ith .'lilli Illili Iii I .111! "ll in e uli¬ pa, iii. Thi* p.,-.. men! is linn. e|j*|j,. md .....|..i; inn iel-, I----, hui uslll, he -'I*-* ls ol SS tin ipi. resent Hil ntl. I '|m r.i-xla-. ev, ip.,;. . .,,-,. ,,;|,.,| bi half-tire, i- -bod with mo i-in«: dain- nli-di.I Lob. - ol toshion u side dj tide with thc li,dim motbei ivim-e infnnl tesl* In a brai li il ;- kel erndle with a u. den icu!., which is to*tem i r.uiii the i'. ip, U i i .ni ,,f u,ni,bu yoke. .. mounted imiIicc, whose duties lie out¬ side the un limits, looking alter the illicit ni rodie Hon *.f liquot Into thi prot inc alli wal* bing on r the Indian-. In ike a bil "f righi ..lor. Their searle! ott* and ii bili mi bat. en. Le ... n and distin¬ guish) ,| a !, Hg di-tau. vi .,i Then .- * i-' |-ed ol rock -iii n th < nioI';,Un lil -erl. neil I.latin, alni Hu Soul ll- .in I * laying thc U iel le- ait mine, bua Lc.-n obi ged lo gr nb lin- road for I.'Mo feel with blot ki ol liful liiiup, ol sall crystal*. Tin- i- Ibe br*t in.fain e of a railroad road-bed being laid iiiul ballasted with sall of which we bate ant knowb din Tbi -ci thal lolled Ott lill- pl ne due.| ii;, .,n,| blt a i i-i i-i ol nil about fifty iniie. iii length. bi quality i- *upi b and supply Inex- liaustiblc fintssboppers ..I enormous size .¦ml "Lint centiped » have lieen pit kid. ill il an tfl-dsy, liter the lap-e ,,f tttlliie-. in lt il -i/e and p-rt". Hon ul -ii tpe, A holidai was lo have lieen fit, n itch ;.i the -tildi nt* -i Sew anet i oil ge, J en- m --".. he loicti,,,,,.ifon ,],,- ,|,, ,,.,. ol the -en niiije iiiiil --rn- noticed alarm¬ ing i-han-rr* ill lu- Laiuiip'l, i. |'ie.,||.|. lite inslmmenl crowded np, th iwed un- -I-1rn salon, ind w i- ii a ter¬ rible state alt. ....lin i. | be prof! -.,.| f<irt«:iH i. iniie., uni .ind. ,| the .i-hi giving tbe hoyt holiday tbe in tl dav, |.o-;p..iiiii*: tie lr iipii-i. \eiir- »lon. I bi nexl moi ning iii -m ro.i dav i,iiim and mild. b. boy*. ¦ii " latin" Ric situation, pul ob their nibl ei-taits, boots, .uni attended recli i- linn, vi iii ii,lo, lta-i ii.e.|. They nishtrl through sunshine is if pursued bi bowling w Iuds, and shook tbemselvi - on entering tbe le(*Iure-roon)« a- if emer-pn*- li.ii, dn neilin..- t in-. The facility Iel Ihe bot* off. and the scientific professor over¬ hauled bi* iiaiuiii- ti r. Hi.\l.i give* the illowin table ..( wbal a full-grow n man should neigh ind boa Hi . weight -billilli In- divided .. IV.i dr*, lol i.. nedi up Hui.: X|i;,; |., ,m,| t| appniii Bann -. 681.. skeleton, it *,.; .kin. I.; fat. -.* «.: brato, *) a.; rboracli iiseoia..'. *..: abdominal viscera, na,.: blood which woubl drain Iron Ike l-odv, TTm tu;in nu-ld tn ,'..n-niiii' pi lean bi (-.leal,, .'i.uuu .i..: bread, i;.n*u st-..: milk. ",600 frs.; potatoei, :*,000 ..¦rs.: butter, ino -rra., and water. -K.B00 "fs. Hi* heart sbould Li ut 73 tiB"*** a min¬ ute six! be should brealke 15 lime, a min¬ nie. In a bom. lp iv-iiilil tiiiai, I.;,,,) lilllie feet of pun ail lu Ihe est, pt ,,( |.., eui: a tann. Mien torc af ihi Brei|BI mrp. lind OUffkl IO lian BOO lee* of areli. i * lil aird space. Ile would llil'oit of) by Hie skin Isp/, m waler. iuO m, nf snliil liUiltei, ,,ud 40<i .; I*, of earl,,,nj, acid el erv 84 hours, aad kl* tniui los* durtog tka Sf liiuir- Wimbi Im* U "..sf ivat.i and a lillie ibnvi- .> a. of other raulter. 1 hr iitii-i. 11 <b ried ileniani fm hr. Hull's ( etlffb mi up ha- h:ul the exfrel af bringing mil liiiiiieroii* *iml!«r reinedie*. hui the pi ollie flta mit sn entity itulipcil tn make a I rbi of the new Bribie when tiny mine tho <>ld and nibble one.Dr. llujl', < oui*b syrup. sj, V/ ** .«-' ..«*> . . .,vr , .,...- ll,,.,, tie WaJilnftrta P,«t .r ,,- ,.-r lt-. THE TICKET VBAUU IN fLBBIkftA tn HT an- t'Bllr Kalalili.tllnH Ih'TratlJ OT tho ( liitrfe. tl ii I- Hr. .1. «'. I'nttt !>tii-1, t-. nini,. ii,,, (.ii ,it- Imr-.ITi'toif'* l.J.!'. Kntwisil'. Ilihogrinber mi I cn- rrflVeTi loentc.l tl 841 l.ou-1,,11 nv nu-, U'Nohli')-t"ii- D' C., do In iel,y ,,. ruff tun lav*it y.'Kenr.f. ei-membcr..( < gngreta, nd a loni1*,' toon whom Hu- card prorott to i.. j cw is M'-lv .<>'¦¦¦ ii. ii. railed oe fltt, bb ,, ,i,oiit the Mth f Ootober, nm atked .,-,, for -hi c*iiinot,- or itu ii of o c winter- fciluf th"-onie ri lu* |, .-,'--:,, ni l-'i i-vii ,., i.. :,t lite 1 inn the * mi" bein-i, th rcit- ,,- |>, h. ,. retie t'ekct of tht Si tte ol Vii* ',,,,in. .I Ihe Klgbth di*trtct, -lohn S. Btr- ,,,,, || I oIlLie-*, md ill all'.'ll Ihe change ln .¦"' "ekel te be only Ifl tl,,- cliiiore nil tbe iii^ii'-siii'ii In " -h ,,f the tli«lr.rt* In fiet, in bu ".»" ¦;.,. thal the Iii ki' to o caitttl nt). ,, v, would ippear lo lie a r irulir lion- neratio ticket, but with other elector* and il tuted. I ii Aiti, hini iti our conversation il he dis ired :!.'"¦'* "¦.¦'.' "' Ihe ti' k t prctenled .mi he -t ii..I no : only -iii!!."- i ., ii port! ,n-. ai ib )Ve m Rtloncd, ind th naper lo !'.. il1" tame, n Inch, In tn! ludve .id' nee of In'en I frau I i, i.n ,,i tb* lr im i'i .:'. mpt ;, lol >i*i ... ii,,. |M'U|ii'- ol V'iL,'ii, i counterfeit I'cki I. To *ul -t" my tl in tii"iit I will f m :-!>. if ncc. -*Tl'v. Hu- itli 1 iv-.'- ol try.. of my workmen, who were preacnl and ;,j ti,, i-onvci ion in tl ill. ledi -'¦ C. Kn n Hil L.tii-iolla av- HU . ll '-'..i'l-liol). IL ribed ind ... >rn to before me thi .i Del il* i. A. P. 1881. lt. l-.I.VII" !.. Nol ll'. P lb A ter.) Lentil. *li*». ii Bel .' I.! ¦ . i w .iii be v. ry frank with said Hr. Bl line to an mullen e - TT*.'it i- vv', it he - dd, iii unbalance, in 18715. a-, h. n he tonk".-'O'1 ol lu- >.. 'ri¬ ft vini'ii Into bi* confidence ind tol I them* -mi i'i- i: . md Port Smith s- ciiriii, s i -,., when be t" >k ri.).0(W,0.'r1 inl his ,.iii..|oi ec ihe eountrv grow* io fiat)Hilt ,, ,..o:, I.,-1, i.| about Hi nv,, secret -,»tu lu- iv ii,. one "i a ii'-'i ii ".¦' l- ,1 Mi. Ill linc lu v, ry frank min oi li ut, le h m \, rv frank mann, i. il, ,. fiank a llb Pinher and I'aid well wi,i u bc w ilil'tl a .. I" di'.' - " In! ¦nd told w hal he bad done, an hint I v.; t |,o vv.'il.l do, to be no dead thc ,!. !'|.|'i-c" IL tv I,, partIcularlj frank wben he pro- mit. i.f.i-i an anchor to the wini- v ind" to secure i national li mi. foi thc I'lli'incii. II. w .- frank to Warren PUIn wi* n h.- wt,.I. a -.-ru ol Iii* lu * foi him ie ip* D, -inl said i* strl 'tu true." IH wa* especially frank wben be added: U turd Ifi / ther. Bur ll. w s *i frank when be look luck 'an- 11 rn - ami Had' y's - un'i t al ill and *, d Ih. ni .,i TR. le wa* olin. -I unutterably frank *v 'i- n, liv -. tirana*, revolution, lie came Into on- ii,: ol o valuable share in the ¦. li drock " f il, Northern l*.. irn. which lie "could o louch, but which be could adi, and ci! tell lor .--J.Vii'm. bul did not deliver, l. ian*e be mid ll ir dn for more mon,".. Fe wa-rn ,lu, ii alh frank when he knell lo or. Mulligan, and told bim tl mu iiiiu. md bogged him to think .-r * wife anil children, I, .va* liberally fran!, win h he sid VJ rn n I- i-'uT lo buy 'ii.I. tl -i rrmai n- u'-'in Mr. Mulligan's po**o**l«n, i.rtlns iii.. ... vei v man li i* hi* price." le wa* prudently frank when he c il Hie iii*- hatch nf letter* under a fal un l. pi them. le iva- delightfully frank wlien be n ¦- ii ihtflt o* a ttnol-pigeo i In thc ll 'king- i ali v eui, rprin I v.o* *-.v il*. Iv frank *. hen li md irsed nu llamlltnn'i *.¦ norn hm arin lc ** M v l», ii Held Thi- I* Hm 'Ij ipp 'il an I -in u d lie printed.'' Slr Ulalu.- i* alli iv* t v. iv fi mk in m. We it-.hf ffive more apecimcrta nf bis fi ukin --. bul Hi, ¦-(. w ill tin f.,r t,'-i iv. ¦ Nilli It'll I I mellie In I.oilisli.Mi.. rvU il. li.' >i.i v-. .Novell)'.' I.- A diipil ii 'lum Sew I liena to t!, /'< ayn ¦. -n kl ii Ivlli L"L ii.Hog at I.ore.uviilc today ii .'io.-* tent into ii diili'iiltv. Joe nifoii-, iiteui;'.il I. .ku. them, when he wn flied upon iv i negro. Hie ball pene- ir:*»in; Ki* bat. IL- returned tbe fire, but lit ilii, tim,- there wa* a il n son lo fire-arm*, ind i irene- ral in- id.ninene, d. doe (ilHotis rn - ihe lii-t to fall, »hol tl"ni. He w t* one ni Hie I».i citizen*, jud j wai a Ileum, rat. Sherill Theodore l basil,.:, in ,ii broinrhl in berewounde I. bul not la ii '.'i-it, :*, v. I'be personi who broitghl bin soi Ibal . ipi lin R. Hell, Demo in, w.,-:,;-., abnl d.ul. md thal Abner Bottttc, . colored pollll in, three ol lier nescroe*. wire kil "!. .lille* tYettaye.Iud - Pontt Iii ii an |, ons Hie wound¬ ed v re nun er .,i mi n are un Icr arlu- 'I I.area,iv ille, li III Hie el '.t.-.TI'Ill i* .i lever-bent. 1' irti. ul ii are duli ult t obtain. The excitement laver* great, and ¦,11. d- "i ti med ui"n have left for the -' euc ,,f |||,..flitrl. The t.,,v n i*| ai ,! itlll he patrol, d 'Hight. tl I. Ill |*li el I lei Ililli < II.:. Iii*'-. lie I, .*. Ni vt ! mik, Xovi min r I. -I"1!!! Il lb mv A, \'-nii--ii. It'piihlicin in¬ apt lol ol let lion*, vt ci- :¦:..',: lim Ina Im*, n indicted !<>r r. Iiitint I.i ii r ., nuuilter ¦.: men ¦. rn - it- on tittil i" wail trl-i 1-l'lle lal li. .1, (ll ll ia I, Uti .m. < "ova Nov. m.',.' i.i, II. P. Until ai. iv: d h. rc it :: o', wk fro n M blip. Hid mad, in mlili-c. iii tlc Pal k nnd.-r I labor tl, I B«l onie de-rule- lillie er ll.-ail. K, || Nt » ! uri Novell.,, |-|, donel v brina, u lorim "th -i ol tbe unfcdei ile am *. iii, ,| in Uro. kn n Hil* inornin :. nu n iv.." h iv .. h,: tolore In ill. ll.,|o,I,, |,,t!V ,,n,| l.eell .|, 'ive Vto|ke|« oi ld* ink* li*i. ni il I" Morrl *'¦) dirty and m.. tullin v *i,.- ii li*: Monda! ind I. h. di, I..eli,, ih ii ti,, v ould ti o -t ind -ii, h thing*, 'un would nile tu Hem tIekH and li» to Inda -¦ii-. . i imi i: i v.' * Hell XT< I VS «A«I ". *ivis iv,, i.i' in i-i iii! .,:,,-! rk it a ir Mil iii "S RR, IR ll .... iii. Uti a :,, I «, .k'n tut ... 'e. IO' ... .i i H ., ll.' I'' 'OO - "i and 'alli ii I. o * I In, il '- la ll lc ure." hm ,: h. hu,i n lead* ii no tata iliei ,'v il, ipii,!, bal lae n - ti |, ti .!. ' I |lr. V. ll ¦. Ko- ii .^. 1...1...1 o. >.. in.i rai n . ,'.. ii.,..- hoiii i. I, K.,,1. ri v ph '.t|o, i, ic,. thtatake a al rhlle pp, :|,i| in '.-.¦.,- II NO| .'I"I o'! Il" '., O ll I. tl -111' ,111- I lol. lill. iii .., ,,.' foul .airlllui ,i ",i, li ¦¦ it deli li nun. -i- ,,i,-i.i.iii, ponresl, n.rn ii ¦( rifle "1 Ifeol 'lu, k-.. .- lea |..,ri- o mv body, ., ri to. ...I Kit, un a. il in Ibi Bil bf ..,|v r ul Di Ki. "tl IH I II l Kr Ml Hi! - II. lil -i.l V I S ti.', rn nra tl,,., i. ,,, ,;., aud i., i 1 , le II A nioI tn. ri- RA set vp t tltraaltf. li ti. ... .. ... .|.... .,,,,, , "J- -.¦ i.i rfcotel td ai ,. i.. able> t>, »,, .1. ... i,, '. -''nr .I -li lor mr ,.i.. ,..rrj|,,,. ab let '..v. in,,,, it;, n «..i.i.. no .i>. tin- croaijrr ii I;, ii .., wr..ii.|it In leta (Kai uni.-, rheacre a:i fRaatipaarel from nu tj,' nh i!.- ,i>.,, * a i-i un .1 -'.. .id li Be 'i ju. frrefit iii i-jin. .nv fl --n |, |y in/.- aad Iraageiaboal ami nii.s nie, vn .icu ... |. rle,! nilih now ,u',v .. io.ii.i ,., ¦, Fetr weekt. tl* frifaas Ulla! me rura mira ,. iou- aad -l jil io .. > caaat lo 'Kai iii- <r ri- , i HA 1:1 tn MK- hat. atfe-a int lu,., tittil t Boys ms. lt hapataa .ireet li..* IO*, alt*-.. i.!v 17, i**i kuotiiiff ii,. ,,iiitv,,-.iii,. ,.,| rantllv* fatM .n thr (ITU I Itt Ul HM,ll-.- I i.,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,.,! linn, la Miss ll.,tm-n, Wltb Dir n,nu. .iier Or- ..oibeel. n nilor-N-lic-r «latcmriit a* faithful *a I Htir seem pl nf In-r SBaVtlBBI ami .our. 1. ll. Ill ol',.1.11, M. H.. ||,it«.| |\,rl|iu. . I Iii UV ItKAnilK". ur,I rtrrvaln-r.'. I'rln.Cl ll, I KA. od .: Mill', -J.V, 1(1*1)1 I INT, tl. ronni hrh., and CHRMll ai. co.. ....-IVltsJlt* R'latvja, JAJjl*. .*'. *¦"*"-" _ THAT DINNER WtTII GOULD. Krseblieae* Osnttrrollred al Hlaine*. Bai- ridnl tn i philml'i! hi I <¦.'¦) I.lallatt"* Ht- ,,,, .it,- A iSBaerkible political phi lome- .bst'iccurndln .bi* .'..v - I.*. IIB '",',,,.:, wi,!.*, -r-sd snd STOWlni f - Og ; rsi. iv nong Bistro men ¦_ -r.I.rt-r :/ X,,:, .f T'.te-d.i'. eleetloB. TU ', Per-i-i" i'll lunn' Bl the tin rn 1-esgU* i-i, ut., .Liii--ei'd Inn with Ba neaten ',,.,,,. ni i week ¦''.".Bled the .,'.,.'.,, vr. BB. and predicted for a,,, , ¦nlcndld triumph were r-riveljr cora- ,,'... n.l.e.'- fear* thal Meat »ai ..Tinily ..s-M. I".. Hr.¦:¦¦ IMdtW ,.«v md tor. Ul* m*nilen -f n,,,,-- . ,,.., ibocklBX eoadlll.J pol'tteal ite lilli.i'1"' \'^'¦A¦ .,. kii urn n mri* One ..-.Tiiieniin uin. sra* prominent in ,. ,*,.,. i" lbs xi. ne indi* ,;,., t*ld openly in the r. idln*-room; bal dinner with Gout! bi* k .'"I ll,, w, Ineverb Pi - d .' 51, D.this genii mri . frle ii- di I n il . ,,,- uitii bin Tbey admitted iii ul , ,,.¦ but iriucd timi ti- bom ol le i. ,..-,. t,.. neal lol Hu ouatrj v"' ' '"' «. ¦.rujl |.,.- Ni -I York for u«, wa* ¦ '. ,. ri lotnder, .. ind witboul tlssl ,. ''ll-'' i- bop '''' n* '*! dsl mt nn» j-- tile min ri uiiii*-.'." I hesewoi 'I Ij i«sven i- bl, -um ie of ic Lind of tl's thal i- in ilui-i.l In an u Hw Republicans s/bo ox- vote for Mr. Il alnc next ruc'day. Among the goveniroent employe:* the condition this alternoon bordered on pim ., .' i- i. Imo fr.- -Iv miked a1- Hie nion Ri publican Ih.m tuc of thc ol cit* i,..---. ll ried tl, il il li ne hundred men tl u-e Ulm In,i |)| iral -i IO D i non lek IXTl I', Ul:. I |,i i.,, i| .. 'i. iu I e lu the ur ihal ( levi inn!'- bi.sare Imp .-- tirijr. i of! n of thc i ni ll :n I tub, i- hi<': n Itu elli lu idqtiir- ;. rs -i i .ui, r.-iii-iii, aid to the wrll ...- :.iii . |i looks md. I ncvei uti! fi -'i iv. *x in I wouldni Itel il ill n .rn .' i'm -torry, loo, f >r inn h r him. Til ll me in* foi Ul put;, ii t .:, Stall i ¦' in this city iiillu- i.i lion nitiienl ort! rs. Within * nc ii,. v will be 1*1*1 for thc other party i ii will pul this in,uti or¬ in gravedi P I', ,1, .1 -' 'I '. -1)1 -t (hat. I i.i i: pai ,'i/i.i..-:- * .r h.i, I., go tu iv:I. and irn ti id ¦-. i* a x en in ofll e -ince boyhood." ii -vin Le :. sorry dij foi ihe bittiness rani In - of this inti l il Un ru i level ind lsd) feated." said Mr. lies li:. bdl,i it,, ¦¦, -i i Rein li< ut. Iii il v h ,n I-- .' ii i nriv bas nol di I ul lik" lb ii. ml- of ..Me i- ;, b -mir, of un .I ¦- coi th, ,.. rle ol .inn.I politicl ui- now found il ito bead, lu conclusion ii may l»e repe il *d tit il i. an openly manifested an* night among tbe Republ -. 1 bo burrah has worn itself ,,ut. I'he liliinc boom h uiiL -i on .1 and dc. I ederill llltcrlrrelici- in I lectiniis. 1' iii |illll III Il-Stl lill' w.ul. iii Richmond, lt i- an Insult ci in iii,: should '"¦ rternli rcluiki il on Nm, mto r llb. i'hi '*pl mus! their tniis'ht sud de, Inre ifni ii* Tiyi'ia ol pict lion* i-y deputy marsh il* -' slopped iini. r. Lo ,k at >blo, riepu'i ned ivnb pistols un -¦(.ns: .Xl. ti .J S Irglnla, how do vo Would you md. .s' vote roi ll i volt in th.- coittinii ii -.- ind I fi it u ni ii tu ii" ii", s lire in Texas. I hi, f li li. j.ntiip o', llou-inii. v Mr. is lill .rn ll. in- was severely Injured hs H.. e.u:!.I - ... di mote about,ttiu-n he wi* illili:. u to ti i st. .1 e..'.- 11,1, |||i :. and to lu. -ii prin cured ..f in- un nc-**. Mr. <.-.i ll. Wiley iifu .tu! ie. mt li tr-ro .ni al tbe >rn >i il Fight li niul .in -tn .... m ii !. alum u in.I..-!. . ill and ..m a di i!.'-k on youl ii .V to tl Vf tit Ititi.IS. l X.'S -Mil lil Ml Ho i-., -,|. I,, lt ,. lt. Sp- ak-' HU! ll IHT M. CANON. *i . Un. list si if Vim. nf Ubi Hi xi,i I: v ,x i: -. lld nf ii - ni I llin- l.t. In.r. li lil Ki t. ll lt i 111! -.ix I V ni M,l '. ml ll -, ll! LIX l.i,IT-i ' ssm: ilaii|l .. Ulllli Tin- eli) DI lilia. HTSAXI Hied. I tne v. ,. .. ¦'- lilli UTI Kl! Ki'US ll. i V -Xi, ii XI.X ¦iii1 SM -ll i ni: V tl Ul ll lilli !M S 4 I.oils s I. ISM,ni ct. tl . ,i BU I A l.l.olixi:* I'll - - I 'I .s u .1. lt iv S V 111 ll: U" Bul - t 1 Ul li, sli ii im rt iiii i lan '.ac! ire, III 1- iud a Il Duli ...,. li in- ,1 li si ii is , I' r.. .' .1 .1 . ¦Til pl, - ' I'i It ll . Ms>.-1 ll I. Kal l-l I- --(. Il Hie ri -Ll/le III illlai.i |i - ... I '¦' Int l-l li Li.'ns- '' ..-¦c." III- -limb, tl I'HtX-eiS it ti trulls lt '.SimI Iii. i, ... i. ..1 . . mtv. ti, -I. issi, vi tt.i. VIM -| , is i '. S ; , ||,n . I mn ral Nillir*'. Ila I I.. H. .1 V. .!.- St- ii a, Lu rr. on si Mi tv tl-. Ill".s. \ I it, 1 «.\c| |i \| I.I IH I. [I t \ Ll HM III VI III IH ll -nu li.. si. V I , ... Sdi. HI* si ra ll iii. ms .1 xii. ti: n. i... ll .1 :. I'¦."? Bl, |* , k THIS e. . Mi,! -I t I l"X Ml.Timi,|,| v Ml L- il r. v. i- ... r v ti tn a Pr, i. t j- 1 'ii .. ri i r s|.\ | xi II--I RI.Kl * tl I! s. MAX lil li I! Ki > I. H. ll in vs, !' ll .' li 1. ll. ..! Bl ...Ll. .. i.oi. i ti *. : t: i- ii. i iv i x xi I Kl ii-s i: i; i; i t 1:1:1*1 Its , ii ti: Kn. J.I.. 1 ll -i um al 11 A tl ad Rei LU. li mini i: e 7:43 p. ii | r riBRT lilli Isl (III bi ll -KT t I. lt ll lat, a.-sr* H. li v. r.«, i, a' ll t. t|. ss'l ai * IV M. it-ii ti rr -1 i ti x n nu'ii.i in i-, u ,. n *i ..h.. tad Mala streel* Brr. William u I. tsptd ii. pa -1,.|,,paadprearhlag *' i, .t. M.aad 7 tu c. H. sti m. aad a,' ..n.-i- itrba m. I, 2| I ;. i'.KKi BENBROOK HAii.i Kev.j. I., si. ti ssl win -leitvrr rae aaaaa BMB l-ffnirtlir lb edii'iil.i.Hik MIlrtlBTT x,,,.|,.., ai ila sasss>aai.I sises sa lt saar bioht.R**- ¦l lilli. .il. SI S o do, k If, |....t ¦Hill 1,1- tlie all win. P-.-l an inten-tt lu itu- ui-s-u t-i ks pi--i.ul ou ii., i. lil pHYSK I.XNx .\NH |)RI fJtiHT*- ii it ohm rmi BBB RRB (M» WW WBR R'",'*!*-. lt Mil HO O W IV W WM I* N . Kkk iu.h o o w v* v w s n rt "i*rt_ II UR HO O IV WWW , -ll -J BBB R H Od W W * *1 '*" n Ultu 00 BR M ll ll RO i) * *t S ll KHK o ii il h bo ox *t ri UK K (Ml N MN HMM lirri'iriTT't'KS! I'lvK ,14- ll ill ll K K , " iibh ht Tte: kl ,-. un I t v K Ka 5.. MBit li T T Bi*M ll K WV. ts int ni i ro.N'K*. ii. ¦ Itlile a fi |s| !, IXIlii.l -I PM. Il ll lit. 1 SI -S. Ilfli HI HI min.I lilt I- ui '. ind xl lit H.1.1 i i.v- ran -i »i"i in* H'S ti' Mond, ll rt fl" e trer jr pa ri ol Ul B.p-triil rlrbestli I. .i s.n.' nor. Ml '.li ri i/i .t iii -r i ixi'k'v ..v ... ii .v, I cul :. l.! ll '.THI .'MS lip.X MMHCIXI 1 HIT Hil.I. soi il i- ..I x nu inji rm u ... . ¦' ie-1. ,x xi vii ix., in tn ni Koli ui-TSsix ni rill Hi I' » NH Kl HM 1 -. I', I ,. ¦:. I|llll S .. .'. I el i.-t" I .. UPS Si IT I lt s| |i. tuc Ul i -i'. ll' I 1 is ITIIKK Hl'LX isl - Mi. I. ii .. ri:i .*" li i'-x -. THAI i' iiivsiiT ts- I-.;- hm -I- Ri lisixti s I t- il li:-;, i i.i li. li" ii:,,,', sin il tl. --oil ii .ii* / tl'ii M-ll si.. I' i- WoOI LK! v t ti ;. i". i' islliM i hu rn, ,t. .. a \ui iii i: ci.! i ION in .BR. [J U nun A i:*IK u*vH. 2 'in. i, 4AM I.2 ¦ "v*. tu U KKK xx - SlJ i ,i cu v l v ¦< . Z- wttT ic OOO t .v i. ll BR**- tS'll (Ol I X I' SOItlHN ll!X uni' Mic- * vii* ill 11- :. 111*4 t ii i iii.ii v .11 i.-. v l-tKsj 1,1 Is-lt V i.ovr.i l nu riiiti i.: - iiivK.v rn tu , ¦ ie a \ M , .1 s OS'1.1 ll IN (. Nil i titi UV Jr Ht' |/i RH -I h.ll T-- si- I- ,ii. m -i s ,) i p.,,,, IRK -"Ullin n il lilli. in ll lt ill I Ttl t lttl'1 IS Xl Ot IS .lt j m. |»|{|( 11-111 RM* rt! "-I Ul i Xi, i. xi ix -ll U.I Xii \ l: XII I bi isl. i i, I r.CV (" loll (ASH -iM ll i: u i x ., ii ti fi i WV Ut I IKI-»|s sill K s ¦¦. iiii HINT IJUMI ftl ¦¦ X lt - I S ll I - n t- ¦- .. ii. ii tbUuiil) i s.,s .¦. . I'll I..i.-K RI Ml Ul,! R ll i ||n, I i li s,ii tw xvii i. nikii n ;¦, .si I* lt V I I.I ., 1 - V U ,i.|| MM Bis* I lt), ci -III i i N ll I. -I Dil X tl Ht!!!.', | | v. l-l , !. I . I 1 viii ., t him. (d.tttntKi:. ,1,.. 111. il id!' SI I'l.'l -I X | - list. ll .... I tl < t.|; ti KU l-INNl i;-s|:i,. | ituM I ' « I- I . I. l-l ii un s,p, ,n,, I KOBI I' ll vi.ip.i ie ¦" I «!: i. $10.50. ¦ >,,J - a) --iii -iiini HISS' t: Bil mi-l- ind I r i s: i iiim- BINI I'. . tit lil ni;..I > ,, III,, Ar. QKOB49B A. AIN-MK igfJll t a i: i: i a *. e. haxi h.-,, i H- A l»rKt- -aatk .' Kl- UMilM. *l Ul*, i'll Kl tl.Ls mr .Hr Ina. PALNTLNU BBBBBTIkslIBBaassatasaL atb *)--|iu w r O ll eft af e HI II D' tl III AND I' ll* VS! IS tl.'l vt ll- QI OB . is. . All Vf.,.ISL *. . > .-. ,:,,.,.' I l.l wi i... . ., 1 ! v a El MAI vi .s s i: t i.H'Ml l\**| KAMI 4 <»ai I' t S t v s lltnIM V I lill v \ run ni.t t m.i: ti ula ,t, S I' I'l i. V . rm t Mi A ll - a li' 'M.- s 1.1.- 1". tl I- ls si I'll lists,. . . 1 ll lilli III RS. RRtAA I.(lillis. .1. ' I- I IN ll lil.v . ll A N I' | ' I* I IN tl Ki¬ al "ll 1 .'Nil Mle ms tin- s *-. 1 i \ |i i | v li -rel liSIMIISi.s . *. : ti- .. .. , VV :*u.l ll eu-Its 1 I -t lil. t I! KU A NI .V -lt" lt i'l »l iA*- ANHdll nilli" !' Ra mr a - - iKMDRRft ash :* \* ,"ii Hun-. ash nil -i i* H vnitl M/M'*K A I I ASH VI ".Hi vi vs I lt- Sr* ASH e. II t v ll I. Il KA ll 111- psi ,,K A IM* *H Al»> » ll .il on-.-. - .h. '.tirol* t . on. -ion* i .«.,, i ,i it u,sat IjlUu.l *,'un lou i-.,'u".l.,»- .«,.,, e., JHHS ll,,VI MI** vk- ll) J ai }<ve. *'wivli- li,Usu-a I, Vt,

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Page 1: Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1884-11-02 [p 2] · Suhex-rlplleins In sll


The HAILY DlrarATrll ls de-llfeee - t.> a.ii*.te ttlfr* al I levers < «NT» pet wool.. pet11Me RtHie carrier an otis. Ma. let al tel |<or annum: fl*locals; tl.00 Km three moiitha; Sile, f .r

bbo nenin,.JeV.HKettl-aAI.rKLV lUtPATCll al ti poi aa-

,iii?»..rt I for «lt BBtaflflfS,Tho Vt I FKL! IHal'AT.'H at ll r-r annum.Suhex-rlplleins In sll <-.»«*» pafaMo In adasa.-o.

Bud aet i-apot r aUaaed after Hu- sxptratloa <<f HwHmo lt* 1.1 f.-r. s.n.I |>-l->ffl,<- nv>n. t-,.ii|,t.t-Jtock. or retlslorod loiter. Currency seni hf mau

tslll 1st al the ria' nt Hm sonder. r-nl-.n-'ber* wlOi-ta* their r*-.H-.*t"ro olia li tr d m.isl file llioli old Blweilaailwif new t-<>«i aa*ea> Ram ni. laaRflflt tree.

aha 11,11*11.. ¦ at: ¦*.Uti l is. ,1

I t.l-fs. . t ."'.'t Uaw*. I " '

fl .re*..1 .".'

e, liaaoa.I* lltrres. ant"

1 aaaRRs. ti hmR mouHm. 2.! Oi)I'.ntni nelli cars lei re-a.lln' maller It/pe. I! line¬

ar !om, tl ; In at-to taaaflafl 7.1 e. .1*.

cara ol ratesv r». mon- apace lun,i.:.. rraajatt.r.a) atc

a in.. .> ai ii ni. .-t tata ataai i" a,itTI ImltTe ll , nlll'lM.T'eoe l.d o..miiiiili'1-al.'.ii* atilt RBI Bl rc-liirn.-1.


Mr. ninnie- Rad Mr'.'..MU WflTile Wasliltiirtuli Pott Ino mil* slot'* I thal

Hf. UltlNk- h-i.l sniit llt.l ..ri't ni"'inn'Ataa worth over two .lulltr*. «..* BRI laborerdirr "ne dollar pta ,|.<y," anil Hie iMHHJ**Inti'iir tu, n allowed lu Mr. Iti vini: I . Rt) tm a ni'Hill. Mr. SrtrxCB.e.f Ibis (itv. «it ilulM) and vv lo!' to RORRBTI. li l.tliN,., Iri RiffIj .1 Ihi* (iii. and nottu Mr. Ill i m...ii t ia*- siiiije-, -I.-uni .-,.¦¦ -.v. iifi, to Baa*. Tl kahn,,, and ROI from Mi.Ill UNR. ||ft foliow'ni* MOtfl

VA'V- UNO.MN. !>. C., D' i"l" I I '. I**'

To Ai th ur A. Sfi'-ei Btdtmtnd, Vtu:itu.! r rn eil. il. I hove- no kimvi-

l.-vire of. nor do I l»*li< ve. lb il Hoi. J on

I.. Maine vu in ul. n-i* nf Hu * .i.i* thal.. Hr nu. iiniii. vt i- w.iriii .v. taro dollars.oi ur I, i>i*-r (MM dollar |. o di."As Hr.- referc -for R '''Ht I>iv:!*.ri A ( ),ii, ti,.- *.iile m. ii! ol their rc mntt vviil,Hr. Itlaine fur the .,iisln. ti,.ii ol liis . ll) lilia .Uv. i.k lani' - wile nt.-ilai four ilt'llir-ami lol.,mr* .' two dollar*jul dm. BORRBI I. li mini,.

Ar.-liil.t'i stitt Builder.Hast, ,t i* iiiiiii-nii to Ute rm* ImrI ¦« o'

Itii'htnontl ii wMettttofli apos their liteM-L,'i-iire-- for Mi. Iii un:!., wlm Ko* publl«bedtin- above noir in tin- furn "I a . dodg r."BB :i«*llllir that letPJ would are* pl *il. !i :.

mile as a reiniro liftioii of Uh Post' -' ilni.'tit. Mr. li iwn,. know* aothioi; ia theworld:,«to Um t nit ti of Ibe rhtrro n. n i ur 11

again*! Mr. l'i uni y the Post. Ile doesi,1.1 pretend tn know RRTthiRdf about ll ot

all. Ile can ffive in NflJ ir.I I Ikfl uniter no

. rititiitle that I* WOtti .hiv in u. linnwould lu a taliliaala <>f bri other nun

talio know* 1)01111111,* ttlnt. vi ii* tu Itu-iiutli Bfl r»i-.itt of the ii o ...

Head Mr. l'i.I. him.- Rote carefully. IleBBB MR kliovvlidt'i tint Mr. BLUM Pin*.u'(l dial no UT'olnni. wm trorth Btttlt Huntwo i ollar* a dui. M'lio rn i *nd In- li ulnny *iu I, ItnowlrtlL'f' Neilberhai Mr. Hi . Mr. BrTTBRR hov -ii. ti kROWted*!'Muir .-« il tie-ate- would hm. I,., n iu-t at

....-il .>* Mr. El kahn,,'*. Nay, K, tl-i. ll Kv

\A.I1, natl, wo rc j« .t. Mr. Ei i Hixo'fl letterBRAtM, nnd yon will learn from it Hut Mr.I'l tis* liml a ,li*|,iil.- willi l.i* .-..litr.-i.-!..!':i* I wlml kW oll!*lit to t»' I'aid fol bOt'diflgMi. I-' URtr'l tim Imu*"' IB M'.i*liii:i;t"iithat Mt. El mun., wat oin ol th* rifer..'*ii, Hii'ca«e: and H.ol '>'. thsst reftrees (.notIn/ Mt. Rlaim ..leje-i'li mit* were ral.ol otlour dollar-' and taboreri ni ttre dollar* perila*."inn unyhodv h. I;, irf, niiiL* Mr.

Ill AIN) Ha* «t|'t'nl*, i".*_- of thal vi t lian* lt

BRR* winn lu' Mid Hint im nufliaiii. wo*

woiH, inori- limn two dollars fldflj' Tin'nf. nv* would nol hm .. BsMR ailed UDORlo raia in'-chon).* ot four dollars a day ifMi. Hi Ai sk. had |Kiid Hut pric withoutiii-(in!-*and without n'feree*.

Ititi lhere need bfl no room li fl lol lifer-e-iiio*. Mr. Ill list hflfl (Nni'd variousoilier rtalaTI Which hate lu cn broUfhlamoilla! hiin. Hf hu* denied ih'-m Kv tek>.mph. and |*HBsja*lted hi* denial- in all the* .ie-. .f il,. | iiiiui on th. sam. dat. Iromhour Mr. Htn tun. ¦ ltc|.iil.!i'.ni randIdatefm ( oiiiiii*-, ian o.t o !,!.'.'iain deo*InfHie lt nth of the elm lt: that i*. il il i* HOIHue. Why write to Mr. I-kmi-ni,. whenan r<n*iv,'r BBlfhl hire been ol tallied moreei|..olit:ini«lv fi'ini Mr. Hi t'Ni :. ll livWirti lo :, man who BBRtWI HOthiR|| 1'htt-. vi a* to i he t it it li or* ol Ibe 11when ll Wa* *(. Mt* tl COtniRlinletle vvil'iilie who kiowaall about x mattelMr. lt: R1R0 eould hov. obi lin.1li...i*nto! .. itilieitt. * III VlTginb I"ou Ultu

win. ..Iiate in, kin,vt I,ol.', in.ii Mi.Ill UN), pier ina!.' Hu- lian,a--,ul i|',',ii-to.,1 lentil i i" n-iil'-rolioii. It i* ii"! Bl tilRRBUBBthla Ikafl Mr.<nevil inp would ll ivi

Sift ll 1. It'll Rta nf Ililli -ol!.I..-! thr wuii.iii"uien ,,t i .nini i. .ni

Mi. 1-1 Mus,.'- uni, furtiu-in*! ivi-..iud de¬rale foi Ibemtehre* whether the* krn.vv ii,,ni iRtifl "f ptalB I'nlt i-!i word*, oi needan nilli pn ter. Wu tenure lo sa* ilia!Hu v will ,li*e*',rd Mi. Hl'RlRI -n-Iii:--ll.'ll of ,1.

Botltta Cur. hu.i Electti :. !.. *.v

Wo hate l.ein lunui- |u| *oli,e lime t,,

know tl,,- tnaui fe,tut"- ,,l tin South iro>ima i e, in,ii law*. There ar. InthemBomeloalun-. win, I, .veiv *r,,i. u,i| | ,,v,. |,adul.t Inf..,!. tbe i,i-\1 |.i *',|, nli-il ile,.Hot) Ulll.s- Hie- Enleriil tl.tlu.n WWI UT.Tiaaxui. Vt'e i*atb.>r nor intortn .tii.n onth!- siiiijeei from tin Ouil'-!.m Vein andVtu,

.*l li. ii ire two I'olliiiii- oi tot Ina-placesfoi i-ni-h elullui, iir.-eiin-t. Al one ed Ibenethe . Hiuliiinie* f,,r *«i ,te. cir. ul:, h ital nive,and coin,tv ..rtic.-i~ a,, votetl lor. and Rithat athel poMtif-phH-r im- eiodldale* fo<I'lf.ldoiilbl oln-t,,is jud foi-,(,:io|i--niel,are ruled for. The two rsalliRy-pla. - ire»e|e-na!i- ami di*.! iu. I.""Ht hil eulin, w viTiliiie !.. -av. 111.

1'r.altli Illili t-liitnis. viii .ne- Bl i, nfl .-!*.will bfl tuted lor vvlti re Hu «!lu *i ile oih-eira are voled foi.

*. At il,.- Malo |M*iiink'-'iiM t lhere tn . ihi»year, .ititi atfllat hoiet, ..* follow- i.I...vein..i nntl nant-, .ct < nor.

tillie-r -late olVui-r-. I. « ii .ml v,,|i.|i,..4. Male Baajatear. ... MetRBcri ot thettouse«.t It.'iir.-*. i.t.iiive-. ,,. ie,min nih ,,.

'.. < ou*t.lilli.nul amen.lui'nt i.i.Hie iiide-lileelni-s* of .minto.. Barb box i-plainly lal-e-lle-el, and tin late! in i-t T ik..|i*lll* lo | III i-i,-h l..,|lo, HItO Hie ROI lle-i".tioto.i for the jaajjRtaei otherwiae, ibe bal-ht MtH nut he ,.milli il. \. |N....| |n,v

fe^^ to',- u or.- than Mate for a ladedale for Hie^^ -sine- ollie. , .-uni w, hold it i* .ll h.¦ undi..' tin law. |,.un-ur ;. Kv li, md InvmBjr |i!Os.i|iin,-nl, l,, put nn, |..,l|.|s ,.f IK,-J- lind ,i, difl.-ii-tit l«,te*, or to pill

f.-t.-nt hajtaflfl ni U-a *,n,e hoi. \ ballolvilli, b _'.?,.* intii ||. iimni: bot.oniitid Lui thi* doc. i,,.* :.....fie ne.' af lin- votel vt lu. tote * vt ,... .'-

V. tel- l.ll«l e-lllir tile,at R lillie, (lld RR) one .\e,|,t|i. in ni ,.-

|. allowed lo I, Hi. t, ,,r« i- vt lille be lain lin- |M.I!ii,o.|,|... lin I mt.-il Kiata*!. '"»i>,-t'i« have- i..i right io laterfei inany way wi I, the miidii't v.! Iheelea-liiinat the Mile iKillitiL-'iiUte. i.r wno tm-nflRfl fol |IIC*idiTltl4l ele I.,,.Thi* la*' i-arakTajih i- rifMRI ie. ,,'.

-. aad BatetM hm Keen omlll

A Poor Ol phauM.-. Hi hihii'- le-Hi lu, e im.iN...

leis. a»kini{ for the u|.|».ilitli>( ul af k>|Mlle*luau* a* special (xii,, emt ii. wa*, in vi,vtnf Mr. Hai.i akh'* flflBBRaRtlCfl n* deputfinar.hHl*. ft ell . sit uLsted to rewind mn- aftue Erm. hittan who wa* tried for tin mur¬der <rf hi* filber and mother, arid who.wiall asked afterr hi- .onttction if brbad -infilling lo sav ll, ki* de fe i.e., ,.-.

piled that be wauled the roon to rowen),be, that lie- wa* "a |*oor orphan." A- h.bad made ho to,-elf ao oiphuu. *o Mi.Jltamo bad. by approving* Bili ari.'** b/b.pwinlmeiita, deprived bimtelf of ill claimUpteli tllTort AlRRttjTVN OT Hie Detuocrilli'BBBft

Con*'mini- Election Laws.We (bink lt ls time enough for s Ju,Ur 11

eotistrue election t*w* whee Ihef entne be¬fore him for Jiulicl.i! eoiislrueiltin. JudgeHkvix. of Ibe Is-ilterf states Iiittrid GBSMinf :*mith ('ni-nlins, wlitini we line liere!.-fnre quotetl on Hu* BSMBSt, lakes tlir* tine

Ctiiuiitl. In Sm ember, issn. upon HieIh neb. uni ns s, entntilix.imi r of li-efl'i:-,be iii- bled ls follows

.. I sin eolii|-*i!.i| In sa* lln'se in-.lluetinn* .tmnbl baie been niven in (belst--lil«e«if lb.' law. Tliese tillie! il. bate lalerpri leal Hm law, kat <iiiit.nlHie law."

..I it ill onli s;,v tint what I BOW regardlt 11...die and ii'rn|ier tu 1st inac tl tkslike kia sii-.uid ba liter iiiv Tinted. TmiIke run limit y of Ike BB*"erv*aora nnd tmr-,1.1,1* -bunill be glvea tbeui in Ike laninn ¦¦-

nf Hie lint. Tb"!, Ibe**- nllb-'al- iind-i I itv-'te mi, t-ptxrl Ike ls« let them, -u--. loIn k il Bp, '" iletine ii, to t*lic pr. ci-" nt*ti isuee, n,-: la Ike IsBfruaaeof ti lew. bultn tin ir own nu ii ne, H steal* to rae timHu v linn ai ne bemud thur nu l.'-mt i.

T'liivli-i" ibme Hint which may IflVOlVCll.iinseliis Ul (itililile lilli 'iTiltir trmibleii-toa lae r-eoulr In assuming s functiontbsl lue ii iini uni |iiil upon ililli)."

Jilli.c ll. iel!. '.I .Ililli" AtKlv

bate to sit in ease* ib wfclek .ire Involvedv points which .l,nl<e Un.ut * in

ll i-ti-lli *|i 1Kb lue tinder! 11-1- ' nb ide iii

bi- him) words. If i Jt:11 ir quotes Hmvv. iii- nf ike ii«. -iini tell* Um eteci o of-Bern tie v ire '-. governed by thosenord* "' Hist law, weil snd .¦cl.Hui vi inn be leila the rieeUoa officersi-. !i Tn eun-tnuiiim of tin- lau i,.

., .fin iv ir,|. criiui-ii Lu -i jiff.,in lii-iii"-iii i for an offence against flint law, aakibim to til-It tnt the iii. Hint is be tn d-i;In ninety-nine es*-'* out of i hundred hiaili stlek to bb otra instrncHoa. He willl,ive prejudged lite ease aad ia advance:i n tn ti ii* -al lu. decision.

sse ttptlti' Unte i. ti.nil.- because Judgellmm has Just written tbe follow Ina let*ti i. We hesitated before i oneludloi*'to pub¬lish fbi- niTe.|iuliiiiiee. itlllcb Judge Xl-kibs lu* kindly furnished to us. Bal .-

ibe Judie* will do doubt be oa Tuesaa*tn st j mt wael tin v are to-dajr, weaupiiose(Imf BO lenin mn rfSUll fnun Its pUbllea-lien, .lui^e iii mu* mseniies kl* oil ce,ll, iv.uiiii by hi* kal invert tba vt tts offl-.. |, int.. I lilied St it. , SM- baiei.i ti n ci mi tint neilin.* bs true. Theti ,t of bis letbr i. ind si, ubjeeHuiinble.

Hi si isl.. . oi si ii Richmond, .

.ll IMIK'S (Hi It-R,Hu BRONb, Hi In!.' I 38, |SS|. )

ll. Robert lb. lix,-,hr., :

(lear sllldr-C, I writ. In Inquire nip Pi

von vvii Le in Richmond before (be elec-Hun. I - li* ii i.i ic v-iv "1 ul in line s con¬ference uiiii ron about question* whichmay arina na day nf election inch ns' mi iffidsvlts, urns! nf judges, Ac. Iam - in-tied lint,I entne tn .nu un

-n-i .iiiuliti". aimil would obviate sll trou¬ble.

I Hu-! inn lune entire!; recovered fromyour late sii Mies*.With kind l. .ml-, v. ty tildi y< Hf..

Timi! vs sj, Aikiss.

Ni n: AiiiMiins. 11. !o'"i i". 1881.Hon. Thi -¦ t

linn Judge, I have hi-i roc-itr,! yourbu-1 ..f tl, -xii, um nit.

SS ii. n I eal.ii: lure nu Hie lath lolake inv f 'iiiiiv in il,e im-i I was seized.villi an -i* ute attack of sciatics, wbleb for-badi ni motion aud pr strafed me. Comingntl lons attack til rheumatism. A*".. Inmilder form, this attack ls more obstinatelinn i' iv. Hld Otherwise baie In ii. llwill tint he possible, therefore, lor me tolie in Richmond lielorc nu lection, a- yon-iijoi-i. | hii|i.' tu Le nilli-iii eeldown to Norfolk on tbe lld November.

lilabb t.iiiljui tile ilivnlll li*e nf .muralconference with you un Ute lews relatingid the approaching I- deral elect ion. ns youInvite, w ill .rue nf you tin- liberty ofsaving a ft-vi Hung* oa Hie subject in uri-lui", mi in tin expectation of ntl ¦-.tim'V nil own ll* ll-lll illireS View-. bUl "lill olsppi I-injj tun *.f mine,A eniiliuiil view uiin li l Imld un tie

.llbjeil j,. Hist SClle ollie T's WBO offiri it-'I FnleTiil ibetlntls ale, BS tO thu-c

lieiiiut)., (dip-1. ol the I'nlted Wale* amiamenable Io Ibe hw* of tin* I'aited Mate*in theil i iindint ni conducting t-hose elec*liens. If tbei vin! de any ol Hin.e law , in

xecuttntr their it Hst* they are amenable loiiuiu'tiiii nt nmI trial before tbe I'nitcdxiate. e,.int., nn.i in- liable to arrest evenwhile In Ibe preterded discharge ol theirduly. This I* a |Roposition which I *'n>-ju... ii iii in-I I--- di-i iited.A* lo voting -ui affidavit*, im tu in ba- a

riabl to vote on a ilm|*ie n ith Hi il he i- en-iitli il lo bul hlietl i" qualify proper¬ly. He inns! -d out in lu- affidavit Ibmlu- In- ii righi ti mte hi lint particularprecinct: tba! be was entitled tu ben.ii n d in thal pren Inti; thal he offeredinn-..I fu registration tbere within thclime ptc-ciiiuii by inv for the purpooe;.ml I bat be toiled to be registered uh iiiii ile i' mil ol the rt {inti ring ofBi er.Now, ,. tn thc serious matti ol lie ir-

if«t of election nib. er- while rn iii .1b.n gc ol theil duties. Neither n com¬mission from im- si ne nor fi-omihe I tailed s, ,,e. -rive* linmunitii..i wilful vii'dulion* of law. Xor docs the.iii isl oa!!i alway- lestrain officer* fruintio'aiin.' the t.ii laws which tbei are-itoin tn administer. Therefore, neitherIhe uini' lon ii-.i tbe oath inn*l '-¦¦ He-nitoproleci iiibe. i. finite lif.t who wilfully

i.e ba Hon law* for tbe purpi-e ofdeputing mien ol lin ii righi nf stilTiUm ni n s's ol eh-, lion "tii.i rs tinghi n.-i

in in- in ide li.gblly otiebl not lie rn ideexcept fm grave cunt, after ii become-iti ititi st tl il cnn. ns entitled lo v..n- arew iiiiiHi iii'i-nieii nf Hie franchise by tb.ollie* ls bi ile- ui'iii in r in which tln-v per¬form theil lint ii -. tn i.e. ol Ibis sorttoll IPS d lil" Itt In until! ititi pilbil,lltie-t nit, ii sp,I,,, commissioner*, j. fruinim, tbni tux arrest ol tm election iii ¦.¦.

while in ili-tieu 'gr ol Iii- dillie* ,- lo bcmade ni Hu bu..m.I except Biter advise-un tu with you and lull opportunist giveniou lo supph the ia an. v occasioned bj.lie ali esl.

I'm all iiii sc mini-mun, I nil uponlini,e *ei tiiuis of Un- I'nlted States Bel liedmatines u|M.ii which | relied iii -iiitu In¬struction* in November, 188*1. 8evcr.illearned lawyers ..i Rlcbmoml contended,il. n. thal the -¦ lions had bi n repcalt dbi ci n un dei islons ol the Supreme tl mrinf tb.- I lilted -tat, ,. But, Bs T-al- ralelect k-n*, ibev bat,- nm er I-f lt *u rep tatedbut hate been tidied lipoil .,- valid bv thesupreme i mut it-elf In several ease*', andrsprriallj In tbe quite recenl ease iTora(ii orita of i.. ir ) arborou th, in IQI mt. il Stall - Reports, Writ Inv fruinmea m. the citation maj be pa itu, lie insc-male.

I -inti ri li trust, however, and cobb-t* nt v In lien-, (hal tin- Flection tn Rich-iiiuiul wm be fairly ind pe-tcefullj con-dm eil.

I hope to reach Norfolk ea thu afternoonof Ibe .Td ol November, and to be In miMlii, lhere all daj on th. Bb.

X otu nio.t -in. .a eli.Bo. ss. il, um ..

nte*renttng LetteiTin- [nihill in- letters itill bott! Ire |*Ad

with Interest, xs.- do aol Lu-..v (kat Mr.Wool s's lilli i w ,. lutended lor publica¬tion bul in si -un thal he will Ill- for .Minc lo 0111 lead- rs iht i- elut w - Iii -i mi, fruin the lower Valley.

. nun onahill LB, X i.,n. t :|, |ss|.To tht Uiti'.i, x.t th Dispatch:

Belo** iou . letter .ui.! received m.mMl SS ilh,p. ||. (,.,,I-iii,|. .tatm. ibat bi*letterable father mm ninety-two v..,rsold wi... I,,. ,,..t tot. .1 tine,- the wai, basre-*i»tei, ,i. ,11,1 will iote for < levehmd sud'.i" Ihe rascal* out. In ant.-bellum''in- - iii. dui mu » i iviiitiit and

!¦ uiin. ni citizen. I lu spirit thal aol-in ai--Un- -.ld genlte-maa i- abroad In tbi*-- lion, .uni nut in ii look lor a spleadldU .nd ni Slluiii.uii

I bait Jual returned Iron a invaasingt- ur in ft-Re and Rinpakannoek. mP llelipit-l it. bal. tip ii vial' paint ,,|i.ami aili en|.iun- ii,, eounty, isv eipeel a-pun Hm i .¦( nd .:¦ i. Shenandoah alli

re ii* a ina.iniiii. BaornbaBBot-kwill ,'". -.!. I '-'. Hie in.ijuiilv ;n Ital*uii.-it -.ional,ci will iLulill v

!.(*'.'. Besjiectlully yours,Mn UAH SS .".ns.

VuMil (.llii! \, kl Iii Ul III I (.1 MV. \ A.,*

October .7, ix-t. t,optain tin a,-ii. ll oodnDear Slr, Mj latker. N'siAsaaM UariaatJ,

a.. nf North tiinlen pic tin i. this ill Ibe llioeti-s ii 'nnil uni nf his i-f,i-i,'I-te I'i l( for Ikf lil-l lillie tatt week, midsra estes oi* sVlersas-inatioa, keaMh aad>saltier |*t*rmRilni. to casi hi* vote r.rI*vttoad sud Renell kati -ni (he ti i nf .wl-lllber. Ile *.,i. lu bj* bull nf the ilishmp -t iaaBfl af Hie Repub-inn Ililli, ind bad long tad pnfieiiilisiled for Hie ,vi.iuii*er uni Htil-tliiiikin .

niels of Hie eupiury lu uuti the (lotiiiu.iiit»lty. vyltim' tiiii-ynb i»:«i|m-ii-i(j,-, hue

I*ee.inir inl.itetalilc; and now, rn one nf Hu*Old Hu nd, h* , .ina tn Um reacii". antiwhen vide rr ha* |n-rrlied upon the Iniiner*pf tho DiflRUUrRfll he will «»y. Ta did Wolfelt lill.'.... " I .11" content." Ile hO|R>* tho'

.til lon r* .f --.old BRd hone-t RaorenimrRlWill folk)t li* .\ tiniil" mid vut.f'irl l"Vr-l.d mi Hd'.lti.l.*. Ha thinks il .1 du r

vi n ratteri wea fohlaaaetl BRd tepoatefltylorne thal Itchei, Very truly and re¬

al...HUI-. Win iva ll. liam HW.

TIM Pcpulnr Votn in IMO Bad 187 I.lin iiuniii, Oetober II. MSI

wm n,.! the IHspatch pRbllibin lu i*ub«ilov's lesatie Ihe roajorltle* riven Tlld fl Ibi*-:<; ami Hui"."k in IMO i>v the dltTerenlMat**, to thal wi nra" eomptre th on wic,the reinrti* (bal oohw Ifl I' '-'' '¦ ¦¦*".¦.iRdoMtge AKmid"Thc foil,,vt ino i,'.'-. tltawi tht i itflfl

whiel, .. i Reider'' Mkt fm-,,_ IBU

ll,, - ,,.il.-!.| T«l l-'iii-iio t:,|'. !. .¦ Ko

tn (,,,, -; r.n.i;i iob.¦.¦. ,;- '.¦lr| All I-!. 41 ileil flfl.1171

,, no | .., -n. i|x 76.4rt* : I, -' i

i,; .:., it ¦.: IBO Bj -....!>, u ..

. .ni 84 ll .. Bl mi ni '.'I ¦'¦*." :'

11, ..I*, '.I.. * IT. ('I !>.'¦',,, (Jil L'l.-ne

|. 14 le,111... or;..Cl il-."07 3*H.«01 27J.I4I2

. l-l 1)04 1 12.0VD 7 I.I '7I, ,- -¦. ; .> I 'I.-."li 0 7 ic.'K. ,:*:¦¦. 104.15.1 I* IA " JJI,j i -.. -1 .17.0"l Tn. 'o'- Tot .

M, 05.171 71." io K.i.*Md io Tu.. 7R.515 01,710 71 o-lvi,,-, in...," !..:,.-".. li.R.77* Iv, 131.301 I*-... ni III'.''. I ('......llMn *: -.1., tn.ono M.7 io ; "1

V. T*. 7.*." 94.8*4 11-2.1 70M.. |,|,.i l.-oi7 l-o t.1,77S>l, ¦.-.-,¦! ;,t.!i,*'.i 17.oM rll.DIrln, .' ol M.7 i¦. B.ti - in. .** .

s. ii. t".7 I M.-:,.' :..-...>'"i )v .,. i- :,- i- ... ..*.', Ll tot 1"K'.

NV -'ll ¦".- l.'l I'll- ¦"'

s ll' l|.1.H7fl It6 17 ***. 1 17MI.I. Ul 17* l- '.' 1,18'J Ol".,-, i*

,,,, lu.-,I- fll',610 14.110 HH., u kt. tiiT ¦* nan.ift* t-ii: io 7*0 i-.i'i'. i".711 I'.:-:*.. i I.'.'.il .'.-..',7 ',,-,',",; 'U.-I"

!". .! 1-7 i'.77 1 I'e.H'oi si,-,,.,Tot '. -I !"1.7',.'i il-"'

\ -a*i 45., i" .'..". i ii'VS 1 TO ¦'¦'¦'iv. v. :.; itu i ii..'i: 51.45.'. i.'.ii'.i-eVi Ill 'i'll ll. i'.'7 I.' I.B37 ."-ii' -

I eil III 1 I ', ( H4.757 4fl, , lilli 7.' I- ..'.*.".-"7tll.Hhi i. .' -t --"

I,.. ,i mt, ¦" .070 ?. 11.

Thc N, rthA,I- ,,1 ,,1.1 !,u*iii' -* friend* hu,'

gone lonee Mic Kxpoiitlon tlie Old N'orthstoic im. made ol ber product* al K ilei'/b,and tiler Im k* w ord* lo cn,.re*- ibe pie ,-ur.-

,mi |ir,,i:i ll afl irded them, They only re-

¦int they hare is thal ol I Virginia doe* n it

simvv Ibe ATtne enterprise, for wlm rm tellthe mea*ti re i benetll 1 Kl ite mini re eirefrom Mich 1 di*;,Itv ol ber retonree*!iiinti 0 IniiiilrcilHioiis'iiiil i.',,|,le vUiledllieKx ;>,,*, ti on. and every oneofthem will prove10 ht ir o', iii*, r "f a bil he -m \\ bileon'y half the ronni ie* In the Waif were

¦pecialiy rej.Ried, vt hot thal li Hf h id n.

sbott ti!!,,I vi v I ar.i!inion'* lc ir, wilb11 ide, Sex\ v, ri every rounty R i'i hthere, wben nc hope Blchmond will * ndlo are ll inch tn ri tunion 0* trill iwtonithIhe native*, Virginia and North 4'arollnaore bound togelber by to many tie* that ve

1. Jolee w i; I, bi 1. will, all om tie ut, overthe *|>lf ll,lid -11,cc** of Ihi*'.il.uni willi lui iona and daughter* tht enjoy¬ment ol Rood thing. Bul ive riveher nit. .. th ,t wc. to i. mt,'ul to wake upomi try to mutate ber In h t i iTnrt* to 111-

proic the general protperity.Another Dodg n

Mr. Iii barb i* mit in fl dodger d itedii,i., 2»tb- hi* ti mil appeal- evhleb ,--

Niime* thal be and Hie fen white m-*n andtbe gang ol !i--..!,>c* who tupport him knowlu ttl what ire the re tl loteretta <>l Rich¬mond ami of \ Irxlnia thin J" Hie men

rompoflinj* tbe told body ni white voter*of Ihi* ill Hie mer. haul*. Hi. iiu-e'.iat)!,'..the lawyer*, tbe lahorrra, tbe doctor*, and,we might add, tbe clergy who ire -.inItoiting i.koiim: ll, vVimr, To stal 1 H.-

i'|."*iii"ii I* to refute it. Tbe people olHit 'hinom! -Hie while linn who pay t ,\ -

will, nine tenth* of them, vote fo iii ohmH. Wibi.

nchiiemenl Fi ir Petty J. ipIv,. 1,1.Vf V V. llKNTIV ,nvi r, Vt., 1

Uctober 31, IR8I. v

li, the Uditoi oj tht IRspatclWillyun pleaae Inform me ii wha

ihe law wo* cnn1..1 (li*fi'.iii.iii-ui_' allveter* who i! ere eonvk ted ol petti ir

I. W. -.'The i,,v ff i- approved April I". 1877.

-end nay be found on |>age 'J*! ol tbe Act*of A*n"nil,lv for 1876 77. The law i«. olcourse. Hill iii force, seeing tim the 4'or.--liiinion itlll diilrancbite* all p r* n-

RUilty ed i« Hy ireent.

Mi. Bl aim lindiog that the trreal lode-j,ri dent movement in Iii* I'Htv keeps roll¬ing on, shriek* in their ear* luttrell m HieKoiilh. A lien.I could not do woi- -. Il

:.. to 'i* vv llb buttered um ii*.nilichof lie .. era ol' ., i", .-lill _..'' AndMu ii rime the revelation*of hi*. .u bal man ii tbe South an read th ii recordand nol tun from Lon with lo i'h:ii_-\'What i« thc tarli*, wbul i* anything rom-

pap d w Uh hai ins -,;' I' ¦' .r' durr lu IheIn rbi *' ofli. '. in the ind I'be h ,v*

ol t, -di y « ill lee the mon "f tn-nmrrnnIf -ii.-l, u man a* Hi hm eau l.* mad.'I'l.-iih"it. where i- thc call lo t liftino ,,ini Integrity* And where will v,,u.

boy* lie willi such an example ia thu! be-loi' their ev ..-;- Thej ,- ,,.,,- in i ,,>n re-

*| .,ii-iKlfity. Lill,,-r-: and lin- cliaPl.Tei ..IIbe workingman'* -,,i) \* a* dearin him,niki to tin- moth, *i l, lion thal ton. ..* i-

Ihtt ol liim w im stand* -on t Hie richi -t in ;In- laud. Pondi ibeae Ihinga,and w..ik ai ever nun worked t.Ilia!Iii aim i* defeated, bortc, foot, ind ilra-

l in Ri.aivi: organ* Inti, endeavored m

make capital oul ol the statement thal( mm ivn ba* m. v mu- on lb, irifli|Ul stl in, ll, I'- ;- be -aid in bi* \",vark *i i e. li

.¦ l '

... ¦' limitali , to the ,//.-/'*netth should he. Outr! i,ii.,,,it ,/,-,.

.,, tabor oj 'he ability lo a

icesufully niil, foreign lalntrand le'dhontls of our I o',.,o/,-

ulalie .."i oiitd anj om de»ire i more et p)i< ii .i,--Ul limn :.

Tin « Ulpt |m '.'-/. ,. Holli- ||| ;,

mifi t nilli .ni article In which Judge St*.ri io.'* . hriallan name i- spelled Wai ria.The blunder wa« nol tn ide bj tis. Tbelei loral ticket* arc litbograpbed ticket*.

and on allot them Jlldxe Mill,.-'- nani'

appear*, aa ll appeared rn thc Dispatch afen dav- azo, I* " W R. -i t i-i , -," lllian i* VT Al KR,

M***P>, lli-i, .I.His-kin ,\ .... bave..nt ut Pan li. "i stoiroxtu'sliittionary. We quote:

.. >1ai ni rt ., mal -¦' pt ,|adj io Knut." tr.

Ni ta Hooks.Vi '" o, ll "'¦,. Bj l-'i:i\ ii Parr.usa. auiii,.i ,.,i .¦ I'uiiie. rt ,,i (.'rance luIhe Nt r Wurid." Ac. Ac A t. \ -JunieI. BOstOfl l.'l III. BWBV N R 1 ". 1**1.Hus i- pan seventh ,,f tba s,.n, ^, tlt,i .,i.l lame- and Ungland Ir North America,

I -Hit* of |li*i,iii.':,| sk,-|,-lu-..'I < -Rle by tho publtoher*.' ¦'"''/ oi ll. A < oin|,i,lui,.,T'-lli«ioit .f Duellini in Alu',Hinno... |n.

. ... -olilli Ml. 11,1 ,| jj .. » .,,,Tropical (.llifornia." tte. itato. Patt,Mt, Extra cloth, beveled, |J, \,.'eil luKK*. HOWABR rn Hi ii bitnOAI KM.

Ma.i.u Tbi ma', mil.i luve been a diligentllail.i anil coll, ,-lu, .f material fron, |iiuiiiiiiiile af scHtlerceJ .om,-e.. H |. claim-Mi. and Hie i, slims rio reatta t,. donni,ilia! nh,ii lo om,i. upon *|..ciijrji ,,,.|.ten I'ooldeil lui.lilc inectir-; tv In.h .ju

¦' l.c-oti a* a duel tjinl* ktaTfl ;, nientioii,iv ill, IKilIie* of Hiepl'Hli i|..,N, :i||,| v.TVl'cil-H*Ml Bl *ta-.N, mill fre(|iieniif of tRflaRMii'.il. iiniatlllics, Vthlle i-iich of Hie cjio.titllv notable combat* ratf/cff/Bj . (ujj j^

1 B1\JE* bj 1 fAC7A -CB-

JUIQUIB. We feir Ibat the author w.t.

earths* rn verifying bi* statement*. SS*.-

unlbe nintes known to ns to be wr)ti7.

Howcv. r. *.. fir fla our knowledge of Usesi.l ject goes, we eui say 'hit Ibo ml**!.'

mont* do ml emu .ni itii|**>rt*nt points.lui bv (lie publishers-

-¦rui/fi, rtn/f the lleast. A Novel. Itvii Tvit *ii niilb-T Si " I be llu.'u-

wat l-'aniilv," *<.-. A¦*. »*¦»¦»*. *»«.**-K,,r-.:-¦ Li SS -I. iiiiixsT'is . Ct).

Bread-Making. Hi T. N J. BewYork;(.. P, Pl lMM'sSnss. I ***** 1

i. nie ky IfaBr, toMtmnb ** Ob.

BRIEFCOMMENT.Th, xe./jf/.V/ii'Wtrt-issys: "Th- n

Y,,,k ."." I- trulyindeneadent paper."Si.. indy ill,I-iK-lldeill of every th.n likairintil'-'-

Admiral Pn iraa tfceuld writ i

noni is no! at all *iirpri-Hi,' Om nn/v it

novel affair. Bul f ¦;¦ *' snnine hui.lyBrid v ( uts !¦ ..: i

baie lum completely strwtW.

t,: eMeemed i*ontt,mporarj ssjrson Ij tklni n in thal ti**eis Ihe ptipularlfy -ir

Ibe purni kia-pie la v- a Bailaad it thH, | ul,lieut Iii In 1." Xiii "ll Hie Ith .!

Nui.iiib, r the Bepublicaa Henel will be

.i|ii.!-h'il md ¦. late pi t.

T he BaBinwre i- Hewi ilican)-ai-: "Bul one thia*t* certain co-nip-liuii ind Intimidation min! -ene in th-.,,,,11, i mr. .-I. .Xml lor thal reason theMiiitht in pi.| h ropose to defeat Hi 'party

.'.Iii in nm! e irrupt! m.

hr Sen X ort /.'.¦" *..'. " " Ike.".;,. ol ile luterioi l" psrtmen c ''iii lie

laid open before the people, uni thc almostinnumei ih |ob* In public ind* exp ned,il i- nation would '"¦ Binaxed. Bul therewould lie tu. exposure under bb Adminlt-

m.trolled hf lit vi---. Els ins,Coi n. sud nui:i ." Tnrn the ra«i il*nut, ind rel i sakai the books.

T ju- Baltimore Imei, i ranus and X enus will Ik.

-n mi tbe llb of N »veni!x r it U o'cl wkni ibe morning. Just at this mom -nt tbepull- a ill lie ni u fm Un reception ol lu'-!..t- ii hhii will twelve hutu* labli ns,' el," Considering thal li i-

iimiii ii,., ibe f:nlui ol Saturn and Ibat ifHt ti; i. i* iii led we shall h ivi a p ilitie ii

,t a. ilia, lht Intel in' remark* act len

-inrji stile, and we are nol surprised thaltim ui.l fellow Iel Venus maki « g.. oliiim.

IV rxiiiiiil.

King Leopold,ol Belgium, in- pr ni sito King Humbert, "f Haly, i silver me lalfor his hiimanllj ind devotion to the chole-i-i i n ki n |.eii,'le ol Maple*.Willi un Cullen'', mun uv will be

honored Monday. Ihe anniversary of hi*Irtb, In lin- pbntins ol tm - on Hm |i ¦'<¦

in- grotinibi al Roslyn. I.. I,Jame* n'K-liv. Xl. I*, lor Bo*ctimm*in,

nill n lin fr. ni Tn li un. ut al thc end olRu- jil- .eui session mu come tn America into Ihe mw.p.p. i.,;.iiie...John .In. kaon. ol I. iHrangc, ol v n

Xiii k State, keep standing on the -iii olthe road a bini nil. d nilli pure ci let w Ithtin-cup within re n-b, Invitin-j alltin li:.-ive*.

Prince < rosby, supposed tn Ire more Hi in104 ycirs ol agc, tl.-centlyal Fishkill,t nu. Ile iv ,. fmiii. iii I!,- si ive olI iiini, . rosby, 1- Im lig'ured a* llsrvejlin h iii ( ii i" r's novel, .. Tbe Spy,"lien Rubinstein, when tired nf his

triumphal pioirt ¦- ihroit li ii »|ie, r-

fires to hi* i Illa rn ir -c I'i tei -bure, andthere, surrounded hy hi- family, be prc-pm - for Hi" ni \t camiiaign.The wife of the late Sf ill,m | storey, of

Ibe !.. would inn Iel bi*Hies see hiiii before hi- di .it. and Iht Iui icd li..*, il to ..ppenr before the court ind*k foi an injunction igainsl hei.Mi. nnd.H.-. 1. Marion Crawford will

visit Ib-iiie. and. iii-1 sj,, riding purl ol thcwinter in Europe, nill return to tbi* colin-uv. nnd In ibo summer will occupy Om-Iii .i hi homestead, in llanover, N. Il,

D'lffl il Will sail t*. ith bi- .lutefrom Southampton for India, NovemberI'jib. in the Peninsula and < mi-I any** Tasmania, a swift steamer, iwilli her connections, ivii! bring the nenS pei.,i io ul thc lab st. He em¬it* ni:.

licit si ,k mi', memory .*. iii Ire ki pi gre nv h.- S'n nm -e. ,\ streel in Ihe i|

to ic .nen the painti i'- nain.. Makinm. niiii,.ut. raised by miall popular .¦ min¬

ti-, i- in inti planned and a MaVart \-liibitioii i- ir, adi spoken f, i- mlet.iv ono oi Ihe artist'* work* which em,,--'¦- In- obtained.

Here mill I here.

Ill -I. I. oil- a Ben I'o'li'i aid |l IV elli llol pn -p. itu! willow.i '- l'-iti- tried -rn. -tiiul -trcci. i it' i- ii,- mud-bed i* dug

i-i rolled lay r ,n .i b ls putrion n iid oated i- iii -ami. iiii. i. .ia ilii iii i-i ril-t 'i. on nil! ii bie-'ip i ".uini!.IIm k* ure .*¦( upright « iib nu idin uri, h

l. tuc n il,.- mn i th, (im tteHu n his -pm-1* t lied piii wai np ivith

Un- wu iv ith.'lilli Illili Iii I .111! "ll in e uli¬

pa, iii. Thi* p.,-.. men! is linn. e|j*|j,. md.....|..i; inn iel-, I----, hui uslll,

he -'I*-* ls ol SS tin ipi. resentHil ntl. I '|m r.i-xla-. ev, ip.,;. . .,,-,. ,,;|,.,|bi half-tire, i- -bod with mo i-in«: dain-nli-di.I Lob. - ol toshion u side djtide with thc li,dim motbei ivim-e infnnltesl* In a brai li il ;- kel erndle with au. den icu!., which is to*tem i r.uiii the

i'. ip, U i i .ni ,,f u,ni,bu yoke... mounted imiIicc, whose duties lie out¬

side the un limits, looking alter the illicitni rodie Hon *.f liquot Into thi prot incalli wal* bing on r the Indian-. In ike a bil"f righi ..lor. Their searle! ott* andii bili mi bat. en. Le ... n and distin¬guish) ,| a !, Hg di-tau. vi .,i

Then .- * i-' |-ed ol rock -iii n th< nioI';,Un lil -erl. neil I.latin, alni Hu Soul I * laying thc U ielle- ait mine, bua Lc.-n obi ged lo gr nb

lin- road for I.'Mo feel with blot ki olliful liiiup, ol sall crystal*. Tin- i- Ibebr*t in.fain e of a railroad road-bed beinglaid iiiul ballasted with sall of which webate ant knowb din Tbi -ci thallolled Ott lill- pl ne due.| ii;, .,n,| blt ai i-i i-i ol nil about fifty iniie. iii length.

bi quality i- *upi b and supply Inex-liaustiblc fintssboppers ..I enormous size.¦ml "Lint centiped » have lieen pit kid.ill il an tfl-dsy, liter the lap-e ,,f lt il -i/e and p-rt". Hon ul -ii tpe,A holidai was lo have lieen fit, n itch

;.i the -tildi nt* -i Sew anet i oil ge, J en-m --".. he loicti,,,,,.ifon ,],,- ,|,, ,,.,.ol the -en niiije iiiiil --rn- noticed alarm¬ing i-han-rr* ill lu- Laiuiip'l, i. |'ie.,||.|.lite inslmmenl crowded np, th iwedun- -I-1rn salon, ind w i- ii a ter¬rible state alt. ....lin i. | be prof! -.,.|f<irt«:iH i. iniie., uni .ind. ,| the.i-hi giving tbe hoyt holiday tbein tl dav, |.o-;p..iiiii*: tie lr iipii-i. \eiir-»lon. I bi nexl moi ning iii -m dav i,iiim and mild. b. boy*.¦ii " latin" Ric situation, pul ob theirnibl ei-taits, boots, .uni attended recli i-linn, vi iii ii,lo, lta-i ii.e.|. They nishtrlthrough sunshine is if pursued bibowling w Iuds, and shook tbemselvi - onentering tbe le(*Iure-roon)« a- if emer-pn*-li.ii, dn neilin..- t in-. The facility Iel Ihebot* off. and the scientific professor over¬hauled bi* iiaiuiii- ti r.

Hi.\l.i give* the illowin table ..( wbala full-grow n man should neigh ind boaHi . weight -billilli In- divided .. IV.i dr*,lol i.. nedi up Hui.: X|i;,; |., ,m,| t|..jeappniii Bann -. 681.. skeleton, it *,.; .kin.

I.; fat. -.* «.: brato, *) a.; rboracliiiseoia..'. *..: abdominal viscera, na,.:blood which woubl drain Iron Ike l-odv,

TTm tu;in nu-ld tn ,'..n-niiii' pilean bi (-.leal,, .'i.uuu .i..: bread,i;.n*u st-..: milk. ",600 frs.; potatoei, :*,000..¦rs.: butter, ino -rra., and water. -K.B00"fs. Hi* heart sbould Li ut 73 tiB"*** a min¬ute six! be should brealke 15 lime, a min¬nie. In a bom. lp iv-iiilil tiiiai, I.;,,,)lilllie feet of pun ail lu Ihe est, pt ,,( |..,eui: a tann. Mien torc af ihi Brei|BI mrp.lind OUffkl IO lian BOO lee* of areli.

i * lil aird space. Ile would llil'oit of) byHie skin Isp/, m waler. iuO m, nf snliilliUiltei, ,,ud 40<i .; I*, of earl,,,nj, acid el erv84 hours, aad kl* tniui los* durtog tka Sfliiuir- Wimbi Im* U "..sf ivat.i and a lillieibnvi- .> a. of other raulter.

1 hr iitii-i. 11 <b ried ileniani fm hr. Hull's( etlffb mi up ha- h:ul the exfrel af bringingmil liiiiiieroii* *iml!«r reinedie*. hui thepi ollie flta mit sn entity itulipcil tn make aI rbi of the new Bribie when tiny mine tho<>ld and nibble one.Dr. llujl', < oui*bsyrup.

sj, V/ ** .«-' ..«*> . . .,vr , .,...-

ll,,.,, tie WaJilnftrta P,«t .r ,,- ,.-r lt-.

THE TICKET VBAUU IN fLBBIkftAtn HT an- t'Bllr Kalalili.tllnH Ih'TratlJ OT

tho ( liitrfe. tl ii I-

Hr. .1. «'. I'nttt !>tii-1, t-. nini,. ii,,, (.ii ,it-

Imr-.ITi'toif'*l.J.!'. Kntwisil'. Ilihogrinber mi I cn-

rrflVeTi loentc.l tl 841 l.ou-1,,11 nv nu-,U'Nohli')-t"ii- D' C., do In iel,y ,,. ruff tunlav*it y.'Kenr.f. ei-membcr..( < gngreta,nd a loni1*,' toon whom Hu- card prorott toi.. j cw is M'-lv .<>'¦¦¦ ii. ii. railed oe fltt, bb,, ,i,oiit the Mth f Ootober, nm atked.,-,, for -hi c*iiinot,- or itu ii of o c winter-fciluf th"-onie ri lu* |, .-,'--:,, ni l-'i i-vii

,., i.. :,t lite 1 inn the * mi" bein-i, th rcit-

,,- |>, h. ,. retie t'ekct of tht Si tte ol Vii*',,,,in. .I Ihe Klgbth di*trtct, -lohn S. Btr-

,,,,, || I oIlLie-*, md ill all'.'ll Ihechange ln .¦"' "ekel te be only Ifltl,,- cliiiore nil tbe iii^ii'-siii'ii In"

-h ,,f the tli«lr.rt* In fiet, in bu ".»"

¦;.,. thal the Iii ki' to o caitttl nt).,, v, would ippear lo lie a r irulir lion-

neratio ticket, but with other elector* andil tuted. I ii

Aiti, hini iti our conversation il hedis ired :!.'"¦'* "¦.¦'.' "' Ihe ti' k t prctenled

.mi he -t ii..I no : only -iii!!."- i

., ii port! ,n-. ai ib )Ve m Rtloncd, ind thnaper lo !'.. il1" tame, n Inch, In tn!

ludve .id' nee of In'en I frau Ii, i.n ,,i tb* lr im i'i .:'. mpt ;, lol >i*i

... ii,,. |M'U|ii'- ol V'iL,'ii, i counterfeitI'cki I. To *ul -t" my tl in tii"iit I willf m :-!>. if ncc. -*Tl'v. Hu- itli 1 iv-.'- ol try..

of my workmen, who were preacnl and;,j ti,, i-onvci ion in tl ill.

ledi -'¦ C. Kn nHil L.tii-iolla av- HU . ll '-'..i'l-liol). IL

ribed ind ... >rn to before me thi.i Del il* i. A. P. 1881.

lt. l-.I.VII" !.. Nol ll'. P lb

A ter.) Lentil. *li*».

ii Bel .' I.!¦ . i w .iii be v. ry frank with

said Hr. Bl line to an mullen e -

TT*.'it i- vv', it he - dd, iii unbalance, in18715. a-, h. n he tonk".-'O'1 ol lu- >.. 'ri¬

ft vini'ii Into bi* confidence ind tol I them*-mi i'i- i: . md

Port Smith s- ciiriii, s

i -,., when be t" >k ri.).0(W,0.'r1 inl his,.iii..|oi ec ihe eountrv grow* io fiat)Hilt

,, ,..o:, I.,-1, i.| about Hi nv,, secret-,»tu lu- iv ii,. one "i a ii'-'i ii ".¦'

l- ,1Mi. Ill linc lu v, ry frank min oi li ut,

le h m \, rv frank mann, i.

il, ,¦ ,. fiank a llb Pinher and I'aid wellwi,i u bc w ilil'tl a .. I" di'.' -

" In!¦nd told w hal he bad done, an hint Iv.; t |,o vv.'il.l do, to be .¦ no deadthc ,!. !'|.|'i-c"

IL tv I,, partIcularlj frank wben he pro-mit. i.f.i-i an anchor to the wini-v ind" to secure i national li mi. foi thc

I'lli'incii.II. w .- frank to Warren PUIn wi* n

h.- wt,.I. a -.-ru ol Iii* lu * foi him ie ip*D, -inl said i* strl 'tu true."

IH wa* especially frank wben be added:U turd Ifi / ther. Bur

ll. w s *i frank when be look luck 'an-11 rn - ami Had' y's - un'i t al ill and*, d Ih. ni .,i TR.

le wa* olin. -I unutterably frank *v 'i- n,liv -. tirana*, revolution, lie came Into on-ii,: ol o valuable share in the ¦. li drock "

f il, Northern l*.. irn. which lie "couldo louch, but which be could adi, and

ci! tell lor .--J.Vii'm. bul did not deliver,l. ian*e be mid ll ir dn for more mon,"..

Fe wa-rn ,lu, ii alh frank when he knelllo or. Mulligan, and told bim tl

mu iiiiu. md bogged him to think.-r * wife anil children,

I, .va* liberally fran!, win h he sidVJ rn n I- i-'uT lo buy 'ii.I. tl -i rrmai n-u'-'in Mr. Mulligan's po**o**l«n, i.rtlnsiii.. ... vei v man li i* hi* price."

le wa* prudently frank when he c il Hieiii*- hatch nf letter* under a falun l. pi them.le iva- delightfully frank wlien be n ¦-

ii ihtflt o* a ttnol-pigeo i In thc ll 'king-i ali v eui, rprin

I .¦ v.o* *-.v il*. Iv frank *. hen li md irsednu llamlltnn'i *.¦ norn hm arin lc ** M v

l», ii Held Thi- I* Hm 'Ij ipp 'il an I-in u d lie printed.''

Slr Ulalu.- i* alli iv* t v. iv fi mk in m.We it-.hf ffive more apecimcrta nfbis fi ukin --. bul Hi, ¦-(. w ill tin f.,r t,'-i iv.

¦ Nilli It'll I I mellie In I.oilisli.Mi..rvU il. li.'

>i.i v-. .Novell)'.' I.- A diipil ii'lum Sew I liena to t!, /'< ayn ¦. -n klii Ivlli L"L ii.Hog at I.ore.uviilc today

ii .'io.-* tent into ii diili'iiltv. Joenifoii-, iiteui;'.il I. .ku. them, when hewn flied upon iv i negro. Hie ball pene-ir:*»in; Ki* bat. IL- returned tbe fire, but

lit ilii, tim,- there wa* ail n son lo fire-arm*, ind i irene-

ral in- id.ninene, d. doe (ilHotisrn - ihe lii-t to fall, »hol tl"ni.He w t* one ni Hie I».i citizen*, jud jwai a Ileum, rat. Sherill Theodore lbasil,.:, in ,ii broinrhl in berewounde I. bulnot la ii '.'i-it, :*, v. I'be personi who broitghlbin soi Ibal . ipi lin R. Hell, Demo in,w.,-:,;-., abnl d.ul. md thal Abner Bottttc,. colored pollll in, three ol lier nescroe*.wire kil "!. .lille* tYettaye.Iud -

Pontt Iii ii an |, ons Hie wound¬ed v re nun er .,i mi n are un Icrarlu- 'I I.area,iv ille, li III Hie el '.t.-.TI'Ill i*.i lever-bent. 1' irti. ul ii are duli ult tobtain. The excitement laver* great, and¦,11. d- "i ti med ui"n have left for the

-' euc ,,f |||,..flitrl. The t.,,v n i*|ai ,! itlll he patrol, d 'Hight.

tl I. Ill |*li el I lei Ililli < II.:. Iii*'-.lie I, .*.

Ni vt ! mik, Xovi min r I. -I"1!!! Illb mv A, \'-nii--ii. It'piihlicin in¬

apt lol ol let lion*, vt ci- :¦:..',:

lim Ina Im*, n indicted !<>r r. Iiitint I.iii r ., nuuilter ¦.: men ¦. rn - it-

on tittil i" wail trl-i

1-l'lle lal li. .1, (ll ll I,

Uti .m. < "ova Nov. m.',.' i.i,II. P. Until :¦ ai. iv: d h. rc it :: o', wk fro nM blip. Hid mad, in mlili-c. iii tlcPal k nnd.-r I labor

tl, I B«l onie de-rule- lillie er ll.-ail.K, ||

Nt » ! uri Novell.,, |-|, donel v

brina, u lorim "th -i ol tbe unfcdei ileam *. iii, ,| in Uro. kn n Hil* inornin :.

nu n iv.." h iv .. h,: tolore Inill. ll.,|o,I,, |,,t!V ,,n,| l.eell .|, 'ive Vto|ke|«oi ld* ink* li*i. ni il I" Morrl *'¦) dirtyand m.. tullin v *i,.- ii li*: Monda! indI. h. di, I..eli,, ih ii ti,, v ould ti o -t ind-ii, h thing*, 'un would nile tu HemtIekH and li» to Inda-¦ii-. /¦

. i imi i: i

v.' * Hell XT< IVS «A«I ". *ivis iv,,i.i' in i-i iii! .,:,,-! rk ita ir

Mil iii "S RR, IR ll


iii. Uti a :,, I «,

.k'ntut ...

'e. IO'

... .i i

H .,

ll.' I'' 'OO -

"i and 'alli ii I.o *

I In, il '- la ll lc ure." hm ,:h. hu,i n lead* ii

no tata iliei ,'v il, ipii,!, bal lae n-

ti |, ti .!.'I |lr. V. ll

¦. Ko- ii .^.

1...1...1 o. >.. in.i rai n . ,'.. ii.,..- hoiii i.I, K.,,1. ri v ph '.t|o, i, ic,.

thtatake a al rhlle pp, :|,i| in

'.-.¦.,- II NO| .'I"I o'! Il" '.,O ll I.

tl -111' ,111- I lol. lill. iii .., ,,.'foul .airlllui

,i ",i, li ¦¦ it deli li nun. -i- ,,i,-i.i.iii, ponresl,n.rn ii ¦( rifle "1 Ifeol 'lu, k-.. .-

lea |..,ri- o mv body, ., rito. ...I Kit, un a. il

in Ibi Bil bf ..,|v r ul Di Ki."tl IH I II l Kr Ml Hi! -

II. lil -i.l V I S ti.', rn nra tl,,., i. ,,, ,;.,aud i., i 1 , le II A nioI tn. ri- RA set vpt tltraaltf. li ti. ... .. ... .|.... .,,,,, ,"J- -.¦ i.i rfcotel td ai ,. i.. able> t>, »,, .1. ... i,,'. -''nr .I -li lor mr ,.i.. ,..rrj|,,,. ab let'..v. in,,,, it;, n «..i.i.. no .i>. tin- croaijrr

ii <¦ I;, ii .., wr..ii.|it In leta (Kaiuni.-, rheacre a:i fRaatipaarel from nutj,' nh i!.- ,i>.,, * a i-i un .1 -'.. .idli Be 'i ju. frrefit iii i-jin. .nv fl --n |, |yin/.- aad Iraageiaboal ami nii.s nie, ... |. rle,! nilih i« now ,u',v .. io.ii.i ,., ¦,

Fetr weekt. tl* frifaas Ulla! me rura mira ,.

iou- aad -l jil io .. > caaat lo t« 'Kai iii- <r ri-, i HA 1:1 tn MK- hat. atfe-a int lu,.,

tittil t Boys hapataa .ireet

li..* IO*, alt*-.. i.!v 17, i**i

kuotiiiff ii,. ,,iiitv,,-.iii,. ,.,| rantllv* fatM .nthr (ITU I Itt Ul HM,ll-.- I i.,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,.,!linn, la Miss ll.,tm-n, Wltb Dir n,nu. .iier Or-..oibeel. n nilor-N-lic-r «latcmriit a* faithful *a IHtir seem pl nf In-r SBaVtlBBI ami .our.

1. ll. Ill ol',.1.11, M. H.. ||,it«.| |\,rl|iu.. I Iii UV ItKAnilK". ur,I rtrrvaln-r.'.

I'rln.Cl ll, I KA. od .: Mill', -J.V, 1(1*1)1I INT, tl.

ronni hrh., and CHRMll ai. co...¦....-IVltsJlt* R'latvja,

JAJjl*. .*'. *¦"*"-"



Krseblieae* Osnttrrollred al Hlaine*. Bai-

ridnl tn

i philml'i! hi I <¦.'¦) I.lallatt"* Ht-,,,, .it,- A iSBaerkible political phi lome-

.bst'iccurndln .bi* .'..v - I.*. IIB'",',,,.:, wi,!.*, -r-sd snd STOWlni f - Og

; rsi. iv nong Bistro men ¦_ -r.I.rt-r

:/ X,,:, .f T'.te-d.i'. eleetloB. TU', Per-i-i" i'll lunn' Bl the tin rn 1-esgU*

i-i, ut., .Liii--ei'd Inn with Ba neaten

',,.,,,. ni i week ¦''.".Bled the.,'.,.'.,, vr. BB. and predicted fora,,, , ¦nlcndld triumph were r-riveljr cora-

,,'... n.l.e.'- fear* thal Meat »ai

..Tinily ..s-M. I".. Hr.¦:¦¦ IMdtW,.«v md tor. Ul* m*nilen -f n,,,,-- .

,,.., ibocklBX eoadlll.J pol'tteal itelilli.i'1"' \'^'¦A¦

.,. kii urn n mri*

One ..-.Tiiieniin uin. sra* prominent in,. ,*,.,. i" lbs xi. ne indi*

,;,., t*ld openly in the r. idln*-room;bal dinner with Gout! bi* k .'"I

ll,, w, Ineverb Pi - d .'

51, D.this genii mri . frle ii- di I n il. ,,,- uitii bin Tbey admitted iii ul

, ,,.¦ but iriucd timi ti- bom ol le i.,..-,. t,.. neal lol Hu ouatrj v"' ' '"' «.

¦.rujl |.,.- Ni -I York for u«, wa* ¦ '.

,. ri lotnder, .. ind witboul tlssl,. ''ll-'' i- bop '''' n* '*!

dsl mt nn» j-- tile min ri

uiiii*-.'."I hesewoi 'I Ij i«sven i-

bl, -um ie of ic Lind of tl's thal i- inilui-i.l In an u Hw Republicans s/bo ox-

vote for Mr. Il alnc next ruc'day.Among the goveniroent employe:* the

condition this alternoon bordered on pim., .' i- i. Imo fr.- -Iv miked a1-

Hie nion Ri publican Ih.mtuc of thc ol cit* i,..---. ll

ried tl, il il li ne hundred mentl u-e Ulm In,i |)| iral -i IO

D i non lekIXTl I', Ul:.

I |,i i.,, i| .. 'i. iu I e lu the urihal ( levi inn!'- bi.sare Imp .--

tirijr. i of! n of thc i ni ll:n I tub, i- hi<': n Itu elli lu idqtiir-

;. rs -i i .ui, r.-iii-iii, aid to the wrll ...-

:.iii. |i looks md. I ncvei

uti! fi -'i iv. *x in I wouldni Itel il ill n.rn .' i'm -torry, loo, f >r inn

h r him. Til ll me in* foiUl put;, ii t .:, Stall i ¦'

in this city iiillu-i.i lion nitiienl ort! rs. Within *

nc ii,. v will be 1*1*1 for thc other partyi ii will pul this in,uti or¬

in gravedi PI', ,1, .1 -' 'I '. -1)1 -t

(hat. I i.i i: pai ,'i/i.i..-:- * .rh.i, I., go tu iv:I. and irn ti id ¦-. i* a

x en in ofll e -ince boyhood."ii -vin Le :. sorry dij foi ihe bittiness

rani In - of this inti l il Un ru

i level ind lsd) feated." said Mr. liesli:. bdl,i it,, ¦¦, -i i Rein li< ut. Iii ilv h ,n I-- .' ii i nriv bas nol diI ul lik" lb ii. ml- of ..Me i- ;, b -mir, ofun .I ¦- coi th, ,.. rle ol.inn.I politicl ui- now found il ito bead,

lu conclusion ii may l»e repe il *d tit ili. an openly manifested an*

night among tbe Republ -. 1 boburrah has worn itself ,,ut. I'he liliincboom h i» uiiL -i on .1 and


I ederill llltcrlrrelici- in I lectiniis.1' iii |illll III Il-Stl lill'

w.ul. iii Richmond, lt i- an Insult ci iniii,: should '"¦ rternli rcluiki il on

Nm, mto r llb. i'hi '*pl mus!their tniis'ht sud de, Inre ifni ii* Tiyi'iaol pict lion* i-y deputy marsh il* -'

slopped iini. r. Lo ,k at >blo, riepu'ined ivnb pistols un

-¦(.ns:.Xl. ti .J S Irglnla, how do vo

Would youmd. .s' vote roi ll i

volt in th.- coittinii ii -.- ind Ifi

it u ni ii tu ii" ii", s

lire in Texas.I hi, f li li. j.ntiip o', llou-inii.v Mr. is lill .rn ll.

in- was severely Injured hsH.. e.u:!.I - ... di mote about,ttiu-n he wi*illili:. u to ti i st. .1 e..'.- 11,1, |||i

:. and to lu. -ii princured ..f in- un nc-**.

Mr. <.-.i ll. Wileyiifu .tu! ie. mt li tr-ro .ni al tbe >rn >i ilFight li niul .in -tn .... m ii!. alum u in.I..-!. . ill and ..m a di

i!.'-k on youl ii .V to tl

Vf tit Ititi.IS.l X.'S -Mil lil Ml

Ho i-., -,|. I,, lt ,. lt. Sp- ak-'HU! ll IHT M. CANON. *i . Un.list si if Vim. nf UbiHi xi,i I: v ,x i: -.

lld nf ii - ni I llin-l.t. In.r. li lil Ki t. ll lt i 111!-.ix I V ni M,l '. ml ll -, ll! LIX l.i,IT-i

' ssm: ilaii|l .. Ulllli Tin-eli)

DI lilia.HTSAXI Hied. I tne

v. ,. .. ¦'- lilli UTI Kl! Ki'US ll.

i V -Xi, ii XI.X

¦iii1 SM -lli ni:

V tl Ul ll lilli !M

S 4

I.oils sI. ISM,ni ct. tl .

,iBU I A l.l.olixi:*

I'll - - I'I


u .1.

lt iv S


111 ll:U" Bul - t 1 Ul

li, sli ii im rt iiii ilan '.ac!

ire,III 1-

iud aIl


...,. li

in-,1 li si ii is , I'r.. .' .1

.1. ¦Til pl, -'

I'i It ll . Ms>.-1 ll I. Kal l-lI- --(. Il Hie ri -Ll/le III illlai.i|i - ... I

'¦' Int l-l li Li.'ns-


..-¦c." III- -limb, tl I'HtX-eiSit

ti trulls

lt '.SimI Iii. i, ... i...1 . . mtv. ti,

-I. issi, vi tt.i. VIM -| , isi '. S ; , ||,n.

I mn ral Nillir*'.Ila I I.. H. .1 V. .!.-

St- ii a, Lu rr. on siMi tv tl-.Ill".s. \ I


1 «.\c| |i \| I.I IH I. [I t \Ll HM III VI III IH ll-nu li.. si. V I ,


Sdi. HI* si ra


iii. ms .1 xii. ti: n. i...ll .1 :. I'¦."? Bl, |*

, k THISe.

. Mi,! -I t I l"X Ml.Timi,|,|v Ml L- ilr. v. i- ... r v ti tn a Pr, i. t j- 1


.. ri

i r s|.\ | xi II--I RI.Kl * tl I! s.

MAX lil li I! Ki > I. H. ll in vs,

!' ll .' li 1. ll. ..! Bl ...Ll... i.oi. i ti *. : t: i- ii.

i iv i x xi I Kl ii-s i: i; i; it 1:1:1*1 Its , ii ti: Kn. J.I.. 1 ll

-i um al 11 A tl ad Rei mini i: e 7:43 p. ii

| r riBRT lilli Isl (III bi ll -KT t

I. lt ll lat, a.-sr* H. li v. r.«, i, a' ll t. t|.ss'l ai * IV M. it-ii ti

rr -1 i ti x n nu'ii.i in i-, u,. n *i ..h.. tad Mala streel* Brr. Williamu I. tsptd ii. pa -1,.|,,paadprearhlag *'i, .t. M.aad 7 tu c. H. sti m. aad a,' ..n.-i-itrba m. I, 2|

I ;. i'.KKi BENBROOK HAii.iKev.j. I., si. ti ssl win -leitvrr rae aaaaaBMB l-ffnirtlir lb edii'iil.i.Hik MIlrtlBTT x,,,.|,..,ai ila sasss>aai.I sises sa lt saar bioht.R**-¦l lilli. .il. SI S o do, k If, |....t ¦Hill 1,1-

tlie all win. P-.-l an inten-tt lu itu- ui-s-u >» t-i kspi--i.ul ou ii., i. lil

pHYSK I.XNx .\NH |)RI fJtiHT*-ii itohmrmi

BBB RRB (M» W W WBR R'",'*!* Mil HO O W IV W WM I* N .Kkk iu.h o o w v* v w s n rt "i*rt_II UR HO O IVWWW , -ll -JBBB R H Od W W * *1 '*"

n Ultu 00 BR Mll ll RO i) * *t Sll KHK o ii

il h bo ox *t riUK K (Ml N MN

HMM lirri'iriTT't'KS! I'lvK ,14-ll ill ll K K ,


iibh ht Tte: kl,-. un I t v K Ka 5..MBit li T T Bi*M ll K WV.

ts int ni i ro.N'K*.


Itlile a

fi |s| !, IXIlii.l -I PM. Il ll lit. 1SI -S. Ilfli HI HI min.I lilt I- ui '.

ind xl lit H.1.1 ii.v- ran -i »i"i in* H'S ti'

Mond, ll rt fl" e trer jr pa ri ol Ul B.p-triilrlrbestli I. .i

s.n.' nor.Ml '.li ri i/i .t iii -r i ixi'k'v ..v ...

ii .v, I cul :.

l.! ll

'.THI .'MS lip.X MMHCIXI 1 HIT Hil.I.soi il i- ..I x nu inji rm

u ... .¦' ie-1.

,x xi vii ix., in tn ni Koli ui-TSsixni rill Hi I' » NH KlHM 1 -.

I', I ,. ¦:.

I|llll S .. .'. I el i.-t" I ..

UPS Si IT I lt s| |i. tucUl i -i'. ll' I 1 is ITIIKK Hl'LXisl - Mi.

I. ii .. ri:i .*" li i'-x -.

THAI i'iiivsiiT ts- I-.;- hm -I- Ri lisixti s

I t- il li:-;, i i.i"

ii:,,,', sin il tl. --oilii .ii*

/ tl'ii M-ll si..

I' i- WoOI LK!v

t ti ;. i". i'

islliM i hu rn, ,t.


a \ui iii i: ci.! i ION in

.BR. [J U nun A i:*IK u*vH.2 'in. i, 4AM I.2 ¦

"v*. tu U KKK xx

- SlJ i ,i cu v l v ¦< .¦ . Z-wttT ic OOO t .v i. ll BR**-

tS'll (Ol


X I' SOItlHN ll!X uni' Mic-


vii* ill 11- :. 111*4 t

ii i iii.ii v .11


v l-tKsj

1,1 Is-lt V

i.ovr.i l nu riiiti i.: -

iiivK.v rn tu ,

¦ ie a \ M

, .1

sOS'1.1 ll IN (. Nil

i titi UV Jr Ht'

|/i RH -I h.ll T-- si- I- ,ii.

m -i

s,) i p.,,,,IRK -"Ullin n il lilli.


ll lt ill I Ttl t lttl'1 IS Xl Ot IS .lt

j m. |»|{|( 11-111 RM*

rt! "-I Ul i Xi, i. xi ix

-ll U.I Xii \

l: XII I bi isl. i i,

I r.CV (" loll (ASH

-iM ll

i: u i x ., ii ti fii

WV Ut I IKI-»|s sill K s ¦¦.

iiii HINTIJUMI ftl¦¦

X lt - I S ll I -

n t- ¦-

.. ii. ii tbUuiil) i s.,s

.¦. .

I'll I..i.-K RI Ml Ul,! R ll i ||n,I i li s,ii tw xvii i. nikii n ;¦,.si I* lt V I I.I .,

1 - V U ,i.||MM

Bis* I lt), ci-III i i

N ll I. -I Dil X tlHt!!!.', | | v.l-l , !. I . I 1 viii


t him. (d.tttntKi:. ,1,..

111. il id!' SI I'l.'l -I X | -



I tl < t.|; ti KU l-INNl i;-s|:i,. | ituMI ' « I-

I .

I. l-l ii un s,p, ,n,, I

KOBI I' ll vi.ip.i ie¦" I «!: i.

$10.50. ¦ >,,J- a) --iii -iiini

HISS' t: Bil mi-l- ind I r i s: i iiim-


. tit lil ni;..I > ,, III,, Ar.

QKOB49B A. AIN-MK igfJllt a i: i: i a *. e. haxi h.-,, i H- K«

A l»rKt- -aatk .' Kl- UMilM. *l Ul*, i'llKl tl.Ls mr .Hr Ina.PALNTLNU BBBBBTIkslIBBaassatasaL

atb *)--|iu

wr O ll eft af e

HI II D' tl III AND I' ll* VS! IS tl.'l vt

ll- QI OB . is. .

All Vf.,.ISL

*. . > .-.



l.l wi i... .

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v a


vi .s s i: t


l\**| KAMI 4 <»ai I' t S t

v s

lltnIM V I lill v \

run ni.t t m.i: ti ula ,t,

S I' I'l i.



rm t

Mi A ll - a

li' 'M.- s 1.1.-


tl I- ls si I'll lists,. . .

1 ll lilli III RS. RRtAA I.(lillis. .1.

' I- I IN ll lil.v . ll A N I'| ' I* I IN tl Ki¬al "ll 1 .'Nil Mlems tin- s *-. 1 i \ |i i | v

li -rel liSIMIISi.s. *. : ti- ..

.. , VV :*u.l lleu-Its

1 I -t lil. t I! KU A NI .V -lt" lt i'l»l

iA*- ANHdll nilli" !' Ramr a - - iKMDRRft ash :* \* ,"ii Hun-.

ash nil -i i*

H vnitl M/M'*K A I I ASH VI ".Hi vi vsI lt- Sr* ASH e. II t v

ll I. Il KA ll 111- psi ,,K A IM* *H Al»> »

ll .il on-.-. - .h. '.tirol* t .

on. -ion* i .«.,, i ,i it u,satIjlUu.l *,'un lou i-.,'u".l.,»- .«,.,, e., ll,,VI MI**vk- ll) J ai }<ve. *'wivli- li,Usu-a I, Vt,